
Tower Hamlets Interfaith Forum (THIFF)
Tuesday 5th October 2010, 6-8pm
Room 305, 3rd Floor, Francis Bancroft Building, Queen Mary University, Mile End
Road, E1
Alan Green (AG) (Chair)
Shahanaz Begum (SB)
Jan McHarry (JM)
Angie Heathfield (AH)
Hamza Foreman (HF)
Nigel Newman (NN)
David Rushton (DR)
Humayun Raja (HR)
Christine Hall (CH)
Lovely Khanom (LK)
Jamil Iqbal (JI)
Fiona Stewart-Darling (FSD)
Mary Horan (MH)
Leon Silver (LS)
Tinu Hassan (TH)
Tom O’Brian (TO)
Jenny Peterson (JP)
Alice Sielle (AS)
Julian Meek (JMe)
Sigrid Werner (SW)
Tom Habibi (TH)
Nat Roos (NR)
David Russell (DRu)
Ram Chandra Saha (RCS)
Jane Dance (JD)
Barry Clark (BC) (Minute taker)
St John on Bethnal Green
LBTH Corporate Equalities Team
London Buddhist Centre
NHS Tower Hamlets
Council of Mosques
Met. Police
Barts and the London Trust
Tower Hamlets Victim Support
St Dustan’s in Stepney
Swadhinata Trust
Swadhinata Trust
Docklands Chaplaincy
Westminster Interfaith Forum
East London Central Synagogue
NHS Tower Hamlets
Our Lady of Assumption, Bethnal Green
St Benet’s Chaplaincy
Belief in Bow
Bethnal Green Unitarians, Mansford Street
Muslim Christian Conversions Finsbury Park
Baha’i’s of Tower Hamlets
Fieldgate Street Great Synagogue
Congregation of Jacob Synagogue
Vivekananda Human Centre
Bethnal Green Meeting House U.R.C
LBTH Corporate Equalities Team
1. Welcome and introduction
The Chair welcomed the meeting and asked everyone present to introduce themselves.
2. Apologies
Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Christine Frost, Georgina Stride, Karen
Bisset, Sonya Sier, Declan Goddard, Helen Lewis, Sharon Ferguson, Jan Evans, Peter
McGeary, Michael Ainsworth, Alick McKenzie and Shaun Powell.
3. Minutes of previous meeting
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 13th August 2010 were agreed as an
accurate record.
4. Matters arising
There were no matters arising at the meeting.
5. Incidents of Faith Hate Crime
NN was in attendance to present the report of the incidents in relation to faith hate that
occurred between 3rd August and 1st October 2010. NN said there were incidents in
August and three in September.
A Bengali Traffic Warden was verbally abused by the driver, who was illegally
parked, this happened after the Traffic Warden tried to issue the driver a parking
There was an incident at the Cambridge Heath Road Labour Office, where a man
was racially abusing the officers from outside the building. Police were called, and
the man was detained by Police and sectioned for mental health issues.
At St Matthews Church, Bethnal Green, a graffiti incident was reported. The word
Jesus, on a cross was removed and replaced with the words Allah and Muslim.
A passing motorist racially abused a Bengali man in relation to his religion.
There was an incident involving two families, one white and the other Bengali, one
of the members of the white family racially abused the Bengali family. Police were
phoned and the person was arrested, however, there was no further action taken.
Outside Arnhem Wharf Primary School, a racially abusive comment was shouted by
a motorist at a Bengali Driving Instructor.
NB said over the last 8 years during Ramadan, pig remains have been left on estate
in Bow which is predominantly housed by Bengali residents.
LS raised two issues:
On Friday 10th September 2010 in the afternoon, LS’s Rabbi and another one of his
colleagues were verbally attacked by a group of youths on Cambridge Heath Road.
The comments made were very obscene.
On Saturday 20th September 2010, LS was escorting his Rabbi along Philpot Street,
where two Bengali boys were sitting on a wall. One of the boys threw a stone at
them both. After the incident LS reported it to the Police and was escorted by two
Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) for the rest of their journey.
DRu informed the meeting that CCTV has recently been installed at his Synagogue
and noted that the incidents outside the premises have reduced.
6. Primary Care Trust
AH was in attendance to present to the Forum the recent work she has been undertaking
in relation to improving access to health services in the borough. AH gave a presentation
to the Forum.
AH explained that the work stream started in 2007, after a research exercise was
undertaken by Ipsos Mori about resident’s views on accessing health care services. The
London Borough of Tower Hamlets had the poorest results in the country from the
Since the Ipsos Mori research, access to health care services has significantly improved
and some of the key improvements are:
The last three years has seen a reduction in ‘primary care’ Accident and
Emergency attendances because access to GP’s has improved;
Significant savings to the local health economy;
Improved access to GP services has appeared to have a better impact on urgent
During the research, residents were asked “what is good access?”, the following
responses were the most frequent:
Appointments after or before work and at the weekends;
On the day drop in appointments;
10 minute appointment sessions;
All practices should offer online services;
Telephone consultations with GP; and
Book two weeks or more ahead with a named GP.
A further number of partnership/joint projects supported by AH in her capacity as
Community Engagement Manager were mentioned. These include Access to Healthcare
for people without documentation and targeted work to address issues facing the Somali
AH also said the research showed that demand for appointments at GP services in the
borough is fairly well controlled, because 75% of patients use services between 0-4 times
per year and less then 10% of patients use the services more then 12 times per year.
AH also explained that she also works on the ‘Access Community Engagement’ Work
stream, which is made up six services across the borough, these are:
The Community Engagement and Dialogue Work stream – a forum that brings
together statutory and third sector organisations to discuss health care services in
Tower Hamlets.
Get the Right Treatment – Information and resources on primary care and urgent
care services in Tower Hamlets.
Social Welfare Advice in GP practices – A Project which aims to address the health
impact of poverty and deprivation, and reduce inappropriate use of clinician time by
holding advice sessions throughout the year.
New Residents Service – Provides support to new residents and refugees on
access to primary care and urgent care health services.
Own Language Health Guides – A community based training programme which
collects data from residents on their experience of local health services.
London Muslim Centre: Faith in Health – A Project which aims to ensure that
culturally appropriate health information is given to the local Muslim community.
AG thanked AH for her presentation.
7. Chaplaincy
JM introduced the involvement of THIFF in End of Life Care work happening within the
Borough and the importance of faith communities being aware of services and new
developments. This includes the launch of the Tower Hamlet Palliative Care Centre
providing information for health, social and voluntary care staff and professionals. See
www.towerhamlets.nhs.uk/palliativecare for details or call 02081214387.
TH noted various aspects of work arising from the Marie Curie ‘Delivering Choice’
Programme in which TH participated as a pilot. Key issues included: better choice about
where people end their lives, co-ordinated access to health and social care services;
having a central point of information and co-ordination (e.g. the new Palliative Care
Centre), information and awareness within the wider community, and amongst faith
groups, and issues around chaplaincy.
DP outlined a variety of issues linked to chaplaincy and the support it aims to provide to
patients, family/carers and the staff. It is a service under pressure, and the varieties of
important components that come under the ‘label’ are not always adequately understood.
It is the aim to provide services which are culturally-sensitive and which help people gain
access to the help they need at end of life and also in bereavement.
DR explained that as part of his work with the Barts and London Trust he has been given
the task to compile a directory/listing/network of the faith leaders and clergy who would be
willing to support the work of the chaplaincy and support residents who are need of
spiritual support.
DR has been exploring the aspects of the chaplaincy’s work to ensure it is clear what is
required of faith leaders who are a part of the directory/listing/network. DR called for the
Forum’s support to ensure the Barts and the London Trust provides adequate services and
spaces for the chaplaincy.
DR would like members of the Forum and their colleagues to consider whether they would
like to be part of the directory/listing/network. DR noted that training will be provided to
people who would like to be involved however, involvement is on a voluntary basis.
DR indicated that he would like to increase channels of communication between the
Chaplaincy Team and THIFF, and, at future meeting would like to talk about other aspects
such as Advanced Care Directives.
***directory/listing/network – This would be a listing of people, including community faith
leaders, willing to help support the Chaplaincy services directly. Details are being worked
out but please contact DR directly for further information
ACTION: BC to invite DR to future meeting.
NR said the faith leaders who are on the chaplaincy need to be more visible in the
hospitals. DR said the chaplains are available at all times and the new Directory will ask
for people who want to contactable on the hospital wards.
8. Swadhinata Trust
JI and LK were in attendance to present the work they will be doing with the faith
communities in Tower Hamlets. JI explained that the Swadhinata Trust have recently
received funding through Council’s One Tower Hamlets Fund.
JI informed the Forum that the Trust is a voluntary organisation working with young people
to raise awareness about Bengali history, culture and heritage. JI said the organisation
produces publications, offers workshops in colleges, community centres and in schools.
The Trust also organises events linking Bengali history to current trends in culture.
JI also added that through the development of a Bengali archive and resources centre for
creative and academic study, the Trust aims to provide a catalyst for new models in
educational and cultural documentation.
LK explained that through the funding they have received they will be holding events
during different religious festivals (Diwali, Pujjah, Christmas and Holocaust Memorial Day
etc) to engage with the diverse communities of Tower Hamlets.
The Trust will be engaging with the various faith organisations, religious premises, schools
and colleges in the borough and also the organisations that are not accessing all
communities in Tower Hamlets. The aim of the project is to educate young people in the
borough on the important of culture and cohesion. NR said one of the key problems is that
young people of Tower Hamlets don’t integrate and we need to learn to live side-by-side.
LK said the events are to promote understanding of different faiths for different
LK asked for support of the Forum by acting as a distributor. So when events are planned
we can circulate information to members of the Forum. NB also suggested that the Trust
liaise with the Council’s Youth Service as they would have the best links into community
9. Interfaith Week
BC informed the meeting that Interfaith Week is taking place on 21st - 27th November 2010.
Islam Awareness Week is taking place on the 1st and 7th November 2010. During the
Steering Group meeting in September, it was recommended that the Forum hold an event
to launch the Tower Hamlets Interfaith Youth Committee, and Fragile Peace, In Good
Faith and Sports Cross Cultural Project short films. It was also suggested that this take
place in Whitechapel Art Gallery. The Forum suggested that attendees bring different
foods from their cultures to the event too.
The Forum agreed with the Steering Groups recommendation and the event will take place
on Wednesday 24th November 2010, 6-9pm.
AG also notified the Forum that he is arranging a visit to St Paul’s Cathedral for members
of the Forum and other community organisations who attended the Bosnia Trip. However,
this is also on that day, but during the day-time.
BC informed the meeting that the London Muslim Centre will be holding two opening days,
however, there are not concrete details as of yet.
10. THIFF Forward Plan
SB informed the meeting that presented the Forward Plan at the last Forum meeting and
has adjusted it according to the Steering Group’s comments. SB noted that some of the
work is already in place and being undertaken, for example, the work on the Tower
Hamlets Interfaith Youth Committee.
No comments were raised at the meeting, and BC informed the meeting that this will be an
agenda item at every Forum meeting. AG requested BC to circulate the Forward Plan
ACTION: BC to circulate Forward Plan to the Forum.
11. Information Share
AG informed the meeting that the Forum was recently short listed for an award at the
London Week of Peace Award Ceremony.
DRu informed the Forum that he is currently planning for the 2011 Holocaust Memorial
Day. However, there are a few financial constraints.
NB encouraged faith organisations to sign up to the No Place for Hate Pledge as there
doesn't seem to be many faith buildings who have signed to support the campaign. She
circulated copies of the pledge and also postcards with the link.
NB informed the Forum that the London Fire Brigade have signed up and agreed to do
some work with young people in partnership with the Hate Crime Team. She is also trying
to get Canary Wharf Group and the London Ambulance to sign up.
NB updated that the Restorative Justice Training for faith leaders’ application for funding
was not successful and her manager is now applying to the PVE Team for funding.
SW informed the meeting that Bancroft Road Cemetery is being refurbished shortly.
FSD said she is a member of the Borough’s Emergency Planning Group and informed the
Forum that there will be a domestic emergency exercise taking place in the borough in
February 2011.
12. AOB
There was no other business discussed.