T.C. FIRAT UNİVERSITY ENGINEERİNG FACULTY ELECTRICAL-ELEKTRONICS ENGINEERING UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM THIRD YEAR/ FALL Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Module Contents Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / recommended readings Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Prerequisites / Recommended ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS EMÜ-351 6 4 hours/week Dr. Mehmet CEBECİ 3rd / Fall Compulsory Introduction to electrical installations. Classification. Generation, transmission and distribution voltages. General structure, units and properties of a power plant. Short and medium-length transmission lines, nominal and nominal T circuit. Resistance, inductance and capacitance calculations on transmission lines. Structures and properties of conductors which used on the transmission lines. Structures, types and properties of the insulators. Potential distribution on the insulators. Transmission line towers. Calculation and election of towers used on the LV distribution networks. Types, properties and breaking techniques of circuit breakers. Short circuit current and its properties. Calculation and election of circuit breaker according to short circuit current. Busbar systems. Types, properties and elections of measuring transformers which are current and voltage transformers. Grounding, types of grounding and properties. To teach the students calculations and properties of electrical installations, transmission lines, component of line and grounding. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish Elektrik Enerjisi Dağıtımı, Enerji İletimi, Enerji Hatları Mühendisliği, Elektrik Tesislerinde Topraklama ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS EMU-323 6 4 hours/week Dr. Fikret ATA 3nd / Fall Compulsory None / Electronic, Circuit Analysis, Circuit Theory, Electrotechniques, Advanced Mathematics I and II. Modeling with BJT and important parameters (Zİ, ZO, AV, Aİ). The re model of transistor and its hybrid equivalent. Small signal analysis of BJT, and bias types: common emitter with fixed biasing, voltage divider biasing, common emitter biasing, common collector biasing, emitter follower biasing, collector feedback biasing and hybrid equivalents’. Small signal analysis of FETs and biasing: selfModule Contents biasing and voltage divider biasing. Source follower FET, Common gate FET and designing of FET amplifiers. Low and high frequency responses of FET and BJTs. Analysis of complex transistors circuit, cascaded circuits, Darlington connection, CMOS circuit and differential amplifiers. Operational amplifiers: common mode and difference mode process, basic op-amp specifications: Opamp applications: voltage adder, voltage follower, differential amplifier, derivate and integrator circuits, active filter design. Voltage regulators and integrated voltage regulators. Power supplies, filter capacitors and RC filters. Aims and objectives of the The aim of this module is to teach analysis and design of differential amplifiers, Module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / Recommended Reading Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Module Contents Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / recommended readings power amplifiers, op-amp and feedback circuits and complex electronic circuits. One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) Turkish Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 5th Ed., Robert Boylestad / Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 3 rd Ed., Sergio Franco POWER ELECTRONICS EMÜ-333 6 4 hours/week Dr. Sedat SÜNTER 3rd / Fall Compulsory None / Circuit theory, Electrotechnics, Advanced Mathematics I and II. Introduction to power electronics. Review of circuit components and power semiconductor devices used in power electronic circuits. Calculation of losses in power devices; conduction loss, switching loss. Snubber circuits. Steady state heat sink calculation. AC choppers. Single phase uncontrolled (diode) and controlled (thyristor) rectifiers, overlap, inversion, inductive and capacitive smoothing. Three-phase uncontrolled (diode) and controlled (thyristor) rectifiers, overlap, inversion, inductive smoothing. DC-DC thyristor converters. Single phase inverters, the H-bridge circuit and its operation, applications, quasi-square wave and PWM techniques for voltage and frequency control, typical frequency spectra, relationship between AC and DC side harmonics. The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques used in power electronics described in the module contents. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish POWER ELECTRONICS: Converters, Applications and Design (2ed) by Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, Wiley publishing. COMPUTER AIDED ANALYSIS LABORATORY FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Module Code Number EMU-313 Number of ECTS Credits 3 Hours / Week 2 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Mustafa POYRAZ Year / Term 3rd / Fall Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Compulsory Prerequisites / Recommended None / Basic Information Technologies,Basic Computer Sciences, Fundamentals of Computer Science, Advanced Mathematics I and II Introduction to MATLAB. MATLAB workspace and basic features. Command window and command line instructions. Script files and file management. Complex numbers. Array and matrix operations. Relational and logical Module Contents operations. Control flow: for loops, while loops, if- else-end, switch-case constructs. M-file functions. Polynomial roots, multiplication, addition, division. Curve fitting and interpolation. Numerical integration and differentiation. Numerical solution of differential equations. Fourier analysis and fast Fourier transform. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics. Introduction to SIMULINK. Block properties and file management. Establishing and simulation of a system with SIMULINK. Aims and objectives of the The aim of this module is to develop practical skills in the use of Module MATLAB/SIMULINK in order to solve everyday problems in Electrical Engineering. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook Reading / Recommended Mastering MATLAB Hanselman D. , Littlefield B. , Prentice Hall. MATLAB for Engineers, Biran, A. and Breiner, M. , Addison Wesley. Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Module Contents Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / recommended readings Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended ELECTRİCAL MACHİNERY -I EMÜ-331 6 4 hours/week Dr. Ahmet ORHAN 3rd / Fall Compulsory Electrotechnics, Advanced Mathematics I and II, Electromechanical Energy Conversion. Introduction to Machinery Principles; Electrical Machines; Transformers; Rotational Motion; Power Relationships; Production of induced Force on a Wire; Induced voltage on a Conductor Moving in a Magnetic Field; Transformers; Types and Construction of Transformers; Ideal Transformer; Theory of Operation of Real Single –Phase Transformers; The Equivalent Circuit of a Transformer; The Per-Unit System of Measurements; The Transformer Voltage Regulation and Efficiency; Transformer Taps and Voltage Regulators; The Autotransformer; Three-Phase Transformers; Three –Phase Transformation Using Two Transformers; Transformer Ratings; Instrument Transformers; DC Machinery Fundamentals; Linear DC Machines; Transient Analysis of the Linear DC Machines; Commutation in a Simple Four-Loop DC Machine; Commutation and Armature Construction in Real DC Machines; The Internal Generated Voltage and Induced Torque Equations of Real Machines; The Construction of DC Machines; Power Flow and Losses in DC Machines; DC GENERATORS; The Equivalent Circuit of a DC Generator; The Separately Excited DC Generators; The Shunt DC Generators; The Series DC Generators; The Compounded DC Generators; Parallel Operation of DC Generators; DC MOTORS; The Equivalent Circuit of a DC Motor; The Separately Excited DC Motor; The Shunt DC Motor ; The Series DC Motor; The Compounded DC Motor; Dc Motor Starters; Block Diagram of DC Motors; Mathematical Model of DC Motors; Transient Analysis of DC Motors. The aim of this module is to provide an introduce to the basic concepts and techniques of electrical machines. The other aim is to transient and steady state analysis of Transformer and DC Machines. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish Theory and Problems of Electric Machines and Electromechanic by Syed A. Nasar; McGRAW-HILL ,INC Electric Machinery Fundamentals by Stephan J. Chapman; McGRAWHILL ,INC;1991 Analysis of Electric Machinery; Paul C. Krause; McGraw-Hill İnternational Editions; 1987 Özel Elektrik Makinaları ; Doç. Dr. Güngör Bal; Seçkin Yayıncılık; 2004 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS EMÜ-311 3 3 hours/week Dr. Hasan KÜRÜM 3rd / Fall Compulsory None / Electrotechnics, Advanced Mathematics I and II, High Mathematics I and II. Module Contents Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / recommended readings Numerical errors and their estimation. Approximation and interpolation. Roots of equations. Solution of linear and nonlinear simultaneous equations. Numerical differentiation and integration. Solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Introduction to statistical methods. The aim of this module is to give methods of numerical solution of linear and nonlinear equations. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish Sayısal Çözümleme - Prof.Dr.Sefa APINAR, Prof.Dr.Hasan KÜRÜM Sayısal Çözümleme - Ziya AKTAŞ, O.D.T.Ü. Mathematicsel Visualization – Algoritms, Applications and Numerics – H. Hege, K. Polthier , Springer-Verlag Telos THIRD YEAR/ SPRING ELECTRİCAL MACHİNERY LABORATORY-I Module Code Number EMÜ-334 Number of ECTS Credits 2 Hours / Week 2 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Ahmet ORHAN Year / Term 3rd / Spring Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Electrotechnics, Advanced Mathematics I and II, Electromechanical Energy Conversion, Electric Machinery -I . Two way energy transfer to d.c.-a.c. networks by means of Pendel Experiment Set İnvestigated breaking and starting in d.c. motors Measurement of fundamental magnitudes in electrical machines Module Contents Speed control of d.c. motor with thristor driving system Determined of characteristic of d.c. motor Determined of characteristic of d.c. generator Determined of equvialent circuit parameters of single-phase transformers Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / recommended readings Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Prerequisites / Recommended İnvestigated and displayed electrical magnitudes in computer by means of DMS2 The aim of this module is to provide an introduce to the basic concepts and techniques of AC electrical machines. The other aim is to transient and steady state analysis of AC Machines. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish Theory and Problems of Electric Machines and Electromechanic by Syed A. Nasar; McGRAW-HILL ,INC Electric Machinery Fundamentals by Stephan J. Chapman; McGRAWHILL ,INC;1991 Analysis of Electric Machinery; Paul C. Krause; McGraw-Hill İnternational Editions; 1987 Özel Elektrik Makinaları ; Doç. Dr. Güngör Bal; Seçkin Yayıncılık; 2004 SIGNALS and SYSTEMS EMÜ-314 3 3 hours/week Dr. Melih Cevdet İNCE 3rd / Spring Compulsory None / Circuit theory, Electrotechnics, Advanced Mathematics I and II. Module Contents Memory, causality, stability, invertibility, linearity and time-invariance Linear time-invariant systems: impulse response, convolution. Functions of a complex variable, complex series and integrals. Transform methods: Continuous time Fourier series and transform, discrete-time Fourier series and transform, Frequency response. Sampling theory. Laplace and ztransforms, system functions. Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and transform methods used in systems described in the module contents. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish Textbook / recommended readings Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Module Contents Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / recommended readings Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Prerequisites / Recommended Module Contents SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS:SCHAUM’S OUTLINE SERİES, Mc Graw Hill ELECTRİCAL MACHINERY THEORY-II EMÜ-332 6 4 hours/week Dr. Ahmet ORHAN 3rd / Spring Compulsory Electrotechnics, Advanced Mathematics I and II, Electromechanical Energy Conversion. AC Machine Fundamentals; The Rotating Magnetic Field; Magnetomotive Force and Flux Distribution in AC Machines; Induced Voltage in Ac Machines; Distributed Windings in AC Machines; Induced Torque in AC Machines; AC Machine Power Flows and Losses; SYNCHRONOUS GENERATORS; Synchronous Generator Construction; The Speed of Rotation of a Synchronous Generator; The Equivalent Circuit Synchronous Generator; The Phasor Diagram of Synchronous Generator; Power and Torque in Synchronous Generator, Measuring Synchronous Generator Model Parameters; Alone and Parallel Operation of Synchronous Generators; Synchronous Generator transients; SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS; Steady State Synchronous Motor Operation; Starting synchronous Motors; INDUCTION MOTORS; Construction and Motor Concepts of Induction Machine; The equivalent Circuit of and Induction Motor; Power and Torque Induction Motor; Torque-Speed characteristics; Speed Control of Induction Motors; Solid-State Induction Motor Drives; Determining Circuit Model Parameters; INDUCTION GENERATOR; Induction Frequency Changers ; Ratings; SINGLE PHASE and SPECIAL PURPOSE MOTORS; The Universal Motors; Single Phase Induction Motors; Circuit Model of a Single Phase Induction Motors; Permanent Magnet Motors. The aim of this module is to provide an introduce to the basic concepts and techniques of AC electrical machines. The other aim is to transient and steady state analysis of AC Machines. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish - Theory and Problems of Electric Machines and Electromechanic by Syed A. Nasar; McGRAW-HILL ,INC - Electric Machinery Fundamentals by Stephan J. Chapman; McGRAWHILL ,INC;1991 - Analysis of Electric Machinery; Paul C. Krause; McGraw-Hill İnternational Editions; 1987 - Özel Elektrik Makinaları ; Doç. Dr. Güngör Bal; Seçkin Yayıncılık; 2004 ELECTRONIC LABORATORY EMU-326 2 2 hours/week Dr. Fikret ATA 3nd / Spring None / Electronic, Electronic Circuits, Circuit Analysis, Circuit Theory, Electrotechniques. Experiments: Basic Op-amp specifications, current and voltage converters with op-amp, linear and nonlinear op-amp applications, transistor amplifiers, transistor amplifiers classes, voltage and current regulators, FET amplifiers, UJT and opto-couplers, Aims and objectives of the This lab supports EMU-222 Electronic and EMU-323 Electronic Circuits Module lectures. It will be give the students a hands-on experience with electronic circuits and electronic test instruments as discussed in the lectures. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / Recommended Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 5th Ed., Robert Boylestad / Design with Reading Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 3 rd Ed., Sergio Franco Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended AUTOMATIC CONTROL-I EMÜ-316 3 3 hours/week Dr. Mustafa POYRAZ 3rd / Spring Compulsory None / Circuit theory, Circuit analysis, Advanced Mathematics I and II. Introduction of control and system theory. Mathematical modelling of physical systems. Transfer functions, Bode diagram and signal flow graph. Relationship between state equations and high-order differential equations, Relationship between state equations and transfer functions. Module Contents Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / Recommended readings Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Module Contents Decomposition of transfer functions. Time domain performance of control systems –the steady- state error. Time-domain performance of control systems, transient response at a second-order system , Routh –Hurwitz criterion, Root Locus techniques, Bode plots, relative stability, gain margin ,phase margin and Mp. The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques used In automatic control described in the module contents. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish Automatic Control Systems, Benjamin C.Kuo, Prentice-Hall International, Inc.1999. Modern Control Engineering, Katsuhıko Ogata. Prentice-Hall International, Inc.1990. LOGIC CIRCUITS EMÜ-312 6 4 hours/week Dr. Yetkin TATAR 3rd / Spring Compulsory None Understanding concepts of digital and analog, number systems. Basic operations. Digital and alphadigital codes, transformations between codes. Logic mathematics, conjunctions, definition tables, function equations, theorems. Steps for combinational logic circuit design. Reduction methods for function equations, Karnough and Q-Mc Clusky methods. Electronic structures of combinational logic circuit members, integrated circuits. Features of logic families and selection criterias. Structures od SSI, MSI, LSI integrated circuits. Functional structures of MSIs. Investigation of adder, decoder/encoder, comperator structures. Incelenmesi Structures of Multiplexer/Demultiplexer and applications at logic circuit solutions. Structures of consecutive logic circuits. Indecisive,single decisive,double decisive circuit members. Design steps for asynchronized logic circuits. Asyncronized counters and designs. Design steps for synchronized consecutive circuits. Example designs. Digital memory structures, RAM and Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / Recommended readings ROM types of memory. Complicated consecutive logic circuit design samples and applications. Student learns basic knowledge about logic design of digital circuits. Gaining ability to Analyze events from logical perspective. Gaining ability to divide complicated problems into small segments to ease the problem. Developing thinking ability and theoric knowledge that can be a base for designing upper level digital system. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish Digital Design; by M. Morris Mano, Prentice Hall İnt.-2000 ELECTIVE SUBJECT GROUP-I ELECTRIC MACHINERY GROUP ELECTRICITY UTILIZATION IN INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS Module Code Number EMÜ-336 Number of ECTS Credits 3 Hours / Week 3 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Sedat SÜNTER Year / Term 3th / Spring Type of Course Elective (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended None Module Contents Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / recommended readings Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Module Contents Furnace power supplies: Resistance furnace power supplies, arc furnace supplies, induction furnace supplies. Star/Delta starters for induction motors. Electronic flowmeters. Electrodes, transducers. Heat control. Light control. Measurement of liquid levels. PLC control. Project presentation. The aim of this module is to give ideas and concepts on electric systems used in industry. One midterm project (20%), one written midterm exam (20%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish The power thyristor and its applications by David Finney, McGRAW-HILL publishing, 1980. Modern Industrial Electronics, Prentice Hall. Güç Elektroniği Semineri, Ekim 1989, KTÜ, Trabzon. POWER ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS EMÜ-338 3 3 hours/week Dr. Sedat SÜNTER 3th / Spring Elective None / EMÜ-333 Power Electronics Six-step inverters. Power supplies for electronic equipment, requirements. Traditional linear power supply. Switch mode power supply (SMPS), basic arrangement and advantages. Flyback switching regulators: Circuit topology and principles of operation (non-isolated and isolated versions), performance/design calculations. Forward switching regulators: Circuit topology and principles of operation (non-isolated and isolated versions), performance/design calculations. Boost converter: Circuit topology and principles of operation (non-isolated version), performance/design calculations. Control of SMPS. DC motor control: DC choppers, twoquadrant chopper, four-quadrant chopper. Closed loop control of DC motors. Speed control of induction motors: V/F control and closed loop slip control. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / recommended readings The module is actually a continuance of power electronics module and it is aimed to analyse and design the power electronic systems by implementing the ideas and concepts gained in the module of power electronics. One midterm written exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%). Turkish POWER ELECTRONICS: Converters, Applications and Design (2ed) by Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, Wiley publishing. ELECTIVE SUBJECT GROUP-I ELECTRIC INSTALLATION GROUP Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Module Contents Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / recommended readings Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Module Contents ELECTRICAL ENERGY GENERATION EMÜ-352 3 3 hours/week Dr. Mehmet CEBECİ 3rd / Spring Elective Conventional and renewable energy sources. Classification. Power calculation of hydro power plant (HPP). Intake of HPP: trashrack, cover, valve, surge tank, power tunnel, penstock. Hydraulic turbine types which are Kaplan, Francis and Pelton turbines. Cavitation and eddy on water turbines. Frequency and voltage stability on HPP (speed and voltage regulation). Fossil fuiled power stations. Furnace, Boiler, pressurized steam systems, condenser and cooling tower. Structure and working properties of nuclear power plants. Moderator and control rods. Generating electric from solar energy. Photovoltaic cell systems. Aerogenerator, wind turbines and types. Aerogenerator units. Working and properties of diesel plants. Diesel generators. Power generating and statistics. Daily load and energy curves. Environmental problems of plants. To teach the students generating methods of electric energy and calculations. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish Hidroelektrik Santrallar Hesap Esasları ve Projelendirilmesi, Kadir Yıldız. Elektrik Enerjisi Üretim Santralleri, Behçet Kocaman. Buhar Santralleri, Yavuz Heper. Powerplant Technology, M.M.El-Wakil. Modern Power Plant Engineering, Joel Weisman, Roy Eckart. Wind and Solar Power Systems, Mukund R. Patel. ELECTRICAL ENERGY TRANSMISSION EMÜ-356 3 3 hours/week Dr. Muhsin Tunay GENÇOĞLU 3rd / Spring Elective None / Electrical Installations. Equivalent circuit and electrical calculation of long transmission lines. Obtaining of line head voltage equation and line head current equation. Equivalent Π and equivalent T circuits of long transmission lines. Special conditions of long transmission lines. Asymmetric Π circuit and asymmetric T circuit. Parameters of four point line. Connecting of transmission lines series and parallel. Different conditions equation for mechanical calculations of Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / recommended readings transmission line. Definitions of range. Calculation of critical range and critical temperature. Up- lift control. Calculation of expropriation areas and access areas. Wipped up. Calculation of (ag-aw) equation. Oscillation diagrams of the line. High voltage towers and very high voltage towers, characteristics and ground structures of these towers. To use as carrier in corner tower to carrier tower. Special subjects. The aim of this module is to learn electrical and mechanical calculations of electrical energy transmission lines. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish Enerji Hatları Mühendisliği, H.Hüsnü DENGİZ, Kardeş Kitabevi. Enerji İletimi (Elektrik Hesaplar), Prof. Dr.Hüseyin ÇAKIR. Orta Gerilim Enerji Nakil Hatları Proje I-II, Atilla YUNUSOĞLU. Çözümlü Enerji Taşıma Hatları ve Enerji Taşınması Problemleri, Prof. Muhittin DİLEGE. ELECTIVE SUBJECT GROUP-I CONTROL AND COMPUTER GROUP SYSTEMS DYNAMICS AND INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL Module Code Number EMÜ-318 Number of ECTS Credits 3 Hours / Week 3 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Ahmet UÇAR Year / Term 3th / Spring Type of Course Elective (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended None / Circuit theory, Advanced Mathematics I and II. Module Contents Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / Recommended readings Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Module Contents Some initial considerations, Mathematical requirements; Modelling, OneDimensional Flows; vector field and potentials, Linearization, Transfer function and convolution integral. State variables, Basic system dynamics; first order system, second order systems and their physical considerations. Open and closed loop systems, Time responses of first and second order systems and their properties. Frequency response, Polar and Bode diagrams, Frequency response transfer function, Frequency response of fist and second order systems, Introduction to optimal systems, The performance index. Modelling dynamical systems. Introducing methods for modelling dynamical system. Gives properties of dynamical system. Develops skills to analyse dynamical and control systems. Introducing the optimal systems. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish An Introduction to Dynamics and Control: by R. J. Richards, Longman Scientific and Technical. /Control System Design: by G. C. Goodwin, S. F. Graebe and M. E. Salgado, Prentice Hall DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING EMÜ-318 3 3 hours/week Dr. Yetkin TATAR 3th / Spring Elective None Signals, digital signals, real-time digital signal processing and their Sİİs, Recursive and nonrecursive number systems. Differential equations that model systems and solution methods for them, z-transformation and applications, Exceptional time Fourier transformations, speedy fourier transformations and applications, digital filters. Forming these subjects under Matlab environment and commenting on results. Teaching basic subjects and concepts of digital signal processing, and interpretation of systems at digital environment from a view of Computer Engineering. Understanding importance of real-time Gerçek digital signal processing and forming concepts to choose required hardware. By modelling of digital systems, interpreting systems with a new point of view. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish Alan V. Oppenheim v.d.”Discrete-time Signal Processing”, Pentice Hall1999 Prof.Dr. Veysel Silindir v.d, ”Sinyaller ve Sistemler”, Nobel dağıtımAnkara-2001 Emanuel C. Ifeachor, v.d. “Digital signal Processing – A Practical Approach”, Addison- wessly- 1994 . MATLAB software package Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / Recommended readings ELECTIVE SUBJECT GROUP-I ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION GROUP Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Prerequisites / Recommended Module Contents Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / recommended readings Module Code Number Number of ECTS Credits Hours / Week Module Lecturer Year / Term Type of Course (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Module Contents FILTERS EMÜ-340 3 3 hours/week Dr. Melih Cevdet İNCE 3th / Spring Elective None / Circuit Theory Review of continuous-time signals and systems. Concept of filtering. Butterworth, Chebyshev, elliptic, filters., etc. Frequency transformations. Phase and loss equalizers. Synthesis of passive filter networks. Active filters. The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and realization methods used in analog filters. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish Introduction to Filter Theory, David E.Johnson,Prentice-Hall., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Devre Sentezi Ders Notları , Fuat Anday, İ.T.Ü.,İstanbul ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES EMÜ-342 3 3 hours/week Dr. Hasan H. BALIK 3rd / Spring Elective None / Mathematics I and II., Advanced Mathematics I and II., Electromagnetcs I and II Maxwell’s Equations in differential and integral forms. The law of conservation of charge, Duality and Lorentz’s Reciprocity Teorem. Plane Electromagnetic Waves, Waves in good conductors and in Plazmas. Reflection and refraction: The basic laws and Fresnel’s equations. Snell’s Law. The Brewster angle. Nonuniform plane waves and total reflection. Reflection and refraction at the surface of an good conductors. Guided Aims and Objectives of the module Method of assessment Teaching Language Textbook / recommended readings waves. The aim of this module is to provide an knowledge Electromagnetic Waves. One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Turkish Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (Paul Lorrain etc., W.H. Freeman Company, ISBN :0-716-71869-3)