Spring 2013 Syllabus
Introduction to Computers - CS1013 -001, -002, -003, -004, -005 MWF
Instructor : Mrs. Jeanette Spencer
Office: CSM 121
Phone: 870-972-3978
Email: jspencer@astate.edu
Office Hours: MWF 8:00-9:00am or by appointment
Class meeting time:
Section Day Time Room
001 MWF 9:00 - 9:50 a.m. CSM 203
002 MWF 10:00 - 10:50 a.m. CSM 203
003 MWF 11:00 - 11:50 a.m. CSM 203
004 MWF 12:00 - 12:50 p.m. CSM 203
005 MWF 1:00 - 1:50 p.m. CSM 203
Textbook: Microsoft Office 2010 by O'Leary ISBN: 9780073519302, Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Software: SimNet for Office 2010 (Access Code) ISBN: 9780073516493, Publisher: McGraw-Hill
(required - available online at http://arkansasstate.simnetonline.com
General Statement
This course is designed to provide the student with a basic familiarity with Microsoft Windows
XP© Operating system, as well as the basics of Microsoft Office 2007©, including Word©,
Excel©, and PowerPoint©. Students will also gain proficiency in using the Internet and email.
General Education Goals
This course will address, in part, the following General Education Goals:
Communicating effectively
Using computer applications effectively enhances the student's ability to communicate in the modern electronic age.
Using mathematics
Microsoft Excel provides an opportunity for the student to apply some basic Mathematical formula to real-world situations.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, students will be able to demonstrate a familiarity with the following:
Computer Basics
Microsoft Windows XP© Operating system
Microsoft Office 2007© Word
Microsoft Office 2007© PowerPoint
Microsoft Office 2007© Excel
Attendance Policy
Attendance will be taken each day per university policy. If you must miss a class, it is your responsibility to cover the material that was covered in class on that day. Check the SimNet website and contact me if you must miss a class. Since most assigned material (with the exception of exams) will be administered in an online format, you will still be able (and expected) to complete your course work even if you are not able to physically attend the class.
Exams must be taken in person in our classroom, and on the scheduled dates. If you must miss an exam, contact your instructor to arrange a make-up either before or within one week of the missed exam. Make-up exams may not be allowed after this one week grace period.
Grade Breakdown Grading Scale
90% – 100% A
80% – 89% B
70% – 79% C
60% – 69% D
<60% F
Tentative Spring 2013 Class Plans
Jan 14(M) Verify enrollment, cover required material and policies
16(W) Microsoft SharePoint, Create homepage
18(F) Add pictures, links and content to homepage
21(M) Martin Luther King Day, No classes
23(W) Create second page and links
25 (F) Grade homepage
28(M) Introduction to SimNet, Microsoft Windows XP
30(W) Logging On, Using Control Panel, Start Menu, Desktop Features, Icons
Feb 01(F) Desktop Folders, Files, Changing Desktop Settings, Internet Explorer 8
04(M) Microsoft Windows XP & Internet Explorer 8 Exam
06(W) Essential Skills for Office 2010 and Word 2010
08(F) Getting Started with Word 2010
11(M) Formatting Text and Paragraphs
13(W) Formatting Documents
15(F) Working with Tables and Graphics
18(M) Working with References and Mailings, Exploring Advanced Document Features
20(W) Collaborating with Others
22(F) Microsoft Word 2010 Exam
25(M) Essential Skills for Office 2010 and Excel 2010
27(W) Getting Started with Excel 2010
Mar 01(F) Using Formulas and Functions, Formatting the Worksheet
04(M) Adding Charts and Analyzing Data, Exploring Advanced Functions
06(W) Exploring Advanced Charts and Graphic Elements
08(F) Exploring Advanced Data Analysis
11M) Collaborating with Others
13(W) Microsoft Excel 2010 Exam
15(F) Essential Skills for Office 2010 and PowerPoint 2010
18-22 Spring Break
25(M) Getting Started with PowerPoint 2010
27(W) Adding Content to Slides
29(F) Formatting Presentations
Apr 01(M) Managing and Delivering Presentations
03W) Exploring Advanced Graphics, Tables, and Charts
05(F) Polishing and Finishing the Presentation
08(M ) Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Exam
10(W) Getting Started with Access 2010
12(F) Working with Tables
15(M) Working with Forms and Reports
17(W) Using Queries and Organizing Information
19(F) Access 2010 Lab 1
22(M) Access 2010 Lab 2
24(W) Access 2010 Lab 3
26(F ) Access Project in classroom, CSM 203
29(M) Microsoft Access 2010 Exam
30(T) Study Day
May 01-07 Final Exams
01(W) 11:00 a.m. class, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.; 1:00 p.m. class, 2:45 – 4:45 p.m.
03(F) 9:00 a.m. class, 8:00 – 10:00 a.m.; 12:00 p.m. class, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
06(M) 10:00 a.m. class, 10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
11(S) Commencement