East Bloomfield Town Board

East Bloomfield Town Board
Regular Town Board Meeting, February 28, 2011
Highway Superintendent
Dorothy N. Huber
Phillip E. White
Ronald P. Hawkins
William J. Mitchell Jr.
Dale J. Carver
Thomas Conklin
Attending the regular town board meeting were Ron Roach from the Antique Wireless
Assocation, Fire Commissioners William Compton, Jack Herrington, Donald Gambell, Vice President
of the Fire Department Steve Murnan, Vic Rauscher, Brian Witz and Brian Bernard.
Pledge of Allegiance
Public welcome and comments
Privilege of the floor was granted to William Compton, Commissioner of the East Bloomfield Holcomb Fire District Board to make a presentation to the town board members in regards to the
proposal of the Town’s involvement in the Fire District’s construction project. Compton stated that the
fire district has informally discussed with Huber and Carver the possibility of the placement of a
temporary apparatus storage building at the town sheds. Carver has nominated a place for a
building and the Fire District has taken some informal proposals from a number of people in regards
to a pole barn. Compton provided the board members with some insight as to why they need to build
a temporary building to be used for approximately six (6) months to store the fire equipment during the
building of the new firehouse. In talking with Carver and Huber; he has indicated that the town has a
wish list which includes the building of a storage building sometime in the future. The plan was that
the fire district would provide the money to build the storage structure and the Town would reimburse
the Fire District for the cost of the structure over a period of ten (10) years, with no interest. The
District would then apply the annual payments to their own debt for their project. Compton feels that
building the storage building could be done now at a fairly minimal effort on the town’s part. Six
months into the project to the end of that period, the town would have their cold storage building and
the fire district would have had a good secure area for their vehicles. He stated that this makes sense
and falls in line with the State’s emphasis on Inter-municipal cooperation.
Compton stated that the Fire District also anticipates a requirement for gravel and crushed
products for a number of uses which has been discussed informally with Huber & Carver. Now is the
time to move ahead and obtain a firm agreement with the town in regards to this matter. The tax
payers who pay the fire taxes are essentially the same ones who pay town taxes and those tax payers
bought twelve (12) million yards of gravel in1985. Rather than have the same tax payers buy more
stone to replace the gravel that would be used by the fire district; it would make reasonable sense for
the town to furnish the gravel for the project as well as trucking it; which may be more of a problem.
Compton stated that the provision of the gravel is worth a fair amount of money to their project and
the project is at a fairly critical juncture. The Fire District has done everything they can to try and bring
the building of the new firehouse in under the budget; which was established on the basis of what they
think they can afford over the next thirty (30) years without raising the fire tax rate. They will know
more about that once they receive their bids; which is scheduled March 15th. The Fire District is
requesting the town’s cooperation in regards to this matter and that they look into it with some favor.
Huber stated that that she has had conversations with Compton in regards to this matter. His
proposals have come before the town board members and Huber feels that the town should take the
proposals individually. Huber inquired as to whether or not the board members have any questions
they would like to ask Compton. Do they want to deal with the issue now and vote on it? Huber
stated that the fire district is under some time frame; assuming everything goes well, they are planning
on breaking ground in the spring. Compton confirmed that they would like to break ground the 1st of
May. Compton stated that they have a lot to do between taking bids and breaking ground and
provided the board with some insight in regards to this matter. Compton stated if there are any
aspects of the pole barn the town may find difficult or don’t fit their needs in the future, the district
would be happy to discuss them with the board about changing them. Huber asked Carver as to
whether or not he has any issues in regards to the layout of the cold storage building; which is
immaterial as to whether or not the town accepts the proposal. Carver stated the only issue he has is
that the overhead doors are going to be too small for what the highway department would use the
building for. However, sliding doors would work perfect for the highway department and they would
be cheaper for the fire district to install. Compton stated that they plan on taking the overhead
doors from the existing firehouse and reinstall them on the temporary building; however the district
would be willing to look into the matter. A discussion was held.
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Regular Town Board Meeting, February 28, 2011
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Mitchell inquired about the gravel needs for the project and stated there is a cost associated
with the crushed gravel. Compton stated that the fire district would expect to pay the cost for the
crushing of the gravel. Mitchell stated that there is no estimate as to what the requirement would be
in regards to the gravel needs. Compton stated that between the crushed gravel and bank run, the
district would need a total of 6,683 cubic yards. Compton stated that most of that would be crushed
gravel or bank run in the amount of 3,800 yards, 1,500 yards of bank run under the foundations and
another 1,363 yards as area fill under the apparatus building. Mitchell inquired as to how many truck
loads that would be and Compton stated 660 or a little more. Compton provided the board with some
insight as why that much gravel would be needed. Carver stated that 660 loads would require a lot of
time on behalf of the highway department; realistically 330 hours. Mitchell stated that he is concerned
about the amount of time the town employees would be spending in regards to loading and delivering
the gravel. Compton stated that whatever the town spends to provide that gravel; would be a fraction
of what it would cost to buy crushed stone products on the open market. Mitchell would like to see
some kind of reimbursement by the fire district to the town in regards to the gravel provided for the fire
district’s project. According to Huber’s calculations it would come to 16 ½ weeks of man power that
would be taken away from the town; which would mean giving up one highway employee for the
summer. A discussion was held. Huber asked the town board members if they would like to consider
reimbursing for part of the building; we have a better understanding of the figures now that the budget
has been completed. White would like to explore it; if nothing more than to try to be co-operative.
Hawkins stated that it would offset the town’s other expenses and it would work out as a compromise
in that way. Mitchell would like the opportunity to come back to the Fire District Board with their gravel
needs and the cold storage after the town has had the opportunity to massage the numbers and see
what kind of consensus we can come to as a board in regards to what portion of the $60,000.00, the
estimated cost for the building the town would be willing to spend. At the same time, we can look at
what the town would be seeking in regards to reimbursement from the Fire District in regards to their
gravel needs, bank run etc. The board will review the details at the next meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion by Hawkins, seconded by Huber, to approve the minutes of
February 14, 2011. Motion was carried.
HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT - Motion was made by Mitchell, seconded by White, to
approve the Highway Superintendents monthly report for the month of January. Motion was carried.
Carver advised the board that he received a bid from VanBortel in the amount of $25,680.00
for a 2011 pickup truck for the highway department. The trade in value for the truck he is currently
driving would be $28,000.00. A discussion was held. Motion was made by White, seconded by
Mitchell, to authorize Carver to order a 2011 pickup truck for the Highway Department and put the
pickup truck he is currently driving out to bid. The highest bid he receives for the truck he is currently
driving must exceed no less than $28,000.00. Motion was carried
SUPERVISOR’S REPORT - Motion was made by Mitchell, seconded by White, to approve the
Supervisor’s monthly report for February 14, 2011. Motion was carried.
Huber advised the board that the 2010 Annual Report has been completed and filed with the
State. Copies of the report for public review are available in the town clerk’s office. A legal notice will
be put in the paper stating that the Town’s 2010 Annual Report has been filed with the state.
Huber reported to the board that there is no update in regards to the issues concerning Glen
Houle. A discussion was held.
A copy of the January Financial Report was included in the board members’ packets for their
perusal. Motion was made by Mitchell, seconded by, White, to approve the Financial Report for the
month of January. Motion was carried.
Huber reported to the board that she has been addressing the concerns of the town’s
residents in regards to the proposed gravel pit project in West Bloomfield. To date, the town has done
what they can to ensure that West Bloomfield and the DEC considers the concerns of the town in
regards to the water quality and the truck traffic on town roads.
Huber provided the board members with a copy of the 2011 Fund Balance Analysis as of
September 30, 2010, December 31, 2010 and January 1, 2011 for their perusal. An analysis of
variance from anticipated for A General Fund - Townwide, B General Fund - Part Town, DA –
Highway Fund - Townwide, DB Highway Fund - Part Town and L - Public Library Fund was also
provided to the board members for their perusal. A discussion was held.
Huber provided the board with an update in regards to the Attorney’s to do list.
A copy of the Fair Housing Plan was included in the board members’ packets for their perusal.
Motion was made by White, seconded by Mitchell, to adopt the Fair Housing Plan. Motion was
GRANTS - No update.
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Regular Town Board Meeting, February 28, 2011
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BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS - No report in regards to gas service at AWA (American
Wireless Association).
Hawkins provided the board members with information in regards to installing a speakerphone
with remote pendants for security which could be purchased from Radio Shack. A discussion was
held. Motion was made by White, seconded by Mitchell, to purchase three (3) wireless pendant
transmitters and brackets at a cost of $604.70 from SG Security. Hawkins voted nay. Motion was
Conklin will be requesting a quote in regards to running gas line to the Veterans Park’s
Huber provided the board with an update in regards to Ontario County’s Communications
Tower to be built on the land that they purchased from June Jones. The County plans to access their
parcel by using the existing drive on Water District #1’s property which means that an easement
would be required. Harvey inquired as to what the Water District would need for remuneration for the
easement. A discussion was held.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Motion was made by Mitchell, seconded by Hawkins, to
approve the Economic Development Report. Motion was carried
HIGHWAY - Previously discuss during the Highway Superintendent’s monthly report.
INSURANCE - No report.
PERSONNEL/TOWN OPERATIONS - No update in regards to the acceptance of credit card
Huber reported to the board that John Champlin, Supervisor of the Town of West Bloomfield
contacted her in regards to merging the newsletter for the Town of East Bloomfield into the Town of
West Bloomfield’s newsletter. A discussion was held.
WATER/SEWER - The town’s attorney is in the process of reviewing easements in regards to
the sewer line serving the Fire District and the Town Hall.
COMMUNICATIONS - Laurie Newell, the head librarian provided the town board with an article for
their perusal which is written by Scott Turow, President of the Authors Guild in regards to
governments cutting everywhere they can. Public Libraries nationwide have been one of the biggest
and least deserved loses in the process.
RESOLUTION - PAYMENT OF BILLS - Motion was made by White, seconded by Hawkins, to
approval payment of the bills as follows:
General Fund A
Abs. #4 - Vouchers
82, 84 - 87, 89
91 - 95 97 - 99 - $ 20,318.42
General Fund B
Abs. #4 - Vouchers
87, 88, 96
Highway DA
Abs. #4 - Vouchers
- $ 18,131.50
Highway DB
Abs. #4 - Vouchers
44 - 50,
Sewer Dist. #1
Abs. #4 - Voucher
Water Dist. #1
Abs. #4 - Vouchers
90, 95
Water Dist. #2
Abs. #4 - Vouchers
83, 90, 95
Water Dist. #2 Ext. #1 Abs. #4 - Vouchers
90, 95
Water Dist. #2 Ext. #2 Abs. #4 - Vouchers
90, 95
Water Dist. #4
Abs. #4 - Vouchers 90
Carried unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT- Motion by White, seconded by Hawkins, to adjourn at 9:43 PM. Carried
April N. Wade
Town Clerk