YORK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering ENG 2120 / EATS 2620 FUNDAMENTALS OF SURVEYING: LAB 2 Submitted to: Prof. Wang Jian-Guo York University, Ontario Abstract: This lab mainly focuses on the intrinsic errors of the TRANSIT instrument. The lab splits in two parts. Both parts of this lab are fairly precise because they are being measured by very accurate instruments. On the first part we used a two peg test to measure the deviation of the TRANSIT line of sight from the true horizontal. Every student took turns measuring the distances and using this data the collimation error was calculated. On the second part of the lab we set up a circuit loop consisting of 10 stations and measured the distance between each point. Then we set up the transit in the middle of each point and students took turns measuring the back sight and fore sight of each point as we traversed the loop. We then repeated the same procedure backwards. We used the data to calculate the misclosure . Introduction: The main purpose of this lab is to introduce the instruments used in field surveying and the fundamental skills used in this field and mainly how to work with these instruments. It also focuses on the intrinsic errors attributed to the TRANSIT. The instruments used in this lab are levelling rod, TRANSIT (a type of Theodolite), Stadia and fibre glass tape. The levelling devices are used to ensure measurements are accurate and precise. The fiber glass tapes are frequently used to measure distances or lengths. Ideally, the tape is unrolled and laid across a surface between measured points. Suspending the tape in the air will inevitably cause sag, and cause errors so it is better to hold them tight and straight not to cause errors. The Stadia or levelling rod is the resolution to long distance measurements. A TRANSIT and level are used to take measurements using the stadia rod. The rod is being placed at a distance away, and measurements are read using the TRANSIT reticle, which make three reading targets. In this lab we are only using the middle reading. Calculations are made from these readings to determine the distance between the instrument and the stadia rod. Levels are used to ensure that instruments are perpendicular and in a straight line to the floor or surface when getting the data and to insure the data is accurate. The TRANSIT is placed and locked on a tripod that is height adjustable. The level on the transit was to ensure the instrument is precisely horizontal and parallel to the floor; a hand level was used to keep the stadia rod held perpendicular to the floor. Objective: To obtain skills to perform spirit levelling and checking the collimation error and misclosure of a circuit. Establishing surveying skills such as setting up a levelling line, working with the level, observing and recording measurement from the levelling rods, recording data, keeping field notes, and field sketching. Being able to analyze the data collected to calculate accuracy and error deviation. Field tasks: 1- Two peg test: a) Identify a line(ca. 40 m) on approximately level ground and place two levelling plates at both end points, measure the length of the line and find the middle point on the line; b)Set up the level over the middle point of the line, hold two levelling rods vertically on the levelling plates, observe the rods and record the readings; c)Move the level to either side of the line outside close to the end point ( a few meters) and reset up the level, measure the distance between the level and the closer levelling rod, observe the levelling rods and record the readings; d) Calculate the collimation error. 2- Spirit Levelling(a circuit): Field Scheme: a) Identify a circuit along which a group can have 6 (for three person group) or 8 (for 4 person groups) instrument setups and mark at least two points on the circuit that can be reoccupied while performing the double-run levelling; b) Each of group members should at least perform two instrument setups to practice the spirit levelling process; c) A double-run is always required in practice. Results Two Peg Test Table 1: Measurements Taken From the Midpoint Student Vincent B.S. 1.585 F.S. 1.611 F.S.-B.S. 0.026 Luke 1.447 1.462 0.015 Kenneth 1.415 1.441 0.026 Atena 1.481 1.512 0.031 Aaditya Average 1.502 1.530 0.028 0.0252 Diagram 1: Experimental Setup for Two Peg Test Transit (level) Stadia rod A A B D/2 D/2 D Table 2: Measurements Taken 4m From the Back Sight Student Close Further Vincent 1.532 1.519 Further – Closer -0.013 Luke 1.501 1.482 -0.019 Kenneth 1.548 1.530 -0.018 Atena 1.453 1.434 -0.019 Aaditya Average 1.521 1.501 -0.020 -0.0178 Diagram 2: Experimental Setup for Two Peg Test Stadia rod A Transit (level) B D X D+X Collimation Error ’’ = 0.0821 (upward deviation from true horizontal) Spirit Levelling Table 3: Permissible Misclosure Nikon AP-7, SOKKIA B21, SOKKIA C300, TOPCON Zeiss Ni2 AT-G4 5.8 x 10-7 km 7.72 x 10-7 km Permissible Misclosure (Cp) (km) Diagram 3: Circuit for Spirit Leveling 1 A 2 3 8 7 4 6 5 B Table 4: 1st Traverse of the Circuit Loop Station B.S.(m) B 1.453 4 1.475 3 1.472 2 1.491 H.I. (m) F.S.(m) Elev.(m) 1.475 99.978 1.473 99.980 1.495 99.957 101.453 101.452 101.448 1.465 1.423 100.025 1.477 100.013 101.490 A hi (m) 11.330 0.022 14.540 -0.002 22.565 0.023 14.262 -0.068 11.874 0.012 12.654 0.063 100.000 101.453 1 Distance (m) 1.482 101.495 8 1.546 1.545 99.950 101.496 7 1.540 1.539 99.957 1.485 100.012 1.472 100.035 1.492 100.028 101.497 6 1.495 5 1.485 101.507 101.520 B 14.750 -0.007 18.358 -0.055 12.621 -0.023 16.750 0.007 Total distance = 149.704 m Calculated Misclosure (Cm) = -0.028 Diagram 4: Experimental Setup for Spirit Leveling B.S. F.S. Transit (level) Stadia rod Station 1 Station A D/2 D/2 D Table 5: Elevation Differences for 1st Traverse of the Circuit Loop Station B Elev. 100.000 4 99.978 Difference 0.022 -0.002 3 99.980 2 99.957 0.023 -0.068 1 100.025 0.012 A 100.013 0.063 8 99.950 7 99.957 6 100.012 5 100.035 B 100.028 -0.007 -0.055 -0.023 0.007 -0.028 Table 6: 2nd Traverse of the Circuit Loop Station B.S.(m) B 1.473 5 1.485 H.I. (m) F.S. (m) Elev.(m) 1.486 1.491 1.489 99.983 1.497 99.977 1.500 99.976 101.474 1.499 8 1.497 101.476 101.473 A 1.450 1.454 100.019 1.491 99.978 101.469 1 1.494 101.472 2 1.496 1.493 99.979 1.498 99.977 1.520 99.967 101.475 3 1.510 4 1.490 101.487 101.457 B 16.750 0.013 12.621 0.004 18.358 0.006 14.750 0.001 12.654 -0.043 11.874 0.041 14.262 -0.001 22.565 0.002 14.540 0.010 11.330 -0.020 99.987 101.472 7 hi (m) 100.000 101.473 6 Distance (m) 1.470 Total Distance = 149.704 m Calculated Misclosure (Cm) = 0.013 99.987 Table 7: Elevation Differences for 2nd Traverse of the Circuit Loop Station B Elev. 100.000 5 99.987 6 99.983 Difference 0.013 0.004 0.006 7 99.977 8 99.976 A 100.019 0.001 -0.043 0.041 1 99.978 2 99.979 -0.001 0.002 3 99.977 4 99.967 B 99.987 0.010 -0.020 0.013 Table 8: Average of the Elevation Differences for Both Traversals Station B 1st Run Height Difference 2nd Run Height Difference 0.022 -0.020 Average Height Difference 0.001 4 -0.002 0.010 0.004 0.023 0.002 0.0125 -0.068 -0.001 -0.0345 0.012 0.041 0.0265 0.063 -0.043 0.01 3 2 1 A 8 -0.007 0.001 -0.003 7 -0.055 0.006 -0.0245 -0.023 0.004 -0.0095 6 5 0.007 0.013 0.01 B Calculated Misclosure (Cm) = -0.0075 m = - 7.5 x 10-6 km Therefore, if we refer to Table 3, “Permissible Misclosure,” we see that |Cm| > Cp for both instruments. Table 9: Adjustment of Level Circuits Station B Elevation Correction Correction Diff. (m) Length(m) (m) Diff. (m) 0.001 11.33 0.0013 0.0023 0.004 14.54 0.0021 0.0061 0.0125 22.565 0.00092 0.01342 -0.0345 14.262 0.0 -0.0345 0.0265 11.874 0.0011 0.0276 0.01 12.654 0.0009 0.0109 4 3 2 1 A 8 -0.003 14.75 0.0 -0.003 -0.0245 18.358 0.0 -0.0245 -0.0095 12.621 0.0 -0.0095 0.00118 0.01118 0.0075 0 7 6 5 0.01 B SUM -0.0075 16.75 Calculations: Two Peg Test Table 1 Average = ¼ ∑ (F.S. – B.S.) = ¼ ((1.611 – 1.585) + (1.462 – 1.447) + (1.441 – 1.415) + (1.512–1.481) + (1.530 – 1.502)) = ¼ (0.025 + 0.015 + 0.026 + 0.031 + 0.028) = 0.0252 Table 2 Average = ¼ ∑ (Further. – Closer) = ¼ ((1.519 – 1.532) + (1.482 – 1.501) + (1.530–1.548) + (1.434 – 1.453) + (1.501 – 1.521)) = ¼ (-0.013 - 0.019 - 0.018 - 0.019 – 0.020) = -0.0178 Collimation Error ’’ = [(a2 - b2) – (a1 – b1)] x (206265/D) = [(Further – Closer) – (F.S. – B.S.)] x (206265/D) = [(Table 2 Average) – (Table 1 Average)] x (206265/D) = [(-0.0178) – (0.0252)] x (206265/30) = -295.6465 (seconds) = 0.0821 (upward deviation from true horizontal) Spirit Levelling Permissible error The permissible error is only calculated for the Nikon AP-7, SOKKIA B21, Zeiss Ni2, the calculation for the SOKKIA C300, TOPCON AT-G4 is similar. Cp = 1.5mm * sqrt(D) = (1.5/1000000) * sqrt(149.704) = 5.8 x 10-7 km Due to the many calculations required for this section, we have decided to show several sample calculations taken for Station 4 and 3 of Table 4, “1st Traverse of the Circuit Loop.” i) Elevation (Elev.) Sample Calculation Reference Level = 100m Elev4 = HIB4 - F.S. = 101.453 – 1.475 = 99.978 Elev3 = HI43- F.S. = 101.453 - 1.473 = 99.980 ii) Height of the Instrument (HI) Sample Calculation HI43 = Elevation + B.S. = 99.978 + 1.475 = 101.453 HI32 = Elevation + B.S. = 99.980 + 1.472 = 101.452 iii) Difference in Elevation (hi) Sample Calculation Hi43 = F.S. – B.S. = 1.473 – 1.475 = -0.002 hi32 = F.S. – B.S. = 1.495 – 1.472 = 0.023 Misclosure The misclosure is only calculated for Table 4 “1st Traverse of the Circuit Loop.” The calculation for Table 4 is similar. Misclosure = ∑ hi = (-0.002 + 0.023 – 0.068+0.012+ 0.063 – 0.007 – 0.055 - 0.023 + 0.007) = -0.028 m Misclosure of Averaged Double Runs Refer to Table 8, “Average of the Elevation Differences for Both Traversals.” The average is only calculated for the height difference between stations B and 4. iv) Average Sample Calculation Average = (1st Run Height Difference + 2nd Run Height Difference) / 2 = (0.022 – 0.020) / 2 = 0.001 m Misclosure Misclosure = ∑ hi = (0.001 + 0.004 + 0.0125 - 0.0345 + 0.0265 + 0.01 – 0.003 – 0.0245 – 0.0095 + 0.01) = -0.0075 m Discussion For the first part of the lab (Two Peg Test), we calculated the collimation error in our setups. Prior to taking readings from the transit, the instrument must be correctly aligned to the horizontal, using the leveling bubble. The collimation error reveals how deviated our leveling instrument was to the horizontal. Fortunately, the collimation error in our measurements were very minimal. This means that we leveled the instrument very precisely, prior to taking readings. In the Spirit Leveling portion of the lab, we had to calculate the misclosure of our leveling circuit setup. Misclosure is the sum of the differences between Foresight and Backsight. Theoretically, in a circuit-loop setup, the value of misclosure should be zero. Unfortunately our results were unsuccessful, in the sense that our misclosure value was greater than the permissible misclosure. There are several reasons for this: Total Distance The total distance may have been measured inaccurately. This may be due to the stations not being perfectly horizontal to each other, in other words the stations may not have been aligned correctly. Also while using the fibreglass tape, there was no way to secure the tape in place while making measurements; this resulted in a parallax error. Constantly pulling the tape back and forth caused these errors. Stadia The stadia had to be moved back and forth many times between stations and although the transit was levelled each time this constant moving and turning of the transit may have caused the instrument to render slightly wrong results. Human Error We must also take into account the human component of this experiment. The human eye can only resolve things to a given accuracy and the rest is a logical guess. For example when reading measurements off of the fibreglass tape, we can only be sure of the distance to the millimetre level and the rest is a guess. Errors of this nature may have added up and accumulated to produce wrong results. Also there is no guarantee that the surveyer (student) will read the right measurement each time. Due to the many readings that were taken it is likely that a wrong reading was taken along the circuit. Conclusion In this experiment we learned how to two different levelling techniques: the Two Peg Test and Spirit Levelling. We also furthered our familiarity with the various measuring instruments, in particular the Transit. Our results for the Spirit Levelling section of the lab were not perfect. However, this can be attributed to inexperience and the introduction of new levelling strategies with which we were not acquainted. Over the course of this lab, we have increased our knowledge of fundamental levelling principles and know what types of errors to be cautious of when performing such tasks. To improve results it is necessary to take precautions to ensure that results are accurate and also be aware of the various errors that may occur for a particular technique so that means of correcting may be established.