Тести 1. A. B. C. D. E. 2. A. B. C. D. E. 3. A. B. C. D. E. 4. A. B. C. D. E. 5. A. B. C. D. E. 6. A. B. C. D. E. 7. A. B. C. D. E. 8. What concentration of nitrous oxide is used for inhalation narcosis? *3:1 mixture of oxygen 2:1mixture of oxygen 4:1mixture of oxygen 1:1 mixture of oxygen 5:1 mixture of oxygen What dose of ftorotan is used to maintain the surgical stage of anesthesia? *0,5-1 vol. % 1-1,5 vol. % 1,5-2 vol. % 2-2,5 vol. % 2,5-3 vol. % Ftorotan is used to maintain the surgical stage of anesthesia, in what dose? 1-1,5 vol. % 1,5-2 vol. % *0,5-1 vol. % 2-2,5 vol. % 2,5-3 vol. % Funny gas, obtained by Priestley - is: Ftorotan *Nitrous Oxide Trichloroethylene Metoksyfluran Cyclopropane For what type of anesthesia is used hexanal? The local conductor The local applique *For general to venous For general inhalation For general rectal Which anesthetic for inhalation narcosis has the smell of apples? Ftorotan Nitrous Oxide *Metoksyfluran Tetrachlorethylene Hexanal The smell of apples has an anesthetic for inhalation anesthesia? Ftorotan Nitrous Oxide Tetrachlorethylene *Metoksyfluran Hexanal For what type of anesthesia is used trichlorethylene? A. Open and semi-closed B. *Open and half-open C. Closed and half-open D. Closed and semi-closed E. There is no right answer 9. What is the volume percent of ether necessary to achieve a deep stage of anesthesia? A. 0,5 - 1 vol. % B. 1-1,5 vol. % C. 1,5 - 2 vol. % D. *10 - 12 vol. % E. 2,5 - 3 vol. % 10. What is the maintenance dose of trichlorethylene? A. *0,2 - 0,5 vol. % B. 1-1,5 vol. % C. 1,5 - 2 vol. % D. 10 - 12 vol. % E. 2,5 - 3 vol. % 11. Maintenance dose of trichlorethylene should be in? A. 1-1,5 vol. % B. 1,5 - 2 vol. % C. *0,2 - 0,5 vol. % D. 10 - 12 vol. % E. 2,5 - 3 vol. % 12. What is the concentration of the vapor of ether to provide support of narcosis? A. 0,2 - 0,5 vol. % B. 1-1,5 vol. % C. 1,5 - 2 vol. % D. 10 - 12 vol. % E. *2 - 5 vol. % 13. Anesthesia with a mixture of nitrous oxide and cyclopropane with oxygen (1:0,35:2) is the method of: A. Timofeev B. *Ashman C. Bernadskyy D. Pirogov E. Morton 14. Who was used noningalation anesthesia by alcohol the first? A. Morton B. Leus C. Bernadskyy D. Timofeev E. *Pirogov 15. What is the special feature of cyclopropane narcosis? A. Contraindicated in liver disease B. Contraindicated in renal disease C. *Incompatible with the use of electric knife D. Incompatible with calcium supplementation E. Contraindicated in diseases of the stomach 16. What is the maximum single dose of hexanal administration? A. 3 gram B. 2 gram C. *1 gram D. 0,5 gram E. 1,5 gram 17. Who was used in clinical thiopental - sodium anesthesia the first? A. *Lundy and Tovel B. Morton C. Leus D. Pies E. Zhorov 18. Which of these methods relates to inhalation anesthesia? A. Intravenous B. Rectal C. Intra muscular D. *Mask E. Inhaled 19. After what time does come an anesthesia with intravenous injection of ketamine? A. After 10 minutes B. After 5 minutes C. *After 15-20 seconds D. After 15-20 minutes E. After 2-4 minutes 20. What drugs are used during the classical neuroleptanalgesia? A. Thiopental sodium suprastin B. Aminazin and droperidol C. Omnopon and chlorpromazine D. Pipolfen and diazepam E. *Fentanyl with droperidol 21. After what time does come an anesthesia after intramuscular injection of calypsol? A. After 10 minutes B. After 5 minutes C. After 15-20 seconds D. After 15-20 minutes E. *After 2-4 minutes 22. How many time can last anesthesia by calypsol in the hospital? A. *6-7 hours B. 15-20 minutes C. 4-5 hours D. 30 minutes E. 25 minutes 23. How many time can last anesthesia by ketamine in a polyclinic? A. 5 minutes B. *15-20 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 30 minutes E. 25 minutes 24. Which of these anesthetics can achieve the level of surgical anesthesia 31 and 32? A. Ftorotan B. Nitrous Oxide C. Hexanal D. Thiopental – sodium E. *Ketamine 25. What is the contraindication for the calypsol anesthesia? A. Diseases of the kidneys B. Diseases of the stomach C. Liver diseases D. *Hypertension E. Sinusitis 26. What is the length of tubes that are used for nasal intubation? A. *28 -30 cm B. 25 cm C. 35 cm D. 15 - 20 cm E. 20 cm 27. Which of the following applies to general anesthesia? A. Anesthesia B. Application and infiltration anesthesia C. *Anesthesia and neuroleptanalgesia D. Method creeping infiltration by Vishnevsky E. infiltration anesthesia 28. What complications can occur in patients with a closed way of maintaining anesthesia? A. *Hypercapnia B. Anaphylaxis C. Collapse D. Hematoma E. Swoon 29. The general anesthesia include? A. Application and infiltration anesthesia B. Anesthesia C. Method creeping infiltration by Vishnevsky D. *Anesthesia and neuroleptanalgesia E. infiltration anesthesia 30. Which way to maintain anesthesia is considered to be the most appropriate in dentistry? A. Closed B. Open C. *Half-open D. Semi-closed E. Closed – open 31. What complication is more common in patients with semi-closed ways to maintain anesthesia? A. Hypercapnia B. Anaphylaxis C. *Drug overdose D. Hematoma E. Swoon 32. What drugs are used for induction of anesthesia? A. *Barbiturates B. Droperidol C. Cyclopropane D. Metoksyflyuran E. Ftorotan 33. Who first synthesized hexanal as a derivative of barbituric acid? A. Morton B. Pirogov C. *Weeze D. Lundy E. Tovell 34. The author who first synthesized hexanal as a derivative of barbituric acid? A. *Weeze B. Morton C. Pies D. Lundy E. Tovell 35. How many people should serve a dentist in public institutions? A. 2-2.5 thousand B. *4-4.5 thousand C. 6-6.5 thousand D. 7-8 thousand E. 8-9 thousand 36. How many dental surgeons allocated a nurse position? A. 0.5 post dental surgeon B. *On 1 post dental surgeon C. 1.5 post dental surgeon D. For 2 positions dental surgeon E. At 3 post dental surgeon 37. How many dental surgeons allocated one position of nursing aids? A. 3 posts B. 4 posts C. *1 post D. 1.5 positions E. 2 posts 38. How much dentists-surgeons must be for organization of surgical department? A. 3 B. *6 C. 4 D. 7 E. 8 39. What antiseptics and in what concentration should be used to prevent the transfer of infection when using a dental surgeon in rubber gloves? A. *2,4% solution pervomur B. 0,5% solution pervomur C. 1,0% solution pervomur D. 1,5% solution pervomur E. 3,0% solution pervomur 40. Physician dental surgeon has to make a report on the medical work for the month. What document should he fills? A. Form 043 B. Form 037 C. *Form 039 D. Form 049 E. Form 072 41. What medical documentation should maintain the dental surgeon? A. Medical Book B. Procedural leaf C. Diary account of work D. Journal of checkups E. *Medical history and daily accounting work 42. For how many doctors in dental clinic is expected doctor-anesthesiologist? A. After 10 B. At 15 C. *At 20 D. At 25 E. At 5 43. For how many beds allocated one operating table in the dental hospital? A. 10-20 B. 20-30 C. *30-40 D. 40-50 E. 50-60 44. How many categories are distinguished in dental clinics? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. *6 45. What is the concentration of chlorhexidine bigluconate solution used for the treatment of surgeon's hands? A. *0,5% B. 1% C. 2% D. 3% E. 1% 46. What is regulatory area established for operating for one dental chair in the dental clinic of second category? A. 18 m2 B. 20 m2 C. *14 m2 D. 25 m2 E. 23 m2 47. What is the area of sanitary norms for operating on 1 dental chair (operating table) in the dental clinic of 1 category? A. 14 m2 B. 16 m2 C. 20 m2 D. *23 m2 E. 27 m2 48. How many medical positions are in the clinic of V category? A. 5-7 B. 7-11 C. *10-14 D. 12-15 E. 14-17 49. What is the main structural link of dental units? A. *Dental surgery B. Dental department C. Dental Clinic D. Dental hospital E. Dental clinic 50. In the polyclinic of V category out medical office: A. 5-7 B. 7-11 C. 12-15 D. *10-14 E. 14-17 51. What is the minimum area of operating for an one table? A. 22-28 m2 B. 26-32 m2 C. 32-34 m2 D. 36-40 m2 E. *36-48 m2 52. What is the minimum allowable operating area for an one table? A. *36-48 m2 B. 26-28 m2 C. 26-32 m2 D. 32-34 m2 E. 36-40 m2 53. How many medical positions are in the clinic of the third category? A. 11 – 14 B. 14-17 C. 17-20 D. *20-24 E. 24-28 54. The presence of what statistical documents is mandatory for the clinical patients? A. *The form number 037 B. Form number Form number 043 + 030 C. Form № 030 D. Form № 039 E. Form № 043 55. For statistical documents which can evaluate the performance of the doctor a month? A. Form № 037 B. Form № 049 C. Form № 043 D. *The form number 039 E. Form № 030 56. By what statistical document can be evaluation of physician worf per month? A. Form № 037 B. *The form number 039 C. Form № 049 D. Form № 043 E. Form № 030 57. Organized a new dental clinic of 1st category. How many staff positions Surgeons - Dental expected at this clinic? A. 4-5 staff positions B. *2-3 staff positions C. 3-4 staff positions D. 1-2 staff positions E. 5-6 staff positions 58. The clinic, which employs 20 dentists who perform planned and unplanned operations have fixed operating days. How many doctors offices - anaesthesiologist provided in this clinic? A. 2 posts B. 3 posts C. 4 posts D. *1 post E. More than 4 posts 59. How is the X-ray examination in which it is possible to obtain images of a certain layer of bone? A. Stereoroentgenography B. *Tomography C. Panoramic radiography D. Fluoroscopy E. Radioviziography 60. For an image of a certain layer of bone X-ray examination is called: A. Stereoroentgenography B. Panoramic radiography C. Fluoroscopy D. *Tomography E. Radioviziography 61. What is document form number 037? A. Ambulatory patient card B. Leaf monthly report for work C. *Daily Leaf patients D. Leaf accounting work orthopedists E. Leaf quarterly review of patients 62. Of all osteomyelitis maxillofacial acute osteomyelitis (odontogenic) is: A. 15-33% B. 30-45% C. 45-60% D. *60-65% E. 65-70% 63. Of all the inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area osteomyelitis in children is: A. 10-15% B. *15-33% C. 25-43% D. 45-63% E. 65-83% 64. Affection of osteomyelitis in children is: A. 10-15% B. 25-43% C. 45-63% D. *15-33% E. 65-83% 65. Differential diagnosis of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis is manufacture with: A. Odontogenic osteomyelitis B. Ewing sarcoma C. Abscess of the soft tissues D. Acute mumps E. *All listed diseases 66. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis often occurs in the mandible in children of: A. 2-4 years B. 4-6 years C. *5-10 years D. 8-11 years E. 9-13 years 67. The lower jaw in children is more likely to develop of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis in the age of: A. 2-4 years B. 4-6 years C. 8-11 years D. *5-10 years E. 9-13 years 68. What are the changes in the blood during hematogenous osteomyelitis: A. *Leukocytosis B. Offset formula at right C. Reducing the ESR D. Albuminosis E. Reduced hemoglobin 69. In hematogenous osteomyelitis in the blood occur some changes, which are: A. The displacement formula at right B. Reducing the ESR C. *Leukocytosis D. Albuminosis E. Reduced hemoglobin 70. When the affected upper jaw (acute osteomyelitis) due to inflammation of the tissue of the orbit observed: A. Exophthalmos B. Hemosis of conjunctiva C. Eye is closed D. *All listed diseases E. Eye redness 71. Sequestration formed by: A. 1-2 weeks B. *3-4 weeks C. 2-3 weeks D. 4-5 weeks E. 5-6 weeks 72. Chronic osteomyelitis sequesters created by: A. 1-2 weeks B. 2-3 weeks C. 4-5 weeks D. *3-4 weeks E. 5-6 weeks 73. Over the course of the disease osteomyelitis is: A. Sharp B. Primary chronic C. Chronic as a result of acute D. Chronic in acute E. *All listed diseases 74. Nonodontogenic osteomyelitis is divided into: A. Vascular B. Stomatogenic C. Posttraumatic D. Contact E. *All diseases listed 75. How is divided nonodontogenic osteomyelitis: A. Vascular B. *All diseases listed C. Stomatogenic D. Posttraumatic E. Contact 76. Gravity flow hematogenous osteomyelitis causes: A. *Septic background disease B. Age of child C. Preferably, the damage of the upper jaw D. The destructive nature of the E. Destructive, destructive - productive and hyperplastic forms of chronic osteomyelitis 77. What is the result of osteomyelitis of the jaw bones is a feature of childhood: A. Adentia B. Formation of bone defect C. *Stunting jaw D. Pathological fracture of the jaw E. Injury 78. Duration of rehabilitation period for patients with hematogenous osteomyelitis: A. By the time clinical recuperation B. Stable remission for a year C. Prior to the period of formation of milk occlusion D. *By the end of growth of the jaw bones E. Before permanent teeth 79. The first radiographic signs of degradation of the jaws in children with osteomyelitis detected: A. 4-5 days B. 6-8 days C. *In 10-12 days D. After 3 weeks E. After 4 weeks 80. Depending on the type of infection osteomyelitis is classified into: A. Vascular stomatogenic B. Productive, hyperplastic C. *The specific, non-specific D. Post-traumatic, contact E. Focal, generalized 81. Osteomyelitis of the jaws, depending on the type of infection are classified as: A. Vascular stomatogenic B. Productive, hyperplastic C. Post-traumatic, contact D. *Specific, nonspecific E. Focal, generalized 82. When are the first radiological signs of destructive odontogenic osteomyelitis? A. On the 1st 2nd day B. At the 3 - 4th day C. *On 15- 20th day D. At the 30th 40th day E. On the 50th day 83. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis? A. Age of the patient B. Acute lymphadenitis C. Injury poorly manufactured prosthesis D. *A tooth or tooth root fracture line in E. A tooth or tooth root 84. The cause of traumatic osteomyelitis is: A. Age of the patient B. *In line fracture tooth or tooth root C. Acute lymphadenitis D. Injury poorly manufactured prosthesis E. A tooth or tooth root 85. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws? A. Age of the patient B. Acute lymphadenitis C. *Infection fracture line D. Injury poorly manufactured prosthesis E. In the line of fracture tooth or tooth root 86. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws? A. Age of the patient B. Acute lymphadenitis C. Injury poorly manufactured prosthesis D. *Poor reposition and immobilization of fragments E. In the line of fracture tooth or tooth root 87. What is the method of prevention of posttraumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws? A. Physiotherapy B. Temporary immobilization of fragments C. Deferred immobilization of fragments D. *Tooth or tooth root of the fracture line E. Impaired oral health 88. Early acute odontogenic osteomyelitis preceding: A. *Infectious diseases paraallergic reaction allergic disease; B. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; C. Violation of cardiovascular activity; D. Violation of nervous activity; E. Infectious Diseases 89. The acute stage of odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible is characterized by: A. Aching pain in the causal tooth that increase in bitting; B. Intense pain in jaw radiating along the branches of the trigeminal nerve; C. *Paresthesia of the lower lip, pain when swallowing, chewing, painful of soft tissues swelling, difficulty opening the mouth, chewing dysfunction and pronunciation; D. Swelling of the alveolar process of the two parties; E. Difficulty opening the mouth. 90. Tactics of treatment of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis: A. *Remove the tooth, reduce the "stress" of tissues and draining fire ignition, prescribe antiinflammatory treatment; B. Prevent the development of infection and formation of necrosis at the periphery of the inflammatory foci; C. Reduce the vascular permeability and the formation of vasoactive substances; D. Reduce the overall toxicity of the body, reduce neurohumoral shifts; E. Conduct symptomatic treatment 91. Tactics of treatment of odontogenic osteomyelitis during the formation sequestration: A. *Infection control in inflammation, prevent the formation of new necrosis (storage microcirculation in peripheral inflammatory focus), decrease vascular permeability and intensity of neurohumoral shifts; B. Purpose hamahlobulinu, antistaphylococcal plasma; C. Antibiotic therapy; D. Conduct sequestrectomy; E. Appointment of infusion therapy. 92. Tactics of treatment of odontogenic osteomyelitis in the stabilization phase of inflammation: A. *Sequestrectomy, enhancing nonspecific immunity, creating favorable conditions for the flow of reparative regeneration in maxillary bones; B. Timely dental prosthesis, dental health and the bow of the throat; C. The intensive detoxification treatment; D. Antibiotic therapy; E. Appointment of infusion therapy. 93. Pathognomonic symptoms of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the maxilla in children: A. bold pus from the external ear; B. Abscesses in the cheeks; C. *The development of infiltrates, abscesses, fistulas in alveolar process of the upper jaw or the hard palate; D. High body temperature; E. Abscesses, fistulas in alveolar process of the upper jaw or the hard palate 94. Before the sequestrectomy in maxillary osteomyelitis in the area of molars in the elderly, which apparatus is necessary to make? A. Capua, which increases bite; B. Tire Vankevych; C. *Protective plate; D. Tire Weber E. Tire Tihershtedt. 95. Load dentist (with work experience of 7 years or more) shift during a five-day working week should not exceed: A. *25 OPS B. 27 OPS C. 22 OPS D. 19 OPS E. 30 OPS 96. What is the order approved accounting and statistical reporting forms in dentistry? A. MHC Ukraine № 507 from 28.12.2002. B. MHC Ukraine № 33 of 23.02.2000. C. MHC Ukraine № 552 /200 of 31.03.2000. D. *MHC Ukraine № 302 from 27.12.1999. E. MHC Ukraine № 281 of 1.12.1999. 97. In a young professional at the end of the shift was only filled "medical card of the dental patient". What other statistical document must be also filled? A. *The form number 037 /0 B. Form № 039 /0 C. Form № 049 /0 D. Form № 030 /0 E. Form № 043 /0 98. In Dental clinic needs the nurse. How many medical positions require one nurse position? A. Position one nurse to three physician office B. One in office regardless of the number of physicians C. *One position nurse in a one doctor's office D. Two office nurse for three physician office E. One office nurse for two posts of doctor 99. For X-ray examination of maxillo-facial bones is used: A. X-ray of a skull in a straight line and lateral projections B. Axial radiographs and half-axial C. examination of temporomandibular joint D. inspection of oral cavity E. *all previous surveys 100. In conducting of teleroentgenography the distance between the object of study and a radiation source is: A. 3 m B. 2 m C. 1 m D. *2,5 m E. 1,5 m 101. The distance between the object of study and a radiation source during teleroentgenography is: A. 3 m B. *2,5 m C. 2 m D. 1 m E. 1,5 m 102. Tomography is used in the following examination of the maxillofacial region: A. temporomandibular joint B. paranasal sinuses C. infratemporal and wing- palatine fossa D. mandible E. *all previous surveys 103. Roentgenokinematography is: A. Radiography at a distance B. Radiography in the supine position C. Radiography sitting D. *Radiography of moving objects E. X-ray examination in which the source is inserted into the mouth 104. Instead of x-ray film in the performance of elektroroentgenography is used: A. *Selenium plate B. Graphite plate C. White Paper D. Soot E. Stake paper 105. What is the roentgenokinematography? A. Radiography at a distance B. *Radiography of the moving objects C. Radiography in the supine position D. Radiography sitting E. X-ray examination in which the source is inserted into the mouth 106. Which of the following refers to additional methods of examination? A. *Radiography, biomicroscopy B. Definition of bite C. Measurement of depth vestibule of the mouth D. Determination of the mobility E. biomicroscopy 107. How is called the X-ray examination to obtain information on the image of a certain layer of the bone? A. Stereoroentgenography B. Panoramic radiography C. Fluoroscopy D. *Tomography E. Radioviziography 108. Of all osteomyelitis maxillofacial acute osteomyelitis (odontogenic) is: A. 15-33% B. 30-45% C. 45-60% D. *60-65% E. 65-70% 109. What is the percent of osteomyelitis among all inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area in children: A. 10-15% B. 25-43% C. 45-63% D. *15-33% E. 65-83% 110. What diseases should be a differential diagnosis of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis: A. *All of disease B. Odontogenic osteomyelitis C. Ewing sarcoma D. Abscesses of the soft tissues E. Acute mumps 111. At what age in children develops chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible localization: A. 2-4 years B. 4-6 years C. 8-11 years D. *5-10 years E. 9-13 years 112. In hematogenous osteomyelitis of the changes in the blood that are: A. The displacement formula right B. Reducing the ESR C. Albuminosis D. *Leukocytosis E. Reduced hemoglobin 113. In damage to the maxillary by acute osteomyelitis due to inflammation of the tissue of the orbit observed: A. *All disease B. Exophthalmos C. Hemosis of conjunctiva D. The eye closed E. Paresis 114. Medium and large sequesters created by: A. 1-2 weeks B. *2-3 weeks C. 3-4 weeks D. 4-5 weeks E. 5-6 weeks 115. When there is osteomyelitis, medium and large sequesters created by: A. 1-2 weeks B. 3,5-4 weeks C. 4,4-5 weeks D. *2-3 weeks E. 5-6 weeks 116. Osteomyelitis by the course of the disease is divided into: A. Sharp B. Primary chronic C. Chronic as a result of acute D. Chronic in acute E. *All stages are listed 117. Osteomyelitis of nonodontogenic origin is divided into: A. *All previous factors B. Vascular C. Stomatogenic D. Posttraumatic E. Contact 118. Hematogenous osteomyelitis by the severity of the flow conditions: A. Age of child B. Preferably damage maxilla C. The destructive nature of the D. *Septic background disease E. Destructive, destructive - productive and hyperplastic forms of chronic osteomyelitis 119. What is the feature factor of the jaw bones osteomyelitis of childhood: A. Adentia B. Formation of bone defect C. *Stunting jaw D. Pathological fracture of the jaw E. The rapid growth of the jaw 120. For patients with hematogenous osteomyelitis the length of the rehabilitation period lasts: A. By the time clinical recuperation B. Stable remission for a year C. Prior to the period of formation of milk occlusion D. *By the end of growth of the jaw bones E. Prior to the period of formation of permanent occlusion 121. The first signs of destruction of the jaws in children with osteomyelitis are detected on the X-rays in: A. 4-5 days B. 6-8 days C. *In 10-12 days D. After 3 weeks E. After 4 weeks 122. Osteomyelitis is classified based on the type of infection: A. Vascular stomatogenic B. Productive, hyperplastic C. *The specific, non-specific D. Post-traumatic, contact E. Focal, generalized 123. The first radiological signs of destructive manifestations of odontogenic osteomyelitis are in? A. On the 1st-2nd day B. At the 3 - 4th day C. *On 15- 20th day D. At the 30th 40th day E. On the 50th day 124. On what day do the first radiological signs of destructive odontogenic osteomyelitis appear? A. 1- 2nd B. 3 - 4th C. *15- 20th D. 30- 40th E. 50th 125. The cause of traumatic osteomyelitis is? A. *A tooth or tooth root fracture line in B. A tooth or root C. Acute lymphadenitis D. Injury poorly manufactured prosthesis E. Acute abscess 126. Traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws is cause of development? A. Age of the patient B. Acute lymphadenitis C. *Infection fracture line D. Injury poorly manufactured prosthesis E. Infection of the mucosa through the gap 127. The cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws is? A. Late reposition and immobilization of fragments B. Acute lymphadenitis C. Injury poorly manufactured prosthesis D. *Poor reposition and immobilization of fragments E. Late immobilization of fragments 128. Methods of prevention of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws is? A. Physiotherapy B. *Tooth or tooth root of the fracture line C. Temporary immobilization of fragments D. Deferred immobilization of fragments E. Removal of tooth root fracture line 129. Occurrence of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis preceding: A. The chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract; B. Violation of cardiovascular activity; C. *Infectious diseases paraallergic reaction allergic disease; D. Violation of nervous activity; E. Allergic disease. 130. The acute stage of odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible is characterized by: A. Aching pain in the causal tooth that increase with nakushuvanni; B. Intense pain in jaw radiating along the branches of the trigeminal nerve; C. Abdominal alveolar ridge on both sides; D. *Paresthesia of the lower lip, pain when swallowing, chewing, painful soft tissue swelling, difficulty opening the mouth, chewing dysfunction and pronunciation; E. Difficulty opening the mouth. 131. What are the stages in the treatment of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis? A. prevent the development of infection and formation of necrosis at the periphery of the inflammatory foci; B. reduce vascular permeability and the formation of vasoactive substances; C. Reduce the overall toxicity of the body, reduce neurohumoral shifts; D. *Remove the tooth, reduce the "stress" of tissues and draining fire ignition, prescribe antiinflammatory treatment; E. Conduct symptomatic treatment 132. What is the essence of the treatment of odontogenic osteomyelitis during the formation sequestration: A. Purpose gammaglobulin, antistaphylococcal plasma; B. Conduct sequestrectomy; C. *Infection control in inflammation, prevent the formation of new necrosis (storage microcirculation in peripheral inflammatory focus), decrease vascular permeability and intensity of neurohumoral shifts; D. Antibiotic therapy; E. Appointment of infusion therapy. 133. What stages in the treatment of odontogenic osteomyelitis in the stabilization phase of inflammation: A. Timely dental prosthesis, dental health and the bow of the throat; B. Intense detoxification treatment; C. antibiotic therapy; D. *sequestrectomy, enhancing nonspecific immunity, creating favorable conditions for the flow of reparative regeneration in maxillary bones; E. Appointment of infusion therapy. 134. Pathognomonic symptoms in acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the maxilla in children: A. bold pus from the external ear; B. Abscesses in the cheeks; C. The high temperature of the body; D. *The development of infiltrates, abscesses, fistulas in alveolar process of the upper jaw or the hard palate; E. The development of fistulas in alveolar process of the upper jaw or the hard palate; 135. The general anesthesia includes? A. Application and infiltration anesthesia B. Method of creeping infiltration by Vishnevsky C. Narcosis D. *Narcosis and neuroleptanalgesia E. Infiltration anesthesia 136. On what kinds is divided narcosis? A. Physical and chemical B. Application and instylyatsiynyy C. Central and peripheral D. *Inhaled and noningalation E. Local and conductor 137. Which of the following drugs used for inhalation anesthesia? A. Hexanal B. Lidocaine C. Ketamine D. Septanest E. *Nitrous Oxide 138. How is called anesthesia in which there is injected mixture of analgesic and antipsychotics? A. Ataralgesia B. Audioanesteziya C. *Neuroleptanalgesia D. Acupuncture anesthesia E. Instilation anesthesia 139. Which of the following drugs used for noningalation anesthesia? A. Air B. *Ketamine C. Nitrous Oxide D. Ftorotan E. Hexanal 140. What from the following is the general anesthesia? A. *Intravenous anesthesia B. Stem anesthesia C. Spinal anesthesia D. Perirenal blockade E. Epidural anesthesia 141. The patient suffers from epilepsy. Under what kind of anesthesia is necessary to do the operation? A. *During endotracheal anesthesia B. Under anesthesia mask C. During anesthesia nasopharyngeal D. Under infiltration anesthesia E. Under anesthesia 142. What method of anesthesia is the most safe and sufficient effective in outpatient dental practice to provide treatment for patients who experience fear of dental treatment? A. Audioanaesthesia B. Neuroleptanalgesia C. *Ataralgesia D. Endotracheal anesthesia E. Hypnosis 143. What drug is used in outpatient dental practice, during intravenous anesthetic thiopental sodium solution to avoid or prevent laryngo - and bronchospasm? A. Diphenhydramine B. Dyprazin C. Crank D. Fentanyl E. *Atropine 144. What are the different types of anesthesia? A. *Inhalation, noningalation, neuroleptanalgesia B. inhalation, mask, endotracheal C. Inhalation, noningalation, endotracheal D. Endotracheal, mask, neuroleptanalgesia E. Neuroleptanalgesia, mask, inhalation 145. How many steps performed premedication? A. One-stage B. In the two-stage C. *In three steps D. In the four stages E. In the five stages 146. Number of phases in which performed premedication? A. *In three steps B. One-stage C. In the two-stage D. In the four stages E. In the five stages 147. What is the indication for narcosis in terms of a dental polyclinic? A. Acute respiratory infection B. Acute inflammation C. Pathology D. *Diseases of the CNS E. Cardiovascular disease 148. What is a contraindication for narcosis in terms of a dental polyclinic? A. Fear of dental treatment and disposal B. Lactose anesthetics C. The pathology of the CNS D. Asthma E. *Acute respiratory infection 149. During the mask narcosis, the following medicines are used: A. Propanidid and sodium hydroxybutyrate B. Viadryl and altezyn C. Hexanal D. *Chloroform and ether E. Trichloroethylene and metoksyfluran 150. Which of the complications is not related to complications of narcosis? A. spasm of the larynx B. Swelling of the larynx C. *Angioedema D. Stop breathing] E. Aspiration of vomitus 151. To complications of narcosis does not belong? A. Spasm of the larynx B. Swelling of the larynx C. Stop breathing D. *Angioedema E. Aspiration of vomitus 152. What are some ways to maintain anesthesia? A. *Half-closed, half open and closed B. Closed and open C. Closed, open and semi-closed D. Closed, open and semi-open E. Half-open, half-closed and open 153. In which of these injuries is not indicated general anesthesia? A. Fractures of the upper jaw and the type Lefor 2 Lefor 3 B. Fractures of the lower jaw with the tongue injury C. Fractures of the mandible with damage pharynx and larynx D. *Fractures of the nose E. Fractures of the mandible with muscle damage floor of the mouth 154. What agencies are used in noningalation anesthesia? A. Droperidol, fentanyl, diazepam B. *Viadryl, hexanal, thiopental sodium C. Ether, ftorotan, nitrous oxide D. Trichloroethylene, metoksyfluran E. Cyclopropane, chloroform 155. How many clinical stages includes anesthesia? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. *Five E. Six 156. What agencies are used in neuroleptanalgesia? A. Viadryl, hexanal, thiopental sodium B. Air, ftorotan, nitrous oxide C. Trichloroethylene, metoksyfluran, chloroform D. Sodium hydroxybutyrate, propanidid E. *Droperidol, fentanyl, diazepam 157. What is a contraindication for anesthesia in terms of a dental clinic? A. *Severe anemia B. Asthma C. Fear of dental treatment and disposal D. Lactose anesthetics E. Pathology of CNS 158. What is the indication for anesthesia in terms of a dental clinic? A. Acute respiratory infection B. Acute inflammation C. *Lactose anesthetics D. Severe anemia E. Pathology 159. What type of anesthesia is indicated for severe abscesses uncovering maxillofacial area? A. Neuroleptanalgesia B. *Mask anesthesia C. Endotracheal anesthesia D. Noningalation anesthesia E. Local anesthesia 160. What is a contraindication for anesthesia in terms of a dental clinic? A. The pathology of the CNS B. Fear of dental treatment and disposal C. Lactose anesthetics D. *Violations clotting E. Asthma 161. Which agencies can be used to premedication before extraction of the teeth? A. Trimecaine B. *Trioksazyn C. Timalin D. Cocaine E. Dicain 162. What is the narcotic effect of the use of to venous narcosis by sombrevin? A. *Within 3-5 minutes. B. Within 6-8 minutes. C. For 9-12 minutes. D. Within 13-15 minutes. E. Within 17-20 minutes. 163. When using to venous sombrevin anesthesia drug effects occurs? A. Within 6-8 minutes. B. Within 8-10 minutes. C. *Within 3-5 minutes. D. Within 2-3 minutes. E. Within 10-12 minutes. 164. Coagulation theory is in: A. Solubility of drugs in lipid cellular membranes B. Change the boundary tension between the membrane and the liquid C. *Contact coagulation of the protoplasm of nerve cells D. Lock regulation of redox processes E. Formation of stable water crystals 165. In patient 6 years old is cleft of the hard and soft palates. What method of general anesthesia is need to be used during surgery - uranostafiloplastic? A. Intravenous B. Rectal C. *Endotracheal through the mouth D. Intra muscular E. Mask 166. Requirements for general anesthesia in the clinic (by Bazhanov): A. General anesthesia should be perfectly safe B. Wake rapid C. The patient has to go home alone D. There are no side effects after anesthesia E. *All claims are true 167. When conducting the second phase of sedation? A. In the evening before surgery B. 5 hours before surgery C. For 4 hours before surgery D. *1,5-2 hours before surgery E. For 2,5-3 hours before surgery 168. What matter of these should be used to suppress fear and internal stress in the patient before visiting the dentist? A. *Diazepam B. The extract of valerian C. Droperidol D. Aminazin E. Sodium bromide 169. What drugs are used to the classic neuroleptanalgesia? A. Aminazin of droperidol B. Omnopon of chlorpromazine C. Diazepam with pipolfenom D. *Fentanyl with droperidol E. Thiopental sodium suprastin 170. The method of pain relief is the most safe and effective enough in ambulatory stomatolohychniy practice for the treatment of a patient who is undergoing treatment in fear of the dentist who? A. Audioanaesthesia B. Neuroleptanalgesia C. *Ataralgesia D. Endotracheal anesthesia E. Hypnosis 171. Hits for anesthesia in terms of dental clinic is? A. Acute respiratory infection B. Acute inflammation C. Severe anemia D. *Fear of dental treatment and disposal E. Cardiovascular disease 172. Pain - a kind of human condition defined set of physiological processes in the central nervous system caused by the stimulus. This definition shall include: A. Timofeev B. Danilevskyy C. Hotsk D. *Anokhin E. Got 173. What is the anesthesia by ajar circuit: A. The air you breathe comes from the atmosphere and it is returned B. *Dope comes from the container with a mixture of oxygen and exhaled into the atmosphere C. Part of exhaled air to the atmosphere, some is returned to the patient D. Gas recirculation system in the machine completely isolated from the atmosphere E. Part of the air is returned to the patient 174. Anesthesia for semi-closed type is: A. The air you breathe comes from the atmosphere and it is returned B. The drug comes from the container with a mixture of oxygen and exhaled into the atmosphere C. *Some air exhaled into the atmosphere, some is returned to the patient D. Gas recirculation system in the machine completely isolated from the atmosphere E. The drug comes from the container with a mixture of oxygen 175. Ether and chloroform are often used to: A. *Mask anesthesia B. Intravenous anesthesia C. Rectal anesthesia D. Intramuscular anesthesia E. Inhalation 176. What preparation is conducted before anesthesia? A. Professional oral hygiene B. Trained oral C. Processing operating margins D. Treatment arms E. *Sedative preparations 177. The science of anesthesia and methods of protecting the patient from emergency surgical trauma impacts is: A. *Anesthesiology B. Traumatology C. Surgery D. Pharmacology E. Oncology 178. Anesthesiology is the study of: A. Drugs B. Malignancy C. Conducting surgeries D. Infectious Diseases E. *Narcosis 179. What is the condition characterized by temporary loss of consciousness, loss of all species sensitivity, inhibition of reflex activity? A. Swoon B. *General anesthesia C. Infiltration anesthesia D. Conduction anesthesia E. Central pain 180. The first stage of anesthesia is called: A. Awakening B. Surgical C. *Analgesia D. Excitement E. Sedation 181. The second stage of anesthesia is called: A. Analgesia B. *Excitation C. Surgical D. Appeasement E. Awakening 182. The third stage of anesthesia is called: A. *Surgical B. Sedation C. Awakening D. Excitement E. Analgesia 183. The fourth stage of anesthesia is called: A. *Wake-up calls B. Sedation C. Surgical D. Analgesia E. Excitation 184. Step of narcosis analgesia is: A. 5 stage anesthesia B. Phase 4 anesthesia C. Stage 2 anesthesia D. *Stage 1 anesthesia E. Stage 3 anesthesia 185. Step of narcosis emotion - is: A. *Stage 2 anesthesia B. 5 stage anesthesia C. Stage 1 anesthesia D. Stage 3 anesthesia E. Stage 4 anesthesia 186. Step of narcosis surgical is: A. Stage 1 anesthesia B. *Stage 3 anesthesia C. Stage 2 anesthesia D. Stage 4 anesthesia E. 5 stage anesthesia 187. Step of narcosis awakening is: A. Stage 2 anesthesia B. Stage 3 anesthesia C. *4 stage of anesthesia D. Stage 1 anesthesia E. 6 stage of anesthesia 188. Agonal stage of anesthesia - is: A. Stage 1 anesthesia B. Stage 3 anesthesia C. Stage 5 of anesthesia D. Stage 2 anesthesia E. *4 stage of anesthesia 189. How many levels is in the third stage of anesthesia? A. 6 B. 1 C. *4 D. 2 E. 5 190. Mask anesthesia relates to: A. Noningalation B. Conduction anesthesia C. Infiltration anesthesia D. Central pain E. *Inhalation 191. Which drug is administered at premedication, which weakens the heart vagus reaction, blocking the innervation of striated muscles of the larynx and prevents laryngospasm? A. Analginum B. Dimedrol C. *Atropine D. Loratydyn E. Promedolum 192. For neuroleptanalgesia is used: A. Propanidid B. Thiopental sodium C. Hexanal D. *Talamonal E. Ketolong 193. Which of the following drugs is used to ataralgesia? A. *Tramadol B. Hexanal C. Thiopental sodium D. Propanidid E. Talamonal 194. Ketolong is used for: A. Inhalation anesthesia B. Neuroleptanalgesia C. Infiltration anesthesia D. *Ataralgesia E. Central analgesic 195. Thiopental sodium is used for: A. *Noningalation anesthesia B. Ataralgesia C. Neuroleptanalgesia D. Central pain E. Application of anesthesia 196. Ftorotan is used for: A. Application anesthesia B. Conduction anesthesia C. *Inhalation anesthesia D. Noningalation anesthesia E. Ataralgesia 197. Nitrous oxide is used for: A. Neuroleptanalgesia B. Noningalation anesthesia C. Ataralgesia D. *Inhalation anesthesia E. Infiltration anesthesia 198. Hexanal is used for: A. Applique anesthesia B. Neuroleptanalgesia C. Ataralgesia D. *Noningalation anesthesia E. Inhalation anesthesia 199. Propanidid is used for: A. *Noningalation anesthesia B. Ataralgesia C. Neuroleptanalgesia D. Inhalation anesthesia E. Applique anesthesia 200. Ketamine hydrochloride is used for: A. Inhalation anesthesia B. Ataralgesia C. Neuroleptanalgesia D. *Noningalation anesthesia E. Applique anesthesia 201. Etomidat is used for: A. *Noningalation anesthesia B. Neuroleptanalgesia C. Ataralgesia D. Applique anesthesia E. Inhalation anesthesia 202. Diprofol used for: A. *Noningalation anesthesia B. Central pain C. Conduction anesthesia D. Infiltration anesthesia E. Ataralgesia 203. Midazolam is used for: A. Neuroleptanalgesia B. Central pain C. Application of anesthesia D. Conduction anesthesia E. *Noningalation anesthesia 204. Sibazon is used for: A. Neuroleptanalgesia B. *Ataralgesia C. Applique anesthesia D. Conduction anesthesia E. Noningalation anesthesia 205. Polarization mixture activates ion transport: A. *Sodium and potassium B. Calcium C. Sodium D. Potassium E. Calcium fluoride 206. Multicomponent balanced anesthesia based on the use benzodiazepamiv that exhibit tranquilizing effect in combination with analgesics, relaxants to enhance adaptation homeostatic mechanisms in the body: A. Neuroleptanalgesia B. *Ataralheziya C. Inhalation anesthesia D. Noningalation anesthesia E. Infiltration anesthesia 207. In the dental polyclinic appealed the patient. After physical examination oral surgeon clinic were diagnosed abscess of the right submandibular area. What should be the follow doctor's tactics? A. Conduct needle removal purulent exudates B. Approve medication and physiotherapy C. Approve medication with dynamic observation D. Conduct section phlegmon in the clinic E. *Quickly send the patient to a specialized department 208. Which of pathological processes requires atypical tooth extraction? A. *Tooth retention B. Hipertsementosis C. Dystopia tooth D. Granulating periodontitis E. Supernumerary 209. What is the best method of anesthesia during surgery in pericoronarotomy when there is a difficult mouth opening in the patient? A. Infiltration anesthesia B. General anesthesia C. Stem anesthesia D. Application anesthesia E. *Conductive anesthesia by Bershe –Dubov 210. What matter of these should be used to suppress fear and internal stress in the patient before visiting the dentist? A. *Diazepam B. The extract of valerian C. Droperidol D. Aminazin E. Sodium bromide 211. Nerve impulses travel in myelinated nerves by a process called what? A. Domino effect B. *Saltatory conducation C. Relative refractory D. Nodes of Ranvier E. No correct answer 212. Which portion of the nerve do local anesthetics work on? A. Neuron B. Dendrites C. *Nerve membrane D. Myelinated sheath E. Schwann cells 213. What is one important way that local anesthetic drugs differ from all other drugs used in dentistry? A. High potential of overdose B. Route of administration C. Rate of uptake into bloodstream D. *Action ceased when absorbed into bloodstream E. Blood levels must be sufficient to exert effect 214. When procaine undergoes metabolic breakdown, the major metabolic product (metabolite) is what? A. Pseudocholinesterase B. Chloroprocaine C. PAMA D. Succinylcholine E. *Para-aminobenzoic acid 215. Biotransformation of amides takes place where? A. *Liver B. Kidneys C. Blood plasma D. Spleen E. Bloodstream 216. The concentration of epinephrine that is optimal for hemostasis is what? A. 1:5000 B. *1:50,000 C. 1:150,000 D. 1:100,000 E. 1:200,000 217. All of the following are reasons to include a vasoconstrictor, EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A. Lower blood flow to injection site B. *Increase anesthetic blood levels C. Increase duration of local anesthetic D. Lower anesthetic toxicity E. Improve field of vision for treatment 218. When it is necessary to administer more than one anesthetic drug, a safe total dose should be determined by not exceeding what? A. *The lower of the two maximum doses for the individual agents B. The maximum dose of each drug being administered C. 25% of the maximum dose of each drug being administered D. 35% of the maximum dose of each drug being administered E. Dental work being done in many more than on quadrant 219. One of the many proprietary names for lidocaine is what? A. *Xylocaine HCL B. 3% Polocaine C. Sandonest HCL D. Mepivicaine E. Candicaine HCL 220. A healthy patient weighing 155 lbs has been given 2 cartridges of 2% lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000. How many MORE cartridges of 3% Arestocaine can they have? A. 4.0 B. *4.2 C. 4.4 D. 4.6 E. None 221. All of the following are ways of caring for a syringe EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A. Place in an ultrasonic bath B. Dismantle and lubricate every 5 uses C. Sharpen or replace harpoon as needed D. Rinse syringe of saliva and foreign matter E. *Clean with an ultrasonic instrument 222. In the dental office, the MOST important consideration when selecting a syringe type is the ability of the syringe to: A. Deliver anesthetic solution to a patient B. *Aspirate C. Accept a 30 guage needle D. Not frighten patients E. Be cost effective 223. In local anesthetic dissociation, tissues with a low pH would have what effect on base (RN) and cations (RNH+) in the solution? A. *A lower protion of RN and ahigher portion of RNH+ B. A loswer protion of RNH+ and a higher portion of RN C. Rapid onset of local anesthetic D. Increase duration of local anesthetic E. Decrease potency of local anesthetic 224. After properly loading the cartridge into the syringe, a few drops of local anesthetic should be expelled. Why? A. The ensure proper placement of the harpoon B. *To ensure free flow of the solution C. The ensure the correct anesthetic has been used D. To ensure the needle has not been barbed E. To ensure the ability to aspirate 225. The major factor influencing the ability to aspirate is what? A. *Gauge of the needle B. Size of clinician's hands C. Site of injection D. Size of thumb ring E. Harpoon being sterile 226. All of the following methods will REDUCE the chance of needle breakage, EXCEPT one - which one is the exception? A. Establishing a firm hand rest B. Using a larger gauge needle C. *Burying the needle to the hub D. Minimizing the need for redirection in tissue E. Not beding the needle excessively 227. The antioxidant used to preserve epinephring in a local anesthetic solution is: A. *Sodium bisulfate B. Sodium bicarbonate C. Sodium chloride D. Sodium pentathol E. Sodium hydrochloride 228. A small bubble of approximately 1 to 2 mm diameter will frequently be found in the local anesthetic cartridge. These bubbles are caused by? A. The anesthetic solution being frozen B. The cartridge was stored in a chemical disinfectant C. *Nitrogen gas being pumped in during manufacturing D. Oxygen being trapped in the cartridge E. Shaking the cartridge vigorously 229. Distilled water is added to the cartridge for what purpose? A. To make the solution isotonic with the tissues of the body B. To increase the safely and the duration of the anesthetic C. To prevent the biodegradation of the vasopressor D. *To provide the volume of the solution E. To prevent the propagation of nerve impulses 230. Topical antiseptic does which of the following? A. Numbs 2-3 mm of tissue prior to injection B. Makes patient more comfortable during initial penetration C. *Lessens the chance of inflammation or infection D. Allows the clinician to practice their site of penetration E. Reduces the risk of a local anesthetic overdose 231. What is the MOST important reaseon hemostats/cotton roll pliers are part of the armamentarium? A. They are used to remove the Dentipatch B. They are used to place a cotton roll on the needle C. *They are used for the retrieval of a broken needle D. They are used to place the plastic cap on the needle E. They are used to unscrew the needle from the syringe 232. At what time are professionals MOST at risk for a needle stick? A. Disassembly of syringe B. *Recapping C. Assembling the syringe D. Giving the injection E. Unsheathing the needle 233. All of the following are acceptable ways of recapping a needle EXCEPT: A. *Carefully directing the cap over needle with fingers B. Utilizing "card" or other holding device C. Performing the one handed scoop technique D. Implementing cotton roll pliers or a hemostat E. Securing cap with fingers on vertical syringe 234. Stacey, a 18 year old soccer player, arrives for extraction of teeth #4, 12, 20, and 28. She is given 5 cartridges of 4% Articaine with epinephrine 1:100,000. Her mother calls 3 hours following the appointment stating that Stacey appears cyanotic and sluggish. Her nail beds look dark blue and the blood in the extraction sites is chocolate brown. Waht is MOST likely the condition presented? A. Aytpical plasma cholinesterase B. *Methemoglobinemia C. Malignant hyperthermia D. Local anesthetic overdose E. Local anesthetic allergy 235. A patient with epilepsy is scheduled for root planing and scaling with local anesthetic today. What should the dental hygienist know about this condition? A. Epilepsy is a realtive contraindication to ester type anesthtetics B. *In low doses local anesthetic is an anti-convulsant C. The patient should be pre-medicated prior to treatment D. Epilepsy is an absolute contraindication to amide type anesthetics E. Oxygen should be available to deliver in an emergency 236. Of the following which is the MOST important prior to performing dental treatment including giving local anesthesia? A. Vital signs to determine the baseline in the event of an emergency B. Visual inspection to determine the overall physical state of the patient C. Dialogue history, to ensure the patient has answered truthfully D. *Medical history questionnaire, thoroughly reviewed and updated E. Treatment plan and patient consent forms completed 237. Why do we implement "ideal patient positioning"? A. *To reduce the risk of syncope B. To speed the onset of anesthesia C. To keep the syringe out of a patient's sight D. To ensure clinician caan obtain a firm hand rest E. To slow the absorption of anesthetic into bloodstream 238. Which of the following is the best patient positioning while delivering local anesthetic? A. Knees above sea level B. Heart and hands parallel to the floor C. Head and heart parallel to the floor D. Toes above the nose E. *Hear and heart parallel, toes slightly elevated 239. The main reason to inject slowly is to accomplish which of the following? A. Make the injection as comfortable as possible B. Not disturb the homeostasis of the tissues C. *Lessen the chance of anesthetic overdose D. Ensure you are not in a blood vessel E. Lessen the chance of a hematoma developing 240. The nerve that can be inadvertantly anesthetized during an IA injection is what? A. *Facial nerve B. Trigeminal nerve C. Zygomatic nerve D. Middle meningeal nerve E. Buccal nerve 241. Which of the following injection types will provide the longest duration? A. *Nerve block B. Field block C. Supraperiosteal D. Infiltration E. Intrasseptal 242. The maxillary division of the Trigeminal nerve travels anteriorly and downward to exit the cranium through which foramen? A. Ovale B. Spinosum C. Magnum D. *Rotundum E. Superior orbital 243. Following the administration of a right PSA nerve block, the patient complains that tooth #3 is still sensitive. What is most likely the cause of this? A. Deposition was too low B. Deposition was too anterior C. *The mesiobuccal root of the 1st molar was not anesthetized with the PSA D. Local anesthetic solution has probably expired E. Insufficient amount of anesthetic deposited 244. In order to have a proper duration of a PSA, how much total anesthetic will you give? A. 0.6-0.9 ml B. *0.9-1.8 ml C. 1.5-1.8 ml D. 0.9-1.2 ml E. 0.45-0.9 ml 245. The Vazirani-Akinosi mandibular technique is recommended for what type of patients? A. Children B. Large boned C. *Reduced opening D. Enlarged tongue E. Autistic 246. Pressure syringes are primarily designed to deliver what type of injection? A. Palatal B. Intraosseous C. Intraseptal D. *Periodontal ligament E. Incisive/mental 247. If a right-handed clinician contacts bone too soon (one half penetration depth or less) on the left IA nerve block, what should be done? A. Withdraw and select a penetration site more posterior B. Immediately redirect needle/syringe more laterally C. *Withdraw slightly, redirect needle/syringe more medially D. Withdraw and select a penetration site more medially E. Withdraw slightly, redirect needle/syringe more laterally 248. What is the reccomended amount of anesthetic deposited for the Gow-Gates injection technique? A. 1.5 ml B. *1.8 ml C. 1.2 ml D. 1.3 ml E. 1.0 ml 249. What type of injection is contraindicated in primary teeth? A. Intraosseous B. Infraorbital C. *Periodontal ligament D. Posterior superior alveolar E. Inferior alveolar 250. Applying topical for longer than indicated can result in sloughing of the tissues - this is officially called what? A. *Epithelial desquamation B. Sterile abscess C. Cheek rot D. White lacy striations E. Epithelial dysplasia 251. Persistent paresthesia following a local anesthetic injection A. Is always preventable B. Is often caused by a needle penetrating the cheek C. Is always reversible D. Is desirable E. *Is the most common on the tip/side of the tongue 252. Trismus is best defined as what? A. A low grade infection B. A holiday in December C. Anesthesia that doesn't "wear off" D. *Trauma to muscles and/or blood vessels E. A flooding or pooling of blood 253. An epinephrine overdose reaction A. Usually requires formal management B. Requires placing the patient in a supine position C. *May manifest as anxiety or restlessness D. Minimally affects blood pressure and heart rate E. Indicates an epinephrine allergy 254. A patient suffering from local anesthetic overdose induced seizures should be given what? A. Oxygen only B. Glucose C. *Oxygen and diazepam D. Oxygen and epinephrine E. Oxygen and diphenhydramine 255. After administering topical Benzocaine 20% and 3% Mepivicaine with epinephrine 1:100,000, the patient complians of intense itching of the face and is feeling a tightening in the throat. What is most likely the cause of this reaction? A. The patient is experiencing psychogenic anxiety B. The anesthetic was injected too rapidly C. The patient is having a reaction to the epinephrine D. *The patient is allergic to the Benzocaine E. The patient is having an idiosyncratic reaction 256. All of the following are acceptable alternatives for an anesthetic-allergic patient except one, which is the exception? A. Hypnosis B. Electronic dental anesthesia C. *Use limited amounts of esters D. Use general anesthesia E. Use limited amounts of sterile Benadryl 257. All of the following patients represent a potential for a local anesthetic overdose except one, which is the exception? A. Pregnant women B. Patients with hepatitis C. *A marathon runner D. Highly anxious patients E. A sweet little child 258. If a patient has an allergy to esters, which of the following topical anesthetics should not be used? A. Lidocaine B. Denti-patch C. *Benzocaine D. Pressure E. Betadine 259. You administer 2% lidocaine with epinephrine 1:50,000 into the palate of your patient. Three days later, they call complaining of a large sore on the roof of their mouth. What is the sore MOST likely to be? A. Herpes simplex virus B. Aphthous ulcer C. Epithelial desquamation D. *Sterile abscess E. Necrotizing sialiometaplasia 260. Your patient is a 190 lb man. He was scheduled with the dentist prior to seeing you today. The dentist used 3 cartridges of 4% Articaine withe epinephrine 1:100,000. He is becoming sensitive during root planing and scaling. How many additional cartridges of 2% lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000 can he have? A. *2.3 B. 4.5 C. 7.3 D. 3.8 E. 1.9 261. The complex treatment of phlegmon of the floor of the mouth include: A. Radiation B. Sedative C. Manual D. Hypotensive E. *Antibacterial 262. The complex treatment of phlegmon of the floor of the mouth include: A. Radiation B. Sedative C. Manual D. Hypotensive E. *Detoxication 263. The complex treatment of phlegmon of the floor of the mouth include: A. Radiation B. Sedative C. Manual D. Hypotensive E. *Desensitizing 264. The complex treatment of phlegmon of the floor of the mouth include: A. Cryotherapy B. Chemotherapy C. *Physiotherapy D. Radiology E. Electrocoagulation 265. Complications of phlegmon of the floor of the mouth are: A. *Mediastinitis B. Meningoencephalitis C. Brain abscess D. Cicatricial underside of the upper lip E. Thrombosis of venous sinuses of the brain 266. When unfavorable course phlegmon of the floor of the mouth infection spreads: A. *In mediastinum B. In the subdural space C. In the parotid salivary gland D. In the pterygopalatine venous plexus E. In the venous sinuses of the brain 267. Sharp dehydration phlegmon at the floor of the mouth helps: A. Electrolyte imbalance B. Changes in the blood coagulation system C. Increased dieresis D. Renal failure E. *Inability fluid intake because of the dramatic swelling and pain in the tongue and floor of the mouth 268. On the day of treatment with phlegmon of the floor of the mouth should: A. *Expand septic foci B. Start acupuncture C. Make novocaine blockade D. Approve physiotherapy E. Enter intramuscular respiratory analeptics 269. Patient R., 58 years old, hospitalized in the maxillofacial department with a diagnosis of odontogenic abscess of the floor of the mouth. In a matter of urgency an operation opening phlegmon. Select the optimal amount of complex drug therapy. A. Antibacterial, detoxification therapy, symptomatic treatment. B. Antibacterial, detoxification, restorative therapy, vitamin therapy. C. Detoxication therapy, vitamin therapy, symptomatic treatment. D. Antibacterial, restorative therapy, vitamin therapy, symptomatic treatment. E. *Antibacterial, detoxification, restorative therapy, vitamin therapy, symptomatic treatment. 270. Functional impairment in Ludwig's angina are A. In ptosis B. In hyposalivation C. In the lingual nerve paresis D. *Difficulty swallowing and breathing E. In paresis of the third branch of the trigeminal nerve 271. In the complex therapy of Ludwig's angina included A. Radiotherapy B. Sedative Therapy C. Manual therapy D. Antihypertensive therapy E. *Detoxication therapy 272. In the complex therapy of Ludwig's angina included A. Radiotherapy B. Sedative Therapy C. Manual therapy D. Antihypertensive therapy E. *Antibiotic Therapy 273. The complex includes the treatment of Ludwig's angina: A. *HBO therapy B. Cryotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Radiology E. Electrocoagulation 274. In an unfavorable course of Ludwig's angina early complication is A. *Mediastenitis B. Xerostomia C. Salivary fistula D. Scar contracture E. Paralysis of the facial nerve 275. In an unfavorable course of Ludwig's angina early local complication is: A. Xerostomia B. Salivary fistula C. Cicatricial contracture D. Paralysis of the facial nerve E. *Stenosis of the upper respiratory tract 276. In an unfavorable course of angina Ludwig somatic complication is A. *Sepsis B. Xerostomia C. Salivary fistula D. Scar contracture E. Paralysis of the facial nerve 277. On the day of treatment in Ludwig's angina necessary A. *Expand septic foci B. Start acupuncture C. Make anesthetic blockade D. Approve physiotherapy E. Enter intramuscular respiratory analeptics 278. In an unfavorable course of Ludwig's angina infection spreads A. *In the mediastinum B. In the parotid salivary gland C. In the venous sinuses of the brain D. In the wing- palatine venous plexus E. In the temporal area 279. The complex treatment of abscess of the peripharyngeal space included: A. Radiotherapy B. Sedative Therapy C. Manual therapy D. Antihypertensive therapy E. *Antibiotic Therapy 280. The complex treatment of abscess of the peripharyngeal space included: A. Radiotherapy B. Sedative Therapy C. Manual therapy D. Antihypertensive therapy E. *Detoxication therapy 281. The complex treatment of abscess of the peripharyngeal space included A. *HBO therapy B. Cryotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Radiology E. Electrocoagulation 282. The complex treatment of abscess of the peripharyngeal space included A. Cryotherapy B. Chemotherapy C. *Physiotherapy D. Radiology E. Electrocoagulation 283. Early local complications abscess of the peripharyngeal space is A. Salivary fistula B. Brain abscess C. Cicatricial eversion of the lower lip D. *Stenosis of the upper respiratory tract E. Thrombosis of the sinuses of brain 284. When unfavorable course of the peripharyngeal space abscess infection spreads A. In the buccal area B. In the wing- palate hole C. *In the posterior mediastinum D. In tissue floor of the mouth E. In the parotid salivary gland 285. When unfavorable course of the peripharyngeal space abscess infection spreads A. In the buccal region B. In the wing- palate hole C. In tissue floor of the mouth D. In the parotid salivary gland E. *In the wing- jaw space 286. Patient B., 65 years old, was taken to the hospital maxillofacial surgery department in serious condition with multiple phlegmon cellular spaces in the area of the left mandible. The doctor decided to hold a patient preoperative medical therapy. Is it necessary preoperative medical therapy in acute inflammatory processes and, if necessary, then what? A. No right answer. B. There is no need. C. The required antibiotics based on individual tolerability and given antibiogram, antiseptic preparations. D. *Required, subject to hemodynamic: substances that normalize blood pressure, desintoxication therapy, antiseptic agents, diuretics. E. Necessary, considering hemodynamic: substances that normalize blood pressure. 287. Patient D., 50 years old was delivered to the clinic of maxillofacial surgery in serious condition with multiple phlegmon cellular spaces in the area of the left mandible. The doctor decided to hold a patient preoperative medical therapy. Is it necessary preoperative medical therapy in acute inflammatory processes and, if necessary, then what? A. No right answer. B. There is no need. C. The required antibiotics based on individual tolerability and given antibiogram, antiseptic preparations. D. *Required, subject to hemodynamic: substances that normalize blood pressure, des intoxication therapy, antiseptic agents, diuretics. E. Necessary, considering hemodynamic: substances that normalize blood pressure. 288. Serious complications after abscesses of the lower parts of the face are: A. Mumps B. *Mediastenitis C. Paresis of the facial nerve D. Haematoma of the soft tissues E. Thrombosis of the sinuses of brain 289. For the generalization of infection required critical level of bacterial contamination: A. 100 strains of bacteria in 1 g of tissue. B. 1000 strains of microbes to 1 g of tissue. C. 10,000 strains of microbes to 1 g of tissue. D. *100,000 strains of bacteria in 1 g of tissue. E. 1000000 strains of microbes to 1 g of tissue. 290. Symptom Ravich- Shcherbo is characterised to: A. Phlegmons of the floor of the mouth. B. Pneumonia. C. *Mediastenitis. D. Sepsis. E. Thrombosis of cavernous sinus. 291. Symptom of Gerke is: A. Emergence Pastosity in the area of the sternum. B. Swelling and crepitus in the jugular notch. C. Involvement in hollow areas sternal notch insufficiently. D. *Increased retrosternal pain when lag head. E. Increased retrosternal pain in displacement of neurovascular bundle of the neck up to the top 292. Symptom Ivanov is: A. Emergence Pastosity in the area of the sternum. B. Swelling and crepitus in the jugular valves. C. Involvement of jugular hollow area during inspiration. D. Increased retrosternal pain when lag head. E. *Increased retrosternal pain associated with displacement of the neurovascular bundle of the neck up to the top 293. Jugular symptom of Ravich- Shcherbo is: A. Emergence Pastosity in the area of the sternum. B. Swelling and crepitus in the jugular valves. C. *The involvement of the jugular hollow area during inspiration. D. Increased retrosternal pain when lag head. E. Increased retrosternal pain in displacement neurovascular bundle of the neck up to the top 294. In passive bias enhanced retrosternal tracheal pain, dyspnea and dysphagia. This symptom is: A. Popov. B. Gerke. C. Ivanov. D. Ravich- Shcherbo. E. *Rutenburg – Revutskyy 295. Primary delayed suture is: A. Seam applied to purulent wound during prosection purulent focus. B. *The seam imposed on a purulent wound during surgical treatment (prosection suppurative focus), but tightened after 24 - 72 hours at remitting of clinical signs of inflammation or weld overlay 2 - 7 days after surgery (prosection abscess). C. Seam overlay 8 - 10 days after surgery. D. Seam overlay 8 - 14 days after surgery, after previous excision of granulation. E. Seam overlay 8 - 14 days after surgery without prior excision of granulation. 296. Early secondary suture is: A. Seam overlay 2 - 7 days after surgery (prosection abscess). B. Seam overlay 8 - 14 days after surgery, after previous excision of granulation. C. *Seam overlay 8 - 14 days after surgery without prior excision of granulation. D. Seam imposed on 15 - 30 days after surgery (prosection abscess). E. Seam overlay 8 - 10 days after surgery. 297. Late secondary suture is: A. Seam imposed on 15 - 30 days after surgery (prosection abscess). B. Seam overlay 8 - 14 days after surgery, after previous excision of granulation. C. Seam overlay 8 - 14 days after surgery without prior excision of granulation. D. *Seam imposed on 15 - 30 days after surgery (prosection abscess) after previous excision of granulation, scarring and mobilize the wound edges E. Seam overlay 8 - 10 days after surgery. 298. The choice of location and direction of incision abscesses and phlegmon depends on: A. From the general condition of the patient. B. From the patient's age. C. *From localization. D. The state of immunity. E. From the data of biochemical blood tests. 299. Odontogenic sepsis pathogens most often: A. Stafilococcus B. Streptococcus C. Meningococcus D. Pneumococci E. *Anaerobes, stafilococcus 300. Symptom Gerke characteristic for: A. Phlegmons of the floor of the mouth. B. Pneumonia. C. *Mediastenitis. D. Sepsis. E. Thrombosis of cavernous sinus. 301. In odontogenic phlegmon source of infection is: A. *Causal tooth B. Inflammatory lymph node C. Traumatic factor D. Myositis of m. maseter E. Allergic reaction to the anesthetic 302. Cellulitis of the floor of the mouth is characterized by the following features except: A. *Hearing loss B. Pale cyanotic skin tone C. Puffiness face D. Presence of infiltration in the submandibular area and submental E. Dryness of the tongue 303. Which inflammatory diseases of soft tissues of the face corresponding to this clinical picture: puffiness of the face pale-cyanotic color of skin, both under mandibular and submental sites available dense and blurred infiltrate sublingual ridges and fringed folds swollen, forming of a "second" tongue? A. Abscess of the hyoid area B. Abscess of the tongue C. Abscess of the jaw- tongue groove D. Sublingual abscess roller E. *Abscess of the floor of the mouth 304. Patient K., 40 years old, appealed with complaints of pain in swallowing that irradiates to the ear, fever up to 40°C, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing lumps. On examination of the oral cavity: a bright asymmetry of the throat due to infiltration of the wall of the pharynx, the palatine arches and left soft palate, tongue edema. What disease can be diagnosed in a patient? A. Unilateral sore throat B. Ludwig's angina C. Abscess of the pterygoid -mandibular space D. No correct answer E. *Peripharyngeal space abscess 305. Early local complications in Zhansul Ludwig angina are: A. *Stenosis of the upper airway B. Sepsis C. Thrombosis of venous sinuses of the brain D. Paralysis of the facial nerve E. Salivary fistula 306. The patient was diagnosed phlegmon of the peripharyngeal space. What is the treatment for this disease? A. Surgery B. Conservative C. *Combinations D. Does not require treatment E. All the answers are correct 307. Complications of Zhansul Ludwig angina are: A. *Sepsis B. Stenosis of the upper airway C. Paralysis of the facial nerve D. All answers are correct E. Scar contracture 308. In Zhansul Ludwig angina can affects cellular spaces A. Parotid- masticatory area B. Buccal area C. During mandibular space D. *Peripharyngeal space E. Pharyngeal - maxillary space 309. Synonymous with purulent- necrotic phlegmon floor of the mouth A. Angina Dupiitren B. *Zhansul Ludwig angina C. Pirogov angina D. Coker angina E. Berger angina 310. In what specialists should be treated the patients with a diagnosis of cavernous hemangioma? A. *Oncologist B. Phthisiologists C. Dermatovenerologist D. Psychiatrist E. Proctologist 311. In what specialists should be treated the patients with a diagnosis of chylangioma? A. *Oncologist B. Phthisiologists C. Dermatovenerologist D. Psychiatrist E. Proctologist 312. In what specialists should be treated the patients with a diagnosis of neurofibromas? A. *Oncologist B. Phthisiologists C. Dermatovenerologist D. Psychiatrist E. Proctologist 313. The structure of the soft tissue hemangiomas are: A. Capillary, flat, senile; B. Branched, cluster, racemose; C. *Capillary, branched, cavernous, mixed; D. Capillary, branched, cystic; E. Capillary, cystic, cavernous. 314. Describe capillary hemangioma of soft tissue: A. *In a flat, doughy swelling of the soft tissues of bright red or bluish color when clicked color fades, painless on palpation; B. In a multiple nodular protrusion blue- purple color, pulsing, tilted head increase in size, painless on palpation, as a solitary tumor sites, soft, easily compressed, is flebolity, painless on palpation. C. In a solitary tumor sites, soft, easily compressed that is flebolity, painless on palpation. D. In a single protrusion bluish color, painless on palpation. E. In a solitary tumor nodules present flebolity, painful on palpation. 315. Describe cavernous hemangioma of the soft tissues: A. In a flat, soft tissue swelling pasty bright red or bluish color when clicked color fades, painless on palpation; B. As multiple nodular protrusion blue- purple color, pulsing, at an inclination of the head increases in size, painless on palpation; C. *As a solitary tumor sites, mild, such that easily compressed is flebolity, painless on palpation. D. In a single protrusion bluish color, painless on palpation. E. In a solitary tumor nodules present flebolity, painful on palpation 316. What is not used for the sclerosing treatment of hemangioma located in the deep soft tissues: A. 70 ° ethanol; B. 20% solution of sodium chloride; C. 65 % glucose; D. *Liquid nitrogen; E. Prednisolone. 317. Chylangioma in structure is: A. Capillary, flat, senile; B. Branched, cluster, racemose; C. Capillary, branched, cavernous, mixed; D. Capillary, cystic, cavernous, light; E. *Capillary, cystic, cavernous. 318. In what period of life chylangioma most often intense increases in the size? A. In the first months after birth; B. *In the early years; C. 3 to 7 years; D. From 8 to 14 years; E. Puberty 319. Characteristic of chylangioma: A. Has a thick capsule; B. Has a thin capsule; C. *Has no capsule. D. Has a fibrous capsule E. Has capsule, which varies in size. 320. Borders of chylangioma: A. *Has clear boundaries; B. Has a relatively clear boundaries; C. Has no clear boundaries. D. Has no limits. E. Has a shell. 321. Define lymphedema: A. Tissue swelling; B. *Tissue swelling caused by lymphostasis; C. Tissue swelling due to venous congestion. D. Condition caused by increased lymph E. Condition caused by venous congestion. 322. How is called a vascular tumor that grows from the endothelial walls of the blood vessels? A. *Anhyoendotelioma; B. Anhyopericytoma; C. Hemangioma; D. Hemanhiosarkoma. E. Chylangioma 323. How is called a vascular tumor that grows on the outer walls of the blood vessels? A. Anhyoendotelioma; B. *Anhyopericytoma; C. Hemangioma; D. Hemfanhiosarkoma. E. Chylangioma 324. Describe, neurofibromatosis - is: A. Disease characterized by the presence of multiple neurofibromas; B. *Disease characterized by the presence of multiple neurofibromas, nevrinom, hemangiomas and lymphangitis; C. Disease characterized by the presence of isolated neurofibromas, nevrinom. D. Disease characterized by the presence of multiple nevrinom, hemodektom, hanhlionevrom. E. Disease characterized by the presence of isolated neurofibromas. 325. What is a neuroma? A. Malignant tumor; B. Benign tumor; C. *Tumor-like neoplasm. D. Inflammation process. E. Precancerous condition. 326. What artery do you need to press during surgery of removal of the upper lip hemangioma? A. *Labial B. Facial C. Upward palate D. Descending palate E. Buccal 327. To benign tumors of vascular tissues include: A. *Hemangioma; chylangioma; B. Leiomyoma; C. Neuromas; D. Fibroids; E. Fibroma, chondroma. 328. Hemangiomas of the soft tissues are divided into: A. Capillary, flat, senile; B. Branched, cluster, racemose; C. *Capillary, branched, cavernous, mixed; D. Capillary, branched, cystic; E. Capillary, cystic, cavernous. 329. Give a description of capillary hemangioma of the soft tissues: A. *In a flat, doughy swelling of the soft tissues of bright red or bluish color when clicked color fades, painless on palpation B. In a multiple nodular protrusion blue- purple color, pulsing, tilted head, increases in size, painless on palpation, as a solitary tumor sites, soft, easily compressed, is flebolity. C. In a solitary tumor sites, soft, easily compressed that is flebolity, painless on palpation. D. In a single protrusion bluish color, painless on palpation. E. In a solitary tumor nodules present flebolity, painful on palpation. 330. Give a description of cavernosal soft tissue hemangiomas: A. In a flat, doughy swelling of the soft tissues of bright red or bluish color when clicked color fades, painless on palpation; B. As multiple nodular protrusion blue- purple color, pulsing, at an inclination of the head increases in size, painless on palpation; C. *As a solitary tumor sites, mild, such that easily compressed is flebolity, painless on palpation. D. In as single protrusion bluish color, painless on palpation. E. In as a solitary tumor nodules present flebolity, painful on palpation 331. In which tissues are often observed hemangioma? A. *Skin, mucosa, submucosa and soft tissues. B. In the bone. C. In the nervous tissue. D. Connective tissue E. All the answers are correct. 332. Color of arterial hemangioma? A. Cyanotic B. Rose C. *Scarlet D. The pale pink E. Crimson 333. Color of venous hemangioma? A. *Cyanotic B. Rose C. Scarlet D. The pale pink E. Crimson. 334. During tilted the head and the physical voltage the size of the hemangioma: A. Decreases B. *Increases C. Unchanged D. Differently E. Periodically increases and decreases. 335. For what hemangiomas is it typical the pulse? A. Venous B. Arterial and venous C. *Arterial D. Mixed E. Capillary 336. What hemangioma in their appearance reminiscent of the "sponge"? A. Mixed B. *Capillary C. Cavernous D. Branch E. All the answers are correct. 337. With a cavity filled with blood composed hemangiomas: A. Capillary. B. *Cavernous C. Branch D. Mixed E. All answers are correct 338. In what hemangiomas can occur phlebitis? A. Capillary B. *Venous C. Arterial D. Arterial and venous E. All are correct 339. Hemangioma is: A. *Tumor B. Organ C. Vessel D. Gland E. All are correct 340. From what does hemangioma develop? A. Bone B. Connective tissue C. Muscle D. Epithelium E. *Blood vessels 341. At what age is most often observed hemangioma? A. *0-3 years B. 10-20 years C. 20-30 years D. 30-40 years E. 50-60 years 342. In what tissues is it the most rarely possible to observe hemangioma? A. Epidermis B. Soft tissues C. Mucosa D. Connective tissue E. *Bone 343. Chylangioma is A. *Tumor B. Organ C. Vessel D. Gland E. All are correct 344. When a puncture of which tumor do we get the light fluid, sometimes muddy with blood? A. Hygroma. B. Lipoma C. *Chylangioma D. Fibroma. E. Neurofibromas 345. From which tissue does develop the neurofibromas? A. Bone B. Connective tissue C. Muscle D. Epithelium E. *Nervous tissue 346. Synonym of the ossifying fibroma of the jaw include: A. Osteoma; B. Fibroma; C. *Fibroosteoma; D. Compact osteoma; E. Cancellous osteoma; 347. Clinically ossifying fibroma of the jaw occurs as: A. Osteoma; B. Fibroma; C. *Fibrous osteodysplasia; D. Osteosarcoma; E. Chondrosarcoma; 348. Radiological ossifying fibroma resembles: A. *Residual cyst; B. Spines; C. Osteosarcoma; D. Hondrosarcoma; E. Exostosis. 349. What is the difference between the X-ray of the ossifying fibroma and fibrous osteo dysplasia? When ossified fibroma there are: A. *Focal lesions of the jaw with a clearly defined capsule; B. There are multiple jaw lesions with distinct borders; C. There spicules - bone performances; D. Must have a sequestration of at least 1 cm; E. No thinning of bone tissue, but only its seal. 350. Osteodysplasia - is: A. *The defect of bone tissue caused by stopping, slowing or bone changes at a certain stage of embryonic development or postnatal; B. Pathological process characterized functional and structural changes of individual sections of the skeleton caused by violation of trophic bone due to insufficient income or nutrient absorption; C. Abnormalities of bones. D. Metabolic minerals E. Malabsorption of vitamin D and calcium 351. What is osteodystrophy: A. Malformation of bone tissue caused by stopping, slowing or perversion of bone formation at a certain stage of embryonic or postnatal development; B. *The pathological process characterized functional and structural changes of individual sections of the skeleton caused by violation of trophic bone vnaslidoknedostatnosti receipt or nutrient absorption; C. Abnormalities of bones. D. Malabsorption of vitamin D and calcium E. Violation of metabolism minerals 352. By osteodysplasia not include: A. Fibrous osteodysplasia; B. Deforming ostoz (Paget's disease); C. Heruvizm; D. Albright 's disease; E. *Acromegaly; 353. Heruvizm - is: A. Monoossal fibrous osteodysplasia; B. *Poliossal fibrous osteodysplasia. C. Osteodystrophy D. Osteoporosis E. Osteohonroz 354. Albright 's disease - is: A. Monoossal fibrous osteodysplasia; B. *Poliossal fibrous osteodysplasia. C. Osteoporosis D. Osteohonroz E. Monoossal fibrous osteodystrophy 355. Does soft tissues involved in the pathological process in fibrous osteodysplasia? A. *Does not involved; B. Involved; C. Sometimes. D. Connective tissue is involved only E. Drawn only epithelial tissue 356. Deforming ostoz (Paget's disease) is: A. *The disease is characterized by the deformation of the femoral and tibial bones of the spine with severe hyperostosis, thickening and curvature of the bone, and there is a thickening of the zygomatic bone and chin retraction of the nose; B. Fibrous dysplasia of the mandible in the corners, which is hereditary; C. The disease, characterized by fibrotic foci osteodysplasia and hyperpigmentation of the skin, occurring against the backdrop of early puberty. D. Fibrous dysplasia of the mandible in the articular processes, which is hereditary E. The disease is characterized by bone deformities of the foot and hand 357. Cherubism - is: A. The disease is characterized by the deformation of the femoral and tibial bones of the spine with severe hyperostosis, bone thickening and distorted, and there is a thickening of the zygomatic bone and chin retraction of the nose; B. * Fibrous dysplasia of the mandible in the corners, which is hereditary; C. The disease, characterized by fibrotic foci osteodysplasia and hyperpigmentation of the skin, occurring against the backdrop of early puberty. D. The disease is characterized by bone deformities of the foot and hand E. Fibrous dysplasia of the mandible in the articular processes, which is hereditary 358. Albright 's disease - is: A. The disease is characterized by the deformation of the femoral and tibial bones of the spine with severe hyperostosis, bone thickening and distorted, and there is a thickening of the zygomatic bone and chin retraction of the nose; B. Fibrous dysplasia of the mandible in the corners, which is hereditary; C. *The disease, characterized by fibrotic cells osteodysplasia and hyperpigmentation of the skin, occurring against the backdrop of early puberty. D. Fibrous dysplasia of the mandible in the articular processes, which is hereditary E. The disease is characterized by bone deformities of the foot and hand 359. When there is cherubism, the face deformation of the age: A. Do not change, ie is expressed; B. Increases; C. *Decreases. D. Progressing E. There is no correct answer 360. Dysostosis - is: A. Deformity of bone tissue caused by stopping, slowing or bone changes at a certain stage of embryonic or postnatal development; B. A pathological process characterized functional and structural changes of individual sections of the skeleton caused by violation of trophic bone due to insufficient income or nutrient absorption; C. *Abnormalities of bones. D. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism E. Violation of protein metabolism 361. Maxillo- facial dysostosis syndrome (Franchesketti - Tsvalena) is characterized by: A. *Hypoplasia of the mandible and zygomatic bones in violation of tooth deformity of ears and macrostomia ("fish" or "bird" face); B. Hypoplasia of the maxilla and zygomatic arches, combined with progeny and shortening of the anterior skull base; C. The combination of skull bones hypoplasia with premature closure of cranial sutures, orbital hypertelorism, hypoplasia of the middle zone of the face, nasal septum deformity, malocclusion and palate deformities. D. Increasing the size of the mandible E. Increasing the size of the upper and lower jaw and shortening of the anterior skull base. 362. Oral dysostosis syndrome (Peters - Hevelsa) is characterized by: A. Hypoplasia of the mandible and zygomatic bones in violation of tooth deformity of ears and macrostomia ("fish" or "bird" face); B. *Hypoplasia of the maxilla and zygomatic arches, combined with progeny and shortening of the anterior skull base; C. The combination of skull bones hypoplasia with premature closure of cranial sutures, orbital hypertelorism, hypoplasia of the middle zone of the face, nasal septum deformity, malocclusion and palate deformities. D. Increasing the size of the upper and lower jaw and shortening of the anterior skull base; E. Increasing the size of the mandible 363. Craniofacial dysostosis syndrome (Kruzona) is characterized by: A. Hypoplasia of the mandible and zygomatic bones in violation of tooth deformity of ears and macrostomia ("fish" or "bird" face); B. Hypoplasia of the maxilla and zygomatic arches, combined with progeny and shortening of the anterior skull base; C. *The combination of skull bones hypoplasia with premature closure of cranial sutures, orbital hypertelorism, hypoplasia of the middle zone of the face, nasal septum deformity, malocclusion and palate deformities. D. Increasing the size of the mandible E. Increasing the size of the upper and lower jaw and shortening of the anterior skull base 364. Acromegaly - a disease that belongs to which group osteodystrophy? A. Toxic; B. Ceylon; C. *Endocrine; D. Angioneurotrophic. E. Allergic 365. What osteodystrophy may occur in thyrotoxicosis? A. Toxic; B. Alimentary; C. *Endocrine; D. Angioneurotrophic. E. Allergic 366. What osteodystrophy may occur in hypothyroidism? A. Toxic; B. Alimentary; C. *Endocrine; D. Angioneurotrophic. E. Allergic 367. When using what drugs may arise osteodystrophy? A. Antibiotics; B. Sulfonamides; C. *Local anesthetics; D. Corticosteroids; E. Adjuvants. 368. Parathyroid osteodystrophy - a osteodystrophy: A. Toxic; B. Alimentary; C. *Endocrine; D. Angioneurotrophic. E. Allergic 369. In the maxillofacial department asked mother of a 3 months aged girl complaining of the presence of the child's tumor of the upper lip and left cheek, deformation fabrics and cyanosis of the skin in this area. Tumor increases. Objective: asymmetry in the face by a tumor of the left cheek and upper lip, the skin of which has a cyanotic color. Symptom of content is positive. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Cherubism B. Cyst of the soft tissues C. Fibroma D. Neurofibromatosis E. *Hemangioma 370. For which a vascular tumor is the characteristic of systolic murmur: A. Cavernous chylangioma B. Capillary hemangioma C. Cavernous hemangioma D. Normal chylangioma E. *Pampiniform (branch) hemangioma 371. In the patient 50 years old on the lower lip there is circular shape to 1.0 cm in diameter tumor with clear boundaries. The mucous membrane of the formation of a cyanotic hue. During palpation painless tumor, soft texture, slightly above the level of the mucous membrane of the lower lip. Regional lymph nodes were not palpable. Click diagnosis: A. Papilloma lower lip B. *Retention cyst of the lower lip C. Hemangioma of the lower lip D. Fibroma of the lower lip E. Chylangioma lower lip. 372. The patient appealed with complaints of swelling in the region of the mandible on the right side. OBJECTIVE: swelling in the region of 47, 48 teeth, mucous membrane over them do not change. On radiographs - destruction of bone in the form of multiple foci dilution with clear contours in the region of 47, 48 teeth, which extend to the corner of the jaw. Click diagnosis: A. Hemangioma jaw B. Eosinophilic granuloma of the jaw C. Follicular cyst of jaw D. *Ameloblastoma of the jaw E. Fibrous osteodystrophy of the jaw. 373. Patient 35 years old appealed with complaints about the presence of tumor in the region of the tip of the tongue, she injures the teeth and periodically increases and decreases. Neoplasms is round shape with a diameter of 0.5 cm, with clear boundaries, a broad-based, the color is different from the color of the mucous membrane of the tongue. Click diagnosis: A. Lipoma of the tongue B. Abscess of the tongue C. *Papilloma of the tongue D. Hemanhiofibroma of the tongue E. Fibroma of the tongue. 374. Mother of a child 4 months aged complaining about red spots on her face, which was a month ago, is increasing. On examination, the left infraorbital area red spot on the skin is not bulging. There is a symptom of devastation. Your preliminary diagnosis: A. Warty nevus B. Cavernous hemangioma C. *Vascular nevus D. Pigmented nevus E. Capillary hemangioma. 375. In a child 3 years old a week after the injury appeared the tumor neoplasm on the oral mucosa of the lower lip with rounded form, painless, soft, bluish color, with a diameter of 8 mm. Click the diagnosis: A. *Retention cysts of the small salivary gland B. Hemangioma of the lower lip C. Chylangioma of the lower lip D. Small adenoma of the salivary gland E. Fibroma of the lower lip. 376. In the 7 years old boy after an injury that he received 6 months ago, on the mucosa of the lower lip appeared the formation with rounded form, 1 cm in diameter, with clear boundaries. The color of the mucous membrane of the formation - blue. During palpation of the formation of soft consistency and painless. Regional lymph nodes were not enlarged. Clinical blood and urine tests within age norms. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Myxoma of the lower lip B. Papilloma lower lip C. Fibroma of the lower lip D. *Retention cysts of small salivary gland E. Hemangioma of the lower lip 377. To the dental surgeon asked parents of 3 years old boy, complaining of the presence of tumor in the brow area. Objective: the right eyebrow area revealed tumor size 2x3 cm softelastic texture, rounded shape. The skin over the tumor is not changed and is not soldered to it. During puncture revealed mushy mass of white. Click the diagnosis: A. Bifida B. *Dermoid cyst of the right eyebrow area C. Chylangioma of the right brow area D. Atheroma of the right brow area E. Hemangioma of the right eyebrow area. 378. Parents of children 1,5 years old turned to the clinic complaining of increasing a child's tongue, breach meals. These disorders are born. OBJECTIVE: general condition was normal girls. Tongue enlarged (macroglossia). Mucosa - grainy cystiform grow. Tongue thick, smooth during palpation. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Hemangioma of the tongue B. *Chylangioma tongue C. Fibroma of the tongue D. Cyst tongue E. Cancer of the tongue 379. The patient was a girl aged 9 years complaining about the presence of tumor formation in the area of the mucous membrane of the left cheek. OBJECTIVE: cheek mucosa of normal color. In the distal existing tumor rounded, slightly elongated, pedunculated, soft texture, elastic. Dimensions - 0,5 x0, 7 cm your preliminary diagnosis: A. Hemangioma B. Lipoma C. *Papilloma D. Pleomorfna adenoma E. Fibroma 380. In the maxillofacial department asked mother of a girl aged 3 months with complaints about the presence of the child's tumor of the upper lip and left cheek, deformation fabrics and cyanosis of the skin in this area. Tumor increases. OBJECTIVE: asymmetry in the face by a tumor of the left cheek and upper lip, the skin of which has a cyanotic color. Symptom of the content is positive. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Cherubism B. Cyst soft tissue C. Fibroma D. Neurofibromatosis E. *Hemangioma 381. Mother turned to the clinic with a child 3 years old of complaints about the presence of pigmented spots on the left cheek, which increased. Objective: the skin is coffee shade, densely covered with dark hair color, tumor boundaries are clear. Set the correct diagnosis. A. Melanoma of the left buccal area B. Hemangioma of the left buccal area C. *Pigmented nevus of the left buccal area D. Haematoma of the left buccal area E. Atheroma of the left buccal area 382. Benign tumor that occurs on the basis of congenital malformations of blood vessels is: A. *Hemangioma B. Lipoma C. Papilloma D. Nevus E. Fibroma 383. In the boy aged 2 months is determined the swelling of the tissues in the upper third part of the neck and the left submandibular triangle that exists from birth and slowly increasing. The consistency is soft, painless palpation. The boundaries are fuzzy, bumpy surface. Formation slightly shifted relative to the surrounding tissues. The skin of the formation is not cemented, the color is not changed, has underlined vascular pattern. Set the clinical diagnosis: A. *Chylangioma the left side of the neck and the left submandibular area B. Hemangioma neck and left submandibular area C. Retention cyst of the left submandibular gland saliva D. Chronic lymphadenitis submandibular area E. Acute serous submaxillitis. 384. Girl 12 years old, complains of tumor in the left parotid region. Objectively: a skin under the tumor-like neoplasm is dark red, size 5x3 cm, soft elastic consistency, exploding above the skin, palpation painless symptom compression for positive content. Tilted head tumors significantly increased in size. What is the most probable preliminary diagnosis? A. *Cavernous hemangioma of the parotid area B. Branch hemangioma of the parotid area C. Cyst of the parotid salivary gland D. Capillary hemangioma of the parotid area E. Chylangioma parotid area 385. A child, 8 years old, turned to the doctor complaining of the presence of a smooth round shape formation under the tongue to the left. Accidentally noticed about a month ago. On examination: the left under the tongue, deep in the soft tissues of the floor of the mouth turns round shape formation up to 2.0 cm in diameter, soft consistency, painless on palpation, mucous membrane over it a grayish- blue color. Who is the most likely diagnosis. A. *Ranula left B. Dermoid cyst on the left C. Epidermoid cyst of the left D. Chylangioma floor of the mouth E. Hemangioma floor of the mouth 386. In the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery entered parents of a child aged 1 month complain of the presence of tumor formation. OBJECTIVE: the child in the right corner of the mouth is determined tumor formation irregularly shaped, up to 1 cm in diameter. The skin over the formation of purple color is determined by the positive symptom content. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. *Cavernous hemangioma in the right corner of the mouth; B. Cavernous chylangioma in the right corner of the mouth; C. Fibroma in the right corner of the mouth; D. Papilloma in the right corner of the mouth; E. Fibroids in the right corner of the mouth. 387. Mother of a child 1,5 years old complaining about the presence of tumor on child's right cheek. Tumors appeared a few months after birth. On examination: on the skin of the right cheek is dark red tumor size 1.5-2.0 cm, painless, decreases when pressed. Your diagnosis? A. *Cavernous hemangioma B. Simple hemangioma C. Racemose hemangioma D. Vascular nevus E. Chylangioma 388. The girl is 1 month. Mother complaints in red growths on the upper lip, which noted immediately after birth, grows rapidly. OBJECTIVE: general condition is satisfactory, asymmetrical face due to abnormal growths on the upper lip reddish -bluish color size 1x1 cm, extends to the mucous membrane of the lips. Symptom of the content is positive. Your diagnosis? A. *Cavernous hemangioma B. Congenital achromous nevus C. Retention cysts D. Traumatic blow lips E. Capillary hemangioma 389. Mother of a 3 months child complaines on the presence of the red spots on the skin of the left cheek. OBJECTIVE: general condition is satisfactory, the skin of the left cheek stain is defined red irregular shape size 1x1, 5 cm painless on palpation. Clicking the color disappears. Your preliminary diagnosis? A. *Simple hemangioma B. Cavernous hemangioma C. Racemose hemangioma D. Vascular nevus E. Chylangioma 390. To the dentist asked a girl 15 years old with complaints of minor mobility 46, 47 teeth and frequent bleeding from the gums around the teeth indicated with meals and cleaning. OBJECTIVE: mucous membrane in the region of 45, 46 teeth flushed, has a pronounced vein pattern. Reported teeth moving (1 degree). Interdental papilla moderately hypertrophied, bleed easily. On radiographs half of the mandible in lateral projection defined irregular thinning of bone tissue in the body in the projection 44 to 47 teeth. The center has clear contours. Select the preliminary diagnosis: A. *Intraosseous hemangioma of the mandible B. Radicular cyst of the mandible of 45, 46 tooth C. Osteoblastoklastoma mandible D. Fibrous dysplasia of the mandible E. Ameloblastoma mandible 391. Parents of the boy at the age of 3 weeks, complaine on the red spots on the skin of the right cheek, round form, which has existed since the birth. OBJECTIVE: on the skin of the right cheek is the neoplasm 2 cm in diameter, smooth surface stains, no rises above the surrounding tissue, the symptom – filling-emptying is positive. Add a possible diagnosis. A. *Capillary hemangioma B. Flat nevus C. Cavernous hemangioma D. Tuberiferous nevus E. Chylangioma. 392. In patients aged 50 years old on the lower lip is formation circular shape to 1.0 cm in diameter with clear boundaries. The mucous membrane of the formation of a cyanotic hue. During the hour palpation formation painless, soft texture, slightly above the level of the mucous membrane of the lower lip. Regional lymph nodes were not palpable. Click diagnosis A. Papilloma lower lip B. Tuberiferous nevus C. Hemangioma of the lower lip D. Fibroma of the lower lip E. *There is no right answer. 393. In the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery enrolled a child at the age of 1 month. Parents complain on the presence of a tumor like growths. OBJECTIVE: the child in the right corner of the mouth is determined tumor formation irregularly shaped, up to 1 cm in diameter. The skin over the tumor purple color is determined by the positive symptom content. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. *Cavernous hemangioma in the area of right angle of the mouth; B. Chylangioma cavernous area in the right corner of his mouth; C. Fibroma in the area of right angle of the mouth; D. Papilloma in the area of right angle of the mouth; E. Fibroids in the area of the right corner of his mouth. 394. Mother turned to the clinic with a child 3 years old of complaints about the presence of pigmented spots on the left cheek, which is growing. OBJECTIVE: the skin is coffee shade, densely covered with dark hair color, tumor boundaries are clear. Set the correct diagnosis. A. Melanoma of the left buccal area B. Hemangioma of the left buccal area C. Atheroma of the left buccal area D. Haematoma of the left buccal area E. *Pigmented nevus of the left buccal area 395. For which of a vascular tumor as characteristic is systolic murmur: A. Cavernous chylangioma B. Capillary hemangioma C. Cavernous hemangioma D. Usual chylangioma E. *Pampiniform (branch) hemangioma? 396. In the maxillofacial department asked mother of a girl aged 3 months with complaints about the presence of the child's tumor of the upper lip and left cheek, deformation fabrics and cyanosis of the skin in this area. Tumor increases. OBJECTIVE: Facial asymmetry due to a tumor of the left cheek and upper lip, the skin of which has a cyanotic color. Symptom of the content is positive. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Cherubism B. Cyst soft tissue C. Fibroma D. Neurofibromatosis E. *Hemangioma 397. A patient with a red rim of the lower lip tumors available on the stem, 0.3 x0, 5 cm during palpation - painless. Preliminary diagnosis: A. *Papilloma. B. Hyperkeratosis C. Cutaneous horn D. Cheilitis E. Retention cysts. 398. For which a vascular tumor characterized by "systolic murmur"? A. Cavernous chylangioma B. Capillary hemangiom C. Cavernous hemangioma D. Normal chylangioma E. *Branch hemangioma. 399. Patient 28 years oldcomplained on the tumors in the region of the tip of the tongue, she injures the teeth and periodically increases and decreases. Neoplasms rounded form d = 0,4 cm clear boundaries on a broad basis, the color is different from the color of the mucous membrane of the tongue. Put the most likely diagnosis: A. Lipoma of the tongue B. Abscess of the tongue C. *Papilloma of the tongue D. Fibroma of the tongue E. Hemanhiofibroma of the tongue 400. From which tissue does develop the lipoma of facial tissues? A. *Subcutaneous adipose B. Muscle tissue C. Skin D. Vessel E. Neurotic. 401. What growth is characteristic to lipoma? A. *Slow and smooth B. Slow and painful C. Quick and painless D. Quick and painful E. Do not increase 402. The differential diagnosis of lipomas conduct with atheroma, the differences between is: A. *Atheroma soldered skin B. Symptom of fluctuation C. The characteristic fluid obtained by puncture D. After depress them by finger atheroma not pale, but retains its previous color E. There is no right answer 403. On radiographs hemangioma of the jaw is discovered: A. *Swelling of the jaw, small middle-alveolar picture, fuzzy cystic foci B. How cyst in which turned resolved tooth roots C. Many roundish cavities surrounded by smaller cavities D. Several rare cystic cavities E. One large cavity 404. To reactive papillomatosis include: A. Papillary hyperplasia of the palate and alveolar processes B. Nicotine papillomatosis palate C. Traumatic papillomatosis of the oral mucosa D. Rhomboid papillomatosis of the tongue E. *All answers are correct 405. Papillomas of the oral mucosa are: A. True B. Spurious C. Exophytic D. Endophytic E. *All answers are correct 406. On examination the patient dentist identified: deep in the cheeks neoplasm soft consistency, sedentary, not soldered to the skin and mucous membranes. Set preliminary diagnosis. A. *Lipoma B. Chylangioma C. Papilloma D. Fibroma E. Hemangioma 407. To nonosteogenic tumors not include: A. Hemangioma B. Hemanhioendotamioma C. *Holesteotoma D. Fibroma E. Myxoma 408. Patient has an asymmetry due to tumors of the upper lip on the left with clear boundaries. The skin over the tumor bluish tint, positive symptom compression and content. What is the diagnosis? A. Capillary hemangioma B. Branch hemangioma C. *Cavernous hemangioma D. Chylangioma E. Age spots 409. To nonosteogenic group of tumors of the jaws include: A. Hemangiomas B. Hemanhioendotelioma, neurolipoma C. Fibroma D. Myxoma E. *All answers are correct 410. To nonosteogenic tumor formation include: A. Haemangiomas B. *Holesteatoma C. Fiber D. Neurofibromas E. Mix 411. To reactive papillomatosis not include: A. *Papillary hyperplasia of the palate and alveolar processes. B. Nicotine papillomatosis palate C. Traumatic papillomatosis of the oral mucosa D. Rhomboid papillomatosis of the tongue E. There is no right answer 412. The patient, 19 years old turned with complaining on oral mucosa of the palate with a soft formation, elongated shape on the stem, 0.8 cm Color of the oral mucosa is not changed in the area of injury. Select the preliminary diagnosis: A. *Papilloma B. Lipoma C. Sarcoma D. Haemangioma E. Osteosarcoma 413. Patient 45 years old turned with complaining on discomfort while eating, talking on the cheek oral mucosa neoplasm of soft consistency, mobile, not soldered to the skin. It grows slowly and painlessly. Select the preliminary diagnosis: A. *Lipoma B. Hemangioma C. Epulis D. Papilloma E. Sarcoma 414. What group of similar entities jaw tumor include hemangioma: A. *By nonosteogenic benign tumors B. To nonodontogenic cancer C. To nonodontogenic benign tumors D. To benign odontogenic E. To odontogenic substandard 415. The cause of the parotid salivary gland fistula may include: A. Injuries. B. As a result of inflammation cancer. C. As a result of purulent processes in the cheeks. D. As a consequence of purulent processes in round - chewing region. E. *Everything listed above. 416. What is the average length of the parotid duct: A. 2,0 cm B. 8,0 cm C. 3,0 cm D. 10,0 cm E. *5,0 cm 417. Strait of parotid salivary gland opens on the oral mucosa of the mouth vestibule, which tooth: A. Fang. B. 1st premolar. C. 2nd premolar. D. *2 molar E. 3 molar. 418. In the strait of parotid gland distinguish sections: A. *Intra- glandular, gums, buccal, submucosa. B. Intra- glandular, buccal, muscle, submucosa. C. Submucosa, gums, buccal, extra-glandular. D. Intra- glandular, chewing muscle. E. Chewing, submucosa, extra-glandular. 419. What nerve does run through the parotid gland: A. Eye. B. *Facial. C. Hyoid. D. Maxillary. E. Vagus. 420. What is the average value of the diameter of the parotid duct: A. 0,5-1,0 mm. B. 1,5-2,0 mm. C. 1,0-1,5 mm. D. 1,5-2,0 mm. E. *2,0-3,0 mm. 421. Most often marked the lesions of: A. *Parotid glands. B. Sublingual salivary glands. C. Submaxillary salivary gland. D. Submaxillary and sublingual salivary glands. E. Minor salivary glands. 422. Intraoral horizontal section is isolated and cut off the fistula, isolated distal duct. Mucosa form lingulate flap and hold it in an external incision, and then filed in the central segment of the strait. By which method performed surgery salivary fistula closure foreign? A. Burov. B. Sapozhnikov. C. Limberg. D. *Vasiliev. E. Solntsev. 423. Plastic external fistula colliding triangle formed on the skin. By which method performed surgery of the salivary fistula closure foreign? A. *Vasilieva. B. Solntsev. C. Limberg. D. Sapozhnikov. E. Sjogren. 424. By oval cut isolated fistula orifice to a maximum depth of cut off. Make two punctures to the fascia and put round silk suture formed around the defect and tighten it tight. What are evaluated for operation outdoor salivary fistula closure? A. *Sapozhnikov. B. Limberg. C. Vasiliev. D. Burova. E. Nyuttnera. 425. Cuts fistula with scar in the form of a triangle, the triangle on the basis of conduct incision posteriorly, at the end of each line is similar to triangle cut out, but wrapped the foundation to the top, move the pieces and sew. What are evaluated for salivary fistula closure foreign? A. Limberg. B. *Burov. C. Sapozhnikov. D. Klottnera. E. Vasilieva. 426. Incomplete salivary fistula of the parotid gland turning the liquid is introduced through the external fistula: A. *Gets into the mouth through the mouth of the ductless. B. Does not penetrate into the oral cavity. C. Accumulates in the gland. D. You can not enter the liquid. E. Accumulates only in the fistula. 427. Incomplete salivary fistula of the parotid gland turning the fluid that is inserted through the mouth ductless: A. Not enters the external fistulas. B. *Fall in external fistulas. C. Accumulates along with zonishnoyu fistulas. D. Fall only in the mouth. E. Accumulates in the excretory duct. 428. Full salivary fistula resulting from: A. Expansion of the extraglandulus Strait. B. Extension of the intraglandulus Strait. C. Intraglandulus bend of the duct. D. Defect of the duct's wall. E. *Complete intersection or break duct. 429. Part salivary fistula resulting from: A. Complete intersection or break duct. B. *Defect of the duct's wall. C. Intraglandulus bend of the duct. D. Expansion of the extraglandulus Strait. E. Expansion intraglandulus of the duct. 430. When complete fistula saliva flowing from the damaged part of the cancer? A. Only through the mouth of the main duct. B. *Through external fistulas. C. Because the external fistula orifice and through the main duct. D. Saliva builds up and does not leak from the cavity formed. E. Not at all flows and accumulates in the parenchyma of the gland. 431. Incomplete fistulas as saliva flowing from the damaged part of the cancer? A. *Through external salivary fistula and through the mouth of the main duct. B. Only through external salivary fistula. C. Saliva builds up and does not leak from the cavity formed. D. Only through the mouth of the main duct. E. Not at all flows and accumulates in the parenchyma of the gland. 432. When the operation salivary fistula closure outer method Sapozhnikov, which discission isolated fistula orifice? A. *Oval. B. Triangular. C. Square. D. Trapezoidal. E. In a "swallow tail" 433. When the operation salivary fistula closure outer method Vasilieva, which discission isolated fistula orifice? A. Oval. B. Vertical extraoral. C. *Horizontal extraoral. D. Horizontal intraoral. E. Triangular. 434. Diagnosis of salivary fistula is made complete with: A. Panoramic radiography. B. *Sialography. C. CT scan. D. Radiography in the lateral projection. E. Radiography in nasal- submental projection. 435. Wharton duct used to be called: A. Strait parotid gland. B. *Strait submandibular gland. C. Common duct sublingual gland. D. Small duct sublingual gland. E. There is no right answer. 436. What is the average length of fistula's way? A. 0,5-1 cm B. *1,5-2 cm C. 2,5-3 cm D. 3,5-4 cm E. 2,5-4 cm 437. Voles are located in the lower parotid- masticatory area must be differentiated from: A. From chronic osteomyelitis. B. Chronic periodontitis. C. With a median fistula. D. On the lateral neck fistula. E. *With congenital fistula zhabernoyi side slit. 438. To determine the patency of salivary gland ducts conduct: A. Palpation. B. *Sensing. C. Sialography D. Review of the mouth of the strait. E. Surgery. 439. For inhibition of secretion of salivary glands, as well as when trying to close the fistula, causing adhesiveness effect of the wall, and after surgery injected under the skin or inside: A. *0,1% solution of atropine. B. 0,2% solution of atropine. C. 0,5% solution of atropine. D. 1,0% solution of atropine E. 0,1% glucose solution 440. In healthy people for an hour submandibular gland produces an average of about: A. 1 ml of unstimulated saliva. B. 6 ml of unstimulated saliva. C. *12 ml of unstimulated saliva. D. 24 ml of unstimulated saliva. E. 20 ml of unstimulated saliva. 441. Moving of two isosceles triangles suggested: A. Solnsev. B. *Limberg. C. Janelidze. D. Zykov. E. Kolokoltchev. 442. For closure of skin defects in the shape of simple geometric shapes, triangle, quadrangle, diamond, ellipse widely used scheme for the formation of flaps: A. Michelson. B. Limberg. C. *Szymanowski. D. Tirshe. E. Janelidze. 443. What form should be a section in the plastic colliding triangles: A. K: D B. M: N C. Z: M D. H: N E. *Z: N 444. Length three sections held to form a triangular flaps should be: A. *1:1:1 B. 1:2:1 C. 2:1:1 D. 2:2:1 E. 1:1:2 445. Dimensions flaps with plastic triangles are colliding: A. *Reflect the size of the defect B. Reflect half the face C. Be larger than the defect D. Be less than the defect E. Be 2 times larger than the defect. 446. When the plastic is needed to clearance of vessels in the flap was: A. Sprains. B. Constrict. C. Narrowed. D. *Usual size. E. Overdisplace. 447. The capsule of the parotid gland from the outside: A. Fine and spotty. B. Fine and continuous. C. Thick and spotty. D. *Thick and solid. E. Is divided into many parts and thin. 448. Patient addressed with complaints on the smooth tumor growths in the mandible. During palpation revealed symptom Runne - Dyupyuyitren. On radiographs - a site of destruction of bone tissue with sharp contours, located near the root of the tooth 36, size 2,0 x1, 5 cm What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Keratocyst of the mandible B. Osteoblastoklastoma of the mandible C. *Radicular cyst of the mandible D. Follicular cyst of the mandible E. Ameloblastoma of the mandible 449. During the clinical and radiographic examination, the patient was diagnosed maxillary radicular cyst from tooth 25, which sprouted in the maxillary sinus. Channels sealed to the top of the tooth. What treatment is indicated in this case: A. Resection of root apex "causal" tooth B. Cystectomy with removal of "causal" tooth C. Cystotomy D. Removal of "causal" tooth E. *Cystectomy with maxillary sinusotomy and resection of the root apex of "causal" tooth 450. Patient 24 years old complains about the presence of tumor in the region of the side of the neck on the right. Neoplasms first noticed 4 months ago, to the doctor did not apply. OBJECTIVE: asymmetry of the face due to tumors of the upper third of the right side of the neck. Palpable tumors observed painless rounded shape, size 3,0 x3, 5 cm compact-elastic texture, skin tumors over -tion in color is not changed, is taken into the fold. Neoplasms of the surrounding soft tissues are not soldered, located at the front edge of the course sternocleido-mastoideus muscle. During puncture resulting liquid light yellow viscous. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Cellulitis side of the neck B. *Lateral neck cyst C. Chronic lymphadenitis side of the neck D. Lipoma side of the neck E. Acute serous glandular side of the neck 451. A man 35 years old had sought complaining thickening of alveolar bone of the upper jaw. Preliminary diagnosis: radicular cyst of the maxilla. What will be revealed during the puncture of alveolar bone in the area of thickening in punctate: A. *Amber- yellow liquid B. Blood C. Manure D. Epithelium E. Muddy infiltration 452. In patients 42 years old over 10 years in the anterior palate developed tumors. The color of the mucous membrane over it was not changed. 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth are intact. In intraoral radiograph of alveolar bone of the upper jaw is isolated foci of destruction marked bone with clear contours size 2,5 x1, 5 cm periodontal gap in the area of 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth well defined. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Follicular cyst of the maxilla B. Radicular cyst of the maxilla C. *Cyst of the nasopalatal channel D. Parodental maxillary cyst E. Ameloblastoma of the maxilla 453. A man 35 years old had sought complaining of deformation of alveolar bone of the upper jaw in the area of 15, 14, 13 teeth. Preliminary diagnosis: radicular cyst maxilla. What does the punctate: A. Epithelium B. Blood C. Manure D. *Amber- yellow liquid E. The turbid liquid? 454. The patient complains of heaviness in the left side of the head, the deformation of alveolar bone of the upper jaw in the area of tooth 25. OBJECTIVE: crown 25 tooth destroyed 2/3 of caries process, it weakly positive percussion. On radiographs sinus, left maxillary sinus by half - wimple, with a clear domed contour. On radiographs 25 tooth periodontal gap at the top of palatal root is missing. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Chronic rhinogenous sinusitis B. *Radicular cyst that had grown in the maxillary sinus C. Chronic odontogenic sinusitis D. Cyst of mucosa of the maxillary sinus E. Malignant neoplasm of the maxilla 455. A woman 37 years old complaining about the presence of a tumor on the lower lip from the mouth, which was about 2 weeks ago, increased, to interfere with the movements of the lips. OBJECTIVE: deep in the lower lip seals, limited elastic, painless, rounded, fused with mucous membrane, which is above it is clear. The mucosa around the seal is not changed. Regional lymph nodes were not enlarged. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Lipoma of the lip B. Fibroma of the lips C. Abscess of the lips D. *Retention cysts of the lips E. Papilloma of the lips 456. The patient during examination revealed tumors in round shape submental area. The skin over the tumor in color is not changed, is going to fold. After the puncture fluid was found in punctate straw- yellow color with a trace of cholesterol. Select the preliminary diagnosis: A. Lipoma B. *Congenital midline cyst C. Lymphadenitis D. Retention cyst sublingual salivary gland E. Dermoid cyst. 457. Patient after preliminary examination diagnosed dermoid cyst in submental area. Select the method of treatment: A. *Excholeation B. Drainage, followed by removal of the cyst C. Removal of cysts within the healthy tissue D. Sclerotic therapy E. Cryosurgical treatment. 458. In patients 50 years old, on the lower lip formation circular shape to 1.0 cm in diameter with clear boundaries. The mucous membrane of the formation of a cyanotic hue. During palpation of the formation of a painless, soft texture, slightly above the level of the mucous membrane of the lower lip. Regional lymph nodes were not palpable. Click the diagnosis: A. Papilloma of the lower lip B. *Retention cyst of the lower lip C. Hemangioma of the lower lip D. Fibroma of the lower lip E. Chylangioma of the lower lip. 459. A woman 27 years old complaining about the presence of a tumor on the lower lip from the mouth, which was about 4 weeks ago, increased, to interfere with the movements of the lips. OBJECTIVE: deep in the lower lip seals, limited elastic, painless, rounded, fused with mucous membrane, which is above it is clear. The mucosa around the seal is not changed. Regional lymph nodes were not enlarged. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Fibroma lips B. Retention cysts lips C. Abscess lips D. Lipoma lip E. Papilloma lips 460. On examination of the patient revealed deformation of alveolar bone of the upper jaw within 22 to 24 teeth. 23 tooth is missing. Transitional fold within these smoothed teeth, mucous membrane pale pink during palpation thick consistency, not painful. In renthe ¬ nohrami 22, 24 teeth marked destruction of bone round shape with clear smooth boundaries. In the projection of this destruction is the crown of the tooth. Click diagnosis A. Nasapalatine cyst B. Globulomaxillary cyst C. Radicular cyst D. *Follicular cyst E. Odontoma. 461. Patient 20 years old, complains of intermittent pain in the right upper jaw, bulging alveolar bone in the region of tooth 11. 4 years ago there was an injury. 11 The crown of the tooth then gradually darkened. OBJECTIVE: percussion tooth painless. On radiographs revealed bone thinning rounded, with clear contours in the region of the root apex of tooth 11 with a diameter of 1.8 cm during the puncture fluid obtained from crystals of cholesterol. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Chronic osteomyelitis of the upper jaw B. Ameloblastoma of the upper jaw C. *Radicular cyst of the upper jaw D. The soft odontoma of the upper jaw E. Osteoblastoklastoma maxilla 462. During changing bite in a boy 10 years old was discovered follicular cyst of the mandible of 35 teeth. Choose a method of treatment that should be applied in this case: A. Cystectomy with 35 tooth follicle B. *Cystotomy preserving the tooth follicle 35 C. Monitoring the development of tumors D. Partial resection of the alveolar bone of the jaw with tumor E. Cryodestruction cyst. 463. A child 11 years old, complains of the presence of tumor painless tumor of the mandible on the right. During palpation of the right body of the mandible is marked symptom Dyupyuyitrena. On radiographs of the mandible bone defect case with clear boundaries size 3,0 x4, 0 cm, which is 45 tooth follicle. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. *Follicular cyst B. Radicular cyst C. Cavernous hemangioma D. Osteoblastoklastoma E. Adamantinoma (solid form) 464. Ill age 20 years old, complains of intermittent pain in the right upper jaw, bulging alveolar bone in the region of tooth 11. 4 years ago there was an injury. 11 The crown of the tooth then gradually darkened. OBJECTIVE: percussion tooth painless. On radiographs bone thinning round shape with sharp contours in the region of the root apex of tooth 11 with a diameter of 1.5 cm during the puncture fluid obtained from crystals of cholesterol. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. *Radicular cyst of the maxilla B. Ameloblastoma of the maxilla C. Chronic osteomyelitis of the upper jaw D. Mild maxillary odontoma E. Osteoblastoklastoma of the maxilla 465. Patient 28 years old, turned with complaining on a swelling in the right sublingual region, which limits the mobility of the tongue, difficult tongue. The patient noticed swelling 1 week ago. In the right section of the hyoid spherical protrusion size 2,0 x2, 5 cm, with clear boundaries, center transparent stretched mucosa. Palpable determined fluctuation. Tongue slightly raised up. Click the diagnosis: A. Chronic sialoadenitis of the submandibular salivary gland B. Sialolithiasis submandibular salivary gland disease C. * Retention cyst sublingual salivary gland D. Acute sialoadenit submandibular salivary gland E. Retention cyst of the right submandibular salivary gland. 466. A child 9 years old, appealed to the dentist about the deformation of the lower jaw to the left. OBJECTIVE: symmetrical face, mouth opening - free. Baby teeth are intact. Fabrics alveolar bone and body of the mandible in the region of 84 tooth twisted as dense, smooth protrusion, with clear boundaries, formation of the mucous membrane pale pink. On radiographs of the mandible in lateral projection marked bone defect with clear boundaries size 2x3 cm, which holds 44 tooth follicle. Click diagnosis A. Radicular cyst of the mandible from 84 tooth B. Ameloblastoma of the mandible C. *Follicular cyst of mandibular tooth 44 D. Osteoblastoma of the mandible E. Osteoma of the mandible. 467. In a child 3 years old, a week after the injury, on the mucosa of the lower lip appeared the tumor formation, rounded form, painless, soft, bluish color, with a diameter of 8 mm. Click the diagnosis: A. *Retention cysts of small salivary gland B. Hemangioma lower lip C. Chylangioma lower lip D. Small adenoma of salivary gland E. Fibroma of the lower lip. 468. In the 14 -year-old has been a significant pain of the submental area during the day. According to history: 5 years ago, the boy received a severe kick in this area. The general condition is of the average difficulty, body temperature – 37,5°C. Regional lymphadenitis. 31, 32, 41 and 42 teeth are intact. Percussion of them is painful. With vestibular side - a slight protrusion of tissue alveolar bone, covered with the hyperemic mucosa. On sighting intraoral radiograph of alveolar bone - the source of destruction of bone in the region of 31 and 41 teeth, oval with clear contours. Select the most likely diagnosis: A. Suppuration follicular cysts of the mandible B. *Suppuration posttraumatic radicular cyst of the mandible C. Acute serous odontogenic periostitis of the mandible D. Acute suppurative odontogenic abscess lower jaw E. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible. 469. A girl 12 years old, complains on the difficulty in eating and talking. OBJECTIVE: under the tongue on the left there is the formation of a round shape with a diameter of 5 cm, translucent, soft consistency. During puncture was received transparent, yellow, mucoid fluid. Click to clinical diagnosis: A. Dermoid cyst of the oral cavity B. *Cyst of the left sublingual gland C. Polycystoma of the floor of the mouth D. Retention cysts of small salivary gland E. Hemangioma floor of the mouth. 470. A child 10 years old was diagnosed a follicular cyst of the mandible on the left. What are the additional methods of diagnosis of follicular cysts: A. Puncture of the cyst, ultrasound jaw B. Review, radiography C. Electroodontodiagnosis radiography D. *Radiography, puncture E. Palpation examination. 471. In the 7 -year-old boy after an injury that he received 6 months ago, on the mucosa of the lower lip was the formation of rounded form, 1 cm in diameter, with clear boundaries. The color of the mucous membrane of the formation - blue. During palpation of the formation of soft consistency and painless. Regional lymph nodes were not enlarged. Clinical blood and urine tests within age norms. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Myxoma of the lower lip B. Papilloma lower lip C. Fibroma of the lower lip D. *Retention cysts of small salivary gland E. Hemangioma of the lower lip 472. To the dental surgeon asked parents of a 3 years aged boy, complaining of the presence of tumor in the brow area. OBJECTIVE: in the right eyebrow area revealed tumor size 2x3 cm soft-elastic texture, rounded shape. The skin over the tumor is not changed and is not soldered to it. During puncture revealed mushy mass of white. Click the diagnosis: A. Bifida B. *Dermoid cyst of the right superciliary area C. Chylangioma of the right superciliary area D. Atheroma of the right superciliary area E. Hemangioma of the right superciliary area. 473. A girl 12 years old, complains on pain, swelling in the region of the mandible on the right. The 46 tooth pain is felt for several days. OBJECTIVE: impaired general condition, body temperature 37,7°C. Asymmetrical face due to swelling of the soft tissues in the projection of the mandible on the right. 46 tooth much destroyed his percussion sharply painful. From the vestibular side of alveolar bone in the region of 46, 47, 45 teeth painful palpable infiltration. On sighting the radiograph in the area of the tooth tops 46 determined the source of destruction diameter 1,2 cm. Your preliminary diagnosis: A. Acute suppurative odontogenic abscess of the lower jaw of tooth 46 B. Acute serous neodontohennyy abscess lower jaw of tooth 46 C. Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis tooth 46 D. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible from 46 tooth E. *Suppuration radicular cyst of the mandible of 46 teeth. 474. The boy 8 years old was revealed no 36 tooth. According to parents, other permanent teeth were irrupted in time. The boy has not any complaints. On radiographs of the mandible in lateral projection revealed homogeneous thinning bones spherical shape with smooth clear boundaries in which the crown of the detained 36tooth. Click the diagnosis: A. Osteoma of the mandible B. Radicular mandibular cyst of tooth 36 C. Odontoma mandible D. *Follicular cyst of mandibular tooth 36 E. Osteoblastoklastoma of the mandible. 475. In the girl, 14 years old, after injury, which occurred 1 month ago, on the mucous membrane of the lower lip appeared tumors oval shape, which gradually increases, is painless, soft consistency, bluish- yellow, with a diameter of 6 mm. During puncture - a transparent, viscous liquid. Your preliminary diagnosis: A. Lipoma of lower lip B. Chylangioma lower lip C. Fibroma of the lower lip D. Adenoma of small salivary glands of the lower lip E. *Retention cysts of small salivary glands of the lower lip. 476. Child 13 years old grumbles about 11 tooth discoloration. 4 years ago was the injury of front section of the upper jaw. OBJECTIVE: 11 tooth is intact, percussion it painless. On radiographs thinning of bone tissue in the region of the root apex of tooth 11 sizes 1x1, 5 cm with clear boundaries, rounded shape. Your preliminary diagnosis: A. *Radicular cyst maxillary tooth 11 B. Chronic fibrous periodontitis tooth 11 C. Chronic periodontitis granulation 11 tooth D. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis tooth 11 E. Exacerbation of chronic granulomatous periodontitis tooth 11 477. The boy 18 years old appealed with complaints on the presence of a tumor on the lower lip from the mouth, which occurred about 3 weeks ago and slowly increased. OBJECTIVE: the mucosa of the lower lip protrusion detected, limited, elastic, painless, round, transparent. The mucosa around is unaltered. Click the diagnosis: A. *Retention cysts of the small salivary gland B. Dermoid cyst of the lower lip C. Epidermoid cyst of the lower lip D. Hematoma of the lower lip E. Abscesses of the lower lip. 478. As a result of inflammation in the periapical tissues of the jaw bone develops: A. Keratocyst B. *Radicular cyst C. Follicular cyst D. Nasoalveolar cyst E. Cystof the incisive channel 479. The primary treatment of jaw cysts of small size are: A. *Cystectomy B. Cryosurgery C. Sclerosis D. Jaw resection E. Half resection of the jaw 480. The local term complication of cystectomy is: A. Myositis B. *Relapse C. Pancreatitis D. Myocardial infarction E. Pharyngitis 481. Cause of recurrent radicular cysts of the jaw include: A. Haematoma B. Odontogenic infection C. Duration of cyst D. Postoperative wound inflammation E. *Not completely removed of the cyst membrane 482. Preparing for surgery cystectomy involves filling: A. "Causal" tooth B. All teeth of the jaw C. Teeth –antagonists D. All teeth roots are the inverse of the cavity of the cyst E. "Causal" tooth and two adjacent 483. What cyst has nonodontogenic origin? A. *Keratocyst B. Radicular cyst C. Follicular cyst D. Nasopalatal channel cyst E. Body jaw cyst 484. During surgical treatment of radicular cysts of the jaws to the "causal" tooth conduct: A. Hemisection B. Sealing channel C. Endodentalnyy electrophoresis D. *Root apex resection after sealing channel E. Resection of the root apex 485. Symptom of "parchment Crunch" is pathognomonic for: A. Radicular and follicular cysts. B. Cystic forms adamantinoma. C. Cystic forms osteoblastoklastoma. D. * For all forms listed above. E. Epidermal cyst. 486. Patient 41 years old, complains of thickening of the body of the mandible. OBJECTIVE: Face of sick is asymetric due to thickening of the lower division of the left cheek. 35, 36, 37 teeth are moving. The left half of the body of the mandible is spindle inflated. Palpable quite solid, its surface is smooth and painless. On radiographs of the left half of the mandible in the body - the zone of destruction in the form of a circular cavity with a sufficiently clear outline. Roots 35 36 37 teeth are resorbable to 1/ 4 of its length. Put the diagnosis. A. *Osteoblastoklastoma of the mandible. B. Radicular cyst of the mandible C. Chronic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw. D. Adamantinoma mandible. E. Fibrous osteodisplaziya. 487. Patient 55 years old at remote site 46 there was painless, buhryste, bluish -colored tumor growths on the stem of 2.0 x1, 0h1, 5cm. Open mouth in full. On intraoral Rg- gram of the alveolar process in the region of the removed cell 46 is marked destruction of bone tissue. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. *Giant cell epulis B. Solid odontoma of the mandible C. Hypertrophic gingivitis D. Papilloma mucosa in the area of the removed 46 E. Amelobastoma of the mandible 488. The girl 24 years old, in the treatment of periodontitis 36 tooth for diagnostic purposes was carried out X-ray examination. On radiographs revealed the presence of a homogeneous shadow round shape with sharp edges, which by its density approaching the density of the tissues. On the outskirts lesion surrounded by a zone of enlightenment, a thickness of 1 mm. Preliminary diagnosis: A. *Odontoma B. Tsementoma C. Osteoma D. Radicular cyst E. Myxoma 489. In the patient, 42 years old, during 10 years in the anterior palate was occurred the neoplasm. The mucous membrane over it is unchanged in the color. 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth are intact. In intraoral radiograph of maxillary single cell is marked destruction of bone tissue with clear contours of 2,5 on 1, 5 cm periodontal gap in the area of 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 is well defined. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. *Cyst of the nasopalatal channel. B. Radicular cyst C. Globulomaxillary cyst D. Residual cyst E. Follicular cyst 490. Male 45 years old had sought complaining on tumors in the mandible. In the postoperative period, obtained a conclusion: macroscopically - a combination of solid grayish- white areas of cystic cavities that fulfilled transparent liquid; histologically availability mushroom tumor outgrowths from the shell to the surrounding bone. To which is characterized by the formation of microscopic picture? A. *Ameloblastoma of the mandible B. Osteodystrophy of the mandibular C. Fibrous dysplasia of the mandible D. Eosinophilic granuloma E. Osteoblastoklastoma 491. To the dental surgeon asked the patient complaining on the presence of tumors in the oral cavity. The doctor decided to hold excisional biopsy. Select the correct method of taking material for this procedure: A. *Surgical removal of all abnormal foci within the apparently healthy tissue B. Cut one or more pieces of the tumor and surrounding tissue C. Preparation of material by removal of cellular elements from the surface of the tumor with a scalpel. D. Preparation of the material by application of glass to the tumor E. Preparation of material by flushing out the wound 492. To confirm the clinical diagnosis in patients with tumors of the mandible was used a method based on a study of specially painted histological sections at different magnification. Add this method of diagnosis. A. *Pathologic study B. Cytological examination C. Cytochemical study D. Cystography E. The study of tumor markers 493. To confirm the clinical diagnosis in patients with tumors of the mandible was used a method that is based on microscopic examination of cell complexes derived from the lesion. Add this method of diagnosis. A. *Cytological examination B. Pathologic study C. Puncture biopsy D. Cystography E. The study of tumor markers 494. The patient, 18 years old, appealed to the dentist for a consultation about the presence of tumors of the frontal area. In the frontal area is marked pink- red spot skin semicircular shape with sharp contours, size 3 – 4 cm. When pressing on the damaged area of the body changes in finger skin color becomes whiter. When pressing removing skin gets preliminary pink-red color. At the head inclination spot becomes more saturated in color and increased in volume, and when the patient raises his head spot gradually becomes red and pink. Put the diagnosis. A. *Capillary hemangioma. B. Cavernous hemangioma. C. Moles (nevi) D. Atheroma E. Neurofibromatosis 495. For which the tumor is characterized by the following mechanism of blood circulatory: in the center of the tumor blood lakes occur where blood flow is slowed down, erythrocytes break and precibitability, hemoglobin is converted to hemosyderin and stain tumor. A. *Osteoblastoklastoma B. Chondroma C. Hemangioma D. Chylangioma E. Fibrous dysplasia 496. Which of the below listed properties are taken from the complaint, medical history, assess overall patient has a tumor formation? A. The presence of tumor formation. B. Tumor formation appeared many years ago. C. Slow-growing tumor formation. D. Tumor formation that does not cause exhaustion. E. *All listed. 497. At what location of the cyst in the mandible bone, it causes deformation of the bone at tongue side? A. *Near incisors. B. Near fangs. C. Near the premolars. D. In the area of the first molar. E. In the area of the second and third molars 498. Additional methods of research conducted to refine the diagnosis of "benign neoplasm of the maxillofacial area" refers: A. Physical B. Biochemical C. *Histological D. Angiographic E. Immunological 499. Before surgical treatment of benign tumors of the maxillofacial area include: A. Chemotherapy B. Radiotherapy C. *Excision of the tumor D. Combined treatment E. Symptomatic therapy 500. Lipoma - is: A. *Tumor consisting of fatty tissue B. Tumor consisting of muscular tissue C. Tumor composed of blood vessels D. Tumor consisting of elements of the skin E. Tumor composed of cartilage 501. Where is lipoma most often localized? A. In the frontal area B. *In the buccal area C. In the temporal area D. In the parotic - chewing area E. In submandibular area 502. The differential diagnosis of lipoma of the neck should be carried out: A. With median cyst, papilloma B. *With lateral cysts, haemodectoma C. Of atheroma, fibroma D. With nodular goiter, osteoma E. Of hemangioma 503. Clinical manifestations of the Madelung's disease is: A. Excessive deposition of fat in the chin area, a short neck, dementia, pathology of eye B. *Excessive deposition of fat in the neck area of hills, neck, shoulder girdle, in the pubic area C. General obesity, shortness of breath, alcohol abuse D. Disruption of lipid metabolism, underdevelopment of sex organs, excessive deposition of fat in the chin area E. Disruption of lipid metabolism, excessive body hair, shortness of breath 504. Give a definition of the term "papilloma": A. Papillary benign connective tissue tumors of the skin, red border of lips and mucous membranes B. *Benign papillary epithelial tumor of the skin, red border of lips and mucous membranes C. Papillary malignant epithelial tumors of the skin, red border of lips and mucous membranes D. Papillary malignant connective tissue tumors of the skin, red border of lips and mucous membranes E. Neoplasm skin red border of lips and mucous membranes on the leg 505. According to the surface structure papilloma is differentiated into: A. On the leg, without legs B. On a broad basis, based on a narrow C. *With and without keratinization D. Mushroom, spherical E. Conical, flat 506. What is the "deepen papilloma"? A. Papillary tumor of keratinization and ulceration B. The tumor, which is characterized by a depression in the center of papillary elevation of the mucosa C. *The tumor, which is characterized by epithelial buds growing of deep tissue D. Exophytic tumor with a crater in the center E. The tumor, which is located in the folds of the skin 507. On admission in surgeon the patient was diagnosed papillomatosis on the oral mucosa of the cheeks. What is this tumor? A. Several single papillomas are localized in different areas of the skin or mucous membranes B. Simultaneous presence of papillomas on the skin, oral mucosa and lips red border C. The presence of multiple papillomas in the maxillofacial area D. *Multiple papillomas growth in a particular area of the oral mucosa or skin E. Simultaneous presence of papillomas on the face, limbs, trunk 508. To which precancerous process does refer papilloma? A. To obligate precancer B. *To facultative precancer C. Never degenerate D. To malignancies E. By the border of tumors 509. If the surgeon diagnose a patient single papilloma or papillomatosis, what the treatment should be used? A. Cryosurgical treatment B. Electrosurgical excision C. *Excision within healthy tissue D. Cautery papillomas E. Partial excision 510. Median and lateral neck fistula in origin are: A. *Birth B. Odontogenic C. Traumatic D. Cancer E. Inflammatory 511. Inner hole lateral neck fistula opening: A. In the nasopharynx B. In the area of the cheeks C. In the sublingual area D. In the submandibular area E. *In the region of the upper pole of the tonsil 512. Add a classic arrangement of the internal opening of medial neck fistula: A. In the nasopharynx B. In the area of the cheeks C. In the sublingual area D. *Blind hole in the area of the tongue E. In section submandibular 513. To confirm the diagnosis of " lateral neck cyst" is to study: A. Biochemical B. *Cytological C. Radioisotope D. Wasserman E. Dynamics thymol test 514. Where is localized the midline neck cyst? A. *Above the thyroid cartilage B. The midline of the neck C. In the region of the jugular notch D. In the area submandibular E. On the leading edge m.trapesius 515. The differential diagnosis at diagnosis "papilloma" should be carried out: A. *From fibroma B. On the lipoma C. From the atheroma D. From hemangioma E. From cancer mucosa 516. What type of treatment used in Madelung 's disease? A. Conservative treatment B. *Surgery - excision of the tumor C. Radiotherapy D. Chemotherapy E. Combined treatment 517. The main treatment for lipomas is: A. Chemotherapy B. Cryosurgery C. Combinations D. Radiation therapy E. *Excision with capsule 518. Hibernoma - is: A. *Lipoma, consisting of brown fat (its embryonic remnants) B. Kind of pigment papillomavirus C. Superficial hemangioma D. Lipoma, consisting of fat and blood vessels E. Separate multiple lipomas 519. Can a lipoma be located under the mucous membrane of the mouth? A. Yes B. *No C. In malnourished patients D. In some cases E. In children 520. Before surgical treatment of benign tumors of the maxillofacial area include: A. Chemotherapy B. *Cryodestruction C. Radiotherapy D. Combined treatment E. Symptomatic therapy 521. Lipoma can occur: A. *On the cheek B. In the area of tongue C. In the region of the palate D. On the gums E. In the floor of the mouth 522. Osteoma is divided into: A. Intraosseous and supra bony; B. *Peripheral and central; C. The solid and soft; D. Osteoblastic and osteolytic E. Acute and chronic 523. Compact osteoma is characterized by: A. *Typical structure of osteogenic absent Haversian channels are narrow and almost completely absent; B. Bone beams are arranged randomly, their maturity varies, but between the girder space contains fibroreticulate tissue. C. Typical osteogenic structure absent Haversian channels are wide D. Bone beams are arranged in series, their different degree of maturity, and between girder space contains fibroreticulate tissue E. Bone beams are arranged randomly 524. Cancellous osteoma is characterized by: A. Typical osteogenic structure absent Haversian channels are narrow and almost completely absent; B. *Bone beams are arranged randomly, their maturity varies, but interjoist space contains Fibroreticulate tissue. C. Bone beams are arranged in series, their different maturity and interjoist space contains fibroreticulate tissue D. Bone beams are arranged randomly E. Typical structure osteogenic absent Haversian wide channels; 525. Osteoma is: A. Hilly protrusion elastic consistency, painless, fuzzy boundaries, does not move, the mucous membrane of the tumor hyperemic and edematous; B. *Smooth the formation of a dense consistency, painless, with clear borders, does not move, the mucous membrane of the tumor in color is not changed; C. Smooth formation of a dense consistency, painless, fuzzy boundaries, does not move, the mucous membrane of the tumor swelling. D. Smooth formation of a dense consistency, painless, fuzzy boundaries, does not move, the mucous membrane of the tumor hyperemic E. Hilly protrusion elastic consistency, painless, clear boundaries, does not move, the mucous membrane of the tumor hyperemic and edematous; 526. X-ray picture of the jaw spongy osteoma: A. *Nonuniform fire round shape with alternating areas of liquefaction and compaction; B. Homogeneous cell darkening round shape with clear boundaries; C. Homogeneous cell darkening round shape with indistinct borders. D. Nonuniform fire round shape with areas of liquefaction E. Non-homogenous cell darkening round shape with clear boundaries; 527. X-ray picture of a compact osteoma of the jaw: A. Nonuniform fire round shape with alternating areas of liquefaction and compaction; B. *Homogeneous cell darkening round shape with clear boundaries; C. Homogeneous cell darkening round shape with indistinct borders. D. Nonuniform fire round shape with areas of liquefaction E. Non-homogenous cell darkening round shape with clear boundaries 528. Morbid growths of bone as a result of past and nonodontogenic odontogenic inflammatory processes - is: A. Exostosis; B. *Hyperostosis; C. Osteophytes; D. Torus. E. Konterfors 529. Find radiological description of the osteoma: A. *Round shape fireplace homogeneous darkening with clear boundaries; B. Homogeneous cell eclipse with vague and jagged borders; C. Cell intense darkening of clear and smooth outside, surrounded by a strip of enlightenment width of about 1 mm; D. Source of destruction of bone with fuzzy boundaries, surrounded by a rim sclerotic tissue. E. Cell intense eclipse with obscure and equal outside 530. Find ossified periostitis radiological description: A. The rounded shape fireplace homogeneous darkening with clear boundaries; B. *Homogeneous cell eclipse with vague and jagged borders; C. Cell intense darkening of clear and smooth outside, surrounded by a strip of enlightenment width of about 1 mm; D. Source of destruction of bone with fuzzy boundaries, surrounded by a rim of sclerotic tissue. E. Cell intense darkening of clear and smooth outside, surrounded by a strip of enlightenment width of about 5 mm; 531. Find radiological description of odontoma: A. The rounded shape fireplace homogeneous darkening with clear boundaries; B. Homogeneous cell eclipse with indistinct borders and equal; C. *Cell intense darkening of clear and smooth outside, surrounded by a strip of enlightenment width of about 1 mm; D. Source of destruction of bone with fuzzy boundaries, surrounded by a rim of sclerotic tissue. E. Homogeneous cell eclipse with clear boundaries; 532. Find the radiological osteoid osteoma description: A. The rounded shape fireplace homogeneous darkening with clear boundaries; B. Homogeneous cell eclipse with indistinct borders and equal; C. Cell intense darkening of clear and smooth outside, surrounded by a strip of enlightenment width of about 1 mm; D. *Fireplace destruction of bone with fuzzy boundaries, surrounded by a rim of sclerotic tissue. E. Homogeneous cell eclipse with clear boundaries; 533. In operation for osteoma, the operation is in: A. *Removed formation within healthy tissue; B. Active smoothing (leveling) deforming area of the jaw; C. Resect the jaw area within the pathological focus. D. Removing formation within pathological tissues; E. Resect the jaw area within the healthy tissue 534. When there are exostosis, the surgery is in: A. Removing formation within healthy tissue; B. *Reservation smoothing (leveling) deforming area of the jaw; C. Resect the jaw area within the pathological focus. D. Resect the jaw area within the healthy tissue E. Removing formation within pathological tissues; 535. What is the main symptom of the presence of osteoid osteoma of the jaw? A. Swelling in the localization of the pathological focus; B. *Pain in the jaw aching character that occurs for no apparent reason, aggravated at night; C. Limitation of mouth opening; D. The displacement of the jaw when opening the mouth. E. Increasing the size of the jaw 536. The width of the rim of sclerotic bone around an abnormal cell with osteoid osteoma, has a direct relationship to: A. Age of the patient; B. *Duration of the disease; C. Tumor on the upper or lower jaw; D. Availability of exacerbation of inflammation; E. The presence of systemic diseases 537. To nonosteogenic jaw tumors includes: A. Osteoblastoma; B. Osteoid osteoma; C. Giant cell tumor; D. *Cementing fibroma; E. Ossified fibroma. 538. Osteoblastoma is localized: A. Only in the thickness of the bone of the jaw; B. Only on the periphery of the jaw; C. *As in the bulk and on the periphery of the jaw. D. In the connective tissue E. In muscular tissue 539. Clinical symptoms of osteoblastoma: A. Aching jaw, aggravated at night; B. *The mobility of the teeth and the presence of asymmetry of the face; C. Symptom of parchment crunch at strong set teeth of the jaws; D. The presence of multiple fistulas on the alveolar process. E. Presence of fistula 540. Find radiological description of the cystic forms of osteoblastoma: A. *Limited thinning of bone tissue with clear boundaries; B. It has the form of small cavities separated by a bony partitions; C. Is the focus of intensive uneven darkening with uneven borders; D. There is a large bone destruction with jagged areas. E. Limited thinning of bone with fuzzy boundaries in the area of indigenous elite; 541. Find the description of the collar form of osteoblastoma: A. Limited thinning of bone tissue with clear boundaries; B. *Has the form of small cavities separated by a bony partitions; C. Is the focus of intensive uneven darkening with uneven borders; D. There is a large bone destruction with jagged areas. E. Limited thinning of bone tissue with no clear boundaries; 542. Find the description of the solid forms of osteoblastoma: A. Limited thinning of bone tissue with clear boundaries; B. It has the form of small cavities separated by a bony partitions; C. *Is the focus of intensive uneven darkening with irregular borders; D. There is a large bone destruction with jagged areas. E. Limited thinning of bone tissue with no clear boundaries; 543. Find the description of the lytic form of osteoblastoma: A. Limited thinning of bone tissue with clear boundaries; B. It has the form of small cavities separated by a bony partitions; C. Is the focus of intensive uneven darkening with uneven borders; D. *Major destruction of bone tissue with jagged areas. E. Limited thinning of bone tissue with no clear boundaries; 544. Treatment of osteoblastoma is as follows: A. Active conservative treatment of tumors; B. Enucleating (scraping) of tumors; C. *Performing a resection of the jaw area. D. Reservation medicamental tumor treatment; E. Conduct radiotherapy 545. Synonym of ossified fibroma of the jaw include: A. Osteoma; B. Fibroma; C. *Fibroosteoma; D. Compact osteoma; E. Cancellous osteoma. 546. Clinically ossified fibroma of the jaw occurs as: A. Osteoma; B. Fibroma; C. *Fibrous osteodysplasia; D. Osteosarcoma; E. Chondrosarcoma. 547. Radiological ossified fibroma resembles: A. *Residual cyst; B. Spines; C. Osteosarcoma; D. Hondrosarcoma; E. Exostosis. 548. What is the difference between the X-ray ossified fibroma and fibrous osteodysplasia? When there is ossified fibroma: A. *Are focal lesions of the jaw with a clearly defined capsule; B. There are multiple jaw lesions with distinct borders; C. There are spicules - bone performances; D. Must have a sequestration of at least 1 cm; E. No thinning of bone tissue, but only its seal. 549. Treatment of the ossified fibroma consists of the following: A. Always made only with the removal of the tumor capsule by curettage; B. *Removing the tumor with the capsule through curettage, and at relapse in supra bony performed resection of the affected area of the jaw; C. Must be conducted in supra bony resection of the affected area of the jaw; D. Removing the tumor with curettage of the pathological focus. E. Conduct conservative treatment 550. Synonym of osteosarcoma is not: A. Osteoblastosarkoma; B. Osteogenic sarcoma; C. Osteoblastic sarcoma; D. *Chondrosarcoma; E. Osteoidsarkoma. 551. Causes of periodontitis: A. Aerobic microorganisms B. Anaerobic microorganisms C. Mechanical injury D. Devitalizing means E. All answers are correct * 552. Methods of treatment of periodontitis can be divided into the following groups: A. Conservative B. Conservative-surgical C. Surgical D. All answers are correct * E. There is no right answer 553. Acute periodontitis can be: A. fibrous and serous B. Serous and purulent * C. Purulent and granulating D. Serous and granulomatous E. granulating and granulomatous. 554. The phases of the course of acute suppurative periodontitis: A. endosteal B. periosteal C. subperiosteal D. submucous E. All answers are correct * 555. Chronic periodontitis can be: A. fibrous B. granulomatous C. granulating D. All answers are correct * E. There is no right answer 556. Methods of diagnosis of odontogenic sinusitis: A. Histological examination B. Microscopic examination C. X-ray * D. biopsy E. Fluorescent diagnostics 557. Diagnosis of periodontitis: A. Objective B. Roentgenologically C. Objective and radiographically * D. microscopically E. Histologically, 558. By way of penetration periostitis is divided into: A. Odontogenic B. Chronic and acute C. Not odontogenic D. The correct answers are A and C * E. Specific and nonspecific 559. Over the course of the periostitis is divided into: A. Acute and chronic * B. Odontogenic and non odontogenic C. Specific and nonspecific D. lymphogenous and hematogenous E. Simple and ossification 560. Acute suppurative odontogenic periostitis is more common: A. In newborns B. At the age of 6-8 years during alternating occlusion * C. At the age of 18 D. At the age of 25-40 years E. At the age of 45-60 561. Sialoadenit this: A. Inflammation of the parotid gland B. Inflammation of sublingual salivary gland C. Inflammation of the salivary glands under the jaw D. Inflammation of any salivary gland * E. There is no right answer 562. To separate nosological forms belong: A. Rheumatoid arthritis B. Rheumatoid polyarthritis C. dysenteric polyarthritis D. Ankylosing spondylitis E. All answers are correct * 563. The cause of inflammation in the joint may be: A. General infection B. Allergy, auto allergy C. Local trauma D. All answers are correct * E. The local infection 564. Rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed by the following criteria: A. Morning stiffness B. Radiographic changes of joints C. Rheumatoid nodules D. Symmetric arthritis E. All answers are correct * 565. The manifestations of suppurative arthritis: A. General weakness B. Chills C. All answers are correct * D. An increase in temperature E. swelling of joints 566. There are following forms of tuberculous arthritis: A. Primary bone B. Primary synovial C. All answers are correct D. There is no right answer E. The correct answers are A and B 567. At the stage of to treating suppurative arthritis prescribe: A. Infectious Diseases B. All answers are correct * C. Endocrine abnormalities D. metabolic disorders E. neurodystrophic violation 568. To the general causes of TMJ osteoarthritis should be included: A. Infectious Diseases B. Endocrine disorders C. metabolic disorders D. neurodystrophic violation E. All answers are correct * 569. Complaints at TMJ arthrosis are: A. Steady aching pain B. Dull pain increases with strain on joints C. The appearance of abnormal noise D. Crunching, crackling E. All answers are correct * 570. In patients with TMJ arthrosis can be identified: A. Lack of teeth B. Poor dentures C. All answers are correct * D. Incorrect direction of the mandible E. There is no right answer 571. Plain radiography of TMJ arthritis reveals changes such as: A. flattening of the head B. Reducing the height of the head C. exophytic growths D. Changing the shape of the head E. All answers are correct * 572. Arthritis is: A. The inflammatory process in the TMJ * B. degenerative processes in the TMJ C. inflammatory and degenerative processes in the TMJ D. Traumatic process E. There is no right answer 573. Dislocation of the mandible can be: A. Acute and chronic B. Front and rear C. Single and double sided D. Traumatic and congenital E. All answers are correct * 574. Who proposed the classification of TMJ disorders and diseases: A. Petrosov * B. Bernadsky C. Malanchuk D. Timofeev E. There is no right answer 575. According to clinical picture arthritis are: A. Sharp B. Chronic C. Chronic in the acute stage D. Secondary arthritis E. All answers are correct * 576. How manifests painful dysfunction of TMJ: A. pain and joint dysfunction * B. contracture C. crunch joint D. All answers are correct E. There is no right answer 577. Artrosonography - is: A. Ultrasound examination of the joint * B. Computer joint research C. Magnetic resonance therapy D. There is no right answer E. All answers are correct 578. Methods of treatment of arthrosis: A. Drug B. Physical C. Orthopaedic D. Surgical E. All answers are correct * 579. Causes of TMJ osteoarthritis: A. metabolic disorders B. Neuroendocrine violation C. Infectious diseases D. Endocrine disorders E. All answers are correct * 580. Classification of arthritis: A. Acute and chronic B. Infectious C. No infectious D. Traumatic E. All answers are correct * 581. What are the forms of tuberculous arthritis: A. Primary bone B. Primary synovial C. Infectious-allergic D. All answers are correct * E. There is no right answer 582. Peryadenit is: A. Serous inflammation of lymph nodes * B. Purulent inflammation of the lymph node C. Serous infiltration of the tissues surrounding the inflamed lymph node D. There is no right answer E. All answers are correct 583. The causes of arthritis: A. The local infection, traumatic factors, the presence of foci of chronic infection * B. Dental caries, periodontitis C. periodontitis, acute infections D. All answers are correct E. There is no right answer 584. Arthritis can be: A. Gonorrheal arthritis B. Tuberculous arthritis C. Infectious-allergic arthritis D. Rheumatoid Arthritis E. All answers are correct * 585. In patients with TMJ arthrosis can be identified: A. Lack of teeth, bad directions of mandible movement * B. The presence of teeth C. Correct directions of movement mandible D. All answers are correct E. There is no right answer 586. Arthritis occurs in people: A. Young and middle-aged * B. Older C. young D. All answers are correct E. There is no right answer 587. Articulation disorders: A. Inflammatory not inflammatory * B. External, internal C. Combination D. Specific nonspecific E. There is no right answer 588. Classification of TMJ diseases: A. Dislocation of the mandible B. Arthritis C. Osteoarthritis D. ankylosis E. All answers are correct * 589. Classification of arthritis by clinical picture: A. Sharp B. Chronic C. Chronic in the acute stage D. Secondary arthritis E. All answers are correct * 590. Osteoarthritis - is: A. Diseases of the joints noninflammatory nature * B. Diseases of teeth primary dystrophic character C. The complex of tissues surrounding the tooth D. There is no right answer E. All answers are correct 591. The joint consists of: A. Articular head of the mandible, the articular disc B. articular tubercle of the temporal bone C. joint capsule and articular connection D. There is no right answer E. Articular head of the mandible, glenoid fossa of the temporal bone, articular disc, joint capsule and articular communications * 592. Synovial fluid provides the following functions: A. locomotor, metabolic, trophic, protective * B. Protective C. locomotor, trophic D. Trophic protective E. There is no right answer 593. In which directions occur movements in the TMJ: A. sagittal, vertical B. vertically, horizontally * C. transversal, vertical D. sagittal, horizontal E. sagittal, horizontal, transversal 594. Methods of diagnosis of TMJ disease: A. Radiography, masticatsiography, artrosonography B. Capillaroscopy, mammography C. Radiography, artrosonography, MRI, diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopy * D. X-ray, MRI, telerentgenography E. polarography 595. The accumulation of lymphoid reticular tissue, which has an outer connective tissue sheath from which to the inside go trabeculaes - is: A. lymphoid node * B. Thyroid Gland C. Thymus D. Salivary gland E. All answers are correct 596. The primary treatment of lymphadenitis should: A. Removing the source of infection * B. Antibiotic C. restorative therapy D. Phytotherapy E. desensitizing therapy 597. Flow of lymphadenitis in elderly people is: A. slack * B. express C. No significant changes D. All answers are correct E. There is no right answer 598. Peryadenit is: A. Serous inflammation of the lymph node B. Purulent inflammation of the lymph node C. Serous infiltration of the tissues surrounding the inflamed lymph node * D. purulent necrotic melt of tissues E. There is no right answer 599. Phlegmonous adenitis is: A. Serous inflammation of the lymph node B. Purulent inflammation of the lymph node C. Serous infiltration of the tissues surrounding the inflammatory lymph node D. purulent necrotic melt of surrounding tissue E. Purulent inflammation of the tissues surrounding the inflamed lymph node * 600. To which joints belongs TMJ: A. Paired B. The combined C. incongruently D. All answers are correct * E. Complicated 601. TMJ include: A. uniaxial B. Two axis * C. Three axial D. Four axial E. The five axis 602. What are the functions of synovial fluid: A. locomotion B. metabolic C. trophic D. protective E. All answers are correct * 603. Width of X-ray joint space in direct monogram is: A. 2 -3 mm * B. 10-12 mm C. 40 - 50 D. 10 - 20 mm E. Up to 12 mm 604. How many types of temporomandibular combinations Yu.A.Petrosov highlights: A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 * 605. What are the types of arthritis: A. Acute, chronic * B. Above acute C. subacute D. Chronic E. Inflammatory 606. One of the best methods for diagnosis of TMJ arthritis is: A. CT B. MRI C. Radiography D. ultrasonography * E. Orthopantomography 607. Not articulation TMJ disorders are: A. Bruxism * B. Arthritis C. Osteoarthritis D. Ankylosis E. Osteoarthritis 608. Articulating TMJ disease are: A. Inflammatory not inflammatory * B. Bruxism C. Contracture of masticatory muscles D. Pain Syndrome E. Sinusitis 609. Common clinical signs of arthritis: A. The limited mouth opening B. A large area of irradiation C. Has the acute onset D. redness, tightness of the skin E. All answers are correct * 610. Patient K., 36, notes stiffness in the TMJ in the morning, which is reduces at evening, pain in both TMJ, soft tissue swelling around other joints, the presence of subcutaneous nodes near the elbows joints. What are the likely diagnosis? A. Rheumatoid arthritis of TMJ * B. Acute TMJ arthritis C. Infectious Arthritis TMJ D. Chronic TMJ arthritis E. Osteoarthritis, Arthritis TMJ 611. The patient is 48 years of age with clinical signs of TMJ osteoarthritis addressed a doctor prosthodontist. Degenerative changes in the joint is best diagnosed by: A. * tomograms B. mastikaziograms C. radiographs D. electromyogram E. palpation 612. Patient G., 45 years addressed to the dentist complaining of recurring displacement of the mandible, appearing in conversation or a wide opening of the mouth. The displacement patient eliminates himself by clicking on the chin. What is the diagnosis? A. * Habitual dislocation of the mandible B. chronic TMJ arthritis C. TMJ arthrosis D. Contracture of the mandible E. Ankylosis of TMJ 613. A patient suffers from arthritis, notes joint clicking when opening the mouth. What is the disease of the patient? A. Deforming arthrosis B. Deforming arthritis C. Fracture of the articular head D. Acute dislocation E. * Chronic dislocation 614. What additional survey methods must be applied to diagnose the disease of TMJ? A. Mastykatsiography, CT B. Hnatodynamometry, telerenthenography C. craniometry, radiography D. * Radiography, electromyography E. electromyography gnatodunamometry 615. On X-ray - uneven expansion of the joint space, due to the presence of fibrous adhesions. Set the diagnosis. A. Dislocation of TMJ B. Osteoarthritis C. Arthritis D. * Ankylosis of the right maxillary joint E. Arthritis of TMJ 616. Due to which anatomical formation of TMJ is provided compensation of congruence surfaces and a wide range of movement of the mandible? A. joint capsule B. cartilage covering the bone C. articular fossa D. Articular hump E. * Articular disc 617. On the X-ray - joint space of the temporomandibular joint is not defined. Set the diagnosis. A. Arthritis of TMJ B. TMJ Osteoarthritis C. Robin Syndrome D. * TMJ Ankylosis E. Muscle-articular dysfunction 618. On the X-ray - uneven expansion of the joint space, due to the presence of fibrous adhesions. Set the diagnosis. A. Dislocation of TMJ B. Osteoarthritis C. Arthritis D. Syndrome Kostena E. * Ankylosis of the right maxillary joint 619. Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) often occurs on the background of: A. * TMJ Arthritis B. Chronic parotitis C. Benign tumors around the ear area D. Chronic lymphadenitis around the ear area E. Phlegmons around the ear area 620. In the acute phase of traumatic arthritis in the joint, usually is observed: A. dislocation of Meniscus B. break external links C. * hemorrhage D. diplopia E. flattening of the articular head 621. Treatment of TMJ bone ankylosis consists: A. in redresation B. in physiotherapy C. * in artroplastics D. osteotomy of the mandible E. in gingivotomy 622. The cause of specific TMJ arthritis is: A. * Syphilis B. Rheumatic attack C. Around Ear hyperhidrosis D. Chronic TMJ injury as a result of changes in occlusion E. There is no right answer 623. The set of measures in the treatment of chronic nonspecific arthritis of TMJ include: A. Chemotherapy, acupuncture B. * Physical therapy, normalization of occlusion, discharge and rest TMJ C. Physical therapy, mandibular osteotomy, immobilization D. Physiotherapy, removal of process, discharge and rest TMJ E. There is no right answer 624. . Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) often occurs on the background of: A. * TMJ Arthritis B. Chronic parotitis C. Benign tumors around the ear area D. Chronic lymphadenitis around the ear area E. Phlegmons around the ear area 625. Sialoadenit is A. inflammation of the parotid gland B. inflamed sublingual salivary gland C. submaxillary salivary gland inflammation D. * inflammation of any salivary gland E. no correct answer 626. Sialoadenit can be? A. * Acute and chronic B. granulomatous C. traumatic, chemical D. congenital, acquired E. no correct answer 627. Character of inflammation at sialoadenit: A. * serous, purulent B. granulating, granulomatous C. genuine, not true D. all of the correct answer E. no correct answer 628. Main method of research at sialoadenits is: A. CT B. contrast radiography * C. puncture D. Ultrasound - diagnosis E. no correct answer 629. Usually hygrostomia accompanied by such diseases: A. Parkinson's disease B. lateral sclerosis C. Infantile cerebral paralysis D. Epidemic encephalitis E. *All of the correct answer 630. What drugs are used in the treatment of hygrostomia: A. blockers B. stimulants C. * with cholinolitic effect D. diuretic E. antibiotics 631. Sublingvitis - is A. inflammation under mandibular gland B. inflammation of the parotid gland C. * sublingual gland inflammation D. no correct answer E. any inflammation of salivary glands 632. Submaxilitis - is A. * under mandibular gland inflammation B. inflammation of the parotid gland C. sublingual gland inflammation D. no correct answer E. any inflammation of salivary glands 633. Acute nonspecific sialoadenit often develops in A. men B. women C. * in children D. in older people E. all 634. What is the upper limit of the zygomatic area? A. Lower the outer edge of the eye socket * B. the lower edge of the zygomatic bone C. The lower edge of the mandible D. zygomatic-mandibular joint E. temporo-zygomatic suture 635. An important feature of abscesses are A. fluctuation * B. symptom "parchment crunch" C. redness, swelling D. presence of purulent exudate E. no correct answer 636. The main source of infection of buccal area, is a pathological process that occurs in: A. premolars and molars of the upper, lower jaw * B. mandibular premolars C. incisors and canines of the lower jaw D. molars of the upper jaw E. maxillary premolars 637. On what complain patients with phlegmon of buccal area? A. on pain in the cheeks B. The pain is worse when chewing, mouth opening C. The swelling in the cheek area D. All answers are correct E. no correct answer 638. What anatomical formation is in the parotid-masticatory area? A. parotid * B. Fordyce granules C. Submandibular gland D. triangle of Pirogov E. all the answers are correct 639. . With what disease is a differential diagnosis of phlegmon behind the jaw area conducted? A. acute parotitis * B. otitis C. lymphadenitis D. tumors of the salivary glands E. no correct answer 640. What method of instrumental diagnosis is most advisable to assign diagnosis sialosis with lesions of the left parotid gland? A. * Sialography B. X-ray C. biopsy D. Direct laryngoscopy E. otoscope 641. Contrast of parenchymal sialoadenit is characterized by: A. extension of the main duct B. C. D. E. narrowing of the ducts of all orders * multiple cavities in the gland ampoule extension ducts II-III order curling of ducts 642. Sialoz whose origin is not related to the classification of sialozis by A.M.Solntsevym? A. endocrine B. neurogenic C. associated with malnutrition (nutritional) D. mixed E. * neuro-reflex 643. The main clinical sign of calculous sialoadenit is: A. pain in the gland B. hyposalivation C. hygrostomia D. * salivary colic E. inflammation of the duct 644. The clinical picture of acute sialoadenit is characterized by: A. Albright syndrome B. minor sealing of gland C. * pain, increased gland, hypo salivation D. pain, decrease gland, hygrostomia E. noise in the ears 645. Saliva at acute sialoadenit is: A. clear, viscous B. transparent liquid C. * turbid, viscous D. turbid, liquid E. absent 646. Treatment of acute sialoadenit consists of: A. disclosure of the source of inflammation B. remove the affected gland C. decrease in salivation, removing inflammation D. * to stimulate salivation, removing inflammation E. massages 647. Leading role in the development of chronic sialoadenit plays: A. acute stomatitis B. Albright syndrome C. reflex hygrostomia D. reduction of secretory function E. disease Mikulich 648. What complications can occur at phlegmon of temporal area? A. * brain abscess, meningitis B. necrosis of bone and soft tissue C. asphyxia, trauma of salivary glands D. odontogenic sinusitis E. E.sepsys, pneumonia 649. Patient has painful and limited opening of the mouth, headache, body temperature 38 C. Mouth opening 1cm, smoothing and soreness of the mucous membrane of the upper jaw behind the hill. What is the likely diagnosis? A. Phlegmon of temporal area B. V. * Phlegmon of infratemporal area C. S. Acute suppurative periostitis of the upper jaw D. Phlegmon of zygomatic area E. Phlegmon of wing-mandibular space. 650. At the man left cheek swelling, feeling of fever. In the area of hillof left maxilla is noted dense infiltrate painful, the skin is tight, painful, the fold is not taken. The mouth hardly opens. Radiating pain in the head, the eye. 27 tooth is destroyed. For what disease is characterized this clinic? A. Phlegmon of temporal area. B. * Phlegmon of infratemporal and wing-palatine fossa. C. Phlegmon of cheek. D. Phlegmon of around the pharyngeal space. E. Phlegmon of wing-mandibular space 651. What cut is made at phlegmon of subcutaneous fat in the upper buccal area? A. * skin incision is carried along the nasolabial fold B. cut in submandibular area along the lower edge of the jaw C. in the lower part of near ear- chewing area D. submandibular area parallel and lower to the edge of the jaw E. along transitional fold. 652. What are the limits of parotid-masticatory area? A. * front, upper, lower, external and internal B. lower, medial, upper, and back C. distal and medial D. the upper and lower E. vestibular and oral 653. Phlegmon is? A. * Extensive purulent infiltration at which fluid is distributed diffusely between tissue structures, layering them. In some cases, under the action of proteolytic enzymes tissues melte (soft phlegmon), others are exposed only to necrosis (solid phlegmon). B. called limited purulent fusion fiber. C. Inflammation of the lymph node is often associated with lymphangitis D. folding protective reaction to the action of harmful agents E. process of recovering lost or damaged body structures 654. Paramedic suspected in a patient bilateral sinusitis. What auxiliary examination methods should be conducted to establish the diagnosis? A. * Radiography of nasal sinuses B. fluorography of the chest cavity C. Faryngography D. otoscope E. laryngoscopy 655. To patient, 35 years old by addressing to the clinic was diagnosed acute odontogenic purulent sinusitis. Your tactics A. * admissions to hospital treatment B. Anti-inflammatory treatment C. Maxillary sinus puncture C. D. D. Physiotherapy E. Removal of tooth 656. Name a symptom, not characteristic for purulent sinusitis: A. Headache B. nasal excretion C. pain in the maxillary sinus D. * behind mandibular lymphadenitis E. purulent character excretion 657. How many centimeters need to step back from the front edge of the inferior turbinate during the puncture of the maxillary sinus? : A. 0,5 cm; B. 1,0-1,5 cm; C. * 2,0-2,5 cm; D. D.3 ,0-3, 5 cm; E. 4,0-4,5 cm 658. Inflammation of the maxillary sinus is not transferred to: A. infratemporal fossa; B. Pterygoid- palatal fossa; C. buccal region; D. * pterygoid-mandibular space E. orbit. 659. At acute sinusitis is an increase of infrared radiation in the pathological lesion on: A. 0,5 degrees; B. 0,5-1,0 degrees; C. * 1,5-2,5 degrees; D. 3,0-4,0 degrees; E. No marked increase. 660. What are the walls of the maxillary sinus that mainly are affected by odontogenic chronic sinusitis?: A. The medial, anterior and upper; B. The back, upper and lower; C. * The bottom, front and exterior; D. Lower, anterior and medial; E. The back, front and bottom; 661. Odontogenic reason for the development of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue is an inflammatory process in the A. Upper lip B. * teeth of lower jaw C. teeth of the upper jaw D. lymph nodes buccal region E. lymph nodes of the parotid region 662. The most common reason for not odontogenic abscess and phlegmon of the tongue is A. * Trauma of the tongue B. Furuncle of lower lip C. Lymphadenitis buccal region D. Limphadenitis parotid region E. Acute periodontitis of teeth of the lower jaw 663. The most common reason for not odontogenic abscess and phlegmon of of the tongue is A. * Acute tonsillitis B. Furuncle of lower lip C. Lymphadenitis buccal region D. Limphadenitis parotid region E. Acute periodontitis of teeth of the lower jaw 664. Typical clinical signs of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue is A. Asymmetry of face B. Difficulty opening the mouth C. Swelling of the pterygo-mandibular folds D. * bulging of hyoid rollers E. Swelling and redness of buccal regions 665. Typical clinical signs of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue is A. Asymmetry of face B. * Edema and infiltration of the tongue C. Difficulty opening the mouth D. Swelling of the pterygo-mandibular folds E. Swelling and redness of buccal regions 666. Select 2 of the following signs of upper part of the tongue phlegmon A. Paresthesia tip of the tongue B. Speech disorders C. Difficulty in breathing D. Pain when eating E. * The correct answers are C and D 667. Typical clinical signs of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue is A. Asymmetry of face B. * Pain when swallowing C. Difficulty opening the mouth D. Swelling of the pterygo-mandibular folds E. Swelling and redness buccal regions 668. Typical clinical signs of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue is A. Asymmetry of face B. * Difficulty breathing C. Difficulty opening the mouth D. Swelling of the pterygo-mandibular folds E. Swelling and redness buccal regions 669. The main way of infection in the body of the tongue is A. * Contact B. hematogenous C. lymphogenous D. Odontogenic E. Rhinogenous 670. The most characteristic to the tongue phlegmons are following set of features A. * Increasing the size of the tongue; limited mobility of tongue; mouth half open; sharp pain radiating; difficulty swallowing and breathing B. Acute onset C. Destroyed molar D. Fever E. infiltrate between the tongue and the body of the mandible; Pain during movement of the tongue 671. Abscess and phlegmon of the tongue must be differentiated A. With trismus B. With carbuncle of lower lip C. With phlegmon buccal region D. * With phlegmon floor of the mouth E. With phlegmon temporal region 672. In an unfavorable course of the abscess and phlegmon of the tongue infection spreads A. * In tissue floor of the mouth B. In the subdural space C. In the parotid salivary gland D. In the pterygo-palatine venous plexus E. In the venous sinuses of the brain 673. In an unfavorable course of the abscess and phlegmon of the tongue infection spreads A. In the subdural space B. In the parotid salivary gland C. * In the submandibular region D. In the pterygo-palatine venous plexus E. In the venous sinuses of the brain 674. On the day of treatment at an abscess and phlegmon of the tongue must A. * Disclose septic foci B. Start acupuncture C. Make novocaine blockade D. Approve physiotherapy E. Enter intramuscular respiratory analeptics 675. Typical operational access in the treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue is cut A. What goes around the angle of the mandible B. * In the area under the chin in the midline C. mucosa by pterygo- mandibular fold D. In the submandibular region along the edge of the mandible E. Along the edge of the lower jaw curved shape from corner to corner 676. Doing intraoral incision in the treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue can damage A. zygomatic bone B. facial artery C. * lingual artery D. thyroid E. parotid glands 677. Doing intraoral incision in the treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue can damage A. zygomatic bone B. facial artery C. thyroid D. parotid glands E. * submandibular salivary gland 678. Local complications of phlegmon and abscess of the tongue is A. meningoencephalitis B. Brain abscess C. Cicatricial eversion of lower lip D. * Stenosis of the upper respiratory tract E. Thrombosis of venous sinuses of the brain 679. In the complex treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue enters A. Cryotherapy B. * physiotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Radiology E. Eelectrocoagulation 680. In the complex treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue enters A. Radiotherapy B. Seductive therapy C. Manual therapy D. antihypertensive therapy E. * desensitizing therapy 681. In the complex treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue enters A. Cryotherapy B. physiotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Radiology E. * Eelectro coagulation 682. In the complex treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue enters A. Radiotherapy B. C. D. E. Sedatyvnaya therapy Manual therapy antihypertensive therapy * desensitizing therapy 683. In the complex treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue enters A. Cryotherapy B. physiotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Radiology E. * Eelectrocoagulation 684. In the complex treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue enters A. Radiotherapy B. Seductive therapy C. Manual therapy D. antihypertensive therapy E. * desensitizing therapy 685. Pathogens at phlegmon of around pharyngeal space is often A. Anaerobes B. luminous fungi C. treponema pallidum D. * Staphylococci, streptococci E. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 686. Abscess and phlegmon of the tongue must be differentiated A. With trismus B. With carbuncle of lower lip C. With phlegmon buccal region D. * With phlegmon floor of the mouth E. With phlegmon temporal region 687. In an unfavorable course of the abscess and phlegmon of the tongue infection spreads A. * In tissue of the mouth floor B. In the subdural space C. In the parotid salivary gland D. In the pterygo-palatine venous plexus E. In the venous sinuses of the brain 688. In an unfavorable course of the abscess and phlegmon of the tongue infection spreads A. In the subdural space B. In the parotid salivary gland C. * In the submandibular region D. In the pterygo-palatine venous plexus E. In the venous sinuses of the brain 689. On the day of treatment at abscess and phlegmon of the tongue must A. * Disclose septic foci B. Start acupuncture C. Make novocaine blockade D. Approve physiotherapy E. Enter intramuscular respiratory analeptics 690. Doing intraoral incision in the treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue can damage A. zygomatic bone B. facial artery C. * lingual artery D. thyroid E. parotid glands 691. Doing intraoral incision in the treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue can damage A. zygomatic bone B. facial artery C. thyroid D. parotid glands E. * submandibular salivary gland 692. Local complications of phlegmon and abscess of the tongue is A. meningoencephalitis B. Brain abscess C. Cicatricial eversion of lower lip D. * Stenosis of the upper respiratory tract E. Thrombosis of venous sinuses of the brain 693. In the complex treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue enters A. Cryotherapy B. * physiotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Radiology E. Eelektro coagulation 694. In the complex treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue enters A. Radiotherapy B. Sedative Therapy C. Manual therapy D. antihypertensive therapy E. * desensitizing therapy 695. In the complex treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue enters A. Cryotherapy B. physiotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Radiology E. * Eelektro coagulation 696. In the complex treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue enters A. Radiotherapy B. Sedative Therapy C. Manual therapy D. antihypertensive therapy E. * desensitizing therapy 697. Pathogens at around pharyngeal space phlegmon is often A. Anaerobes B. luminous fungi C. treponema pallidum D. * Staphylococci, streptococci E. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 698. Odontogenic reason for the development of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue is an inflammatory process in the A. Upper lip B. * teeth of lower jaw C. teeth of the upper jaw D. lymph nodes buccal region E. lymph nodes of the parotid region 699. The most common reason for not odontogenic abscess and phlegmon of of the tongue is A. * Trauma of the tongue B. Furuncle of lower lip C. Lymphadenitis buccal region D. Limphadenitis parotid region E. Acute periodontitis of teeth of the lower jaw 700. The most common reason for not odontogenic abscess and phlegmon of of the tongue is A. * Acute tonsillitis B. Furuncle of lower lip C. Lymphadenitis buccal region D. Limphadenitis parotid region E. Acute periodontitis of teeth of the lower jaw 701. Typical clinical signs of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue is A. Asymmetry of face B. Difficulty opening the mouth C. Swelling of the pterygo-mandibular folds D. * bulging of hyoid rollers E. Swelling and redness of buccal regions 702. Typical clinical signs of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue is A. Asymmetry of face B. * Edema and infiltration of the tongue C. Difficulty opening the mouth D. Swelling of the pterygo-mandibular folds E. Swelling and redness of buccal regions 703. Typical clinical signs of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue is A. Asymmetry of face B. * Pain when swallowing C. Difficulty opening the mouth D. Swelling of the pterygo-mandibular folds E. Swelling and redness of buccal regions 704. The complex treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue includes A. Cryotherapy B. * physiotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Radiology E. Eelektro coagulation 705. The complex treatment of abscess and phlegmon of the tongue includes A. Radiotherapy B. Sedative Therapy C. Manual therapy D. antihypertensive therapy E. * desensitizing therapy 706. Features characteristic of the history around phlegmon pharyngeal space is A. Acute onset B. Difficulty chewing C. * Right A, D, E D. Limitation of mouth opening E. Pain when swallowing 707. Signs characteristic of anamnesis around pharyngeal space phlegmon is A. Acute onset B. Difficulty chewing C. * Right A, D, E D. Limitation of mouth opening E. Pain when swallowing 708. Not odontogenic reason for the development of around the pharyngeal space abscess is A. * Acute tonsillitis B. Furuncle of upper lip C. Lymphadenitis buccal region D. Limphadenitis parotid region E. Acute periodontitis third molars of the upper jaw 709. Odontogenic cause for the development of an around the pharyngeal space abscess is A. Acute tonsillitis B. Limphadenitis buccal region C. Lymphadenitis parotid region D. * Acute periodontitis molars of the upper and lower jaw E. Acute periodontitis incisors of the upper and lower jaw 710. Typical clinical signs of an abscess around the pharyngeal space is A. Asymmetry of face B. * Difficulty swallowing C. Difficulty opening the mouth D. Sublingual ridges bulging E. Swelling and redness buccal regions 711. Typical clinical signs of around the pharyngeal space abscess is A. Asymmetry of face B. * Difficulty swallowing C. Difficulty opening the mouth D. bulging of hyoid rollers E. Swelling and redness buccal regions 712. Phlegmon of around pharyngeal space should be differentiated from the following diseases A. * With all listed below B. With the angina C. With the abscess pterygoid-mandibular space D. With the around the pharyngeal space abscess E. With the phlegmon pterygoid-mandibular space 713. On the day of treatment at an abscess around the pharyngeal space must A. * Disclose septic foci B. Start acupuncture C. Make novocaine blockade D. Approve physiotherapy E. Enter intramuscular respiratory analeptics 714. Doing intraoral incision in the treatment of an abscess around the pharyngeal space may be damaged A. zygomatic bone B. lingual artery C. thyroid D. * The internal carotid artery E. parotid artery 715. Doing intraoral incision in the treatment of an abscess around the pharyngeal space may be damaged A. Angular vein B. facial vein C. lingual artery D. thyroid E. * The internal jugular vein 716. Early local complications of around the pharyngeal space abscess is A. salivary fistula B. Brain abscess C. Cicatricial eversion of the lower lip D. * Stenosis of the upper respiratory tract E. Thrombosis of the sinuses of brain 717. The complex treatment of an abscess around the pharyngeal space includes A. Cryotherapy B. Chemotherapy C. * physiotherapy D. Radiology E. Electro coagulation 718. The complex treatment of an abscess around the pharyngeal space includes A. * HBO-therapy B. Cryotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Radiology E. Electro coagulation 719. The complex treatment of an abscess around the pharyngeal space includes A. Radiotherapy B. Sedative Therapy C. Manual therapy D. antihypertensive therapy E. * Detoxication therapy 720. The complex treatment of an abscess around the pharyngeal space includes A. Radiotherapy B. Sedative Therapy C. Manual therapy D. antihypertensive therapy E. * Antibiotic Therapy 721. Pathogens at Ludwig angina are A. treponema pallidum B. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis C. Staphylococci, streptococci D. luminous fungi, staphylococci E. * facultative anaerobes, hemolytic streptococcus 722. Not odontogenic cause for the development of Ludwig angina is an inflammatory process in the A. Upper lip B. * tonsils C. teeth of the upper jaw D. lymph nodes buccal region E. lymph nodes of the parotid region 723. Ludwig's angina affects cellular spaces of A. Canine fossa B. Buccal area C. temporal region D. parotid-masticatory area E. * Around the pharyngeal space 724. Ludwig's angina affects cellular spaces A. Canine fossa B. Buccal area C. temporal region D. parotid-masticatory area E. * pterygoid-mandibular space 725. A characteristic feature of the clinical picture of Ludwig angina is a lesion A. In the temporal and infratemporal regions B. temporal, buccal area and Canine fossa C. * In all cellular spaces of the mouth floor D. Pterygoid-palatal, temporal and infratemporal regions E. Pterygoid-palatal, temporal, infratemporal and pterygoid-mandibular areas 726. A characteristic feature of the clinical picture of Ludwig angina is A. * Severe intoxication B. Absence of intoxication C. Having clear boundaries inflammatory infiltrate D. limited inflammatory infiltrate of the tongue root E. Poured inflammatory infiltrate Pterygoid-palatal, temporal, and infratemporal and pterygoidmandibular areas 727. A characteristic feature of the clinical picture of Ludwig angina is A. Free mouth opening B. * Difficulty breathing and mouth opening C. Absence of intoxication and fever D. Having clear boundaries inflammatory infiltrate E. Poured inflammatory infiltrate Pterygoid-palatal, temporal, and infratemporal and pterygoidmandibular areas 728. In an unfavorable course of Ludwig angina infection spreads A. * In the mediastinum B. In the parotid salivary gland C. In the venous sinuses of the brain D. In the pterygoid-palatine venous plexus E. In the temporal region 729. On the day of treatment in Ludwig angina it is necessary to A. * Disclose septic foci B. Start acupuncture C. Make anesthetic blockade D. Approve physiotherapy E. Enter intramuscular respiratory analeptics 730. In an unfavorable course of Ludwig angina early local complication is A. Xerostomia B. salivary fistula C. Cicatricial contracture D. Paralysis of the facial nerve E. * Stenosis of the upper respiratory tract 731. In an unfavorable course of Ludwig angina early local complication is A. * mediastenit B. Xerostomia C. Salivary fistula D. Scar contracture E. Paralysis of the facial nerve 732. The complex treatment of Ludwig angina includes A. * HBO-therapy B. Cryotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Radiology E. Eelektro coagulation 733. The complex treatment of Ludwig angina includes A. Radiotherapy B. Sedative Therapy C. Manual therapy D. antihypertensive therapy E. * Antibiotic Therapy 734. The complex treatment of Ludwig angina includes A. Radiotherapy B. Sedative Therapy C. Manual therapy D. antihypertensive therapy E. * Detoxication therapy 735. Functional disorders in Ludwig angina are A. In ptosis B. In hyposalivation C. In the lingual nerve paresis D. * In difficulty swallowing and breathing E. In paresis of the third branch of the trigeminal nerve 736. What form of inflammation predominates by phlegmonous processes in the soft tissues? A. exudative serous. B. exudative fibrous. C. exudative hemorrhagic. D. exudative putrefactive. E. * exudative purulent. 737. Antagonists of lincomycin is A. kanamycin B. Ampicillin C. Penicillin D. * Erythromycin E. oxacillin 738. After the examination the patient N., 46 years old, diagnosed: Phlegmon of root of the tongue. The patient was hospitalized in the maxillofacial department. What is the best operational access to dissection of phlegmon of the tongue root? A. intraoral access. B. neck shaped incision in the submental and submandibular triangle. C. * The vertical incision in the midline of the neck. D. Section of submandibular triangle. E. incision that follows the line of the angle of the mandible. 739. Typical clinical sign of an abscess of around the pharyngeal space is A. Asymmetry of face B. * Shortness of breath C. Difficulty opening the mouth D. bulging of sublingual ridges E. Swelling and redness of buccal regions 740. When is manifested early radiological signs of destructive odontogenic osteomyelitis? A. On the 1st 2nd day B. On the 3-4th day C. * On 15-20th day D. On the 30th 40th day E. On the 50th day 741. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis? A. Age of the patient B. Acute lymphadenitis C. Injury by badly manufactured prosthesis D. * A tooth or tooth root in fracture line E. There is no right answer 742. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws? A. Age of the patient B. Acute lymphadenitis C. Injury by badly manufactured prosthesis D. * Poor reposition and immobilization of fragments E. There is no right answer 743. What is the method of prevention of posttraumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws? A. Physiotherapy B. Temporary immobilization of fragments C. Deferred immobilization of fragments D. D * Tooth or tooth root of the fracture line E. There is no right answer 744. What methods of prevention of posttraumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws? A. Physiotherapy B. Temporary immobilization of fragments C. Deferred immobilization of fragments D. * Early and reliable immobilization of fragments E. There is no right answer 745. Methods of prevention of posttraumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws? A. Physiotherapy B. * Deferred immobilization of fragments C. desensitizing treatment D. oral hygiene before the immobilization of fragments E. There is no right answer 746. What is the surgical treatment of chronic posttraumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws? A. removing the sequestration B. In the revision of the bone wound C. In reposition and fixation of bone fragments D. * In the revision of the bone wound sequestration removal, excision of the fistula E. There is no right answer 747. In secondary syphilis which laboratory tests have diagnostic value? A. * MPC, reaction Vasermana B. Cytological C. Haematology D. HbS-antigen E. Histological 748. The patient has hyperemic facial skin on the skin of the forehead, nose and temples detected granulomas, up to 1 cm in diameter, soft, sharply painful. At their autopsy was received sanious content that was directed to the study. What cells found cytologist? A. * Pirogov- Langerhans cells B. Red blood cells, white blood cells C. Leukocytes in the entire field of view D. Cells Berezovsky-Shtenberha E. Pro lymphocytes, lymphocytes 749. After which time occurs sequestration of the outer walls of the alveoli of the upper teeth? A. 1-2 weeks. B. * 3-4 weeks. C. 5-6 weeks. D. 6-7 weeks. E. 7-8 weeks. 750. After which time occures sequestration of cortical areas of the mandible body in chronic osteomyelitis of the jaws? A. 1-2 weeks. B. 3-4 weeks. C. 5-6 weeks. D. * 6-7 weeks. E. 7-8 weeks. 751. What processes take place in bone tissue at chronic osteomyelitis of the jaws? A. * The formation of new bone tissue B. Lysis of bone C. The excessive formation of connective tissue D. Excessive bone calcination E. All answers are correct 752. What areas of the maxilla most rapidly get sequestrated? A. alveolar process and body of the jaw B. Body of the jaw C. * alveolar process D. Branches of jaw E. Angle of jaw 753. Often mandibular sequestration runs in: A. * alveolar process and body of the jaw B. Body of the jaw C. alveolar process D. Branches of jaw E. Angle of jaw 754. Which of the following refers to the clinical signs of chronic osteomyelitis? A. The presence of fistulas B. The presence of hyperemia of the mucous membrane C. oozing pus and granulation of fistula D. mobility of the group of teeth E. * All answers are correct 755. Serological testing for actinomycosis is based on: A. complement fixation B. * Use of aktinolizate C. Counting the number of leukocytes in the saliva D. Definition of lisozym E. Counting the ratio of white blood cells and red blood cells 756. At chronic osteomyelitis in the blood increases dramatically contents A. Erythrocytes B. * Lymphocytes C. Leukocyte D. thrombocytes E. eosinophils 757. What are the clinical signs characteristic of hyperostosis form of chronic osteomyelitis? A. Absence of fistula B. Absence of sequestration C. Swollen lymph nodes D. The normal condition of the soft tissues E. * All answers are correct 758. What are the clinical signs characteristic of hyperostosis form of chronic osteomyelitis? A. Absence of fistula B. Absence of sequestration C. Swollen lymph nodes D. The normal condition of the soft tissues E. * All answers are correct 759. Operative access during sequestrectomy on the upper jaw: A. intraoral B. extraoral C. * intraoral combined with maxillary sinusotomy D. There is no right answer E. All answers are correct 760. Operative access during sequestrectomy on the lower jaw: A. intraoral B. * extraoral C. Intraoral combined with maxillary sinusotomy D. There is no right answer E. All answers are correct 761. What drugs are introduced into the bone cavity after removal of its sequestration? A. Antiviral B. Immunomodulators C. Anti-inflammatory D. * Antibiotics E. No correct answers 762. During sequestrectomy granulation tissue that covers the bone cavity walls: A. Is removed completely B. Removed on ½ C. Removed on 2/3 D. * Is not removed at all E. There is no right answer 763. What is the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis hyperostosis form? A. In conducting sequestrectomy B. In conducting a strong antibiotic C. * In conducting specific immunotherapy D. In conducting sequestrectomy combined with maxillary sinusotomy E. All answers are correct 764. Patient N., 49 years on the oral mucosa and on the side of the tongue ulcer rounded, painless, up to 0.7 cm with smooth edges, with smooth surface and cartilage-like basis. Your diagnosis A. Cancer B. Tuberculosis C. Actinomycosis D. * Syphilis E. Thrombophlebitis 765. Patient B., 22 years was diagnosed with secondary syphilis. What are the typical symptoms for this disease? A. papules or pustules B. chancre C. ulcers D. * Availability of roseola, papules E. gummatous formation 766. Sequestrectomy period shown after? A. physiotherapy B. bone wound fester C. * formation of sequestration D. antibiotic therapy E. anti-inflammatory therapy 767. Odontogenic chronic osteomyelitis develops: A. more often on the lower jaw B. * more on the upper jaw C. common on both jaws D. No patterns in the frequency of damage E. does not occur in the jaw bones 768. Odontogenic chronic osteomyelitis rarely develops on the upper jaw, mainly due to the fact that: A. Jaw rarely is damaged acute odontogenic octeomiyelitom B. * Roots "of causal" tooth separated from soft tissue with thin cortical plate C. It has a good blood supply D. It consists mainly of spongy bone substance E. There is no right answer 769. Diagnosis: "Odontogenic chronic osteomyelitis" refers to the basis of: A. biochemical examination B. immunological examination C. * X-ray examination D. Clinical examination E. cytologic examination 770. Indications to sequestrectomy are: A. The absence of temperature reaction B. The term of onset, C. The presence of fistulas with purulent discharge D. * Roentgenologically-availability of sequestration E. Clinical signs 771. Necro sequestrectomy carried out in the presence of: A. * Roentgenologically detected sequestration B. Roentgenologically revealed sequestration associated with maternal bone C. Roentgenologically detected bone destruction demarcated sequestration D. . X-ray picture does not matter E. . Based on laboratory methods of examination 772. Necro sequestrectomy consists of: A. A. The wide soft tissue dissection and exposure of the damaged area of bone B. Dissection of the fistula C. Removal of sequestration and washing of sequestered capsules D. * Delete sequestration and curettage sequestered cavity E. Washing sequestered capsules 773. In a patient during 6 months appeared stiffness in the right temporomandibular joint. pain in the joint increased after hypothermia, after a long conversation, or at the end of the day. Sometimes there is a crunch in the joint. What is the diagnosis in this case? A. * Chronic arthritis. B. Osteoarthritis. C. Pain dysfunction of joint. D. Acute arthritis. E. arthroso -arthritis 774. Patient H, 59 years old complains of stiffness in left temporomandibular joint in the morning, as well as paresthesia of the mouth on the left. During the day the mobility of the mandible grows. To what disease these symptoms are most characteristic? A. * Osteoarthritis. B. Pain dysfunction of joint. C. acute arthritis. D. Chronic arthritis. E. arthroso-arthritis. 775. In injured bilateral dislocation of the temporomandibular joint. What main joint ligaments will be damaged? A. * Lateral B. Internal C. pterygoid-palatal D. pterygoid-mandibular E. Intraarticular 776. Mandibular (articular) fossa of the temporal bone distinguishable from the front: A. *front edge of rocky-tympanic fissure B. articular tubercle C. articular fossa D. zygomatic processus E. sphenoid bone 777. Which anatomical formation of temporomandibular joint provides compensation for congruence surfaces and a wide range of jaw movements? A. * Articular disc B. the joint capsule C. Cartilage cover joint D. articular fossa E. Articular tubercle 778. Girl 15 years, complains of crunching in the left TMJ, stiffness in it in the morning. Sick for 3 years. OBJECTIVE: symmetrical face. Palpation of TMJ causes no pain. Opening of the mouth is accompanied by crepitus in the left joint, deviation of the chin to the left. Assign the appropriate method for further examination: A. * TMJ CT B. Orthopantomography C. Radiography half of the mandible in lateral projection D. MRT E. Plain radiography of the skull in front of the projection 779. Patient 27 years old complaints of acute pain in both TMJ, which increases during jaw movements. Pain extends to ear. Mouth opening is limited to 0.3-0.5 cm in the patient's general malaise. There is swelling of the tissues around the joint. When you press a hand to chin pain increases sharply. On Rtg no change. A. * Acute arthritis. B. Chronic traumatic arthritis. C. Rheumatoid arthritis. D. fibrous ankylosis of the left TMJ. E. Bone ankylosis of the left TMJ. 780. Patient 21 years old complains of morning stiffness and mild pain in the TMJ, which increases during the movements of the jaw, the emergence of "crunch" with a headache. Face is symmetric. Palpation of the joints and tragus of ear a little painful. The pain is worse when touching the chin. On X-ray uneven expansion of joint space. The patient has: A. * Chronic arthritis. B. Acute arthritis. C. Osteoarthritis. D. Rheumatoid arthritis. E. Rheumatoid arthritis. 781. On examination, the patient 45 years old was observed asymmetry of the face. On the right side in the area of TMJ soft tissues of the cheeks have plump look. And on the healthy side look flat. Middle line of chin and incisive of mandible are shifted to the right side. The patient can not open his mouth. Patient has: A. * Unilateral ankylosis. B. Bilateral ankylosis. C. Arthritis. D. Osteoarthritis. E. arthrosis-arthritis. 782. Sharp dehydration at phlegmon of the mouth floor promotes: A. electrolyte imbalance B. Changes in the blood coagulation system C. Increased diuresis D. Renal failure E. * Inability of fluid intake because of the dramatic swelling and pain in the tongue and floor of the mouth 783. Operative access in the treatment of phlegmon of the mouth floor consists in the cut that goes: A. In the area of the chin B. What goes around the angle of the mandible C. mucosa by pterygoid-mandibular fold D. In the submaxillary area along the edge of the mandible E. * Along the edge of the lower jaw curved shape from corner to corner 784. Doing incision in the treatment of phlegmon of the mouth floor may be damaged: A. Tongue B. zygomatic bone C. * facial artery D. thyroid E. parotid glands 785. Doing incision in the treatment of phlegmon of the mouth floor may be damaged: A. Tongue B. zygomatic bone C. N. facialis D. parotid glands E. * submandibular salivary gland 786. When unfavorable course of phlegmon of the mouth floor infection spreads: A. In the mediastinum B. In the subdural space C. In the parotid salivary gland D. * In pterygo-palatine venous plexus E. In the venous sinuses of the brain 787. Local complications of phlegmon of the mouth floor are: A. * mediastinitis B. meningoencephalitis C. Brain abscess D. Cicatricial underside of the upper lip E. Thrombosis of venous sinuses of the brain 788. The complex treatment of phlegmon of the mouth floor include: A. Cryotherapy B. Chemotherapy C. * Physiotherapy D. Radiology E. Electro coagulation 789. Cut at phlegmon of the mouth floor is sufficient if it is made: A. In the place of fluctuation B. In the projection of the tongue C. On the verge of skin hyperemia D. * the entire width of infiltration E. In the most painful place 790. The complex treatment of phlegmon of the mouth floor include: A. Radiation B. Sedative C. Manual D. Hypotensive E. * desensitizing 791. The complex treatment of phlegmon of the mouth floor include: A. Radiation B. Sedative C. Manual D. Hypotensive E. * Detoxication 792. The complex treatment of phlegmon of the mouth floor include: A. Radiation B. Sedative C. Manual D. Hypotensive E. * Antibacterial 793. The major functional disorders at phlegmon of the mouth floor are: A. Ptosis B. hypo salivation C. * Difficulty swallowing D. Paresis lingual nerve E. Paresis third branch of n.facialis 794. Objective signs characteristic for abscess jaw-lingual groove is A. Swelling of the cheeks B. * Right C, D, E C. A sharp pain that is worse when talking D. Difficulty opening the mouth E. The limited opening of the mouth 795. To quickly clean purulent wound is prescribed: A. UHF B. Massage C. Electrophoresis D. galvanizing E. * Fluctuarisation 796. Pathogens at phlegmon of the mouth floor is often: A. Anaerobes B. * Staphylococci C. luminous fungi D. treponema pallidum E. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 797. The reason for developing of phlegmon of the mouth floor is inflammation in the area of: A. Upper lip B. * teeth of lower jaw C. teeth of the upper jaw D. lymph nodes of cheeks E. lymph nodes of parotid area 798. A typical clinical sign of phlegmon of the mouth floor are: A. Trismus B. Swelling of the pterygoid-mandibular folds C. Swelling of the cheeks D. flushing of the skin in the region of the lower lip E. * Infiltration of soft tissue in the submandibular and submental areas 799. Primary localized suppurative focus at phlegmon of the mouth floor is most often abscess of: A. Cheek B. infratemporal fossa C. Under the masticatory muscles D. In the parotid salivary gland E. * pterygoid-mandibular space 800. Primary localized suppurative focus at phlegmon of the mouth floor is most often abscess of: A. Cheek B. infratemporal fossa C. Under the masticatory muscles D. In the parotid salivary gland E. * Around the pharyngeal space 801. On the day of treatment at phlegmon of the mouth floor should: A. * Disclose septic foci B. Start acupuncture C. Make novocaine blockade D. Approve physiotherapy E. Enter intramuscular respiratory analeptics 802. At phlegmon of the mouth floor are not affected: A. submandibular space B. submental space C. * Submasseterial space D. sublingual area E. The root of the tongue 803. At phlegmon of the mouth floor will appear pain at: A. * Swallowing B. Speech C. movements of the tongue D. palpation of submaxillary area E. All answers are correct 804. Doing incision in the treatment of abscess of jaw-lingual groove may be damaged A. B. C. D. E. Tongue zygomatic bone facial artery * lingual artery parotid glands 805. In an unfavorable course of abscess of jaw-lingual groove infection spreads A. In the subdural space B. In the parotid salivary gland C. * At around pharyngeal space D. In the pterygoid-palatine venous plexus E. In the venous sinuses of the brain 806. In an unfavorable course of abscess of jaw- lingual groove infection spreads A. * In tissue floor of the mouth B. In the subdural space C. In the parotid salivary gland D. In the pterygo-palatine venous plexus E. In the venous sinuses of the brain 807. In an unfavorable course of abscess jaw- lingual groove infection spreads A. In the parotid salivary gland B. In the subdural space C. In the pterygo-palatine venous plexus D. In the venous sinuses of the brain E. * In the submandibular area in tissues of the mouth floor 808. In an unfavorable course of abscess jaw- lingual groove infection spreads A. * In the mediastinum B. In the subdural space C. In the parotid salivary gland D. In the venous sinuses of the brain E. In the pterygo-palatine venous plexus 809. In the complex treatment of abscess jaw-lingual groove includes A. Cryotherapy B. Chemotherapy C. * physiotherapy D. Radiology E. Electro coagulation 810. In the complex treatment of abscess jaw-lingual groove includes A. Radiotherapy B. C. D. E. Sedative Therapy Manual therapy antihypertensive therapy * desensitizing therapy 811. In the complex treatment of abscess jaw-lingual groove includes A. Radiotherapy B. Sedative Therapy C. Manual therapy D. antihypertensive therapy E. * Antibiotic Therapy 812. Submandibular lymph nodes are: A. * Ahead of facial artery (front, mid, rear) B. Between the facial artery and facial vein. C. Behind the facial artery. D. Behind the facial vein. E. Ahead of facial artery, between vein and artery, behind vein. 813. 466. Inconstant lymph nodes are: A. Deep neck. B. Submental. C. Behind The ear. D. * Mandibular (supramandibular) and cheek. E. nasolabial. 814. Increase in the number of lymphocytes at the blood smear microscopy from abnormal foci is typical for: A. abscesses. B. phlegmon. C. * Acute serous lymphadenitis. D. Acute suppurative lymphadenitis. E. Chronic lymphadenitis productive. 815. 468. Choice of location and direction of incision at abscesses and phlegmon depends on: A. From the general condition of the patient. B. From the patient's age. C. * From localization. D. The state of immunity. E. From the data of biochemical blood tests. 816. 469. Pathogens of odontogenic sepsis are most often: A. Staphylococcus B. Streptococcus C. Meningococcus D. pneumoniae E. * Anaerobes, staphylococcus 817. 470. Sepsis, which is not found in the maxillofacial area: A. Odontogenic B. Stomatogenic C. * wound D. Tonzilogenic E. Urogenic 818. Abscess of jaw-lingual groove must be differentiated A. From periostitis of the mandible B. With phlegmon of around pharyngeal space C. With the tongue abscess D. * The correct answers are A, B , C E. With a sharp sialoadenitis of submandibular salivary gland 819. 472. An examination of the oral cavity in patients with inflammatory contracture of the lower jaw is used A. Anesthesia for method Vaysblata B. Anesthesia for method Vaysbrema C. * Anesthesia by the method Bershe - Dubov - Uvarov D. Anesthesia for method Egorova E. None of the above methods of anesthesia does not give the desired result 820. Abscess of jaw-lingual groove must be differentiated A. From lockjaw B. With carbuncles of lower lip C. With phlegmon of buccal area D. From phlegmon of temporal area E. * From abscess of pterygoid-mandibular space 821. In an unfavorable course of abscess of jaw-lingual groove infection spreads A. In the parotid salivary gland B. In the subdural space C. In the pterygoid-palatine venous plexus D. In the venous sinuses of the brain E. * In pterygoid-mandibular space 822. In an unfavorable course of abscess jaw-lingual groove infection spreads A. * to the root of the tongue B. In the subdural space C. In the parotid salivary gland D. In the pterygoid-palatine venous plexus E. In the venous sinuses of the brain 823. In an unfavorable course of abscess jaw-lingual groove infection spreads A. In the subdural space B. * In the submandibular region C. In the parotid salivary gland D. In the pterygoid-palatine venous plexus E. In the venous sinuses of the brain 824. In an unfavorable course of abscess jaw-lingual groove infection spreads A. In the subdural space B. In the parotid salivary gland C. In the pterygoid-palatine venous plexus D. In the venous sinuses of the brain E. * At around pharyngeal space 825. On the day of treatment at abscess jaw-lingual groove must A. * Disclose septic foci B. Start acupuncture C. Make novocaine blockade D. Approve physiotherapy E. Enter intramuscular respiratory analeptics 826. Operative access in the treatment of abscess jaw-language groove consists in cut A. What goes around the angle of the mandible B. * mucosa of jaw-lingual groove C. Closer to the inner surface of the body of the mandible D. In the submandibular area along the edge of the mandible E. In the mucous membrane in pterygoid-mandibular fold 827. Doing incision in the treatment of abscess jaw-language groove may damage A. Tongue B. * lingual nerve C. zygomatic bone D. facial artery E. parotid glands 828. What processes originate in the bone at hiperostosis form of chronic osteomyelitis? A. The formation of new bone B. Lysis of bone C. The excessive formation of connective tissue D. Excessive bone calcination E. * bone sclerosis 829. What are the sequesters at hiperostosis form of chronic osteomyelitis: A. Small, isolated B. Single, large C. * sequestration are not formed D. Small, multiple E. Large, multiple 830. Leading in the treatment of tuberculosis of the oral cavity is : A. Early and radical surgery B. * Specific therapy C. A combination of surgery and antibiotic therapy D. Antibiotic therapy combined with physiotherapy E. Combination of the surgical treatment of physiotherapy 831. Essential in the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the oral cavity and face are: A. serological survey data * B. Data of morphological examination C. Data of X-ray examination D. Data of biochemical examination of saliva and blood E. Data of ultrasound examination 832. In which period is shown sequestrectomy at traumatic osteomyelitis? A. After physiotherapy B. * After forming sequestration C. After the bone wound fester D. After antibiotic therapy E. There is no right answer 833. Odontogenic chronic osteomyelitis more often strikes: A. mandible B. It is equally common in both jaws C. * The upper jaw D. There is no regularity in the frequency of damage E. does not occur in the jaw bones 834. Actinomycosis refers to, A. neoplastic process B. degenerative processes C. * specific inflammation D. tumor diseases E. nonspecific inflammation 835. The causative agent of actinomycosis is: A. Filtering Virus B. * Fungus C. Aerobic microflora D. Simpler E. anaerobic microflora 836. Actinomycosis often develops: A. In the context of chronic inflammation B. * result of traumatic tissue damage C. Primary unchanged tissues D. Patterns undetectable E. After the decrease of the immune system 837. Essential in the diagnosis of actinomycosis is: A. Biochemical examination of blood and saliva; B. Radiographic examination of tissues C. Clinical blood test D. Data bacteriological examination of blood E. * These serological examination of blood 838. On which day appear first radiological signs of destructive odontogenic osteomyelitis? A. 1-2nd day B. 3-4th day C. 30-40th day D. * 15-20th day E. 50th day 839. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis? A. Age of the patient B. Acute lymphadenitis C. Injury poorly manufactured prosthesis D. * A tooth or tooth root in fracture line E. There is no right answer 840. What is the cause of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws A. Acute suppurative periostitis B. Acute lymphadenitis C. Infection of wounds D. * Infection fracture line E. Related Diseases 841. The development of posttraumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws begin with? A. Violation of oral hygiene B. Infection of fracture line C. Acute lymphadenitis D. Injury by badly made prosthetic E. * Poor reposition and immobilization of fragments 842. What are the methods of prevention of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws? A. Physiotherapy B. Temporary immobilization of fragments C. dental health D. * Tooth or tooth root of the fracture line E. Oral Health 843. The primary method of prevention of posttraumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws? A. Physiotherapy B. Temporary immobilization of fragments C. * Early and reliable immobilization of fragments D. Deferred immobilization of fragments E. metal osteosynthesis 844. Name the only reliable method of preventing infection of gunshot wound. A. * As soon as possible early debridement B. antibiotic therapy C. antibiotic therapy D. Appointment of antihistamines E. Transfusion erytromasy 845. At the stage of medical evacuation delivered to the victim with a fresh wound of the occipital areas. What suture should be used for suturing wounds? A. * Primary deaf suture B. Primary suture is not dead C. Primary delayed suture D. Early secondary suture dead E. Late secondary suture 846. Patients diagnosed with fibropapilloma of skin. What method of treatment should be used? A. Radiation B. * Surgery C. Physiotherapy D. medicamentous E. Combined 847. The surgeon suspected in a young woman odontom in the body of the mandible on the left. What is the main method of diagnosis in this case? A. radioisotope B. Clinical examination C. radioisotope D. * X-ray E. Palpable 848. In the dental surgeon for 4 years under the supervision is the patient, who was diagnosed with Manganotti cheilitis. What is the main method of diagnosis at suspicion on degeneration of the disease in the lower lip cancer? A. Biochemical B. Clinical C. Serological D. Visual E. * cytological 849. A dental surgeon suspected in a young woman odontoma in the body of the mandible on the left. What is the main method of diagnosis in this case? A. * X-ray B. Clinical examination C. radioisotope D. radioisotope E. Palpable 850. A patient diagnosed with cancer (cylinders) of the parotid salivary gland. Is it possible formation of cystic cavities in salivary gland tumor at such morphological form of cancer? A. observed in heart failure B. no C. formed in malnourished patients D. observed in 50% of cases E. * yes 851. Is possible formation of cystic cavities in salivary gland tumors at cylindroma? A. observed in 50% of cases B. no C. formed in malnourished patients D. * yes E. observed in heart failure 852. After the examination, of the patient in Oncology Center was put clinical and cytological diagnosis: Cancer (cylindroma) of submaxillary salivary gland. Is cystic cavity formed in the gland tumor at such morphological form of cancer? A. no B. * yes C. formed in malnourished patients D. observed in 50% of cases E. observed in diabetes 853. At cylindroma of salivary gland is possible formation of cystic cavities? A. * yes B. no C. observed in malnourished patients D. observed in 50% of cases E. observed in 20% of cases 854. Name a synonym to cylindroma: A. epidermoid carcinoma B. * adenocystic carcinoma C. Mixed tumor D. pleomorf adenoma E. epidermoid carcinoma 855. Synonym of cylindroma - is: A. pleomorf adenoma B. epidermoid carcinoma C. Mixed tumor D. * adenocystic carcinoma E. epidermoid carcinoma 856. Synonym of adenocystic carcinoma - is: A. Mixed tumor B. adenocarcinoma C. pleomorf adenoma D. * cylindroma E. epidermoid carcinoma 857. Is possible retention of contrast on sialography of parotid salivary gland in patients with malignant tumor of the gland? A. * possible B. not possible C. is possible, but very rare D. possible in malnourished patients E. is possible with diabetes 858. To a patient with a malignant tumor of salivary gland is made sialography. Is there a retention of contrast in the gland at this examination? A. observed but very rarely B. not observed C. * observed D. occurs in malnourished patients E. occurs in renal failure 859. Is retention of contrast observed in patient with malignant tumor of parotid salivary gland at sialography? A. not observed B. * observed C. observed but very rarely D. occurs in malnourished patients E. observed in diabetes 860. Name sections of the oral cavity, where a malignant tumor of salivary gland (formed in small salivary glands) will be fixed? A. in retro molar area B. on the soft palate C. at the bottom of the mouth D. * on the hard palate E. in the area of the tongue 861. In which part of the oral cavity malignant tumor of salivary gland is fixed, if the tumor is formed in small salivary glands? A. in the area of the tongue B. on the soft palate C. at the bottom of the mouth D. in retro molar part E. * on the hard palate 862. Name a tumor, which refers to malignant epithelial tumors: A. chylangioma B. Hibernoma C. * adeno cystic carcinoma D. neuroma E. Hemangioma 863. To the malignant epithelial tumors refers: A. Hemangioma B. Hibernoma C. chylangioma D. neuroma E. * adeno cystic carcinoma 864. Which of the tumor refers to malignant epithelial tumors? A. * adeno cystic carcinoma B. Hibernoma C. chylangioma D. neuroma E. Hemangioma 865. Malignant epithelial tumors include: A. chylangioma B. Hibernoma C. * adeno carcinoma D. neuroma E. Hemangioma 866. To the malignant epithelial tumors refers: A. neuroma B. Hibernoma C. chylangioma D. * adeno carcinoma E. Hemangioma 867. To the malignant epithelial tumors refers: A. chylangioma B. Hibernoma C. * mucoepidermoid carcinoma D. neuroma E. chondroma 868. Which of the listed below tumors refer to malignant epithelial tumors? A. * adeno carcinoma B. Hibernoma C. chylangioma D. neuroma E. Hemangioma 869. Which of the tumor refers to malignant epithelial tumors? A. * Mucoepidermoid carcinoma B. Hibernoma C. chylangioma D. neuroma E. chondroma 870. To the malignant epithelial tumors refers: A. Hibernoma B. * Mucoepidermoid carcinoma C. chylangioma D. neuroma E. chondroma 871. Patient S. 3 days ago underwent surgery on pancreatitis. 2 days ago there was a dryness in the mouth, pain and swelling of the right parotid salivary gland. Temperature 38C. Salivary gland is enlarged, firm, painful mouth opening is free. From the duct secreted muddy saliva. Diagnosis? A. * Acute parotitis. B. Infectious parotitis. C. abscess of the parotid region. D. False mumps. E. salivary gland carcinoma 872. In stomat clinic turned woman 47 years old with complaints of dryness of the oral mucosa, photophobia, xerophthalmia, swelling of the parotid salivary glands. Gland palpation - dense, little painful, ducts are dilated, from the ducts is secreted muddy saliva. Diagnosis? A. False mumps Hertsenberha B. Symptomatic xerostomia C. Mumps. D. * Sjogren's disease. E. salivary gland carcinoma 873. The patient 49 years old turned to a dentist with complaints of dryness of the oral mucosa, photophobia, xerophthalmia, swelling of the parotid salivary glands. Gland palpation - dense, little painful, ducts dilated, from them is secreted muddy saliva. Diagnosis? A. Mumps. B. Symptomatic xerostomia C. * Sjogren's disease. D. False mumps Hertsenberha E. salivary gland carcinoma 874. Two weeks ago the patient D., 47 years old suffered flu. Now turned with complaints on swelling of the right parotid region. Sick for 5 days. Palpation determined tight little painful infiltration. At massage of gland ducts secret clear saliva. Diagnosis? A. Mumps. B. Cellulitis of parotid region. C. * False mumps Hertsenberha. D. effusion mumps E. salivary gland carcinoma 875. Patient N., 48 years old turned with complaints on swelling of the right parotid region. Sick for 5 days. Two weeks ago, suffered SARS. Palpation determined tight little painful infiltration. At massage of gland ducts was secreted clear saliva. Diagnosis? A. Cellulitis parotid region. B. * False mumps Hertsenberha. C. Mumps. D. effusion mumps E. salivary gland carcinoma 876. Patient K., 25 years old, turned with complaints on bulging in the hyoid region, up to 1 cm, elastic consistency, with a bluish tinge, at puncture received viscous yellow liquid. Diagnosis? A. Carcinoma of salivary glands B. Cyst of small salivary glands. C. Cyst of submaxillary salivary gland. D. sublingual salivary gland adenoma E. * cyst sublingual salivary glands. 877. To the dentist turned the patient E., 27 years old, with complaints on protrusion in the hyoid region, up to 1 cm, elastic consistency, with a bluish tinge, at puncture received viscous yellow liquid. Diagnosis? A. sublingual salivary gland adenoma B. Cyst small salivary glands. C. Cyst submaxillary salivary gland. D. * cyst sublingual salivary glands. E. salivary gland carcinoma 878. A young woman complained on the protrusion in the hyoid region, up to 1 cm, elastic consistency, with a bluish tinge, at puncture received viscous yellow liquid. Diagnosis? A. Cyst submaxillary salivary gland B. Cyst small salivary glands. C. * cyst sublingual salivary glands. D. sublingual salivary gland adenoma E. salivary gland carcinoma 879. The patient is 55 years old, turned for medical attention with significant swelling of parotid-masticatory area on the right, redness, tension, sharp pain. On palpation of the duct gland secreted a thick pus, redness of the mucous membrane. What is the diagnosis in this case? A. Suppuration of hematoma B. Phlegmon of parotid-masticatory area C. Carcinoma of salivary glands D. Acute lymphadenitis E. * Acute suppurative parotitis 880. In a patient 52 years old considerable swelling of parotid-masticatory area on the right, redness, tension, sharp pain. During palpation of the gland duct secreted a thick pus, redness of the mucous membrane. What is the diagnosis in this case? A. * Acute suppurative parotitis B. Phlegmon of parotid-masticatory area C. Carcinoma of salivary glands D. Acute lymphadenitis E. Suppuration of hematoma 881. With complaints of periodic increase in parotid salivary glands during meals the patient 55 years old turned to a dentist0. Increase self disappears at rest. OBJECTIVE: glands are soft, painless, while massaging from duct is secreted saliva as a "jet". Sialogram reveals uneven extention of ducts of varying degrees. What is the final diagnosis? A. Chronic interstitial sialadenit B. * Chronic ductal sialadenit C. Chronic parenchymal sialadenit D. Acute bilateral sialadenit E. salivary gland carcinoma 882. Male 46 years old turned to the doctor after undergoing SARS. Ob-no: considerable swelling of parotid-masticatory area on the right, redness, tension, sharp pain. At palpation of the gland duct secreted a thick pus, redness of the mucous membrane. What is the diagnosis in this case? A. Abscess of parotid-masticatory area B. Malignant tumor C. * Acute suppurative parotitis D. Acute lymphadenitis E. Suppuration of hematoma 883. On reception to the doctor turned patient 49 years old. Objective: considerable swelling of parotid-masticatory area on the right, redness, tension, sharp pain. At palpation of the glands duct secreted a thick pus, redness of the mucous membrane. What is the diagnosis in this case? A. Malignant tumor B. * Acute suppurative parotitis C. Abscess of parotid-masticatory area D. Acute lymphadenitis E. Suppuration of hematoma 884. Among the special treatments for malignant tumors of the salivary glands is a surgical method. These are: A. chemotherapy B. symptomatic therapy C. radiotherapy D. Combined treatment E. * microwave therapy 885. The prevalence of tumors of the salivary glands, the most accurate estimates of metastasis classification: A. * TNM B. clinical C. five point C. D. dvenadtsyatybalna E. Cancer Center 886. The main clinical signs that indicate the stage of malignant tumors are: A. * tumor size , presence of distant metastases and regional B. tumor size C. patient complaints D. size of the tumor , presence of metastases in regional E. complaints of the patient, tumor size 887. Based on what the main features of the manifestation of cancer of the salivary gland malignant tumor stage set ? A. complaints of the patient , tumor size B. tumor size C. patient complaints D. tumor size , presence of regional metastases E. * tumor size , presence of distant metastases and regional 888. What are the surgical treatment of malignant tumors of the salivary glands. These are: A. chemotherapy B. symptomatic therapy C. radiotherapy D. microwave therapy E. * combined treatment 889. Dimensions of malignant tumors, the most accurate estimates of metastasis classification: A. Cancer Center B. clinical C. five point . D. twelve point E. * TNM 890. Throughout the medical world today use a single classification , indicating the prevalence of salivary gland tumors and its metastases . These are: A. Cancer Center B. clinical C. * TNM D. dvenadtsyatybalna E. five point . 891. Adenokistozna carcinoma of the parotid salivary gland in the early stages metastasizes : A. In the cervical lymph nodes B. in the deep cervical lymph nodes C. in zahlotkovi and cervical lymph nodes D. * into the lungs and bones by hematogenous E. in pidnyzhnoschelepovi and cervical lymph nodes 892. In the early stages adenokistozna parotid salivary gland carcinoma metastasizing : A. In the cervical lymph nodes B. in the deep cervical lymph nodes C. cervical lymph nodes D. in submandibular and cervical lymph nodes E. * in the lungs and bones by hematogenous 893. What is more affected salivary gland malignancy? A. submaxillary B. hyoid C. a small gland palate D. had the cheek gland E. * bilyavushna 894. Among all salivary gland cancer often affected: A. submaxillary B. * parotid C. a small gland palate D. had the cheek gland E. hyoid 895. The most common malignancy is affected salivary gland: A. * parotid B. submaxillary C. a small gland palate D. had the cheek gland E. hyoid 896. During the examination of the patient are the main clinical signs indicate the stage of malignant tumors? A. * tumor size, presence of distant metastases and regional B. tumor size C. patient complaints D. size of the tumor, presence of metastases in regional E. complaints of the patient, tumor size 897. As a result of examination of the patient and the results of biopsy diagnosed with cancer of the left bilyavushnoyi stage III salivary gland. What treatment is planned? A. * combined treatment B. hysterectomy glands C. regional chemotherapy D. Radiation Therapy E. symptomatic treatment 898. After any surgery most often relapse tumors gl. parotis? A. marginal resection of glands B. parotydektomiyi C. subtotal resection of glands D. hemi resection of glands E. * enucleation of the tumor 899. If the damage which branch of the facial nerve after resection bilyavushnoyi salivary gland cancer occurs on the lower lip movements infringement? A. temporal B. zygomatic C. buccal D. * boundary E. cervical 900. The patient underwent a resection bilyavushnoyi salivary gland tumors. In the postoperative period there has been a violation of the movements of the lower lip. Damaged by a branch of the facial nerve? A. temporal B. zygomatic C. boundary C. D. Jaw E. cervical 901. Can malignant tumor mucoepidermoid have a cystic formations? A. No B. rarely C. * often D. Yes, but only in patients with diabetes E. Yes, but only in debilitated patients 902. Malignant tumor mucoepidermoid can carry cystic lesions? A. No, can not B. * often C. rarely D. Yes, but only in patients with diabetes E. Yes, but only in debilitated patients 903. After degeneration of cancer salivary gland adenoma pleomorfnoyi can get involved in the process opuhovyy surrounding soft tissue and bone ? A. No, not involved B. * are retracted C. Yes, but against the background of inflammation D. involved only in patients older E. involved only in patients with somatic diseases 904. Can get involved in the process opuhovyy surrounding soft tissue and bone regeneration in after cancer pleomorfnoyi adenoma of salivary gland ? A. * are retracted B. No, not involved C. Yes, but against the background of inflammation D. involved only in patients older E. involved only in patients with somatic diseases 905. Tumors of the parotid salivary gland cancer patients, resection . In the early postoperative period, there is a small selection of pure saliva from the wound. Can form a permanent salivary fistula . What treatment should be used? A. surgical B. * conservative ( pressing a bandage to the wound ) C. combined D. beam E. physiotherapy 906. Stage set for malignant neoplasm based on clinical signs: A. patient complaints B. tumor size C. complaint of the patient, tumor size D. tumor size , presence of regional metastases E. * tumor size , presence of distant metastases and regional 907. In a patient-based examination results and biopsy diagnosed cancer of the left parotid salivary gland stage III. What treatment is planned? A. Radiation Therapy B. hysterectomy glands C. regional chemotherapy D. * combined treatment E. symptomatic treatment 908. On examination, the patient and the results of biopsy diagnosis of carcinoma of the left parotid salivary gland stage III. What treatment is planned? A. Radiation Therapy B. hysterectomy glands C. * combined treatment D. of regional chemotherapy E. symptomatic treatment 909. In which lymph nodes metastasis occurs predominantly in cancer of the parotid salivary gland? A. axillary B. mediastinum C. inguinal D. * regional E. retroperitoneal 910. Malignant tumors of the parotid salivary gland in which lymph node metastasis usually occurs? A. axillary B. mediastinum C. inguinal D. retroperitoneal E. * regional 911. Performed in patients after resection of the parotid salivary gland, there is no closing of the eyelids. Damaged by a branch of the facial nerve? A. temporal B. buccal C. * zygomatic D. boundary E. cervical 912. The patient underwent a resection of the parotid salivary gland tumors. In the postoperative period there has been no closure of the eyelids. Damaged by a branch of the facial nerve? A. temporal B. boundary B. C. Jaw D. * zygomatic E. cervical 913. How does the function of salivary glands with carcinoma ? A. does not change B. amplified C. * suppressed D. suppressed only in debilitated patients E. increases in overweight patients 914. The function of salivary glands with carcinoma : A. * suppressed B. amplified C. does not change D. suppressed only in debilitated patients E. increases in overweight patients 915. If the damage which branch of the facial nerve, performed after resection of the parotid salivary gland , there is no closure for ever ? A. temporal B. * zygomatic C. buccal D. boundary E. cervical 916. Malignant tumors of the salivary glands develop from : A. stromal channels B. fiber C. blood vessels D. lymphatic vessels E. * duct epithelium 917. Can occur in cancer tumor necrosis salivary glands? A. no B. possible, but only at an early stage C. * possible, but only at a late stage D. can be on any stage of tumor development E. is observed only in patients older 918. In cancer, salivary gland tumor necrosis occur ? A. no B. * possible, but only at a late stage C. is possible, but only at an early stage D. can be on any stage of tumor development E. is observed only in patients older 919. Cancers of the salivary glands develop from: A. stromal channels B. * duct epithelium C. blood vessels D. lymphatic vessels E. fiber 920. Which tissue develop malignant tumors of the salivary glands? A. * duct epithelium B. stroma ducts C. blood vessels D. lymphatic vessels E. fiber 921. What are the main diagnostic method in determining whether degeneration into cancer pleomorf adenoma of the parotid salivary gland? A. history of disease B. sialography C. ultrasound D. * histology E. computer tomography 922. The main method of diagnosis in determining whether degeneration into cancer pleomorf adenoma of the parotid salivary gland is: A. history of disease B. sialography C. computer tomography D. ultrasound E. there is often 923. When pleomorfniy adenoma of the parotid salivary gland observed paresis of facial muscles? A. * not observed B. there is often C. degeneration observed in tumor D. observed only in patients older E. occurs when you connect to inflammation in the gland 924. What method of diagnosis is considered in determining whether a major rebirth in cancer pleomorfnoyi adenoma of the parotid salivary gland? A. history of disease B. sialography C. histological D. ultrasound E. computer tomography 925. That indicates the degeneration of monomorphic adenoma cancer salivary gland? A. slow growth B. tenderness on palpation of the tumor C. aching pain D. * acceleration of tumor growth E. mobility tumor 926. Is there at pleomorfniy adenoma of the parotid salivary gland paresis of facial muscles? A. there is often B. * not observed C. degeneration observed in tumor D. observed only in patients older E. occurs when you connect to inflammation in the gland 927. With recurrent malignant tumors of the salivary glands conduct: A. enucleation of the tumor B. resection of glands C. subtotal resection of glands D. * parotydektomiyu E. boundary resection of glands 928. What surgical treatment is taken on recurrent malignant tumors of the salivary glands? A. * parotydektomiyu B. resection of glands C. subtotal resection of glands D. enucleation of the tumor E. boundary resection of glands 929. For cancer of parotid salivary gland glands patients, resection. In the postoperative period there has been a violation of the movements of the upper lip. What branch of the facial nerve is damaged? A. zygomatic B. temporal C. neck D. marginal E. * Jaw 930. The patient underwent a resection of parotid salivary gland tumors cancer. In the postoperative period there has been a violation of the movements of the upper lip. What branch of the facial nerve is damaged? A. zygomatic B. * Jaw C. temporal D. marginal E. cervical 931. Malignant tumors of the parotid salivary gland should first be differentiated from: A. monomorphic adenoma B. acute mumps C. * polymorphic adenoma D. parotid hemangioma bubble plot E. Chronic mumps 932. The patient underwent a resection of the parotid salivary gland tumors cancer. In the postoperative period there has been a violation of the movements of the upper lip. What branch of the facial nerve is damaged? A. zygomatic B. temporal C. * Jaw D. marginal E. cervical 933. Cancer of the parotid salivary gland should first be differentiated from: A. monomorphic adenoma B. * polymorphic adenoma C. acute mumps D. hemangioma pry0vushnozhuvalnoyi area E. Chronic mumps 934. What diseases should first be differentiated carcinoma of the parotid salivary gland? A. * polymorphic adenoma B. monomorphic adenoma C. acute mumps D. parotid hemangioma bubble plot E. Chronic mumps 935. In the treatment of cancer of the salivary glands: A. * produced as preoperative and postoperative radiation therapy B. made only preoperative radiotherapy C. made only postoperative radiotherapy D. Radiation therapy is not performed E. Radiation therapy is performed at the discretion of the oncologist 936. Special treatment of cancer of the salivary glands includes: A. only preoperative radiotherapy B. * both preoperative and postoperative radiotherapy C. only postoperative radiotherapy D. Radiation therapy is not performed E. Radiation therapy is performed at the discretion of the oncologist 937. That combined treatment of cancer of the salivary glands is carried out ? A. Radiation therapy is performed at the discretion of the oncologist B. made only preoperative radiotherapy C. made only postoperative radiotherapy D. Radiation therapy is not performed E. * produced as preoperative and postoperative radiation therapy 938. During the development of cancerous tumors in the salivary glands what caused inhibition of its function? A. * infiltrating tumor growth B. intoxication tissues C. an accumulation of fluid D. deterioration of the local blood supply E. violation glands innervation 939. In the salivary glands develops cancer, suppressed gland function. What caused this? A. intoxication tissues B. accumulation of fluid C. * infiltrating tumor growth D. deterioration of the local blood supply E. violation glands innervation 940. Cylindrom is a patient in the sky . Can it destroy the palatal bone ? A. No, I can not B. * can destroy C. cause hyperostosis D. can destroy only the background adentiyi E. subordinate causes atrophy of bone 941. In the patient cylindrom is located on the palate . Can tumor destroy palatal bone? A. No, I can not B. cause hyperostosis C. can destroy only on the background of toothless jaw D. * can destroy E. subordinate causes atrophy of bone 942. What caused inhibition of salivary gland function during the development of her cancerous tumor ? A. intoxication tissues B. * infiltrating tumor growth C. an accumulation of fluid D. deterioration of the local blood supply E. violation gland innervation 943. Can cylindrom, which is located in the sky to destroy the palatal bone? A. No, I can not B. cause hyperostosis C. * can destroy D. can destroy only the background of toothless jaw E. subordinate causes atrophy of bone 944. When cylindrom is located on the palate, can it destroy the palatal bone? A. * can destroy B. cause hyperostosis C. No, can not D. can destroy only the background of toothless jaw E. subordinate causes atrophy of bone 945. Name changes on sialogram of parotid gland ducts at degeneration of pleomorf adenomas in cancer: A. Strait expand B. * appears fragmentation channels C. ducts are narrowed D. Strait obliteration E. Strait unchanged 946. At degeneration of pleomorf adenoma to cancer what are the changes on sialogram of the parotid gland excretory ducts? A. Strait expand B. duct narrowing C. Strait unchanged D. Strait obliteration E. * appears fragmentation channels 947. The main surgical treatments for patients with cancer of the salivary glands are: A. regional chemotherapy B. * extirpation of cancer C. Operation Billroth D. Operation Kraylya E. Operation Caldwell - Luc 948. Patients with cancer of the salivary glands should undergo surgery: A. * extirpation of cancer B. Operation Kraylya C. Operation Billroth D. of regional chemotherapy E. Operation Caldwell - Luc 949. On malignant degeneration of salivary gland pleomorf adenoma points: A. slow tumor growth B. morbidity of the disease C. * acceleration of tumor growth D. Recurrent pain E. mobility tumor 950. In patients with cancer of the salivary glands primary surgical treatment is: A. regional chemotherapy B. Operation Kraylya C. Operation Billroth D. * extirpation of cancer E. Operation Caldwell - Luc 951. The patient 63 years old on basis of clinical and X-ray examination was put cytological diagnosis - cancer of the maxillary sinus. What diseases should be a differential diagnosis? A. of polymorphic adenoma B. * with chronic sinusitis C. with retention cysts D. dystopia of third molars E. of chronic osteomyelitis 952. Cytological examination for suspected cancer of the maxillary sinus is carried out by examining the cellular composition: A. saliva B. * sinus wash water C. parodontal fluid D. scraping the posterior pharyngeal wall E. rhinorrhea 953. During the examination of the patient are the main clinical signs indicate the stage of malignant tumors? A. * tumor size, presence of distant metastases and regional B. tumor size C. patient complaints D. size of the tumor, presence of metastases in regional E. complaints of the patient, tumor size 954. In clinical practice, there are these early symptoms of peripheral sarcomas of the jaws: A. dry mouth, acute paroxysmal pain, difficulty swallowing B. hygrostomia, chills, infiltrate of jaw C. constant headaches, dry mouth, jaw infiltration D. * jaw deformity, tooth mobility E. attacks of severe pain, bleeding gums, dry mouth 955. For radiographic studies verhnoschelepovoyi sinus radiography performed in this projection: A. In the frontal; B. * In nasal - pidboridkoviy; C. In pidboridkoviy; D. In the side; E. It does not matter; 956. What epithelium covers maxillary sinuses in adults: A. * flat not keratinization; B. flat that keratinization; C. multilayer flashing; D. cylindrical; E. cubic 957. In the study of radiographs should be performed comparing pnevmatyzatsiyi maxillary sinuses with: A. frontal sinus; B. Trellis maze; C. * orbits; D. the nasal cavity E. lower jaw 958. What main clinical symptom of primary cancer of the mandible you know? A. hygrostomia B. exposure of bone C. erosion, ulcer with infiltrated edges D. paresis of facial muscles E. * mobility of intact teeth 959. What are the symptoms that are not characteristic to malignant tumors of the upper jaw: A. The pains are persistent in nature; B. ihoroznym odor discharge from the nose; C. * causal tooth; D. the presence of impurities in the discharge of blood; E. nosebleeds; 960. What a contrast radiographic study conducted maxillary sinuses? A. verohrafinom; B. * yodolipolom; C. kardiotrastom; D. . urotrastom E. all the answers are correct 961. In clinical practice, there is the main clinical symptom of primary cancer of the mandible: A. hygrostomia B. * mobility of intact teeth C. baring bones D. paresis of facial muscles E. erosion, ulcer with infiltrated edges 962. Patients underwent clinical and radiological examination is suspected carcinoma of the maxillary sinus. He carried out cytological studies examining cellular composition: A. saliva B. periodontal fluid C. * sinus wash water D. scraping the posterior pharyngeal wall E. rhinorrhea 963. Sarcoma develops from: A. epithelium B. * lymphatic tissue C. enamel D. tartar E. glandular tissue 964. On the basis of complaints, inspection, palpation, radiological and cytological examination of the patient '59 put the final clinical diagnosis: Primary carcinoma frontal section of the mandible. The main clinical symptom of the disease are: A. * mobility of intact teeth B. exposure of bone C. hygrostomia D. paresis of facial muscles E. erosion, ulcer with infiltrated edges 965. From which tissue sarcoma develops? A. Epithelium of B. of glandular tissue C. * with bone D. of tartar E. of enamel 966. The main clinical symptom of secondary cancer of the lower jaw are: A. hygrostomia B. exposure of bone C. paresis of facial muscles D. breach of taste sensitivity E. * erosion, ulcer with infiltrated edges 967. What treatment is planned for cancer of the left bilyavushnoyi stage III salivary gland? A. Radiation Therapy B. hysterectomy cancer C. regional chemotherapy D. symptomatic treatment E. * combined treatment 968. What are the main clinical symptom of cancer of the mandible: A. exposure of bone B. * tumor infiltration C. hygrostomia D. paresis of facial muscles E. violation taste sensitivity 969. To patient-based on examination results and biopsy diagnosed cancer left parotid salivary gland stage III. What treatment is planned? A. Radiation Therapy B. hysterectomy cancer C. regional chemotherapy D. * combined treatment E. symptomatic treatment 970. Secondary carcinoma of the mandible is more common in the area: A. branch B. Coronary appendix C. * body D. frontal section E. corner 971. One of the primary surgical treatment of cancer of the lower jaw are: A. regional chemotherapy B. Operation Kraylya C. Operation Billroth D. Operation Caldwell - Luc E. * jaw resection 972. In the place of which benign tumor of the mandible can form cancer? A. chondroma B. * ameloblastom C. odontom D. Myxoma E. osteoklastom 973. Among sarcomas, which are the most sensitive to radiation therapy? A. osteosarcoma B. Ewing sarcoma C. chondrosarcoma D. * lymphosarcoma E. fibrosarcoma 974. In the development of cancer of the mandible play a significant role: A. diabetes B. consolidated fractures schalepy C. dystopia third molars D. * premalignant disease E. peculiarities of blood supply 975. The patient 69 years old was diagnosed with cancer of the mandible. What diseases should be a differential diagnosis? A. * with odontogenic tumors B. with polymorphic adenoma C. with chronic sinusitis D. dystopia of third molars E. Retention cysts of 976. Developing cancer of the mucous membrane of the lower jaw helps: A. diabetes B. consolidated fractures of jaw C. * premalignant disease D. dystopia third molars E. peculiarities of blood supply 977. To the young patient oncologist diagnosed sarcoma of jaw tissues, the initial stage. What is the symptom of the disease? A. hygrostomia, chills, jaw infiltrate B. tooth mobility, periodic aching pain, thickening of the jaw C. dry mouth, acute paroxysmal pain, difficulty swallowing D. fickle headaches, thickening of the jaw, difficulty swallowing E. * painless soft tissue infiltration 978. What Do You Know the surgical treatment of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial area? A. chemotherapy B. * excision of the tumor C. radiotherapy D. Combined treatment E. symptomatic therapy 979. A patient with cancer of the lower jaw turned to the doctor complaining of persistent pain in the jaw. What caused such pain? A. infiltration of the periosteum B. * mandibular nerve compression by tumor C. addition of secondary infection D. collapse of tumor E. bone edema 980. Sarcomas develop: A. Epithelium of B. of glandular tissue C. enamel D. of tartar E. * from bone 981. For the treatment of sarcomas of the maxillofacial area main method is: A. chemotherapy B. Radiation Therapy C. hormone D. * Surgery E. microwave therapy 982. What are the main method of research conducted for the diagnosis of "malignant tumors of the maxillofacial area": A. biochemical B. * cytological C. Physical D. immunological E. angiographic 983. Cancer of the maxillary sinus in the early stages characterized by the following X-ray pictures: A. * violation transparency sinus bone without changing the boundaries B. violation transparency sinus bone fracture limits C. soft tissue shadow in the form of a dome D. periosteal layers (spicules) detachment of the periosteum, the bone destruction of the land E. easing cortical layer "cotton" picture, the prevalence of bone 984. An early symptom of cancer of the upper jaw - is: A. The Undead B. reduction of C. * abnormal growths in the hole of the removed tooth of the upper jaw D. nosebleeds E. Headache 985. Which tissue develops cancer of the maxillary sinus? A. with muscular B. * from epithelial C. with lymphatic D. of nervous E. of connective 986. Tumor by degeneration of which develops mandible cancer: A. mixoma B. chondroma C. odontoma D. * ameloblastoma E. osteoklastoma 987. The most common secondary cancer of the mandible occurs in the area: A. * body B. Branch C. Coronary appendix D. frontal section E. corner 988. Describe the X-ray picture of jaw peripheral sarcoma: A. * peryosalni layers (spicules) detachment of the periosteum, the bone destruction of the land B. destruction of bone tissue with areas of clarification of the vague contours C. diffuse increase in bone sections alternating compression and rarefaction, the picture of "frosted glass" D. "cotton" picture of the prevalence of bone E. thinning of the cortical layer of bone, many cystic clarifications 989. Metastasis at a cancer the mandible occurs in the lymph nodes: A. submental B. axillary C. supraclavicular D. * deep neck E. submandibular 990. Clinical and radiological patient diagnosed: Cancer of the maxillary sinus. He needs to make cytology by examining cell structure: A. saliva B. periodontal fluid C. scraping the posterior pharyngeal wall D. rhinorrhea E. * sinus wash water 991. What are the most common morphological form of cancer of the maxillary sinus: A. * squamous B. Cylindrical C. cubic D. flour-epidermoid E. solid 992. Cancer of the lower jaw are differentiated with: A. Retention cysts of B. of polymorphic adenoma C. with chronic sinusitis D. * odontogenic tumors E. dystopia of third molars 993. Cancer of the lower jaw are differentiated: A. Retention cysts of B. of polymorphic adenoma C. with chronic sinusitis D. dystopia of third molars E. * chronic osteomyelitis 994. From what develops cancer of the maxillary sinus? A. * from epithelial tissue B. of muscular tissue C. of lymphatic tissue D. of nervous tissue E. of connective tissue 995. Metastasis at a cancer the maxillary sinus usually occurs in the lymph nodes: A. axillary B. jugular C. * deep neck D. chin E. supraclavicular 996. From what tissue sarcoma develops? A. Epithelium of B. * from vessels C. of glandular tissue D. enamel E. of dentin 997. Prevalence of tumor, its metastasis most accurate estimates classification: A. * TNM B. clinical C. five point D. twelve point E. Cancer Center 998. Sarcomas develop: A. of vessels B. from the epithelium C. of glandular tissue D. enamel E. of dentin 999. Among the special treatments for malignant tumors of the maxillofacial area is a surgical method. These are: A. Radiation Therapy B. Chemotherapy C. * cryodestruction D. Combined treatment E. symptomatic therapy 1000. Among the special treatments for malignant tumors of the maxillofacial area is a surgical method. These are: A. Chemotherapy B. symptomatic therapy C. radiotherapy D. medication E. * SUV therapy 1001. Stage set for malignant neoplasm based on clinical signs: A. patient complaints B. tumor size C. complaint of the patient, tumor size D. tumor size, presence of regional metastases E. * tumor size, presence of distant metastases and regional 1002. What main surgical treatment for cancer of the maxillary sinus during the initial stages you know? A. microwave hyperthermia B. Operation Kraylya C. * resection of maxilla D. operation Billroth E. Operation Caldwell - Luc 1003. Sarcoma develops from: A. glandular tissue B. epithelium C. * nerve fibers D. enamel E. dentin 1004. Most sensitive to radiation therapy: A. Ewing sarcoma B. * lymphosarcoma C. osteosarcoma D. chondrosarcoma E. fibrosarcoma 1005. Osteosarcoma of the jaws grows: A. * slowly B. for several years C. notable D. wavy E. over decades 1006. What points to the degeneration of decubital ulcer cancer? A. slow growth B. tenderness on palpation of the tumor C. aching pain D. * acceleration of ulcer E. mobility tumor 1007. At damage of which branch of the facial nerve after resection of the mandible cancer are observed violations of movements of the lower lip? A. temporal B. zygomatic C. buccal D. boundary E. cervical 1008. In which bone of the skull usually occurs cancerous tumor? A. frontal B. in the zygomatic C. * in mandibular D. in maxillar E. in the nasal bones 1009. From which tissue develops chondrosarcoma? A. with bone B. * from connective C. of cartilage D. of epithelial E. of nervous 1010. What early symptoms of cancer of the upper jaw you know? A. runny nose B. reduction of C. nosebleeds D. Headache E. . * abnormal growths in the hole of the removed tooth of the upper jaw 1011. Cancer of the jaw - a malignant: A. * epithelial tumor B. connective C. vascular D. nervous E. limfoidna 1012. Can occur necrosis of tumor at cancer of jaw? A. no B. possible, but only at an early stage C. * possible, but only at a late stage D. can be on any stage of tumor development E. is observed only in patients older 1013. Name a section of the lower jaw, which often affects the primary cancer: A. * front and side B. angle C. branch D. articular E. body 1014. What method of diagnosis is considered in determining whether a major rebirth in cancer decubital ulcer? A. history of disease B. sialography C. * histology D. ultrasound E. CT 1015. What early symptoms of central sarcoma of the jaws you know ? A. * tooth mobility , periodic aching pain symptom Vincent , thickening of the jaw B. dry mouth , night severe pain , difficulty swallowing C. hygrostomia , chills , infiltrate jaw D. headache , difficulty swallowing , bleeding gums , thickening of the jaw E. Night sharp pain infiltrate jaw, tooth mobility 1016. Cancer of the upper and lower jaws should first be differentiated : A. Retention cysts of B. of polymorphic adenoma C. with chronic sinusitis D. dystopia of third molars E. * chronic osteomyelitis 1017. What predominant way of metastasis of sarcomas do you know? A. lymphogenous B. pin C. * hematogenous D. cross E. regional 1018. Metastasis to regional lymph nodes in cancer of the jaw occurs: A. * in the later stages of the disease B. rarely C. after special treatment D. rapidly in patients E. fairly quickly 1019. In patients with cancer of the mandible major surgical treatments are: A. regional chemotherapy B. Operation Kraylya C. Operation Billroth D. * jaw resection E. Operation Caldwell - Luc 1020. Name the tissue from which develops osteosarcoma: A. * bone B. epithelium C. enamel D. tartar E. glandular tissue 1021. Indication for plastics mobilization of local tissues are edges of the wound tissue defects: A. Extensive B. Linear C. Through large D. * Line a small deficit E. Cross-cutting small size 1022. For peripheral osteosarcoma of the jaws first clinical sign is: A. * jaw deformity B. pain in the jaw C. teeth mobility D. Bad Breath E. Pain in the jaw and teeth mobility 1023. When use plastic by counter triangular patches by Limberg? A. In the linear keloids B. * When removing fistulas moves C. In the face of extensive bone defects D. With extensive soft tissue defects E. When not extensive soft tissue defects 1024. In which cases, the use of plastic by counter triangular patches by Limberg? A. When not extensive soft tissue defects B. In linear keloids C. In the face of extensive bone defects D. With extensive soft tissue defects E. * When removing fistulas passages 1025. What late complications of maxillofacial area injuries do you know? A. spreading of respiratory desists B. Asphyxia C. Erysipelas D. * Traumatic sinusitis E. Lymphadenitis 1026. Rhinoplasty by Filatov stem is indicated for defects: A. Seat B. Part wings C. * total defect D. subtotal defect E. Partitions 1027. What late complications injuries maxillofacial area? A. spreading of respiratory desists B. * Scar contracture C. Asphyxia D. Mumps E. Erysipelas 1028. What late complications of maxillofacial area injuries do you know? A. spreading of respiratory desists B. Asphyxia C. * Traumatic sinusitis D. Erysipelas E. Lymphadenitis 1029. What is the name of first stage of plastic surgery? A. Section B. Medical History C. Determination of indications D. Planning intervention E. * Anesthesia 1030. In the first stage of plastic surgery are: A. Section B. Determination of indications C. * Anesthesia D. Planning intervention E. Medical History 1031. On the burn wound skin grafting is carried out: A. * After exclusion of scab and granulation B. early C. After 5 days after burn D. Since epithelialization E. as late as possible 1032. The first phase of restorative surgery: A. Section B. Planning C. Anesthesia D. * Defining of indications E. Medical History 1033. How many morphological zones are distinguished in the gunshot area? A. 0. B. 1. C. 2. D. * 3. E. 4. 1034. In the gunshot area how many morphological zones are distinguished? A. 0. B. 1. C. 2. D. * 3. E. 4. 1035. Which suture is placed upon the wound on 20-30 day after bullet wound? A. * Secondary seam later. B. Early secondary suture. C. Primary deferred. D. Primary provisionally. E. Primary. 1036. After a bullet wound what suture is put on 20-30 day? A. Primary deferred. B. Early secondary suture. C. * The secondary seam later. D. Primary provisionally. E. Primary. 1037. What type of stitches put on the wound on 6-7 day after bullet wound? A. Primary. B. Primary provisionally. C. * Primary deferred. D. Secondary early. E. Secondary later. 1038. On the 6-7 day after bullet wound what type of stitches put on the wound? A. Primary. B. * Primary deferred C. Primary provisionally D. Secondary early. E. Secondary later. 1039. The most affordable and easiest method of temporary fixation of the jaw fragments are: A. * sling of gauze bandages B. splint with between the jaw attachment C. Submental sling D. Plaster bandage on his head E. splint with one-way attachment 1040. What method of temporary fixation of the jaw fragments is the most affordable and simplest: A. splint with between the jaw attachment B. Submental sling C. Plaster bandage on his head D. * sling of gauze bandages E. splint with one-way attachment 1041. The best maximum period for a primary surgical treatment of wounds are: A. 1 hour B. 2 hours C. 12 hours D. * Up to 24 hours E. Up to 45 hours 1042. What is the ideal maximum term for primary surgical treatment of wounds? A. 1 hour B. 2 hours C. 12 hours D. * Up to 24 hours E. Up to 45 hours 1043. What method of anesthesia used for reposition and splinting fragments at fractures of the jaws? A. surface anesthesia B. General Anesthesia C. infiltration anesthesia D. * conduction anesthesia E. mandibular anesthesia 1044. In processing the wounds of face soft tissues is used: A. conduction anesthesia B. surface anesthesia C. General Anesthesia D. * infiltration anesthesia E. mandibular anesthesia 1045. What are the contraindications to early wound closure? A. Fever B. Exhaustion C. Phlegmons and abscesses D. Acute suppurative processes E. * Dear inflammation in the wound 1046. Contraindications to early wound closure is? A. Fever B. Exhaustion C. Phlegmons and abscesses D. Acute suppurative processes E. * Dear inflammation in the wound 1047. What is not penetrating injurie of the skull ? A. * If is not damaged dura mater B. On the violation of the integrity of the dura mater C. On the violation of the integrity of the dura mater and cranial nerves D. On the violation of cranial nerves E. On the breach of the skin 1048. Description is not penetrating injuries of the skull ? A. On the violation of the integrity of the dura mater B. On the violation of the integrity of the dura mater and cranial nerves C. On the violation of cranial nerves D. On the breach of the skin E. * If that is not damaged dura mater 1049. How is called asphyxia from blockage of the trachea with foreign body? A. Valve B. stenotic C. Aspiration D. * obstructive E. dislocation 1050. Asphyxia from compression of the respiratory tube is called: A. Valve B. * stenotic C. obstructive D. Aspiration E. dislocation 1051. How is asphyxia from compression of the trachea called? A. * stenotic B. Valve C. obstructive D. Aspiration E. dislocation 1052. Which important part of special care for the wounded in the maxillofacial region must be performed on the stages of evacuation? A. TE B. Breathing exercises C. Massage collar zone D. * quenching thirst E. RHG 1053. Type of asphyxia in the wounded with a abruption of chin fragment - is: A. Valve B. stenotic C. obstructive D. Aspiration E. * dislocation Задачі 1. What is the fixation of mandibular fragments is indicated for traumatic open mandibular angle fracture with displacement of fragments in a patient aged 45 years? A. Indirect osteosynthesis Black; B. Mizhschelepove ligature binding by Ivy; C. Of dental smooth tire-guard; D. * Direct fixation; 2. 3. 4. 5. E. Tire Huninha port. Patient '65 aiming OMFS department complaining of a sore mouth opening. OBJECTIVE: Facial asymmetry due to swelling of submaxillary area on the left. Palpable symptom of "steps" in the body of the mandible on the left side of the bottom edge. Gross secondary aedentia both jaws. Which tire is reasonable to use in the treatment of this patient? A. Tire Vasiliev; B. Tire Tihershtedta; C. Tire Weber D. * Bus port; E. Tire Vankevych. '40 The patient was hospitalized in a hospital after the accident complaining of facial asymmetry after injury and limitation of mouth opening. OBJECTIVE: clinically and radiographically observed zygomatic break bones. Which tool and can be used to reposition the bones zygomatic? A. Elevator Leklyuza; B. Bone clippers; C. Direct elevator; D. * Hook Limberg; E. Elevator angle. The patient, 37 years old, complains of retraction of the side areas of the face left, limited mouth opening after trauma. OBJECTIVE: sensitivity pidochnoyi area preserved. From history: nasal bleeding was not. What tools you need to conduct reposition the bones? A. Circling Limb Erg; B. * Hook Limberg; C. Elevators Karapetyan; D. Buyalsky spatula; E. Retractor Todorovic. Patient '28 turned complaining of facial deformity, numbness, skin pidochnoyi areas, limited mouth opening. An examination diagnosed traumatic bone fracture with displacement zygomatic. On Rtg-gram: oskolchastyy zygomatic bone fracture with displacement, reduced transparency verhnoschelepovoho sinus. What treatment would be best to apply in these cases? A. Zygomatic reposition the bones with a hook Limb Erg; B. Repositioning using shovels Buyalsky; C. Osteosynthesis skid plates; D. * Reposition and fixation of bone zygomatic through verhnoschelepovyy sine yodoformnoho using tampons; 6. 7. 8. 9. E. Reposition zygomatic bone using forceps Khodorovich-Barinova. Patient '38 addressed the dental surgeon at the residence for the purpose of controlling the inspection. From history we know that six months ago, was injured in the region of the left mandible, treated inpatient for a month, then - as outpatients. Patient diabetes last 15 years. Locally: bimaksylyarni tires in the mouth well fixed occlusion maintained. Upon removal of the elastic stiffness is observed thrust pieces left mandible. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Acute osteomyelitis postravmatychnyy; B. Chronic osteomyelitis postravmatychnyy; C. Jaw bone defects; D. * Slowed consolidation fragments; E. Incorrect joint. A patient 24 years complains about the construction of the jaws, chin posipuvannya, painful swallowing, pain and tension in the neck muscles, weakness, sweating. More than a week ago, working in the garden, injured chin, the doctor did not apply. OBJECTIVE: symmetrical face, eyes pryzhmureni, corners of his mouth drooping. Epithelial scar on his chin from skalpovano-lacerations with jagged edges without marked signs of inflammation. Trismus second degree. Facial expression, smiling, weeping (sardonic smile). Hospitalized for examination and treatment. The use of any of the components perekyslenyh timely treatment most likely would have prevented the present condition of the patient? A. Implementation of anti-inflammatory therapy; B. Primary debridement; C. Ultraviolet radiation wounds; D. * Tetanus toxoid Introduction; E. Overlay antiseptic dressing. Patient k.55 years potsupyla in dental office with a diagnosis of fracture of the right mandible in the region of the angle of displacement. OBJECTIVE: Facial asymmetry due posttraumatic edema and palpation observed mobility of debris in the area of fracture pain. In history - epilepsy since birth. What treatment suggest? A. * Osteosynthesis B. Immobilization tires Vasiliev C. Immobilization tires Tihirshtedta D. Bus port. E. Immobilization bus Vankevycha In patients 24 years of mandible fractures in the midline without displacement of fragments, all teeth are preserved. Which of dental splint should be used for the fixation of bone fragments? A. A tire with aggressive loops B. A tire with spacer C. Tire Vasilyeva, GA D. * Smooth tire-clip E. Standard tire plastmassovu 10. The patient, 24, was injured during a fight, hit the maxillofacial department. Diagnosis: fractured left zygomatic bone with displacement, fracture of the anterior wall maxillary sinus. What surgery is indicated to the patient? A. Radical maxillary sinusotomy B. Osteotomy of the maxilla C. * Radical maxillary sinusotomy reposition of fragments D. Osteosynthesis zygomatic bone E. Reposition fragments 11. Patient K., 39 years old traumatic fracture of the medial mandibular without displacement of fragments. All teeth intact. What kind of dental splint must be applied for fixing chips? A. Tire with aggressive hooks. B. Tire Weber. C. * Smooth-rail clip D. Standard tire Vasiliev E. Tire on an inclined plane. 12. Patient '42 turned in maxillofacial department with complaints of pain, swelling in the region of the right pidochnoyi area and right zygomatic area, numbness of the skin in the region of the right half of the upper lip, bleeding from the nose. These symptoms appeared after travmy.Yake disease should be suspected ? A. Fracture of the maxilla by Le Fort I B. Fracture of the maxilla by Le Fort II C. Fracture of the maxilla by Le Fort III D. * Fracture of the zygomatic bone. E. Fracture of nasal bones. 13. Patient V.vikom 47 years after the injury complained of the limited opening of the mouth, bleeding from skin nosa.oniminnya pidochnoyi area and lower eyelids. OBJECTIVE: face deformation occurs due to retraction of the soft tissues of the left zygomatic area, the presence of symptoms of a "step" in the middle of the left lower edge of the orbit and in the area of the zygomatic-alveolar ridge. Replace the diagnosis. A. Right zygomatic bone fracture without displacement of fragments B. Fracture of the upper jaw to Lefor-I C. * Zygomatic bone fracture with displacement of fragments D. Fracture of the upper jaw to Lefor - II E. Fracture of the zygomatic arch 14. In OMFS delivered patient 27 years after avtotravmy. On examination, asymmetrical face, the face, bruising of the mental area, 33 missing tooth. Bite broken slightly. On radiographs - a line break in the axis of the hole 33 tooth. What method of immobilization should be used for treatment. A. Mizhschelepova ligature fixation by Ivy B. Intraoral fixation C. * Tires with aggressive hooks on elastic mizhschelepovyh tyahah D. Fixing a smooth rail clips E. Fixing a tire with spacer 15. Patient referrals May 7 years OMFS department complaining of a sore mouth opening. OBJECTIVE: Facial asymmetry due to swelling pidschelepoivoyi area on the left. Palpable symptom of "steps" in the body of the mandible on the left side of the bottom edge. Secondary ram is noted n aedentia both jaws. Which tire is reasonable to use in the treatment of this patient? A. Tire Vasiliev. B. Tire Tihershtedta. C. Tire Weber. D. * Bus port. E. Tire Vankevych. 16. As delivered from the battlefield officer 33 years shooting submental Department of lower jaw, salivation, slight bleeding from the mouth, asphyxia that occurs periodically when changing head position. Choose actions to combat the development of asphyxia in the wounded? A. Overlay traheostomy. B. Lock jaw submental sling. C. Pho wounds imposition traheostomy. D. * Fixation of tongue, transportation in position face down. E. Transportation in position face down. 17. In step of specialized care enrolled patients aged 33 years with a combined damage OMFS. In the history given to injured soft tissue injuries of the face and facial skeleton of a large dose of radiation. To prevent complications, the manifestation of the syndrome of mutual burdens indicate in which allowed favorable terms necessary to make initial surgical treatment for this patient? A. During the first 3 hours; B. In the first 6 hours after exposure; C. In a period of 12 hours; D. * In the first 48 hours of injury; E. After 72 hours. 18. Male 28 years had sought to OMFS and he was diagnosed with a fracture of alveolar process of maxilla frontal section. What is the optimal treatment? A. Osteosynthesis B. Apparatus Zbarzha C. * Smooth of dental tire. D. Tire by Vasiliev E. Tire Weber 19. Patient K., 25 he received an injury to submental area. Radiologically diagnosed mental bilateral fracture of the mandible. Specify the direction of displacement of small fragments? A. Up and down B. Top and back C. * Down and back D. Down and forward E. Does not move 20. The dental surgeon '24 at age 38 tooth removal Leklyuza used the elevator. Once cheek elevator was put between 37 and 38 teeth and carried attempt to dislocate 38 tooth, there malocclusion. What is the most ymovirnye complications arose? A. Fracture of the alveolar process of the mandible. B. Partial dislocation of the tooth 37. C. Anterior dislocation of the mandible. D. * Fracture of the mandible in the region of the angle. E. Posterior dislocation of the mandible .. 21. Patient age in '29 diagnosed - bilateral fracture of the mandible in the region of 45 and 35 tooth offset. The patient developed asphyxia. What type of asphyxia is most likely in this case? A. Stenotic asphyxia B. * Dislocation asphyxia C. Aspiration asphyxia D. Obstructive asphyxia E. Valvular asphyxia 22. Patient 27 years in consequence of the injury appear mobility nasal bones, soft tissue swelling of the left vilochnoyi area, bleeding in the sclera of the left eye, a symptom infraorbital steps to the edge on both sides and in the region of the zygomatic-jaw joints, nasal bleeding, open bite. What is the preliminary diagnosis? A. Lefor III B. Fracture of nasal bones. C. * Fracture of the maxilla by Lefor II. D. Bone Fracture vilochnyh E. Lefor I. 23. After a traumatic fracture n / jaw in a patient '25 anesthesia occurred in the region of the left half of the lower lip and chin. When tested for EDI marked decrease elektrozbudlyvosti teeth of the lower jaw to the left. What is the likely diagnosis disease that happen? A. Neuralgia left inferior alveolar nerve. B. * Neuritis left inferior alveolar nerve. C. Alveolitis in the area of the hole 37 tooth. D. Herpes Zoster n. Trigemini. E. Acute osteomyelitis of the mandible body. 24. The dental surgeon '24 at age 38 tooth removal Leklyuza used the elevator. Once cheek elevator was put between 37 and 38 teeth and carried attempt to dislocate 38 tooth, there malocclusion. What is the most ymovirnye complications arose? A. Fracture of the alveolar process of the mandible. B. Partial dislocation of the tooth 37. C. Anterior dislocation of the mandible. D. * Fracture of the mandible in the region of the angle. E. Posterior dislocation of the mandible .. 25. Patient age in '29 diagnosed - bilateral fracture of the mandible in the region of 45 and 35 tooth offset. The patient developed asphyxia. What type of asphyxia is most likely in this case? A. Stenotic asphyxia B. * Dislocation asphyxia C. Aspiration asphyxia D. Obstructive asphyxia E. Valvular asphyxia 26. Woman, 35, on the second day after the removal of tooth turned to OMFS complaining of pain in chewing near earing area, a sense that there is no contact between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw to the right. On examination: Chin zsunute left half-open mouth, lips closed, bite broken. Limitation of lateral movements of the mandible. From the front of the tragus of the right ear retraction of soft tissues. What research most informative in this violation? A. Ultrasound B. Radiography of the mandible C. * RO - gram TMJ D. Bimanual E. Symptom burden 27. Patient M.44 years injured blunt object in the area of middle zone of the face. The examination revealed: mobility nasal bones, a large swelling m "tissue left zygomatic area, a symptom of" steps "along the bottom edge of the orbit on both sides and in the region of the zygomatic-jaw joints, bleeding, open bite. Elongation of the middle part of the face. Put diagnosed by clinical symptoms. A. Fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort I B. Fracture of the left zygomatic bone C. Fracture of nasal bones D. * Fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort II E. Fracture Le Fort III 28. Patient '45 through-wound in the region of the mandible. Determined mental bilateral fracture of the mandible with marked displacement of the central fragment backward, bleeding from the wound channel is negligible. Consciousness saved, Patient notes shortness of breath, increased respiratory failure. PFM caused difficulty breathing patient? A. Development of stenotic asphyxia B. Development of hemorrhagic shock C. Development of traumatic shock D. * Development of dislocation asphyxia E. Combined cranio-maxillo-facial trauma 29. Patient 34's, as a result of trauma [fall], there is mobility alveolar process of the maxilla teeth of all, bite changed. In the X-ray determined fracture crack that runs from the bottom of the pear-shaped hole in the maxillary sinus on both sides. Put diagnosis A. Partial fracture of the alveolar ridge B. * Fracture of the maxilla by Le Fort I C. Fracture of the maxilla by Le Fort II D. Fracture of the maxilla by Le Fort III E. Unilateral fracture of the maxilla 30. Patient 45 years complains of inability to close the teeth. Trouble eating, drooling. When viewed chin shifted to the left and forward. Bite opened. Mouth close can not. This state marks after a traffic accident. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Rear right-dislocation of the mandible. B. * Front right-dislocation of the mandible. C. Bilateral anterior dislocation of the mandible. D. Traumatic fracture of the right articular process of the mandible. E. Traumatic fracture left articular process of the mandible. 31. Patient B., 27 injured blunt object in the middle area of the face area. The examination revealed: mobility nasal bones, a large swelling m "tissue left zygomatic area, a symptom of" steps "along the bottom edge of the orbit on both sides and in the region of the zygomatic-jaw joints, bleeding, open bite. Elongation of the middle part of the face. Put diagnosed by clinical symptoms. A. Fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort I B. Fracture of the left zygomatic bone C. Fracture of nasal bones D. * Fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort II E. Fracture Le Fort III 32. The patient through-'55 gunshot wound in the area of the mandible. Determine the bilateral mental fracture of mandible with marked displacement of the central fragment backward, bleeding from the wound channel is negligible. Consciousness is retained, the patient notes shortness of breath, increased respiratory failure. What caused difficulty breathing patient? A. Development of stenotic asphyxia B. * Development of dislocation asphyxia C. Development of hemorrhagic shock D. Development of traumatic shock E. Combined cranio-maxillo-facial trauma 33. Patient 34's, as a result of trauma [fall], there is mobility alveolar process of the maxilla teeth of all, bite changed. In the X-ray determined fracture crack that runs from the bottom of the pear-shaped hole in the maxillary sinus on both sides. Put diagnosis A. Subbazalnyy fracture of the maxilla B. Partial fracture of the alveolar ridge C. * Subnazalnyy fracture of the maxilla D. Sub-orbital fracture of the maxilla E. Unilateral fracture of the maxilla 34. Patient N., 42 years old, delivered to the maxillofacial department about the injuries received during an accident. During the review found, among other so-called "symptom glasses." When a distributed and where indicated an isolated symptom of broken bones basics alternation pas? A. * There is no earlier than 12 hours after injury and are within the limits of the circular muscle of the eye B. There is no earlier than 12 hours after injury and a common character C. Occurs immediately after the injury and is distributed nature of the ter D. There is no earlier than 24-48 hours after injury and has spread nature E. Occurs immediately after the injury and is not beyond the limits of the circular muscle of the eye 35. In patients 24 years of mandible fractures in the midline without displacement of fragments, all teeth are preserved. Which of dental splint should be used for the fixation of bone fragments? A. * Smooth tire-clip B. A tire with aggressive loops C. A tire with spacer D. Tire Vasilyeva E. Standard plastic tire 36. The patient, 24, was injured during a fight, hit the maxillofacial department. Diagnosis: fracture of the left zygomatic bone with displacement, fracture of the anterior wall of maxillary sinus. What surgery is indicated to the patient? A. * Radical maxillary sinusotomy reposition of fragments B. Radical maxillary sinusotomy C. Osteotomy of the maxilla D. Osteosynthesis zygomatic bone E. Reposition fragments 37. Patient '20 delivered to the department within 6 hours after injury. OBJECTIVE: malocclusion due to displacement of fragments. The teeth on the upper and lower jaw, with the exception of 35 saved. On radiographs: fracture of the mandible. Chips shifted. Which treatment you prefer? A. * Tires with aggressive hooks and rubber traction mizhschelepnoyu B. Vutrishorotovyy osteosynthesis using minplastyn C. Smooth tire-clip D. Mizhschelepnoyi ligature binding E. Pidboridkova sling. 38. In patients with traumatic fracture of the medial mandibular teeth without bias frahmentiv.Vsi intact. What kind of dental splint must be applied for fixing chips? A. * Smooth-rail clip B. Tire with aggressive hooks. C. Tire Weber. D. Standard tire Vasiliev E. Tire on an inclined plane. 39. Patient K., 28 years old, appealed with complaints of pain and pidochniy pryvushnozhuvalniy area on the left. On examination, bleeding in the lower eyelid and konyuktyvu left eye, marked symptoms krepytatsiyi and steps along the lower edge of the orbit. The mouth opens to 1 cm. What is the correct diagnosis? A. * Zygomatic bone fracture B. Fracture of the zygomatic arch C. Articular process fracture on the left D. Traumatic arthritis of TMJ E. Hematoma pidochnoyi area 40. B. The patient, after being injured complains of limited mouth opening, bleeding skin nosa.oniminnya pidochnoyi area and lower eyelids. OBJECTIVE: face deformation occurs due to retraction of the soft tissues of the left zygomatic area, the presence of symptoms of a "step" in the middle of the left lower edge of the orbit and in the area of the zygomatic-alveolar ridge. Put diagnosis. A. * Zygomatic bone fracture with displacement of fragments B. Right zygomatic bone fracture without displacement of fragments C. Fracture of the upper jaw to Lefor-I D. Fracture of the upper jaw to Lefor - II E. Fracture of the zygomatic arch 41. In bhvoroho K. arms fractured mandible. To wound enjoyed removable. What means of transport immobilization can be used in this case? A. * Dentures patient B. Apparatus Zbarzha C. Tire Entin D. Tire Vasilyeva E. Tire Tihershtedta 42. Patient K.75 years, potsupyla in dental office with a diagnosis of fracture of the right mandible in the region of the angle of displacement. OBJECTIVE: Facial asymmetry due to post-traumatic edema, palpation observed mobility of debris in the area of fracture pain. In history - epilepsy since birth. What treatment suggest? A. * Osteosynthesis B. Immobilization tires Vasiliev C. Immobilization tires Tihershtedta D. Bus port. E. Immobilization tire Vankevycha 43. The patient is 50 years with a gunshot wound to the lower jaw and the bone defect in the area of the chin. What method of immobilizing it shown? A. * Pozarotovoyu device type Rud'ko B. Dvuschelepna tire with aggressive hooks and elastic stretching mizhschelepnoyi C. Bone suture D. Odnoschelepna bus - clip. E. Fixation by means of needles and rods 44. Patient 67 years complains of pain, bleeding, breach of chewing. In history: domestic trauma of the mandible. OBJECTIVE: dentition maxillary saved. Lower jaw toothless, middle fracture of mandible defect with bone swelling at the fracture site. What is the structure most appropriate in this case? A. * Nazuboyasenna tire Vankevych B. Nad'yasenna Bus Port C. Nad'yasenna tire Huninha D. Nazuboyasenna tire type Weber E. Complex Zbarzha 45. Patient '60 turned in maxillofacial hospital with complaints of pain, bleeding, breach of chewing. A history of trauma of the mandible between the central incisors. Swelling at the fracture site. Open your mouth is not limited. Both toothless jaw. What is the structure most appropriate? A. * Nayasenna Bus Port B. Nayasenna tire Limberg C. Apparatus Rud'ko D. Nayasenna tire Huninha E. Tooth-gingival tire Vankevych 46. Patient 59 years old bilateral fracture n / jaw area 44 34 teeth remaining chewing teeth are missing, toothless fragments unbiased, but moving. What is orthopedic apparatus should be used to immobilize the fragments? A. * Tire Vankevych of pilots. B. Apparatus Rud'ko. C. Tire Limberg. D. Apparatus Petrosov. E. Apparatus Zbarzha. 47. Patient P., 30 years old was injured in the region of the middle third of the face. Complained of pain, swelling of the soft tissues in the upper jaw, pain in the mouth is closed. An examination diagnosed a fracture of the upper jaw Lefor-third. What do I need to use the treatment? A. * The unit Zbarzha B. Tire Limberg C. Tire Huninha port D. Tire Vankevych E. Tire Stepanova 48. Patient, 40 years old, complains of pain in the lower jaw malocclusion. Grass got 6 hours ago. The examination found an isolated fracture of the mandibular incisors and between the second canine left. Bias small fragments. All teeth available, stable. What is the best treatment? A. * Odnoschelepna of dental tire-clip B. Osteosynthesis using mini-plates C. Bucket of dental tires D. Tire Hartsatnikova E. Tire Vasiliev 49. The patient is 22 years old, appealed to the dentist with complaints of pain during eating and mouth opening. Two days ago was injured face. After examination and diagnosis of the doctor decided to use a tire Vankevych, which are made of plastic on the upper jaw and is used for fractures: A. * Mandible B. Maxilla C. Zygomatic bone D. The numerous fractures E. Gunshot fractures 50. A patient 30 years old, fresh median fracture n / jaw without apparent displacement of fragments. Which device to destination indicated in this case? A. * Fixing B. Guiding C. Replacement D. Vpravlyayuchyy E. Forming 51.The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient S. 32 rock i in i of complaints about the presence of tumor on the lower lip. Patients diagnosed with cancer of the lower lip when conducting plastic lower lip after resection for cancer? A. 1 month B. 2 months C. at the discretion of the surgeon D. depends on the age of the patient E. * simultaneously 52. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient S. 42 rock i in i with complaints of lower lip defect. For that, first of all, you need to look for when planning plastic surgery? A. the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the patient B. qualified surgeon, the size of the defect, the condition of the skin C. operating equipment, qualified surgeon D. condition endocrine and digestive systems of patient E. * Location of the defect, its size, the condition of the skin, the ability to move it 53. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient P. 34 rock i at i on complaints of penetrating defect face. For that, first of all, you need to look for when planning plastic surgery? A. the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the patient B. qualified surgeon, the size of the defect, the condition of the skin C. operating equipment, qualified surgeon D. condition endocrine and digestive systems of patient E. * Location of the defect, its size, the condition of the skin, the ability to move it 54. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment asked the patient on 26 Rock from i to i complaining of lower lip defect. The patient was planned plastic surgery. What kind of skin does not recommend the use of the local plastic? A. along the natural folds B. of the abdomen C. of the chest wall D. * Macerated and fixed E. with a sun tan 55. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient B. 43 rock i to i with complaints of lower lip defect. The patient was planned plastic surgery. What are the contraindications for the plastic surgery: A. depletion B. decompensated heart disease, kidney disease, liver C. disease-forming organs D. anemia E. * All the above listed diseases 56. Patient S. 37 rock i planned to plastic surgery that you know skin graft on feeding pedicle used in plastic? A. flap on two legs feeding B. flap on one leg feeding C. flap-artery D. * All answers are correct E. flap on three legs feeding 57. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment asked the patient on 26 Rock from i to i complaining of skin defect on the back of the nose. The patient was planned plastic surgery. Can formed on his forehead flap transplanted to the wound nose simultaneously? A. No, you can not B. * Yes, you can C. possible, but after training D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 58. In injured in a car accident on the back of the nose is nasal skin defect. The surgeon plans to create a flap of skin on the forehead and simultaneously transplanted it into the wound of the nose. It is possible to perform such an operation? A. possible, but after training B. No, you can not C. at the discretion of the surgeon D. * Yes, you can E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 59. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment turned Patient N. 25 rock i to i with complaints of skin defect on the back of the nose. The patient was planned plastic surgery. In the frontal area surgeon formed the hassle of skin on the leg to close the wound nose. Can be transplanted immediately after formation of a flap? A. possible, but after training B. No, you can not C. at the discretion of the surgeon D. depends on the skill of the surgeon E. * Yes, you can 60. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment turned Patient N. 25 rock i to i with complaints of skin defect on the bottom povitsi. The patient was planned plastic surgery. Is it possible to create a flap of skin on top povitsi and simultaneously transplanted it into the lower eyelid? A. possible, but after training B. No, you can not C. * Yes, you can D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 61. Patient H, 54 years old, who turned in a dentist i CNU cl i n i ment to lower povitsi defective in affected skin. The surgeon plans to create a flap of skin on top povitsi and simultaneously transplanted it into the wound of the lower eyelid. Is m ozhlyvo perform this operation? A. possible, but after training B. No, you can not C. at the discretion of the surgeon D. * Yes, you can E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 62. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient B. 53 rock i to i with complaints of skin defect on the bottom povitsi. The patient was planned plastic surgery. The top povitsi surgeon formed the hassle of skin on the leg to close the wounds of the lower eyelid. Can be transplanted immediately after formation of a flap? A. possible, but after training B. No, you can not C. at the discretion of the surgeon D. depends on the skill of the surgeon E. * Yes, you can 63. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient B. 53 rock i to i with complaints of skin defect on the nose. The patient was planned plastic surgery. The surgeon plans to create a flap of skin on the inner surface of the upper arm and simultaneously transplanted it into the wound of the nose. It is possible to perform such an operation? A. possible, but after training B. No, you can not C. at the discretion of the surgeon D. * Yes, you can E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 64. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient S. 52 rock i in i with complaints of facial defect. The patient was planned for plastic surgery classic Italian method. Why spend this technique plastics? A. replacement of the defect of the lower lip B. replacement of defect chin C. * Replacement of a defect of the nose D. defect replacement ear shells E. replacement eyelid defect 65. Patient K., 45 years after the trauma of the skin defect is formed in the middle of the upper lip. The defect was closed by moving the flaps, a cut from the same lips by sliding. Do I need to cut down excess skin formed on top of the flap? A. * Yes, you B. No, I do not need to C. they can hide D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 66. Patient S., 34 years as a result of the accident formed a small defect in the skin of the upper lip, which was closed by moving the flaps, a cut from the same lips by sliding. Do I need to cut down excess skin formed on top of the flap? A. No, I do not need to B. they can hide C. * Yes, you D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 67. Patient N. 37 rock i in which i contacted the dentist CNU cl i n i ment was found benign or malignant tumor of the skin. Where you want to send a patient? A. the surgical department of general type B. in the skin clinic C. in surgical dental office D. the Department of Plastic Surgery E. * In Oncology Center 68. In Patient 47 rock i in which i contacted the dentist CNU cl i n i ment was detected defect acquired facial skin. Where you want to send a patient? A. in Oncology Center B. in surgical wards of general type C. * In surgical dental offices D. in the offices of Plastic Surgery E. in skin clinics 69. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient B. 53 rock i to i with complaints of skin defect on the nose. The patient was planned for surgery plate. What should be understood by the word "plastic"? A. restore the normal shape and function of the body, certain organs and tissues that are underdeveloped in the embryonic period B. restore the normal shape and function of the body, certain organs and tissues that have been destroyed by disease C. restore the normal shape and function of the body, certain organs and tissues that have been damaged injury D. * All answers are correct E. restore the normal shape and function of the body, certain organs and tissues that have been damaged operations 70. Patient B., 34 years old had a free transplant split flap of skin from the upper third of the thigh granulating wound on the right cheek. How is this plastic? A. homoplasty B. * Autoplasty C. heteroplastyka D. aloplastyka E. free plastic 71. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient B. 53 rock i at i on complaints of granulating wound frontal area. The patient was transplanted split flap of skin from the upper third of the thigh. How is this plastic? A. homoplasty B. aloplastyka C. heteroplastyka D. * Autoplasty E. free plastic 72. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient B. 53 rock i to i with complaints about the defect of the left half of the mandible length 4 cm defect was made of plastic flat bones of cattle (after special treatment). How is this plastic? A. autoplasty B. homoplasty C. * Heteroplastyka D. aloplastyka E. free plastic 73. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment turned Patient BS 53 i rock at who was diagnosed with cancer of the mandible. The patient was performed resection of the mandible defect and replaced the flat bones of cattle (after special treatment). How is this plastic? A. autoplasty B. aloplastyka C. homoplasty D. free plastic E. * Heteroplastyka 74. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment turned Patient N. 33 Rock in i, which crashed formed defect frontal section of the mandible. The patient held record of chips with a special metal plate. How is this operation? A. autoplasty B. homoplasty C. heteroplastyka D. metal plastic E. * Aloplastyka 75. Patient B. 53 rock i after resection of the mandible on osteoblastoklastomy defect replaced with a special metal plate. How is this operation? A. autoplasty B. * Aloplastyku C. homoplasty D. metal plastic E. heteroplastyku 76. Patient 47 in rock i was performed resection for cancer of the lower lip. How long is the plastic closure of defect? A. 24 hours B. 48 hours C. a week D. pisdya obtain histological conclusion E. * Done simultaneously 77. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient B. 53 rock i to i with complaints of skin defect on the nose. The patient was planned plastic surgery. When planning plastic surgery on the need to pay attention to the priority? A. * Location of the defect, its size, the condition of the skin, the ability to move it B. qualified surgeon, the size of the defect, the condition of the skin C. operating equipment, qualified surgeon D. the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the patient E. condition endocrine and digestive systems of patient 78. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient B. 53 rock i to i with complaints of skin defect of the lower eyelid patient planned use of plastic surgery Filatov stem. What Do You Know the main stages of plastic? A. * Formation transplant, the stem rozplastuvannya B. formation rozplastuvannya transplant the stem C. transplantation, forming, stems rozplastuvannya D. forming, correction, change stems E. correction, change, forming the stem 79. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient MM 52 rock i in i with complaints of skin defect of the lower eyelid patient planned use of plastic surgery Filatov stem. Filatov stem prepared for transplantation. Since he squeezed the blood left on foot, subject to the transfer, rubber band. Because time will come normal skin coloring stems? A. 10 seconds B. 20 seconds C. 30 seconds D. 1 minute E. * Immediately 80. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient MM 52 rock i in i with complaints of skin defect of the lower eyelid patient planned plastic surgery using Filatov stem. What can happen partial or complete necrosis Filatov stem? A. * All answers are correct B. compression C. distortion legs D. inflection of his excessive E. all the answers are not correct 81. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient MM 52 rock i in i with complaints of skin defect of the lower eyelid patient planned plastic surgery using Filatov stem. What first depends on the viability of the stem Filatov during its formation and transplantation? A. * The ratio of length and width of the strip of leather used and preserved vascular pattern B. thickness of the subcutaneous tissue C. surface of the body where the flap is formed D. qualified surgeon E. equipment operating 82. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient MM 52 rock i in i with complaints of skin defect in the skin of the lower eyelid plastic surgery to perform step stems sometimes use the anatomical snuffbox. What is the anatomical snuffbox? A. the lower third of the forearm B. space between 2 and 3 outer surface of the palm fingers C. outer surface of palm D. * The space between fingers 1 and 2, the outer surface of the palm E. middle third of the forearm 83. Patient N. 32 years old, who complained of the lack of contact between the frontal teeth, excessive growth of the mandible. OBJECTIVE: facial deformation due to protrusion of the lower jaw to the front. In prohenichnomu bite are front and side teeth. In a state of central occlusion is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth. What disease patient? A. * Makroheniya. B. Mikroheniya C. Micrognathia. D. Prognathism. E. Open bite 84. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed Patient 32 rock i to i with complaints of skin defect of the right cheek. The patient was planned plastic surgery. Will retain mobility transplant if transplanted to recipient wound in the entire thickness of the skin? A. no B. * So C. yes, but be sure to irradiate ultraviolet rays D. yes, but be sure to apply massage E. No, mobility is lost for a very long time 85. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed Patient 22 rock i at i on complaints of defective skin. The patient was planned for plastic free skin graft. What are the main benefits of this plastic? A. * All answers are correct B. protects the wound from gross scarring C. significantly reduces the healing time D. protects the wound from infection E. correct answers B and C 86. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment turned Patient K. 27 rock i in i with complaints of skin defect of the right cheek. The patient was planned plastic surgery. What negative thing can happen during pryhoyennya thin split skin graft? A. * Its shrinkage B. his hyperpigmentation C. its redness D. its swelling E. it ztonshennya 87. The dentist i CNU cl i n i ment appealed patient P. 28 rock i to i with complaints of skin defect of the right cheek. The patient was planned plastic surgery. What size should have a skin graft of medium thickness? A. * Its size should slightly exceed the size of the wound-recipient B. its size must match the size of the wound-recipient C. unlimited size D. graft area must not exceed half of the palm of the patient E. graft area should not exceed the patient's hand 88. Patient B. '32 to close granulating wounds on his face taken several pieces of medium thickness leather on the side of the abdomen. How does the donor wound healing? A. it must sew silk B. it is necessary to transplant skin C. * It heals spontaneously and rapidly D. it is necessary to close the local tissues E. necessary to use artificial materials 89. Patient T. '45 to close the granulating wound on the nose take a piece of skin of medium thickness in the upper-outer quadrant of the buttock. As the wound healed donor? A. it must sew silk B. it is necessary to transplant skin C. necessary to use artificial materials D. it is necessary to close the local tissues E. * It heals spontaneously and rapidly 90. Patient K. '52 after a car accident defect formed skin. The patient was planned plastic surgery. What changes occur with skin graft after transplantation? A. * He second shrinks B. He nekrotyzuyetsya C. it is partially absorbed D. He depihmentuyetsya E. He intensely stained 91. Patient B. '32 is scheduled for replacement plastic mandibular defect graft taken from twin. What type of transplant is planned to apply in this case? A. Autografting B. * Izotransplantatsiya C. Alotransplantatsiya D. Xenotransplantation E. Explantation 92. Patient R. '54 is scheduled for replacement plastic mandibular defect with split graft his own ribs. What type of transplant is planned to apply in this case? A. Alotransplantatsiya B. . Izotransplantatsiya C. *. Autografting D. Xenotransplantation E. Explantation 93. Patient S. '25 was a partial resection of the mandible on ameloblastamy. The resulting defect branches and the body of the jaw napivmisyatsevoyi clippings to 36 teeth. What a way to replace the defect is most appropriate: A. * Plastic defect autograft taken from iliac crest B. Tummy defect autograft taken from the rib C. Tummy defect formalized allograft D. Tummy defect lyophilized graft E. Tummy defect formalized spongy alo-or brefokistkoyu 94. Patient N. of 16, which is 5-year-old had surgery on uranoplastyky congenital cleft palate, defined chayetsya distal occlusion. What is the cause of this pathology in the patient's bite? A. * Hypoplasia of the maxilla B. Excessive growth of the mandible C. Ineffective surgery D. Bad Habits E. Violation of nasal breathing 95. Patient A. '25 available posttraumatic defect of the left wing of the nose krylnoho violation of the integrity of cartilage. Which treatment is most effective: A. Tummy skin graft for Sedillo B. Free skin grafts C. Free plastic cartilage by Limberg D. Plastic Filatov stem E. * Free plastic part of the ear for the wort? 96. Patient M. 33 years appealed to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with complaints of cosmetic defect in the region of the right half of the nose. From history we know that the patient was injured about 7 months ago shoot a firearm. OBJECTIVE: In the area of the right half of the nose is celebrated through-defect measuring 1.5 x 2 cm skin color around the defect was not changed. The decision to use "Indian" method of rhinoplasty. Which areas of the body tissue is taken to correct the defect: A. Skin flap shoulder B. Skin flap cheeks C. Skin flap infraorbital area D. * The skin of the forehead flap E. Skin flap shoulder-scapular region? 97. Patient B. '12 diagnosed with true lower prognathism. Facial features are expressed. The upper jaw is normal. Sagittal slit 6 mm. All erupted permanent teeth, except 18, 28, 38 and 48. What treatment plan: A. Henioplastyka B. Bilateral mandibular osteotomy a surface by Rud'ko C. * Removing rudiments of 38 and 48 teeth, orthodontic treatment D. Removing 34, 44 teeth, orthodontic treatment aimed at adapting bite E. Bilateral mandibular osteotomy for Rauerom 98. Patient N. 23 years complaining about the shortening of the upper lip gloss nezmykannya, the presence of the gap between the upper and lower frontal teeth. OBJECTIVE: maxilla anteriorly favor due to its over-development, shortening the upper lip. Between the upper and lower front teeth is a gap in the sagittal direction. What type strain present in this case: A. Mikroheniya B. * Prognathism C. Retrohnatiya D. Progeny E. Micrognathia 99. Patient '34 about a defect in the region of the angle of the mandible and branches up to 6.0 cm performed opera tion to restore the jaw crest of the ilium own. What type of transplantation used in patients: A. Xenotransplantation B. Alotransplantatsiya C. yizotransplantatsiya D. * Autografting E. Explantation 100. A patient aged 16 complains of jaw protrusion forward bite difficult act, retraction of the upper lip. As a child, had surgery uranoplastyku. OBJECTIVE: upper lip sinks, chin normally developed mandible protruding. At IU dialnomu bite are some front teeth. The rest of the teeth in the correct ratio. Click diagnosis A. The lower prognathism B. Genuine progeny C. * False progeny D. The upper prognathism E. Lower retrohnatiya 101. Patient S. 23 years after removal of osteogenic tumors of the jaw is a need for replacement of defect transplant material. The use account the origin of the material which reaches the best results bone grafting: A. Implant B. Allogeneic C. Xenogeneic D. Use of combined transplants E. * Autogenous 102. Patient complains of '20 no contact between the frontal teeth, excessive growth of the mandible. OBJECTIVE: face deformation due to the protrusion of the lower jaw forward. In prohenichnomu bite are front and side teeth. Able cent ral occlusion is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth. What is the disease of the patient: A. Open bite B. Mikroheniya C. Micrognathia D. Prognathism E. * Makroheniya 103. Patient was hospitalized to '17 maxillofacial department for congenital facial deformity of the skull. During the inspection and examination revealed asymmetry of the face due to the underdevelopment of the lower jaw and chin offset to the left side. When you open your mouth face asymmetry becomes more pronounced. According to the medical history revealed that at the age of 5 years, the patient underwent an inflammatory process in the region of the left branch of the mandible. Click to clinical diagnosis A. * Unilateral (asymmetric) mikroheniya B. Bilateral (symmetric) mikroheniya C. False progeny D. Prognathism E. Makrohnatiya. 104. The girl of 3 years, in which the upper lip and alveolar outgrowth divided into 3 pieces, the average fragment dramatically shifted forward and upward, wings flattened nose, mouth whole. Identify the full clinical diagnosis A. * Congenital bilateral through-cleft upper lip and alveolar bone, bone protrusion mizhschelepnoyi B. Congenital bilateral partial cleft upper lip and alveolar bone C. Congenital bilateral hidden cleft upper lip and alveolar bone D. Congenital bilateral hidden cleft upper lip protrusion mizhschelepnoyi bone E. Congenital bilateral partial cleft upper lip. 105. Newborn baby disposable birth defect of the soft tissues of the upper lip on the left, which is below the lower division of the nasal opening, alveolar outgrowth and palate goals. To establish a diagnosis: A. * Congenital partial left-sided cleft upper lip B. Congenital left-sided complete cleft upper lip C. Congenital left-sided concealed cleft upper lip D. Congenital left-sided complete cleft upper lip and co mirkovoho process E. Congenital partial left-sided cleft upper lip co mirkovoho process. 106. 45-year-old woman from the first pregnancy gave birth to a baby girl, whose upper lip and alveolar process are divided into 3 pieces, the middle piece abruptly shifted forward and upward, wings flattened nose, mouth whole. Artificial feeding, in the absence of milk in the mother. What a complete clinical diagnosis A. * Congenital bilateral through-cleft upper lip and alveolar process bone protrusion mizhschelepnoyi B. Congenital bilateral through-partial cleft upper lip and alveolar process bone protrusion mizhschelepnoyi C. Congenital bilateral hidden cleft upper lip and alveolar process D. Congenital bilateral hidden cleft upper lip protrusion mizhschelepnoyi bone E. Congenital bilateral partial cleft upper lip 107. To children's maxillofacial department entered 3 year old girl with a diagnosis of congenital cleft 1/2 hard and soft palate, polydactyly. What specialists should be involved for rehabilitation of the child? A. * Maxillofacial surgeon, pediatrician, otolaryngologist, speech pathologist, an orthodontist, a psychologist, an orthopedic surgeon; B. Maxillofacial surgeon, pediatrician, speech therapist, orthodontist, orthopedic surgeon; C. Maxillofacial surgeon, pediatrician, otolaryngologist, speech therapist, psychologist; D. Maxillofacial surgeon, otolaryngologist, speech pathologist, an orthodontist; E. Maxillofacial surgeon, psychologist, orthodontist, orthopedic surgeon. 108. In the consulting services of the clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery delivered baby sh 1 month. When viewed objectively revealed bilateral cleft upper lip, hard and soft palate with considerable vystoyannyam intermaxillary bone. In terms of fetal development are shaped upper lip and palate? A. upper lip - 1 month., palate, 1 month. B. upper lip - 5 months., palate-6 months. C. upper lip - 4 months., palate-5 months. D. upper lip - 8 months., palate-9 months. E. * Upper lip - the end of 2 months., Palate-2-3 months. 109. On examination to the maxillofacial surgeon delivered the baby R. 1 month. OBJECTIVE during the inspection revealed a crack, which is located in the transverse direction from the right angle of the mouth through the whole thickness of the cheek to the edge of chewing muscles. What is the diagnosis for this patient? A. Dextral oblique cleft face. B. Cleft nose. C. Dextral erhnoyi cleft in the lip. D. Cleft mandible. E. * Right-side lateral cleft face. 110. In the department of pathology of the newborn baby to B. 2 days, consult caused by maxillofacial surgeon. Clinically, an objective examination of the person revealed that upper lip and alveolar process are divided into 3 pieces, the middle piece abruptly shifted forward and upward, wings flattened nose, mouth whole. Titles and t and b to b and l sh likely diagnosis? A. Congenital bilateral partial cleft upper lip B. Congenital bilateral through-partial cleft upper lip and alveolar process bone protrusion mizhschelepnoyi C. * Congenital bilateral through-cleft upper lip and alveolar process bone protrusion mizhschelepnoyi D. Congenital bilateral hidden cleft upper lip and alveolar process E. Congenital bilateral hidden cleft upper lip protrusion mizhschelepnoyi bone 111. Girl 3 weeks of diagnosis: congenital bilateral cleft through-the upper lip and palate. Child somatically healthy. Determine the approximate duration of the heyloplastyky and uranostafiloplastyky. A. * 6-9 months - heyloplastyka, 1.5-3 years - uranostafiloplastyka B. 6-9 months - heyloplastyka, 5-6 years - uranostafiloplastyka C. 12-18 months - heyloplastyka 3-5 years - uranostafiloplastyka D. 3-5 months - heyloplastyka, 1-2 years - uranostafiloplastyka E. 18-20 months - heyloplastyka 5-7 years - uranostafiloplastyka 112. The girl suffered heyloplastyku 3 years 4 months uranostafiloplastyku 2.5 years. Has mesial occlusion and snuffle, small vocabulary, become uncircumcised peers. What specialists should be involved to prepare the child for school? A. A speech pathologist B. Psychologist C. Orthodontist D. * All of these E. audiologist 113. By the maxillofacial department admitted patient P. 54 rock i at i on defect diagnosis face. For that, first of all, you need to look for when planning plastic surgery? A. the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the patient B. qualified surgeon, the size of the defect, the condition of the skin C. operating equipment, qualified surgeon D. condition endocrine and digestive systems of patient E. * Location of the defect, its size, the condition of the skin, the ability to move it 114. By the maxillofacial department arrived on 26 Rock patient i in a defect of the lower lip. The patient was planned plastic surgery. What kind of skin does not recommend the use of the local plastic? A. along the natural folds B. of the abdomen C. of the chest wall D. * Macerated and fixed E. with a sun tan 115. By the maxillofacial department arrived Patient B. 43 rock i in i with complaints of upper lip defect. The patient was planned plastic surgery. What are the contraindications for the plastic surgery: A. depletion B. decompensated heart disease, kidney disease, liver C. disease-forming organs D. anemia E. * All the above listed diseases 116. By the maxillofacial department arrived Patient i S. 37 Rock in which planned plastic surgery you know skin graft on feeding pedicle used in plastic? A. flap on two legs feeding B. flap on one leg feeding C. flap-artery D. * All answers are correct E. flap on three legs feeding 117. By the maxillofacial department arrived on 26 Rock patient i at i on complaints of skin defect on the back of the nose. The patient was planned plastic surgery. Can formed on his forehead flap transplanted to the wound nose simultaneously? A. No, you can not B. * Yes, you can C. possible, but after training D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 118. By the maxillofacial department arrived patient who is at the back of the nasal skin defect of the nose. The surgeon plans to create a flap of skin on the forehead and simultaneously transplanted it into the wound of the nose. It is possible to perform such an operation? A. possible, but after training B. No, you can not C. at the discretion of the surgeon D. * Yes, you can E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 119. By the maxillofacial department arrived Patient N. 25 rock i at i on complaints of skin defect on the back of the nose. The patient was planned plastic surgery. In the frontal area surgeon formed the hassle of skin on the leg to close the wound nose. Can be transplanted immediately after formation of a flap? A. possible, but after training B. No, you can not C. at the discretion of the surgeon D. depends on the skill of the surgeon E. * Yes, you can 120. A child born with a through alveolar bone nonunion, hard and soft palate. What is the optimal way of feeding of the child for surgical treatment? A. Probe food for six months B. * Making obturator C. Using conventional pacifiers D. Feeding in the presence of medical personnel E. Feeding the baby using a spoon 121. A child born with a left-sided defect of the upper lip, alveolar bone, hard and soft palate. State the correct diagnosis. A. * Congenital left-sided through-cleft alveolar bone, hard and soft palate B. Congenital cleft through-the upper lip and palate C. Congenital cleft lip, palate and alveolar bone D. Cleft palate E. Harelip 122. Parents, child 3 years old, complained of recurrent getting food into the nasal cavity during breastfeeding. OBJECTIVE: within the soft palate is defined slit defect. Put diagnosis. A. Hidden born cleft palate B. Isolated cleft hard and soft palate C. Cleft palate D. Combined cleft palate E. * Isolated partial cleft soft palate 123. Patient S., appealed to the dentist after a car accident with complaints mandibular defect .. We plan to hold the plastic to the performance of vertical and horizontal jaw osteotomy with transposition of pieces and filling in the spaces created biomaterials. How is this plastic? A. * Bone transplantation plastic with fixing material in the middle of the bone. B. No vrinoyi response. C. Any bone grafting. D. Bone grafting for Borowski. E. Bone grafting with fixation transplant material "vnakladku." 124. Patient S., appealed to the dentist after a car accident with complaints mandibular defect .. We plan to hold the plastic of the proposed EA Limberg. What is the first stage of the operation? A. In transferring the graft on the leg with soft tissue defect in the mandible. B. * In pidsadtsi appropriate size piece ribs in well-preserved soft tissue. C. In the dissection of the soft tissues and exposure of the ribs. D. In the dissection of the periosteum. E. In carrying transplants of soft tissues around the defect of the mandible. 125. Patient S., appealed to the dentist after a car accident with complaints mandibular defect .. planned reconstruction of the alveolar process to the entire alveolar arch. What bone is best to use? A. Radiation. B. Phalanx of the index finger. C. * Rib. D. Phalanx of the ring finger. E. Bones are not used for transplantation of alveolar arches. 126. Patient I., 43, lodged a complaint with the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. In order to increase the number of bone graft used for implantation of the hill of the upper jaw. In this area the graft is taken in the form: A. * Wedge piece. B. Angulate shape. C. A rectangular piece. D. Oval piece. E. From this site does not take graft. 127. Patient I., 43, lodged a complaint with the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. In order to increase the number of bone graft implantation should be used to: A. Sponge. B. Cortical plate. C. Cortical-spongy. D. * The correct answers are a and b. E. The correct answers are a, b, c. 128. Patient I., 43, lodged a complaint with the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. What are synthetic biomaterials used to increase the number of bone for implantation. A. "Kolapola CP-3." B. "Kollapona." C. «Osteo Gen». D. * All answers are correct. E. There is no right answer. 129. Patient T., 42 years is planned transplantation transplantation of animal. What do you call this type of transplant? A. * Xenograft. B. Heterotransplantat. C. Biotransplantat. D. Autografts. E. Allotransplants. 130. Patient L., 44, complained to a defect in the mandible, which was formed after the removal of the tumor. We plan to hold autoplasty. The materials from which the bones are used most often for autoplasty jaw? A. Brush, spatula and fibula bones. B. Edge, the edge of the lower jaw, the heel bone. C. Cranial bones. D. The ribs had ankle. E. * Rib bone, iliac, the edge of the mandible. 131. Patient, 34 years old, appealed with complaints of nasal saddle deformity that occurred after removal of the tumor. What plastic is used to eliminate this strain? A. * Hondroplastyka. B. Autoplasty. C. Implants. D. Aloplastyka. E. Autotransplantation. 132. Patient, 33 years old, complained to the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. In order to increase the number of bones for implantation. using soluble «OsteoGen». What does he represent? A. * Bone-inductive protein from nekolahenovoyi matrix in powder form. B. Powder derived coral skeletal carbonate. C. Viscous liquid. D. Hydroxyapatite powder. E. Hydroxyapatite granules. 133. Patient, 43 years old, complained to the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. What domestic plastic materials based on hydroxyapatite and collagen: used to increase the number of bone for implants? A. "SCHSTIM 100." B. * "Collapan." C. «OsteoGen». D. «Bio - Oss». E. «Interpore-200." 134. Patient, 43 years old, complained to the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant, but we have to do with fixing plastic bone transplants "vnakladku" to increase the body of the mandible. Which area of the mandible graft is placed in such plastic?: A. * Its basis. B. The branches of the lower jaw. C. Alveolar bone. D. All answers are correct. E. There is no right answer 135. Patient, 43 years old, complained to the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant, but we have to do with fixing plastic bone transplants "vnakladku" to increase the body of the mandible. In which case, graft-pad can be split: A. * When using the crest of the ilium. B. When using a fragment of jaw. C. When using the cranial vault. D. When using edge. E. When using small and tibia bones. 136. Patient, 43 years is planned replacement of the defect face transplant from the cranial vault. What section is carried out for the taking of the graft? A. * Napivmistsevoyi form. B. Trapezoidal shape. C. Wedge shape. D. Rounded. E. None of the correct answer. 137. Patient, 43 years old, complained to the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. What transplants can be used for this? A. Cortical. B. Sponged. C. Cortical-spongy. D. * All answers are correct. E. None of the correct answer. 138. Patient, 43 years old, complained to the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. For this purpose: A. Bone grafting segments of the jaw. B. Bone grafting of the alveolar processes of the jaw. C. Reconstruction of the maxilla. D. * Reconstruction of the mandible. E. All answers are correct. 139. Patient B., 44, lodged a complaint with the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant, but it needs to increase the height and width of the body of the mandible. In such cases, use: A. * Autokistku. B. Allokistku. C. Ksenotkanynu. D. All answers are correct. E. There is no right answer. 140. In somatoloh CNU i cl i n i ment appealed patient R. 32 rock i at i on complaints for the tumor on the lower lip. Patients diagnosed with cancer of the lower lip of stage III. He needs to spend extirpation lips to close the defect and form patches of skin on the leg in the area of feeding: A. Cheek B. * Nasolabial folds C. upper lip D. Neck E. chin 141. Patient 45 rock i diagnosed carcinoma of the lower lip of stage II. Are planned resection lips. In which area needs to form patches on the feeding pedicle to close defects? A. nasolabial folds B. upper lip C. pidpidboriddya D. * Lower lip E. Cheek 142. Patient 34 rock i to i made a complaint to the presence of tumor on the lower lip. Patients diagnosed with cancer of the lower lip, lower lip plasty after resection for cancer of conduct: A. 1 month B. * Simultaneously C. 2 months D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the age of the patient 143. Patient MM 25 rock i turned in a complaint about a through defect that occupies several areas of the face. What needs to Dr A defect closure? A. Square plastic material equal to the area of the defect B. 2.5 times more plastic material C. 3 times more plastic material D. * 2 times more plastic material E. 3.5 times more plastic material 144. In patients with AL, 43 years after the car accident occurred large penetrating wound of the face. C sardines plastic material should be taken to close the defect? A. * 2 times more plastic material B. 2.5 times more plastic material C. Square plastic material equal to the area of the defect D. 3 times more plastic material E. 3.5 times more plastic material 145. Patient B. 32 rock i in i made a complaint to a defect of the lower lip. When planning a plastic surgery that, first of all, you need to look for? A. the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the patient B. * Location of the defect, its size, the condition of the skin, the ability to move it C. qualified surgeon, the size of the defect, the condition of the skin D. operating equipment, qualified surgeon E. condition endocrine and digestive systems of patient 146. In the surgical department appealed Patient 33 rock i at i on complaints of penetrating defect face. For that, first of all, you need to look for when planning plastic surgery? A. the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the patient B. qualified surgeon, the size of the defect, the condition of the skin C. * Location of the defect, its size, the condition of the skin, the ability to move it D. operating equipment, qualified surgeon E. condition endocrine and digestive systems of patient 147. Patient S. 46 rock i to i made a complaint to a defect of the lower lip. The patient was planned plastic surgery. What kind of skin does not recommend the use of the local plastic? A. * Macerated and fixed B. along the natural folds C. of the abdomen D. of the chest wall E. with a sun tan 148. Patient N. 43 rock i to i made a complaint to the defect of the upper lip. The patient was planned plastic surgery. What are the contraindications for the plastic surgery: A. depletion B. decompensated heart disease, kidney disease, liver C. disease-forming organs D. anemia E. * All the above listed diseases 149. Patient S. 37 rock i planned to plastic surgery What skin graft on feeding pedicle used in plastic? A. flap on two legs feeding B. * All answers are correct C. flap on one leg feeding D. flap-artery E. flap on three legs feeding 150. Patient No. 47 rock i planned to plastic surgery. What is the greatest ratio of width to length is recommended for shaping the flap on the feeding pedicle on the head and neck? A. * 1:5 B. 1:2 C. 1:3 D. 1:4 E. 1:6 151. Patient N. 35 rock i to i made a complaint to a defect of the lower lip. The patient was planned plastic surgery. At what level is held exfoliation of skin flaps for feeding the leg? A. with the muscle fascia B. at the discretion of the surgeon C. This rule does not play a big role D. * Above the muscle fascia E. with the muscle fascia and muscles subordinates 152. Patient J. 36 rock i to i made a complaint to the skin defect on the back of the nose. The patient was planned to form on his forehead flap transplanted to the wound nose simultaneously. What Can I Do? A. * Yes, you can B. No, you can not C. possible, but after training D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 153. Patient N. 35 rock i to i made a complaint to the back of the nasal skin defect. The surgeon plans to create a flap of skin on the forehead and simultaneously transplanted it into the wound of the nose. It is possible to perform such an operation? A. possible, but after training B. No, you can not C. * Yes, you can D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 154. Patient S. 25 rock i to i made a complaint to the skin defect on the back of the nose. In the frontal area surgeon formed the hassle of skin on the leg to close the wound nose. Can be transplanted immediately after formation of a flap? A. possible, but after training B. No, you can not C. at the discretion of the surgeon D. * Yes, you can E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 155. Patient R. 35 rock i to i made a complaint to the skin defect on the bottom povitsi. Is it possible to create a flap of skin on top povitsi and simultaneously transplanted it into the lower eyelid? A. * Yes, you can B. possible, but after training C. No, you can not D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 156. Patient R., 34 years old i made a complaint to the skin defect on the bottom povitsi. The surgeon plans to create a flap of skin on top povitsi and simultaneously transplanted it into the wound of the lower eyelid. Is m ozhlyvo perform this operation? A. possible, but after training B. * Yes, you can C. No, you can not D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 157. Patient B. 53 rock i in i made a complaint to the skin defect on the bottom povitsi. The patient was planned plastic surgery. The top povitsi surgeon formed the hassle of skin on the leg to close the wounds of the lower eyelid. Can be transplanted immediately after formation of a flap? A. possible, but after training B. No, you can not C. at the discretion of the surgeon D. * Yes, you can E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 158. Patient 33 rock i to i made a complaint to the skin defect on the nose. The surgeon plans to create a flap of skin on the inner surface of the upper arm and simultaneously transplanted it into the wound of the nose. It is possible to perform such an operation? A. possible, but after training B. * Yes, you can C. No, you can not D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 159. Patient S. 52 rock i to i made a complaint to the defect face. The patient was planned for plastic surgery classic Italian method. Why spend this technique plastics? A. * Replacement of a defect of the nose B. replacement of the defect of the lower lip C. replacement of defect chin D. defect replacement ear shells E. replacement eyelid defect 160. Patient N. 42 rock i to i made a complaint to a defect in the skin of the upper lip, which was formed as a result of injuries face. Where it is necessary to create a flap of skin on the leg to correct this defect? A. in the neck B. * On the cheeks C. on the lower lip D. chin E. on the nose 161. Patient K., 45 years after removal of the tumor formed a skin defect in the middle of the upper lip. The defect was closed by moving the flaps, a cut from the same lips by sliding. Do I need to cut down excess skin formed on top of the flap? A. No, I do not need to B. they can hide C. * Yes, you D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 162. Patient MM 43 rock i turned in complaining of a small defect in the skin of the upper lip, which was closed by moving the flaps, a cut from the same lips by sliding. Do I need to cut down the excess skin that has formed on the top flap? A. No, I do not need to B. they can hide C. * Yes, you D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. depends on the skill of the surgeon 163. Patient P., 32 years as a result of injuries was a great defect in the skin of the ear to shellfish. Where it is necessary to create a flap of skin on the feeding pedicle to close this defect? A. on the cheek B. on the temporal area C. in the submaxillary area D. * On the neck E. Ear 164. Patient B., 32 years after the operation for cancer of the skin with a diameter of 4 cm in front of the ear shellfish formed defect that must close the flap of skin on the feeding pedicle. Where necessary to form a flap? A. on the cheek B. * On the neck C. in the submaxillary area D. on the temporal area E. Ear 165. Patient L., 35 years after the operation for cancer of the skin in the region of the mandible formed defect that must close the flap of skin on the leg where feeding is necessary to form a flap? A. in the submaxillary area B. * On the neck C. on the cheek D. on the temporal area E. Ear 166. Patient L., 34 years after removal of the tumor was formed facial skin flap of skin on the feeding pedicle, which peresadyyly the wound. How does the need to close the donor wound? A. * Free transplant graft of medium thickness and stitching the wound edges B. stem Filatov C. shaded patches of skin D. arterializovanym flap E. with artificial skin substitutes 167. Patient L., 32 years after cutting facial skin tumors were formed flap of skin on the feeding pedicle, which was transplanted to the wound. Is it permissible slight tension transplanted graft? A. so acceptable B. acceptable, but under the supervision of a surgeon C. * No, not allowed D. acceptable, but must be applied bandages, compresses E. acceptable, but must be applied by pressing the bandage 168. Patient D., 32 years old plastic surgeon closed the small defect of facial skin, using a flap of skin on the leg. But during suturing wounds observed slight tension transplanted graft. Is it permissible slight tension transplanted graft? A. * No, not allowed B. so acceptable C. acceptable, but under the supervision of a surgeon D. acceptable, but must be applied bandages, compresses E. acceptable, but must be applied by pressing the bandage 169. Patient 33 rock i turned in with complaints of skin defect on the nose. The patient was planned for surgery plate. What should be understood by the word "plastic"? A. restore the normal shape and function of the body, certain organs and tissues that are underdeveloped in the embryonic period B. restore the normal shape and function of the body, certain organs and tissues that have been destroyed by disease C. restore the normal shape and function of the body, certain organs and tissues that have been damaged injury D. restore the normal shape and function of the body, certain organs and tissues that have been damaged operations E. * All answers are correct 170. Patient, 56 years old had a free transplant split flap of skin from the upper third of the thigh granulating wound on the right cheek. How is this plastic? A. homoplasty B. heteroplastyka C. * Autoplasty D. aloplastyka E. free plastic 171. Patient B. 53 rock i in i made a complaint to the granulating wound frontal area. Transplant patient plans to split flap of skin from the upper third of the thigh. How is this plastic? A. homoplasty B. aloplastyka C. heteroplastyka D. * Autoplasty E. free plastic 172. Patient P. 38 rock i to i made a complaint to the defect of the right half of the upper jaw. There have been plastic flat bone defect cattle (after special treatment). How is this plastic? A. autoplasty B. homoplasty C. aloplastyka D. * Heteroplastyka E. free plastic 173. Patient N. 49 rock i turned into complaints on bony defect of the mandible. The defect was replaced with the flat bones of cattle (after special treatment). How is this plastic? A. * Heteroplastyka B. autoplasty C. aloplastyka D. homoplasty E. free plastic 174. Patient N. 33 rock i turned in with complaints of defective frontal section of the mandible. The patient held record of chips with a special metal plate. How is this operation? A. autoplasty B. homoplasty C. * Aloplastyka D. heteroplastyka E. metal plastic 175. Patient 64 rock i after resection of the mandible on osteoblastoklastomy defect replaced with a special metal plate. How is this operation? A. autoplasty B. homoplasty C. * Aloplastyku D. metal plastic E. heteroplastyku 176. Patient 37 in rock i was performed resection for cancer of the lower lip. How long is the plastic closure of defect? A. 24 hours B. 48 hours C. * Done simultaneously D. a week E. pisdya obtain histological conclusion 177. The patient was 43 years was carved cancer skin left nasolabial fold. The defect is closed by the formation and movement of the flap of skin on the leg. After how long is a plastic closure of defect? A. 24 hours B. * Done simultaneously C. 48 hours D. a week E. Peace l I obtain histological conclusion 178. Patient '44 to close the defect after surgical facial skin stem was formed on the stem. Is it necessary to be fat? A. No, not necessarily B. Despite the circumstances C. * So be sure to D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. very thin layer 179. Patient D. '42 was diagnosed with skin cancer stage III cheeks. After excision of cancerous tumors formed defect. The skin of the neck formed stem to stem. Is it necessary to be fat? A. No, not necessarily B. Despite the circumstances C. * So be sure to D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. very thin layer 180. Patient B. '43 complained to a defect of the nose. The patient was carried plastic nose flap of skin on the leg of his forehead. How is this plastic? A. * Indian method B. Tibetan method C. Italian method D. English method E. Colombian method 181. Patient P. '45 was detected defect of the nose. The patient was carried defect replacement nose flap of skin on the leg of the forearm. How is this plastic? A. English method B. * Italian method C. Tibetan method D. free method E. Indian method 182. Patient '34 available external nose defect that appeared as a result of injury. Which method is better to use plastic? A. Italian B. Tibetan C. * Indian D. Chinese E. free 183. Patient N. '44 for closure of facial skin defect formed counter triangular patches. In which case they will be the most viable? A. * A large corner flap formed B. flap viability does not depend on the angle C. in a small corner of the flap formed D. flap viability depends on the quality of the stem fomuvannya E. flap viability depends on the skill of the surgeon 184. Patient M. '42 turned complaining of facial skin defect. The patient with the aim of closing the defect of facial skin formed counter triangular patches. As their viability depends on the angle of the distal? A. * A large corner flap viability better B. flap viability depends on the quality of the stem fomuvannya C. flap viability depends on the skill of the surgeon D. flap viability does not depend on the angle E. in a small corner of flap viability better 185. Patient '34 revealed recurrence of skin cancer of the left wing of the nose. He performed subtotal resection of the wings of the nose and to close the defect formed flap of skin on the feeding pedicle. In which area you want to create a flap of skin that? A. * Nasolabial folds B. upper lip C. nasal D. cheeks E. lower lip 186. Patient L. '43 diagnosed carcinoma of the skin of the nose I stage. He carved and tumor-stage formed plastic flap of skin on the feeding pedicle. In which area you want to create a flap of skin that? A. cheeks B. nasolabial fold C. * Forehead D. Nose E. upper eyelid 187. Patient K. '49 diagnosed with cancer of the skin of the upper lip II stage. Patients underwent resection and one-stage lip formed plastic patches of skin on the feeding pedicle. In which area you want to create a flap of skin that? A. cheeks B. nasolabial folds C. Nose D. * Upper lip E. lower lip 188. In Patient 38 rock i found in the skin defect on the nose, which was formed as a result of his injuries. When planning plastic surgery on the need to pay attention to the priority? A. qualified surgeon, the size of the defect, the condition of the skin B. operating equipment, qualified surgeon C. * Location of the defect, its size, the condition of the skin, the ability to move it D. the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the patient E. condition endocrine and digestive systems of patient 189. Patient V. 32 rock i found in the skin of the lower eyelid defect, which was formed after injuries. The patient was planned using Filatov plastic stem. What Do You Know the main stages of plastic? A. formation rozplastuvannya transplant the stem B. transplantation, forming, stems rozplastuvannya C. * Formation transplant, the stem rozplastuvannya D. forming, correction, change stems E. correction, change, forming the stem 190. Patient K. 39 rock i defect in the skin of the lower eyelid. The patient was planned using Filatov plastic stem. Filatov stem prepared for transplantation. Since he squeezed the blood left on foot, subject to the transfer, rubber band. Due to time enter into normal skin color stems? A. * Immediately B. 10 seconds C. 20 seconds D. 30 seconds E. 1 minute 191. Patient K. 47 rock i found in the skin of the lower eyelid defect patient was planned using Filatov plastic stem. Because what can happen partial or complete necrosis Filatov stem? A. compression B. distortion legs C. inflection of his excessive D. * All answers are correct E. all the answers are not correct 192. Patient N. 34 rock i defect in the skin of the lower eyelid. The patient was planned using Filatov plastic stem. What first depends on the viability of the stem Filatov during its formation and transplantation? A. thickness of the subcutaneous tissue B. surface of the body where the flap is formed C. qualified surgeon D. * The ratio of length and width of the strip of leather used and preserved vascular pattern E. equipment operating 193. Patient 43 rock i defect in the skin of the lower eyelid. He made plastic step stems from the use of anatomical snuffbox. What is the anatomical snuffbox? A. * The space between fingers 1 and 2, the outer surface of the palm B. the lower third of the forearm C. space between 2 and 3 outer surface of the palm fingers D. outer surface of palm E. middle third of the forearm 194. Patient V. 42 rock i defect in the skin of the lower eyelid. The patient was planned for plastic surgery using Filatov stem. How long after the formation of Filatov stems begin to recover all kinds of sensitivity? A. 2-3 weeks B. 3-4 weeks C. * 4-6 weeks D. 4-5 weeks E. 2 months 195. In Patient 32 rock i found in the skin of the right cheek defect. Patient formed Filatov stem on the trunk and planned to transplant it on the right cheek, which is rough scar after the course renthenterapiyi on capillary hemangioma. Does earlier treatment, better pryhoyennyu stem wound-recipients? A. * Has a negative impact B. so contributes C. No, there may be complications D. complications can be prevented fizprotsedury E. depends on the depth of tissue damage 196. Patient N. 34 i rock at about capillary hemangioma cheek a few years ago got renthenterapiyi rate, resulting in a rough scar formed. The current Filatov stem on the body is scheduled to be transplanted after wide excision of the cheek scar. Does earlier treatment, better pryhoyennyu stem wound-recipients? A. so contributes B. No, there may be complications C. * Has a negative impact D. complications can be prevented fizprotsedury E. depends on the depth of tissue damage 197. Patient D. 43 rock i found in the skin of the right cheek defect. While plastic Filatov in the formation of the stem arose the deterioration of its blood supply and necrosis appeared. In which section of the stem are formed? A. at the edges of the stem B. in the area of his legs C. * In the center of the stem D. in the region of the stem scar E. along the bottom edge of the stem 198. Patient T. 32 rock i defect in the skin of the right cheek. The patient was planned using Filatov plastic stem. How many feet in a classic Filatov stem? A. 1 leg B. 3 feet C. 4 legs D. * 2 legs E. depends on the shape of the defect 199. Patient D. 24 i rock at during the inspection revealed defects of the skin of the right cheek. The patient was planned using Filatov plastic stem. Is it necessarily must contain Filatov stem a fatty tissue? A. No, not necessarily B. Despite the circumstances C. only in the formation of the flap on the belly D. * Yes, definitely E. at the discretion of the surgeon 200. Patient K. 35 rock i found a defect in the right cheek. The patient was planned for plastic surgery using Filatov stem. During training the stem reflex vasodilatation occurs in the feeding pedicle, leading to an increase in the lumen of the anastomosis and circulation in A. * The longitudinal direction of the stem B. lumbar direction stems C. oblique direction of the stem D. random direction E. along the stem scar 201. Patient N. 47 rock i to i made a complaint on the right cheek defect. The patient was planned for plastic surgery using Filatov stem. Do I need when forming the stem in it include muscle tissue? A. * No B. so C. necessarily D. depends on where the formation of the stem E. at the discretion of the surgeon 202. Patient N. 25 rock i defect was found in the right cheek. After the operation there was a marked step stalks its atrophy. What should you do? A. continue its move B. cut it C. refuse plastic D. * Generate new stem E. apply fizprotsedury 203. By the maxillofacial department asked the patient S., 37 years old, who had a transplant-free split graft of skin from the upper third of the thigh wound to the face. How is this plastic? A. homoplasty B. heteroplastyka C. * Autoplasty D. aloplastyka E. free plastic 204. By the maxillofacial department turned Patient N. 43 rock i to i with complaints of sore frontal area. The patient was transplanted split flap of skin from the upper third of the thigh. How is this plastic? A. * Autoplasty B. homoplasty C. aloplastyka D. heteroplastyka E. free plastic 205. By the maxillofacial department appealed Patient 43 rock i at i on complaints for defects of the upper jaw. There have been plastic flat bone defect cattle (after special treatment). How is this plastic? A. autoplasty B. * Heteroplastyka C. homoplasty D. aloplastyka E. free plastic 206. By the maxillofacial department asked the patient P. 53 rock i in who was diagnosed with cancer of the mandible. The patient was performed resection of the mandible defect and replaced the flat bones of cattle (after special treatment). How is this plastic? A. autoplasty B. aloplastyka C. homoplasty D. free plastic E. * Heteroplastyka 207. By the maxillofacial department appealed Patient 46 rock i in, which was formed after the injury defect frontal section of the upper jaw. The patient held record of chips with a special metal plate. How is this operation? A. autoplasty B. homoplasty C. heteroplastyka D. metal plastic E. * Aloplastyka 208. By the maxillofacial department appealed Patient 32 rock i in the mandible after resection for cancer. The defect was replaced with a special metal plate. How is this operation? A. autoplasty B. * Aloplastyku C. homoplasty D. metal plastic E. heteroplastyku 209. By the maxillofacial department appealed Patient 47 i rock in which it was held resection for cancer of the lower lip. How long obytsya plastic closure of defect? A. 24 hours B. 48 hours C. * Done simultaneously D. a week E. pisdya obtain histological conclusion 210. By the maxillofacial department appealed Patient 48, which was carved cancer of the skin of the nose. The defect is closed by the formation and movement of the flap of skin on the leg. When is a plastic closure of defect? A. 24 hours B. * Done simultaneously C. 48 hours D. a week E. pisdya obtain histological conclusion 211. Patient K 35 years after TRAM formed large defect cheeks. To close the defect formed stem Filatov on his stomach. What is the correct sequence of operations stems step? A. stomach - a third of the average shoulder - neck - cheek B. stomach - forearm - cheek C. belly - the lower third of the arm - cheek D. belly - anatomical snuffbox - cheek E. * Abdomen - thoracic wall - neck - cheek 212. In Patient 43 rock i found a defect in the right cheek. The patient was performed using Filatov plastic stem. How long after a real intermediate step stalks stem stems Filatov cut off from the donor wound and fixed to the edges of the defect? A. after 2 weeks B. after 4 weeks C. 2 months D. when finally heal the wound E. * 6 weeks 213. Patient D. 43 rock i found a defect in the right cheek. The patient used a free transplant split flap of skin from the upper third of the thigh granulating wound on the right cheek. How is this plastic? A. homoplasty B. autoplasty C. * Alloplastyka D. heteroplastyka E. free plastic 214. Patient L. '32 to defects of the mandible, which was formed after resection on osteoblastoklastomy. The defect was replaced with a special metal plate. How is this method of plastic surgery? A. autoplasty B. homoplasty C. metal plastic D. * Aloplastyku E. heteroplastyku 215. Patient 27 years ago got over the course renthenterapiyi capillary hemangioma cheek, leaving a rough scar formed. Skin flap a full-thickness transplant is planned on the cheek after wide excision of scar. Does earlier treatment, better pryhoyennyu flap for woundrecipients? A. so contributes B. No, there may be complications C. * Has a negative impact D. complications can be prevented fizprotsedury E. depends on the depth of tissue damage 216. Patient P. 34 rock i found in the skin of the right cheek defect. The patient is planning to carve povnosharovyy flap of skin. Does he n otribno include fascia? A. so B. depends on where the formation of the stem C. * No D. at the discretion of the surgeon E. necessarily 217. Patient V. 43 rock i found in the skin of the right cheek defect. The patient is planning to carve povnosharovyy flap of skin. You must include in his muscle tissue? A. * No B. so C. necessarily D. depends on where the formation of the stem E. at the discretion of the surgeon 218. The patient GA 22 rock i found in the skin of the right cheek defect. The patient was planned for plastics. What is the most sensitive skin graft to neblahopryyemnyh conditions that may arise during its transplantation: A. thin split skin flap B. median split skin flap C. * Povnosharovyy skin flap D. thick split skin flap E. All split skin graft 219. Patient B. '52 for close postoperative nasal skin defect free skin graft taken by ear shells, made a number of small cuts (holes) before fixing it to the edge of the wounds of the recipient. Why perforated graft? A. * For the outflow of the fluid and the air from the graft B. for better observation of the wound C. for better contact with the wound dressing mazyevoyi D. for better nutrition graft E. for rapid pryhoyuvannya graft 220. Patient P. 32 rock i found in the skin of the right cheek defect. The patient was planned for plastics. Will retain mobility transplant if transplanted to recipient wound in the entire thickness of the skin? A. * So B. no C. yes, but be sure to irradiate ultraviolet rays D. yes, but be sure to apply massage E. No, mobility is lost for a very long time 221. Patient V. 32 rock i found a defect in the skin. The patient was planned for plastic free skin graft. What are the advantages of such an AIN plastic? A. * All answers are correct B. protects the wound from gross scarring C. significantly reduces the healing time D. protects the wound from infection E. correct answers B and C 222. Patient P. 36 rock i found in the skin of the right cheek defect. The patient was planned. What negative thing can happen during pryhoyennya thin split skin graft? A. his hyperpigmentation B. its redness C. * Its shrinkage D. its swelling E. it ztonshennya 223. In Patient 28 rock i found in the skin of the right cheek defect. The patient was planned for plastics. What size should have a skin graft of medium thickness? A. its size must match the size of the wound-recipient B. unlimited size C. * Its size should slightly exceed the size of the wound-recipient D. graft area must not exceed half of the palm of the patient E. graft area should not exceed the patient's hand 224. Patient D. '31 to close granulating wounds on his face taken several pieces of medium thickness leather on the side of the abdomen. How does the donor wound healing? A. * It heals spontaneously and rapidly B. it must sew silk C. it is necessary to transplant skin D. it is necessary to close the local tissues E. necessary to use artificial materials 225. Patient L. '34 to close the granulating wound on the nose take a piece of skin of medium thickness in the upper-outer quadrant of the buttock. As the wound healed donor? A. it must sew silk B. it is necessary to transplant skin C. * It heals spontaneously and rapidly D. necessary to use artificial materials E. it is necessary to close the local tissues 226. Patient L. '42 defect of the face, which was formed as a result of his injuries. The patient was planned for plastics. What changes occur with skin graft after transplantation? A. He nekrotyzuyetsya B. it is partially absorbed C. * He second shrinks D. He depihmentuyetsya E. He intensely stained 227. Patient D. '43 granulating wound on the face of transplanted skin graft. After 5 weeks of skin graft became mobile. Due to the formation of what tissue did this happen? A. vascular layer B. * Fat C. connective tissue D. granulation tissue E. serous fluid 228. Patient 33 years complaining about the shortening of the upper lip gloss nezmykannya, the presence of the gap between the upper and lower frontal teeth. OBJECTIVE: maxilla anteriorly favor due to its over-development, shortening the upper lip. Between the upper and lower front teeth is a gap in the sagittal direction. What type strain present in this case: A. * Prognathism B. Mikroheniya C. Retrohnatiya D. Progeny E. Micrognathia? 229. Patient N. '16 entered the maxillofacial department on congenital anomalies of bite. During the inspection and survey found that lower jaw protruding due to its over-development, the length of the branches of the lower jaw is normal, corners deployed first ryzontalni departments mandible enlarged and forward, mesial bite, all teeth are backward, while the central occlusion produced space of varying magnitude between us fron the upper and lower teeth tailed. Click to clinical diagnosis A. Oblique bite B. False progeny C. * Genuine progeny D. Prognathism E. Mikroheniya. 230. Patient '34 about a defect in the region of the angle of the mandible and branches up to 6.0 cm conducted an operation to restore his own jaw crest of the ilium. What type of transplantation used in patients: A. Xenotransplantation B. Alotransplantatsiya C. yizotransplantatsiya D. * Autografting E. Explantation? 231. A patient aged 16 complains of jaw protrusion forward bite difficult act, retraction of the upper lip. As a child, had surgery uranoplastyku. OBJECTIVE: upper lip sinks, chin normally developed mandible protruding. At IU dialnomu bite are some front teeth. The rest of the teeth in the correct ratio. Click diagnosis A. The lower prognathism B. * False progeny C. Genuine progeny D. The upper prognathism E. Lower retrohnatiya 232. Patient S. 23 years after removal of osteogenic tumors of the jaw is a need for replacement of defect transplant material. The use account the origin of the material which reaches the best results bone grafting: A. Implant B. Allogeneic C. Xenogeneic D. Use of combined transplants E. * Autogenous 233. In the dental clinic patient appealed N. '23 with complaints about the lack of contact between the frontal teeth, excessive growth of the mandible. OBJECTIVE: face deformation due to the protrusion of the lower jaw forward. In prohenichnomu bite are front and side teeth. In a state of central occlusion is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth. Set the diagnosis A. * Makroheniya B. Open bite C. Mikroheniya D. Micrognathia E. Prognathism 234. Patient K. '19 diagnosed with congenital facial deformity of the skull. During the inspection and examination revealed asymmetry of the face due to the underdevelopment of the lower jaw and chin offset to the left side. When you open your mouth face asymmetry becomes more pronounced. According to the medical history revealed that at the age of 5 years, the patient underwent an inflammatory process in the region of the left branch of the mandible. Click to clinical diagnosis A. * Unilateral (asymmetric) mikroheniya B. Bilateral (symmetric) mikroheniya C. False progeny D. Prognathism E. Makrohnatiya. 235. The girl of 3 years, in which the upper lip and alveolar outgrowth divided into 3 pieces, the average fragment dramatically shifted forward and upward, wings flattened nose, mouth whole. Identify the full clinical diagnosis A. * Congenital bilateral through-cleft upper lip and alveolar bone, bone protrusion mizhschelepnoyi B. Congenital bilateral partial cleft upper lip and alveolar bone C. Congenital bilateral hidden cleft upper lip and alveolar bone D. Congenital bilateral hidden cleft upper lip protrusion mizhschelepnoyi bone E. Congenital bilateral partial cleft upper lip. 236. To children's maxillofacial department acted -month baby with a birth defect of the soft tissues of the upper lip on the left, which is below the lower division of the nasal aperture, and alveolar outgrowth during nebinnya goals. To establish a diagnosis: A. * Congenital partial left-sided cleft upper lip B. Congenital left-sided complete cleft upper lip C. Congenital left-sided concealed cleft upper lip D. Congenital left-sided complete cleft upper lip and co mirkovoho process E. Congenital partial left-sided cleft upper lip co mirkovoho process. 237. Patient S. 27 years after removal of the tumor formed a total defect of the nose, skin scar deformity cheek and infraorbital areas adjacent to the defect. How to choose the best plastic to restore the nose? A. Three-bladed stalk flap B. The flap on the leg of the forehead C. * Radical rhinoplasty by F. Hitrov D. Free skin graft E. Two flap on the leg of the cheeks 238. To children's maxillofacial department entered 2 - year-old girl, whose upper lip and alveolar process are divided into 3 pieces, the middle piece abruptly shifted forward and upward, wings flattened nose, mouth whole. Artificial feeding, in the absence of milk in the mother. What a complete clinical diagnosis A. Congenital bilateral through-partial cleft upper lip and alveolar process bone protrusion mizhschelepnoyi B. Congenital bilateral hidden cleft upper lip and alveolar process C. * Congenital bilateral through-cleft upper lip and alveolar process bone protrusion mizhschelepnoyi D. Congenital bilateral hidden cleft upper lip protrusion mizhschelepnoyi bone E. Congenital bilateral partial cleft upper lip 239. To children's maxillofacial department entered 5 year old girl with a diagnosis of congenital cleft 1/2 hard and soft palate, polydactyly. What specialists should be involved for rehabilitation of the child? A. Maxillofacial surgeon, pediatrician, speech therapist, orthodontist, orthopedic surgeon; B. Maxillofacial surgeon, pediatrician, otolaryngologist, speech therapist, psychologist; C. Maxillofacial surgeon, otolaryngologist, speech pathologist, an orthodontist; D. * Maxillofacial surgeon, pediatrician, otolaryngologist, speech pathologist, an orthodontist, a psychologist, an orthopedic surgeon; E. Maxillofacial surgeon, psychologist, orthodontist, orthopedic surgeon. 240. In the consulting services of the clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery delivered baby M. 1 month. When viewed objectively revealed bilateral cleft upper lip, hard and soft palate with considerable vystoyannyam intermaxillary bone. In terms of fetal development are shaped upper lip and palate? A. upper lip - 1 month., palate, 1 month. B. upper lip - 5 months., palate-6 months. C. upper lip - 4 months., palate-5 months. D. upper lip - 8 months., palate-9 months. E. * Upper lip - the end of 2 months., Palate-2-3 months. 241. To children's maxillofacial department admitted child 6 years, which is necessary to Plastic frenulum of the upper lip. You know the way lengthening the frenulum of the upper lip? A. * Plastics Diffenbahom B. Tummy local tissues by Tirshem C. Laxatives mucosal incision D. Plastic flap on the leg E. Tummy local tissues by Szymanowski 242. On examination to the maxillofacial surgeon delivered the baby R. 1 month. OBJECTIVE during the inspection revealed a crack, which is located in the transverse direction from the right angle of the mouth through the whole thickness of the cheek to the edge of chewing muscles. What is the diagnosis for this patient? A. Dextral oblique cleft face. B. Cleft nose. C. Dextral erhnoyi cleft in the lip. D. Cleft mandible. E. * Right-side lateral cleft face. 243. To children's maxillofacial department acted Girl 7. An objective examination of the child revealed that the upper lip and alveolar process are divided into 3 pieces, the middle piece abruptly shifted forward and upward, wings flattened nose, mouth whole. Titles and t and b to b and l sh likely diagnosis? A. Congenital bilateral partial cleft upper lip B. Congenital bilateral through-partial cleft upper lip and alveolar process bone protrusion mizhschelepnoyi C. * Congenital bilateral through-cleft upper lip and alveolar process bone protrusion mizhschelepnoyi D. Congenital bilateral hidden cleft upper lip and alveolar process E. Congenital bilateral hidden cleft upper lip protrusion mizhschelepnoyi bone 244. To children's maxillofacial department entered 3 - month baby with congenital defekttom tissues of the upper lip to the right. Pathology combined with rickets. In early pregnancy have suffered from SARS. On examination, asymmetrical face, the right wing of the nose thickened and horizontally ejected, the nasal septum is shortened, shifted to the left. Tissue defects of the upper lip triangular shape does not extend to the base of the nose. Titles and t and b to b and l sh likely diagnosis? A. Congenital deformity of nose wings B. Congenital complete cleft upper lip C. * Congenital cleft upper lip hidden D. Congenital incomplete cleft upper lip E. Congenital deformity of the nose and upper lip 245. To children's maxillofacial department entered girl 5 weeks of diagnosis: congenital bilateral cleft through-the upper lip and palate. Child somatically healthy. Determine the approximate duration of the heyloplastyky and uranostafiloplastyky. A. 6-9 months - heyloplastyka, 5-6 years - uranostafiloplastyka B. 12-18 months - heyloplastyka 3-5 years - uranostafiloplastyka C. * 6-9 months - heyloplastyka, 1.5-3 years - uranostafiloplastyka D. 3-5 months - heyloplastyka, 1-2 years - uranostafiloplastyka E. 18-20 months - heyloplastyka 5-7 years - uranostafiloplastyka 246. To children's maxillofacial department entered the girl of 6 years. What moved heyloplastyku and uranostafiloplastyku. Has mesial occlusion and snuffle, small vocabulary, become uncircumcised peers. What specialists should be involved to prepare the child for school? A. A speech pathologist B. * All of these C. Psychologist D. Orthodontist E. Otolaryngologist 247. To children's maxillofacial department entered a newborn child with a through alveolar bone nonunion, hard and soft palate. What is the optimal way of feeding of the child for surgical treatment? A. Probe food for six months B. * Making obturator C. Using conventional pacifiers D. Feeding in the presence of medical personnel E. Feeding the baby using a spoon 248. To children's maxillofacial department entered the 3-month child with left-sided defect of the upper lip, alveolar bone, hard and soft palate. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Congenital cleft through-the upper lip and palate B. * Congenital left-sided through-cleft alveolar bone, hard and soft palate C. Congenital cleft lip, palate and alveolar bone D. Cleft palate E. Harelip 249. To children's maxillofacial department admitted child 3 years, which has been periodically getting food into the nasal cavity during breastfeeding. OBJECTIVE: within the soft palate is defined slit defect. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Hidden born cleft palate B. * Isolated partial cleft soft palate C. Isolated cleft hard and soft palate D. Cleft palate E. Combined cleft palate 250. A child born with a congenital nonunion united through-the upper lip and palate. Under the supervision of physicians should be located where the child prior to surgery? A. Maxillofacial surgeon, pediatrician and orthodontist B. Pediatrician and speech therapist C. Pediatricians and child neuropsychiatrist D. Pediatricians and Maxillofacial Surgeons E. Speech pathologist and Maxillofacial Surgeons 251. Parents are a child of 7 years, which is necessary to Plastic frenulum of the upper lip turned to children's maxillofacial department. What do you know a way lengthening the frenulum of the upper lip? A. Tummy local tissues by Tirshem B. * Plastics Diffenbahom C. Laxatives mucosal incision D. Plastic flap on the leg E. Tummy local tissues by Szymanowski 252. Patient S., turned to the maxillofacial department after injury with complaints of skin defect that is on the back of the nose. Where best to transplant to restore the defect of the nose? A. The outer edge of the ear. B. * The inner edge of the ear. C. The inner surface of the mandible. D. The outer surface of the mandible. E. There is no right answer. 253. Patient 43 years, turned to the maxillofacial department after injury complaints mandibular defect. We plan to hold the plastic to the performance of vertical and horizontal jaw osteotomy with transposition of pieces and fill the spaces created biomaterials. How is this plastic? A. * All answers are correct. B. No vrinoyi response. C. Bone grafting with fixation of transplantation material in the mid-kistky.Bud that bone grafting. D. Bone grafting for Borowski. E. Bone grafting with fixation transplant material "vnakladku." 254. Patients in 43 years. Appealed to the maxillofacial department after injury complaints mandibular defect. We plan to hold the plastic of the proposed EA Limberg. What is the first stage of the operation? A. In transferring the graft on the leg with soft tissue defect in the mandible. B. In the dissection of the soft tissues and exposure of the ribs. C. * In pidsadtsi appropriate size piece ribs in well-preserved soft tissue. D. In the dissection of the periosteum. E. In carrying transplants of soft tissues around the defect of the mandible. 255. Patient K., turned to the maxillofacial department after injury complaints mandibular defect .. planned reconstruction of the alveolar process to the entire alveolar arch. What bone is best to use? A. * Rib. B. Radiation. C. Phalanx of the index finger. D. Phalanx of the ring finger. E. Bones are not used for transplantation of alveolar arches. 256. To children's maxillofacial department admitted child 2 years of wedge-shaped defect of the upper lip, which does not reach the lower nasal passage. A red border surrounds the edge of the defect. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Complete cleft of the upper lip B. Koloboma C. Trauma of the upper lip D. * Incomplete cleft upper lip E. There is no right answer. 257. To children's maxillofacial department admitted child 3 years old, in which the existing wedge-shaped defect of the upper lip to full height, including the lower part of the nasal passage. Wing deformed nose. Raised red border around the edge of the defect. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Koloboma B. Trauma of the upper lip C. Partial cleft upper lip D. There is no right answer. E. * Complete cleft of the upper lip 258. To children's maxillofacial department entered a newborn child who has bilateral symmetrical vertical defects of the upper lip that did not reach the lower edge of the nasal aperture. A red border surrounds the edge of the defect. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Koloboma B. Trauma of the upper lip C. * Two-way symmetrical isolated cleft upper lip. D. Partial cleft upper lip E. There is no right answer. 259. To children's maxillofacial department entered a newborn child who has a bilateral defect of the upper lip and alveolar process. The middle part of the upper lip with the incisive bone is fixed to the nose bulkhead. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Koloboma B. Trauma of the upper lip C. * Two-way symmetrical combined cleft upper lip D. Complete cleft of the upper lip E. There is no right answer. 260. To children's maxillofacial department entered a newborn child of 3 years, in which fluid from the mouth enters the nasal passages. It hnusava. On examination of the sky observed slit defect which does not reach the alveolar crest. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Paralysis of the soft palate B. * Incomplete cleft palate C. Trauma palate D. Complete cleft palate E. There is no right answer. 261. To children's maxillofacial department entered a newborn child who has wedge-shaped defect of the upper lip to full height, including the lower part of the nasal passage, the defect alveolar process, hard and soft palate. Wing deformed nose. Raised red border around the edge of the defect. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Koloboma B. Trauma of the upper lip, palate C. Partial cleft upper lip and palate D. * Full (Pass through) cleft upper lip and palate E. There is no right answer. 262. To children's maxillofacial department entered a newborn child who has a bilateral defect of the upper lip alveolar ridge, hard and soft palate. The middle part of the upper lip with the incisive bone is fixed to the nose bulkhead. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Koloboma B. Trauma of the upper lip and palate C. * Full (Pass through) bilateral cleft upper lip and palate D. Partial cleft upper lip and palate E. There is no right answer. 263. To children's maxillofacial department admitted child 3 years of age who does not say some teeth-Gums sounds. On examination, there is parusovydnyy cord from the anteriorinferior area to the tip of the tongue. Limited mobility of the tongue. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. * Tongue-tied B. Ranula C. Trauma tongue D. Abnormality of the tongue E. There is no right answer. 264. To children's maxillofacial department entered a newborn baby who diagnosed isolated cleft palate nenaskrizne. At what age will you recommend parents to handle this child? A. At any age B. * In the preschool years C. In the early school years D. In high school age E. There is no right answer. 265. A child born with a cleft palate, as shown obturator fabrication. What is the optimal period for production and start wearing obturator in cleft palate? A. 1-2 years B. * In the hospital C. 3-4 years D. 5-6 years E. At any age 266. To children's maxillofacial department entered a new born baby, which was inserted diagnosed with complete cleft of the upper lip. How is plastic surgery corrected? A. Uranoplastyka B. * Heyloplastyka C. Stafiloplastyka D. Stafilorafiya E. Uranostafiloplastyka 267. To children's maxillofacial department entered a new born baby that has soft tissue defects of the upper lip on both sides that run along the entire height of the lower lip and zahvachuyut nasal passages. Lip is divided into 3 parts, the average of which is dramatically shortened, red welt on her narrowed. Alveolar bone of the upper jaw is also divided into 3 parts, mizhschelepnoyi bone protruding. Diagnosis. A. Partial cleft of the upper lip. Protrusions mizhschelepnoyi bone. B. Median cleft upper lip and palate. C. Congenital bilateral cleft palate D. * Congenital complete bilateral cleft through-the upper lip and alveolar bone. Mizhschelepnoyi bone protrusions. E. Bilateral cleft alveolar process 268. Patient N., 35, lodged a complaint with the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. In order to increase the number of bone graft used for implantation of the hill of the upper jaw. In this area the graft is taken in the form: A. * Wedge piece. B. Angulate shape. C. A rectangular piece. D. Oval piece. E. From this site does not take graft. 269. Patient S., 43 years old, appealed with complaints about the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. In order to increase the number of bone graft implantation should be used to: A. Sponge. B. Cortical plate. C. Cortical-spongy. D. * The correct answers are a and c. E. The correct answers are A, B, p. 270. Patient N., 44 years old, complained to the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. What are synthetic biomaterials used to increase the number of bone for implantation. A. "Kolapola CP-3." B. "Kollapona." C. «Osteo Gen». D. * All answers are correct. E. There is no right answer. 271. Patient P., 42 years revealed a defect in the face. He planned to transplant grafts from animals. What do you call this type of transplant? A. Heterotransplantat. B. * Xenograft. C. Biotransplantat. D. Autografts. E. Allotransplants. 272. Patient K., 34 years old, complains of a defect in the mandible, which was formed after the injury. We plan to hold autoplasty. The materials from which the bones are used most often for autoplasty jaw? A. Brush, spatula and fibula bones. B. Edge, the edge of the lower jaw, the heel bone. C. * Rib bone, iliac, the edge of the mandible. D. Cranial bones. E. The ribs had ankle. 273. By the maxillofacial department appealed Patient N., 37 years old, complaining of nasal saddle deformity that occurred after injury. What plastic is used to eliminate this strain? A. Autoplasty. B. * Hondroplastyka. C. Implants. D. Aloplastyka. E. Autotransplantation. 274. By the maxillofacial department appealed Patient, 33 years old, complaining of partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. In order to increase the number of bones for implantation. using soluble «OsteoGen». What does he represent? A. Powder derived coral skeletal carbonate. B. * Bone-inductive protein from nekolahenovoyi matrix in powder form. C. Viscous liquid. D. Hydroxyapatite powder. E. Hydroxyapatite granules. 275. By the maxillofacial department appealed Patient P., 43 years old, complained to the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. What domestic plastic materials based on hydroxyapatite and collagen: used to increase the number of bone for implants? A. * "Collapan." B. "SCHSTIM 100." C. «OsteoGen». D. «Bio - Oss». E. «Interpore-200." 276. By the maxillofacial department appealed Patient, 25 years old, complained to the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant, but we have to do with fixing plastic bone transplants "vnakladku" to increase the body of the mandible. Which area of the mandible graft is placed in such plastic?: A. The branches of the lower jaw. B. Alveolar bone. C. * Its basis. D. All answers are correct. E. There is no right answer 277. By the maxillofacial department appealed patient B., 46, lodged a complaint with the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant, but we have to do with fixing plastic bone transplants "vnakladku" to increase the body of the mandible. In which case, graft-pad can be split: A. When using a fragment of jaw. B. When using the cranial vault. C. * When using the crest of the ilium. D. When using edge. E. When using small and tibia bones. 278. By the maxillofacial department appealed Patient N., 43 years is planned replacement of the defect face transplant from the cranial vault. What section is carried out for the taking of the graft? A. Trapezoidal shape. B. * Napivmistsevoyi form. C. Wedge shape. D. Rounded. E. None of the correct answer. 279. By the maxillofacial department appealed patient M., 53 years old, complained to the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant. What transplants can be used for this? A. Cortical. B. Sponged. C. Cortical-spongy. D. None of the correct answer. E. * All answers are correct. 280. The patient is asked to look up on the affected side as if the eyeball is raised higher than the healthy; This opens a wider strip of sclera and pupil-side paralysis seems vyschoyu.Tse symptom: A. Bordye-Frenkel B. Rusetsky C. Briknera D. * Negro E. Gowers 281. The patient was asked to lower eyelids and in this position zazhmuryty eyes with healthy eyes closed, eyelid on the affected side rises vhoru.Tse symptom: A. Bordye-Frenkel B. Rusetsky C. Briknera D. Negro E. * Dupuis-Dyutana 282. By the maxillofacial department appealed Patient N., 44, lodged a complaint with the partial absence of teeth on the lower jaw. We plan to hold a dental implant, but it needs to increase the height and width of the body of the mandible. In such cases, use: A. Allokistku. B. C. D. E. * Autokistku. Ksenotkanynu. All answers are correct. There is no right answer. 283. By the maxillofacial department appealed patient A. 26, who complains about the lack of contact between the frontal teeth, excessive growth of the mandible. OBJECTIVE: facial deformation due to protrusion of the lower jaw to the front. In prohenichnomu bite are front and side teeth. In a state of central occlusion is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth. What disease patient? A. * Makroheniya. B. Mikroheniya C. Micrognathia. D. Prognathism. E. Open bite 284. By the maxillofacial department appealed Patient 32, who complains of protrusion of the chin to the eastward zatrudnenyy act nibble, retraction of the upper lip. As a child, had surgery - uranoplastyku. OBJECTIVE: upper lip sinks, pidboridok normally developed mandible acts to the forefront. In the medial occlusion are some front teeth remaining teeth in the correct ratio. What disease patient? A. Genuine progeny. B. * False progeny. C. The lower prognathism. D. The upper prognathism. E. Lower retrohnatiya. 285. The newborn wedge-shaped defect of the upper lip, which does not reach the lower nasal passage. A red border surrounds the edge of the defect. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Koloboma B. Trauma of the upper lip C. * Incomplete cleft upper lip D. Complete cleft of the upper lip E. There is no right answer. 286. The newborn wedge-shaped defect of the upper lip to full height, including the lower part of the nasal passage. Wing deformed nose. Raised red border around the edge of the defect. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. * Complete cleft of the upper lip B. Koloboma C. Trauma of the upper lip D. Partial cleft upper lip E. There is no right answer. 287. The baby has bilateral symmetrical vertical upper lip defects which do not reach the lower edge of the nasal aperture. A red border surrounds the edge of the defect. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Koloboma B. * Two-way symmetrical isolated cleft upper lip. C. Trauma of the upper lip D. Partial cleft upper lip E. There is no right answer. 288. The baby has a bilateral defect of the upper lip and alveolar process. The middle part of the upper lip with the incisive bone is fixed to the nose bulkhead. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Bilateral symmetrical combined cleft upper lip B. Koloboma C. Trauma of the upper lip D. Complete cleft of the upper lip E. There is no right answer. 289. A child of 3 years with oral fluid enters the nasal passages. It hnusava. On examination of the sky observed slit defect which does not reach the alveolar crest. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. * Incomplete cleft palate B. Paralysis of the soft palate C. Trauma palate D. Complete cleft palate E. There is no right answer. 290. The baby has a wedge-shaped defect of the upper lip to full height, including the lower part of the nasal passage, the defect of the alveolar process, hard and soft palate. Wing deformed nose. Raised red border around the edge of the defect. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Koloboma B. Trauma of the upper lip, palate C. Partial cleft upper lip and palate D. * Full (Pass through) cleft upper lip and palate E. There is no right answer. 291. The baby has a bilateral defect of the upper lip, alveolar ridge, hard and soft palate. The middle part of the upper lip with the incisive bone is fixed to the nose bulkhead. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Koloboma B. Trauma of the upper lip and palate C. * Full (Pass through) bilateral cleft upper lip and palate D. Partial cleft upper lip and palate E. There is no right answer. 292. A child of 3 years does not say some teeth-Gums sounds. On examination, there is parusovydnyy cord from the anterior-inferior area to the tip of the tongue. Limited mobility of the tongue. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Ranula B. * Tongue-tied C. Trauma tongue D. Abnormality of the tongue E. There is no right answer. 293. A child diagnosed at birth - isolated cleft palate nenaskrizne. At what age will you recommend parents to handle this child? A. At any age B. In the early school years C. * In the preschool years D. In high school age E. There is no right answer. 294. A child born with a cleft palate, as shown obturator fabrication. What is the optimal period for production and start wearing obturator in cleft palate? A. * In the hospital B. 1-2 years C. 3-4 years D. 5-6 years E. At any age 295. After the examination the patient B., 6 months, was inserted diagnosed with complete cleft of the upper lip. How is plastic surgery corrected? A. * Heyloplastyka B. Uranoplastyka C. Stafiloplastyka D. Stafilorafiya E. Uranostafiloplastyka 296. Newborn baby found defects in the soft tissues of the upper lip on both sides that run along the entire height of the lower lip and zahvachuyut nasal passages. Lip is divided into 3 parts, the average of which is dramatically shortened, red welt on her narrowed. Alveolar bone of the upper jaw is also divided into 3 parts, mizhschelepnoyi bone protruding. Diagnosis. A. * Congenital complete bilateral cleft through-the upper lip and alveolar bone. Mizhschelepnoyi bone protrusions. B. Partial cleft of the upper lip. Mizhschelepnoyi bone protrusions. C. Median cleft upper lip and palate. D. Congenital bilateral cleft palate E. Bilateral cleft alveolar process 297. In the hospital the boy turned 13 years old, whose length of the lower third of the face slightly shortened, supramental crease is deep chin position is not changed. On examination of the oral cavity upper front teeth overlap the lower value of the entire crown. The cutting edges of the lower front teeth touch the mucous membrane of the gums of the upper jaw. Set the diagnosis. A. * Deep bite B. Mikroheniya C. Deep overlap D. Prognathous distal occlusion E. Progeny 298. The patient is 18 years old complained to nibble difficulty eating, chewing dysfunction and language, aesthetic defect. On examination: vystoyanie anterior face, shortening of the upper lip, the voltage okolorotovoy muscles. Front teeth of the upper jaw hold out from under the upper lip. Having mezhreztsovo sagittal slit 0.5 cm What is the diagnosis in this case? A. Five roheniya B. * Prognathism C. D lybokyy bite D. Five erehresnyy bite E. In idkrytyy bite 299. Child 8 years has diastemu between the central incisors to 2 mm, it parusopodibnyy cord to the mucosa of the upper lip, which divides the vestibule into two halves. Bite ortohnatychnyy deeply. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. * Congenital shortening of the frenulum of the upper lip B. Abnormalities of the alveolar ridge C. Trauma of the upper lip D. Hidden cleft upper lip E. There is no right answer. 300. A patient 25 years complains zapadanya upper lip against the lower projecting chin. OBJECTIVE: pidnosova fold deepened, the lower part of the face is shortened, the inverse depth incisors overlap, vestibular inclination of lower incisors. Medial vestibular buhorky 16, 26 teeth in contact with the buccal medial 37, 47 and distal shichnymy buhorkamy 36, 46. What type of deformation occurs? A. * Progeny B. Prognathism C. D. E. Mikroheniya Ortohnatiya Cross-bite 301. Patient '18 appealed to the clinic with complaints of violations of the exterior. OBJECTIVE lower front teeth shifted forward, blocking the top of the same name. Mesial-buccal buhorky 16 and 26 teeth in contact with the distal buccal buhorkamy 36 and 46 teeth. For any kind of abnormal occlusion characteristic this type of bite? A. * Progeny B. Prognathism C. Unilateral cross-bite D. In idkrytyy bite E. D lybokyy bite 302. Man '36 addressed from complaints on aching pain in section of the left TMJ, which are enhanced by taking solid food that appeared about 2 years ago. Objectively: slightly limited mouth opening, jaw when mouth opening is displaced to the side crunch in the existing joint. In the mouth - no molars on the lower and upper jaws. In the X-ray determined sclerosis sclerosis cortical plate and articular deformity of the head, joint space narrowing. Place the diagnosis? A. Chronic TMJ arthritis B. Acute TMJ arthritis C. TMJ Pain D. * Osteoarthritis, Arthritis TMJ E. Exacerbation of chronic TMJ arthritis 303. The man turned with complaints of aching pain in the left TMJ area, which is reinforced when taking solid food, which appeared about 2 years ago. Objectively: slightly limited mouth opening, jaw when mouth opening is displaced to the side crunch in the existing joint. In the mouth - no molars on the lower and upper jaws. In the X-ray determined sclerosis sclerosis cortical plate and articular deformity of the head, joint space narrowing. Place the diagnosis? A. Chronic TMJ arthritis B. Acute TMJ arthritis C. * Osteoarthritis, Arthritis TMJ D. TMJ Pain E. Exacerbation of chronic TMJ arthritis 304. The patient appealed with complaints of aching pain in the left TMJ area, which is reinforced when taking solid food, which appeared about 2 years ago. Objectively: slightly limited mouth opening, jaw when mouth opening is displaced to the side crunch in the existing joint. In the mouth - no molars on the lower and upper jaws. In the X-ray determined sclerosis sclerosis cortical plate and articular deformity of the head, joint space narrowing. Place the diagnosis? A. * Osteoarthritis, Arthritis TMJ B. Chronic TMJ arthritis C. Acute TMJ arthritis D. TMJ Pain E. Exacerbation of chronic TMJ arthritis 305. Patient K. 48, was admitted to the hospital with complaints for the cheek wound and a severe headache, nausea, dizziness. From history was found that the patient had injured in the fall. After a full examination was diagnosed slaughter-cheek laceration. Closed craniocerebral trauma. Concussion. To damage include this injury? A. * The combination of B. Isolated C. Combined D. Multiple E. Single 306. The patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints for the cheek wound and a severe headache, nausea, dizziness. From history was found that the patient had injured in the fall. After a full examination was diagnosed slaughter-cheek laceration. Closed craniocerebral trauma. Concussion. To damage include this injury? A. Isolated B. * The combination of C. Combined D. Multiple E. Single 307. In the hospital the patient was admitted with complaints for the cheek wound and a severe headache, nausea, dizziness. From history was found that the patient had injured in the fall. After a full examination was diagnosed slaughter-cheek laceration. Closed craniocerebral trauma. Concussion. To damage include this injury? A. Isolated B. Combined C. Multiple D. * The combination of E. Single 308. Patient P., 45 years, post-traumatic defect of the left wing of the nose in violation of integrity krylnoho cartilage. What treatment do you think is most effective? A. * Free plastic part of the ear by Suslov. B. Free skin grafts. C. Free plastic cartilage by A.O.Limberhom. D. Plastic Filatov stem. E. Tummy skin graft for Sedylo. 309. Patient posttraumatic defect of the left wing of the nose krylnoho violation of the integrity of cartilage. What treatment do you think is most effective? A. Free skin grafts. B. * Free plastic part of the ear by Suslov. C. Free plastic cartilage by A.O.Limberhom. D. Plastic Filatov stem. E. Tummy skin graft for Sedylo. 310. To the doctor asked the patient with post-traumatic defect of the left wing of the nose in violation of integrity krylnoho cartilage. What treatment do you think is most effective? A. Free skin grafts. B. Free plastic cartilage by A.O.Limberhom. C. Plastic Filatov stem. D. * Free plastic part of the ear by Suslov. E. Tummy skin graft for Sedylo. 311. Woman '46 complained of bleeding from the gums, discharge of pus, loose teeth. Ill 10 years. On examination, the gums on the upper and lower jaws hyperemic, edematous, when touched - bleeding. In the 42, 41, 31, 32 - to 8 mm periodontal pockets of purulent secretions, mobility II degree, the other - I degree. On radiographs - resorption mezhalveolyarnyh partitions in section 42, 41, 31, 32 1/2 lengths root occurrence of osteoporosis. Which of the following techniques most indicated for the surgical treatment of this patient? A. * Osteoplasty B. Curettage C. Hinhivotomiya D. Hinhivoektomiya E. Flap operation 312. The patient complains of bleeding from the gums, discharge of pus, loose teeth. Ill 10 years. On examination, the gums on the upper and lower jaws hyperemic, edematous, when touched - bleeding. In the 42, 41, 31, 32 - to 8 mm periodontal pockets of purulent secretions, mobility II degree, the other - I degree. On radiographs - resorption mezhalveolyarnyh partitions in section 42, 41, 31, 32 1/2 lengths root occurrence of osteoporosis. Which of the following techniques most indicated for the surgical treatment of this patient? A. Curettage B. Hinhivotomiya C. Hinhivoektomiya D. Flap operation E. * Osteoplasty 313. To the doctor asked the woman complaining of bleeding from the gums, discharge of pus, loose teeth. Ill 10 years. On examination, the gums on the upper and lower jaws hyperemic, edematous, when touched - bleeding. In the 42, 41, 31, 32 - to 8 mm periodontal pockets of purulent secretions, mobility II degree, the other - I degree. On radiographs - resorption mezhalveolyarnyh partitions in section 42, 41, 31, 32 1/2 lengths root occurrence of osteoporosis. Which of the following techniques most indicated for the surgical treatment of this patient? A. Curettage B. * Osteoplasty C. Hinhivotomiya D. Hinhivoektomiya E. Flap operation 314. The patient after a gunshot wound left a total defect of the nose. Which way to the plastic must be used to restore the nose? A. Free transplantation of cartilage, skin and bone B. Moving Nearby tissues Szymanowski C. Transplantation of bone, skin and cartilage on the feeding pedicle D. * Phased plastics can round the stem at Khitrova E. Plastic fabric ear for wort 315. A man 40 years after a gunshot wound left a total defect of the nose. Which way to the plastic must be used to restore the nose? A. Free transplantation of cartilage, skin and bone B. Moving Nearby tissues Szymanowski C. Transplantation of bone, skin and cartilage on the feeding pedicle D. * Phased plastics can round the stem at Khitrova E. Plastic fabric ear for wort 316. After a gunshot wound left a total defect of the nose. Which way to the plastic must be used to restore the nose? A. * Phased plastics can round the stem at Khitrova B. Free transplantation of cartilage, skin and bone C. Moving Nearby tissues Szymanowski D. Transplantation of bone, skin and cartilage on the feeding pedicle E. Plastic fabric ear for wort 317. During the fight the patient's injury, hit the maxillofacial department. Diagnosis: fractured left zygomatic bone with displacement, fracture of the anterior wall of maxillary sinus. What surgery is indicated to the patient? A. * Radical maxillary sinusotomy reposition of fragments B. Radical maxillary sinusotomy C. Osteotomy of the maxilla D. Osteosynthesis zygomatic bone E. Reposition fragments 318. The patient was injured during a fight, hit the maxillofacial department. Diagnosis: fractured left zygomatic bone with displacement, fracture of the anterior wall of maxillary sinus. What surgery is indicated to the patient? A. Radical maxillary sinusotomy B. Osteotomy of the maxilla C. Osteosynthesis zygomatic bone D. * Radical maxillary sinusotomy reposition of fragments E. Reposition fragments 319. The patient, 24, was injured during a fight, hit the maxillofacial department. Diagnosis: fractured left zygomatic bone with displacement, fracture of the anterior wall of maxillary sinus. What surgery is indicated to the patient? A. Radical maxillary sinusotomy B. * Radical maxillary sinusotomy reposition of fragments C. Osteotomy of the maxilla D. Osteosynthesis zygomatic bone E. Reposition fragments 320. The patient, a 22 year old complains of limited but painless mouth opening, which appeared as a child after padyannya with carousel, difficult meal, great asymmetriyu face. On examination: asymmetrical face due to thickening of the left-half of fabric left cheek zapavshi, it rounded. Podboriddya shifted to the right. Identify subtle movements of the mandible during mouth opening. Bite deep. Fan-shaped front teeth, tilted vestibular. Preliminary diagnosis. A. * TMJ Ankylosis right. B. Ankyloz levoho TMJ. C. Osteoarthritis SNSHS. D. Pryvychnyy dislocation of the left TMJ. E. Syndrome I-II gill arches. 321. The patient complains of limited but painless mouth opening, which appeared as a child after padyannya with carousel, difficult meal, great asymmetriyu face. On examination: asymmetrical face due to thickening of the left-half of fabric left cheek zapavshi, it rounded. Podboriddya shifted to the right. Identify subtle movements of the mandible during mouth opening. Bite deep. Fan-shaped front teeth, tilted vestibular. Preliminary diagnosis. A. Ankyloz levoho TMJ. B. Osteoarthritis SNSHS. C. * TMJ Ankylosis right. D. Pryvychnyy dislocation of the left TMJ. E. Syndrome I-II gill arches. 322. Complaints patient with limited but painless mouth opening, which appeared as a child after padyannya with carousel, difficult meal, great asymmetriyu face. On examination: asymmetrical face due to thickening of the left-half of fabric left cheek zapavshi, it rounded. Podboriddya shifted to the right. Identify subtle movements of the mandible during mouth opening. Bite deep. Fan-shaped front teeth, tilted vestibular. Preliminary diagnosis. A. * TMJ Ankylosis right. B. Ankyloz levoho TMJ. C. Osteoarthritis SNSHS. D. Pryvychnyy dislocation of the left TMJ. E. Syndrome I-II gill arches. 323. On examination, the patient N. '19 determined to a large deformation of the lower third of the face, known as "bird person", which is characterized by a significant shift back chin, deep riztseve overlap. For what dentoalveolar anomalies typical clinical picture of this? A. For one-sided asymmetric mikroheniyi. B. For bilateral symmetrical progeny. C. * For bilateral symmetrical mikroheniyi. D. For oblique bite E. For one-sided asymmetric micrognathia. 324. On examination, the patient is determined by significant deformation of the lower third of the face, known as "bird person", which is characterized by a significant shift back chin, deep riztseve overlap. For what dentoalveolar anomalies typical clinical picture of this? A. For one-sided asymmetric mikroheniyi. B. * For bilateral symmetrical mikroheniyi. C. For bilateral symmetrical progeny. D. For oblique bite E. For one-sided asymmetric micrognathia. 325. On examination determined a significant deformation of the lower third of the face, known as "bird person", which is characterized by a significant shift back chin, deep riztseve overlap. For what dentoalveolar anomalies typical clinical picture of this? A. For one-sided asymmetric mikroheniyi. B. For bilateral symmetrical progeny. C. For oblique bite D. * For bilateral symmetrical mikroheniyi. E. For one-sided asymmetric micrognathia. 326. A. The patient is 20 years old. He complains of the lack of contact between the frontal teeth, excessive growth of the mandible. OBJECTIVE: facial deformation due to protrusion of the lower jaw to the front. In prohenichnomu bite are front and side teeth. In a state of central occlusion is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth. What disease patient? A. * Makroheniya. B. Mikroheniya C. Micrognathia D. Prognathism. E. Open bite 327. The patient complains of a lack of contact between the frontal teeth, excessive growth of the mandible. OBJECTIVE: facial deformation due to protrusion of the lower jaw to the front. In prohenichnomu bite are front and side teeth. In a state of central occlusion is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth. What disease patient? A. Mikroheniya B. Micrognathia C. * Makroheniya. D. Prognathism. E. Open bite 328. To the dentist asked the patient complaining of lack of contact between the frontal teeth, excessive growth of the mandible. OBJECTIVE: facial deformation due to protrusion of the lower jaw to the front. In prohenichnomu bite are front and side teeth. In a state of central occlusion is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth. What disease patient? A. Mikroheniya B. Micrognathia C. Prognathism. D. * Makroheniya. E. Open bite 329. Patient M. 16. Complains of protrusion of the chin to the eastward zatrudnenyy act nibble, retraction of the upper lip. As a child, had surgery - uranoplastyku. OBJECTIVE: upper lip sinks, pidboridok normally developed mandible acts to the forefront. In the medial occlusion are some front teeth remaining teeth in the correct ratio. What disease patient? A. * False progeny. B. Genuine progeny. C. The lower prognathism. D. The upper prognathism. E. Lower retrohnatiya 330. The patient complains of a protrusion of the chin to the eastward zatrudnenyy act nibble, retraction of the upper lip. As a child, had surgery - uranoplastyku. OBJECTIVE: upper lip sinks, pidboridok normally developed mandible acts to the forefront. In the medial occlusion are some front teeth remaining teeth in the correct ratio. What disease patient? A. Genuine progeny. B. The lower prognathism. C. * False progeny. D. The upper prognathism. E. Lower retrohnatiya 331. Complaints protrusion of the chin to the eastward zatrudnenyy act nibble, retraction of the upper lip. As a child, had surgery - uranoplastyku. OBJECTIVE: upper lip sinks, pidboridok normally developed mandible acts to the forefront. In the medial occlusion are some front teeth remaining teeth in the correct ratio. What disease patient? A. Genuine progeny. B. The lower prognathism. C. * False progeny. D. The upper prognathism. E. Lower retrohnatiya 332. The patient, 45 years old, complains of the presence of painless deformity of the mandible and the cranial, which saw about 5 years ago. On examination, the face looks like a "lion's muzzle." When X-ray diffuse pattern defined by an increase in the body of the mandible on the left with the destruction of bone in the form of multiple sites of compression and discharge, the picture as "locks" or "pieces of wool." Define the diagnosis. A. * Paget's disease B. Disease-Engel Reklenhauzena C. Disease-Braitseva Liechtenstein D. Heruvizm E. Disease Taratynova 333. The patient complains of pain-free for the deformation of the mandible and the cranial, which saw about 5 years ago. On examination, the face looks like a "lion's muzzle." When X-ray diffuse pattern defined by an increase in the body of the mandible on the left with the destruction of bone in the form of multiple sites of compression and discharge, the picture as "locks" or "pieces of wool." Define the diagnosis. A. Disease-Engel Reklenhauzena B. Disease-Braitseva Liechtenstein C. * Paget's disease D. Heruvizm E. Disease Taratynova 334. Asked the patient to the dentist complaining of the presence of painless deformity of the mandible and the cranial, which saw about 5 years ago. On examination, the face looks like a "lion's muzzle." When X-ray diffuse pattern defined by an increase in the body of the mandible on the left with the destruction of bone in the form of multiple sites of compression and discharge, the picture as "locks" or "pieces of wool." Define the diagnosis. A. Disease-Engel Reklenhauzena B. Disease-Braitseva Liechtenstein C. * Paget's disease D. Heruvizm E. Disease Taratynova 335. Patient '61 complained to pronounced asymmetry of the face, which was 8 years ago. OBJECTIVE: fusiform thickening of the lower jaw, swelling of the skin in color is not changed, taken in the convolution. Palpation painless. Submandibular lymph nodes were slightly enlarged. On Rtg-gram determined number of rounded cavities 0,6 x1; 1x2's 1x1, 5 cm, separated from each other by bone membranes. Diagnosed ameloblastoma of the mandible. What type of treatment should the patient? A. * Resection of mandible with bone grafting simultaneously B. Radiotherapy C. Ekskohleatsiya tumor D. Chemotherapy E. Cryodestruction tumor 336. Patient N., 36 years old, appealed with complaints pronounced asymmetry of the face, which was 8 years ago. OBJECTIVE: fusiform thickening of the lower jaw, swelling of the skin in color is not changed, taken in the convolution. Palpation painless. Submandibular lymph nodes were slightly enlarged. On Rtg-gram determined number of rounded cavities 0,6 x1; 1x2's 1x1, 5 cm, separated from each other by bone membranes. Diagnosed ameloblastoma of the mandible. What type of treatment should the patient? A. * Resection of mandible with bone grafting simultaneously B. Radiotherapy C. Ekskohleatsiya tumor D. Chemotherapy E. Cryodestruction tumor 337. The patient appealed to the dentist complaining of pronounced asymmetry of the face, which was 8 years ago. OBJECTIVE: fusiform thickening of the lower jaw, swelling of the skin in color is not changed, taken in the convolution. Palpation painless. Submandibular lymph nodes were slightly enlarged. On Rtg-gram determined number of rounded cavities 0,6 x1; 1x2's 1x1, 5 cm, separated from each other by bone membranes. Diagnosed ameloblastoma of the mandible. What type of treatment should the patient? A. Radiotherapy B. Ekskohleatsiya tumor C. * Resection of mandible with bone grafting simultaneously D. Chemotherapy E. Cryodestruction tumor 338. Patient G., 19 years old can not open his mouth. Bird's face, open bite, distal. Palpation of the heads of TMJ mobility is not detected. Open your mouth to 0.3 cm Set preliminary diagnosis? A. * Bilateral ankylosis. B. Deforming arthrosis-arthritis. C. Unilateral arthrosis-arthritis. D. Contracture of the jaw. E. Acute arthritis. 339. Patient complaints can not open his mouth. Bird's face, open bite, distal. Palpation of the heads of TMJ mobility is not detected. Open your mouth to 0.3 cm Set preliminary diagnosis? A. * Bilateral ankylosis. B. Deforming arthrosis-arthritis. C. Unilateral arthrosis-arthritis. D. Contracture of the jaw. E. Acute arthritis 340. Patient complaints can not open his mouth. Objectively: bird face, open bite, distal. Palpation of the heads of TMJ mobility is not detected. Open your mouth to 0.3 cm Set preliminary diagnosis? A. Deforming arthrosis-arthritis. B. Unilateral arthrosis-arthritis. C. Contracture of the jaw. D. * Bilateral ankylosis. E. Acute arthritis 341. Patient B. '60 turned to the doctor complaining of difficulties and painful mouth opening, a significant limitation of speech and eating. In compiling the history was reported that Patient for about a year, the condition slowly gets worse, medical help is not sought patient was treated independently, suffer from chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and chronic suppurative otitis media. On examination, marked limitation of mouth opening of 1 cm, a significant reduction of the articular head excursions of the mandible on the left. TMJ X-rays observed significant joint space narrowing, bone shadow layers between the articular surfaces of the left. Install the final diagnosis? A. * TMJ Ankylosis left B. Osteoarthritis, arthritis left TMJ C. Dysfunction of the left TMJ D. Pathological fracture of the articular processes of the lower jaw on the left E. Dislocation of the Lower Jaw 342. The patient asked the doctor complaining of difficulties and painful mouth opening, a significant limitation of speech and eating. In compiling the history was reported that Patient for about a year, the condition slowly gets worse, medical help is not sought patient was treated independently, suffer from chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and chronic suppurative otitis media. On examination, marked limitation of mouth opening of 1 cm, a significant reduction of the articular head excursions of the mandible on the left. TMJ X-rays observed significant joint space narrowing, bone shadow layers between the articular surfaces of the left. Install the final diagnosis? A. Osteoarthritis, arthritis left TMJ B. * TMJ Ankylosis left C. Dysfunction of the left TMJ D. Pathological fracture of the articular processes of the lower jaw on the left E. Dislocation of the Lower Jaw 343. The patient complains of difficulties and painful mouth opening, a significant limitation of speech and eating. In compiling the history was reported that Patient for about a year, the condition slowly gets worse, medical help is not sought patient was treated independently, suffer from chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and chronic suppurative otitis media. On examination, marked limitation of mouth opening of 1 cm, a significant reduction of the articular head excursions of the mandible on the left. TMJ X-rays observed significant joint space narrowing, bone shadow layers between the articular surfaces of the left. Install the final diagnosis? A. Osteoarthritis, arthritis left TMJ B. Dysfunction of the left TMJ C. * TMJ Ankylosis left D. Pathological fracture of the articular processes of the lower jaw on the left E. Dislocation of the Lower Jaw 344. Patient '30 appealed to the dentist complaining of nyyuschi pain, numbness in the lower teeth in the region of the lower lip and chin on the right. From anamnesis have found that these complaints appeared a week ago after wisdom tooth removal retynovanoho mandibular right. What disease has developed in a patient? A. * Nyzhnokomirkovoho nerve neuritis B. Neuralgia third branch of the trigeminal nerve C. Neuritis of the facial nerve D. Neuralgia ear-temporal nerve E. Neuritis trigeminal nerve 345. The patient made a complaint to nyyuschi pain, numbness in the lower teeth in the region of the lower lip and chin on the right. From anamnesis have found that these complaints appeared a week ago after wisdom tooth removal retynovanoho mandibular right. What disease has developed in a patient? A. Neuralgia third branch of the trigeminal nerve B. Neuritis of the facial nerve C. Neuralgia ear-temporal nerve D. * Nyzhnokomirkovoho nerve neuritis E. Neuritis trigeminal nerve 346. Patient L., 30, appealed to the dentist complaining of nyyuschi pain, numbness in the lower teeth in the region of the lower lip and chin on the right. From anamnesis have found that these complaints appeared a week ago after wisdom tooth removal retynovanoho mandibular right. What disease has developed in a patient? A. Neuralgia third branch of the trigeminal nerve B. Neuritis of the facial nerve C. * Nyzhnokomirkovoho nerve neuritis D. Neuralgia ear-temporal nerve E. Neuritis trigeminal nerve 347. On examination, the boy '17 found that the lower jaw is pushed anteriorly, the distance between the 11, 21 and 31, 41 and 8 mm. horizontally. 36, 46 are at 14.24. Was diagnosed with true prognathism. Specify the method of treatment. A. * " Pie "osteotomy B. Plane osteotomy in the mandibular angles by the method Mitrofanov and Rud'ko C. "A surface oval pear-shaped osteotomy " D. Method bai brine E. The vertical "sliding" osteotomy 348. On examination, a young man 17 years was diagnosed with true prognathism. Specify the method of treatment. A. Plane osteotomy in the mandibular angles by the method Mitrofanov and Rud'ko B. * " Pie "osteotomy C. A surface oval pear-shaped osteotomy " D. Method bai brine E. The vertical "sliding" osteotomy 349. On examination, the patient revealed that the lower jaw is pushed anteriorly, the distance between the 11, 21 and 31, 41 and 8 mm. horizontally. 36, 46 are at 14.24. Was diagnosed with true prognathism. Specify the method of treatment. A. Plane osteotomy in the mandibular angles by the method Mitrofanov and Rud'ko B. * " Pie "osteotomy C. A surface oval pear-shaped osteotomy " D. Method bai brine E. The vertical "sliding" osteotomy 350. Patient P., 28 years old, was admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of a lower degree of prognathism II deep bite I degree. Malocclusion and excessive vystoyannya chin marked 17 years of age, was carried out during an attempt to orthodontic treatment. What method of treatment. A. * Bilateral sagittal pear-shaped osteotomy of the mandible B. Plane osteotomy in the mandibular angles by the method Mitrofanov and Rud'ko C. "A surface oval pear-shaped osteotomy " D. Method bai brine E. The vertical "sliding" osteotomy 351. The patient was admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of a lower degree of prognathism II deep bite I degree. Malocclusion and excessive vystoyannya chin marked 17 years of age, was carried out during an attempt to orthodontic treatment. What method of treatment. A. Method bai brine B. Plane osteotomy in the mandibular angles by the method Mitrofanov and Rud'ko C. "A surface oval pear-shaped osteotomy " D. * Bilateral sagittal pear-shaped osteotomy of the mandible E. The vertical "sliding" osteotomy 352. The patient was diagnosed with a lower degree of prognathism II deep bite I degree. Malocclusion and excessive vystoyannya chin marked 17 years of age, was carried out during an attempt to orthodontic treatment. What method of treatment. A. The vertical "sliding" osteotomy B. Plane osteotomy in the mandibular angles by the method Mitrofanov and Rud'ko C. "A surface oval pear-shaped osteotomy " D. Method bai brine E. * Bilateral sagittal pear-shaped osteotomy of the mandible 353. Complaints protrusion of the chin to the eastward zatrudnenyy act nibble, retraction of the upper lip. As a child, had surgery - uranoplastyku. OBJECTIVE: upper lip sinks, pidboridok normally developed mandible acts to the forefront. In the medial occlusion are some front teeth remaining teeth in the correct ratio. What disease patient? A. Genuine progeny. B. The lower prognathism. C. * False progeny. D. The upper prognathism. E. Lower retrohnatiya 354. The patient complains of a lack of contact between the upper and lower teeth, excessive development of the whole of the upper jaw. Objectively: marked protrusion of the upper jaw forward relative to the normally developed mandible. The front group of teeth in the upper jaw will hold back sharply towards the front teeth of the lower jaw. With this cutting edge crowns of upper teeth touch the lower lip. The upper lip is upturned and some shorter, the upper teeth are not covered by the upper lip. Set the diagnosis. A. Makroheniya. B. Mikroheniya C. Micrognathia D. * Prognathism. E. Open bite 355. The patient appealed to the dentist complaining of the lack of contact between the upper and lower teeth, excessive development of the whole of the upper jaw. Objectively: marked protrusion of the upper jaw forward relative to the normally developed mandible. The front group of teeth in the upper jaw will hold back sharply towards the front teeth of the lower jaw. With this cutting edge crowns of upper teeth touch the lower lip. The upper lip is upturned and some shorter, the upper teeth are not covered by the upper lip. Set the diagnosis. A. Makroheniya. B. * Prognathism. C. Mikroheniya D. Micrognathia E. Open bite 356. Patient K., 36 years old, complains of lack of contact between the upper and lower teeth, excessive development of the whole of the upper jaw. Objectively: marked protrusion of the upper jaw forward relative to the normally developed mandible. The front group of teeth in the upper jaw will hold back sharply towards the front teeth of the lower jaw. With this cutting edge crowns of upper teeth touch the lower lip. The upper lip is upturned and some shorter, the upper teeth are not covered by the upper lip. Set the diagnosis. A. Makroheniya. B. Mikroheniya C. Micrognathia D. * Prognathism. E. Open bite 357. To the dentist asked the parents complaints to reduce a child's face with one hand - the left. Objectively: marked reduction of left face by varying fullness of the cheeks and the asymmetry of the contour of the mandible. It is noted uneven mouth opening with chin deviation to the left storonu.Vstanovit diagnosis. A. Makroheniya. B. Mikroheniya C. Micrognathia D. * Unilateral hypoplasia of the mandible E. Bilateral hypoplasia of the mandible 358. To the dentist asked the parents with complaints of reducing a child's face with one hand - the left. Objectively: marked reduction of left face by varying fullness of the cheeks and the asymmetry of the contour of the mandible. It is noted uneven mouth opening with chin deviation to the left storonu.Vstanovit diagnosis. A. Makroheniya. B. Mikroheniya C. Micrognathia D. * Unilateral hypoplasia of the mandible E. Bilateral hypoplasia of the mandible 359. The child's parents appealed to the dentist with complaints of reducing a child's face with one hand - the left. Objectively: marked reduction of left face by varying fullness of the cheeks and the asymmetry of the contour of the mandible. It is noted uneven mouth opening with chin deviation to the left storonu.Vstanovit diagnosis. A. Makroheniya. B. Mikroheniya C. Micrognathia D. * Unilateral hypoplasia of the mandible E. Bilateral hypoplasia of the mandible 360. To the doctor asked the patient complaining of decrease in the face. It has been found reducing the bottom of the face, chin, nose and vystoyannya upper lip, the skin of the chin is wrinkled appearance, missing transverse crease between his chin and lower lip. Open your mouth is not broken. Set the diagnosis. A. * Bilateral hypoplasia of the mandible B. Makroheniya. C. Mikroheniya D. Micrognathia E. Unilateral hypoplasia of the mandible 361. The patient was installed reducing the lower part of the face, chin, nose and vystoyannya upper lip, the skin of the chin has a wrinkled appearance, missing transverse crease between his chin and lower lip. Open your mouth is not broken. Set the diagnosis. A. * Bilateral hypoplasia of the mandible B. Makroheniya. C. Mikroheniya D. Micrognathia E. Unilateral hypoplasia of the mandible 362. The patient complains of a reduction of the face. An objective: reducing the lower part of the face, chin, nose and vystoyannya upper lip, the skin of the chin has a wrinkled appearance, missing transverse crease between his chin and lower lip. Open your mouth is not broken. Set the diagnosis. A. * Bilateral hypoplasia of the mandible B. Makroheniya. C. Mikroheniya D. Micrognathia E. Unilateral hypoplasia of the mandible 363. On examination of the victim with a wound in the bottom of the oral cavity revealed: a large hematoma on the proliferation of cervical and significant soft tissue swelling floor of the mouth and neck. In this condition there is a threat of stenotic asphyxia. What type of first aid is required in this case? A. * Hold the tracheotomy B. Introduction lobeline C. Conducting drug for symptomatic treatment D. Fixation of tongue E. Conduct initial debridement 364. On examination, the patient showed: a large hematoma on the proliferation of cervical and significant soft tissue swelling floor of the mouth and neck. In this condition there is a threat of stenotic asphyxia. What type of first aid is required in this case? A. Introduction lobeline B. Conducting drug for symptomatic treatment C. Fixation of tongue D. * Hold the tracheotomy E. Conduct initial debridement 365. On examination, the victim K., 35 years old, with a wound in the bottom of the oral cavity revealed: a large hematoma on the proliferation of cervical and significant soft tissue swelling floor of the mouth and neck. In this condition there is a threat of stenotic asphyxia. What type of first aid is required in this case? A. Conducting drug for symptomatic treatment B. Introduction lobeline C. * Hold the tracheotomy D. Fixation of tongue E. Conduct initial debridement 366. After clinical and radiographic examination of the patient 32 years old, diagnosed with chronic odontogenic sinusitis, maxillary sinus spivustya of mouth through the hole 27 tooth. Enter the most appropriate method of surgical treatment of this disease. A. * Radical maxillary sinusotomy with plastic spivustya local tissues B. Plastic spivustya local tissues, anti-inflammatory therapy C. Radical maxillary sinusotomy D. Plastic spivustya flap from the hard palate E. Closure of fistulas course, washing the maxillary sinus 367. After the examination, the patient diagnosed with chronic odontogenic sinusitis, maxillary sinus spivustya of oral through hole 27 tooth. Enter the most appropriate method of surgical treatment of this disease. A. * Radical maxillary sinusotomy with plastic spivustya local tissues B. Plastic spivustya local tissues, anti-inflammatory therapy C. Radical maxillary sinusotomy D. Plastic spivustya flap from the hard palate E. Closure of fistulas course, washing the maxillary sinus 368. The patient was diagnosed with chronic odontogenic sinusitis, maxillary sinus spivustya of mouth through the hole 27 tooth. Enter the most appropriate method of surgical treatment of this disease. A. * Radical maxillary sinusotomy with plastic spivustya local tissues B. Plastic spivustya local tissues, anti-inflammatory therapy C. Radical maxillary sinusotomy D. Plastic spivustya flap from the hard palate E. Closure of fistulas course, washing the maxillary sinus 369. Patient K., posttraumatic defect of the left wing of the nose krylnoho violation of the integrity of cartilage. What treatment do you think is most effective? A. * Free plastic part of the ear by Suslova B. Free skin grafts C. Free plastic cartilage by A.O.Limberh D. Plastic Filatov stem E. Tummy skin graft for Sedylo 370. The patient was diagnosed with post-traumatic defect of the left wing of the nose in violation of integrity krylnoho cartilage. What treatment do you think is most effective? A. Free skin grafts B. * Free plastic part of the ear by Suslova C. Free plastic cartilage by A.O.Limberh D. Plastic Filatov stem E. Tummy skin graft for Sedylo 371. Patient posttraumatic defect of the left wing of the nose krylnoho violation of the integrity of cartilage. What treatment do you think is most effective? A. Tummy skin graft for Sedylo B. Free skin grafts C. Free plastic cartilage by A.O.Limberh D. Plastic Filatov stem E. * Free plastic part of the ear by Suslova 372. Woman '46 complained of bleeding from the gums, discharge of pus, loose teeth. Ill 10 years. On examination, the gums on the upper and lower jaws hyperemic, edematous, when touched - bleeding. In the 42, 41, 31, 32 - to 8 mm periodontal pockets of purulent secretions, mobility II degree, the other - I degree. On radiographs - resorption mezhalveolyarnyh partitions in section 42, 41, 31, 32 1/2 lengths root occurrence of osteoporosis. Which of the following techniques most indicated for the surgical treatment of this patient? A. * Osteoplasty B. Curettage C. Hinhivotomiya D. Hinhivoektomiya E. Flap operation 373. To the dentist asked the patient complaining of bleeding from the gums, discharge of pus, loose teeth. Ill 10 years. On examination, the gums on the upper and lower jaws hyperemic, edematous, when touched - bleeding. In the 42, 41, 31, 32 - to 8 mm periodontal pockets of purulent secretions, mobility II degree, the other - I degree. On radiographs - resorption mezhalveolyarnyh partitions in section 42, 41, 31, 32 1/2 lengths root occurrence of osteoporosis. Which of the following techniques most indicated for the surgical treatment of this patient? A. Curettage B. Hinhivotomiya C. Hinhivoektomiya D. * Osteoplasty E. Flap operation 374. A woman complains of bleeding from the gums, discharge of pus, loose teeth. Ill 10 years. On examination, the gums on the upper and lower jaws hyperemic, edematous, when touched - bleeding. In the 42, 41, 31, 32 - to 8 mm periodontal pockets of purulent secretions, mobility II degree, the other - I degree. On radiographs - resorption mezhalveolyarnyh partitions in section 42, 41, 31, 32 1/2 lengths root occurrence of osteoporosis. Which of the following techniques most indicated for the surgical treatment of this patient? A. Curettage B. Hinhivotomiya C. * Osteoplasty D. Hinhivoektomiya E. Flap operation 375. Male 25 years, complains of pain in the lower jaw, abnormal mobility, bleeding from the mouth, malocclusion, inability chewing food. Herbs received 10 hours ago. The examination established a single fracture of the mandible between the first and second premolars. Bias small fragments. Teeth all available, stable, correct anatomical shape. What is the optimal treatment for the patient? A. * Bucket of dental tires B. Osteosynthesis using miniplastynky C. Odnoschelepna cap D. Kapova Bus E. Nakistkovohyy device 376. The patient complains of pain in the lower jaw, abnormal mobility, bleeding from the mouth, malocclusion, inability chewing food. Herbs received 10 hours ago. The examination established a single fracture of the mandible between the first and second premolars. Bias small fragments. Teeth all available, stable, correct anatomical shape. What is the optimal treatment for the patient? A. * Bucket of dental tires B. Osteosynthesis using miniplastynky C. Odnoschelepna cap D. Kapova Bus E. Nakistkovohyy device 377. To the dentist asked the man with complaints of pain in the lower jaw, abnormal mobility, bleeding from the mouth, malocclusion, inability chewing food. Herbs received 10 hours ago. The examination established a single fracture of the mandible between the first and second premolars. Bias small fragments. Teeth all available, stable, correct anatomical shape. What is the optimal treatment for the patient? A. * Bucket of dental tires B. Osteosynthesis using miniplastynky C. Odnoschelepna cap D. Kapova Bus E. Nakistkovohyy device 378. A patient 30 years after a gunshot wound formed a total defect of the nose, skin scar deformity cheek and infraorbital areas adjacent to the defect. Select the best recovery option nose. A. * Radical rhinoplasty by F. Hitrov B. Krylopateva loskutnyy flap C. The flap on the leg of the forehead D. Free skin graft E. Two flap on the leg of the cheeks 379. In patients after gunshot wound formed a total defect of the nose, skin scar deformity cheek and infraorbital areas adjacent to the defect. Select the best recovery option nose. A. Krylopateva loskutnyy flap B. The flap on the leg of the forehead C. Free skin graft D. * Radical rhinoplasty by F. Hitrov E. Two flap on the leg of the cheeks 380. Patient formed a total defect of the nose, skin scar deformity cheek and infraorbital areas adjacent to the defect. Select the best recovery option nose. A. Krylopateva loskutnyy flap B. The flap on the leg of the forehead C. * Radical rhinoplasty by F. Hitrov D. Free skin graft E. Two flap on the leg of the cheeks 381. Patient '35 addressed the dental surgeon about training to oral prosthesis. On examination of the mouth revealed many decayed teeth to be removed. The patient was very emotional, easily excitable. To the dentist is not addressed because of the fear of pain. Under what kind of anesthesia is advisable to dental health (removing roots)? A. * Mask anesthesia B. Infiltration anesthesia C. Pain-needle injector using D. Anesthesia E. Elektroznebolennya 382. Asked the patient to the dentist complaining of difficulties and limitations of mouth opening movements of the mandible. After clinical examination methods diagnosed kiskovyy left ankylosis of temporomandibular joint. Planned reconstructive surgery on the lower jaw. What method of anesthesia should be used? A. Mask anesthesia. B. Local anesthesia. C. The local potentiated anesthesia. D. * Endotracheal anesthesia through traheostomu. E. Intravenous anesthesia. 383. Patient complains of the difficulties and limitations of mouth opening movements of the mandible. Patient's mouth opening 0.5 cm patient suffering for 10 years. After clinical examination methods diagnosed kiskovyy left ankylosis of temporomandibular joint. Planned reconstructive surgery on the lower jaw. What method of anesthesia should be used? A. * Endotracheal anesthesia through traheostomu. B. Mask anesthesia. C. Local anesthesia. D. The local potentiated anesthesia. E. Intravenous anesthesia. 384. Patient B., 43, appealed to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with complaints of cosmetic defect in the region of the right half of the nose. From history we know that the patient was injured about 7 months ago shoot a firearm. OBJECTIVE: In the area of the right half of the nose is observed penetrating defect measuring 1.5 x 2 cm. Skin around the defect in color is not changed. The decision to use "Indian" method of rhinoplasty. Where to get the fabric to remove the defect? A. Skin flap cheeks. B. Skin flap pidochnoyi site. C. Skin flap shoulder. D. * The skin flap forehead. E. Skin flap shoulder-scapular region. 385. In the department of maxillofacial surgery complaining of a cosmetic defect in the region of the right half of the nose turned Patient N. 30. From history we know that the patient was injured about 7 months ago shoot a firearm. OBJECTIVE: In the area of the right half of the nose is observed penetrating defect measuring 1.5 x 2 cm. Skin around the defect in color is not changed. The decision to use "Indian" method of rhinoplasty. Where to get the fabric to remove the defect? A. Skin flap cheeks. B. Skin flap pidochnoyi site. C. * The skin flap forehead. D. Skin flap shoulder. E. Skin flap shoulder-scapular region. 386. The patient appealed to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with complaints of cosmetic defect in the region of the right half of the nose. From history we know that the patient was injured about 7 months ago shoot a firearm. OBJECTIVE: In the area of the right half of the nose is observed penetrating defect measuring 1.5 x 2 cm. Skin around the defect in color is not changed. The decision to use "Indian" method of rhinoplasty. Where to get the fabric to remove the defect? A. * The skin flap forehead. B. Skin flap cheeks. C. Skin flap pidochnoyi site. D. Skin flap shoulder. E. Skin flap shoulder-scapular region. 387. As a soldier wounded by a shell, firearm diagnosed with a fracture of the mandible bone defect in the area of the chin more than 3cm. What method of fixation of mandibular fragments shown? A. * Hardware osteosynthesis (Rud'ko, Bernadsky) B. Of dental tires Tihershtedta C. Direct fixation D. Tire Huninha port E. Mizhschelepove ligature binding by Ivy 388. Patient '48 held paratydektomiyu about benign parotid saliva glands. In the postoperative period there is the omission of the corner of his mouth, the displacement of the midline in the healthy side, labored speech. Which branch of the facial nerve lesion during surgery? A. * The Regional branch of the mandible. B. Jaw branch. C. Zygomatic branch. D. Cervical branch. E. Temporal branch. 389. Patients underwent paratydektomiyu about benign parotid saliva glands. In the postoperative period there is the omission of the corner of his mouth, the displacement of the midline in the healthy side, labored speech. Which branch of the facial nerve lesion during surgery? A. Jaw branch. B. Zygomatic branch. C. * The Regional branch of the mandible. D. Cervical branch. E. Temporal branch. 390. Which branch of the facial nerve lesion during surgery in patients after Proven paratydektomiyi about benign parotid saliva glands. In the postoperative period there is the omission of the corner of his mouth, the displacement of the midline in the healthy side, labored speech. A. Jaw branch. B. Zygomatic branch. C. Cervical branch. D. * The Regional branch of the mandible. E. Temporal branch. 391. A man 40 years after a gunshot wound left a total defect of the nose. Which way to the plastic must be used to restore the nose? A. * Phased plastics can round the stem at Khitrova B. Free transplantation of cartilage, skin and bone C. Moving Nearby tissues Szymanowski D. Transplantation of bone, skin and cartilage on the feeding pedicle E. Plastic fabric ear for wort 392. A man after a gunshot wound left a total defect of the nose. Which way to the plastic must be used to restore the nose? A. Free transplantation of cartilage, skin and bone B. * Phased plastics can round the stem at Khitrova C. Moving Nearby tissues Szymanowski D. Transplantation of bone, skin and cartilage on the feeding pedicle E. Plastic fabric ear for wort 393. After a gunshot wound, the patient remained a total defect of the nose. Which way to the plastic must be used to restore the nose? A. Free transplantation of cartilage, skin and bone B. Moving Nearby tissues Szymanowski C. * Phased plastics can round the stem at Khitrova D. Transplantation of bone, skin and cartilage on the feeding pedicle E. Plastic fabric ear for wort 394. Patient M., '42 complains of pain right half of the head, limit jaw movements, clicks, periodic spasms of masticatory muscles. OBJECTIVE: symmetrical face, mouth opening is limited. On palpation in the right temporomandibular joint marked crepitus and crepitation during movement of the mandible. On examination of the mouth revealed a defect of dentition case II class at Kennedy. What is the diagnosis you ask the patient? A. * Pain Dysfunction of the right temporomandibular joint. B. Acute arthritis. C. Sclerosing osteoarthritis of the right temporomandibular joint. D. Contracture of the right temporomandibular joint. E. Ossyfikuyuchyy myositis. 395. Appealed to the dentist with the patient complaining of pain right half of the head, limit jaw movements, clicks, periodic spasms of masticatory muscles. OBJECTIVE: symmetrical face, mouth opening is limited. On palpation in the right temporomandibular joint marked crepitus and crepitation during movement of the mandible. On examination of the mouth revealed a defect of dentition case II class at Kennedy. What is the diagnosis you ask the patient? A. Acute arthritis. B. Sclerosing osteoarthritis of the right temporomandibular joint. C. Contracture of the right temporomandibular joint. D. * Pain Dysfunction of the right temporomandibular joint. E. Ossyfikuyuchyy myositis. 396. The patient complains of '17 presence at the front of the neck fistula, present from birth. Periodically with fistula secreted a small amount of mucoid extremely dangerous. Median fistula diagnosed neck. What is the treatment in this patient? A. * Excision with resection of the fistulous body of the hyoid bone B. Excision svyschuvatoho go without resection podyazychnoy body bone C. Flashing mouth fistulous purse string suture by type D. Cryodestruction epithelium fistulous E. Sclerotherapy epithelium fistulous 397. The patient complains of presence on the front of the neck fistula, present from birth. Periodically with fistula secreted a small amount of mucoid extremely dangerous. Median fistula diagnosed neck. What is the treatment in this patient? A. Excision svyschuvatoho go without resection podyazychnoy body bone B. * Excision with resection of the fistulous body of the hyoid bone C. Flashing mouth fistulous purse string suture by type D. Cryodestruction epithelium fistulous E. Sclerotherapy epithelium fistulous 398. The patient was diagnosed a median fistula of the neck. What is the treatment in this patient? A. Excision svyschuvatoho go without resection podyazychnoy body bone B. Flashing mouth fistulous purse string suture by type C. Cryodestruction epithelium fistulous D. * Excision with resection of the fistulous body of the hyoid bone E. Sclerotherapy epithelium fistulous 399. After removing complex tooth 37, the patient became anesthesia in the region of the left half of the lower lip and chin. When tested for EDI marked decrease elektrozbudlyvosti teeth of the lower jaw to the left. What is the likely diagnosis disease that happen? A. * Neuritis left inferior alveolar nerve. B. Neuralgia left inferior alveolar nerve. C. Alveolitis in the area of the hole 37 tooth. D. Herpes Zoster n. Trigemini. E. Acute osteomyelitis of the mandible body. 400. Patient S., 52 years old complains of sharp prystupopodibni burning pain in the left corner of the mouth and extending into the lower parts of the left cheek radiating to the ear and the outside area. Attacks of pain occurring spontaneously or from touching the skin of the lower lip with his hand. He suffers from hypertension - II degree. Add a preliminary diagnosis. A. * Neuralgia III branch of the trigeminal nerve. B. Neuritis of the facial nerve. C. Neuritis II branch of the trigeminal nerve. D. Neuritis and branches of the trigeminal nerve. E. Paresis of the facial nerve. 401. The patient complains of sharp prystupopodibni burning pain in the left corner of the mouth and extending into the lower parts of the left cheek radiating to the ear and the outside area. Attacks of pain occurring spontaneously or from touching the skin of the lower lip with his hand. He suffers from hypertension - II degree. Add a preliminary diagnosis. A. Neuritis of the facial nerve. B. Neuritis II branch of the trigeminal nerve. C. Neuritis and branches of the trigeminal nerve. D. * Neuralgia III branch of the trigeminal nerve. E. Paresis of the facial nerve. 402. Before dental surgeon asked the patient complaining of sharp prystupopodibni burning pain in the left corner of the mouth and extending into the lower parts of the left cheek radiating to the ear and the outside area. Attacks of pain occurring spontaneously or from touching the skin of the lower lip with his hand. He suffers from hypertension - II degree. Add a preliminary diagnosis. A. Neuritis of the facial nerve. B. * Neuralgia III branch of the trigeminal nerve. C. Neuritis II branch of the trigeminal nerve. D. Neuritis and branches of the trigeminal nerve. E. Paresis of the facial nerve. 403. Male 25 years had sought the clinic about removing 18 tooth crown which is destroyed by 1/2. Tooth still often untreated. When removing a tooth held the lead tuber maxilla. What are the most correct action in this case? A. * Remove vidlamok and take in the wound. B. Try to enter vidlamok place. C. Set vidlamok to the old place and secure. D. Remove vidlamok. E. Remove vidlamok zatamponuvaty and maxillary sinuses. 404. The patient contacted the clinic about 18 removal of the tooth crown which is destroyed by 1/2. Tooth still often untreated. When removing a tooth held the lead tuber maxilla. What are the most correct action in this case? A. Try to enter vidlamok place. B. Set vidlamok to the old place and secure. C. * Remove vidlamok and take in the wound. D. Remove vidlamok. 405. At the clinic the patient asked about removing 18 tooth crown which is destroyed by 1/2. Tooth has repeatedly treated. When removing a tooth held the lead tuber maxilla. What are the most correct action in this case? A. Try to enter vidlamok place. B. Set vidlamok to the old place and secure. C. Remove vidlamok. D. * Remove vidlamok and take in the wound. E. Remove vidlamok zatamponuvaty and maxillary sinuses. 406. To the dentist with complaints addressed patient intensive, cutting, periodic pain with a feeling of passing electric current in the region of the upper lip on the right. Painful attacks occur spontaneously and for 3 - 5 minutes. Number of episodes of 2 - 3 times a day. Causes of the disease the patient notknows. An objective examination of the oral cavity lesions were found. Mouth sanovana. On the control ortopantonohrami found zverhkompletnyy retynovanyy 13 tooth. Put diagnosis. A. Hanhliolit pterygopalatine site B. Neuritis II hoyi branches of the trigeminal nerve C. Neuralgia II hoyi branches of the trigeminal nerve central origin D. * Peripheral neuralgia II hoyi branch of the trigeminal nerve E. Pulp of the tooth in the upper jaw on the right 407. Symptom "lash" in the neuritis of the facial nerve - is: A. * at zazhmuryuvanni eye lashes completely absorbed into the eyelid on the healthy side and the affected - the lashes are clearly visible B. when you try to close the eye of the upper eyelid on the affected side is lowered enough to close the eye slit and notice that at the same time leaves the eyeball upward and outward C. patient suggest to look forward and try to slowly close your eyes, and the upper eyelid on the affected side slightly raised D. by turning the lower lip facial muscles on the affected side is not reduced E. can not close the eye on the affected side 408. Flashing test in the diagnosis of neuritis of the facial nerve - is: A. * eye blink asynchronously B. with closed eyes of the patient's eyelids vibration on the Patient side no C. ill weakly holds a strip of paper lip angle of the affected parties D. patient can not inflate the cheeks E. patient can not zamruzhyty eye on the patient side, although zamruzhyty both eyes simultaneously can 409. Vibration Test for ever in the diagnosis of facial nerve neuritis - is: A. eye blink asynchronously B. * With closed eyes of the patient's eyelids vibration on the Patient side no C. D. E. ill weakly holds a strip of paper lip angle of the affected parties patient can not inflate the cheeks patient can not zamruzhyty eye on the patient side, although zamruzhyty both eyes simultaneously can 410. Test research of circular muscle of the mouth when examining patients with facial nerve neuritis - is: A. eye blink asynchronously B. with closed eyes of the patient's eyelids vibration on the Patient side no C. * Ill weakly holds a strip of paper lip angle of the affected parties D. patient can not inflate the cheeks E. patient can not zamruzhyty eye on the patient side, although zamruzhyty both eyes simultaneously can 411. Test inflated cheeks when examining patients with facial nerve neuritis - is: A. eye blink asynchronously B. with closed eyes of the patient's eyelids vibration on the Patient side no C. ill weakly holds a strip of paper lip angle of the affected parties D. * Patient can not inflate the cheeks E. patient can not zamruzhyty eye on the patient side, although zamruzhyty both eyes simultaneously can 412. Test zazhmuryuvannya separate examination of patients with facial nerve neuritis - is: A. eye blink asynchronously B. with closed eyes of the patient's eyelids vibration on the Patient side no C. ill weakly holds a strip of paper lip angle of the affected parties D. patient can not inflate the cheeks E. * Patient can not zamruzhyty eye on the patient side, although zamruzhyty both eyes simultaneously can 413. Fronto-mouth synkineses - is: A. * involuntary prypidnimannya corner of his mouth with his forehead namorschuvanni B. zazhmuryuvanni spontaneously rises in pinna C. at zazhmuryuvanni involuntarily reduced subcutaneous neck muscle D. closing eyes raised corner of the mouth the same side E. closing eye brow namorschuyetsya 414. Eyelid - ear synkineses - is: A. involuntary prypidnimannya corner of his mouth with his forehead namorschuvanni B. * At zazhmuryuvanni involuntarily raised auricle C. at zazhmuryuvanni involuntarily reduced subcutaneous neck muscle D. closing eyes raised corner of the mouth the same side E. closing eye brow namorschuyetsya 415. Palette - platyzmova synkineses - is: A. involuntary prypidnimannya corner of his mouth with his forehead namorschuvanni B. zazhmuryuvanni spontaneously rises in pinna C. * At zazhmuryuvanni involuntarily reduced subcutaneous neck muscle D. closing eyes raised corner of the mouth the same side E. closing eye brow namorschuyetsya 416. Palette - platyzmova synkineses - is: A. involuntary prypidnimannya corner of his mouth with his forehead namorschuvanni B. zazhmuryuvanni spontaneously rises in pinna C. * At zazhmuryuvanni involuntarily reduced subcutaneous neck muscle D. closing eyes raised corner of the mouth the same side E. closing eye brow namorschuyetsya 417. Palette - frontal synkineses - is: A. involuntary prypidnimannya corner of his mouth with his forehead namorschuvanni B. zazhmuryuvanni spontaneously rises in pinna C. at zazhmuryuvanni involuntarily reduced subcutaneous neck muscle D. closing eyes raised corner of the mouth the same side E. * Closing eyes namorschuyetsya forehead 418. S. Patient suffering from chronic leukemia, but insists on a dental implant. Are there any contraindications to dental implants and how this pathology? A. There are absolute contraindications to local B. Is a relatively common contraindications C. * There are a total absolute contraindications D. There are relative contraindications local E. It is not a contraindication 419. The patient, 40 years 3 months after implantation marked mucosal edema at the site of implantation, hnoyinnya of voles in the area of implantation, the X-ray observed loss of bone around the implant. Manifestation of which is listed changes? A. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the alveolar process B. * The disintegration of the implant C. Age atrophy of the alveolar process D. Common osteoporosis E. Decreased bone mineral density 420. The patient, 35, planned prosthetic teeth with implants. Which of the following types of radiological examination is necessary to measure the height to the bone at the site of implantation? A. Radiography of the skull in nosopidboridniy projection B. Radiography of the skull in nosolobniy projection C. * Ortopantomohramma D. Radiography of the skull in lateral projection E. Radiography of the skull in the axial projection 421. The patient, 65 years appealed to the dentist for the purpose prosthesis using dental implants. During the examination of the patient revealed that he was suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Is it possible to hold the implants preserve life in this case? A. You can not B. You may, after consultation with an endocrinologist C. Can insulin injections after D. * You can after receiving the written consent of the patient E. You can after complex treatment 422. Patient '45 addressed the dentist complaining of mobility prosthetic dentures, which was fixed on intraosseous implants. The mobility of the prosthesis is accompanied by pain, inflammation of the lining around the neck of implants and hnoyetecheyu. What therapeutic measures should make the patient? A. Conduct curettage implants B. Remove prosthetic appliances C. To prescribe antibiotic therapy D. Make autopsy mucosa alveolar process E. * Remove the implant with prosthetic appliances 423. Male 36 years had sought complaining of pain in the region yyuchi left TMJ area that persisting while taking solid food, which appeared to lyzko 2 years ago. OBJECTIVE: slightly limited mouth opening the jaws and shifted to the side, available in ruskit's TMJ. In the mouth - missing molars on the bottom first and second upper jaw. On radiographs - sclerosis cortical plate and articular deformity of the head, joint space narrowing. I rolled th most likely diagnosis? A. Chronic TMJ arthritis B. * A rtrozo - TMJ arthritis C. Acute TMJ arthritis D. TMJ Pain E. Became more relevant heals chronic TMJ arthritis 424. The patient complains of '43 sharp pain in the left TMJ radiating into the ear headache, worsening of general condition, inability to chew and limited mouth opening. OBJECTIVE: asymmetrical face due to swelling in the region of the left TMJ. Skin in this area flushed. Pain increases with minimal movement lower jaw. Palpation of the joints causing pain. mouth opening restriction is 15 mm. Put diagnosis. A. * Acute left TMJ arthritis B. Acute suppurative parotitis C. Deforming arthrosis of the left TMJ D. TMJ Pain E. Subluxation of the mandible 425. Patient, 46 years old, turned to the dental surgeon to remove 17 teeth. What pain relief apply? A. * Tuberalna and palatynalna anesthesia. B. Palatynalna, infraorbitalna anesthesia C. Infilratsiyna, incisive anesthesia D. Mandibular anesthesia E. Torusalna anesthesia 426. Patient K. diagnosed odontogenic phlegmon right zygomatic area of 16 teeth. What is the treatment in the patient? A. section cellulitis, endodontic treatment of tooth 16 with momentary root canal B. endodontic treatment of tooth 16, deferred root canal C. section cellulitis, endodontic treatment of tooth 16 deferred root canal D. * Ting develop cellulitis, tooth removal 16 E. outpatient supervision Dr 427. Patients concerned about a sharp intense pain and swelling at the site of the destroyed tooth on the lower jaw to the right, deterioration of general condition, fever body to 38.8 C, loss of appetite, insomnia. On examination determined collateral soft tissue swelling submandibular area and lower right cheek. And regional lymph nodes are enlarged on the right, painful on palpation. The crown 46 is half destroyed, 45, 46, 47 mobile, in the area of the teeth determined Clutches similar infiltration. noted symptom Vincent. cue I diagnosis You ask? A. Chronic odontogenic OS teomiyelit exacerbation B. Chronic osteomyelitis odontoh nth C. Acute suppurative periodontitis D. * Go stretch marks odontogenic osteomyelitis E. Acute suppurative odontogenic abscess 428. Patient, 18 years old, admitted to the Maxillofacial cus nick in a state of moderate severity, with a temperature of 38.8 C and complaining of a sharp pain and swelling in the left submandibular area. From history: in 14 days continued posts on the treatment your dermatologist about streptoderma. A week ago in the submandibular area and her were painful, "balls", which is constantly increasing. Over the past day state dramatically deteriorated. OBJECTIVE: Facial asymmetry due to the sharp pain in her swollen and submandibular and left the area, swelling moves to the upper neck; Skin covering hiperemiy of Old, pleated not going hot to the touch. Palpation infiltration sharply painful. Pathology of the oral cavity were found. What diagnosis can suggest? A. Acute lymphadenitis pidnyzhnoschelenoyi areas left B. * Phlegmonous adenitis pidnyzhnoschelenoyi area on the left. C. Odontogenic abscess pidnyzhnoschelenoyi areas left D. Acute suppurative periostitis of the mandible E. C ialadenit submandibular salivary gland 429. The patient, 35 years old, appealed with complaints of swelling of the right submandibular area and the type of pain "colic" that you arise when eating, and then for 20-30 minutes to Il gradually ceased and the swelling reduced in size. Ill during month I. OBJECTIVE: to the right submandibular region is determined and her minor increase in submandibular tissue uu area, palpation virtually painless. The mouth right Vartonov her first vet oxidation expanded, the mucous unchanged. At massage glands secreted N eznachna number viscous saliva, and the left - saliva is normal. Palpation along the duct in the middle of its third seal palpable 0.5 cm in diameter. Preliminary diagnosis. A. *Concrement of the right submandibular salivary gland B. Abscess of the right jaw-language groove C. Five arotyt Hertsenberha D. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible E. Lymphadenitis Law n th and dnyzhn oschelepnoyi Land 430. In the surgical department dental clinic patient appealed K. '29 complaining of painful swelling of the face thing that appeared 1.5-2 months ago and gradually increased. OBJECTIVE: open mouth facial free asymmetric due to swelling in the right parotidmasticatory area. The skin over the swelling hyperemic, swollen, painful palpation determined by infiltration of up to 3 cm in the massing of the ductless right parotid salivary glands secreted saliva transparent. What disease can be suspected in a patient? A. Acute suppurative parotitis. B. Cellulitis of the right parotid-masticatory area. C. Chronic parotitis terstytsialnyy so right. D. * Chronic suppurative lymphadenitis right parotid-masticatory area. E. Submaseterialnyy abscess on the left. 431. Patient N., 36 years old complains of pain, swelling of the soft tissues in the mandibular left, deterioration of general condition. Pain and swelling appeared 4 days ago. On examination, asymmetrical face due to swelling of the soft tissues of the buccal and submandibular areas left. Open your mouth is not difficult. 36 tooth is destroyed, the root level of the gums. In section 35,36,37 teeth - muftopodibnyy infiltration. Percussion 36, painful, 35.37 - sharply painful, moving teeth. With periodontal pockets secreted pus. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Acute suppurative periostitis mandibular left B. Cellulitis left buccal area C. * Acute osteomyelitis of the mandible on the left. D. Periodontal abscess in the region of 36 E. Abscess Oral and language grooves left 432. In the surgery room dental clinic asked the patient complained of pain in the upper jaw tooth left. The patient was diagnosed with chronic periodontitis tooth 24. What is necessary to anesthesia for painless removal 24 tooth? A. * Infraorbitalnu palate and anesthesia B. Tubes and eralnu pidnebinu anesthesia. C. Infra orbital and incisive anesthesia D. Tuberalnu and incisive anesthetic uu E. Terminal and tuberalnu anesthetic th 433. The patient complains of pain and swelling in the left submandibular area, pain when eating. On examination revealed: the mouth opens freely in its entirety, mucous membrane under `language roller hyperemic left with the excretory ducts of submandibular salivary gland secreted pus. In Ro-gram in the left submandibular area to the left turns the shadow oval. Set preliminary diagnosis. A. Chronic interst and socially and mumps B. * Calculous sialoadenit C. Osteoma of Lower oyi jaw D. Submandibular gland tumor E. Acute submandibular sialodenit 434. Patient A., 42 year old turned to the surgeon - a dentist with complaints of swelling and and rradiyuyuch th pain submaxillary salivary gland thing, feeling increasing cancer that appears during the meal. Objectively: submaxillary salivary gland enlarged, painful on palpation, excretory duct palpated in a strand. Saliva duct of the gland are released. For any given disease is characterized by symptoms? A. Acute sialoadenit. B. Sclerosing sialoadenit. C. Salivary gland cyst. D. Sialoz. E. * Calculous sialoadenit. 435. Female, 40 years old, appealed with complaints swelling of the left submandibular area, which appeared 3 days ago, on fever 37.4 C. Objective: to the left submaxillary area there is soft tissue swelling, skin color is not changed. Palpable observed at high school l tight elastic consistency, malobolisnyy, mobile, round shape with a smooth surface, size 2,0 x1, 5 cm Open your mouth free, oral mucosa without visible changes, the crown of the tooth is destroyed in 36 2/3 parts percussion painful. Put diagnosis A. * Odontogenic acute serous glandular submandibular area B. Odontogenic abscess of submandibular area C. Odontogenic abscess of submandibular area D. Odontogenic chronic lymphadenitis submandibular area E. Acute serous submandibular salivary sialoadenit zolozy. 436. I. The patient, 43 years old, complains of tumors in the right submandibular region, which appeared two months ago after the transfer of influenza. In the right submandibular area palpation turns slightly painful sack like growths tight elastic consistency with smooth contours, nespayane skin. With duct submandibular salivary glands secreted saliva transparent. Hyoid ridge is not changed. Disease in whom the clinical picture described idpovidaye? A. Chronic sialoadenit B. Slynokam'yana disease C. Adenoma of the salivary gland D. * Chronic lymphadenitis E. Lipoma 437. Patient X. 42 years complaining about the deterioration of general health, fever, difficulty swallowing and breathing. The general condition of the patient moderate. The body temperature of 39 0 C. On examination, a slight asymmetry of the face due to soft tissue swelling in the left submandibular area. The skin over the Embassy hlistyu normal color, easily taken into the fold. Palpable swelling determined. Open your mouth difficulty (contracture II-III). On examination of the mouth - redness, swelling, palatal arches and tongue, bulging of the left side wall to the midline, and the tongue to the right. What is the most likely diagnosis you ask? A. Abscess of jaw-language groove. B. * Cellulitis pryhlotkovoho space. C. Cellulitis pterygoid-mandibular space. D. Cellulitis submandibular space. E. Cellulitis pozaduschelepnoho space. 438. The patient turned to a dental surgeon with complaints of fever up to 37,6 ° C, the assumption hlist soft tissue pain in 47 teeth on the lower jaw on the left, which is worse when touching tooth-antagonist. On examination there is congestion and smoothing transition sk Ladko alveolar process of vestibular side of the area destroyed 47 tooth. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. * Acute suppurative odontogenic abscess B. Acute serous periodontitis C. Chronic periodontitis in the acute stage D. Go stretch marks odontogenic osteomyelitis E. Periodontal abscess 439. Patient '47 prot yahom 2 years on the face in the region of the left mandibular angle observed etsya periodic appearance of painful swelling and fistula formation. After discharge from the fistula purulent fluid is pain and swelling disappears, and the skin of the face is drawn a little scar. OBJECTIVE: A small scar on the skin at the level of the left mandible and Ku. At the bottom of the mouth dilyanyantsi palpation under the mucous membrane in the depth determined by thick cord that comes in soft tissues ynah buccal area of the fistula to the projection 47 Indigenous tooth. Crown 47 destroyed. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Atheroma cheek, that the flesh was rotting B. Tuberculosis of the mandible. C. Act and nomikoz left parotid-masticatory area D. Chronic osteomyelitis in the region of the left mandibular angle. E. * Odontogenic hranuloma face 440. Sick '45 ranked maxillofacial department with complaints of general weakness, pain, etc ypuhlist in the left submandibular area, n idvyschennya temperature to 39 0 C. Repeatedly pain 36 tooth on the lower jaw to the left. The asymmetry of the face due to swelling in the left submandibular area where palpable dense infiltrate the skin over his flushed, the fold is going. In 36 deep carious tooth cavity, percussion painful mucosa around the tooth hyperemic, edematous. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. * Cellulitis left submandibular area B. Sharp left submandibular sialoadenit C. Acute suppurative periostitis mandibular left D. Acute suppurative submandibular lymphadenitis left E. Acute osteomyelitis of the mandible on the left 441. Male 54 years later in 5 days after the removal of 27 teeth. Tooth removed under tuberalnoyu palate and an esteziyeyu. Complains of pain and difficulty opening the mouth. Emperatura T - 38 ° C, total serious condition, minor facial asymmetry due to swelling of the temporal area in the lower section. Contracture III degree. From the mouth - swelling of the mucous membrane on the left in the transitional fold dilyanytsi molars of the upper jaw. Palpation hump maxilla sharply painful. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. * Cellulitis of left infratemporal area. B. Cellulitis of submandibular area on the left. C. Cellulitis left temporal area. D. Acute purulent abscess maxillary left E. Cellulitis parotid-masticatory area on the left 442. After removal of 27 teeth in a dental surgeon suspect in perforation of the maxillary sinus. To clarify the diagnosis the doctor decided to test nosorotovu. What are the steps you need to do to the patient? A. Close your fingers and nose exhale air through the mouth, watching the hole 27 tooth. B. * Close your nose with your fingers and try to exhale air through the nose, and the follow the hole 27 tooth. C. Breathe the air through the nose, watching the hole 27 and the tooth. D. Make inhale through your nose and exhale through the mouth, thus blocking the nose. E. Breathe the air through the mouth, or follow up by the hole 27 tooth. 443. 26 patients underwent removal of the tooth. After tuberalnoyu anesthesia patient felt generally nu weakness, nausea, and later - a sharp itching, and rash. What type of complications include these symptoms? A. Anafilakty ical shock B. Collapse. C. * Urticaria D. Angioedema E. Syncope 444. To the doctor asked the patient complained of persistent aching pain that increases during nakushuvannya. Bill b was 3 days ago. During the examination of the oral cavity in the mucosa of the alveolar process within 34 memory bu hyperemia of the gums. Tooth crown 34 destroyed by 2/3. Percussion him sharply painful. What is the most likely diagnosis is possible to install? A. Acute suppurative periodontitis B. Acute osteomyelitis. C. * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. D. Acute suppurative pulpitis. E. Acute abscess. 445. The patient is 22 years old, ska rzhytsya the emergence of her painfully swollen in the area of the right parotid salivary gland. A week before that, the patient was zsadyna cheek skin which heal when purulent scabs. Over the past two days, the strengthening of pain and increased body t to 38.6 C. OBJECTIVE: mild swelling of the right parotid taknyn area, the skin slightly hard, unaltered in color. Infiltration of 2.5 x3, 5 cm thick, painful skin over it is limited to mobile. Mouth open in full mucous membrane around the mouth of the salivary duct is not changed, with lin transparent. Put diagnosis. A. Abscess bilyavushno chewing areas B. Tot ostrennya chronic parotitis C. * Acute lymphadenitis D. Mr. Ostrom non-epidemic parotitis E. Parotitis 446. Patient '56 severe general condition. The body temperature of 39.9 C. Objective: asymmetrical face due to infiltration pidboridkovoho and both submaxillary spaces. It zatrudnena, vnasli dock displacement of the tongue upwards, swallowing painful. Pidyazykovi rollers dramatically swollen, hyperemic. Put diagnosis. A. * Cellulitis floor of the mouth B. FL ehmona pidboridkovoyi area C. Abs process maxillo-lingual groove D. Abscess of the tongue E. Cellulitis submaxillary area 447. The patient was 33 years old admitted to the maxillofacial poc ing with complaints of pain and swelling of the right submaxillary area, increased body t 39.5 C. Objective: asymmetrical face due to swelling of the soft tissues of the right submaxillary area, which is determined by palpation dense infiltrate , flushed skin over it is not taken into the fold. In 46 teeth - deep cavities. What is the most likely diagnosis A. Acute pidnyzhnoschelepovyy sialodenit B. Acute suppurative periostitis n / ni C. Acute suppurative pidnyzhnoschelepovyy lymphadenitis D. * Cellulitis uplift zhnoschelepovoyi plot case E. Acute osteomyelitis n / ni case 448. Patient '38 available triad xerostomia, kseroftal miya and rheumatoid poliatryt. For which diseases characterized by these entities symtomy? A. * Syndrome Sheh Rena B. Parotitis C. Fibrozna dysplasia D. Disease Mikulaicha E. Benign lesions limfaepitelialne 449. The soldier got injured in OSCo lchaste area pidborid Covo Department N / ni, which led to the separation of the chin and vyneknennya asphyxia. What is the most likely type of asphyxia in the victim? A. Stenotic B. * Dislocation C. Valve D. Aspiration E. Obstructive 450. The patient was 21 years old, worried headache, dry mouth b, body temperature 38,4 C, increased bilyavushni site. Ill 4-5 days marked increase of these alternate sites. OBJECTIVE: Facial asymmetry due to a painful inflammatory swelling parotid- masticatory areas. With the ducts of the salivary glands in the ear almost no saliva secreted. The pain is worse when you open your mouth, swallowing and talking: iradiiruye the ears, neck, tongue root. Lobe upraised ears. Postavt is the most likely diagnosis. A. Acute serous mumps B. Disease Mikulich C. Psevdoparotyt Hertsenberha D. * Yepidemichnyy mumps E. Chronic parotitis 451. What is the most appropriate online access for opening phlegmon submandibular area? A. Dissection of 5-6 cm oblyamovuyuchy angle of the mandible B. By intraoral ne transitional crease in equal molar C. A linear incision of 2 cm. Along the bottom edge n / ni D. * Autopsy 5-6 cm below the mandible 2 cm. E. Dissection of 5-6 cm. Crease on the upper cervical 452. When removing the distal root of tooth 47 was left in the hole. Select a tool to complete remove tion of. A. Ku is prepared right-hand elevator. B. Direct elevator. C. Dzobopodiyuni pinch to remove the roots. D. * Angled left-hand elevator. E. Universal pinch-mount. 453. The patient is 48 years of age complains of tumors in the right submandibular region, which appeared a month ago after undergoing a sore throat. Body temperature 37-37,2 to C. Patient conducted anti-inflammatory therapy, but the tumor is not reduced. In the right submandibular area palpation turns slightly painful sack like growths tight elastic consistency with smooth contours without fused with the skin. With duct submandibular salivary glands secreted saliva transparent. Which conditions are most likely ve dpovidaye this clinical picture? A. Slynokam'yana disease B. Chronic sialoadenit C. * Chronic lymphadenitis D. Adenoma of the salivary gland E. Atheroma 454. Male. '25 Appealed with complaints of pain, a feeling of heaviness in the upper left jaw. Previously removed 25 teeth, but no improvement occurred. There was purulent viddilyayeme the left nasal passage. He was diagnosed with acute odontogenic sinusitis left. How to conduct a puncture of the maxillary sinus? A. Because the upper nasal Hod. B. Through the middle nasal Hod. C. Because the upper and lower nasal Hod. D. Because of the lower and middle nasal Hod. E. * Due to the lower nasal Hod. 455. The patient complains for the formation of the soft tissues of the lower division of the left cheek, which gradually increases over the last three months. Objectively, asymmetrical face due to swelling of the soft tissues in the body of the mandible on the left, the skin over which the color is not changed. On palpation of the lower cheek marked slabobolisne formation tight elastic consistency AI, round shape with a diameter of 3 cm, movable. In the mouth - roots destroyed 35 and 36 teeth. What is the diagnosis you ask? A. * Chronic Jaw lymphadenitis. B. Acute serous glandular cheek. C. Radicular hundred k and mandible. D. Acute suppurative periostitis of the mandible. E. Chronic rarefikuyuchyy abscess. 456. Patient, 47 years old, appealed with complaints of swelling of the left parotid area, poor mouth opening, the fistula. OBJECTIVE: Facial asymmetry due to diffuse infiltration of the left parotid area that is wooded mountains in the density and fast surface. Within the defined fistula infiltration of sero-purulent contents of impurities kryhtopodibnoho pus, the skin around the fistula red-purple. Mouth opening is limited to 2 cm and painless. Assign additional examination to the patient. A. Termoviziohrafiya. B. * Microscopy. Skin and allergic reactions C. Radiography of the mandible. D. Bacteriological study. E. Kontrasna radiography 457. The patient, 25 years old, complains of swelling and hnoyetechu in the right submandibular region. OBJECTIVE: there is a dense woody painless infiltration diameter of about 2 cm to the right pidnyzhnoschelepoviy area. In the center of the infiltrate soft tissues is fistula, which stands kryhtopodibnyy manure in small quantities. Open the mouth and 4.5 cm painless. The mucous membrane of the mouth and teeth intact. Preliminary diagnosis. A. Tuberculosis skin. B. Primary syphilis. C. * Actinomycosis of the skin. D. Subcutaneous hranuloma face. E. Adenoabstses. 458. Patient S., 26 years old, complained of pain in the left lower jaw, painful swallowing, mouth opening zatrudnene, headache, and weakness. Feeling bad body temperature - 38 0 C. On examination: slight swelling at the left mandibular angle, skin color has not changed, deep palpation painful opening ro to 1.5 cm and 47 tooth shattered wing-fold jaw swollen, painful on palpation. Put diagnosis. A. Cellulitis during masticatory space B. Bilyahlotochna abscess. C. Cellulitis podvoynyh area D. * Cellulitis wing-jaw space E. Angina. 459. The patient complains of '36 painful swallowing impossible, malaise. Body temperature - 38.5 C. In the left submandibular area a little swelling, painful on deep palpation, open mouth and 2 cm, 38 tooth shattered percussion painful. The left lateral pharyngeal wall swelling and swelling inside flushed. Replace the diagnosis. A. * Odontogenic bilyahlot ba abscess. B. Phlegmonous adenitis submandibular area C. Peer and tozylyarnyy abscess. D. Angina. E. Lymphadenitis submandibular area. 460. The patient S., '62, addressed to a dental surgeon with complaints of severe constant throbbing pain on the left under the tongue that extends to the ear and temple, pain when eating, zatrudnen open mouth but the overall poor condition. Sick week, when "appeared sore tooth on the lower jaw to the left. After 2 days the body temperature Temp increased to 38.9 C in the general condition deteriorated. On "objectively: Crown 37 destroyed by 2/3, the second tooth mobility stupas enya, percussion it painless. Zone B Oral-lingual groove at level 36, 37 is determined by infiltration, mucous membrane over it hyperemic, edematous; palpation - fluctuation. Congestion of the mucous membrane extends to the anterior arch uplifts Binn. Zev is not changed. Formulate clinical diagnosis. A. * Abscess Oral and lingual groove left B. Acute odontogenic abscess alveolar process of the mandible on the left C. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis 37 D. Cellulitis wing jaw-cellular space left E. Pere and left tonzylyarnyy abscess 461. A man diagnosed abscess palate. What about SAG bom properly conduct an autopsy abscess? A. L & H and ynyy section in parallel Elne seam palate B. L & H and ynyy section perpendicular to the weld alloy th sky C. Vidsmoktu tion of pus with a syringe D. * Triangular section in the region of the hard palate E. Perform puncture the abscess 462. In the department of oral surgery enrolled patients with phlegmon of the tongue. Which online access to skryttya phlegmon the tongue? A. Intraoral incision B. Komirtsepodibnyy section C. Pidnyzhnoschelepovyy section D. * Mid develop different E. Incision near the angle of the mandible 463. In Male 40 years at 6 months after the removal of 26 was the connection between oral and maxillary sinuses, the first signs of sinusitis. What surgical treatment should be conducted? A. * Haymorotomiya with simultaneous grafting fistula B. Haymorotomiya on Kolduelu-Luc C. Closure of the fistula D. Tamponade fistula yodoformnoyu turundas E. Osteotomy of the alveolar process 464. The patient turned to a dental surgeon with complaints of fever up to 37,6 ° C, soft tissue swelling, pain in the tooth on the lower jaw on the left, which increases with dotorkuvanni tongue, or tooth-antagonist. On examination there is congestion and smoothing the folds of the alveolar process of the transition from the vestibular side of the area destroyed 36. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Acute serous periodontitis B. Chronic periodontitis in the acute stage C. * Acute suppurative odontogenic abscess D. Periodontal abscess E. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis 465. On radiographs of the alveolar process of the right maxilla in the region of the root apex 13 is celebrated enlightenment irregular shape with indistinct edges, reminiscent of "flames". For what disease is characterized by X-ray picture? A. Acute serous periodontitis B. * Chronic granulating periodontitis C. Acute suppurative periodontitis D. Chronic periodontitis fibrotic E. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis 466. A patient with a few days of pain were recorded at 36 tooth. To the doctor did not apply. Appeared the body temperature is 38.9 oC, weakness, swelling of tissues submaxillary area and cheeks, skin numbness of the lower lip and chin on the left. What kind of diseases can think of? A. Acute suppurative odontogenic abscess B. Acute suppurative periodontitis C. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis D. * Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis E. Acute suppurative lymphadenitis 467. '25 The patient must remove 26. Diagnosis: chrono cal fibrous periodontitis 26. Which tool should I have to delete? A. * Circling S-shaped law B. Forceps S-shaped left C. Bayonet forceps (bahnetopodibni) D. Circling direct root E. Direct elevator 468. Patient '39 three days ago was removed 47 then it deteriorated condition: the patient is pale, the body temperature is 38,1 ° C, the lower jaw left muftopodibno thick, soft fabric around her swollen, difficulty opening the mouth. Transitional fold of 48, 47, 46 swollen, hyperemic mucosa with 47 cells secreted pus, percussion 48, 46, 45 painful. In the area of the lower lip - paresthesia. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. * Acute osteomyelitis of the mandible body B. Cellulitis of submandibular triangle C. Acute abscess alveolar process D. Acute abscess of the jaw body E. Acute osteomyelitis of the alveolar process 469. Sick '24 turned complaining of severe pain and swelling in the submandibular triangle, which is enhanced when receiving spicy food. Visit Sun tanovlenyy diagnosed exacerbation of chronic calculous sialadenitu concrement localized in the middle of the salivary duct. What is the most efficient method of treatment in this case? A. Hysterectomy cancer B. Bouginage Strait C. * Autopsy duct and remove the stone D. Slynohenna diet E. Physical therapy means 470. A man must be removed before the tooth root 17 prosthesis. Crown 17 tooth broken below gum level. What tools for entariy need to apply? A. S-shaped forceps. Direct elevator. B. Straight forceps with ni and chkamy I ki zbihayutsya.Pryamyy elevator. C. S-shaped forceps to the right. Direct elevator. D. * Bayonet forceps. Direct elevator. E. Straight forceps with ni and chkamy that do not match. Direct elevator. 471. '42 The patient complains of pain in tooth 26, which increase with compression jaws, fatigue, weakness, fever up to 38.0 C, headache, feeling of pressure in the left half of the face. The left half of the nose and planted. OBJECTIVE: Facial asymmetry due to swelling of the soft tissues of the left pidochnoyi site. The mucous membrane of the left half of the nasal cavity hyperemic. Open your mouth free. The mucous membrane in the transition area at the crease 26 tooth hyperemic. Coronal destroyed in 26 2/3. Percussion sharply painful. What naybilish likely diagnosis? A. Acute suppurative periodont IT 26 B. * Acute odontogenic sinusitis. C. State of tryy purulent abscess 26. D. Odontoh MANN abscess pidochnoyi area E. Odontogenic acute lymphadenitis cheeks 472. The patient complains of '43 mobility 34, 36, 37 teeth, discharge of pus from holes 35 tooth removed. Half a month ago, made an autopsy on a transitional fold and 35 tooth removed. OBJECTIVE: on the left buccal area - dense soft tissue swelling. lymph nodes left submandibular area increased, slabobolyuchi. Mucosa alveolar process in the region of 34, 36, 37 teeth nabryaksha, bluish, color. For transitional fold - this hole with exploding granulation. Deleted in the hole 35 tooth - purulent granulation. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Chronicle Annual rarefikuyuchyy abscess B. Chronic osteomyelitis d and fuznyy C. Aggravation limitation periodontitis D. * AD onichnyy limitation osteomyelitis E. Chronic alveolitis 473. The patient complains of '49 th progressing difficulty opening the mouth, painful swallowing left, a sharp deterioration in general condition, fever to 39.3 C. The emergence of such a state prior to acute pain in the damaged tooth 38. OBJECTIVE: symmetrical face, the left submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged, painful on palpation. Palpation at the left angle of the mandible and the left pozaduschelepniy site causes a sharp pain. Open your mouth and left lateral movement greatly restricted. There is congestion and infiltration of the left wing of the jaw-fold. As th most likely diagnosis? A. * Cellulitis wing-jaw space B. Cellulitis pryhlotkovoho space C. F lehmona pozaduschelepnoyi area D. Flag on the submandibular space E. Ab stses jaw-language groove 474. Sick '48 was to remove the tooth 35 with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. Please provide the best method of peripheral regional anesthesia? A. Infiltration B. Pozarotovoyu mandibular C. Mental D. * Torusalna E. Pleksualna 475. The patient complains of '45 left cheek swelling, pain in the left lower jaw, fever to 37.6 C. Objective: asymmetrical face due to swelling of the left mandible and cheeks and submandibular dilyan k at the left. Open your mouth not at bmezhene, in re derivatives crease tight painful infiltration within 47, 46, 45 fluctuation. Crown 46 destroyed by 2/3. Percussion its painful. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Go Osteo stretch marks m iyelit mandible B. Acute gray znyy periostitis of the mandible C. * Acute d niynyy periostitis of the mandible D. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis E. Cellulitis submandibular space 476. The dental surgeon put the forceps cheeks on the crown of the tooth 17, which had a thin walls for closing the forceps appeared fractured crown. Used straight elevator, which introduced the vestibular side, focusing on tooth 16. At the same time there was a separation of the upper jaw hill with 17 and 18 teeth. What further tactics doctor? A. * Vidsharuvaty mucous oxide flap, remove the piece from the 17, 18 teeth and take in tightly mucosa. B. Produce tire-kapu on September hnyu jaw assign UHF. C. To carry out X-rays and EDI, capture 17, 18 teeth with tires. D. Refer the patient to Naru stationary for further treatment. E. Remove a piece of 17, 1 8 teeth and wound tampon. 477. Please remove 15 tooth. The crown of the tooth and maintained. What Instrument should be used? A. Bayonet forceps. B. * S-like forceps. C. Direct forceps. D. S-shaped forceps left. E. S-shaped forceps right. 478. Male 40 years had sought with complaints of swelling in the area of the left cheek, feeling a chill. During examination revealed facial asymmetry due to swelling in the region of the upper jaw to the left. Hill In the area of the left maxillary determined tight, painful infiltration. Dense infiltrate of skin, painful the fold is going. mouth barely opens. radiating pain in the head and eye. mouth in 27 tooth destroyed., for whom the disease is characterized by this clinic? A. Cellulitis temporal region. B. Cellulitis cheek. C. Reflux îíà Navier kolohlot Covo space. D. * Cellulitis pidskro Nebo and pterygopalatine fossa. E. Cellulitis kryloschelepnoho space 479. Sick '47, after unsuccessful treatment with a general practitioner dentist about chronic granulomatous periodontitis tooth 15, was to remove it. What type of forceps advisable to remove ati Use of this tooth? A. S-shaped law B. Direct, C. * S-like D. S-shaped left E. Mount 480. Patient, '57, asked the doctor to remove 34 teeth with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. What is your choice of tools f I remove this tooth? A. * Beak schyp those with cheeks that do not agree B. Beak pliers with cheeks converging C. Dzobopo the like forceps curved on a plane D. Direct elevator E. Side elevators 481. The patient, 30 years old, complains of swelling in pidpidboriddi, the constant sharp, throbbing pain that is localized in the area pidpidboriddya, body temperature 38.2 C. Sick 4 days. OBJECTIVE: Facial asymmetry observed by painful dense infiltrate pidpidb oridkovoyi section, flushed skin, tight, pleated overlooked tense. Open your mouth slightly limited. 42 The crown of the tooth is destroyed 2/3 of percussion 42 painful. Put diagnosis. A. * Odontogenic fle hmona pidpidb oridkovoyi area B. Abscess pidpidboridkovoyi area C. Acute serous lymph denit pidpidboridkovoyi area D. Chronic lymph denit pidpidboridkovoyi area E. Hot flexible and ynyy periostitis of the mandible 482. Patient, 42 years old, complains of pain in the left TMJ, which is enhanced by small movements of the mandible with irradiation of pain in the left temporal area. The pain was 3 days ago after hypothermia. body temperature is 37.4 C. OBJECTIVE: marked asymmetry of the face due to swelling of soft tissue in the left peredv shnoyi site. skin of color is not changed dramatically painful palpation. Mouth opening is limited, there is pain in the left TMJ, marked displacement of the lower left schele issues when opening the mouth. A. * Acute serous th left TMJ arthritis B. Gost ing suppurative arthritis left TMJ C. Am develop left TMJ D. Acute serous limfad enit left peredvushnoyi area E. Acute serous mumps 483. Patient K., '34 complains mobility 14 16 17, the allocation of manure removed from the hole 15. Half a month ago, made an autopsy on a transitional fold, deleted 15. Ob-no: pidochniy in the right area - a small swelling of the soft tissues. Nasal breathing freely. The mucous membrane of the alveolar ridge in the area of 14,16,17, bluish color, nabryaksha. For transitional fold - from exploding fistula granulation. With 15 holes of the removed tooth - purulent granulation. Which conditions are most likely Reply indicated andgives klynychna picture? A. Chronic osteomyelitis di fuznyy B. Zahos trennya limitation periodontium and that C. * Chronic osteomyelitis night restriction D. For chronic sinusitis hostrennya E. Chronic alveolitis 484. Patient '35 at mealtimes was a painful swelling in the right submandibular region. Radiologically - in the front third of the submandibular duct calculus ovoyidnoyi defined form size 3x7 mm. What further management and treatment of the patient to the doctor? A. Hysterectomy pi dnyzhnoschelepnoyi salivary gland B. * Removal of duct concrement right n idnyzhnoschelepnoyi Saliva gland C. Massage submandibular gland saliva for the purpose of discharge K onkrementa through the mouth I duct D. Massage submandibular salivary gland in conjunction with a course of antiinflammatory therapy E. After the purchase of inflammation in the gland extract and hold it rpatsiyu 485. Man '59 ska rzhytsya a painful swelling in the right-bilyavushniy area that was 5 days ago. 37,5-38 body temperature, 0 C; weakness. Faces by asymmetric swelling in the right di bilyavushniy Lyantse, painful palpation, the skin slightly flushed. From the original duct cancer slyunnoyi Saliva thick stands of manure in small quantities. What is the diagnosis? A. Mumps. B. Psevdoparotyt Hertsenberha C. Ical horseradish interstetsialnyy mumps. D. * Acute suppurative parotitis. E. A BS process right bilyavushnoyi site. 486. Patient D. 64 years, one month ago moved infarct infarction. In dental office him have treat pulpit 12. Select to anesthesia. A. Anesthetic with vasoconstrictor B. Premedication + anesthetic without vasoconstrictor C. * Drug training + anesthetics without vasoconstrictor D. Premedication + anesthetic with vasoconstrictor E. Drug training + anesthetics with vasoconstrictor 487. A patient diagnosed odontogenic abscess of the right submandibular area. Identify quick access to drainage infectious and inflammatory foci A. Autopsy length of 5 cm, which encircles the angle of the jaw. B. Dissection of the right hypoglossal area. C. Dissection along the edge of the jaw. D. * Autopsy in submaxillary area 2 cm. Below the edge of the jaw. E. Autopsy alveolar. 488. Patient Clinic dental surgery shows the removal of the tooth root 36. OBJECTIVE: crown 36 tooth missing, medial root vydaleno.Dystalnyy root is deep in the hole. Select a tool to remove the distal root of tooth 36. A. Elevator Leklyuza. B. Corner elevator "over" C. * Corner Elevator "by itself" D. Direct elevator E. Root beak pliers. 489. A man 45 years old, after suffering IPU December, suddenly fell ill 26 tooth. Destroyed his crown by 1/2. There was swelling of the surrounding soft tissues and tissue palate. Body of temperature rose to 38 C. In the days following these events grew. Appeared mobility and hnoyetecha zuboyasne with local pockets 25, 26, and 27 teeth. Deteriorated general condition. What is the diagnosis was possible in this case? A. Acute suppurative periodontitis. B. * Acute osteomyelitis of dontohenyy C. Chronic peri odontyt exacerbation. D. Acute abscess. E. Abscess of palate. 490. Patient Su tanovlenyy diagnosis - bilateral fracture of the mandible in the region of 45 and 35 tooth offset. The patient developed asphyxia. What type of asphyxia is most likely in this case? A. * Dislocation asphyxia B. Stenotic asphyxia C. Aspiration asphyxia D. Obstructive asphyxia E. Valvular asphyxia 491. A man must be removed before the tooth root 17 prosthesis. Crown 17 tooth broken below gum level. What tools need to be used? A. * Bayonet forceps. B. S-shaped forceps. C. Straight forceps with ni and chkamy that match. D. S-shaped forceps to the right. E. Straight forceps with ni and chkamy that do not match. 492. Male 40 years had sought complaining at puhlist in the area of the left cheek, limited mouth opening, hot flashes, lyhomannku. During examination revealed facial asymmetry due to swelling in the region of the upper jaw and left. Hill In the area of the left maxillary determined tight, painful infiltration . dense infiltrate of the skin, painful in the crease is going. The mouth opening is limited. Radiating pain in the head and eye. In the mouth 27 tooth destroyed by 2/3, Percussion its painful. For what disease characterized ing this clinic? A. Cellulitis temporal region. B. Cellulitis cheek. C. * Cellulitis pidskro Nebo and pterygopalatine fossa. D. Reflux îíà Navier kolohlot Covo space. E. Is not pidemichnyy mumps. 493. A man 20 years in the area of the right upper lip swelling is sharp and dense infiltration measuring 1.5 x 1.5 cm in the center of the infiltrate is pointed to and necrotic pKa. After removal of visible necrotic trunk. Fluctuations there. Diagnosis. A. Erysipelas. B. * Boil. C. Actinomycosis. D. Carbuncle. E. Atheroma. 494. Patient A., '30 asked the doctor to remove 26 teeth with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. Coro NCA 26 tooth destroyed by 1/3. Which curling can be used you to remove this tooth? A. * S-shaped spike on the left schichtsi B. S-like shape with her spike on the right schichtsi C. Straight Forceps D. Direct elevator E. S-shaped form with no spines 495. Patient P., 36, complained of pain in the left lower jaw, painful swallowing, mouth opening and zatrudnene, headache, and weakness. Feeling bad body temperature - 38 0 C. On examination: slight swelling at the left mandibular angle, skin color has not changed, deep palpation painful mouth opening and 1.5 cm 47 tooth shattered wing-fold jaw swollen, painful on palpation. Put diagnosis. A. * Flag Mona wing-jaw space. B. Bilyahlot ba abscess. C. Cellulitis podvoynyh area D. Cellulitis bubble plot E. Angina. 496. Patient B., 23 years appealed to the dentist complaining of pronounced limitation of mouth opening, pain in the throat radiating to the ear. Temperature of 37.9 C. OBJECTIVE: symmetrical face. On palpation in the region of the angle of the jaw on the inside marked a sharp pain. The mouth opens at 1 cm in the oral examination after blockade by Bershe oak revealed edema and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the wing-jaw folds palpable - painful infiltration. What is the diagnosis was possible in this case? A. Oral language Abstse with groove. B. * Flag Wing-jaw space. C. Cellulitis navkolohlotkovoho space. D. Paratonzylyarnyy abscess E. Abscess of jaw-language groove 497. Man '53 came in 3 days after removal of tooth 36. Sights On intraoral radiograph of tooth 36 observed the presence of medial root of tooth 36. I cue toolkit should opt to be removed medial root of tooth 36? A. The corner of the elevator itself and prominent beak pliers neshidni without thorns B. The corner of the elevator itself and dzo bovydni Eastern forceps without thorns C. Corner elevator over and prominent beak pliers neshidni without thorns D. * Corner elevator over and curling without dzobovydni eastern half Shih E. Corner elevator itself and by itself, beak pliers ovydni eastern thornless 498. '50 The patient was diagnosed with "Slynokam'yana disease localized in the thick stone submandibular salivary gland." Choose a treatment policy? A. * Remove tion of submandibular salivary gland B. Radial T erapiya C. Sclerotherapy D. I stone removal with preservation of cancer E. Medykamen tozne conservative treatment 499. The patient asked the doctor complaining of mobility 35 36 37 teeth, pain in this area when nakusuvanni, intermittent fever up to 37.5 C, general weakness, ill 2 months. OBJECTIVE: mobility 35 36 37 teeth of 2 degrees in the left submaxillary area - fistula with purulent discharge. Which of the disease in this patient? A. Migratory granuloma B. Cancer of the mandible C. Chronic granulating periodontitis night D. * Chronicle Annual odontogenic osteomyelitis E. Actinomycosis of the mandible 500. The patient, aged 56, applied to the dental surgeon to remove 27 teeth. What nebolyuvannya apply? A. Palatynal Fre, infraorbitalna anesthesia B. In filratsiyna, incisive anesthesia C. * Tuberalna and palatynalna anesthesia D. Mandibular anesthesia E. Torusalna anesthesia 501. Male 36 years, complains of diffuse sharp pain in the left TMJ radiating to the ear, headache, worsening of general condition, inability meals and limited mouth opening. OBJECTIVE: asymmetrical face due to swelling in the region of the left TMJ. The skin in this area and peremovana g. Pain increases with minimal movement of the mandible, palpation of the joint causing pain. Mouth opening is limited to 15-20 mm. What is the biggest sh likely diagnosis in this case? A. Subluxation of the mandible B. Acute suppurative parotitis C. Deforming arthrosis of the left TMJ D. * Acute left TMJ arthritis E. Myogenic osteoarthritis 502. Patient N., 30 years old, diagnosed with acute suppurative odontogenic abscess of the left upper schel epy, the cause of which is 23 tooth. Tooth crown 23 left destroyed by caries process. 1/3 22 and 24 teeth intact. On enlargement film marked the expansion of n eriodontalnoyi slit 23 tooth. Which treatment is advisable to in this case? A. Treatment of the causative tooth periostotom tion medication. B. * Periostotomiya medication with further im causal treatment of the tooth. C. Removing the causal tooth physiotherapy D. Removing the causal tooth medication E. Removing the causal tooth periostotomiya 503. Patient N., 24 years old, hospitalized in the department of maxillofacial surgery on traumatic complete dislocation and subluxation of teeth 11, 21, 22 teeth. Clinical examination and palpation and X-ray examination integrity 11, 21, 22 teeth and holes stored. 11 tooth completely dislocate with holes, 21, 22 teeth slightly shifted toward palate. What tactics should choose the treatment of dental surgeon? A. * 11 Endodontic treatment tooth replantation and fixation of 11, 21, 22 teeth smooth tire-guard. B. Removal of 11 teeth and fixing 21, 22 memory biv smooth rail clips C. 11 tooth replantation and fixing 11, 21, 22 teeth smooth rail clips D. Replantation, endodontic treatment of tooth 11 and lock 11, 21, 22 teeth smooth rail clips E. Re plantation and endodontic treatment of tooth 11. 504. Patient N., 39 years old, hospitalized in the department schele PNA-facial surgery on Prospect ypuhlosti and arching pain in the left submaxillary region. Swelling appeared after taking spicy foods. At clinical examination, palpation and X-ray examination diagnosed calculous submaxillary gland sialodenit stone localization in the anterior duct. What must choose the right tactics dental surgeon after removing the stone from the duct? A. Stitched wound along the section B. Wound along the section and take in its zdrenuvaty C. * The wound duct and not ushyvaty not wire enuvaty D. Provo eat plastic ductless E. Excretory duct and stitched wound 505. Patient '42 on the cheek mucosa available single tumor pale pink round shape on the stem diameter at 1.0 cm, not painful at palpation, soft-elastic consistency. The mucous membrane around the base of the legs is not changed. What method of verification of the diagnosis should be applied to the patient? A. Intsiziyna biopsy B. Puncture biopsy C. Trepanobiopsiya D. * Ekstsiziyna biopsy E. Aspiration biopsy 506. The patient complains of '46 periodic appearance of swelling in the right submaxillary area during meals, dry mouth. During bimanual palpation middle section to the right department pidyazykovoyi found moderately painful tight formation. From the mouth of the excretory ducts of submaxillary salivary gland secreted muco-purulent exudate. Yakerenthenolohichne study region eobhidno assign patient? A. * Rent Genographic floor of the mouth B. Panoramic radiography of the jaws C. Radiography noyi lower jaw in lateral projection D. Plain X-ray of the bones of the facial skull ohrafiya E. Aim X-ray graphy alveolar ridge 507. Patient K., 36, celebrates stiffness in the TMJ morning that zminshuyetsya twilight, both TMJ pain, swelling of the tissues around m'kyh other joints, the presence of subcutaneous nodes near the elbows. What are the likely diagnosis? A. * Rheumatoid arthritis joint. B. Acute arthritis joint. C. Infectious arthritis joint. D. Chronic TMJ arthritis. E. Osteoarthritis, Arthritis TMJ. 508. Patient B., 65 years SCHLH addressed to the department with complaints of swelling in the region of the angle of the mandible, pain and difficulty in swallowing, mouth opening limitation. From history we know that a week ago 48 tooth pain. Clinically: n abryak and redness of the soft tissues around the snout k-jaw gently fold half of the sky and bulging of the lateral wall of the pharynx, uvula declined the post. Add a class inichnyy diagnosis? A. Flag Mona wing-jaw space. B. Abscess of the tongue. C. * Cellulitis pharyngial space. D. Cellulitis pozaschelepnoyi site. E. Flag Mona submandibular area. 509. Patient K., 45 years revealed asymmetry face delimited by a dense infiltrate in the right buccal area, the skin on infiltration cyanotic, elegant, located in the center of infiltration fistula. In the mouth, the crown of the tooth is destroyed in 46 2/3, on a transitional fold palpable cord that connects the tooth with a fistula. Set the diagnosis? A. Chronic osteomyelitis of the mandible th B. Boil the buccal area C. * Migratory granuloma face D. Oh dontohennyy lymphadenitis E. Actinomycosis 510. Patient G., 19 years old can not open his mouth. Bird's face, open bite, distal. Palpation of the heads of TMJ mobility is not detected. Open your mouth to 0.3 cm Set preliminary diagnosis? A. * Bilateral ankylosis. B. Deforming arthrosis-arthritis. C. Unilateral arthrosis-arthritis. D. Contracture of the jaw. E. Acute arthritis. 511. Patient B, 40 years old, sitting in a forced position with head tilted back, mouth half open. Face zemlyanysto gray. In submandibular, pidpidboridnoyi areas and on the front of the neck tight painful infiltration, marked crepitus, skin over infiltr atom covered purple spots. Previous diagnosis Install? A. Abscess of the tongue. B. Cellulitis pidnyzhn oschelepnoyi site. C. * Cellulitis Zhansulya-Ludwig. D. FL ehmona pidpidboridnoyi site. E. Cellulitis neck. 512. Patient B, 40 years old, sitting in a forced position with head tilted back, mouth half open. Face zemlyanysto gray. In submandibular, pidpidboridnoyi areas and on the front of the neck tight painful infiltration, marked crepitus, skin infiltrate of purple covered with spots. During the casting head pain aggravated jugular hollow, there is frequent coughing, chest pain, exacerbated during the tapping heels. Set preliminary diagnosis? A. Abs process of the tongue, mediastinitis. B. Cellulitis neck. C. * Phlegmon and Zhansulya-Ludwig, mediastinit D. Cellulitis Zhansulya-Ludwig. E. Cellulitis neck mediastinit 513. Patient D., 24 years old the first time revealed the diagnosis: Slynokam'yana disease localized in the duct stone submandibular salivary gland. Choose the most reasonable treatment strategy? A. * Remove the stone. B. Removal of salivary glands. C. Operation marsupelizatsiya. D. Litotpsiya. E. Mekdykamentozne treatment 514. Patient B. '60 turned to the doctor complaining of difficulties and painful mouth opening, a significant limitation of speech and eating. In compiling the history was reported that sick for about a year, the condition slowly gets worse, medical help is not sought patient was treated independently, suffer from chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and chronic suppurative otitis media. On examination, marked limitation of mouth opening of 1 cm, a significant reduction of the articular head excursions of the mandible on the left. TMJ X-rays observed significant joint space narrowing, bone shadow layers between the articular surfaces of the left. Install a definitive diagnosis? A. Osteoarthritis, arthritis left TMJ B. * TMJ Ankylosis left C. Dysfunction of the left TMJ D. Pathological fracture of the articular processes of the lower jaw on the left E. Dislocation of the Lower Jaw 515. The patient complains of '50 pain in the a / ni case, increased body temperature 3 8.5 C, deterioration of general condition. Sick for 3 days. Ob-no: asymmetrical face due to swelling of the soft tissues of the right cheek, palpation painful, flushed skin. 16 The crown of the tooth is destroyed completely, percussion positive. Hyperemia and edema of the soft tissue of alveolar process in the region of 15, 16 and 17 teeth on the vestibular side. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. * Acute odontogenic abscess September hnoyi jaw in the area of tooth 16 B. Aggravation x 16 ronichnoho periodontitis tooth C. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the upper jaw. D. Acute sinusitis odont ohennyy right-handed. E. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis, and upper jaw. 516. A patient 42 years old, when examining Set ovleno was diagnosed with acute purulent abscess lower jaw 35 teeth. Which method of anesthesia most rational when you remove the 35 tooth abscess and opening nadkistnoho? A. * Torusalna anesthesia B. Anesthesia for Bershe C. Pleksualnaya anesthesia D. Infiltration anesthesia E. General anesthesia 517. An examination of the patient P. '31 The presence of perforating the bottom of the pulp chamber of the tooth 36, with a small watering m izhkorenevoyi partitions. Which of surgical techniques can be ikuvannya l ykorystaty to keep 36 and use as a prop prosthetic appliances? A. * Co ronaro radicular separation B. Amputation root C. Ge misektsiya Alaska D. Tooth replantation E. Plombuva ing perforation opened 518. In patients 52 years diahnostsirovana submandibular abscess area on the right. Indicate the most appropriate operative to stupas for autopsy phlegmon given location? A. A linear incision length of 2 cm, n at the lower edge of the mandible. B. Intraoral incision in the crease preho dnoy level molars C. * Lin iynyy cut length of 5 - 6 cm, departing from the edge of the lower jaw down to 2 cm. D. Cut a length of 5-6 cm, okaymlyayu Officer angle of the mandible E. Cut a length of 5-6 cm from the top of the neck fold 519. The patient, 32 years old, diagnosed with arthritis ronichnyy's left temporomandibular joint. What are the symptoms most hara kternym for this disease? A. * Crunch by movement of the mandible. B. Pain of varying intensity alone. C. Pain at enhancing etsya movements of the mandible. D. Pain that irrad iyuye in the ear, temple, neck. E. Off ushene position of the mandible. 520. Patient M. '42 complained of pain right half of the head, limit jaw movements, clicks, and periodichn zhuva flax and spasm muscles. OBJECTIVE: face is symmetric, open and restricted ing mouth. On palpation in the right temporomandibular joint mu marked crackling and crunching during movement and Mr. zhno her jaw. On examination, empty and mouth region and found defective dentition case II class at Kennedy. What dia gnosis Wie put the patient? A. * B olov dysfunction and right with kronevo-mandibular joint. B. Acute arthritis C. And osteoarthritis and sclerotic right ronevo SC-mandibular joint D. Contracture of the right temporomandibular with uhlobu E. Osyfikuyuchyy myositis 521. The patient is taken to the sanitary inspection clinics schele PNA-facial surgery on odontohennoy putrid - necrotic phlegmon floor of the mouth with the spread of inflammation to the area of the neck. General condition of the patient is difficult. Forced position (not lying). D yhannya difficult. Emozhlyvist H swallowing. Language slurred. Marked tissue edema nyzhnoh department at face floor of the mouth. Shki rni covering marble color, palpation - kripitatsiya. What type of asphalt ICSI threatening the life of the patient? A. Aspiratsionnaja B. * Stenotic C. Dislocation D. Valve E. Obstructive 522. The patient, a 22 year old complains of limited, al is painless mouth opening, which appeared in the fall of childhood rocked ing, difficulty in eating, a significant asymmetry of the face. On examination: a symmetrical face due to the flattening of the left-half of fabric left cheeks sunken, Human oruch rounded. Chin is shifted to the right. Identify subtle movements of the lower jaw in th dkryvanni mouth. Bite deep. Per edni teeth inclined vestibular spray. Determine the preliminary diagnosis. A. * TMJ Ankylosis right B. TMJ Ankylosis left C. Osteoarthritis turns onevo - mandibular joint D. Habitual dislocation of left turns onevo-mandibular joint E. Syndrome I - II gill arches 523. When removing a tooth root 25 over Rennes aggravation of chronic periodontitis in a patient S., 24 years old, the roots hit the maxillary sinus. What should be the doctor's tactics in this case? A. Cor innya not remove, take in the hole B. * The roots must be removed during the operation haymorotomiya in hospital C. The roots must be removed through a small hole D. Perform plugging holes E. The roots must be removed during the operation ha ymorotomiya in outpatient 524. Patient K. '51, Was admitted with complaints of swelling in the region of the left branch oyi Lower jaw, the presence of a fistula in the submandibular area, limited mouth opening. 3 months ago atypical of tooth 38 was removed. Islyaoperatsiynyy And in a period was in difficult ground suppurating wounds. Treatment was carried out regularly, medication started after 10-12 days. Fistula of the submandibular area was opened a month ago with his exploding granulation, mouth opening of 1.5 cm on the X-ray thinning of bone in the area of the hole and the angle of the mandible. Identify small fragments of bone festonchastymy edges. Blood test - Left shift, ESR - 20 mm / h. Put diagnosis. A. Odontogenic abscess pi dschelepnoyi and masseternoy sites B. Chronic suppurative lymphadenitis C. Actinomycosis of submandibular region D. * Osteoma Elit Odontogenic chronic mandibular E. Acute odontohen ing osteomyelitis of the mandible. 525. Patient G., 16, appealed to the dentist complaining of the presence of small painful swelling of parotid - chewing areas, dry mouth ty, high body temperature. The disease started 3 days ago. Objects vno: at lychchya is almost symmetric. Determined in parotid swelling - chewing areas, protruding ear lobes. Palpable pain is defined by three chky: in front of tragus ear to the top of the mastoid process, the e tenderloin district yzhnoyi jaw. Lyzova C shell holes around the excretory ducts of the salivary shad edematous, hyperemic. With transparent duct saliva secreted in Nez nachniy number. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Exacerbation of chronic interstitial tion of mumps B. Psevdoparot s t Hertsenberha C. Acute neepidemich us and mumps D. * Acute mumps E. Sialoz 526. A patient 34 years old, 24 tooth - agile, the mucous membrane in the region of 23, 24, 25, hyperemic, edematous, blows by both the vestibule and from the palatal side. These teeth are mobile, their percussion sharply painful. W ith radiographic study: in section 24 is defined by thinning bone tissue howl without clear boundaries of equal size 0,3 x0, 4 cm. What is your diagnosis? A. Acute periodontitis flexible iynyy 24 B. Acute suppurative maxillary periosteum um left 24 C. Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis 24 D. Acute odontogenic sinusitis ing manure left E. * Acute odontogenic maxillary oc teomiyelit left 527. Patient B., 49, turned to a dental surgeon for the purpose of rehabilitation. Okazano P removal of 16 teeth. From history - tooth previously treated, destroyed over 4 years. OBJECTIVE: crown 16 destroyed more than 2/3, mucosa without lesions. What A necessary tool dnyy to delete this tooth? A. * B ahnetopodibn and curling root B. S - like (right) forceps C. Direct elevator D. S - like forceps, with cheeks converging E. B AGN etopodibn and curling crowns 528. On examination, the patient is dense, slightly painful infiltration in the region of the angle of the jaw. Cyanotic skin in the crease does not take me. Mouth opening 1.5-2cm. Pear-shaped in section fistula with purulent discharge holes. During bimanual palpation of the second mandibular mobility of fragments in the region of the angle of the mandible and. In the history of trauma mandible about 1 month ago. Put diagnosis. A. * Post-traumatic osteomyelitis B. Actinomycosis C. D ematoma bubble plot that flesh was rotting D. Fracture of lower back lepy E. Fracture of mandible complicated seminated th th nahno HS oyusya hematoma 529. Man '60 turned complaining of dull aching to oil, crunch to the right TMJ, hearing loss, feeling of fullness in the right ear. In the mouth a partial secondary aedentia. X-rays TMJ: articular gap and close to a straight line, sometimes dramatically narrowed the depth of the articular pits ing reduced articular tubercle ground leveled, the joint surfaces inkonh urentni. Put diagnosis. A. Chronic TMJ arthritis B. * TMJ Osteoarthritis C. Acute TMJ arthritis D. TMJ Pain E. Became more relevant heals chronic TMJ arthritis 530. Patient B., 43 years complaining about the presence of purulent fistulas m allocation in the mouth and submandibular area on the right. OBJECTIVE: Facial asymmetry due to inflammatory swelling of the lower parts of the cheeks and submandibular area on the right. In the submandibular area and the second in the mucosa of the alveolar process of the mandible on the right fistula with purulent discharge. On radiographs: between 45.46 fracture line in the second as defined shadows sequestration diff first magnitude. Put diagnosis. A. Ab stses right submandibular area B. Acute posttravmaty cal osteomyelitis of the mandible C. * Chronic posttravmaty cal osteomyelitis of the mandible D. Suppuration bone wound E. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible 531. F inca 51, addressed to the dentist complaining of mild pain in the left ear tragus area that guilt arise after hypothermia or long conversations crunch in TMJ. Ill for about 3 years. OBJECTIVE: face not symmetric. Skin the color does not change. Open your mouth is not limited. H and left TMJ radiograph defined areas zvuzhe ing joint space, pockets of osteoporosis and destruction of the articular head and suhl required holes. Put diagnosis. A. Acute post-traumatic arthritis left C NSCHS B. * Chronic arthritis left TMJ C. TMJ Osteoarthritis left D. Trigeminal neuralgia left E. TMJ Pain 532. Livestock V., 30, 4 days after treatment with animal skin pointed chin appearance of skin damaged during shaving, violet-red and blisters filled with th dark liquid. During our two days tupnyh grew swelling of surrounding tissue, blister covered with dark scab th. The patient's condition deteriorated, the temperature 38,8-39,2 S. Add a possible diagnosis. A. * C and emerald forest ovyrazkovyy face B. Fours in nkul face C. Carbuncle face D. Gangrenous form n and ki face E. Hranulomatoz Wegener 533. The patient was scheduled surgery - a radical grove morotomiya on Kalduel - Luc under local anesthesia. What method of anesthesia is most effective in such operations uu: A. * Tuberalna, infraorbital on, palatynalna Application B. Pleksualna, palatynalna, intsiz yvna C. And nfraorbitaln but ints and J ext but palatynalna D. Tuberalna, infraorbitalna, and incidents of BH and E. Tuberalna and palatynalna, Application 534. Patient, 68 years old, is in surgically th department 3 days after her operation produced about stomach ulcers, ska rzhytsya to swelling and pain in the parotid second section on the right. OBJECTIVE: flushed skin over the swelling in color, not going to fold. Palpation in the region of the parotid gland sharply painful form of duct lyayetsya manure. Enter the diagnosis A. Parotitis B. * Acute necrotizing and suppurative parotitis C. C ialodohit D. Exacerbation of chronic parenchymatous parotitis th E. Tion exacerbate interstitial mumps 535. The patient complains of '30 Rizk constant pain pulsating nature of ground in the area of the left maxilla, irradiyuyuchyy in the ear, temple, increasing the horizontal position and closing the teeth, insomnia, malaise generally lne. Ill three days, all phenomena are increasing. Kleene chno: 26 deep tooth cavity, percussion painful. The tooth is mobile. Mucosa at lap around the tooth edematous, hyperemic, transitional fold of vestibular side is flat, palpa Thorn - infiltrate with indistinct contours, p izko painful. Put diagnosis A. * Acute purulent abscess alveolar process of the jaw hnoyi September 26 in the area of the tooth. B. Acute osteomyelitis of the alveolar process of the jaw hnoyi September 26 in the area of the tooth. C. Acute serous abscess alveolar process of the jaw hnoyi September 26 in the area of the tooth. D. Acute periodontitis 26 of the UCA. E. Acute pulpitis 26 tooth. 536. Patient K., 37 years old, complained of pain in the tooth s and the presence of swelling in the region of the left mandible. 3 days ago was a white b 46, and then began to ache all the teeth on the lower jaw to the left. The body temperature of 38.8 C. OBJECTIVE: crown destroyed 46 1/2, its painful percussion, percussion 43, 44, 45, 47 just as painful. Transition folds on both sides of the alveolar process and the NF and ltrovana, painful. In the X-ray determined expand yrennya periodontal gap in the area of root apexes 46. As th most likely diagnosis? A. * Acute odontohen ing osteomyelitis of the mandible. B. Nahno her HS Asya cyst in the region of tooth 46 C. Acute odontogenic abscess alveoli reflex process of the mandible. D. Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis tooth 46 E. Osteosarcoma of the mandible. 537. The patient is 35 years old, hospitalized in the jaw - Do ts f ve department with complaints of mobility 38 37 36 teeth in the presence of fistulous Hod wells in the area of the removed tooth 35. Ill for more than three months. When you enter a fluted th probe through the fistula, and palpable nude, rough and areas of bone and easily displaced when pressed. On radiographs of the mandible is determined by the source of destruction of bone, which is located in the center area of compacted bone 0,5 x0, 3 cm. Diagnosis Place A. Acute osteomyelitis B. Became more relevant heals chronic osteomyelitis C. * Chronic osteomyelitis D. Chronic perios Titus E. Actinomycosis 538. The patient complains of '60 raising the temperature to 37,8 -38,2 ° C, general weakness. A week ago, in the right parotid - Chewing second area was increasing swelling. Ill the first time. OBJECTIVE: asymmetrical face due to swelling in the right second parotid - chewing area. The skin over the swelling flushed, palp TION painful. When massaging pref ushnoyi ductless glands and thick saliva secreted in small quantities with the bag of manure. Put diagnosis. A. Parotitis B. Mumps Hertsenberha C. Right parotid abscess - chewed tion region D. * Acute suppurative parotitis E. Chronic parotitis 539. Patient, 18 years old, complained of pain and swelling of the soft tissues in the mandible right, raising the temperature to 39.3 C fever. Percussion 46 45 47 teeth sharply painful tooth crown 46 destroyed mucosa defense column was alveolar process in the region of these teeth edematous, hyperemic on both sides, sharply painful on palpation. Symptom Vincent positive. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Acute suppurative periostitis B. Heal chronic periodontitis became more relevant C. * D Island odontogenic osteomyelitis D. Acute suppurative periodont IT E. Acute suppurative lymphadenitis 540. The patient complains of '42 a sharp pain in the right TMJ tural. The movements of the mandible are limited. Three days ago, the patient received May VMU (during the fall chin hit a solid object). But Lens: Face is symmetric, bite ortohnat ychnyy, tearing his mouth is limited to 2 cm on the contours of the bone structures tomograms suh frontal surface is smooth, smooth. Availability incidence ing which the patient can assume? A. * Acute post-traumatic arthritis, TMJ th B. Rheumatoid Arthritis TMJ C. Muscle dysfunction syndrome D. Deforming ar troz TMJ E. TMJ Ankylosis 541. Female 54 years old, appealed to the dentist complaining of mild pain in the region of the left ear tragus arising after hypothermia or long conversations crunch in TMJ. Ill for about 10 months. OBJECTIVE: face symmetrical. Skin the color does not change. Open your mouth is not limited. On the left TMJ radiograph defined areas of joint space narrowing, pockets of osteoporosis and destruction of the articular head and suhl required holes. Put diagnosis. A. * Chronic arthritis left TMJ B. Acute post-traumatic arthritis left TMJ C. TMJ Osteoarthritis left D. Not vralhiya left trigeminal nerve E. TMJ Pain 542. Patients showed removal of 46 teeth. The crown of the tooth is preserved, open mouth free. Select the method of anesthesia and tools: A. Torusalna anesthesia; straight and corner elevator; beak pliers with cheeks converging B. Mandibular anesthesia, straight and corner elevator C. * Torusalna anesthesia beak pliers with spines on the cheeks D. Anesthesia for Bershe-oak, corner and direct elevator E. Jaw and mandibular anesthesia; elevator straight, bent on a plane beak pliers 543. Patient aged 25 years indicated removal of tooth 26. Diagnosed chronic fibrotic periodontitis tooth 26. Coronal saved. Which tool should be used to be to remove this tooth: A. Forceps S-shaped law B. * Circling S-shaped left C. Bayonet forceps (bahnetopodibni) D. Circling direct root E. Direct elevator 544. The patient after removal of tooth 37 appeared alveolar hemorrhage. Identify the most effective method in this case, hemostasis: A. Tamponade cell yodoformnym swab B. Recycling floor and walls of the cell potassium permanganate crystals C. * Local hemostatic tamponade cell preparations D. Overall haemostatic therapy E. Treatment of the cells with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. 545. A patient aged 44 years at the time of tooth extraction took place cast his crown part. During further manipulation using the elevator, remove any tooth forceps failed. Manipulations should make the surgeon to successfully remove residual tooth: A. * Disconnect the roots using a drill and fisurnoho boron B. Apply corner elevator C. H apravyty patient to hospital D. Complete removal of pi During their visits to other E. Apply elevator Leklyuza 546. A patient diagnosed with pericoronitis of tooth 38, a slight limitation of mouth opening. Select the appropriate tools for anesthesia and tooth extraction: A. Torusalna aneste Zia, straight and corner elevator B. * Torusalna anesthesia, direct elevator, forceps, curved in plane schyni C. Mandibular anesthesia, direct elevator D. Anesthesia for Bershe oak m, direct elevator, horizontal or forceps E. Mandibular anesthesia, dzobop odibni forceps with spikes on the cheeks 547. A woman aged '49 addressed the dental surgeon to remove 17 teeth diagnosed exacerbation of chronic granulomatous periodontitis tooth 17. Select a tool to remove: A. * S-like curling right B. Bahnetopodibni root forceps C. Bahnetopodibni crowns forceps D. S-shaped left forceps E. Direct forceps. 548. Patient age '45 asked the doctor to remove 13 teeth. Select a tool to remove the tooth: A. S-shaped forceps B. S-shaped curling right C. Bahnetopodibni forceps D. Direct elevator E. * Direct forceps. 549. The dental surgeon put the forceps cheeks on the crown of the tooth 17, which had a thin walls for closing the forceps appeared fractured crown. Used direct elevator with vestibular introduced by focusing on tooth 16. At the same time there was a separation of tubercle of the upper jaw with 17 and 18 teeth. What further tactics doctor: A. * Vidsharuvaty mucous oxide flap, remove the piece from the 17, 18 teeth and take in the mucosa B. Produce tire-mouthguard in the upper jaw, assign UHF C. To carry out X-rays and electroodontodiagnosis fix teeth with 17.18 tires D. Process mouth antiseptics and wait for wound healing E. Remove a piece of 17, 18 teeth and wound tampon? 550. Patients aged 43 years shows a surgery to remove the tooth June 1. Select tricks tooth extraction forceps, which you want to apply for the removal of 16 teeth: A. Overlay, promotion, closing, lyuksatsiya, rotation, traction B. Overlay, promotion, zmy Cannes vyhytuvannya outward and inward traction C. Overlay, closing, vyhy ing inward and outward traction D. Overlay, promotion, you hytuvannya inside and nazov No traction E. * Overlay, promotion, zmy Cannes vyhytuvannya inward and outward traction. 551. Patients aged 33 years applied to the dental clinic for the purpose of rehabilitation. According to the testimony he needed to remove 37 of the UB. Choose a tooth extraction forceps techniques that should be used when removing the 37 tooth: A. Overlay, promotion, you hytuvannya inside and nazov No traction B. Overlay, promotion, zmy Cannes vyhytuvannya outward and inward traction C. Overlay, closing, vyhy ing inward and outward traction D. Overlay, promotion, zmy Cannes vyhytuvannya inward and outward traction E. * Overlay, promotion, zmy Cannes lyuksatsiya, rotation, traction. 552. Dental surgeon at remove 38 teeth tion is used Leklyuza elevator. Once cheek elevator was put between 37 and 38 teeth and carried attempt to dislocate 38 tooth, there malocclusion. What is the most likely problem may occur: A. Fracture of alveolar fishery Country of mandible B. * Fracture of mandible in di Lyantse angle C. Part 37 tooth dislocation D. Anterior dislocation of the lower back lepy E. Posterior dislocation of the mandible? 553. Patients showed removal of 46 teeth. The crown of the tooth is preserved, open mouth free. Select the method of anesthesia and tools: A. Mandibular and cheek anes tag; elevator straight, bend those on the plane beak pliers B. Mandibular anesthesia, direct myy and corner elevator, beak pliers with cheeks converging C. Torusalna anesthesia; straight and corner elevator; beak pliers with cheeks converging D. Anesthesia for Bershe-oak, corner and direct elevator E. * Torusalna anesthesia beak pliers with spines on the cheeks. 554. Patient aged 25 years to 26 to remove the tooth. Which tool should I have to remove: A. Forceps S-shaped law B. * Circling S-shaped left C. Bayonet forceps (bahnetopod ibni) D. Circling direct root E. Direct elevator? 555. The patient was to receive 2 days after removal of tooth 37. In the area of tooth 37 cells observed inflammation (pain, soft tissue swelling, redness of the mucous membrane, increasing pain, and regional lymph nodes). On radiographs in the lateral projection celebrated piece of the root of the tooth in a cell that was removed. Did shown in term surgery to remove the fragment root: A. Unnecessary surgical intervention supply as a fragment correlation of illegally vyshtovhnetsya granulation tissue B. After 7-10 days for vidsutnos those of inflammation C. * Chip which must be removed ha faster D. After 2 months, when there Ulam Country considerably atrophied bone E. Conduct atypical root removal under the drug together? 556. After 3 h after removal of tooth 45, the patient began bleeding from the cell. During the review revealed a gap in the area of gum tissue cells 45 tooth that goes to the mucous membrane of the cheeks. What is the doctor's tactics in this case: A. Tamponade cell catgut B. * Iodoform tamponade Cell tion turundas C. Zdavlyuvalna dressing and parenteral teralne input aminokapro new acid D. Suturing and cell sores cheeks E. Tamponade cells and wound swab with aminocaproic acid? 557. Patients showed removal of 46 teeth. The crown of the tooth is preserved, open mouth free. Select the best method of conductor zne bolennya and tools: A. * Mandibular and cheek anes tag; Direct elevator, dzo-bopodibni forceps with spines on the cheeks B. Anesthesia for Bershe-oak, corner and straight elevator C. Mandibular anesthesia, direct myy corner and elevator; beak pliers with cheeks converging D. Torusalna anesthesia beak like forceps E. Torusalna anesthesia; straight and corner elevator: dzobopo the like forceps with cheeks converging. 558. A woman aged '56 addressed the dental surgeon to remove the 17 tooth. Select the necessary tools to remove the 17 tooth: A. * S-shaped curling right B. Bahnetopodibni root forceps C. Straight Forceps D. S-shaped forceps E. Bug netopodibni crowns forceps. 559. Boy aged 6 years dental therapist sent to surgical removal of 51 hectares for the tooth on its physiological motion. Which tools should be used in this case: A. Forceps, curved in the plane B. * Direct elevator C. Corner elevator D. Straight Forceps E. Beak pliers to cheek we not agree? 560. Male aged '28 addressed the dental surgeon to remove the 38 tooth. What should I use forceps to remove the 38 tooth: A. Beak with cheeks that do not agree B. * Beak. bent on plane schyni C. Beak with cheeks that converge D. Rostral to the types of E. Mount the root? 561. Patient age '35 Mr. uvsya Appeals for the removal of tooth 14 with exacerbation of chronic periodical don t ytu ineffective after a therapeutic treatment. Select the necessary tools to remove the 14 tooth: A. S-shaped curling right B. Ledum etopodibni crowns forceps C. * S-like forceps D. Straight Forceps E. Bagh district etopodibni root forceps. 562. Patient age '48 complains of persistent pain in the tooth 28. Sick 3 days. 28 The crown of the tooth is destroyed. Select forceps, with which you can remove the tooth root 28: A. Forceps for eight upper teeth B. Beak pliers C. Straight Forceps D. S-shaped forceps E. * Bayonet forceps 563. Patients aged 42 years appealed to the clinic dental surgery to remove the tooth in the upper jaw. Patients showed 25 tooth removal under local anesthesia. Where should the doctor be in relation to the patient during removal of the tooth: A. Ahead and to the left of the patient B. Ahead of the patient C. * Ahead and to the right of the patient D. Behind and to the right of the patient E. Behind and to the left of th patient 564. When removing the 17 tooth distal buccal root chipped and left in the cell. Select a tool to remove abandoned root: A. Corner elevators B. Direct forceps, direct elevator C. S-shaped forceps, straight element vator D. Beak pliers, angled elevator E. * Opodibni Bayonet forceps, direct elevator 565. Patients showed removal of 46 teeth. Where should a doctor be present during the removal of the tooth: A. Ahead and to the left of the patient B. And left behind by the patient C. * The case and back on the patient D. Ahead and to the right of the patient E. Behind and in the center of the patient 566. The man turned to the clinic on the removal of 17 teeth. When tooth extraction is one of the roots hit the maxillary sinus. What is the doctor's tactics in this situation: A. Do not start any action B. * X-ray screening and referral HVO roho to hospital C. Removing the root through perforated ratsiynyy hole formed D. The operation haymorotomiyi E. Houches yvannya cells removed first tooth 567. A man must remove the root of the tooth 17 to the prosthesis. Crown 17 tooth broken below the gumline. What tools are not necessary to use: A. S-shaped curling right side. Direct elevator B. * S-like forceps. Direct ele vator C. Straight forceps with cheeks that converge. Direct elevator D. Bayonet forceps. Direct ele vator E. Straight forceps with cheeks as not converge. Direct elevator 568. Please remove tooth 15. The crown of the tooth is preserved. Which tool should be used: A. Bayonet forceps B. Straight Forceps C. * S-shaped forceps D. S-shaped forceps left E. S-shaped forceps rights and 569. Patient aged 30 turned to the clinic on the removal of tooth 16. While there was a gap tooth extraction alveolar ridge mucosa, accompanied by significant bleeding. Please indicate the best way to stop bleeding in this case: A. Hemostatic tamponade lips Coy B. Longing gauze tamponade there ponom C. * Suturing wounds D. Tamponade gauze pad with aminocaproic acid E. Parenteral administration step vospynnyh means. 570. A man aged 25 turned to the clinic on the removal of 18 tooth crown which is destroyed by 1/2. Tooth has repeatedly medi Ali. When removing a tooth held the lead for the hill maxilla. What actions are right here: A. * Wreck removal and ushyvan of wounds B. Trying to put a piece into place C. Setting fragment on staree place and fix it D. Wreck removal E. Wreck removal and tampons ing wounds? 571. PATIENTS '47 14 tooth must be removed, coronal tooth preserved. Select tool, identify the stages of removal: A. * S-shaped forceps, blending, promotion, closing, suite-tion in the buccal, palatal for ing, traction B. Direct forceps, blending of vote, closing, rotation, traction C. Direct elevator, blending closure, lyuksatsiya in pidnebin tion and buccal sides, traction D. S-shaped forceps, blending closure, lyuksatsiya in pidnebin tion and buccal sides, traction E. S-shaped forceps with spikes on kladannya, promotion, zmykan tion, lyuksatsiya in cheek and under nebinnyy sides traction. 572. To the doctor asked the patient is complaining of intermittent pain in the mandibular angle and difficulty opening the mouth. Showing 38 tooth removal. Select forceps, which you want to spend 38 tooth removal: A. Bayonet B. Beak with cheeks that do not agree C. Beak with cheeks that converge D. Beak spiked at cheeks E. * Bent on the plane. 573. Patient aged 70 complains of tooth mobility 21. Tooth previously treated. 21 tooth rolling (II degree), bare root of 1/2. Which tool should be used to remove the 21 tooth: A. Bahnetopodibni forceps B. S-shaped forceps C. * Direct forceps D. Direct elevator E. Beak pliers? 574. A man must remove the root of the tooth 17 to the prosthesis. Crown 17 tooth broken below the gumline. What tools must be applied: A. S-shaped forceps B. * Bayonet forceps C. Straight forceps with cheeks that converge D. S-shaped curling right side E. Straight forceps with cheeks that do not agree? 575. On examination, her husband was diagnosed with acute odontogenic sinusitis. The source of the disease - 15 tooth that needs to be removed. The crown of the tooth is preserved. What tools necessary application wool: A. Bayonet forceps B. Straight forceps with cheeks that do not agree C. * S-like forceps D. Straight forceps with cheeks that converge E. S-shaped forceps right? 576. To the doctor asked the man for the purpose of dental health. After inspecting and carrying out clinical examination revealed that 31 tooth must be removed, the root of which is exposed at 1/2, the mobility of III degree. Select forceps, which you want to spend 31 tooth removal: A. Beak with cheeks that converge B. * Beak with cheeks that not converge C. Beak with spikes on the cheeks D. Bent on a plane E. Bayonet. 577. When removing the 47 tooth fracture occurred distal tooth root at 1/2 its length. Which tool should choose to remove the root: A. * Corner elevator "over" B. Beak pliers to cheek We who do not agree C. Beak with cheek soup ptsi we are converging. D. Corner Elevator "by itself" E. Direct elevator 578. Patient age in '47 after ineffective treatment in a dental therapist chronic granulomatous periodontitis tooth 15 was to remove it. What type of forceps used advisable to remove this tooth: A. Direct B. S-shaped law C. * S-like D. S-shaped left E. Bayonet 579. Patient age in '38 after ineffective treatment of tooth 26 on chronic granulomatous periodontitis turned to the doctor for removal of the tooth. In which way the first time and which movements should vyvyhuvaty tooth: A. Rotational motion B. In the buccal side mayatnykopodib them and rotary movements C. In the buccal side mayatnykopodib their movements D. In the palatal side of the pendulum to the like and rotary movements E. * In the palate and side mayatnykopo the like movements 580. Male aged '48 zvernuvsyado dental surgeon about the removal of the tooth root 37. What tools necessary ing used: A. Bahnetopodibni forceps B. * Beak pliers to cheek We and spikes that do not converge C. S-shaped forceps D. Beak pliers to cheek We converging E. Dzobopo the like pliers, bent on a plane 581. A patient aged 20 years had sought to dental surgeon to remove the roots of the tooth 47. Concomitant diseases - hemophilia. In some circumstances it is necessary to remove 47 teeth: A. In a hospital with doope-ratsiynoyu training B. In languages in hospital C. Conditions do not matter D. In the outpatient setting E. * In terms of hematological hundred tsionaru with preoperative under preparation and postoperative observation 582. Patient aged 30 turned the doctor to remove 26 teeth with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. 26 The crown of the tooth is destroyed. Select forceps to remove this tooth: A. S-shaped without thorns B. * S-like spike on the right schichtsi C. Straight Forceps D. Bahnetopodibni forceps E. S-shaped spike on the left si chtsi 583. A patient of 26 years had sought medical attention for removal of tooth 24 with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. 24 The crown of the tooth is not destroyed. Select a tool to remove the tooth: A. Straight Forceps B. * S-like spike on the left schichtsi C. S-shaped with a spike on the right schichtsi D. S-shaped without thorns E. Direct elevator. 584. 54. Patients aged '57 asked the doctor to remove 34 teeth with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. Select the arias for the removal of the tooth: A. * Beak schyp with these cheeks we not agree B. Beak pliers to cheek We converging C. Beak pliers, bent on a plane D. Direct elevator E. Lateral Elevators 585. Patient age in '37 was removed medial root of the tooth 36 and the distal root of the tooth broke in the middle third. What tools should be used to remove root: A. Direct elevator B. The elevator at an angle to the left C. * The elevator at an angle to the right D. Beak pliers that do not agree E. Beak forceps, vaults dyatsya? 586. Patients showed removal of 38 teeth. The doctor is in front and to the left of the patient puts on the crown 38 tooth forceps, curved in the plane, and after lyuksatsiynyh movements holds traction teeth. At the same time there was a complication - the gap Band mucosa forms of language side. What is the cause of the symptoms: A. We had to hold the mouth tional movements B. Improper lyuksatsiyni movements C. Improper stages overlap and fixation forceps D. No stage fixation forceps E. * Improper blending stages, promotion and financing ksatsiyi forceps? 587. Patients showed removal of the tooth root 36. OBJECTIVE: crown 36 tooth missing, medial root is removed. The distal root located deep within the cell. Select a tool to remove the distal root of tooth 36: A. Beak root forceps B. Elevator Leklyuza C. Corner elevator "over" D. Direct elevator E. * Corner Elevator "by themselves." 588. Patient age '45 asked to remove 13 teeth. What tools should be used to remove the 13 tooth: A. * Straight Forceps B. B. S-shaped curling right C. Bahnetopodibni forceps D. Direct elevator E. S-shaped forceps? 589. A woman aged '49 appealed to hiru rha dentist to remove the tooth 17. Diagnosed exacerbation of chronic granuloma-toznoho periodontitis tooth 17. Select a tool to remove the 17 tooth: A. * S-shaped curling right B. Bahnetopodibni root forceps C. Bahnetopodibni crowns forceps D. S-shaped left forceps E. Direct forceps. 590. A woman aged '56 addressed the dental surgeon to remove the 17 tooth. Select forceps to remove the 17 tooth: A. 5-like B. * Bahnetopodibni root C. Direct D. S-shaped law E. Bahnetopodibni crown. 591. A boy aged 6 years aimed dental therapist to remove the tooth 51 on physiological motion. Which tool should be used in this case: A. * Straight Forceps B. Direct elevator C. Corner elevator D. Forceps, curved in the plane E. Beak pliers with cheeks that do not agree? 592. Patients aged 49 years pleksualnoyu anesthesia with vasoconstrictor Articaine removed tooth on the upper jaw. After the opera ted cell does not overflow step fade clot. How can I prevent the occurrence of alveolitis in patients: A. Rinse the cell solution mikrotsydu B. Fill the cell hemostatic sponge C. * Loosely fill the cell yodoformnym swab D. Wash with a solution of 0.1% cell Mr. chlorhexidine E. Fill the cell antibiotic powder? 593. Patients aged 24 years I will set las dentist with complaints gamut of pain in the tooth 26. After physical examination diagnosed exacerbation of chronic periodontitis tooth 26. When you delete a hosted coronal tooth fracture. During the subsequent manipulation using bahnetopodibnyh forceps to remove the tooth root failed. Manipulation should be a surgeon to remove the tooth root: A. Apply elevator Leklyuza B. Refer the patient to a stationary Naru C. * Disconnect the roots by means of a drill and hoyu fisurnoho boron D. I Finished removing the tooth on foot visiting E. Apply corner elevator 594. Male aged '28 Mr. Appeals uvsya to a dental surgeon to remove the 38 tooth. What forceps should you take for tooth extraction: A. * Beak pliers, bent on a plane B. Beak with cheek schyp these we not agree C. Beak with cheek soup ptsi we converging D. Beak pliers with spikes E. Bayonet forceps root 595. Patient age '48 complains of persistent pain in the tooth 28. Sick 3 days. Crown 28 tooth destroyed. What tools should be used to remove the tooth root 28: A. Straight Forceps B. Beak pliers C. * Bayonet forceps D. S-shaped forceps E. Forceps for eight upper teeth? 596. A man must remove the root of the tooth 17 to the prosthesis. Crown 17 tooth broken below the gumline. What tools must be applied: A. S-shaped forceps, straight ele vator B. * Bayonet forceps, straight ele vator C. Straight forceps with cheeks that converge, direct elevator D. S-shaped curling right side, direct elevator E. Straight forceps with cheeks that do not converge, direct eleva tor? 597. When removing the 17 tooth distal buccal root chipped and left in the cell. Select a tool to remove abandoned root: A. Beak pliers, angled elevator B. Direct forceps, direct elevator C. S-shaped forceps, straight ele vator D. * Bahnetopodibni forceps, direct elevator E. Corner elevators. 598. Patients showed removal of 36 teeth. Where should be the doctor: A. Behind and in the center of the patient B. And left behind by the patient C. Front and left side of the patient D. * Front and right side of the patient E. Case and slightly back from the PA to patients? 599. Patient, 56 years appealed with complaints of general weakness, fever up to 37.5 37.80 C, swelling, severe pain in the region of the mandible during cancer. Pain increases with meals. Put diagnosis A. Disease Mikulich. B. Huzhera Syndrome - Sjogren. C. * Slynokam'yana disease. D. Chronic sialoadenit. E. There is no correct answer. 600. The patient is first admitted with a painless increase in both parotid, and submandibular salivary glands. The exterior of the patient recalls a picture of mumps. What will be discovered disease? A. * Disease Mikulich. B. Hereford syndrome. C. Mehastenoz. D. Correct answer, b. E. There is no correct answer. 601. Patient T. observed dry eyes, mouth, nose, breach secretion function of glands and digestive system. Patients concerned about cutting the feeling of sand in the eyes, diagnosed with Sjogren's syndrome-Huzhera. Treatment methods: A. Salivation. B. Stimulation of secretion of salivary glands. C. Restorative therapy. D. Treatment medications, vitamins E. * All answers are correct. 602. Patient T, 35 appealed to the doctor complaining of constant dryness in the mouth and conjunctiva. On examination spostekrihayemo swelling in the parotid region, the mucous membrane of the mouth is dry. From history we know that the patient T. 3 years suffering from arthritis. What is the diagnosis was possible: A. Hereford syndrome. B. * Huzhera syndrome, Sjogren-Houvera. C. AOP syndrome. D. Disease Mikulich. E. Slynokam'yana disease 603. Patient A., 50 years appealed to the doctor complaining of pain in swallowing, shortness meal on a background of increased pain, dry mouth. On examination, the mucous membrane is swollen, hyperemic. In the area under the mandibular infiltration palkuyetsya round. Bimanual found tight painful cord. Put diagnosis. A. Slynokam'yana disease. B. Sjogren's disease. Disease Mikulich. C. * Inflammation of the mandible during cancer. D. Tumors of salivary glands (submandibular). 604. Patient '55 go to the doctor complaining of a sharp pain when swallowing, dry mouth, headaches, worse during meals. OBJECTIVE: noticeable asymmetry during mandibular areas and the bottom half of the mouth. The mucous membrane of floor of the mouth swollen, hyperemic, the sublingual papilla is visible gunk that comes out of the duct cancer. For what disease is characterized by the clinical picture? A. Slynokam'yana disease. B. Sialozy allergic origin. C. * Acute purulent inflammation during mandibular salivary glands. D. Sialozy neurogenic origin. E. Inflammation of the excretory ducts of the salivary glands. 605. C. The patient contacted the clinic with complaints of pain in the sublingual area, shooting, especially when eating, or when the patient sees food irradiation there is pain in the tongue. Put diagnosis. A. * Calculous sialoadenit. B. Non-calculous sialoadenit. C. Actinomycosis salivary gland. D. Trauma salivary gland. E. Tuberculosis of the salivary gland. 606. Patient M. appealed to the clinic with complaints of painless swelling and an increase in both parotid glands, later increased submandibular salivary gland. Narrowed eye slits. The general condition of the patient was not affected: A. * Disease Mikulich. B. Calculous sialoadenit. C. Mumps. D. Lymphogranulomatosis. E. Allergic sialoz. 607. B. The patient appealed to the clinic complaining of a sharp dry mouth, inability to speak and eat without frequent wetting of the mouth, particularly difficult to eat. From history we know that the patient took penicillin for a long time. A. * Allergic sialoz. B. Acute parotitis. C. Disease Mikulich. D. Sialodohit. E. Toxic sialoadenit. 608. The patient GA suspected presence of stones in the Strait of excretory salivary gland under the mandible. What is the most appropriate method of examination? A. * Radiography. B. Palpation. C. Taking a biopsy. D. Histological studies. E. Ultrasound. 609. Patient K., 46 years old 2 years ill, complaining of sharp dry mouth, xerostomia occurs. On examination there face 6 swelling parotid areas, dry lips are crusty and condensed epithelium. What is the diagnosis? A. Hereford syndrome. B. Neurogenic sialoz. C. * Sialoz allergic origin. D. Disease Mikulich. E. There is no correct answer. 610. Patient N.. Appealed with complaints of increasing the parotid, submandibular and then the salivary glands, eyes narrowed slits. There stomatitis and conjunctivitis. Diagnosed disease Mikulich. Describe the method of treatment? A. * The use of radiotherapy. B. Ingestion iodide solution. C. Surgical treatment. D. Hormones. E. Sensitizing therapy. 611. Patient B. '28 contacted the clinic for colicky pain and swelling with meals that are quick, 20-30 minutes. Pass. What stage slynokam'yanoyi disease occurs with these symptoms? A. Incubation period. B. * The initial stage. C. Exacerbation of chronic occlusion. D. Later stage. E. There is no correct answer. 612. Patient L., 54 year old complained to swelling of the face in the area of the parotid salivary glands. OBJECTIVE: swelling of the skin color changes. On palpation parotid gland dense, hilly. Is marked narrowing of the optic fissure in the outer third by increasing the lacrimal glands. The patient suffers from limfomatoz. Put diahnoz6 A. Hereford syndrome. B. Sjogren's syndrome-Huzhera. C. AOP syndrome. D. * Disease Mikulich. E. Unilateral syndrome Freo. 613. Patient 44 years old diagnosed with Sjogren's syndrome-Huzhera. The disease is associated with hormonal disorders and beriberi (vitamin A and B). What are the most typical symptoms characteristic of the disease: A. Colicky pain and swelling in the area of cortex. B. The mouth of the Strait of salivary gland enlarged, hyperemic. C. Palkuyetsya infiltrate in CO - inflammation. D. Developed suppurative process - an abscess or phlegmon. E. * Dryness in the mouth when talking, with waves and sharp, photophobia, feeling the sand in the eyes, crying without tears. 614. Sick '10 came to the surgical department with complaints of swelling in the region of the parotid gland, increased t. OBJECTIVE: enlarged parotid glands, painful on palpation. Painful mouth opening. Positive symptom Hetchona. Put diagnosis A. Necrotic suppurative parotitis. B. * Mumps. C. Lymphogenous mumps. D. Sialoadenit. E. Chronic sialoadenit. 615. For what disease is characterized sialohrama: single cavity round shape (diameter 1-2 mm) on the background of unmodified duct and gland parenchyma? A. * Parenchymatous parotitis in the initial stage. B. Parenchymatous parotitis in a later stage. C. Parenchymatous parotitis in the symptomatic stage. D. Lymphogenous mumps. E. Mumps. 616. Patient '49 complains of dry mouth, increased t, swelling in the region of the parotid gland, a small contracture N / ni. While massaging the parotid gland secreted drop of pus. Put diagnosis A. * Necrotic suppurative parotitis. B. Mumps. C. Lymphogenous mumps. D. Contact sialoadenit. E. Calculous sialoadenit. 617. The patient was 49 years old, entered the hospital dental department with complaints of increasing body t to 38.5 0C, painless increase in parotid salivary glands. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Sialoadenit. B. Sialoz. C. Sialodohit. D. * Hereford syndrome. E. Disease Mikulich. 618. Patient '25 X-ray revealed a stone in the duct under the mandible gland. What should be done by palpation of the stone in the duct? A. * Behind ahead. B. Upward. C. Zperedu back. D. From top to bottom. E. Any way. 619. Sick '43, addressed the dentist about a gradual increase in both parotid and then - in mandibular salivary glands. OBJECTIVE: visible deformity of face, skin color is not changed, determined by palpation, hard, lumpy, swollen and painful glands. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Hereford syndrome. B. Eliot syndrome. C. * Disease Mikulich. D. Sjogren's disease. E. Sialoadenit. 620. Patient '56 appealed to the doctor complaining of a painless increase in parotid and mandibular salivary glands under the discomfort of fullness in the glands, general obesity. Indicate the most likely diagnosis: A. Terezynskyy syndrome. B. Kvatiorkor. C. Tsyroznyy Alcohol Syndrome. D. * AOP syndrome. E. Syndrome SSS. 621. The patient complains of a painful swelling in the sky that appeared 3 days ago several times after treatment of tooth 17. OBJECTIVE: the hard palate in a hemispherical projection 17 tooth infiltration, painful, mucous membrane over it flushed bright, elegant. Crown 17 destroyed on the radiograph: signs of granulomatous periodontitis tooth 17. Your tactics. A. Remove 17 tooth hole sew B. Amputation root C. Section of mucous in the sky D. * Remove 17 tooth abscess reveal E. Puncture infiltration, removal of tooth 17 622. The patient asked the doctor complaining of a swelling in the region of the left cheek, the body temperature of 38.50 C. OBJECTIVE: painful percussion 26 tooth Transitional th convolution smoothed, when pressing on the tooth stands manure. What can be diagnosed in this patient? A. Acute suppurative periodontitis B. * Acute suppurative periostitis C. Go stretch marks odontogenic osteomyelitis D. Cellulitis buccal area E. Cellulitis pterygopalatine fossa 623. A patient diagnosed with acute purulent abscess. What is the mechanism of spreading manure peryapikalnoho campfire under the periosteum periostitis in? A. Lymphogenous B. Hematogenically C. By contact D. All answers are correct E. * On the channel's osteon 624. The patient complains of pain in the tooth and left upper jaw, fever up to 37,8 ° C. Sick 3 days .. OBJECTIVE: face asymmetry due to swelling of the left cheek. 25 The crown of the tooth destroyed by 1/2, percussion sharply painful, mobility and degree. Hyperemia and edema of the mucosa in the area of the teeth 24,25,26 vestibular side. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis tooth 25 B. Odontogenic cyst of maxilla C. Odontogenic sinusitis D. * Acute odontogenic abscess maxillary E. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the upper jaw 625. The patient complains of swelling in the sky, pain in upper jaw tooth left. Swelling noticed from that day. Diagnosed Abstses palate. How do you spend the disclosure abscess in this case? A. * Vikonchatym cut B. Linear incision in sahitali C. Linear incision in transverzali D. Puncture the abscess E. Puncture 626. Boy '10 shows removal of tooth 55 with acute odontogenic periostitis. From history we know that the child was suffering from hemophilia. What action is a dental surgeon? A. Introduction dom'yazevo solution vikasola B. Tooth in a clinic C. * Tooth in hospital D. Introduction 0.1% district aminocaproic acid E. Consultation haematologist 627. The patient complains of pain and swelling in the right mandible. OBJECTIVE: asymmetry of face, crown 47 tooth destroyed by 2/3, percussion painful. In front of the crease in the area of projection 47 tooth bulging, painful palpation. What is your diagnosis? A. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis tooth 47 B. Abscess of the right buccal area C. Acute serous glandular right buccal area D. * Acute suppurative periostitis of the mandible E. Acute suppurative osteomyelitis 628. The patient complaints of pain in the area 41ta 42 teeth, the presence of edema. The examination revealed periosteal abscess in the region of the central and lateral incisors right on radiographs at the tops of the teeth 41,42 - kistohranulomy. What is the preliminary diagnosis? A. Granulomatous periodontitis teeth 41,42 B. * Acute odontogenic abscess of mandibular teeth 41,42 C. Acute osteomyelitis of the mandible D. Exacerbation of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis E. Exacerbation of chronic granulomatous periodontitis teeth 41,42 629. The patient complains of a painful swelling in the sky, that appeared 3 days ago several times after treatment of tooth 17. OBJECTIVE: the hard palate in a hemispherical projection 17 tooth infiltration, painful, mucous membrane over it hiperimovana bright, elegant. Crown 17 destroyed on the radiograph: Signs granulomatosis tion periodontitis tooth 17. What do you tactic. A. Remove 17 tooth hole sew B. Amputation root C. Section of mucous in the sky D. Puncture infiltration, removal of tooth 17 E. * Remove 17 tooth abscess reveal 630. The patient was diagnosed pidokisnyy abscess on the hard palate. What method will you disclose it? A. * Excision of a small area of soft tissue triangular shaped protrusion at the site of the largest B. Linear cut perpendicular to the median palatine suture C. Cut crosswise D. Puncture of the abscess and fluid suction E. Linear incision parallel to the alveolar crest 631. In patients with chronic apical periodontitis granulating 47. The tooth has a functional and aesthetic value. In the face of the skin in the area of the projection of the root apex 47 - fistula with purulent discharge. What is the treatment in this patient? A. Tooth B. Conservative treatment of teeth C. Tooth and fistulas excision with subsequent suturing wounds on her face D. * Tooth, excision of the scar on the skin after scarring fistulas course E. Excision of the fistula with subsequent suturing wounds on her face 632. Having oral examination, the doctor diagnosed acute suppurative periodontitis. What is the most characteristic symptom of this disease? The presence of a deep cavity A. Gain pain in the tooth under chemical and thermal stimuli B. Pathological tooth mobility C. * Dramatically painful percussion of the affected tooth D. Painful percussion along spaced teeth E. Gain pain in the tooth under physical stimuli 633. After examination of the mouth and dental X-ray examination diagnosed: exacerbation of chronic periodontitis 36. Which symptom is not detected in this disease? A. Painful tooth percussion B. * Symptom Vincent C. Congestion and swelling of the gums D. The feeling of "tooth that swirl IS" E. Regional lymphadenitis 634. The doctor put diagnosed odontogenic granuloma migrans skin. As a result there is a pathological process which the disease? A. * Chronic apical periodontitis granulating B. Chronic hyperplastic odontogenic periostitis C. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis D. Chronic periodontitis E. Chronic apical periodontitis fibrous 635. In patients with chronic granulomatous periodontitis. On radiographs distal root sealed to the top, medial channel impassable, distorted in the top area of focus thinning of bone tissue spherical shape with clear contours size 0,5 x 0,5 cm What tactics surgeon's choice of treatment? A. Remove tooth B. Conduct coronaro-root separation C. Perform root apex resection D. Replantation E. * Hold the tooth hemisection 636. During treatment there was a perforation of the bifurcation. On radiographs mizhkoreneva granuloma. Root canals sealed to the top. What method of surgical treatment should be used? A. Hemisection B. Root amputation C. * Koronaroradykulyarnu separation D. Resection of the root apex E. Removal of tooth 637. Patients underwent one-stage surgery replantation of tooth 12. What type of fusion and tooth alveoli yavlyaetsya optimal for such surgery? A. Periodontal-fibrotic B. * Periodontal C. Hondralnyy D. Osteoid E. There is no right answer 638. The man turned to the dentist. Ob-no: 15-tooth on aproksymalno chewing surfaces of large cavities. Probing, percussion and response to thermal stimuli painless. On radiographs - pereapikalno been the source of destruction of bone round shape with sharp edges in diameter. What is the diagnosis? A. * Chronic granulomatous periodontitis B. Chronic granulating periodontitis. C. Chronic fibrous periodontitis. D. Chronic gangrenous pulp. E. Chronic deep cavities. 639. To the doctor asked the patient with periodontitis lower molar tooth. Established that inflammation has spread to the lymph nodes. What are lymph nodes were first involved in the inflammatory process? A. Facial B. Front neck C. * Submandibular D. Pidboridni E. Lateral neck 640. Teenager complains of intense, throbbing pain in the tooth that is enhanced by nakushuvanni and dotorkuvanni tongue. OBJECTIVE: 26 teeth - filling made of composite materials. Vertical and horizontal percussion painful tooth, tooth moving slightly in the vestibular-oral direction. The mucous membrane of the gums in the area of lesions hyperemic, edematous, sharply painful on palpation. Radiographic changes were detected. What is the diagnosis? A. Acute suppurative pulpitis B. Acute serous periodontitis C. Acute serous pulpitis D. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis E. * Acute suppurative periodontitis 641. The man turned with complaints of persistent pain in the region of tooth 36. Previously, once a tooth pain. On examination of the oral cavity of the tooth crown 36 missing, percussion roots painful. On radiographs in the area of root apexes 36 dilution zone with indistinct contours. What is the diagnosis? A. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis B. Acute periodontitis C. Chronic periodontitis fibrotic D. * Chronic granulating periodontitis E. Mumps 642. A woman complains of severe pain in tooth 38. The pain is constant, spontaneous intensity increases with each passing hour, marked sense of "vyrosshoho tooth." When viewed in 38 deep carious tooth cavity, percussion sharply painful. What is the diagnosis? A. * Acute periodontitis B. Acute pulpitis C. Deep caries D. Chronic pulpitis E. Trigeminal neuralgia 643. The student appealed to the dentist. OBJECTIVE: 22 teeth on aproksymalno - medial surface of deep cavities. On radiographs in the region of the root apex - cell destruction of bone size 0,3 x0, 3 cm What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Chronic granulating periodontitis B. Chronic periodontitis fibrotic C. Radicular cyst D. Chronic pulpitis E. * Chronic granulomatous periodontitis 644. Patient complains of intense tearing, throbbing pain in the 26. 26 Percussion sharply painful tooth moving, mucous membrane around 26 hyperemic, swollen, painful palpation. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Acute suppurative pulpitis B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis C. Acute diffuse pulpit D. * Acute suppurative periodontitis E. Acute serous pulpitis 645. The patient complains of constant aching tooth 26, aggravated by nakusuvanni. OBJECTIVE: on the chewing surface carious cavity 26 which communicates with the cavity of the tooth. Transitional fold painful at palpation, percussion 26 sharply painful. After sensing the channel was pus. What method is necessary to study for diagnosis? A. Electroodontodiagnosis B. Termoproba C. * X-ray study D. Bacteriological study E. Deep probing 646. The patient complains of discomfort, heaviness, fullness, sometimes dull pain in the region of tooth 36. Tooth with seal, changed in color, percussion sensitive. Mucosa in the region. projection is the root fistula. What is the diagnosis? A. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis B. * Chronic granulating periodontitis tooth 36 C. Acute suppurative periodontitis D. Chronic fibrous pulp E. Chronic periodontitis fibrotic 647. The patient was diagnosed with chronic granulating periodontitis. What are the clinical signs characteristic of the disease? A. * Discomfort, feeling of heaviness, fullness, sometimes dull pain, percussion slightly sensual, fistula is periodically opened B. Pain from thermal and mechanical stimuli that disappear immediately after removal of the stimulus C. Severe tearing, throbbing pain, feeling "grown tooth" collateral edema D. Asymptomatic, the tooth can be changed in color E. The constant growing pains, worse at nakusuvanni, the mucous membrane of the site may be edematous, hyperemic. Percussion strongly positive 648. The patient complains of a cavity in the presence of 26 teeth, tooth color changed, deep carious cavity coupled to the cavity of the tooth. Sounding percussion painless. EDI 100 mA. On radiographs - periodontal expansion gap. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Chronic granulating periodontitis tooth 36 B. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis C. Acute suppurative periodontitis D. Chronic fibrous pulp E. * Chronic periodontitis fibrotic 649. The patient complains of a painful swelling in the sky that appeared 3 days ago several times after treatment of tooth 17. OBJECTIVE: the hard palate in a hemispherical projection 17 tooth infiltration, painful, mucous membrane over it flushed bright, elegant. Crown 17 destroyed on the radiograph: signs of granulomatous periodontitis tooth 17. What do you tactic? A. Remove 17 tooth hole sew B. Amputation root C. Section of mucous in the sky D. * Remove 17 tooth abscess reveal E. Puncture infiltration, removal of tooth 17 650. The patient complains of discomfort in 36 teeth in the upper jaw to the left. Periodically, when nakusuvanni on tooth occurs spontaneously and aching gums called fistula, and then the pain subsides. OBJECTIVE: crown 36 change in color, tooth sealed. Vertical percussion painless. Mucosa in section 36 of the rumen fistula. What is the most likely previous diagnosis? A. X ronichnyy fibrotic periodontitis B. * Chronic granulating periodontitis night C. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis th D. Chronicle Annual gangrenous periodontitis E. Zahos trennya chronic periodontitis 651. The patient asked the dentist about the long-term fistula in the lower left cheek. OBJECTIVE: fistulas progress on the skin up to 0.3 cm in diameter with sluggish granulations and minor bleeding, purulent exudate. When sensing probe penetrates the soft tissue towards the body of the mandible. Palpation deep in the left cheek determined cord. On radiographs - 35 tooth has signs of chronic periodontitis. What is the final diagnosis in this patient? A. * Odontogenic facial granuloma pidshkiryana B. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible C. Tuberculosis of the mandible D. Actinomycosis of the mandible E. Atheroma of the left cheek 652. To the dentist asked the patient complained for the formation in the area of the right cheek. OBJECTIVE: on the right cheek, small, clearly limited by the formation of tight elastic consistency, painful on palpation, the skin over it hyperemic, the center is defined symptom fluctuations. In thicker cheek palpable cord from the formation to the root apex of tooth 15 was destroyed. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Dermoid cyst B. Suppuration atheroma C. Boil D. * Suppuration migrating granuloma E. Actinomycosis of the mandible 653. The patient complains of a painful swelling in the sky, that appeared 3 days ago several times after treatment of tooth 17. OBJECTIVE: the hard palate in a hemispherical projection 17 tooth infiltration, painful, mucous membrane over it hiperimovana bright, elegant. Crown 17 destroyed on the radiograph: Signs granulomatosis tion periodontitis tooth 17. What do you tactic. A. Remove 17 tooth hole sew B. Amputation root C. Section of mucous in the sky D. Puncture infiltration, removal of tooth 17 E. * Remove 17 tooth abscess reveal 654. In the 47 tooth after root canal having intense pain in the jaw. Percussion sharply painful. In section 47 of the tooth mucosa edematous, hyperemic. The body temperature of 38,6 ° C. Lymph nodes are enlarged pidschelepovi, painful on palpation. Symmetrical face proportional. X-ray: root canals sealed 4/5 length: destruction of bone in the area of the tops of the roots with fuzzy edges. Diagnosis: A. * Exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis B. Acute suppurative periostitis of the jaw C. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw D. Purulent navkolokoreneva brush. E. That's right 655. Projected root apex defined thickening, painful on palpation. Percussion tooth is not painful entry into the cell channels open, the sound does not cause pain. X-ray: the top section of the root source of destruction of bone size 5x6 mm with well-constrained paths. Diagnosis: A. * Chronic apical periodontitis granulomatous B. Chronic apical periodontitis fibrotic C. Chronic apical periodontitis granulating D. Chronic pulpitis, apical periodontitis complicated. E. Exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis 656. Constant pain in the region of tooth 16. The asymmetry of the face. Collateral edema. Pain, swelling of the gums in the area of causal and adjacent teeth. For transitional fold within the patient's tooth is determined by fluctuation. X-ray - periodontal expansion gap. Diagnosis: A. * Acute apical periodontitis purulent B. Acute suppurative periostitis of the jaw C. Exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis D. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw. E. There is no right answer 657. The constant intense pain in tooth 24. In the 24 tooth - carious cavity, tooth moving. It is clear in section 24 tooth hyperemic, edematous. Percussion painful tooth. Regional lymphadenitis. Electroodontodiagnosis - 100 mA. X-ray changes in navkolokoreneviy plot no. The most likely diagnosis is: A. * Acute apical periodontitis purulent B. Chronic apical periodontitis granulomatous C. Exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis granulating D. Acute suppurative periostitis of the jaw. E. That's right 658. Patient '39, appealed to the dentist. After the survey was diagnosed with chronic granulating periodontitis. Which state has the mucosa around teeth with chronic granulating periodontitis? A. * Cyanotic mucous membrane, often the fistula B. Hyperemic mucosa is sharply C. Mucous pale pink D. Observed in the mucous overemphasizing E. No changes 659. The patient is asked to rehabilitate a year after the treatment of chronic granulomatous periodontitis. What indicators suggest recovery according to radiographs? A. Complete obturation of the root canal B. Increasing the size of the fire dilution C. Resorption of the root apex of the tooth D. Signs of recovery of bone is not visible E. * Full or partial recovery of bone 660. The patient complains of constant aching pain in the tooth 15, which increases with nakushuvanni. Cavity communicates with the cavity of a tooth from the mouth of the channel was pus. What the survey undertaken for the diagnosis? A. Termoproba B. Electroodontodiagnosis C. Luminescent studies D. Bacteriological study E. * X-ray study 661. The patient complains of painful nakushuvannya 14 tooth and a feeling of fullness. From history: several times occurred in the tooth pain, swelling of the cheek, which ended with the formation of fistulas, with koyi a while I stood manure. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis tooth 14 B. Chronic gangrenous pulpitis 14 tooth C. Chronic periodontitis fibrous tooth 14 D. * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis tooth 14 E. Acute suppurative periodontitis tooth 14 662. The patient complains of pain in nakushuvanni 25 tooth, which began last night and growing. Cavities connected with dotted cavity tooth sensing painless. Percussion strongly positive. Radiography unchanged. What is the preliminary diagnosis? A. Acute suppurative pulpitis 25 tooth B. Acute serous pulpitis 25 tooth C. * Acute serous periodontitis tooth 25 D. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis tooth 25 E. There is no right answer 663. The patient complains of a throbbing pain in tooth 26 within 5 days. Percussion vertical and horizontal positive, moving teeth, mucosa rapidly flushed, palpation transition creases sharply painful. What is the diagnosis? A. Acute suppurative pulpitis 26 tooth B. Acute localized periodontitis tooth 226 C. Acute serous pulpitis 26 tooth D. Acute serous periodontitis tooth 26 E. * Acute suppurative periodontitis tooth 26 664. The patient appealed with complaints about the presence of tumor formation in the skin in the region of the angle of the right jaw. An objective examination of: 37 tooth deep carious cavity that communicates with the cavity of the tooth. Probing painless. From history revealed that a few years ago confounded periodic pain in tooth 37. The doctor put diagnosed odontogenic granuloma migrans skin. As a result there is a pathological process which the disease? A. Chronic hyperplastic odontogenic periostitis B. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis C. Chronic periodontitis D. * Chronic apical periodontitis granulating E. Chronic apical periodontitis fibrous 665. On admission the patient turned complaining of a sharp pain in the upper jaw. As a result of physician examination established the diagnosis of acute periodontitis 16 tooth. What is necessary to differentiate acute peri odontyt? A. Acute pulpitis B. Periostitis C. Osteomiyeli t D. Acute sinusitis and odontogenic E. * All listed 666. Patients aged 32 years complains about the presence of fistulas in the submandibular region. Ob-objective: swelling of the cheek in the area of the left mandible during palpation - Seal m 'tissue, fistula with purulent content and granulation; mucosa hyperemic, 35, 36 teeth moving. On radiographs revealed bone destruction, the presence of sequestration. Click diagnosis A. Actinomycosis B. * Chronic osteomyelitis C. Syphilis D. Sarcoma E. Osteoma 667. Patient age 7 years admitted to the maxillofacial department about chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible in the region of 48, 47 teeth. Ill for about 2 months. Ob-objective: when probing the fistula, which bulge large granulation determined nude rough area of bone that moves when nadavlyuvannya. On radiographs of the mandible - the fire of destruction, centered sequestration size 1,0 x1, 5 cm, which attracted 48.47 teeth completely separated from healthy bone. Choose a method of treating a patient: A. Sequoia stromiya B. Stimulating therapy C. Dental health D. * Antibiotic E. Sequestrectomy with the removal of 47 and 48 teeth. 668. The patient was diagnosed with actinomycosis m 'tissue neck. What pathomorphological manifestations characteristic of actinomycosis: A. Papule B. Ulcer C. * Granuloma D. Tubercle E. Erosion. 669. Patient age '49 appealed with complaints of persistent pain in the lower jaw, radiating into the ear swelling mx tissue, increased body temperature to 39 0 C. Ob-objective: swelling in the submandibular region, skin color is not changed. The mucous membrane of alveolar bone in the region of 45, 46 teeth hyperemic and edematous with oral and parietal sides. 45, 46 teeth destroyed completely mobile. Symptom Vincent. Click diagnosis A. Acute serous abscess lower jaw B. Cellulitis of submandibular area C. Exacerbation of chronic osteomyelitis D. * Acute osteomyelitis of the mandible E. Acute suppurative periostitis of the mandible 670. The 24-year-old girl there is fever, worsening of general condition. Sick 3 days. Obobjective: the general state of hard body temperature 38.6 0 C, a girl excited, pale. Bad breath. Congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane of the gums in the area of 43, 44, 45 teeth on either side of alveolar bone. These teeth are moving during percussion sharply painful tooth 44 under seal. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Acute odontogenic abscess lower jaw B. Acute sialoadenit mandible during cancer C. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis D. Suppuration around the root cyst of the mandible E. * Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible? 671. Child age '13 complains of a sharp pain in the right lower jaw, increased body temperature to 39 0 C, general weakness. Asymmetrical face due to swelling in the right submandibular area, regional lymphadenitis, difficulty opening the mouth and bad breath. During intra oral examination 46 tooth crown is destroyed, the tooth is still pain, but the patient was not talking to the doctor. Percussion sharply painful. In section 44, 45, 46 and 47 teeth hyperemic mucosa swelling on both sides of the alveolar bone. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Acute suppurative periosteum B. Chronic periodontitis tooth 46 in the acute stage C. * Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible D. Submandibular abscess E. Chronic osteomyelitis of the mandible? 672. In patients aged 30 2-3 months there is not much painful infiltration by right jaw area. Completed a short course of antibiotic therapy that was ineffective. Ob-objective: face asymmetry due to marginally painful infiltration at the right jaw area, trees' yanystoyi density, skin red and bluish-purple. The skin is a fistula from which pus kryhtopodibnyy released periodically, and embroiled thick scars, there is a painless mandibular trismus. Move the disease for which the most characteristic clinical picture described above: A. Odontogenic granuloma face B. * Actinomycosis C. Chronic osteomyelitis of the mandible D. Cellulitis by the jaw area E. Chronic lymphadenitis by the jaw area 673. A man aged 45 years after suffering a flu suddenly 26 tooth ache. The crown on his broken ½. With 'swelling appeared adjacent m' tissues and palate. Body temperature rose to 38 0 C. In the following days these events grew. With 'appeared mobility and hnoyetecha of tooth-gingival pockets 25, 26 and 27 teeth. Deteriorated general condition. Click diagnosis A. Acute suppurative periodontitis B. * Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis C. Chronic periodontitis in the acute stage D. Acute abscess E. Abscess of palate. 674. Patients aged '39 3 days ago 47 tooth was removed, after which her condition deteriorated: the patient is pale, the body temperature is 38.1 0 C, the lower jaw left muftopodibno thickened, m 'are tissue swelling, difficulty opening the mouth. Transitional fold of 48, 47, 46 teeth swollen, hyperemic mucosa with 47 tooth cells secreted pus, percussion 48, 46, 45 teeth painful. In the area of the lower lip - paresthesia. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Acute abscess alveolar bone B. Cellulitis of submandibular triangle C. * Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the lower body schelpy D. Acute abscess of the jaw body E. Chronic osteomyelitis of the alveolar bone? 675. Patient ages '49 grumbles about mobility 24, 26, 27 teeth; discharge of pus cells removed 25 teeth. One and a half ago misyatsiya removed 25 teeth, made an autopsy on a transitional fold. Ob-objective: the orbital area under slight swelling mx tissue, enlarged and slightly painful left submandibular lymph nodes, nasal breathing freely. The mucous membrane of alveolar bone in the region of 24, 26, 27 teeth swollen, cyanotic. For transitional fold - with fistula granulations that bulge. Of the 25 cells removed tooth purulent granulation. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Exacerbation of chronic sinusitis. B. Acute osteomyelitis C. * Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis D. Alveolus E. Aggravation limited periodontal that? 676. The patient is observed during the inspection due to the asymmetry of the face infiltration m 'tissue adjacent to the body of the mandible. The skin over the infiltration thin and stretched. Palpable defined periosteal thickening of the bone. On radiographs of the mandible on the left marked three pockets enlightenment irregularly shaped compaction kiskovoyi structure around the perimeter of the shadows and darkening of up to 0.5 cm in diameter in the center. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. * Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis B. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis C. Chronic abscess D. Acute suppurative periostitis E. Actinomycosis of the jaws? 677. The patient noted a sharp intense pain and swelling at the site of the destroyed tooth on the lower jaw to the right, deterioration of general health, fever up to 38.5 0 C, appetite loss and insomnia. On examination, there is collateral edema mx tissue sections under the mandible and lower right cheek. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged on the right, painful on palpation. The crown of the tooth was destroyed in 46 ½, 45, 46, 47 teeth - moving in the area of the teeth indicated muftopodibnyy infiltration. Symptom Vincent positive. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis B. Acute suppurative odontogenic abscess C. Acute suppurative periodontitis D. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis in the acute stage E. * Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis? 678. A patient aged 25 complains of swelling and hnoyetechu the right under the mandibular region. Ob-objective: there is dense trees' yanystyy painless infiltration in the mandibular right at the site. In the center of the infiltrate is a fistula, which stands a small kilkistkryhtopodibnoho manure. Open your mouth and teeth intact. Click diagnosis A. * Actinomycosis skin B. Lupus C. Primary syphilis D. Subcutaneous granuloma face E. Adenoabstses 679. Patients aged 43 years complains of mobility 34, 36, 37 teeth, discharge of pus from the tooth extraction cell. Half a month ago, made an autopsy on a transitional fold and 35 tooth removed. Ob-objective: on the left buccal area of dense swelling mx tissue, lymph nodes enlarged left submandibular area, slightly painful. The mucous membrane of alveolar bone in the region of 34, 36, 37 teeth swollen, bluish color. For transitional fold with fistula granulations that vypynayut. In cell removed 35 tooth purulent granulation. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Chronic alveoli B. Chronic diffuse osteomyelitis C. Aggravation limited that periodontal D. Chronic abscess rarefikuyuchyy E. * Chronic osteomyelitis is limited? 680. Man complains of swelling of the tissues around the left mandible. The presence of fistulas with purulent exudate in the body of the mandible at the level of 36 teeth. Two months ago, felt pain in tooth 36, with the dense infiltrate appeared in the body of the mandible. 36 tooth was completely removed, but the infiltration completely disappeared, developed fistula. Click diagnosis A. Chronic periodontitis granulation B. * Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible C. Bone shape aktynomikozk D. Mandibular cyst that flesh was rotting E. Cancer of the mandible. 681. Patient aged 35 years 3 days ago 47 tooth was removed, after which his condition deteriorated. Ob-objective: the patient pale, body temperature 38.1 C, left mandible muftopodibno thickened, m 'tissues around her swollen, mouth opening difficulty. Transitional fold of 48, 47, 46 teeth swollen, hyperemic mucosa with 47 tooth cells secreted pus, percussion 48, 46, 45 teeth painful. In the area of the lower lip - paresthesia. What is the most likely diagnosis: A. Acute periostitis of the mandible B. * Acute osteomyelitis of the mandible C. Cellulitis of submandibular area D. Acute periodontitis tooth 47 E. Suppuration radicular cyst of the mandible? 682. The patient complains of a painful swelling in the sky that appeared 3 days ago several times after treatment of tooth 17. OBJECTIVE: the hard palate in a hemispherical projection 17 tooth infiltration, painful, mucous membrane over it flushed bright, elegant. Crown 17 destroyed on the radiograph: signs of granulomatous periodontitis tooth 17. Your tactics. A. Remove 17 tooth hole sew B. Amputation root C. Section of mucous in the sky D. * Remove 17 tooth abscess reveal E. Puncture infiltration, removal of tooth 17 683. The patient asked the doctor complaining of a swelling in the region of the left cheek, the body temperature of 38.50 C. OBJECTIVE: painful percussion 26 tooth transition convolution smoothed her, when pressing on the tooth stands manure. What can be diagnosed in this patient? A. Acute suppurative periodontitis B. * Acute suppurative periostitis C. Go stretch marks odontogenic osteomyelitis D. Cellulitis buccal area E. Cellulitis pterygopalatine fossa 684. Patient P. '38 turned complaining of constant throbbing pain in the right lower jaw, radiating into the ear and feeling like a tooth "has grown." OBJECTIVE: half-open mouth, the mucous membrane in the region of 45 tooth hyperemic, edematous. Percussion sharply painful. Existing symptoms of intoxication (headache, malaise, fever). Regional lymph nodes were slightly enlarged. Diagnosis: A. * Acute suppurative periodontitis B. acute pulpitis C. deep caries D. chronic granulating periodontitis E. acute abscess. 685. In the department of oral surgery patients admitted with complaints about the appearance of swelling in the area of the eye, double vision (diplopia). On examination found exophthalmos, hemoz (swelling transitional fold of conjunctiva), restriction of mobility of the eyeball. Diagnosis: A. * Orbital abscess area B. abscess zygomatic area C. abscess temporal area D. abscess cheek E. there is no correct answer. 686. What type of anesthesia is used when removing the upper canines? A. * Infraorbitalna and terminal anesthesia by oral vestibule, additional wiring at the incisive foramen and palate B. tuberalna anesthesia additionally - anesthesia by a large palatal foramen C. anesthesia at the mental foramen in conjunction with terminal anesthesia with language by or mandibular anesthesia. D. anesthesia for Bershe - oak E. there is no correct answer. 687. Patient M. '18 entered the branch of dentistry ary surgeon with complaints of pain and heaviness in the right half of the head. Pain radiating to the lateral occipital and temporal areas, and the upper teeth. Nasal right half of the nose and the weakening of the sense of smell. OBJECTIVE: swollen and painful on palpation cheek, skin vylyskuye slightly under medium bowl nasal cavity - purulent exudate. The presence of gangrenous teeth on the upper jaw. X-ray revealed zavualovanist maxillary sinus. Diagnosis: A. * Acute odontogenic sinusitis B. abscess cheek C. abscess zygomatic area D. abscess cheek E. chronic rhinitis. 688. What is characteristic of chronic granulomatous periodontitis? A. no pain in the tooth and facial swelling. On radiographs - the source of destruction of bone round shape with smooth edges. B. aching pain, presence of fistula on the gums. On radiographs - part of bone resorption with irregular and indistinct outlines C. prystupopodibnyy throbbing pain in nakushuvanni on causal tooth, the X-ray changes are not D. aching pain that is worse when nakushuvanni. Lack of facial swelling. Enlarged regional lymph nodes. On radiographs - enlarged periodontal gap E. pain radiating along the trigeminal nerve. Severe swelling of the face. 689. After a street fight in travm.punkt delivered boyfriend of 23 years. The patient complains of acute pain in the left TMJ, which arose after the injury inflicted with a blunt object. OBJECTIVE: restriction of mobility of the mandible, swelling of the tissues around the joint due to edema, hemorrhage and infiltration in the joint cavity. Diagnosis: A. * Acute traumatic arthritis B. chronic infectious arthritis C. chronic traumatic arthritis D. abscess cheek E. abscess parotid-masticatory area. 690. Patient L. '24 appealed to the Department of Surgical Dentistry complaining of swelling of the face in the left submaxillary area. On examination: swelling has clear contours, skin flushed and tense. Is marked by a sharp pain in the area of infiltration. Tissue around the submandibular lymph nodes infiltrated. Unit sedentary, thick consistency. Determine fluctuation. There are signs of general intoxication. Diagnosis: A. * Acute suppurative lymphadenitis B. Tuberculous lymphadenitis C. actinomycosis D. Hodgkin's disease E. abscess floor of the mouth. 691. Which course is characteristic of suppurative periostitis, localized on the hard palate? A. * Especially hard B. moderate severity C. easy D. hard E. chronic 692. The most common cause of abscesses and abscesses Oral and lyevoyi areas are: A. * "Mr. anhrenozni" teeth and their roots B. otitis C. ulcer - necrotic gingivitis D. stomatitis and glossitis E. sialodenity. 693. In the mouth rehabilitation has been shown to remove the first upper premolar. What is the correct sequence of movements during tooth extraction? A. * Vyvyhuyuchi lateral movement, initially in soup ical and then to the palatal side B. vyvyhuyuchi moves only in the direction of palatal C. Rotating ruzy one and the other side for about 300 D. movements in the buccal and lingual side, combined with a rotary motion E. no correct answer 694. Violations salivation observed in odontogenic phlegmon? A. * Saliva with TAE viscous, difficult splovuyetsya B. hygrostomia C. hiposalivatsiya D. a large amount of saliva doped manure E. saliva only during meals 695. What changes are observed in the face examination, the patient with a deep abscesses location maxillofacial area (navkolohlotkovoho space alary-palatal space, infratemporal area, alary-jaw space)? A. * Lack of facial asymmetry B. asymmetry of the face on the affected side C. Facial asymmetry is not a constant feature D. slight asymmetry E. no correct answer 696. A characteristic feature of boils on the face are: A. * Marked swelling of the tissues in these dilyan inflammation B. slight congestion C. tissue swelling only in the early stages of inflammation D. the presence of fluctuations E. no correct answer 697. At 22.00 in the department of oral surgery patient delivered with signs of severe intoxication. The patient took a sitting position due to forced increasing asphyxia, respiratory difficulty, pupils dilated. On examination: the presence of edema and infiltration in the area of the hyoid, tongue sedentary. The skin in the neck area and submaxillary bronze tint. In history - remove "gangrenous" 46 tooth 10 hours ago. Diagnosis: A. * Zhensulya angina - Ludwig B. abscess tongue C. Sublingual abscess roller D. acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible E. abscess navkolohlotkovoho space 698. In patients with acute inflammatory periostitis developed contracture. How many degrees of inflammatory contracture you know? A. 2 B. * 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6 699. A patient diagnosed with chronic periodontitis. What forms of chronic periodontitis you know? A. * Fibrotic, granulating, granulomatous B. purulent, serous, fibrous C. limited and diffuse D. serous, granulating, purulent 700. The most common complication of facial vein thrombophlebitis are: A. * Sepsis and metabolic abscesses in internal organs B. cavernous sinus thrombosis C. front and rear mediastinit D. abscess of the orbit E. abscess infratemporal area 701. The patient admitted to the Department of dental surgery with suspected phlegmon zygomatic area. What is a typical forthis phlegmon? A. * Rapid increase in swelling in the area of the eyelids and the upper arch of the mouth vestibule of rectangular teeth B. significant asymmetry of the face on the affected side C. presence of symptom fluctuations D. smoothing nasolabial folds, cheeks and swelling of the eyelids, redness of the skin 702. Tactics physician in the treatment of acute serous odontogenic sinusitis: A. . * Eliminate the source of infection (causative tooth), physiotherapy B. tooth is not removed, physiotherapy C. remove the causative tooth, opening the maxillary sinus, holding haymorotomiyi D. purpose sudynozvuzhuyuchyh drugs and physiotherapy 703. Patients underwent disclosure phlegmon submaxillary area. What method of drainage naydotsilne use? A. * Dual tube drainage perforation B. rubber band C. moistened gauze drain 10% sodium chloride D. vacuum drainage E. drainage is not required 704. In the dental clinic patient turned 22 years of in S. complaining of sharp, throbbing pain in 36 zubi that irradiyue the course of branches trifchastoho nerva.Pry either touching the tooth pain arises, the tooth seems to be "grown up." Objectively: patsient of pryvidkrytym mouth because of inability zimknuty teeth, facial asymmetry due sposterihaetsya prypuhlosti on the bottom from left, hiperemovana mucosa, swollen in dilyantsы causal zuba.rehionalni limfatychni nodes zbilsheni, bolyuchi, tempyratura body 37 º C, no changes retthenolohichnsch vyyavlenoEOD 100 mA. Install diagnosis: A. * Acute hniynyy periodontyt. B. Acute hniyny pulpit. C. Acute serous periodontyt. D. Acute serous pulpit. E. Chronic fibroznyy periodontyt. 705. In the dental clinic patient turned K ziskarhamy on prystupopodibnyy pain in tooth 14 property that reinforcing with nakushuvanni.Ob 'ektyvno vestybulyarniy on the surface of the alveolar membrane vidrostka It turns norytsya.Slyzova property in sick tooth hipernmovana, pastozna. It turns vazopareza symptoms. Renthenolohichno near the root verhivky It turns rezorbtsii sections of bone tissue nerivnymy i indistinct contours. Install diagnosis: A. * Chronic granulating periodontyt. B. Chronic granulomatous periodontyt. C. Chronic fibroznyy periodontyt. D. Acute hniynyy periodontyt. E. Acute serous periodontyt. 706. In the dental clinic patient turned sharply with B. pain in the jaw joint property of both, I Standing pain disappears only when fully spokoi nyzhnoi jaw. Objectively limited opening of the mouth, on the chin at natyskuvanni arises bil.Renthenolohichno abrupt changes were detected. What can zapidozryty this patient? A. * Acute revmatoidnyy arthritis. B. Acute pin arthritis. C. Osteoarthritis. D. Bolv dyzfunktsiya TMJ. E. Acute otitis dvostoronniy. 707. In the dental clinic turned sick with V. sharply TMJ pain in property, right, Standing pain I disappear only when fully spokoi nyzhnoi jaw. Objectively limited opening of the mouth, on the chin at natyskuvanni arises sharply pain when opening the mouth mandible vidhylyaetsya right. Renthenolohichno changes have been identified. What can zapidozryty this patient? A. * Acute arthritis, right. B. Acute arthritis from left. C. Osteoarthritis. D. Bolv dyzfunktsiya TMJ. E. Acute otitis dvostoronniy. 708. In the dental clinic appealed patient with complaints of V. hruskit and skutist in TMJ, right prtyahom pivroku at pereoholodzhenni zahostryuetsya pain. Objectively sposterihaetsya limited opening of the mouth. Renthenolohichno sposterihaetsya suhlobovoi expansion gap, right, rezorbtsii kistkovoi segment of articular tissue elements. What can zapidozryty this patient? A. * Chronic arthritis. B. Acute arthritis. C. Osteoarthritis. D. Bolv dyzfunktsiya TMJ. E. Acute otitis. 709. The patient GA diahnostovano hniynyy acute arthritis. What are the surgical treatment? A. * Cut along the bottom outer edge vylychnoi arc, draining. B. Cut outer perpendykudyarno to tragus of the ear. C. Vnutrishnorotovyy Cut drainage. D. Cut by the external hilkoyu nyzhnoi jaw. E. Punktsiya and vidsmoktuvannya manure. 710. In the dental clinic Patient turned 55 years with complaints of aching pain in Standing from left TMJ during the year while reinforcing long conversations pryyomi izhi, pereoholodzhenni. It turns suhlobovoi Renthenolohichno expansion gap, sclerosis kortykalnoi plate suhlobovoi head I ii deformation. What can zapidozryty this patient? A. * Osteoarthritis of the TMJ. B. Chronic arthritis. C. Acute arthritis. D. Bolv dyzfunktsiya TMJ. E. Acute otitis. 711. In the dental clinic Patient turned 55 years with complaints of aching pain in Standing from left TMJ during the year while reinforcing long conversations pryyomi izhi, pereoholodzhenni. It turns suhlobovoi Renthenolohichno expansion gap, sclerosis kortykalnoi plate suhlobovoi head I ii deformation. Patient diahnostovano secondary deforming arthritis joint. How many stages of development he has? A. * 4. B. 1. C. 2. D. 3. E. 5. 712. In the dental clinic Patient turned 55 years with complaints of aching pain in Standing from left TMJ during the year while reinforcing long conversations pryyomi izhi, pereoholodzhenni. It turns suhlobovoi Renthenolohichno expansion gap, sclerosis kortykalnoi plate suhlobovoi head I ii deformation. Patient diahnostovano artroz.Yak arthritis are divided depending on etiolohii: A. * Pervynni i vtorynni. B. Hostri i chronicle. C. Sklerozuyuchi i deformuyuchi. D. Initial i vyrazheni. E. General i spetsyfichni. 713. In the dental clinic Patient turned 55 years with complaints of aching pain in Standing from left TMJ during the year while reinforcing long conversations pryyomi izhi, pereoholodzhenni. It turns suhlobovoi Renthenolohichno expansion gap, sclerosis kortykalnoi plate suhlobovoi head deformation and ii. Patient diahnostovano arthritis. DIVIDED As arthritis depending on klinichnoi picture? A. * Sklerozuyuchi i deformuyuchi. B. Pervynni i vtorynni. C. Sklerozuyuchi i deformuyuchi. D. Initial i vyrazheni. E. General i spetsyfichni. 714. In the dental clinic Patient turned 55 years with complaints of aching pain in Standing from left TMJ during the year while reinforcing long conversations pryyomi izhi, pereoholodzhenni. It turns suhlobovoi Renthenolohichno expansion gap, sclerosis kortykalnoi plate suhlobovoi head deformation and ii i. Patient diahnostovano arthritis. Which nyzhnoi jaw movements disappear first in arthritis? A. * Bokovi. B. Vertykalni. C. Moving Forward. D. Push back. E. All movements are the same. 715. In the dental clinic appealed patient with complaints of acute pain in property 15 teeth, facial asymmetry, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, pain in lokalizuetsya kisttsi. Objectively sposteri haetsya swelling, smoothing perehidnoi masonry crown of the tooth is affected kariesom. From history it became known that a tooth previously boliv for a long time. Put diagnosis. A. * Acute periostyt. B. Acute periodontyt. C. Acute osteomielit. D. Acute pulpit. E. Hronichnty periodontyt in stadii aggravation. 716. In the dental clinic appealed patient with complaints of acute pain in property 15 teeth, facial asymmetry, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, pain in lokalizuetsya kisttsi. Objectively sposteri haetsya swelling, smoothing perehidnoi masonry crown of the tooth is affected kariesom. From history it became known that a tooth previously boliv for a long time. Patient diahnostovano hniynyy periostyt.Yake acute surgical treatment is necessary to carry out? A. * Remove tooth abscess reveal pidnadkistnyy i + draining wound conservative treatment. B. Remove tooth i reveal pidnadkistnyy abscess. C. K onservatyvne treatment. D. Disclosure tooth cavity and creating outflow of fluid. E. Remove tooth. 717. Patient M. 55 years diahnostovano chronic periostyt. Which form of chronic periostytu vydilyayut? A. * Simple, osyfikuyuchu, raryfikuyuchu. B. Simple, osyfikuyuchu. C. Simple, raryfikuyuchu. D. Raryfikuyuchu, osyfikuyuchu. E. Simple, spanned. 718. Patient M. 55 years diahnostovano periostyt.Yake chronic treatment, it is expedient to use? A. * Remove the causal tooth Modified okystya + conservative treatment. B. Remove causative tooth. C. Conservative livannya. D. Does not require treatment. E. Remove the causal tooth + loeservatyvne treatment. 719. In patients 55 years diahnostovano osteomielit.Yaki form osteomielitu vydilyayut in his practical work? A. * Sharp, pidhostru, chronic. B. Acute, chronic. C. Sharp, pointed, chronic. D. Primary, Endpoint. E. Primary, acute, chronic. 720. In the Stomatology Clinic addressed with the patient complaining of intense pain in nezhniy schelepi (kisttsi) that irradiyue along the nerve branches triychastoho, difficulty swallowing, breathing, opening his mouth. Ob 'is objectively sposterihaetsya symptom Vincent tempyratura body 38 º C. What form osteomielitu sposterihaetsya patient? A. * Acute osteomilit. B. Zahastrenyy osteomilit. C. Chronic osteomilit. D. Initial osteomilit. E. Pidhostryy osteomielit. 721. In the Stomatology Clinic addressed with the patient complaining of intense pain in nezhniy schelepi (kisttsi) that irradiyue along the nerve branches triychastoho, difficulty swallowing, breathing, opening his mouth for 5dniv. Ob 'is objectively sposterihaetsya symptom Vincent tempyratura body 38 º C. Diahnostovano acute osteomielit. What zahvoryuvnnyamy not dyferentsiyuyut osteomielit? A. * Kariesom. B. Sharp (acute exacerbation of chronic) periodontytu. C. Nahnoennyam kist SCHLD. D. Malignant tumors. E. Inflammatory processes of soft tissue SCHLD. 722. In the dental clinic Patient turned 55 years with complaints of increase in tempyrayury body, swelling of the face and presence of norytsi hniynymy vmdilennyamy. Anamnesis known that earlier this plot disturbed patient, the disease lasts 2 months. Renthenolohichno found sekvestratsii plot. What disease can zapidozryty this patient? A. * Chronic osteomilit. B. Acute osteomilit. C. Acute hniynyy periodontyt. D. Chronic granulating periodontyt. E. Pidhostryy osteomilit. 723. The patient had chronic diahnostovanyy osteomielit verhnoschelepovoi kistky. doctor-patient dentist warned that if vidmovivid treatment he may have the following complications except: A. * Mediastenitu. B. Sepsis. C. Sinusitis. D. Etmoidytu. E. Venous thrombosis face. 724. Asked the patient to a dentist in '32 with complaints of inability to close the mouth. Chin put forward anteriorly and lowered down. It is not clear, drooling. The face is elongated, flattened cheeks and tight. Ahead tragus ear soft tissue sinks, and under the zygomatic arch palpable slight increase. Contact only the last molars. As th most likely diagnosis? A. * Bilateral posterior dislocation of the articular processes B. Unilateral anterior dislocation of the articular process C. Bilateral anterior dislocation of the articular processes D. Acute arthritis articular processes E. Bilateral perelomovyvyh articular processes 725. Boy 15 years, with expansion cavity complains of pain in the left temporomandibular joint, which appeared after 2.5 weeks or after suffering flu. Objectively: redness and swelling of the tissues in the joint Diehl ntsi left, t body 37.2 C, intact teeth, bite ortohnatychnyy. In rethenohrami bone structure is not altered joint, joint gap increased. What might explain the increase suh frontal slit on the radiograph? A. * Collect equation of serous fluid B. Tumor growth. C. Growth of fibrous tissue D. The deposition of lime E. Loss sechokisnoho sodium 726. Parents of 12-year-old turned to the dentist complaining of progressive limitation of mouth opening, mandibular deformity, pronunciation difficulties, eating. In the history of the child - a traumatic fracture of the articular process of the mandible on the right. During bimanual palpation no movement in the joints, radiographic joint space is not evident. As th most virohvdnyy diagnosis? A. * Bone ankylosis B. Postravmatychnyy arthritis C. Fibrous ankylosis D. Syndrome Kostena E. Scar kontaktura 727. Parents of girls aged 1 year 8 months complained to restrict movement of the mandible in a child snore at night, asphyxia, which periodically occur during sleep, reducing the size of the chin. In history \: prolonged traumatic birth. Deformation of the jaw and mouth opening limitation to 0.5 cm, bilateral mikroheniya. Assign additional studies A. * Orthopantomography. B. Plain radiography of the skull in the axial projection. C. Plain radiography of the skull and the nasal-pidboridniy projection. D. Radiography of the lower jaw in her conclusion by Henishem. E. Radiography of the mandible to the conclusion by Schuler of 728. Girl 15 years, complains of crunching in the left TMJ, stiffness in it in the morning. Ia patients for 3 years. OBJECTIVE: symmetrical face. Palpation sites TMJ painless. Open your mouth accompanied by crepitus in the left joint deviation pidporiddya left. Assign th advisable method further examination: A. * CT TMJ B. Orthopantomography C. Radiography half of us zhnoyi jaw in lateral projection D. MPT E. Plain radiographs of the skull in front fiya projection 729. Girl aged '12 complains of intermittent pain in the lower jaw and ears. Ill for about a year. Over the past 2 years have we observe significant growth tyvnishyy active girl. Locally: symmetrical face, mouth opening to 6 inches with a characteristic clicking in the TMJ area. Determined by palpation, percussion increased joint heads. Define n operedniy diagnosis A. * The right TMJ dysfunction ikova B. Chronic arthritis of the right TMJ C. Acute arthritis of the right TMJ D. Where the right TMJ arthrosis formed E. With ahostrennya xp onichnoho right TMJ arthritis 730. A girl aged 8 years complains of pain in the left parotid-masticatory area, which increases during chewing. The body temperature of 37.50 C. May that day got hit in this area. OBJECTIVE: asymmetrical face due to painful swelling of tissue in the left parotidmasticatory area, limited mouth opening because of the pain to 1.8-2 cm, intact teeth, bite ortohnatychnyy, regional lymph nodes were not enlarged. Joint space expanded. Identify the clinical diagnosis A. * Acute traumatic serous arthritis B. Deforming arthrosis of the TMJ C. Go stretch marks rheumatoid arthritis TMJ D. TMJ Osteoarthritis E. Go stretch marks rheumatoid arthritis TMJ 731. A girl aged 8 years complains of pain in the left parotid-masticatory area, which increases during chewing. The body temperature of 37.50 C. May that day got hit in this area. OBJECTIVE: asymmetrical face due to painful swelling of tissue in the left parotidmasticatory area, limited mouth opening because of the pain to 1.8-2 cm, intact teeth, bite ortohnatychnyy, regional lymph nodes were not enlarged. Joint space expanded. Identify the clinical diagnosis A. * Acute traumatic serous arthritis B. Deforming arthrosis of the TMJ C. Go stretch marks rheumatoid arthritis TMJ D. TMJ Osteoarthritis E. Mr. Ostrom rheumatoid arthritis TMJ 732. To verify the diagnosis of pain dysfunction syndrome of the right TMJ doctor held siege by P. Egorov. The result - a muscle spasm disappeared, mouth opening improved. What are the nerve fibers were blocked. A. * Roux hovi fibers of the trigeminal nerve B. Lyvi sensitive fibers of the trigeminal nerve C. The fibers of the facial nerve D. An E stsevu infiltration anesthesia E. Stem aneste Zia second branch of the trigeminal nerve 733. Asked the patient to a dentist in '32 with complaints of inability to close the mouth. Chin put forward anteriorly and lowered down. It is not clear, drooling. The face is elongated, flattened cheeks and tight. Ahead tragus ear soft tissue sinks, and under the zygomatic arch palpable slight increase. Contact only the last molars. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. * Bilateral posterior dislocation of the articular processes B. Unilateral anterior dislocation of the articular process C. Bilateral anterior dislocation of the articular processes D. Acute arthritis articular processes E. Bilateral perelomovyvyh articular processes 734. Asked the patient to a dentist in '32 with complaints of inability to close the mouth. Chin put forward anteriorly and lowered down. It is not clear, drooling. The face is elongated, flattened cheeks and tight. Ahead tragus ear soft tissue sinks, and under the zygomatic arch palpable slight increase. Contact only the last molars. As th most likely diagnosis? A. * Duplex Rear second dislocation articular processes B. Unilateral dislocation Front minutes articular process C. D Both ways anterior dislocation of the articular processes of the s D. Acute arthritis and articular processes E. Bilateral pearls omovyvyh articular processes 735. By dentist on night duty in '22 addressed the patient with complaints of constant sharp pain in the left temporomandibular joint, which is aggravated by movement of the mandible, while the rest is decreasing, weakness, malaise. On examination showed: pain, swelling in front of ear tragus left, limitation of mouth opening. . From history revealed that the patient vidkusuvav before this big piece of apple. Pressing pain in the area of the chin sharply posylyuyetsyaYak nd most probable diagnosis? A. Rheumatoid arthritis turns onevo-mandibular joint B. * Post-traumatic arthritis turns onevo-mandibular joint C. Osteoarthritis D. And nfektsiynyy arthritis turns onevo-mandibular joint E. Pain Dysfunction turns onevo-mandibular joint 736. Before dental surgeon turned boy aged '11 with complaints of fever up to 37,50 C, fatigue, malaise. A week ago, recovering from SARS was a constant pain in the right parotid-masticatory area, which is reinforced during jaw movements, radiating to the ear and with kronevu area. On examination: mild redness and swelling of the skin in the right parotid-masticatory area, palpation painful. Mouth opening is limited to 0.5 cm, the detected deviation of the mandible to the right. If the pressure on the chin pain increases. Determine the preliminary diagnosis: A. * Acute arthritis of the right TMJ B. Cellulitis Liv th parotid-masticatory area C. Neodontohennyy abscess Liv th parotid-masticatory area D. Chronic arthritis May vmatychnyy right TMJ E. By right TMJ ankylosis istkovyy 737. Before dental surgeon turned boy aged '11 with complaints of fever up to 37.5 C, fatigue, malaise. A week ago, recovering from SARS was a constant pain in the right parotid-masticatory area, which is reinforced during jaw movements, radiating to the ear and with kronevu area. On examination: mild redness and swelling of the skin in the right parotid-masticatory area, palpation painful. Mouth opening is limited to 0.5 cm, the detected deviation of the mandible to the right. If the pressure on the chin pain increases. Determine the preliminary diagnosis: A. * Acute arthritis of the right TMJ B. Cellulitis of the left parotid-chewed noyi area C. Neodontohennyy abscess Liv th parotid-masticatory area D. Chronic arthritis May vmatychnyy right TMJ E. By right TMJ ankylosis istkovyy 738. To jaw-face in th branch patient complaints brought to the impossibility of closing the mouth. Condition arose during the bite of apple. OBJECTIVE: patient faces expressing fear, mouth wide open, chin shifted to the left, there is leakage of saliva. During palpation via the external ear canal moves right suhlubovoyi head no. Yaqui and the most likely diagnosis? A. * Dislocated right TMJ B. Pe bone fracture suhlubovoho n \ ni C. TMJ Pain D. Dislocated left TMJ E. Bilateral TMJ dislocation 739. A woman complains of '46 marked limitation of mouth opening, reconfiguring face feel cha "big tongue". OBJECTIVE: face when viewed from a "ptashynnyy look." Mouth opening is limited. On radiographs joint space available. I cue the most likely diagnosis? A. Acute arthritis of the right TMJ B. Myogenic osteoatroz C. * TMJ Ankylosis D. Subluxation of the mandible E. Acute suppurative parotitis 740. Female 33 K. complains of aching dull pain in the TMJ, which increases during chewing, the crunching, stiffness in the joint. Symptoms were a year ago after I transferred SARS. OBJECTIVE: Al ymetriya face on the side of the affected joint, mouth opening of 0.5 cm What additional methods of examination must apply for railway iahnostyky this disease? A. Mastykatsiohrafiya, CT B. * Radiography, electromyography C. Hnatodynamometriya, telerenthenohrafiya D. Craniometry, radiography E. Electromyography hnatodynamometriya 741. Woman, 35, on the second day pislyavydalennya tooth turned to CHLV complaining of pain in chewing bilyavushno area, a sense that there is no contact between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw right handles. On examination: Chin zsunute left half-open mouth, lips closed, bite broken. Limitation of lateral movements of the mandible. From the front of the right ear kozetka retraction of soft tkanyn.Yake most informative studies in this violation Not? A. * R h - g VNSHS B. ultrazvukovoe C. Radiography of the mandible D. Bimanual E. Symptom burden 742. A. A man complains of inability to close the mouth. Chin put forward anteriorly and lowered down. It is not clear, drooling. The face is elongated, flattened cheeks and tight. Ahead tragus ear soft tissue sinks, and under the zygomatic arch palpable slight increase. Contact only oc Tunney molars. Put dianoz: A. Unilateral anterior dislocation of the articular process B. Bilateral anterior dislocation of the articular processes C. * Bilateral posterior dislocation of the articular processes D. Acute arthritis articular processes E. Bilateral perelomovyvyh articular processes 743. The man asked about the exacerbation of chronic perykoronarytu 38 tooth. The mouth opens to 1 cm Inflammatory contracture second degree. What kind of anesthesia should perform omatoloh century surgeon to remove the 38 tooth? A. Mandibular B. Torusalnu C. General D. Tuberalnu E. * Anesthesia for Bershe-oak 744. Male 38 years had sought to the dentist complaining of inability free opening and closing the mouth, pain in the ear. From history: The patient was suffering from arthritis, said in a joint clicking when you open your mouth, before during sudden movements of the jaw encountered similar difficulties. OBJECTIVE: mouth half-open, the lower jaw is pushed forward and lowered, and the chewing muscles tense. What is the disease of the patient? A. Deforming arthrosis B. Deforming arthritis C. * Chronic dislocation D. Fracture of the articular head E. Acute dislocation 745. Describe the method in practice yvyhu posterior mandible? A. The patient is seated, the doctor puts into the mouth thumbs of both hands and puts on the chewing surfaces molyariv, the rest of the fingers covered the lower jaw, pressing on the molars and prypidnimaye chin upward, shifting the jaw shifting backwards B. * The patient is seated, the doctor puts thumbs on the alveolar process of the mandible with vestibular side, the rest of the body and cover the angle of the jaw, jaw shifts thumbs down and rest your fingers - to front C. The patient sits doctor palpable through the skin of the cheeks below the zygomatic bone determines the position of the tops of coronal processes and pushes them towards a thumbs down and back D. The patient sits doctor pozarotovoyu by click thumbs down and towards the back of the head to dislocate the mandible E. The patient lies between molars doctor enters a tight gauze roller presses the chin from the bottom up, then front to back 746. Describe the method reposition the lower jaw noyi for AA Timofeev? A. * The patient sits doctor pozarotovoyu by click thumbs down and backwards to dislocate the head of the mandible B. The patient is seated, the doctor puts thumbs on alveolar bone of the mandible with vestibular side, the rest of the body and cover the angle of the jaw, jaw shifts thumbs down and rest your fingers - to front C. The patient sits doctor palpable through the skin of the cheeks below the zygomatic bone determines the position of the tops of coronal processes and pushes them towards a thumbs down and back D. The patient sits doctor pozarotovoyu by click thumbs down and towards the back of the head to dislocate the mandible E. The patient lies between molars doctor enters a tight gauze roller presses the chin from the bottom up, then front to back 747. Describe the method reposition the mandible by Blekhman? A. The patient is seated, the doctor puts into the mouth thumbs of both hands and puts on the chewing surfaces of molars, the rest of the fingers covered the lower 748. 749. 750. jaw, pressing on the molars and prypidnimaye chin upward, shifting the jaw shifting backwards B. * The patient is seated, the doctor in the mouth is the location of coronal processes, forefingers pushes them towards the bottom and back C. The patient sits doctor palpable through the skin of the cheeks below the zygomatic bone determines the position of the tops of coronal processes and pushes them towards a thumbs down and back D. The patient sits doctor pozarotovoyu by click thumbs down and towards the back of the head to dislocate the mandible E. Tions have started X lies between molars doctor enters a tight gauze roller presses the chin from the bottom up, then front to back Describe the method vpravlyan of the mandible by Goeppert? A. The patient is seated, the doctor puts into the mouth thumbs of both hands and puts on the chewing surfaces of molars, the rest of the fingers covered the lower jaw, pressing on the molars and prypidnimaye chin upward, shifting the jaw shifting backwards B. * The patient is the doctor puts his fingers on the chewing surfaces of the teeth on either side, and the thumb rests on the lower edge of the chin, pulls down angle of the jaw and thumb shifting it backwards C. The patient sits doctor palpable through the skin of the cheeks below the zygomatic bone determines the position of the tops of coronal processes and pushes them towards a thumbs down and back D. The patient sits doctor pozarotovoyu by click thumbs down and towards the back of the head to dislocate the mandible E. The patient lies between molars doctor enters a tight gauze roller presses the chin from the bottom up, then front to back Describe the method I practice the mandible by Hippocrates? A. The patient is seated, the doctor puts into the mouth thumbs of both hands and puts on the chewing surfaces of molars, the rest of the fingers covered the lower jaw, pressing on the molars and prypidnimaye chin upward, shifting the jaw backwards B. The patient sits doctor in the mouth is the location of coronal processes, forefingers pushes them towards the bottom and back C. The patient sits doctor palpable through the skin of the cheeks below the zygomatic bone determines the position of the tops of coronal processes and pushes them towards a thumbs down and back D. The patient sits doctor pozarotovoyu by click thumbs down and towards the back of the head to dislocate the mandible E. The patient lies between molars doctor enters a tight gauze roller presses the chin from the bottom up, then front to back Describe the method vpravl moting the mandible by Popescu? A. The patient is seated, the doctor puts into the mouth thumbs of both hands and puts on the chewing surfaces of molars, the rest of the fingers covered the lower jaw, pressing on the molars and prypidnimaye chin upward, shifting the jaw shifting backwards B. The patient sits doctor in the mouth is the location of coronal processes, forefingers pushes them towards the bottom and back C. The patient sits doctor palpable through the skin of the cheeks below the zygomatic bone determines the position of the tops of coronal processes and pushes them towards a thumbs down and back D. The patient sits doctor pozarotovoyu by click thumbs down and towards the back of the head to dislocate the mandible E. * The patient lies between molars doctor enters a tight gauze roller presses the chin from the bottom up, then front to back 751. Describe the method reposition the lower jaw by her Hvatovoyu - Gershoni? A. The patient is seated, the doctor puts into the mouth thumbs of both hands and puts on the chewing surfaces of molars, the rest of the fingers covered the lower jaw, pressing on the molars and prypidnimaye chin upward, shifting the jaw shifting backwards B. The patient sits doctor in the mouth is the location of coronal processes, forefingers pushes them towards the bottom and back C. * The patient sits doctor palpable through the skin of the cheeks below the zygomatic bone determines the position of the tops of coronal processes and pushes them towards thumbs down and back D. The patient sits doctor pozarotovoyu by click thumbs down and towards the back of the head to dislocate the mandible E. The patient lies between molars doctor enters a tight gauze roller presses the chin from the bottom up, then front to back 752. Patient '35 appealed to the dentist complaining of a slight spontaneous pain in the left section bilyavushniy that when you open your mouth goes into the decision GOST pain. OBJECTIVE: swelling of the soft tissues in bilyavushniy site, when you open your mouth the lower jaw is shifted to the right crunch in the region of the left temporomandibular joint. Whom the diagnosis meets this clinic? A. * Chronic infections injecting nonspecific arthritis B. Acute arthritis C. Ankylosis D. Absts es bilyavushno chewing areas E. Lymphadenitis bilyavushnoyi area 753. The patient complains of '65 acute pain in the joints, which became protracted with periodic exacerbations chastische for all spring and autumn. Diseases linked with the flu that moved before. On radiographs with kronevo-mandibular joint: destructive and reactive changes, partial resorption of the articular head articular tubercle and deformation. Ask Dr. iahnoz. A. * Arthritis-Osteoarthritis SC ronevo-mandibular joint B. Syndrome Kostena C. A nkiloz SC ronevo-mandibular joint D. Acute arthritis E. Chronic traumatic arthritis 754. The patient appealed with complaints of pain in the left half of the face, radiating to the neck, dry and heartburn mucous membrane of the district OTA hearing loss. OBJECTIVE: painful mouth opening, there is a shift of the mandible to the right. An examination of the temporomandibular joint through the ear canal and defined crunch shidchastist movements articular heads. The mucosa without pathology refers dentition defects Put diagnosis. A. * Syndrome Kostena B. Arthritis ronevo SC-mandibular joint C. Contracture of the mandible D. Osteomyelitis upper branches schele issues E. Dislocation of the mandible 755. The patient asked the doctor complaining of inability to close the mouth, the selection and the inability to swallow saliva b. OBJECTIVE: mouth open, chin vydvynuto forward and lowered down, try to close the mouth causes or exacerbates pain in the temporomandibular joints. Face extended, cheek area stretched, compacted. It is not clear, can not chew, ahead tragus ears soft tissue sinks under vylytsevoyu arc (right, left) potovschennya.Postavte palpable bone diagnosis. A. Odnostornniy anterior dislocation of the mandible B. Bilateral posterior dislocation of the mandible C. Perelomovyvyh articular head of the mandible D. * Bilateral anterior dislocation of the mandible E. Bilateral fracture of the mandible in the region of angles 756. When removing the 34 tooth in the patient developed bilateral N. anterior dislocation of the mandible. Which method is appropriate vpravyty this dislocation, dislocation if after 30 minutes have passed? A. * Method Blekhman GershoniB. Method Papeski C. The method of Gershoni D. Method of K'yandynsko E. Method Rauera 757. On examination, the patient '45 observed asymmetry of the face. On the right side in the area of TMJ soft-tk and cheeks are puffy look. And on the healthy side look flat. Midline chin and mandibular incisive shifted to the right side. Sick n e can open his mouth. Patient: A. * Unilateral ankylosis. B. Bilateral ankylosis. C. Arthritis. D. Osteoarthritis. E. Arthrosis-arthritis. 758. On examination, the patient '45 observed asymmetry of the face. On the right side in the area of TMJ soft maybe Anah cheeks are puffy look. And on the healthy side look flat. Midline chin and mandibular incisive shifted to the right side. Sick n e can open his mouth. Patient: A. * Unilateral ankylosis B. Bilateral ankylosis C. Arthritis D. Osteoarthritis. E. Osteoarthritis, Arthritis 759. The patient repeatedly over a long time is between k dislocation n / ni, which he first vpravlyav himself and Zara of vpravyty are not. Diagnosis: obsolete unskilled dislocation n / ni. By whom should be treated? A. * Operate vehicle to reposition Gershoni B. Method of Hippocrates C. Method Khodorovich PV D. Method Blekhman GL E. Method for Popesku 760. In patients after trauma mouth wide open, chin shifted downward in front. The patient feels pain. It zatrudnena, chewing impossible. Diagnosis. A. * Fresh bilateral anterior dislocation B. Front unilateral dislocation C. Double fracture vyrostkovyh sprouts D. Bilateral fracture of the branches of the jaw offset debris E. Straight-sided dislocation 761. In patients after trauma mouth wide open, chin shifted downward in front. The patient feels pain. It zatrudnena, chewing impossible. Diagnosis. A. * Fresh bilateral anterior dislocation B. Front unilateral dislocation C. Double fracture vyrostkovyh sprouts D. Bilateral fracture of the jaw with the branches and the displacement of bone fragments E. Straight-sided dislocation 762. The patient's mouth half open, his chin on the central incisors and lower lip vuzdechnoyi shifted to the right zmykaty lip possible. Movement N / ni - just down, and the mouth more open. With an amnezu yesterday struck shower. Diagnosis. A. Bilateral anterior dislocation B. Unilateral fracture n / ni C. * Unilateral fresh anterior dislocation D. Straight-sided anterior dislocation E. Bilateral fracture of the N / Z 763. In CAP appealed patient complaining of painful ulcers presence of the left cheek. Diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the face, the second stage. You send the original documents in the CCCs. What documents need to fill? A. * Message form 090 / O B. The protocol forms 0242 / O C. Destinations in OOD D. Control card 6 / E E. Destinations in Oblast Clinical Hospital 764. In the dental clinic patient appealed. After physical examination oral surgeon Polikom Linik was diagnosed abscess of the right submandibular area. What should follow doctor's tactics? A. Perform needle removal purulent exudate B. To prescribe medication and physiotherapy C. To prescribe medication with dynamic observation D. Conduct section phlegmon in the clinic E. * Quickly send patients to specialized health care facilities 765. At the doctor dental surgeon asked the victim with limited thermal burns of the skin faces I-II degree. Determine which should be made of the treatment of the victim. A. Hospitalized in the casualty department B. Out in the dental surgeon C. * Admitted to the burn center (department) D. Ambulatory surgical department clinics E. Out travmopunkte the place of residence 766. The patient came to the reception in the morning to a dental surgeon. The reception began with a delay of 15 minutes. Doctor of stale, stained, pomyatomu gown without dosluhavshy by the end of patient complaints, asked him to open his mouth. During treatment, the patient's physician shared experiences with the nurse about the movie. What is a violation of human l ethics in this case? A. Start receiving late B. Wrinkled robe doctor C. Improper ratio of doctor to patient complaints D. Discussion of the film during the admission of the patient E. * All of the above 767. Five atsiyent suffer hemophilia. Accompanied by first removing a long term k rovotecheyu. What tactics doctor? A. * Hold intervention in hospital before and after surgery preparation B. Required predoperatsiyna training in outpatient C. No postoperative treatment is not a necessity D. Perform removal clinics but with further advice E. Perform removal under lyadom naked haematologist in the clinic 768. In patients with deep burns of the face and tulovyscha on the affected area for more than 10% originated burn shock. As a branch of the victim must be hospitalized? A. In therapy department B. * The resuscitation of the burn center at iddilennya C. In the surgical ward D. In the maxillofacial department E. As a casualty of the division 769. The patient is prepared for surgery under general anesthesia. What preparation is required to enter the patient during premedication to prevent complications associated with the excitation of the vagus nerve? A. Dibazol B. * Pilocarpine C. Kordiamin D. Atropine E. Proserinum 770. The patient suffers from epilepsy. Under what kind of anesthesia I need an operation? A. * Under endotracheal anesthesia B. Under anesthesia mask C. Under anesthesia nazofarynhialnym D. Under infiltration anesthesia E. Under anesthesia 771. A patient aged 44 years at the time of tooth extraction took place cast his crown part. During the subsequent manipulation by using the elevator, remove any tooth forceps failed. Manipulations should make the surgeon to successfully remove the pulley tooth rooms: A. * Disconnect the roots using a drill and fisurnoho boron B. Apply corner elevator C. Refer the patient to the hospital D. Complete removal during other visits E. Apply elevator Leklyuza 772. The patient after removal of tooth 37 appeared alveolar hemorrhage. Determine the most efficient way Hare th case of hemostasis: A. Tamponade cell yodoformnym swab B. Recycling floor and walls of the cell potassium permanganate crystals C. * Local hemostatic tamponade cell preparations D. Overall haemostatic therapy E. Handling k omirky solution of hydrogen peroxide 773. Patient age in '38 after ineffective treatment of tooth 26 on chronic granulomatous periodontitis turned to the doctor for removal of the tooth. In which way the first time and what are we vyvyhuvaty tooth movements should: A. Rotational motion B. In the buccal side pendular and rotary movements C. In the buccal side of the pendular movements D. In the palatal side pendular and rotary movements E. * In the palatal side pendular movements? 774. Patients showed removal of 46 teeth. The crown of the tooth is preserved, open mouth free. Select the best method of providnykovoh zne bolennya and tools: A. * Jaw and mandibular anesthesia; Direct elevator, dzo bopod ibni forceps with spines on the cheeks B. Anesthesia for Bershe-oak, corner and straight elevator C. Mandibular anesthesia, straight and corner elevator; beak pliers with cheeks converging D. Torusalna anesthesia beak pliers E. Torusalna anest eziya; straight and corner elevator: dzobopo the like forceps with cheeks converging 775. To the doctor asked the patient is complaining of intermittent pain in the mandibular angle and difficulty opening the mouth. Showing 38 tooth removal. Select pliers who need to carry out the removal of 38 teeth: A. Bayonet B. Dzobopodib or with cheeks that do not agree C. Beak with cheeks that converge D. Beak with spikes on the cheeks E. * Bent on a plane 776. To the doctor asked the man for the purpose of dental health. After inspecting and carrying out clinical examination revealed that 31 tooth must be removed, the root of which is exposed at 1/2, movable containing his third degree. Diagnosis: gum 31 tooth. Choose forceps, which you want to spend 31 removing memory ba. A. Bayonet B. D zobopodibni with spikes on cheeks C. Dzobopod ibni with cheeks that match D. Bent on a plane E. * Beak and with cheeks that do not match 777. To the doctor asked the man for the purpose of dental health. After inspecting and carrying out clinical examination revealed that 31 tooth must be removed, the root of which is exposed at 1/2, the mobility of III degree. Select forceps, which you want to spend 31 tooth removal: A. Beak with cheeks that converge B. * Dzobopodib or with cheeks that do not agree C. Beak with spikes on the cheeks D. Bent on a plane E. Bayonet. 778. A woman aged '49 addressed the dental surgeon to remove 17 teeth diagnosed exacerbation of chronic granulomatous periodontitis tooth 17. Select Number of tools for removal: A. * S-shaped curling right B. Bahnetopodibni root forceps C. Bahnetopodibni crowns forceps D. S-shaped left forceps E. Direct forceps. 779. A woman aged '49 appealed to hiru rha dentist to remove the tooth 17. Diagnosed exacerbation of chronic granuloma-toznoho periodontitis tooth 17. Select inst umentariy to remove 17 teeth: A. * S-shaped curling right B. Bahnetopodibni root forceps C. Bahnetopodibni crowns forceps D. S-shaped left forceps E. Direct forceps. 780. A woman aged '56 addressed the dental surgeon to remove the 17 tooth. Select required tools for entariy to remove 17 teeth: A. * S-shaped curling right B. Bahnetopodibni root forceps C. Straight Forceps D. S-shaped forceps E. Bahaetopodibsh crowns forceps. 781. On admission to the dental surgeon asked the patient 70 years for the removal of the central incisors of the upper jaw to the third degree of motion. M Do you want to remove your teeth? A. * Straight Forceps B. Direct elevator C. S-shaped forceps D. Bayonet forceps E. Beak pliers 782. PATIENTS '47 14 tooth must be removed, coronal tooth preserved. Select tool, identify the stages of removal: A. * S-like forceps, blending, promotion, closing, lux-tion in the buccal, palatal sides traction B. Direct forceps, blending, promotion, closing, rotation, traction C. Direct elevator, blending closure, lyuksatsiya in palatal and buccal sides, traction D. S-shaped forceps, blending closure, lyuksatsiya in palatal and buccal sides, traction E. S-shaped forceps with spikes, blending, promotion, closing, lyuksatsiya in buccal and palatal sides of the ground, traction 783. When removing the 47 tooth fracture occurred distal tooth root at 1/2 its length. Which tool should i choose to remove the root: A. * Corner elevator "over" B. Beak pliers with both cheeks who do not agree C. Beak schyp with these cheeks converging T) D. Corner Elevator "by itself" E. Direct elevator 784. On examination, her husband was diagnosed with acute odontogenic sinusitis. The source of the disease - 15 tooth that needs to be removed. The crown of the tooth is preserved. What other instrument necessary application wool: A. Bayonet forceps B. Straight forceps with cheeks that do not agree C. * S-shaped forceps D. Straight forceps with cheeks that converge E. S-shaped forceps right? 785. When removing a tooth 46 due to misuse of the elevator there was a dislocation of the intact tooth 45. Your actions in this situation. A. * Reponuv ati tooth and consolidate its bus B. Remove 45 tooth C. Conduct endotontychne treatment of resection and 45 tooth top D. Seal channel 45 tooth E. Hospitalize a patient in a hospital for up to obs tezhennya and further treatment 786. Patient age in '37 was removed medial root of the tooth 36 and the distal root of the tooth broke in the middle third. What tools should osuvaty deputy to remove root: A. Direct elevator B. The elevator at an angle to the left C. * The elevator at an angle to the right D. Beak pliers that do not agree E. Dz obopodibni forceps converging 787. A patient diagnosed with pericoronitis of tooth 38, a slight limitation of mouth opening. Select the appropriate tools for anesthesia and tooth extraction: A. Torusalna aneste Zia, straight and corner elevator B. * Torusalna anesthesia, direct elevator, forceps, curved in the plane C. Mandibular anesthesia, direct elevator D. Anesthesia for Bershe oak, live elevator, horizontal forceps E. Mandibular anesthesia, beak pliers with spikes on the cheeks. 788. In surgical dental office asked the patient complained for the b roots destroyed 37 tooth. What tools can be used to remove the roots of the tooth 37? A. * Beak pliers, converging, side elevators B. Beak pliers that do not converge, direct elevator C. Pinch bend those in the plane, side elevators D. Bayonet forceps such, direct elevator E. S-shaped soup ptsi, forward and side elevators 789. Patients aged 24 years lasya will turn to a dentist with complaints gamut of pain in the tooth 26. After physical examination diagnosed exacerbation of chronic periodontitis tooth 26. When you delete a hosted coronal tooth fracture. During the subsequent manipulation using bahnetopodibnyh forceps to remove the tooth root failed. Manipulation should be carried hiru RSU to remove the tooth root: A. Apply elevator Leklyuza B. Refer the patient to the hospital C. * Disconnect the roots using a drill and fisurnoho boron D. End of the tooth removed next visit E. Apply corner elevator 790. Patient age '57 asked the doctor to remove 34 teeth with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. Select a tool to remove this tooth as: A. * Beak soup ptsi with cheeks that do not agree B. Beak pliers with cheeks converging C. Beak pliers, bent on a plane D. Direct elevator E. Lateral Elevators 791. Patient aged 70 complains of tooth mobility 21. Tooth previously treated. 21 tooth rolling (II degree), bare root of 1/2. Which tool you must use rystaty to remove 21 teeth: A. Bahnetopodibni forceps B. S-shaped forceps C. * Straight Forceps D. Direct elevator E. Beak pliers 792. The patient was to receive 2 days after removal of tooth 37. In the area of tooth 37 cells observed inflammation (pain, soft tissue swelling, redness of the mucous membrane, increasing pain, and regional lymph nodes). On radiographs in the lateral projection celebrated piece of the root of the tooth in a cell that was removed. Did shown in term of surgical intervention to remove the wreckage I root: A. Unnecessary surgical Tue ruchannya as a fragment root arbitrarily vyshto vhnetsya granulation tissue B. After 7-10 days for formation not LTER inflammation C. * Chip should be removed as soon as possible D. After 2 months, when there are much atrophied bone fragment E. Conduct atypical remova I root under general anesthesia 793. A patient aged 20 years had sought to dental surgeon to remove the roots of the tooth 47. Concomitant diseases - hemophilia. In some circumstances the need to spend but the removal of 47 teeth: A. In a hospital with doope-ratsiynoyu training B. In the hospital C. Conditions do not matter D. In the outpatient setting E. * In terms of hospital hematology preoperative preparation and postoperative observation 794. A patient of 26 years had sought medical attention for removal of tooth 24 with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. 24 The crown of the tooth is not destroyed. Select a tool to remove tion of tooth: A. Straight Forceps B. * S-like spike on the left schichtsi C. S-shaped with a spike on the right schichtsi D. S-shaped without thorns E. Direct elevator 795. Patient aged 30 asked the doctor to remove 26 teeth with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. 26 The crown of the tooth is destroyed. Select soup ptsi to remove this tooth: A. S-shaped without thorns B. * S-like spike on the right schichtsi C. Straight Forceps D. Bahnetopodibni forceps E. S-shaped spike on the left shichtsi 796. Patient aged 30 turned to the clinic on the removal of tooth 16. While there was a gap tooth extraction alveolar ridge mucosa, accompanied by significant bleeding. Indicate the most appropriate way to cessation of bleeding in this case: A. Tamponade hemostatic sponge B. Longing tamponade gauze pad C. * Suturing wounds D. Gauze tamponade Tampa the hold of aminocaproic acid E. Parenteral administration is hemostatic means 797. Patients aged 33 years applied to the dental clinic for the purpose of rehabilitation. According to the testimony he needed to remove the 37 tooth. Select tricks tooth extraction forceps, which should Appl atm while removing 37 teeth: A. Overlay, promotion, vyhytuvannya inside and out, traction B. Overlay, promotion, closing, vyhytuvannya outside and inside of, traction C. Overlay, closing, vyhytuvannya inside and out, traction D. Overlay, promotion, closing, vyhytuvannya inside and out, traction E. * Overlay, promotion, closing, lyuksatsiya, rotation, traction. 798. Patient age '35 NUVD Appeals for the removal of 14 teeth with water period of exacerbation of chronic donhytu ineffective after a therapeutic treatment. Select ny inst umentariy necessary to remove 14 teeth: A. S-shaped curling right B. Bahaetopodibni crowns forceps C. * S-like forceps D. Straight Forceps E. Bahaetopodibni root forceps. 799. Patients aged 42 years appealed to the clinic dental surgery to remove the tooth in the upper jaw. Patients showed 25 tooth removal under local anesthesia. Where should the doctor be in relation to the patient during removal of the tooth: A. Ahead and to the left of the patient B. Ahead of the patient C. * Ahead and to the right of the patient D. Behind and to the right of the patient E. Behind and to the left of the patient 800. Patient age '45 asked to remove 13 teeth. What tools should be used to remove the 13 tooth: A. * Straight Forceps B. S-shaped curling right C. Bahnetopodibni forceps D. Direct elevator E. S-shaped forceps 801. Patient age '45 asked the doctor to remove 13 teeth. Select a tool to remove the tooth: A. S-shaped forceps B. S-shaped curling right C. Bahnetopodibni forceps D. Direct elevator E. * Straight Forceps 802. Patient age in '47 after ineffective treatment in a dental therapist chronic granulomatous periodontitis tooth 15 was to remove it. What type of forceps advisable to remove ati Use of this tooth: A. Direct B. S-shaped law C. * S-like D. S-shaped left E. Bayonet 803. Patient age '48 complains of persistent pain in the tooth 28. Sick 3 days. 28 The crown of the tooth is destroyed. Select forceps, with which you can remove the tooth root 28: A. Forceps for eight upper teeth B. Beak pliers C. Straight Forceps D. S-shaped forceps E. * Bayonet forceps. 804. Patient age '48 complains of persistent pain in the tooth 28. Sick 3 days. 28 The crown of the tooth is destroyed. What tools should be used to remove the tooth root 28: A. Straight Forceps B. Beak pliers C. * Bayonet forceps D. S-shaped forceps E. Forceps for eight upper teeth 805. Patients showed removal of 38 teeth. The doctor is in front and to the left of the patient puts on the crown 38 tooth forceps, curved in the plane, and after lyuksatsiynyh movements holds traction teeth. At the same time there was a complication - the gap Band mucosa forms of language side. What is the origin of n rychyna complications: A. Potrib but had to spend rotational movements B. Improper lyuksatsiyni movements C. Improper phase and overlap and fixation forceps D. No stage fixation forceps E. * Improper blending stages, promotion and fixation forceps 806. Patient aged 25 years to 26 to remove the tooth. Which tool should I have to remove: A. Forceps S-shaped law B. * Circling S-shaped left C. Bayonet forceps (bahnetopodibni) D. Circling direct root E. Direct elevator 807. Patient aged 25 years indicated removal of tooth 26. Diagnosed chronic fibrotic periodontitis tooth 26. Coronal saved. Which tool should ati Use to remove this tooth: A. Forceps S-shaped law B. * Circling S-shaped left C. Bayonet forceps (bahnetopodibni) D. Circling direct root E. Direct elevator 808. Patients aged 43 years shows a surgery to remove the tooth 16. Select tricks tooth extraction forceps that you want to apply the remover for 16 tooth: A. Overlay, promotion, closing, lyuksatsiya, rotation, traction B. Overlay, promotion, closing, vyhytuvan of outward and inward traction C. Overlay, closing, vyhytuvannya inside and out, traction D. Overlay, promotion, vyhytuvannya inside and out, traction E. * Overlay, promotion, closing, vyhytuvan of inward and outward traction 809. Patients aged 49 years pleksualnoyu anesthesia with vasoconstrictor Articaine removed tooth on the upper jaw. After the operation is not overflowing with cell step fade clot. How can you prevent wine yknennyu alveolitis in a patient: A. Rinse the cell solution mikrotsydu B. Fill the cell hemostatic sponge C. * Loosely fill the cell yodoformnym swab D. Rinse coma CCU 0.1% chlorhexidine E. Fill Cell antibiotic powder 810. Patients showed removal of 36 teeth. Where should be the doctor: A. Behind and in the center of the patient B. And left behind by the patient C. Front and left side of the patient D. * Front and right side of the patient E. With the right and slightly behind the patient 811. Patients showed Delete tion of root of tooth 36. OBJECTIVE: crown 36 tooth missing, medial root removed. The distal root is deep in the closet. Select a tool to be removed of the distal root of tooth 36: A. Beak root soup ptsi B. Elevator Leklyuza C. Corner elevator "over" D. Direct elevator E. * Corner Elevator "by itself" 812. The dental surgeon put the forceps cheeks on the crown of the tooth 17, which had a thin walls for closing the forceps appeared fractured crown. Used direct elevator with vestibular introduced by focusing on tooth 16. At the same time there was a separation of tubercle of the upper jaw with 17 and 18 teeth. What further tactics doctor: A. * Vidsharuvaty mucous oxide flap, remove the piece from the 17, 18 teeth and take in the mucosa B. Produce tire-mouthguard in the upper jaw, assign UHF C. To carry out X-rays and electroodontodiagnosis fix teeth with 17.18 tires D. Process mouth antiseptics and wait for wound healing E. Remove a piece of 17, 18 teeth and Tampa as designed wound 813. The dental surgeon during vydalyennya 38 tooth used Leklyuza elevator. Once cheek elevator was put between 37 and 38 teeth and carried attempt to dislocate 38 tooth, there malocclusion. What is the most likely complication can fault Whips: A. Fracture of alveolar bone of the mandible B. * Fracture of the mandible in the region of the angle C. Part 37 tooth dislocation D. Anterior dislocation of the mandible E. Posterior dislocation of the mandible 814. A boy aged 6 years dental therapist aims to remove the tooth 51 on physiological motion. What tools are needed at use in this case: A. * Straight Forceps B. Direct elevator C. Corner elevator D. Forceps, curved in the plane E. Beak soup ptsi with cheeks that do not agree 815. Boy aged 6 years therapeutic Tue dentist sent to surgical removal of 51 hectares for the tooth on its physiological motion. What tools are needed at use in this case: A. Forceps, curved in the plane B. * Direct elevator C. Corner elevator D. Straight Forceps E. Beak soup ptsi with cheeks that do not agree 816. After 3 h after removal of tooth 45, the patient began bleeding from the cell. During the review revealed a gap in the area of gum tissue cells 45 tooth that goes to the mucous membrane of the cheeks. What tactics doctor ent case,: A. Tamponade cell catgut B. * Tamponade cell yodoformnoyu turundas C. Zdavlyuvalna dressing and parenteral administration of aminocaproic acid D. Closure of the wound and cheek cell E. Tamponade cells and wound swab with aminocaproic acid 817. A man aged 25 Appeals NUVD to the clinic on the removal of 18 tooth crown which is destroyed by 1/2. Tooth still neodnora zovo treated. When removing a tooth held the lead for the hill maxilla. What actions are right here: A. * Wreck removal and suturing wounds B. Trying to put a piece into place C. Setting fragment on staree place and fix it D. Wreck removal E. Delete tion of debris and plugging the wound 818. The man turned to the clinic on the removal of 17 teeth. When tooth extraction is one of the roots hit the maxillary sinus. What is the doctor's tactics in this situation: A. Do not start any action B. * X-ray screening and referral of the patient to the hospital C. Removal of root perforation through hole formed D. The operation haymorotomiyi E. In shyvannya cell tooth extraction Тести до рисунків 1. On Рис. Fig. 1 is shown the X-ray of the mandible. What is reflected on it? A. Fracture of mandible B. Separation of alveolar ridge C. impacted tooth D. fracture of the root of the tooth E. * Tooth fracture in the region of the mandible 2. On Рис. Fig. 1 is shown the X-ray of the mandible. Depending on the term of receiving injury it is? A. * Fresh fracture B. Obsolete fracture C. Incorrect consolidating D. Not consolidating fracture E. offset fragments 3. On Рис. Fig. 1 is shown the X-ray of the mandible. In which plane is displacement of fragments at median mandibular fractures? A. sagittal B. * Front C. transversal D. sagittal and transversal E. transversal ifrontalniy 4. On Рис. Fig. 1 is shown the X-ray of the mandible. What is splinting? A. Immobilization of injured areas of the body by means of special devices and accessories B. Prevention of damage to parts of the tooth C. bandaging of the damaged parts of the body D. Removal of foreign bodies in the area of the fracture E. * All answers are correct 5. On Рис. Fig. 2 is shown the manifestations of HIV infection in the oral cavity. What is it? A. * Human Immunodeficiency Virus B. The virus herpes zoster C. Herpes simplex virus D. The influenza virus E. anthrax virus 6. On Рис. Fig. 2 is shown the manifestations of HIV infection in the oral cavity. How many clinical stages of HIV infection classifies WHO? A. * 4 B. 2 C. 6 D. 3 E. 5 7. On Рис. Fig. 2 is shown the manifestations of HIV infection in the oral cavity. What stage of the clinical course is AIDS? A. * The final B. intermediate C. The initial D. the median E. None. 8. On Рис. Fig. 2 is shown the manifestations of HIV infection in the oral cavity. Who is at risk of HIV transmission? A. JAN B. MSM C. Children of HIV-infected mothers D. Recipients of blood E. * All answers are correct 9. On Рис. Fig. 3 is shown the the operating. At what minimum distance should be placed oxygen tanks from heating? A. 0.5m. B. * 1m. C. 1.5m. D. 2m. E. 2.5m. 10.On Рис. Fig. 3 is shown the operating. What is the minimum space it needs to be? A. 14m2. B. 17m2. C. * 20m2. D. 23m2. E. 25m2. 11.14. On Рис. Fig. 3 is shown the operating. What should be the illumination of the operating field? A. * 3000 10000lk. B. 15000-20000lk. C. 200 300lk. D. 950 2500lk. E. 37000lk. 12.On Рис. Fig. 3 is shown the operating. What should be the minimum height of the air intake? A. 1m. B. 2m. C. * 2.5m. D. 3m. E. 3.5m. 13.On Рис. Fig. 4 is shown the osteomyelitis. How osteomyelitis is classified according to the ways of infection : A. Hematogenous B. Not hematogenous (secondary) C. postoperative (including bullet ) D. Osteomyelitis that occurs during inflammation spread to the bone from surrounding tissues or organs E. * All answers are correct 14.On Рис. Fig. 4 is shown the osteomyelitis. How is classified odontogenic osteomyelitis based on clinical forms: A. The form of inflammation B. Localization C. * As the prevalence D. During the clinical course E. All the answers are correct 15.On Рис. Fig. 4 is shown the osteomyelitis. Classification of osteomyelitis of the jaws, depending on the prevalence of are: A. * limited, focal and diffuse (diffuse) B. Acute, chronic C. Upper, lower jaw D. Focal and chronic E. Limited and acute 16.On Рис. Fig. 4 is shown the osteomyelitis. How is classified osteomyelitis, depending on the course? A. * Acute, subacute, chronic B. Acute, chronic C. Restricted, chronic D. focal, acute E. Subacute, chronic 17. On Рис. Fig. 5 is shown the plastic by tissues. Who is the founder of the local plastic by counter triangular patches: A. * Limberg B. Filatov C. Evdokimov D. Szymanowski E. Vasiliev 18.22. On Рис. Fig. 5 is shown the plastic fabrics. On how many groups is divided the techniques of mobilization of the wound edges around the defect: A. * 3 B. 5 C. 2 D. 4 E. 6 19.On Рис. Fig. 5 is shown the tissue plastic. What are the principles of planning plastic surgery: A. Analysis of the injury B. Assess the psychological state of the patient C. Select the most efficient way of plastic operation D. Choose the type of anesthesia E. * All answers are correct 20.On Рис. Fig. 5 is shown the tissue plastic. What is the coefficient of growth of tissue in the direction of the middle section at symmetric triangular flaps with angles 30x30: A. * 25% B. 50% C. 60% D. 70% E. 75% 21.On Рис. Fig. 6 is shown a neurofibromatosis. What pathomorphism at microscopic increase of neurofibromatosis? A. * Elements of nerve fibers with a combination of fibrous tissue B. Bone tissue C. plasma D. Muscle fibers fusiform E. Fatty composed of fibrous tissue 22.On Рис. Fig. 6 is shown neurofibromatosis. How many forms of neurofibromas is classified? A. * 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6 23.On Рис. Fig. 6 is shown neurofibromatosis. What treatment of neurofibroma? A. * Surgery B. Drug C. Observations D. Cryodestruction E. Chemotherapy 24.On Рис. Fig. 6 is shown neurofibromatosis. From which tissue is formed neurofibroma? A. * from peripheral nerve B. From lymphatic tissue C. From bone D. From muscle tissue E. From cartilage 25.On Рис. Fig. 7 is shown operative intervention on mucosal strand. Operation removing of which mucus strand is shown in Figure 7? A. * Upper lip B. lower lip C. Cheeks D. tongue E. palate 26.On Рис. Fig. 7 is shown surgery on mucosal strand. What strands of mucus in the oral cavity do you know? A. * Upper lip, lower lip, cheeks, tongue B. cheeks, tongue C. lips, tongue D. palate, tongue E. maxilla 27.On Рис. Fig. 7 is shown operative intervention on mucosal strand. Under which anesthesia this operation is performed? A. * Application, infiltration B. conduction C. General anesthesia D. Mask anesthesia E. intravenous anesthesia 28.On Рис. Fig. 7 is shown operative intervention on mucosal strand. What is the type of surgical intervention? A. * Frenuloectomy B. Cystectomy C. cystotomy D. Tooth extraction E. Resection of root apex 29.On Рис. Fig. 8 is shown a patient with colloidal scar. What is the tactics of the doctor at large colloidal scars? A. * Surgical scar removal B. Cryodestruction scar C. Chemotherapy scar D. Irradiation scar E. Applications medication 30.On Рис. Fig. 8 is shown a patient with colloidal scar. Thickness of the skin of maxillofacial area on average equal to: A. 0,5 mm B. * 1 mm C. 2 mm D. 3mm E. 4 mm 31.On Рис. Fig. 8 is shown a patient with colloidal scar. As a result of what is formed colloid scar? A. * After burns and surgery B. After tuberculosis C. After removal of teeth D. After slaughter E. After inflammatory disease 32.On Рис. Fig. 8 is shown a patient with colloidal scar. In which anatomical area it is located? A. * nasolabial folds B. Line Klein C. zygomatic D. under the eye E. submental 33.On Рис. Fig. 9 is shown ameloblastoma in the area of mandible. By what is presented soft odontoma at microscopic increasing? A. * strands of odontogenic epithelium B. vascular branching C. loose connective tissue D. lymphatic tissue E. epithelium of the epidermis 34.On Рис. Fig. 9 is shown a ameloblastoma in the area of mandible. What is a key aspect in the diagnosis of ameloblastoma? A. * X-ray B. Sialogram C. EDI D. Percussion E. palpation 45. On Рис. Fig. 9 is shown ameloblastoma in the area of mandible. What tactics of doctor at ameloblastoma? A. * Radical removal within healthy tissue B. shelling out C. Chemotherapy D. Medical Therapy E. Observations 35. On Рис. Fig. 9 is shown ameloblastoma in the area of mandible.What form of growth of this disease? A. * destructive and infiltrative B. Infiltrative C. destructive D. Not differentiated E. Necrosis of foci 46. On Рис. Fig. 10 is shown tuberculoses affection of lymph nodes. With what diseases conduct differential diagnostics of tuberculosis? A. * From lymphogranulomatosis and syphilis B. caries and periodontitis C. With osteomyelitis D. From abscesses E. With phlegmon 47. On Рис. Fig. 10 is shown tuberculosis affection of lymph nodes. How clinically manifests tuberculous lymphadenitis? A. * Gradually increase lymph nodes B. pain in the tooth C. pain in the lower jaw D. Pain in the face E. Pain in the region of the upper jaw 36.On Рис. Fig. 10 is shown tuberculoses affection of lymph nodes. What forms of tuberculous lesions appears in dentistry? A. Tuberculous chancre B. Tuberculous lupus C. tuberculosis D. warty tuberculosis E. * All forms 37.On Рис. Fig. 10 is shown tuberculoses affection of lymph nodes. What is the causative agent of the disease? A. * Mycobacterium B. Staphylococcus C. Streptococcus D. Lactobacilli E. pallidum 38.On Рис. Fig. 11 is shown the cancer of the lower lip, which form of cancer it is? A. exophytic B. Infiltrative C. Stomach D. * ulcerative-infiltrative E. Mixed 39.On Рис. Fig. 11 is shown the cancer of the lower lip by which international classification is made determination of degree of cancer spread? A. * TNM B. ABC C. NDT D. TNP E. MNT 40.On Рис. Fig. 11 is shown the lower lip cancer What treatment is prescribed for cancer of the lower lip? A. * Combination B. Radiotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Surgical E. medicamental 41.On Рис. Fig. 11 is shown the cancer of the lower lip. How many forms of squamous cell carcinoma is most common? A. * 3 B. 2 C. 4 D. 5 E. 1 42. On Рис. Fig. 12 is shown the stages of the operation. What surgery is shown in Figure 12? A. * root apex resection B. Amputation root C. Hemisection root D. Removal of root E. Atypical tooth extraction 43.On Рис. Fig. 12 is shown the stages of the operation. What is the indication for this surgery? A. * radicular cyst B. Follicular cyst C. Fisuralni cysts D. epidermoid cysts E. nasal alveolar cyst 44.On Рис. Fig. 12 is shown the stages of the operation of resection of the root apex. What is a priority at diagnosis of cyst? A. * X-ray B. EDI C. Percussion D. Palpation E. The presence of fluid 45.On Рис. Fig. 12 is shown the stages of the operation of resection of the root apex. With which epithelium is lined shell of radicular cyst? A. * stratified squamous epithelium without complete ceratonisation B. stratified squamous epithelium with complete ceratonization C. cubical epithelium D. The cylindrical epithelium E. Mixed epithelium 46.On Рис. Fig. 13 is shown the anatomical spaces of maxillofacial area. What space is shown under number 12? A. submandibular B. pterygoid-mandibular C. Temporal D. * Submental E. hyoid 47.On Рис. Fig. 13 is shown the anatomical spaces of maxillofacial area. What space is shown under number 1? A. submandibular B. pterygoid-mandibular C. * Temporal D. Submental E. hyoid 48.On Рис. Fig. 13 is shown the anatomical spaces of maxillofacial area. What space is shown under number 10? A. * submandibular B. pterygoid-mandibular C. Temporal D. Submental E. hyoid 49.On Рис. Fig. 13 is shown the anatomical spaces of maxillofacial area. What is the etiology of origin of temporal area phlegmon? A. Secondary spread through purulent process of infratemporal fossa B. Primarily from the front group of teeth of the upper jaw C. Secondary spread through suppurative process in the buccal area D. * Secondary spread through purulent process of infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossa E. Primary after tuberal anesthesia 50.On Рис. Fig. 14 is shown the cyst. How is it called? A. * radicular B. Follicular C. epidermoid D. Subperiostal E. Paradentalna 51.On Рис. Fig. 14 is shown the cyst. With what epithelium is lined shell of the cyst? A. cubical epithelium B. epithelium C. ciliated epithelium D. Mixed epithelium E. * stratified squamous epithelium without its full ceratonization 52.On Рис. Fig. 14 is shown the cyst. What cysts of the jaws can be apical? A. * radicular B. Follicular C. Paradental D. epidermoid E. nasolabial 53.On Рис. Fig. 14 is shown the cyst. What cysts of the jaws may be residual? A. * radicular B. Follicular C. Paradental D. epidermoid E. spherical-maxillary 54.On Рис. Fig. 15 is shown the surgery, which operative intervention is shown on Figure 15? A. * Atypical removal of third molars B. Frenulotomy C. Resection of root apex D. Hemisection E. Amputation 55.On Рис. Fig. 15 is shown the surgery. What is a dystopia of third molars? A. * Location tooth beyond the alveolar process B. Delayed timing of tooth eruption C. retention D. Tortoanomaly E. protrusion 56.On Рис. Fig. 15 is shown the surgery. What is the retention of the tooth? A. * Delay timing of tooth eruption, a well-formed B. Location of the tooth outside the alveolar process C. Tortoanomaly D. protrusion E. Divergence 57.On Рис. Fig. 15 is shown the surgery. What tools are used for such atypical removal of the third molars? A. * Direct tip chisel, elevator B. Tongs C. Direct elevator D. Corner elevator E. Volkmann spoon 58.On Рис. Fig. 16 is shown the anatomical location of the salivary glands. Which salivary gland is shown under number 7? A. * Parotid B. submandibular C. Sublingual D. Jaw E. palatine 59.On Рис. Fig. 16 is shown the anatomical location of the salivary glands. What research method is used to detect abnormalities of the salivary glands? A. * Sialography B. Hnatodynamometry C. Orthopantomography D. Telerenthenography E. Ultrasound 60.On Рис. Fig. 16 is shown the anatomical location of the salivary glands. Which salivary gland is shown under number 6? A. Parotid B. * submandibular C. Sublingual D. Jaw E. palatine 61.On Рис. Fig. 16 is shown the anatomical location of the salivary glands. How the arterial blood supply is carried out under the mandible salivary gland, shown under number 6? A. The internal carotid artery B. maxillary and facial arteries C. * facial, tongue and submental arteries D. Thyroid Artery E. facial, tongue and thyroid arteries 62.On Рис. Fig. 17 is shown the patient with lymphadenitis. Give the definition of what it is? A. * Inflammation of the lymph node B. osteitis C. Inflammation pereapical tissues D. Inflammation of the TMJ E. Inflammation maxillary sinuses 63.On Рис. Fig. 17 is shown the patient with lymphadenitis. How this disease is classified? A. Over the pathogenesis B. Localization C. According to etiology D. According to the flow E. * All answers are correct 64.On Рис. Fig. 17 is shown the patient with lymphadenitis. How this disease is classified by the progress? A. Sharp B. Chronic C. exacerbations of chronic D. Atypical E. * All answers are correct 65.On Рис. Fig. 17 is shown the patient with lymphadenitis. What is the cause of not odontogenic lymphadenitis? A. Tonsillitis B. Rhinitis C. Otitis D. Furuncle E. * All answers are correct 66.On Рис. Fig. 18 is shown the placement of the teeth in the jaw. What is shown in Figure 18? A. Anterior dislocation of the TMJ B. Fracture of alveolar process C. Fracture of the mandible in the region of the angle D. * Atypical position of the third molar E. Ameloblastoma mandible 67.What position of third molar is shown on Рис. Fig. 18 under number 2? A. Vertical B. * Angular C. Horizontal D. Partially cut E. Covered hooded mucosa 68.On Рис. Fig. 18 is shown the atypical location of the third molar. As the complications during eruption may occur half moon undercut of Vasmunda? What is it and what treatment strategy in relation to third molar in this case? A. * Dissolving of bone without clear boundaries more than 2 mm, the tooth to be removed B. The hood formed only by soft tissue C. Bone ossification formation D. Bone malignant neoplasm E. connective tissue tumors 69.On Рис. Fig. 18 is shown the atypical location of the third molar. What abnormal position of the third molars are? A. Vertical B. Angular C. Horizontal D. Partially cut E. All answers are correct 70.On Рис. Fig. 19 is shown the cyst. What kind of cyst shown in Figure? A. * Follicular cyst B. radicular cyst C. nasopalatine cyst D. nasoalveolar cyst E. Paradental cyst 71.On Рис. Fig. 19 is shown the cyst. Where it is formed? A. At the apex of the tooth root B. * Around crown of tooth that didn't yet erupted C. In the lateral area of the crown D. Around tooth E. In the area of the neck of the tooth 72.On Рис. Fig. 19 is shown the bone. At what stage of development of the tooth can be formed cyst? A. In the embryo plastic B. In odontoplastic C. In the period of coronary D. Complete follicle formation E. * on any stage 73.On Рис. Fig. 19 is shown the bone. What treatment is indicated in a follicular cyst? A. * Surgery B. Medication C. Observations D. Irradiation E. Chemotherapy 74.On Рис. Fig. 20 is shown the patient with ankylosis. What is it? A. Sustained limitation of movement in the joint B. * The lack of movement in the joint C. The pain that periodically appears and limitation of movement in the joint D. Inflammation of the TMJ E. degenerative and inflammatory TMJ contracture 75.On Рис. Fig. 20 is shown the patient with ankylosis. Ankylosis can be? A. Only intra B. * Intra-and extra-articular C. Only extra-articular D. Acute and chronic E. Bone and fibrous 76.On Рис. Fig. 20 is shown the patient with ankylosis. Intra-auricular ankylosis can be? A. Only fibrotic B. Only the bone C. Only acute D. * fibrous and bone E. Acute and chronic 77.On Рис. Fig. 20 is shown the patient with ankylosis. Extra-articular ankylosis can be? A. Only fibrotic B. * Only bone C. Only acute D. fibrous and bone E. Acute and chronic 78.On Рис. Fig. 21 is shown the the injured after injury of the maxillofacial area. What kind of wound has the patient? A. Slaughter B. laceration C. stab D. sliver E. * gunshot wound 79.On Рис. Fig. 21 is shown the victim after a gunshot wound. The peculiarity of this injury include: A. The presence of primary wound channel; B. Availability of primary tissue necrosis; C. Availability of commotion Zone; D. * Availability of primary wound channel zones of primary and secondary necrosis E. The presence of primary wound channel and zone commotion 80.On Рис. Fig. 21 is shown the injured after gunshot wound in maxillofacial area. In which area at a gunshot wound is the reduction, but incomplete loss of vital functions of soft tissue? A. * In the area of secondary necrosis B. In the area of primary necrosis C. In the area of the wound channel D. In the area surrounding tissues E. In the area of tertiary necrosis 81.On Рис. Fig. 21 is shown the injured after a gunshot wound in maxillofacial area. What method of prevention of wound infection in gunshot wound? A. * Early surgical treatment B. Delayed surgical treatment C. Washing the wound with antiseptic solutions D. Appointment of antibacterial agents E. Assigning desensitizing means 82.On Рис. Fig. 22 is shown the fracture of the body of the mandible. Which tooth can be temporarily not removed from the line of fracture? A. With fractured roots B. If the tooth is completely dislocate from the hole but its integrity is preserved C. * intact tooth needed to hold the fragment in the correct position D. Retained tooth, which prevents proper comparison of jaw fragments E. A tooth that supports inflammation 83.On Рис. Fig. 22 is shown the fracture of the body of the mandible. For how long can be conducted temporary immobilization of fragments of the jaw? A. No more than 1-2 hours. B. * Not more than a few hours, sometimes up to 1 day C. No more than 2-3 days D. No more than 1-2 weeks E. No more than 30 minutes 84.On Рис. Fig. 22 is shown the fracture of the body of the mandible. In bilateral fractures of the mandible in area of the body, angles, branches and coronal processus middle fragment stays: A. Unchanged B. * sinks and moves backwards C. sinks and moves anteriorly D. Rises down and moves backwards E. rises up and moves anteriorly 85.On Рис. Fig. 22 is shown the fracture of the body of the mandible. The doctor decided to conduct osteosynthesis. What is fixing means for surgical method of connecting bone fragments and elimination of their mobility? A. Metal wires for bone sutures and intraossal needles B. Metal intraossal needles C. Titanium mini plates D. Metal wires for bone sutures and titanium mini plates E. * Metal wire for bone joints, intraossal spokes and titanium mini plates 86.On Рис. Fig. 23 is shown the phlegmon of buccal area. Where is located superficial abscesses and phlegmons of buccal area? A. * Between aponeurosis Jaw and Jaw muscle B. Between the submucosal layer and cheek muscles C. Between Jaw aponeurosis and submucosal layer D. Between the submucosal layer and buccal aponeurosis E. between skin and submucosal layer 87.On Рис. Fig. 23 is shown the phlegmon of buccal area. Where is located deep abscess and phlegmon of buccal area? A. * Between the submucosal layer and buccal muscles B. Between Jaw aponeurosis and submucosal layer C. Between Jaw aponeurosis and buccal muscle D. Between the submucosal layer and buccal aponeurosis E. between skin and submucosal layer 88.On Рис. Fig. 23 is shown the phlegmon of buccal area. What is the first priority in treating phlegmon? A. * Opening and drainage of purulent focus B. Applications by Dimexidum C. UHF therapy D. microwave therapy E. Electrophoresis iodine 89.On Рис. Fig. 23 is shown the phlegmon of buccal area. What is the rational treatment for this disease? A. * Surgical and medical B. Medication C. Surgical D. UHF therapy E. microwave therapy 90.On Рис. Fig. 24 is shown the osteomyelitis in the acute stage. By what are classified clinical forms of odontogenic ostemiyelitis? A. The form of inflammation B. Localization C. As the prevalence D. During the clinical course E. * All answers are correct 91.On Рис. Fig. 24 is shown the osteomyelitis in the acute stage. What pathomorphological changes in odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws are characteristic? A. Small and large pockets of purulent infiltration of the bone marrow B. thrombosis C. purulent fusion of vessels D. Areas of hemorrhage E. * All answers are correct 92.On Рис. Fig. 24 is shown the osteomyelitis in the acute stage. What is osteomyelitis? A. * Infectious-allergic purulent-necrotic process B. Infectious-allergic process C. Necrotizing process D. The purulent process E. infectious process 93.On Рис. Fig. 24 is shown the osteomyelitis in the acute stage. How long lasts subacute stage of osteomyelitis? A. * About 2 weeks B. About 2 months C. About 6 weeks D. Approximately 7 weeks E. about 9 weeks 94.On Рис. Fig. 25 is shown the patient after opening of phlegmon of the mouth floor with the localization of inflammation in the left submandibular area and sublingual area. Which operative access at submundibular phlegmon is used. A. intraoral B. collarshaped C. In the submandibular area D. In the area of large molar teeth E. intraoral linear 95.On Рис. Fig. 25 is shown the patient after opening of phlegmon of the mouth floor with the localization of inflammation in the left submandibular area and sublingual area. What are the clinical features of odontogenic submandibular phlegmon? A. High body temperature after hypothermia, pain when swallowing, sharp restriction of mouth opening B. * presence of destroyed large molar tooth on the lower jaw, skin hyperemia, swelling, pain and swelling of the soft tissues of the submandibular area C. The general condition unchanged D. presence of destroyed large molar tooth on the lower jaw, skin hyperemia, swelling E. All answers are correct 96.On Рис. Fig. 25 is shown the patient after opening of phlegmon of the mouth floor with the localization of inflammation in the left submandibular area and sublingual area. Why occurs dehydration at phlegmon of the mouth floor A. Due to increase in urine output B. As a result of kidney failure C. As a result of electrolyte imbalance D. * Failure to drink fluid through a sharp swelling and pain in the tongue and of the mouth floor E. No correct answer 97.On Рис. Fig. 25 is shown the patient after opening of phlegmon of the mouth floor with the localization of inflammation in the left submandibular area and sublingual area. What complications can occur at a given phlegmon A. Sepsis B. mediastenit C. Brain abscess D. Thrombosis venous sinuses of the face and brain E. * All answers are correct 98.On Рис. Fig. 26 is shownthe patients with chronic osteomyelitis, sequestrectomy. What pathomorphological changes are observed at odontogenic osteomyelitis? A. Inflammation and periodontal destruction; B. The inflammation and destruction of periodontal suppurative inflammation in the periosteum; C. Purulent infiltration of the bone marrow thrombosis; D. * Purulent infiltration of the bone marrow, thrombosis, blood clots purulent fusion, areas of hemorrhage and osteonecrosis; E. inflammatory processes in the jaw and surrounding tissues. 99.On Рис. Fig. 26 is shownthe patients with chronic osteomyelitis, sequestrectomy. Osteomyelitis of the mandible, in contrast to similar lesions of the upper jaw, is characterized by: A. A slight leakage, less frequent and varied complications, small sequestration; B. * heavier flow, more frequent and varied complications, extensive sequestration. C. A similar occurrence in both jaws. D. Easier flow, more frequent complications, absence of sequestration. E. heavier flow, less frequent complications, small sequesters 100. On Рис. Fig. 26 is shownthe patients with chronic osteomyelitis, sequestrectomy. On character of the clinical flow osteomyelitis is: A. * Acute, subacute, chronic and pointed; B. Restricted, focal and diffuse; C. Light, moderate and severe form; D. lytic and sequestral form; E. abscess, destructive and hyperostosis. 101. On Рис. Fig. 26 is shownthe patients with chronic osteomyelitis, sequestrectomy. Does acute odontogenic osteomyelitis always ends with sequestration, that becomes chronic form? A. Not always ends with sequestration; B. Always ends with sequestration; C. * May not end with sequestration only when the first days of illness (1-2 days) conducted pathogenetic treatment. D. Chronic osteomyelitis has no sequestration; E. Can not end with sequestration only when in the early days of the disease was carried physiotherapy 102. On Рис. Fig. 27 is shownthe dislocation of the mandible. What is a dislocation? A. * The steady displacement of the articular head beyond its physiological mobility B. bone defect within the tooth C. Consolidation of the fracture D. Inflammatory complications in bone E. neurotrophic disorders 103. On Рис. Fig. 27 is shownthe dislocation of the mandible. Name the classification of TMJ dislocation depending on the relationship of the articular surfaces? A. Full B. Incomplete C. Fracture-dislocation D. Subluxation E. * All answers are correct 104. On Рис. Fig. 27 is shownthe dislocation of the mandible. What methods of reposition do you know? A. Hippocrates B. H.L.Blehmana C. H.H.Mytrofanova D. O.O.Tymofeyeva E. * All answers are correct 105. On Рис. Fig. 27 is shownthe dislocation of the mandible. Where shifts articular head at anterior dislocation? A. * The front slope of the articular tubercle B. Between the bony part of the external auditory canal and mastoid process C. Articular head moves in or out D. In front of the mastoid process of the temporal bone E. All answers are correct 106. On Рис. Fig. 28 is shownthe patient with phlegmon of the orbit on the left. What are the clinical signs of phlegmon of the orbit? A. * Diplopia, proptosis, lid edema, pain when pressing on the eyeball, loss of vision; B. Diplopia, proptosis, lid edema; C. fistula moves in the region of the angle of the eye, the presence of purulent nasal discharge; D. Presence of purulent nasal discharge; E. Pain when pressing on the eyeball, reduced vision. 107. On Рис. Fig. 28 is shownthe patient with phlegmon of the orbit on the left. Where is made the operative approach at phlegmon of the orbit? A. submandibular incision B. At the inner edge of the orbit C. At the lower and upper edge of the orbit D. Access through the maxillary sinus E. * In the lower and the upper edge of the orbit, accessed via the maxillary sinus 108. On Рис. Fig. 28 is shownthe patient with phlegmon of the orbit on the left. Which teeth can cause the development of this complication? A. Canines of the upper jaw B. maxillary premolars C. * Canines and premolars of the upper jaw D. The first molars of the upper jaw E. The second and third molars of the upper jaw 109. On Рис. Fig. 28 is shownthe patient with phlegmon of the orbit on the left. One of the clinical symptoms of the disease - hemoz. Give the definition. A. Swelling of the eyelid conjunctiva B. * Swelling of eyelids conjunctiva, its hyperemia C. Swelling of the eyelids conjunctiva, overemphasizing the eyeball D. overemphasizing the eyeball E. Infiltration of eyelids 110. On Рис. Fig. 29 is showna hemangioma. From what tissue it develops? A. From blood vessels B. From the lymphoid tissue C. From the nervous tissue D. From the fibrous tissue E. * All answers are correct 111. On Рис. Fig. 29 is showna hemangioma. From which tissue develops chylangioma? A. * From the lymphoid tissue B. From the nervous tissue C. with fibrous tissue D. From the cartilage E. From the bone 112. On Рис. Fig. 29 is showna hemangioma. From which tissue develops neuroangiofibroma? A. * From the nervous and fibrous tissue B. From the nervous tissue C. From fibrous tissue D. From the cartilage E. From the bone 113. On Рис. Fig. 29 is showna hemangioma. From which tissue growing hemangiofibroma? A. From the nervous tissue B. * From fibrous tissue and blood C. From the cartilage D. From the bone E. From the blood tissue 114. On Рис. Fig. 30 is shown the patients with lateral cyst of neck on the right. What is a synonym for this disease? A. Dermoid B. Epidermoid C. Cystic teratoma D. * Bronhiogenic cyst E. tyreoglossal cyst 115. On Рис. Fig. 30 is shown the patients with lateral cyst of neck on the right. To which tumor formations relates this cyst? A. * Congenital B. acquired C. Posttraumatic D. postoperative E. Infectious 116. Figure shows the 30 patients with lateral cyst of neck on the right. Where opens the passage of inside incomplete lateral fistula of the neck? A. It starts on the skin of the neck in the midline and reaches the hyoid bone, in it ends blindly; B. goes from the hyoid bone to the blind hole in the area of the tongue; C. begins on the skin of the neck in the midline, passing through the hyoid bone and goes to a blind hole in the area of the tongue; D. * Goes on soft tissue at the level of the thyroid cartilage to the inner hole in the area of the tonsils or the side of the larynx; E. begins on the skin at the inner edge of the sternoclavicular-mastoid muscle in the area of secondary (lower) third of the neck and ends in the soft tissues at the level of the thyroid cartilage. 117. Figure shows the 30 patients with lateral cyst of neck on the right. What is not a synonym of this disease? A. Branhio gene cyst B. branchial cyst C. Lateral lymph epithelial cyst D. Congenital lateral neck cyst E. * thyreoglosal cyst 118. On Рис. Fig. 31 is shownthe sialogram the patient in the lateral projection filled with contrast solution. How does sialogram of Hertsenberh pseudo parotitis? A. * Unchanged B. Cluster contrasting masses in parenhime C. Narrowing ducts in the parenchyma D. Extension duct parenchyma E. Expansion ductless 119. On Рис. Fig. 31 is shownthe sialogram of the patient in the lateral projection filled with contrast solution . What sialographic sign of salivary gland duct ? A. Expanding duct parenchyma B. Expansion of duct C. * The expansion and contraction of the duct D. Narrowing duct E. Accumulation of contrasting masses in the parenchyma 120. On Рис. Fig. 31 is shownthe sialogram the patient in the lateral projection filled with contrast solution . What sialographic sign of proliferation in the parenchyma of salivary gland connective tissue? A. Expanding duct parenchyma B. Expansion of ductless C. The expansion and contraction of the duct D. * Narrowing ducts throughout E. Accumulation of contrasting masses in the parenchyma 121. On Рис. Fig. 31 is shownthe sialogram the patient in the lateral projection filled with contrast solution. Sialographic sign of parenchymatous parotitis is characterized by the accumulation of X-ray detectable mass in the parenchyma of the gland in the form: A. * «grapes" B. «Ink Spots" C. Narrowing duct parenchyma D. Extension duct parenchyma E. Expansion ductless 122. On Рис. Fig. 32 is shownthe closing stages of oroantral communication with the maxillary sinus. What are the stages of closing of this connection? A. * Section, separation, immobilization, suturing mucouso-ossal flap B. Section immobilization, cutting C. Immobilization, cut, cutting, suturing the flap D. Cutting, immobilization, suturing the flap E. incision closure of mucouso-ossal flap 123. On Рис. Fig. 32 is shownthe closing stages of oro - antral connection with the maxillary sinus . As shown in the C fragment ? A. Closing of oro - antral connection with mucous-ossal flap B. * Suturing of oro - antral connection C. Postoperative appearance D. Preoperative view E. Section 124. On Рис. Fig. 32 is shownthe closing stages of oro - antral communication with the maxillary sinus . As shown in D fragment ? A. Closing of oro - antral connection with mucous-ossal flap B. * Suturing of oro - antral connection C. Postoperative appearance D. Preoperative view E. Section 125. On Рис. Fig. 32 is shownthe closing stages of oro-antral connection with the maxillary sinus. What flap is used to close this connection? A. * buccal B. palate C. Tuberal D. lingual E. Cutaneous 126. On Рис. Fig. 33 is shownthe mandibular osteosynthesis with metal plates. What method of osteosynthesis of the mandible can be considered the most promising? A. * Titanium mini plates B. Kirschner needles C. Bone suture wire D. U-shaped metal clips E. Bypass seam metal wire 127. On Рис. Fig. 33 is shownthe mandibular osteosynthesis with metal plates. Who first used the bone seam for osteosynthesis of the mandible? A. * Szymanowski in 1863 B. Entin in 1941 C. Evdokimov in 1956 D. Bernadsky in 1960 E. Solnsev in 1966 128. On Рис. Fig. 33 is shownthe mandibular osteosynthesis with metal plates. How far from the edge of a fragment of the lower jaw must be done hole during osteosynthesis? A. * not closer then 10mm B. Not closer then 2mm C. Not closer then 5mm D. Not closer then 15mm E. Not closer then 20mm 129. On Рис. Fig. 33 is shownthe mandibular osteosynthesis with metal plates. Which method is not a direct osteosynthesis of the mandible? A. * Hooking the fragment of the lower jaw to the bone facial or cranial B. Bonding chips C. frame or put in a bone plate D. Bone suture E. periosteum-bone suture 130. On Рис. Fig. 34 is shown the tools for extraction of teeth. For extraction of which teeth of the upper jaw are shown tongs under letter a on Figure 34? A. * incisors and canines B. premolars C. molars D. Premolars and molars E. All of the teeth 131. On Рис. Fig. 34 is shown the tools for extraction of teeth. For extraction of which teeth of the upper jaw are shown tongs under letter б on Figure 34? A. Incisors and canines B. * premolars C. molars D. Premolars and molars E. There is no right answer 132. On Рис. Fig. 34 is shown the tools for extraction of teeth. For extraction of which teeth of the upper jaw are shown tongs under letter в, г on Figure 34? A. Cutters B. canines C. * molar D. premolars E. All of the teeth 133. On Рис. Fig. 34 is shown the tools for extraction of teeth. For extraction of the 28 tooth are designed forceps shown on Figure 34 under the letter? A. B. C. D. E. а б а and б в and г *д 134. On Рис. Fig. 35 is shown one of the types of local anesthesia. What is synonymous with anestezin? A. * benzocaine, anestalhin B. Dikain, piromekayin C. Ulrakayin, bukivekayin D. Mepivekayin, prilocaine E. trimecaine 135. On Рис. Fig. 35 is shown one of the types of local anesthesia. What concentration of lidocaine is the most common use for a given anesthesia? A. * 10-15% B. 20-30% C. 0,25-0,5% D. 0,125% E. 3% 136. On Рис. Fig. 35 is shown one of the types of local anesthesia Which pharmacological group of anesthetics are used in anesthesia given? A. gel B. Aerosols C. salve D. solutions E. * All answers are correct 137. On Рис. Fig. 35 is shown one of the types of local anesthesia. What anesthetics do you know for this type of anesthesia? A. * Lidocaine, benzocaine B. Novocaine C. Ultrakayin D. Septonest E. Ubistyzyn 138. On Рис. Fig. 36 is show nthe abscess of palate. What is the treatment of this disease A. Pharmaceutical B. UHF C. Paraffin D. * Surgical and medical E. Elekro coagulation 139. On Рис. Fig. 36 is shown the abscess of palate. What method of disclosure of this abscess? A. * Excision triangular-shaped area of the mucous membrane and periosteum B. A linear incision of the mucosa and periosteum C. Piercing the mucosa and periosteum D. Extraoral section in the area of greatest protrusion E. A vertical incision in the area of greatest protrusion 140. On Рис. Fig. 36 is shown the abscess of palate. What is the hard palate? A. * Part of the palate, which is the basis of bone covered above and below with the mucosa B. Posterior moving part palate C. palate blind D. The back of the palate E. The back of the upper jaw 141. On Рис. Fig. 36 is shown the abscess of palate. What are the complaints of a patient with this disease? A. * Severe pain during swallowing, limited swelling and redness B. pain in the tongue C. pain in the vestibule of the mouth D. Pain in cheek area E. Pain in the region of the upper lip 142. On Рис. Fig. 37 is shown the patient after opening the phlegmon of Ludwig. What is found at section of phlegmon? A. Gas Bubbles B. putrefactive odor C. Gangrenous smell D. fabrics are of the form of cooked meat E. * All answers are correct 143. On Рис. Fig. 37 is shown the patient after opening the phlegmon of Ludwig.What is imposed to improve patients breathing at this phlegmon? A. * Traheostomy B. Endo probe C. drainage tube D. Tape drainage E. Tubular drainage 144. On Рис. Fig. 37 is shown the patient after opening the phlegmon of Ludwig. What kind of phlegmon it is? A. * putrefactive-necrotic B. Serous C. Purulent D. Limited E. Specific 145. On Рис. Fig. 37 is shown the patient after opening the phlegmon of Ludwig. What are patient complaints at this phlegmon? A. Sore throat B. Inability to speak C. Violation of swallowing D. Violation of the general condition E. * All answers are correct 146. On Рис. Fig. 38 is shown one of the types of local anesthesia. What anesthesia is shown? A. * Infraorbitalna B. Tuberalna C. incisive D. Palatynalna E. Torusalna 147. On Рис. Fig. 38 is shown one of the types of local anesthesia. What method and of which anesthesia is shown on the figure? A. * Infraorbital intraoral method B. Infraorbital extraoral method C. incisive intraoral method D. incisive extraoral method E. Tuberal intraoral method 148. On Рис. Fig. 38 is shown the one of the types of local anesthesia. What is the target foramen for this anesthesia? A. * Infraorbital B. Extraorbital C. submandibular D. Mental E. incisive 149. On Рис. Fig. 38 is shown the one of the types of local anesthesia. What complications can be accompanied by a given anesthesia? A. hematoma after injection B. neuritis C. Diplopia D. Swelling of the eyelids E. * All answers are correct 150. On Рис. Fig. 39 is shown the schematic arrangement of the lymph nodes of the head and neck. How is translated from the Latin «nodi lymphatici occipitales»? A. Parotid lymph nodes B. * Occipital lymph nodes C. submandibular lymph nodes D. Submental lymph nodes E. Facial Lymph Nodes 151. On Рис. Fig. 39 is shown the schematic arrangement of the lymph nodes of the head and neck. On what groups are divided lymph nodes of the neck ? A. Surface and deep B. * Front and lateral C. Surface and subsurface D. Small , medium and large E. deep and fascial 152. On Рис. Fig. 39 is shown the schematic arrangement of the lymph nodes of the head and neck. What lymph nodes belong to the deep lateral neck lymph nodes ? A. Supraclavicular lymph nodes and pharyngeal B. Anterior and lateral jugular nodes C. * Supraclavicular lymph nodes and pharyngeal , front and lateral jugular nodes D. thyroid E. Front and lateral jugular nodes , thyroid 153. On Рис. Fig. 39 is shown the schematic arrangement of the lymph nodes of the head and neck. What do we call lymphadenitis, if you can not reveal its relationship with any other pathological center? A. Not odontogenic B. * The primary C. Specific D. nonspecific E. The secondary 154. On Рис. Fig. 40 is shown the examination of TMJ. What methods of examination is used for diagnosing of TMJ diseases? A. extraoral B. intraoral C. Because of the external ear canal D. Radiography E. * All answers are correct 155. On Рис. Fig. 40 is shown the examination of TMJ. What form has articular head of articular process of the mandible? A. Round B. * ellipse C. flat D. Globular E. conical 156. On Рис. Fig. 40 is shown the examination of TMJ. TMJ is paired joint formed by the mandible and-? A. occipital bone B. maxillary bone C. frontal bone D. * temporal E. sphenoid bone 157. On Рис. Fig. 40 is shown the examination of TMJ. What movements are possible in the TMJ? A. Vertical B. sagittal C. transversal D. The vertical and sagittal E. * vertical, sagittal and transversal 158. On Рис. Fig. 41 is shown the patient with burns of the facial part of skull. How to classify burns according to the etiological factor? A. Thermal B. Chemical C. Electric D. Ray E. * All answers are correct 159. On Рис. Fig. 41 is shown the patient with burns of the facial part of skull. What are the periods of burn? A. burn shock B. Burn toxemia C. Burn septictoxemia D. convalescence E. * All answers are correct 160. On Рис. Fig. 41 is shownthe patient with burns of the facial parts of skull. How many degrees of burn depth lesions there are? A. * 4 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5 E. 6 161. On Рис. Fig. 41 is shown the patient with burns of the facial part of skull. Burn by which factor is shown on the picture? A. * Acid B. Luh C. Phenol D. Thermal E. Electric 162. On Рис. Fig. 42 is shown the furuncle of hair follicle. On which day from the disease beginning is formed and secreted purulent-necrotic core? A. 2-3 days B. * 4-5 days C. 7-8 days D. 12-15 days E. 1-2 days 163. On Рис. Fig. 42 is shown the furuncle hair follicle. How long lasts the cycle of furuncles? A. 3-4 days B. 5-6 days C. 7-8 days D. * 8-10 days E. 10-11 days 164. On Рис. Fig. 42 is shown the furuncle hair follicle. Furuncle of which localization is complicated by thrombophlebitis of the angular vein of face? A. * Upper lip B. Angle of mouth C. bridge of nose D. chin E. Lower lip 165. On Рис. Fig. 42 is shown the furuncle hair follicle. The causative agent of this disease is? A. Monoculture streptococcus B. * Monoculture aureus C. Monoculture Proteus D. Monoculture E. coli E. Monoculture lactobacilli 166. On Рис. Fig. 43 is shown the facial skull: maxillar bone, mandibular bone. What is shown in the first fragment under number 5? A. submandibular foramen B. * Infraorbital foramen C. cell performances D. Nasal notch E. zygomatic apophysis 167. On Рис. Fig. 43 is shown the facial skull: maxillary bone, mandibular bone. What is shown in the first fragment under number 10? A. submandibular hole B. Infraorbital hole C. cell performances D. Nasal notch E. * zygomatic apophysis 168. On Рис. Fig. 43 is shown the facial skull: maxillary bone, mandibular bone. What is shown in the first fragment at number 6? A. submandibular hole B. Infraorbital hole C. cell performances D. * Nasal notch E. zygomatic apophysis 169. On Рис. Fig. 43 is shown the facial skull: maxillary bone, mandibular bone. What is shown in second fragment at number 12? A. Submental foramen B. Infraorbital foramen C. cell performances D. * The opening of the mandible E. Vertical appendix 170. On Рис. Fig. 44 is shown the stages of implantation. What is the distance between implants ? A. 1mm. B. 2mm. C. 3mm. D. * 1.5mm . E. 2.5mm 171. On Рис. Fig. 44 is shown the stages of implantation. What is shown in fragment 3 Figure 44 ? A. Shapers gums. B. * abutment on the implant . C. The finished restoration. D. Plugs screws. E. screwed implants . 172. On Рис. Fig. 44 is shown the stages of implantation. What implants are used in this clinical case? A. * Rootlike B. subperiosteal C. submucous D. Endodontic - endoosal E. leaf 173. On Рис. Fig. 44 is shown the stages of implantation. What type of dentition defect images? A. Single-sided final B. Two-sided final C. * Enabled D. Combined E. adentiyi 174. On Рис. Fig. 45 is shown the X-ray bone head in a straight projection. Which epithelium lined maxillary sinus ? A. * multilayer ciliated epithelium B. Flat not coarsen C. Flat coarsen D. cylindrical E. cubic 175. On Рис. Fig. 45 is shown the X-ray bone head in a straight projection. What part of the face is often swell for acute sinusitis ? A. Lower eyelid B. infraorbital area C. * Jaw area D. zygomatic area E. nasolabial folds 176. On Рис. Fig. 45 is shown the X-ray bone head in a straight projection. What is unusual for odontogenic sinusitis for ? A. * Poured character B. The presence of the causative tooth C. Unilateralism lesions D. Availability of perforative hole E. bold pus in the mouth 177. On Рис. Fig. 45 is shown the X-ray bone head in a straight projection. How to classify sinusitis depending on the etiology ? A. Odontogenic B. Rinogenic C. allergic D. posttraumatic E. * All answers are correct 178. On Рис. Fig. 46 is shown the elevators. For which manipulation using these tools? A. * For tooth extraction B. To resection C. To correct gum D. For polishing bone E. For disclosure inflammation 179. On Рис. Fig. 46 is shown the elevators. Which elevator shown at number 1? A. * Elevator Leklyuza B. The elevator Winter C. Direct elevator D. Corner elevator right E. Corner elevator left 180. On Рис. Fig. 46 is shown the elevators. Which elevator shown at number 3? A. The elevator Leklyuza B. The elevator Winter C. Direct elevator D. * Corner elevator right, left E. osteotomy 181. On Рис. Fig. 46 is shown the elevators. Which elevator shown at number 4? A. The elevator Leklyuza B. The elevator Winter C. * Direct elevator D. Corner elevator right E. Corner elevator left 182. On Рис. Fig. 47 is shown the options for the location of the third molar . Perekoronaryt is ? A. Inflammation of bone B. * Inflammation of the soft tissue surrounding the tooth crown on his part and the complicated eruption C. Inflammation of the subcutaneous fat D. Pidokisne inflammation E. Inflammation of periodontal tissues 183. On Рис. Fig. 47 is shown the options for the location of the third molar . Resulting in bone resorption behind the lower crown delayed tooth? A. Deficit space in the jaw B. Chronic Injury C. * Chronic inflammation D. Availability kapishona E. The presence of large tooth 184. On Рис. Fig. 47 is shown the options for the location of the third molar. Physiologically normal periodontal consider expansion gap of the distal part of the crown delayed tooth? A. Do1mm B. * Do2mm C. Do3mm D. Do4mm E. Do5mm 185. On Рис. Fig. 47 is shown the options for the location of the third molar. What disease is not a difficulty odontiasis? A. retention B. dystopia C. Perykoronaryt D. Follicular cyst E. * Sinusitis 186. On Рис. Fig. 48 is shown the sequence of steps receptions during tooth extraction. What is shows the in the figure below and the letter? A. * Overlay forceps B. Promotion cheecks forceps C. closed forceps (fixing) D. dislocation of tooth (luxation or rotation) E. Pulling a tooth with a hole (traction) 187. On Рис. Fig. 48 is shown the sequence of steps receptions during tooth extraction. The picture under the letter b? A. Overlay forceps B. * Promotion Cheecks forceps C. closing forceps (fixing) D. dislocation of tooth (luxation or rotation) E. Pulling a tooth with a hole (traction) 188. On Рис. Fig. 48 is shown the sequence of steps receptions during tooth extraction. In the picture at the letter in? A. Overlay forceps B. Promotion schichok forceps C. zimknennya forceps (fixing) D. zimknennya forceps (fixation). Vyvyhuvannya tooth (lyuksatsiya or rotation) E. Pulling a tooth with a hole (traction) 189. On Рис. Fig. 48 is shown the sequence of steps receptions during tooth extraction. The picture under the letter g? A. Overlay forceps B. Promotion cheeks of forceps C. closing forceps (fixing) D. Revision of the hole E. * Pulling a tooth with a hole (traction) 190. On Рис. Fig. 49 is shown the types of fractures of the mandible. Specify the classification of fractures of the mandible, depending on the location? A. Double B. Bilateral C. Unilateral D. Multiple E. * All answers are correct 191. On Рис. Fig. 49 is shown the types of fractures of the mandible. Specify the classification of fractures of the mandible, depending on the nature of the fracture? A. Complete, incomplete B. Line, chips, combined C. Isolated combined D. No displacement of fragments, fragment offset E. * All answers are correct 192. On Рис. Fig. 49 is shown the types of fractures of the mandible. Specify how else can classify fractures of the mandible? A. Over a period of occurrence B. Localization C. The nature D. in the direction of the fracture gap E. * All answers are correct 193. On Рис. Fig. 49 is shown the types of fractures of the mandible. Specify which tires are used in fractures of the mandible? A. Vankevych B. Porta C. Weber D. Smooth tire-clip E. * All answers are correct 194. On Рис. Fig. 50 is shownthe layout plan of surgical treatment of the patient. What operation is shown in the area of the eye? A. * Blepharoplasty B. Contour C. BOTOX injection D. Lift corner of the eye E. Plastic Filatov stem 195. On Рис. Fig. 50 is shownthe layout plan of surgical treatment of the patient. What operation is shown in the area of the mouth? A. Blepharoplastic B. * Contour Lip C. BOTOX injection D. Plastic scraps counter E. Plastic flap with axial vascular pattern 196. On Рис. Fig. 50 is shownthe layout plan of surgical treatment of the patient. What surgery is scheduled for mandible? A. Plastic flap with axial vascular pattern B. Blepharoplasty C. * Contour D. Filatov Plastic stem E. Lift Skin 197. On Рис. Fig. 50 is shownthe layout plan of surgical treatment of the patient. What surgery is planned in the area of the nose? A. * Rhinoplasty B. Blepharoplasty C. BOTOX injection D. Dermoabraziya E. Lift Skin 198. The figure 52 shows the tools to removing teeth . To remove the teeth of the mandible are depicted tongs letter b? A. incisors, canines and premolars B. premolars C. Molars and incisors D. Premolars and molars E. All of the teeth 199. The figure 52 shows the tools to removing teeth . To remove the teeth of the lower jaw which shows the tongs in the letter ? A. * Molar B. Premolars C. Molars and incisors D. Incisors and canines E. All teeth 200. 261. The figure 52 shows the tools to removing teeth . In the letter which indicated tongs to remove the 38 tooth? A. A B. B and a C. Within D. * G E. C and D 201. The figure 52 shows the tools to removing teeth . Which letter shows the tongs to remove the roots of the teeth on the lower jaw ? A. * A B. B and a C. Within D. G E. C and D 202. The figure 52 shows the tools to removing teeth . For removal of mandibular molars appointing such forceps in Figure 52 ? A. * beak with broad cheeks and spike B. Direct C. S- similar to the spike and cheeks converging D. S- like without a thorn E. There is no right answer 203. The figure 53 shows the specific odontogenic osteomyelitis of the upper jaw. At what disease is there ? A. * 4stadiyi With HIV B. syphilis C. tuberculosis D. actinomycosis E. Gonorrhea 204. The figure 53 shows the specific odontogenic osteomyelitis of the upper jaw. As shown by the arrows in this figure ? A. * Large sequesters maxilla B. Derevyanystyy infiltration C. fistulas course D. Kaposi's sarcoma E. The centers of osteoporosis 205. Figure 53 shows the specific odontogenic osteomyelitis of the upper jaw. What is a characteristic feature of odontogenic osteomyelitis of the upper jaw in these patients? A. Large area lesions B. The diffusive character C. Exposure of bone D. Fast nature of clinical course E. * All answers are correct 206. The figure 54 shows the fracture of the upper jaw. According to the author of which they classified? A. Fractures at Lefor B. Fractures by Horoshylkinoyu C. Fractures by Ilyin- Markosian D. Fractures by Vasiliev E. Fractures E. Weber 207. The figure 54 shows the fracture of the upper jaw. Are marked mobility of the nasal bones, soft tissue swelling of the left vilochnoyi plot symptom nyzhnoochnomu steps to the edge on both sides and in the region of the zygomatic -jaw joints, nasal bleeding, open bite . For what is typical fracture ? A. Lefor III B. Fracture of nasal bones . C. * Fracture of the maxilla by Lefor II. D. Bone Fracture of zygomatic bone E. Lefor I. 208. Figure 54 shows the fracture of the upper jaw. For any fracture Lefor characteristic symptom of steps along the lower edge of the orbit on both sides? A. * Lefor 2 B. Fracture of nasal bones C. Fracture of the zygomatic bone D. Lefor 3 E. Lefor 1 209. Figure 54 shows the fracture of the upper jaw. For any typical fracture complete detachment or separation of the facial bones and cranial shown in Figure 54? A. Fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort I B. Fracture of the left zygomatic bone C. Fracture of nasal bones D. fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort II E. * fracture Le Fort III 210. Figure 55 shows the cancer symbol at the bottom schelepy.Yakym TNM classification indicate recurrence of cancer? A. «a» B. «p» C. «t» D. «e» E. «g» 211. Figure 55 shows the lower schelepy.Rak cancer of the oral mucosa T3N1M0.Yaka a stage cancer spread? A. 1 B. 2 C. * 3 D. 4 E. 5 212. Figure 55 shows the lower schelepy.Rak cancer of the oral mucosa T2N3M0. . What is stage cancer spread? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. * 4 E. 5 213. Figure 55 shows the lower schelepy.Yake cancer cure cancer? A. Combined B. Irradiation C. Chemotherapy D. Surgery E. * All answers are correct 214. The figure 56 shows the Kaposi 's sarcoma. What is it? A. * Spots of different color and intensity, then darken, grow in size and may ulcerate B. infection in throat C. Allergic lesions throat D. throat burn lesions E. Inflammatory lesions of the throat 215. The figure 56 shows the Kaposi 's sarcoma. Which is the manifestation of the disease , this pathology? A. * HIV infection B. Angina C. diphtheria D. mononucleosis E. scarlet fever 216. The figure 56 shows the Kaposi 's sarcoma. What other manifestations of the underlying disease can be observed in these patients ? A. Angular cheilitis A. B. Recurrent aphthous stomatitis C. Oral Candidiasis D. Gingivitis E. * All answers are correct 217. The figure 56 shows the Kaposhi.Chym sarcoma is characterized by the first stage of manifestation of underlying disease ? A. * asymptomatic and painless swollen lymph nodes B. Lesions of the nasal sinuses C. Lesions of the optic fissure D. Lesions of the teeth E. Lesions of the tongue 218. The figure 57 shows the appearance of a patient with a chronic infectious disease. The manifestation of the disease which in the picture ? A. * Actinomycosis B. Tuberculosis C. Syphilis D. AIDS E. HIV 219. The figure 57 shows the appearance of a patient with a chronic infectious disease. Which cells are specific for this disease ? A. Cells Harhreyvs B. Lemotsyty C. Sternberg cells D. * Ksantomni cells E. Cells Jaworski 220. The figure 57 shows the appearance of a patient with a chronic infectious disease. What is the causative agent of the zahvrryuvannya ? A. * Actinomycetes B. Staphylococci C. Streptococci D. Lactobacilli E. Mycobacteria 221. The figure 57 shows the appearance of a patient with a chronic infectious disease. What are the possible ways of getting this infection to the body? A. Odontogenic B. Contact C. Hematogenous D. lymphogenous E. * All answers are correct 222. The figure 59 shows the marginal parts of gums tumor. What tumor is shown in Figure 59 ? A. Carbuncle B. boil C. * Epulis D. abscess E. Hemangioma 223. The figure 59 shows the marginal parts of tumor of gums. What is the clinical picture is characterized by tumors shown in Figure 59 ? A. limited areas of keratinization ash B. loose painful formation of gum bleeding C. * dense painless tumor of a broad-based D. painful dense infiltrate in the region of a few teeth E. 2-3 erosions of gums, with no tendency to bleeding and epithelialization 224. The figure 59 shows the marginal parts of tumor of gums. The primary treatment for tumors is shown in Figure 59 ? A. Chemotherapy B. Cryodestruction C. Radiotherapy D. Combined E. * Excision of neoplasms 225. The figure 59 shows the tumor with a marginal part of the gums. What diseases can spend dyfdiahnostyky tumors shown inFigure 59 ? A. phlegmon B. abscess C. hemangiomas D. * hypertrophic gingivitis E. Ameloblastoma 226. The figure 60 shows the structure of the temporomandibular joint nyzhntoschelepnoho . As shown at figure 10? A. * Shylonyzhno jaw Since anti B. A branch of the mandible C. The head of the mandible D. lateral alary muscle E. Vertical appendix E. 227. The figure 60 shows the structure of the temporomandibular joint. As shown below tsyfroyu12 ? A. * The head of the mandible B. Vertical appendix C. External auditory canal D. Shilovidnyj appendix E. infratemporal crest 228. The figure 60 shows the structure of the temporomandibular joint . As shown below tsyfroyu11 ? A. Vertical appendix B. The external auditory canal C. * appendix D. Articular disc E. lateral alary muscle 229. The figure 60 shows the structure of the temporomandibular joint. As shown below tsyfroyu13 ? A. * The external auditory canal B. Shilovidnyj appendix C. Articular disc D. lateral alary muscle 230. The figure 60 shows the structure of the temporomandibular joint . As shown below tsyfroyu12 ? A. * The head of the mandible B. Vertical appendix C. External auditory canal D. Shilovidnyj appendix E. infratemporal crest 231. The figure 60 shows the structure of the temporomandibular . As shown below tsyfroyu11 ? A. Vertical appendix B. The external auditory canal C. *Shilovidnyj appendix D. Articular disc E. lateral alary muscle 232. The figure 60 shows the structure of the temporomandibular joint . As shown below tsyfroyu13 ? A. * The external auditory canal B. Shilovidnyj appendix. C. Articular disc D. lateral alary muscle E. lateral alary 233. The figure 60 shows the structure of the temporomandibular joint . As shown at figure 4? A. * Articular disc B. Vertical appendix C. External auditory canal D. Shilovidnyj appendix D. E. branch of the mandible