MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS MEGR 2180 Fall 2005 MW 3:00 – 4:20 Room: MENGR 345 Instructor: Dr. Scott Smith Phone: (704) 687-8350 Email: Office: ERB 108A Office hours: open door or by appointment: TBD Texts: There are two textbooks: Manufacturing Processes and Equipment, by George Tlusty Engineering Economic Analysis, 9th ed., by D. Newnan, J. Lavelle, G. Eschenbach General Description: The goal of this course is to impart a broad overview of manufacturing materials, processes, and procedures, as well as engineering economics. In one semester, we will cover the complete manufacturing textbook and selected sections in the textbook on engineering economy. There will be 2 tests, 2 quizzes and one final exam. A good understanding of algebra and elementary calculus and some computer programming will be required. The use of spreadsheets for problems in engineering economics will be strongly encouraged. Description from course catalog: Manufacturing materials, processes, and procedures, including mechanical behavior and physical properties, basic materials, casting, rolling, forming, welding, cutting, surfaces, engineering metrology, quality assurance, automation, engineering economics, cost estimating, and economics of manufacturing. Schedule: The schedule below is tentative and subject to change by the instructor. Reading assignments should be completed by the next lecture after the assignment. Reading assignments from Manufacturing Processes and Equipment are indicated by “MPE”, while those from Engineering Economic Analysis are indicated by “EE”. Course Grading: 2 Tests @ 20% each 2 Quizzes @ 10% each Homework Final Exam 40% 20% 10% 30% 100% Reading Assignment Date Lecturer Lecture Topic Aug. 22 Mon Guest Course Introduction Aug. 24 Wed Guest Intro. To Manufacturing MPE Ch.1 p. 3-43 Aug. 29 Mon Guest Mechanical Properties Structures and Transformations MPE Ch.2 p. 45-63 Aug. 31 Wed Smith Alloys, Heat Treatment MPE Ch. 2 p. 63-77 MPE Ch.3 130-164 Homework Assignment MPE Q2.1, Q2.2, Q2.5, Q2.6, Q5.1 Due 9/7/05 MPE Q2.7, Q2.8, Q2.11, Q2.13, Q2.14 Due 9/7/05 Sept. 5 Labor Day - No Classes Sept. 7 Wed Smith Engineering Metals Ferrous Metals, Iron and Steel Industries Sept. 12 Mon Smith Engineering Metals Non Ferrous Metals, Aluminum and others MPE Ch. 2 p. 85-96 Sept. 14 Wed Smith Plastics EE Ch. 1 p. 1-19 EE Ch. 2 p. 31-61 Sept. 19 Mon Sept. 21 Wed Sept. 26 Mon Sept. 28 Wed Oct. 3 Mon Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Intro to Eng. Econ. And Engineering Costs Interest and Equivalence Ceramics and Composites Quiz 1 General Metal Forming Forging, Rolling Casting, Extrusion, Wire Drawing MPE Ch.2 77-84 MPE Ch.3 157-161 MPE Q2.16, Q2.19, Q3.1, Q3.3, Q3.6, Q3.7, Q3.10 Due 9/12/05 MPE Q2.21, Q2.22 Due 9/19/05 MPE Q2.24, Q2.26, Q2.27 EE Ch. 3 p. 73-96 Due 9/19/05 EE 2-1, 2-4, 2-9, 2-10 MPE Ch. 2 p. 96-104 Due 9/26/05 EE 3-3, 3-5, 3-7, 3-17 MPE Ch.3 p. 130142, 201-215 MPE Ch.4 p. 142157, 215-218 MPE Ch.4 p. 165-199 Due 9/26/05 MPE Q2.30, Q2.31 Due 10/3/05 MPE Q3.12, Q3.16, Q4.1, Q4.4, Q4.5, Q4.13 a,b Due 10/3/05 MPE Q3.20, Q3.25, Q3.30, Q4.16 Due 10/10/05 Oct. 5 Wed Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Wed Smith EXAM 1 FALL BREAK – No Classes Smith Sheet Metal, Deep Drawing, MPE Ch.6 p.324-374 MPE Q4.6, Q4.12, Q4.18 Due 10/17/05 Oct. 17 Mon Smith Powdered Metallurgy, Polymer Processing TBD Oct. 19 Wed Oct. 24 Mon Oct. 26 Wed Oct. 31 Mon Smith TBD Due 10/24/05 TBD Smith Engineering Economics Economics TBD TBD Smith Economics TBD Smith Metal Cutting, Milling, Cutting Tool Materials MPE Ch.7 p.377-390 MPE Ch.7 p. 390396, Ch.8 p. 443-458 Nov. 2 Wed Smith Tool Wear and Breakage, Chip Formation, Cutting Tool Materials Nov. 7 Mon Smith Nov. 9 Wed Smith Engineering Econ HW Review and Metal cutting HW review Machine Tools, Metrology Quiz 2 Nov. 14 Mon Nov. 16 Wed Smith Smith MPE Q7.1, Q7.2, Q7.3, Q7.8 P7.2, Q7.22, Q7.24, P7.6 (skip d), P7.7 Due 11/7/05 Q8.1, Q 8.10, Q8.20, Q8.21, Q8.31, MPE Ch.9 p. 493-516 MPE Ch.8 p. 458-483 Chatter in Metal Cutting, High Speed Machining MPE Q6.1, Q6.2, Q6.5, Q6.13, Q6.17, Q6.19 MPE Ch.10 p.611-647 Automation, Numerical Control Review for Exam TBD Due 11/7/05 TBD Q9.1, Q9.7, Q9.8 Due 11/14/05 Q 9.15, Q9.21, Q9.31, Q9.35 Due 11/21/05 MPE Q10.2, Q10.3, Q10.7, Q10.11 Due 11/21/05 Nov. 21 Mon Nov. 22 Nov. 25 EXAM 2 THANKSGIVING BREAK Nov. 28 Mon Nov. 30 Wed Dec. 5 Mon Dec. 7 Wed Dec. 14 Wed Smith Smith Smith Smith Assembly and Design TBD for Assembly, Welding Non-Traditional TBD Processes 1 Non-Traditional TBD Processes 2 Wrap-up TBD Review for Final LAST DAY OF CLASS FINAL EXAM 3:30 – 6:30 PM MENGR 345 Comprehensive TBD TBD TBD TBD