BIO 137 Anatomy and Physiology I: Ch. 6 Bones and Skeletal Tissues Name__________________________________________ Complete the following review questions as you read Ch. 6. 1. Name and describe the three types of skeletal cartilages. Where in the body is each found? a) b) c) 2. Compare appositional and interstitial cartilage growth. 3. The 206 named bones of the human skeleton are divided into two groups. Describe the bones in each group: a) axial skeleton b) appendicular skeleton 4. Bones can be described by their shapes. Describe each bone type listed below, and give an example: a) long bones b) short bones c) flat bones d) irregular bones 5. List and describe the five functions of bones: a) b) c) d) e) 6. Why are bones considered to be organs? 7. Compare compact bone and spongy bone. 8. Describe the structure of a typical long bone. 9. Define the following: a) periosteum- b) osteoblastsc) osteoclasts- d) endosteum- 10. What does it mean to say that red marrow is a “hematopoietic” tissue? Where is it found? 11. If you were given a slide of bone tissue to view through the microscope, how would you determine if it was compact bone or spongy bone? (Describe characteristics/structure of each) 12. Bone has both organic and inorganic components. Describe each and tell how they are important: a) Organic components- b) Inorganic components- 13. What is osteogenesis (ossification)? 14. Describe the following stages of bone development: a) Formation of bony skeleton- b) Bone growth- c) Bone remodeling- 15. Describe the following fracture types: a) Nondisplaced fracture vs. displaced fracture- b) Complete vs. incomplete fracture- c) Linear vs. transverse fracture- d) Open vs. closed fracture- 16. Fractures are repaired by reduction. Compare closed reduction and open reduction. 17. Briefly describe what happens in each stage of bone healing: a) Hematoma formation b) Fibrocartilaginous callus formation c) Bony callus formation d) Bone remodeling 18. Define the following homeostatic imbalances of the skeletal system: a) osteomalacia- b) rickets- c) Paget’s disease 19. What is osteoporosis? What causes it, who is most affected by it, and how is it treated? 20. During what period of life does skeletal mass increase dramatically? When does it begin to decline?