印尼宗教研究聯盟博士班招生 該聯盟特別著重回教研究及亞洲宗教研究,有獎學金提供, 詳情請上網 www.icrs.ugm.ac.id 或 e-mail: icrs@ugm.ac.id 2008 秋季班申請截止日期為 2008.3.31 In the first academic year (2007-08) ICRS-Yogya received 30 applications from China, Philippines, Serbia and Poland, as well as Indonesia. We accepted 14 students into the Ph.D. program. Now we are accepting applications for our second year. ICRS-Yogya is the world's first and only Ph.D. program in inter-religious studies, which is co-sponsored by leading Muslim, Christian and secular institutions, who together offer an international Ph.D. program in Inter-Religious Studies. ICRS-Yogya draws from the methods of social science, Islamic studies, Christian theology and other religious perspectives. The program includes three areas: 1. Cultural and Historical Studies of Religion, 2. Religion and Contemporary Issues and 3. Comparative Interpretation of Sacred Texts. The doctoral program of ICRS-Yogya is international and conducted in English. ICRS-Yogya is building partnerships that include exchanges with leading foreign universities including, GTU Berkeley, Duke, Georgetown, Hartford, Harvard, Victoria, Nijmegen, Temple and Singapore. ICRS-Yogya would like to build a relationship with universities in Taiwan. In fact I would like to come and visit you at a time that is convienent for you. The primary strength of ICRS-Yogya is the study of Asian religions, especially Islam. Indonesia includes the largest and most dynamic Muslim population in the world. ICRS-Yogya also has strong resources for the study of Asian Christianity, including, for example, biblical studies or social ethics in the context of Asia, and can facilitate study of Balinese Hinduism, Indonesian Buddhism, Indonesian Chinese religions and indigenous local religions. With the combined human and library resources of three universities, including free internet access, ICRS-Yogya provides an outstanding research setting. With 30 faculty members from three universities and many departments, ICRS-Yogya is one of the best places in the world to study Asian religions. Recently ICRS-Yogya was awarded a U.S.1 million grant from Ford Foundation, over the next five years, to develop its program. The Indonesian Department of Higher Education has also designated ICRS-Yogya as a Center of Excellence in Indonesia. In our first year we were able to offer at least partial scholarships to all students accepted into the program. ICRS-Yogya is a consortium of Gadjah Mada University (UGM), State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga (UIN) and Duta Wacana Christian University (UKDW). The beautiful campus of ICRS-Yogya is located in the Graduate School of UGM. UGM is the oldest national university in Indonesia and was recently listed as one of the top 10 universities in Asia. It has about 56,000 students. UIN Sunan Kalijaga is one the leading Islamic centers of higher education in Indonesia with about 12,000 students. UKDW is one of the finest Christian universities in Indonesia with about 4,000 students and a highly respected Faculty of Theology. If you are interested in nominating one of your faculty to do doctoral studies at ICRS-Yogya, please contact me as soon as possible. The deadline for applications for the program that begins in September 2008 is March 31, 2008. We would be happy to send you more information, brochures and application forms. Successful candidates for the United Board Regional Faculty Development Program can expect full scholarship support, including travel expenses.