cell/molecules questions

Cell/Molecular PROBLEMS
I. Identify each statement
1. This structure is a rigid network of cellulose fibers.
2. Organelles that produce ATP during cellular respiration.
3. These plastids are plentiful in many roots and store starch.
4. This protein on erythrocytes carries oxygen.
5. Ribosomes give a rough appearance to this system of folded membranes.
II. Select the largest and smallest for each numbered row. Also tell the level of organization
for each item. (organism, cell, organelle. molecule, macromolecule, atom)
smallest Largest
1. A. chloroplast B. starch C. glucose
2. A. nucleus B. ribosome
C. nucleolus
3. A. Spirogyra
B. bacterium C. erythrocyte
4. A. glycerol
5. A. glucose
6. A. methane
B. fatty acid
B. carbon
B. electron
C. triglceride
C. antibody
C. sucrose
III. Name one cell from the list which has each structure or best fits the description.
A. oak leaf B. rose flower C. Amoeba D. erythrocyte E. E. coli F foosball G. sperm
_____ flagellum
_________ gamete
_____ hemoglobin
_____ Prokaryotic
_________ bacterium
IV. A. How many times larger in volume is a 20um spherical cell than a 10um sphere?
B. How many times larger in volume is a 20um cubical cell than a 10um cube?
C. One box shaped elodea cell was 100um by 30um by 30um. Another was 60um by 15um
by 50um. Which cell is larger in volume?
How many times larger is it?
V A. Show the overall reaction for photosynthesis. List molecular name and molecular
formula for each molecule. B. Show the overall reaction for cell respiration . List
molecular name and molecular formula for each molecule.
VI. Draw and name the smallest molecules with : 1. only oxygen; 2 hydrogen and oxygen;
3. carbon and oxygen; 4carbon and hydrogen;
VII. Select the level of organization for each word;
S. subatomic particle
MM. Macromolecule
M. Molecule
A. Atom
C. Cell
___ Glycerol
___ Erythrocyte
___ Proton
___ Carbon ___ glycine
___ Starch
___ Glucose
___ Neutron ___Sperm
___ DNA
VIII. Use only the first letter of the correct item for each statement C. covalent D. DNA
E. hemoglobin I. Ionic J. isomers O. starch P. steroid S. sucrose W. wax
___1 This disaccharide from sugar cane can be used to make rum or molasses.
___2. This blood protein in erythrocytes has four bonded protein chains .
___4. This large macromolecule caries genetic information in genes
___ 5. A bond formed by the sharing of two electrons
___7. A lipid with four connected ring structures
___ 8. A polysaccharide
___ 9. Two or more structures with the same molecular formula.
IX. Select the group which this molecule or macromolecule is best associated with.
P. Protein
C. Carbohydrate
L. Lipid
N. Nucleic acid
O. other molecule
T. this ain’t a molecule
___ RNA
___ steroid
___ starch ___ nucleotide ___ fatty acid ___ glucose
___ amino acid ___ enzyme
___ amylase ___ covalent ___ carbon dioxide
Biology 108 –sample cell/molecules questions
What plant structure stores water and provides turgor pressure?
Which structure pumps water out of Paramecium
Which of the following terms describes a lipid molecule that is composed of four fused
carbon-containing rings?
True or false. The main function of proteins in a cell is to provide …………..
An organic molecule always contains one or more atoms of:
True or false. Phospholipids contain ……………………..
Which statement is true about prokaryotic cells?
Which of the following organelles are found in plant cells but not in animal cells?
Which of the following organelles is involved in the conversion of glucose energy to ATP ?
Which of the following organisms is NOT composed of eukaryotic cells?
Which of the following organelles is the site of protein synthesis?
True or false. The endoplasmic reticulum is called “smooth” or “rough”, depending on
Proteins are made up of twenty different:
Chromoplasts are found in:
A human cheek cell contains:
Butter is an example of a:
Which of these has the formula C12H22O11?
What process includes glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle and ATP production?
Which cell has lots of hemoglobin but no nucleus ………….
Which organelle is most important in cellular respiration?
Which organelle is most important in photosynthesis?
Which of the following statements about carbon dioxide is true?
In general muscle cells in animals have more mitochondria than other cell types. Why might
muscle cells need more mitochondria?
24. What is the important role of chlorophyll during photosynthesis?
25. Which of the following contains the components required for plant growth and
26. The stomach and intestines digest starch into:
27. The stomach and intestines digest proteins into:
28-35. Select the best level of organization for each word.
a. atom
b. macromolecule
c. molecule
d. cell e. organelle
36-40. Select the chemical group each molecule or macromolecule is best associated with:
a. protein
b. lipid
c. carbohydrate
d. nucleic acid
41-45. Select the largest from each group:
ENERGY transformation:
Photosynthesis( in chloroplasts): 6CO2 + 6H2O
glucose( C 6H12 O6) + 6O2
Cellular respiration:
glucose( C 6H12 O6) + 6O2
6CO2 + 6H2O
(in mitochondria of most cells) And 36 ADP + 36P
36 ATP
ATP energy
muscle contraction, cilia and flagella, active transport, molecular synthesis
To compare volumes of two cubes, two spheres, or two humanoids:
Cell Volume; box V= L x W x H
Sphere V= 4/3
cylinder V= L