1. Introduction - Faculty e-Portfolio

The Implication of Service Learning for Education
and Micro Business
Case Study: Packaging Design Class and PKK Kabupaten Kediri
L. Natadjaja
Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Indonesian education system appears to leave no room for supporting micro
industries. In order to develop the education system, there should be a link between university
and industry. Lectures and students should be aware of their environmental needs and should
update their knowledge by making a network with industries. Service learning as a new kind of
learning method could arrange a link between education and industry in a social setting.
Packaging design class in Visual Communication Design major tries to implement this service
learning to help micro industries that are joined in PKK Kabupaten Kediri. Service learning is
suitable for implementation in Indonesia; especially there are a lot of low economic micro
businesses these days that need to increase their product quality. Besides helping micro business
owners, students could also learn the process and earn actual experience for these services. This
study tries to explain the whole process, and the further prospect of service learning
implementation. Hopefully, the impact of this service learning method could develop the
quantity and quality of education and micro businesses in Indonesia, especially in local areas.
Educators recognize that higher education has, over centuries of history and tradition, a number
of purposes including the transmission of cultural heritage, the training of professionals, and the
generation of new knowledge through research. But many educators are stating unequivocally
that foremost among the purposes is that of giving young adults the skills and breadth of
knowledge to think deeply about the structures of their society and to appropriate values which
must govern their personal and professional lives. Higher learning is equated with ethical and
honorable behavior and acceptance of the notion that the privilege of education also carries with
it responsibility for the welfare for those not so privileged (Berry, 1999).
No school could attempt to deal with all design requirements in every area of professional
practice. The teaching should represent all levels of the activity that is emotional and rational,
the communicative, the technological, and the awareness of the social context. (Frascara, 1995).
Design studies is emerging today for the same reason that the design profession is experiencing
a resurgence: immediate problems of integrating design into industry and long term cultural
questions about the role of design in the modern world and its potential for contributing to
human experience (Buchanan, 1995).
The education in the university is emphasized in creativity development, development of
knowledge and academic and also basic techniques. The fact is quality and quantity
development of visual communication design lecturer is not enough if it’s only based on
knowledge and personal experience. Considering that, Visual Communication Design in one of
its courses, Packaging Design, has initiative to implement service learning as a part of social
dedication, so the result of packaging design can be used directly in the market. Design
processes do not only consider the consumers’ need but also the producers’ needs. Hopefully,
there are knowledge integration among students, lecturers, and micro business owners.
2.1. Service Learning
Local, national, and international problems have an impact on colleges and universities, and
educators are acknowledging and accepting the responsibilities they have for leadership in the
society (Berry, 1999).
Among the specific issues for which college and university leaders are assuming their share
of responsibility and that they declare are reasons for engaging their students and faculty in
programs linking service and learning are: education reform, the development of human values,
leadership, citizenship, cross cultural communication, theory and practice, institutional mission,
student interest and demand. To do the service learning, first, colleges and universities are,
correctly, considering what surrounds and does not surround them. Second, service learning
initiators must consider their national system of education. Third, colleges and universities are
designing service learning based on their own institutional culture- its mission, history and
strengths (Berry, 1999).
As colleges and universities seek to link community service to their educational mission
they realize that they must design those links to be compatible with their national and
institutional cultural context. To be successful they cannot merely replicate the models in use at
other institutions. The immediate issues of their communities- the geography, history, mores,
and values must all be part of the way service learning is organized. So also must the system of
education in the nation, the specific mission, structure and regulations of the institution, and the
studies of the particular student be taken into account (Berry, 1999).
2.2. Micro business
Micro Business is developing widely in Kabupaten Kediri. Organized by Family Welfare
Program (Program Kesejahteraan Keluarga) Kabupaten Kediri, there are hundreds of micro
business owners. These days PKK Kabupaten Kediri tries to improve the quality of Kabupaten
Kediri’s products by inviting some experts. They try to arrange the product registration process,
develop awareness of design in society, arrange the low rates allowance, etc. PKK Kabupaten
Kediri sees that there is a big need to increase their original product sales, and one of them can
be done by making good packaging design.
2.3. Packaging design
The most basic function of packaging is to preserve and protect the product it contains, but in a
changing society, packaging is increasingly called upon to fill a more complex role. Packaging
now has to function as part of today’s highly competitive marketing and retailing world. In
today’s self service environment, packaging has to sell the goods it contains. After market
research, promotion and distribution, the product arrives on the shelf. The final step, from the
shelf to shopping basket, is significantly affected by the product’s packaging (Sonsino, 1990).
Packaging has become one of the most exciting and challenging areas in the design world, with
the fast moving pace of development in both graphic design and material technology, which is
continually creating new possibilities in shape design- the use of color, typography, images and
logos- remains at the heart of design profession (Sonsino, 1990).
The important and fundamental principles of packaging technology are to protect, to
preserve, to contain and to inform. Principally, the purpose of packaging is to contain and
protect a product throughout its distribution and sale. Packages perform the primary purpose of
containment and protection, but vary enormously in appearance, texture, graphic, shape, cost
and structure. When designing a package, no single package is necessarily right or wrong but
one might be considerably more appropriate than another (Denison, 1999). The package is a
marketing and communication tool, a permanent omnipresent medium that acts as a salesman. A
package designer uses this tool to express the nuances that the brand owner requires the package
to communicate (Japan, 1995). Essentially there are two types of packaging: either ‘primary’ or
‘secondary’. The primary packaging is that which immediately covers a product; the secondary
package contains the many individual primary units, usually for transportation purposes. The
primary package has the most important task in the area of product or brand identity. It will
contain all relevant or necessary information regarding the product. It will be a standardized size
and dimension, so that it fits standardized shelf layout and transportation containers. It will bear
a strong graphic identity and product imagery (Denison, 1999). Next to a number of technical
functions like protection of the contents and facilitating distribution packaging performs several
communication functions. There are, for instance, brand and product identification price
information and information on ingredients and product use. The primary concern in this project
is how to make a good design based on the theory in a limited budget. The packaging design
that was made must be able to be re-printed by micro business owners. It is a big challenge for
every designer to make a good design with a limited budget.
3.1. The application
Participation in service learning has an impact on such academic outcomes such as
demonstrated complexity of understanding, problem analysis, critical thinking and cognitive
development (Toisuta, 2005). The purpose of service learning implementation is to give a
positive attitude to students and lecturer by giving the direct experience in the field. Students
and lecturer can experience actual processes of designing packaging until product selling to
society. Beginning with the need of micro business owners in Kabupaten Kediri to sell their
products, Community Outreach Center (Pusat Pengabdian Masyarakat) Petra Christian
University tried to give facilitation by contacting Visual Communication Design Department. In
Visual Communication Design Department, we have packaging design class. That class is an
elective class which is held every one year consisting of 30 students.
Community Outreach Center
PKK Kab. Kediri
Packaging Design
Micro Business
Packaging Design
Figure 1. The link in service learning program
Ideally, the academic institution and the service agencies and community leaders decide
together how to pattern the service learning program. A key question for program designers is
whether the study and service will be organized for a group of students or individualized for a
particular student. There are four possible patterns, which are: group study-group service, group
study-individual service, individual study-group service, individual study-individual service
(Berry, 1999). The possible pattern that students could implement was group study-group
service. In this pattern students engage in the same set of studies and perform the same type of
Petra Christian University approved service learning to be implemented in packaging design
class, with service performed in the local community outside campus. At the beginning of the
semester we focus the task in service learning. All preparation had been arranged, and discussed
at the beginning of the class. This packaging design class was an elective class, so every student
had a right to agree or disagree with the program, so students with objection can move to
another class.
Packaging design process was focused at micro business owners in Kediri district whose
produce snacks and instant beverages. Students were divided into groups, one group consists of
two persons. The reasons of making groups were that there was not enough product received
from the district; students could share opinion and budget; and they must learn how to work in a
team. Students must make at least two alternative designs to be shown to micro business
owners. The micro business owners who joined this program were organized by PKK
Kabupaten Kediri. There were many products that need their packaging designed by students,
like: peanut crackers, tomato candies, banana crackers, spinach crackers, jack fruit crackers,
ginger beverage, etc. Total there were 15 products designed by 15 teams. Each team had a tutor
to discuss about their design.
Three groups of students
Four groups of students
Four groups of students
Four groups of students
Packaging Design
Figure 2. The packaging class arrangement
There were four important steps in this process. First, students must choose the product then
do the observation and research before making the design. After that, students must have
presentation in front of the lecturer and tutors to gain inputs. Students must meet the business
owner and have presentation for one day in Kediri. After presenting their design, they must have
consultation to know what kind of design that more actually needed by micro business owners.
The result of the meeting would become great consideration for design revision. The fact was
there were many design revisions because there were different kinds of views and tastes
between students and micro business owners. The owners usually wanted the eye-catching
design with the lowest budget. Students considered the elegant, beautiful and innovative design
without considering the business owner’s budget. Students thought that the colorful design
would underestimate the design. Usually students would have argument about their design but
finally they would listen to the business owners. In the first meeting students learned to interact
with real clients and real projects. The students experienced the new ways of education that
make them have different points of views and life circumstances. The design must be revised
and approved by tutors and especially clients. Because the distance was too far between
Surabaya and Kediri, students and their clients should communicate via phone or SMS. There
was no big problem in this distance process. The approved design must be printed on 50 – 100
packages; it depended on the price of packaging and the students’ budgets because they paid for
the printing.
The second process was packaging the product in the newly designed packaging. Students
together with the micro business owners package the product in the new packaging. The
activities included putting the product into the new packaging, weighing and sealing. Some of
the product didn’t have to be weighed because they have already been taken into the inner
package. After finishing packaging the product, students must bring the product to Surabaya and
kept it for exhibition and sales. Some of the product that was not long lasting was sent later near
to the exhibition date.
The third process was exhibiting and selling the product with new packaging in one day.
The exhibition was held two weeks later because students must make point of purchase design
and two other mock up for creative design. The purpose of exhibition and sales were for
1. Grading consideration. There was a good design but when it was filled with the product,
the design was not eye-catching and marketable on vice versa.
2. Grading the point of purchase design that was designed for exhibition and sales. It was
not possible just borrowing the product and giving it back after that because some
product would be expired. The selling purpose was also as our gratitude towards the
micro business owners and PKK Kabupaten Kediri.
3. The importance of students’ experience. They used to believe that school was the only
source of learning but through this process they could learn from their experience.
As a matter of fact, the exhibition and sales were held only in 6 hours. Most of the products
were sold out, and some points of purchase stands were donated.
Last but not least was reflection. At the end of the semester, students must make a reflection
for the whole process of service learning. The reflection was very important as a report to
evaluate and improve on the next service learning process.
3.2. The implication
The international information highway and distance learning all have brought us closer to each
other. Now, we must learn to live with each other. The good words from Prezel Robinson,
president emeritus of St. Augustine’s College, in North Carolina, United States remind me of
what is happening with our life these days. There are many direct and indirect implication of
service learning which has been reported by the students and also the result from field study.
Basically, I divided the implication into four groups. First, for micro business owners they got
economic benefit and most of the micro business owners said that they were satisfied with the
new design. Some of them promised to print the new design in Kediri. But still few of micro
business owners didn’t have budget or willingness to continue printing the new packaging.
Some of the business owners who didn’t have registration number from the Health Department
were motivated to register their product. There were many requests of redesigns for other
packaging in the future. Shortly after the exhibition and sales there was news from a micro
business owner who joined Pekan Wisata dan Budaya Kabupaten Kediri that all her products
packaged in the new packaging designed by three groups of students was sold out in two days
although her product was sold at higher price. Her booth also got much attention from other
Second, as students learn and serve, I watch them develop into strong, knowledgeable,
responsible, caring and able to work in a team. Most of the students said that they experienced a
new kind of learning method that they hadn’t received before. There was a difference between
theory and actual practice. They faced many problems but at the same time they had to solve it.
Their eyes and mind were open that there was another unprivileged society that needs human
resources to help them. They began to care with their relatives like their families and neighbors.
Through team work, most of the students said that they were more concerned and got close to
each other than before, even though they were in different groups.
Third, lecturers who were doing this program felt that we need a lot of motivation and
support to organize this. For me and my tutors, combining service and learning was a powerful
combination for reforming education and addressing needs of other communities. I learned to
organize and to communicate with different backgrounds and points of view. This service
learning gave a real experience and opened my mind of knowing and understanding the
development of packaging design in the real market. This knowledge that I gained in service
learning forced me to learn by doing, to solve problems and to make a quick decision. The
problems could come anytime and anywhere, solving the problem and dealing with it, was a
great challenge with a big responsibility.
The university also received benefit from the service learning program especially for points in
the accreditation. Service learning is included in the components of community outreach which
are: the grade of lecturer community involvement, quality and quantity of community
dedication, the implication and variation of budgeting for community outreach. Through this
program, the university supported the government, community welfare and micro industries.
I could say that service learning brought teaching and learning, faculty and students,
disciplines and content, into new relationships and understanding. The student relationship with
the lecturer became collaborative rather than hierarchical. The impact of service learning was
deeper even than connection made between studies and service, students and micro business
owners, university and community, learning and doing. Service learning had to do with attitudes
and behaviors in connecting with society.
Basically, all participants who joined this program stated that they were satisfied. Service
Learning was helpful in developing students’ care for the condition of the Indonesian society,
especially for micro businesses. Students were satisfied with the packaging design class, even
some of them wanted to re-experience the service learning by applying as a packaging design
tutor. They were proud to be the representative of their University to help micro business
owners in Kediri. They also got their real portfolio. Micro business owners were happy to have
new packaging designs that were free and fulfilled their needs. Some of them would print the
design with their own budget and some of them were motivated to register their product so they
could use the packaging design legally. The lecturer and facilitator who were involved in this
program also got new experiences.
Basically, through four steps of packaging design process, students had done many tasks like:
choosing the product, observation, research, design and consultation. The second process
involved with design revision, packaging design printing, and point of purchase making. The
third process dealt with post design which included exhibiting and selling the product with the
new packaging design. The last important process that must include in every service learning
program was reflection. By reflecting on the activity, students could retrace their experience in
what they had done during the process. It would be a good documentary for all participants and
organization to critically reflect upon their experiences.
The success of service learning depend on many things, when the university supports service
projects through policy; when the communities served are full participants; when faculty and
students are solidly cooperating in the service learning activities.
Finally, I can say that this service learning method is good to be continued and implemented
in other classes. Continued evaluation is also needed to know the success of the product sales in
the market. Mistakes often occur especially in the first effort, on all participants. Fine- tuning
takes time. I recommend this service learning to be implemented in classes, so students and
faculty member can have contribution in community.
Berry, H. A. & Chilsom, L. A. 1999. Service Learning in Higher Education Around the World An Initial
Look. New York, USA: The International Partnership for Service Learning.
Burke, R.E., Harlam, B.A., Khan, B.E., and Lodish, L.M. 1992. Comparing dynamic consumer choice in
real and computer-simulated environments. Journal of Consumer Research 18: 77-83.
Buchanan, R. 1995, Myth and Maturity : Toward a New Order in Decade of Design, The Idea of Design,
A Design Issues Reader, The MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts. London, England: 70-80.
Denison, E. & Cawthray, R. 1999. Packaging Prototype. USA: RotoVision SA.
Frascara, J. 1995. Graphic Design:Fine Art or Social Science? The Idea of Design A Design Issues
Reader. The MIT Press. Cambrige Massachusetts. London, England: 44-55.
Japan Creators Association, 1995. International Package Design Directory.
Sonsino, S. 1990. Packaging Design Graphics Material Technology. London: Thames and Hudson.
Toisuta, W. Core material for the Workshop on Integrating Service Learning into the Curriculum: 31st
March 2005 – 3rd April 2005. Hong Kong: Asian Christian Higher Education Institute