NAFSA 2006 ANNUAL REPORT FORM Based on the 2006-2008 Strategic Plan Committee Name: ILC (SIG) International Living Learning Center Specific Interest Group Person Filling Out Form: Liliane C. Koziol Date: _November 12, 2006 How many individuals participate? (ex. Activity Listserv Number of Participants 67 ) Activity Listserv_____________________________________________________________________ Number of Participants 120 members Activity National Conference Presentation (4 presenters from Alberta, Berkeley, Massachusetts, Maryland) Number of Participants attended by hundreds Activity SIG tabling (40 doing tabling during the week)_______________________________ Number of Participants attended by hundreds Activity SIG meeting _________________________________________________________ Number of Participants 40 Activity Booth _________________________________________________________ STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS 1. Advocate for U.S. policies, laws, and regulations that promote and enhance international education. NAFSA GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1.1 Establish international education as an essential component of U.S. leadership and security. 1.2 Seek U.S. commitment to an international education policy statement. MIG ANNUAL GOAL(S) RELATED TO THIS OBJECTIVE Through the ILCs’ residence, programming, & academic experiences strengthen NAFSA’s goal of establishing international education as an essential component of U.S. leadership and security. Supporting NAFSA goal by demonstrating ILC relevance in the larger context of international education Number of Participants thousands STRATEGY & RESULT (How and what was achieved) 2007 ACTION PLAN AND TIME FRAME Articulating and using the ILC mission statement in all our communication Articulating to overseas partners this uniquely American feature of international education through our listserv inquiries and other communication Ongoing goal Through submitting proposals for regional and national conferences Through presentations at regional and national conferences Through outreach at regional and national conferences (tabling presence with a ILCSIG one-pager info sheet educating people about Ongoing goal To identify kindred spirits to guide & support our proposal submissions 1 our networking, recruiting people to be members of the SIG, informing them about the ILC workbook, which gives different models of ILCS describing their operations and suggests solutions to ILCSIG issues, practices, tips about anything pertaining to international houses, centers, floors, etc. including for example budget, staffing, programs issues, etc. 1.3 Promote a comprehensive strategy to reestablish the United States as the destination of choice for international students and scholars. Highlight overseas institutions for international students and visiting scholars the unique combination of residence, academics, and programming experiences solely provided by international living and learning Centers while stressing for them the benefit of interacting on a daily basis with American students : Promote ILC outreach through our exhibit booth targeting international overseas and domestic partners Promoting the concept of ILCs at regional and national conferences Stress Online discussion of occupancy issues keeping in mind that smaller percentage of returning residents may impact the pool of applicants for leadership roles and achieving demographic goals through selectivity Online discussion of ratio retuning and new residents to keep the balance that make ILCs successful Selling the ILCSG workbook Distributed to all ILCSIG members a collection of winning essays on combating stereotypes and prejudice in the wake of 9/11, a product resulting from an ILC project. Books also distributed to the NAFSA Diversity Forum participants, and the NAFSA Board members to show concrete results of ILC programming Providing guidance for institutions creating ILCS Ongoing Do longitudinal studies of ILCs created in the 1990s Working with colleagues in sister units such as Housing etc. to minimize differences with the common goal of residents’ satisfaction and personal growth Emphasize and develop ILCs academic program (cohort of classes, classes held at ILCs, faculty in residence, etc.) 2 1.4 Promote a comprehensive strategy to establish education abroad as an integral component of U.S. undergraduate education with a focus on diversity in participants and destinations. 1.5 Establish NAFSA as an indispensable source of information and guidance to Promote for American students the benefit of living in an ILC, which provides a unique combination of residence, academics, and programming experiences and allows daily basis interaction with international students and visiting scholars, which in turn encourage American students desire to participate in education abroad naturally Support NAFSA goal 1.5 at tour ILCSIG level Promoting the work of ILCs where we are each individually based Working with our respective higher education institutions Education Abroad Programs to promote our ILCs Ongoing Strengthen NAFSA goals through the sale and promotion of the ILCSIG workbook Make the workbook an official NAFSA publication Congress, the Executive Branch, and Presidential candidates on policy relating to international education. 1.6 Influence the immigration reform debate in Congress. NA 1.7 Be a resource for states on policy relating to international education. Support 1.7 goal Strengthen NAFSA through the sale and promotion of the ILC workbook Support 1.8 goal Strengthen NAFSA through the sale and promotion of the workbook Through presentations at regional and national conferences Through outreach at regional and national conferences Promoting the work of ILCs where we are each individually based Working with our respective higher education institutions Education Abroad Programs to promote our ILCs 1.8 Establish NAFSA as the nation’s premier grassroots advocate on behalf of international education. 2. Set and uphold standards for 2.1 Contribute to the establishment of standards appropriate to NAFSA and to the field. Highlight for international students and visiting scholars the unique combination of residence, academics, and programming experiences solely Ongoing Recruit overseas ILCS to be host American students going on study abroad program at exhibit booth Could be a resource along the lines of articulating for overseas partners the concept of ILCS as a unique American feature of international education Ensure that our ILCSIG proposals are accepted for presentations at the national conferences Ongoing Recruit overseas ILCS to be recipients of American students going on study abroad program 3 professional practice for individuals and institutions. 2.2 Review and update the Association’s professional standards, best practices, and provided by international living and learning Centers while stressing for them the benefit of interacting on a daily basis with American students Promote for American students the benefit of living in an ILC, which provides a unique combination of residence, academics, and programming experiences and allows daily basis interaction with international students and visiting scholars, which in turn encourage education abroad naturally Identify professional standards, best practices and models of successful programs Site visits of each other’s institutions to compare and contrast practices (Participants included I House UC Berkeley, I House Philadelphia, I House British Colombia, I House University of California at San Diego) at exhibit booth Through submitting proposals for regional and national conferences Through presentations at regional and national conferences Through outreach at regional and national conferences (tabling presence with a ILCSIG one-pager info sheet educating people about our networking, recruiting people to be members of the SIG, informing them about the ILC workbook, which gives different models of ILCS describing their operations and suggests solutions to ILCSIG issues, practices, tips about anything pertaining to international houses, centers, floors, etc. including for example budget, staffing, programs issues, etc. Through dissemination of a completed ILC Census Ongoing online also through visits of each other’s institutions, comparing and contrasting practices See 2.2 above See 2.2 above See 2.2 above models of successful programs at least every three years. 2.3 Disseminate and promote these standards at national, regional, state, and local international education forums, and on Web sites. 4 3. Develop and disseminate quality products, programs, and services that serve the international education community.inte rnational education community. 3.1 Build a strong practice information system that facilitates the dissemination of authoritative practice information and Dissemination of authoritative practice information and promotes member-to-member support on practice issues. Through diffusion of the ILC workbook, which gives different models of ILCS describing their operations and suggests solutions to ILCSIG issues, practices, tips about anything pertaining to international houses, centers, floors, etc. including for example budget, staffing, programs issues, etc. Distribution of the ILCSIG Census Online network discussion Prioritize member practice concerns; develop and implement practice initiatives to address concerns of highest priority Ongoing online discussion of issues Personal contact with people having inquiries Created an evaluation form for ILCSIG workbook Outreach for ILCSIG workbook at regional and national conferences Ongoing Enhance and expand services and products for ILCs professionals to support the fields of international student and scholar services, recruitment, admissions, and preparation for stay in the United States Outreach for and promotion of the ILCSIG workbook Distribution of the ILCSIG Census Online network discussion Disseminating Job openings on the network (based on other SIGS referral) Provided ILCSIG colleagues names for recommendation to participate in the NAFSA Executive Leadership Program Outreach for and promotion of the ILCSIG workbook Distribution of the ILCSIG Census Online network discussion Through submitting proposals for regional and national conferences Through presentations at regional and national conferences Created an evaluation form for ILCSIG workbook Disseminating Job openings on the network (based on other SIGS referral) Provided ILCSIG colleagues names for recommendation to participate in the NAFSA Ongoing promotes member-to-member support on practice issues. 3.2 Prioritize member practice concerns; develop and implement practice initiatives to address concerns of highest priority. 3.3 Enhance and expand services and products for professionals in the fields of international student and scholar services, recruitment, admissions, and preparation for stay in the United States. 3.4 Expand the services and products for Enhance and expand services professionals in international education leadership and international/ and products for ILCs intercultural teaching, learning, and scholarship. services and products for professionals to support professionals in international education leadership and international/ intercultural teaching, learning, and scholarship. Establish connections among Residence Life, Education Abroad, International Student Services, and Formal academics in the context of ILCs. Working with colleagues in sister units such as Housing etc. Emphasize and develop ILCs academic program (cohort of classes, classes held at ILCs, 5 Executive Leadership Program faculty in residence, etc.) Do longitudinal studies of ILCs created in the 1990s to identify trends in the global context of international education Outreach for and promotion of the ILCSIG workbook Distribution of the ILCSIG Census Online network discussion Through submitting proposals for regional and national conferences Through presentations at regional and national conferences Establish connections among Residence Life, Education Abroad, International Student Services, and Formal academics in the context of ILCs. Working with colleagues in sister units such as Housing etc. Emphasize and develop ILCs academic program (cohort of classes, classes held at ILCs, faculty in residence, etc.) Do longitudinal studies of ILCs created in the 1990s to identify trends in the global context of international education Support 3.6 goal through our individual and collective ILCs’ work, products, and services Submitted National conference proposal on the definition of global competency as achieved through the international living and learning experience Do longitudinal studies of ILCs created in the 1990s to identify trends in the global context of international education Articulating ILCS mission in the context of NAFSA’s role in advancing global workforce development Identifying uniqueness of our ILCs as molds for developing global citizens through programs, products, and services Ongoing definition of global competency through logic model using ILCs census Establishing a network of ILCS alumni from around the world 3.5 Strengthen NAFSA services and Enhance and expand services products for education abroad and products for ILCs professionals, focusing on the challenges professionals to support raised in the report by NAFSA’s Strategic Task Force Report on Education Abroad. services and products for professionals in international education leadership and international/ intercultural teaching, learning, and scholarship. 3.6 Ensure that product, program, and service development and modification are based on market research and rigorous quality evaluation. 3.7 Articulate NAFSA’s role in advancing global workforce development. 6 4. Manage growth of the membership in NAFSA. 4.1 Conduct periodic scans of the environment, noting opportunities and Conduct periodic assessment of the relevance of ILCS in the large context of NAFSA Identifying uniqueness of our ILCs as molds for developing global citizens through programs, products, and services Supporting NAFSA’s 4.2 goal Worked on an address project using recruited members at the national conference and increased ILCSIG participants from 67 to 120 Supporting NAFSA’s 4.3 goal Worked on an address project using recruited members at the national conference and increased ILCSIG participants from 67 to 120 Completion of census identified new ILCs and new interested members Ongoing Supporting NAFSA’s 4.4 goal First time our SIG was asked for guidance about creating ILCS by a Kenyan institution Ongoing Providing guidance bout creating an ILC for overseas institutions Supporting NAFSA goal at our ILCSIG level Established an Advisory Board to allow for greater involvement of the International Living Centers in developing programs of mutual interest and to increase and improve communication between the ILC's: 2 Co-Chairs (1 from a large established ILC and 1 from a smaller ILC, either from overseas and/or the US); Workbook lead, preconference workshop lead, general and possible Panel discussion chair, I Houses Worldwide exhibit Booth lead, a social event lead for ILC members at NAFSA national conference Ongoing Need to have a Webmaster Propose to NAFSA to have an in-residence Webmaster who could be consulted for ILCSIG website creation reviewing competing forces, and evaluate the potential strategic positioning of NAFSA for a 3-year horizon. 4.2 Manage growth strategically, focusing on the potential membership groups that best match our mission. 4.3 Retain current members and increase net membership. 4.4 Expand the number of members from new and underrepresented constituencies. 5. Ensure effective governance, leadership, communication and coordination for the Association. 5.1 Consistently employ a strategic planning process that engage all levels of the Association and aligns work effort, structure, and resources to the plan. Ongoing definition of global competency through logic model using ILCs census Establishing a network of ILCS alumni from around the world Ongoing 7 5.2 Continuously evaluate board Support NAFSA 5.1 goal Keep ILCSIG members appraised of new development through the online networking Provided Senior Director of NAFSA Professional Programs and Resources with names and contact email addresses of ILCSIG members who can benefit from the Executive Leadership Development Program, a professional development opportunity Using the online network Responding swiftly to inquiries Ongoing Support NAFSA goal 5.4 at our ILCSIG level Established an Advisory Board to allow for greater involvement of the International Living Centers in developing programs of mutual interest and to increase and improve communication between the ILC's: 2 Co-Chairs (1 from a large established ILC and 1 from a smaller ILC, either from overseas and the US); Workbook lead, preconference workshop lead, general and possible Panel discussion chair, I Houses Worldwide exhibit Booth lead, a social event lead for ILC members at NAFSA national conference Ongoing Support NAFSA goal 5.5. at our ILCSIG level Established an Advisory Board to allow for greater involvement of the International Living Centers in developing programs of mutual interest and to increase and improve communication between the ILC's: 2 Co-Chairs (1 from a large established ILC and 1 from a smaller ILC, either from overseas and the US); Workbook lead, preconference workshop lead, general and possible Panel discussion chair, I Houses Worldwide exhibit Booth lead, a social event lead for ILC members at NAFSA national conference Ongoing governance and member-leadership structures to ensure a flexible, nimble, effective, and efficient Association. 5.3 Ensure a regular pattern of Similar goal at the ILC SIG level communication with members regarding the activities of the Association. 5.4 Recruit and skilled, creative, and diverse member-leaders and staff who work in partnership to carry out the work of the Association. 5.5 Develop and maintain a system to identify talent and availability of members to volunteer for the Association in various roles, including but not limited to, leadership. Ongoing 8 6. Ensure a strong administrative and financial foundation for the Association. 5.6 Orient all new leaders of the Association. Similar ILCSIG goal Ongoing Similar goal for ILCSIG Informally done through doing by showing and ongoing communication with each other Outreach for and promotion of the ILCSIG workbook Distribution of the ILCSIG Census Online network discussion Disseminating Job openings on the network (based on other SIGS referral) Provided ILCSIG colleagues names for recommendation to participate in the NAFSA Executive Leadership Program As demonstrated through all he points above 6.1 Continue to develop and implement 6.2 Optimize the use of technology to achieve the objectives of the Association. Similar goal for ILCSIG Attempt to identify a server to host our listserv The most difficult goal for us to date 6.3 Develop and maintain a database that Similar ILCSIG goal Developed a census Completed an address project Ongoing NA Our group has not decided to have dues so that dues do not deter potential participants to be members Explore the idea duepaying members Support this NAFSA goal The workbook is sold at $40.00, which is basically the cost of the binder, the photocopy and mailing To explore having the workbook published by NAFSA Ongoing an efficient member- and customeroriented administrative system. supports the strategic objectives of the Association. 6.4 Achieve substantial growth of nondues revenue and corporate funding while maintaining an appropriate mix. 6.5 Price NAFSA services, products, and Web information to reflect current market conditions and the value of the services to both members and non-members. 9 6.6 Maintain a financially and legally sound organization at the regional and national levels. Supporting this goal for NAFSA The cost of the workbook has been basically kept low so as to make it available to many people To explore having the workbook published by NAFSA 10 Please limit your narrative report to one page. Because it is important to enhance the visibility of the ILCSIG at national conferences in order to validate the ILCs existence and relevance in international education, it is crucial for us to have our well-thought out proposals to be accepted for presentations at National conferences in order to encourage and uphold standards for professional practice for individuals and institutions. Furthermore, our proposals always include a combination of overseas and US presenters representing unique ILCs various models. We would like therefore to respectfully recommend that NAFSA recognize the SIGs’ endeavors by allotting an ILCSIG presentation slot at the national conferences. Respectfully submitted by Liliane C. Koziol March 9, 2016 11