ALKENES The alkenes are a homologous series of unsaturated hydrocarbons which all have the general formula CnH2n. Alkenes contain two hydrogen atoms less than the corresponding alkane and are therefore described as unsaturated. They contain one carbon-carbon double covalent bond per molecule. The first members of this homologous series are: H H C C H CH3 C H ethene CH3 C H CH3 H H CH3 E-but-2-ene CH2CH3 C H C H H C H C propene CH3 C H C H Z-but-2-ene H but-1-ene Naming alkenes (the E/Z system) You may see alkenes with the words cis or trans at the start of their name. This naming system is not on the A level syllabus. The E-Z naming system, which is now preferred, works by assigning priority to each of the groups bonded to the carbons in the C=C based on atomic mass of the bonded group. If the two highest priority groups lie on the same side of the molecule it is given the prefix Z- (from the German word zusammen meaning together). If the two highest priority groups are on different sides of the molecule it is given the prefix E- (from the German word entgegen meaning opposite). TOPIC 12.13: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - ALKENES 1 E-3-methylpent-2-ene Z-3-methylpent-2-ene The arrows indicate the highest priority groups on each C atom of the C=C. Bonding In, for example, ethene C2H4 both carbon atoms form three -bonds (by overlap of their three sp2 hybrid orbitals): one bond to each of two hydrogen atoms and the third to the second carbon atom. The remaining electron on each carbon atom is in a 2p-orbital. The two 2p-orbitals overlap sideways to form a -bond. H H 2p 2p C C H H H H C H H H C -orbital C C H H Since all six atoms lie in the same plane, the molecule is described as planar. 120o The bond angle is 120o H For other alkenes, the double bond and the four atoms attached to it are planar. C C TOPIC 12.13: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - ALKENES 2 Reduction Alkenes are reduced to alkanes by catalytic hydrogenation. This involves cis-addition of hydrogen across the double bond. The conditions used are: finely divided nickel catalyst temperature: 150oC On the surface of the catalyst, hydrogen molecules (H2) split into hydrogen atoms (H). Two hydrogen atoms are then added to the same side of the double bond (cis-addition) simultaneously. H H C + C H H H2 H H H C C H H H Vegetable oils (liquids) are esters of glycerol and unsaturated fatty acids (long-chain carboxylic acids). To convert these oils to margarine, they are catalytically hydrogenated (hardened) to partially saturate the double bonds. The products are fats (solids). The greater the degree of saturation, the harder (higher m.p.) the fat will be. By adjusting the extent of satuartion, hard or soft margarines can be produced. Electrophilic Addition The -orbital in alkenes is a centre of high electron density which is readily polarisable. This means that alkenes will be reactive towards reagents which are electron deficient; these are known as electrophiles. ELECTROPHILES are ELECTRON PAIR ACCEPTORS. They are particles which have centres of low electron density and which are attacked by centres of high electron density in other molecules or ions. Common electrophiles are: H+, NO2+, >C=O, R+, RCO+, RCOCl The principal reaction of alkenes is electrophilic addition. This can be represented in general terms by the equation: C C + X Y C C X Y The double covalent bond is replaced by two new single covalent bonds; the product is saturated. TOPIC 12.13: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - ALKENES 3 1. Reaction with bromine water When an alkene is shaken with bromine water, the red-brown colour of the bromine water is discharged to give a colourless solution. This reaction is used as a test for unsaturation. H H H H C + C H H Br2 H ethene (unsaturated) C C Br Br H 1,2-dibromoethane (saturated) Under these conditions, alkanes do not react with bromine, so the reaction can be used to distinguish alkenes from alkanes. Mechanism: The Br2 molecule is polarised by close approach to the alkene -bond. The positive end of the dipole is then attacked. H2C=CH2 + - Br Br The carbocation which forms is then attacked by the nucleophile, Br-. :Br- Br + H2C-CH2 The final product is 1,2-dibromoethane H2C-CH2 Br Br NUCLEOPHILES are ELECTRON PAIR DONORS. They are particles which have centres of high electron density and which attack centres of low electron density in other molecules or ions. Common nucleophiles are: CN-, H-, Br-, OH-, NH3 , OR-, HSO4-, H2O, RNH2 2. Reaction with hydrogen bromide Alkenes react with hydrogen bromide both in concentrated aqueous solution and in the gas phase. The product is the corresponding bromoalkane. H H C + C H HBr H ethene (unsaturated) TOPIC 12.13: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - ALKENES 4 H H H C C H Br bromoethane (saturated) H Mechanism: The mechanism is similar to that of bromination. Owing to the difference in electronegativity of hydrogen and bromine, HBr in the gas phase has a permanent dipole. Hydrogen, the positive end of the dipole, is attacked by the -orbital on the alkene. In aqueous solution, HBr dissociates into ions. The H+(aq) ions are electrophiles and are similarly attacked by the -orbital on the alkene. : Br H2C=CH2 + H - Br H2C-CH2 + H2C-CH2 Br H bromoethane H 3. Reaction with sulphuric acid When alkenes are passed into cold, concentrated sulphuric acid, they react to form the corresponding alkyl hydrogensulphate. After adding water and warming, hydrolysis of the alkyl hydrogensulphate takes place to produce an alcohol. H H C + C H H H2SO4 H ethene (unsaturated) H H H C C H OSO3H H H H C C H OSO3H H ethyl hydrogensulphate (saturated) + H 2O H H H C C H OH H + H2SO4 ethanol Since the overall result of this reaction is the addition of water to ethene, it is known as the hydration of ethene. : O.SO3H Mechanism: H2C=CH2 + H - O,SO3H + H2C-CH2 H TOPIC 12.13: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - ALKENES 5 O.SO3H H2C-CH2 H ethyl hydrogensulphate Direct Hydration of Ethene In industry, the hydration of ethene is carried out by the direct reaction of ethene and steam. The conditions used are: temperature: 300oC pressure: 65 atmospheres catalyst: phosphoric acid (H3PO4) adsorbed on celite H H C + C H H H 2O H H H C C H OH H Addition to Unsymmetrical Alkenes When an unsymmetrical molecule (e.g. HBr) adds to an unsymmetrical alkene such as propene, two addition products are possible. In practice, there is one major product, 2bromopropane. CH3.CH=CH2 CH3.CHBr.CH3 2-bromopropane X + HBr CH3.CH2.CH2Br 1-bromopropane The favoured product is the one which is formed via the more stable carbocation intermediate. The order of stability of carbocations is: R + C R > R + C H > H + C R R R tertiary secondary primary + H 2-bromopropane is formed via the secondary carbocation: CH3.CH.CH3 1-bromoproane is formed via the primary carbocation: CH3.CH2.CH2 + Since the secondary carbocation is the more stable, 2-bromopropane is formed as the major product. In general, the direction of addition to an unsymmetrical alkene is given by Markovnikov’s rule: ‘The more positive end of the molecule being added bonds to the alkene carbon atom which is bonded to the larger number of hydrogen atoms.’ Markovnikov TOPIC 12.13: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - ALKENES 6 Polymerisation Under the right conditions, ethene molecules will add to each other to form a giant molecule (a polymer) by the process of addition polymerisation. H H n C C H H ethene (unsaturated) H H C C H H n poly(ethene) (saturated) There are two types of poly(ethene): low density poly(ethene) or LDPE and high density poly(ethene) or HDPE. The manufacturing conditions are: LDPE 200oC 2000 atmospheres trace of oxygen temperature: pressure: the polymer has an Mr of ~50,000 and a softening temperature of 120 oC HDPE 30oC 2 atmospheres (C2H5)3Al / TiCl4 temperature: pressure: catalyst: the polymer has an Mr of ~300,000 and a softening temperature of 130oC Other addition polymers include: CH3 n H C C H H propene H n C H H C C H H n poly(propene) H C CH3 Cl chloroethene TOPIC 12.13: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - ALKENES 7 H H C C H Cl n poly(chloroethene) (pvc) H n H C C H H H C C n H phenylethene poly(phenylethene) (polystyrene) These polymers are thermosoftening polymers and can be recycled. Examples of addition polymers are: Monomer Polymer ethene, CH2=CH2 propene, CH3CH=CH2 phenylethene, CH2=CHC6H5 chloroethene, CH2=CHCl Use poly(ethene) bags, buckets poly(propene) ropes, containers poly(phenylethene) yoghurt pots poly(chloroethene) window frames, (PVC) guttering, pipes propenenitrile, CH2=CHCN poly(propenenitrile) acrylic fibres tetrafluoroethene, CF2=CF2 poly(tetrafluoroethene) non-stick surface methyl 2-cyanopropenoate,CH2=C(CN)COOCH3 poly(methyl 2-cyanopropenoate) super glue TOPIC 12.13: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - ALKENES 8