Watching the outsiders Movie L 7

Watching The Outsiders The Movie (Wednesday, Thursday and Some of Friday)
Time: Three 45 minute sessions
Lesson Plan Curriculum Objective
Reading Process
Answer literal, inferential, evaluative and synthesizing questions to demonstrate
comprehension of grade-appropriate print texts and electronic and visual media.
Specific Lesson Goal/ Link to Assessment
Students will watch the movie The Outsiders to get a better understanding of what
they’ve read in the book. They will also be asked questions to compare and contrast the
movie and the book.
Materials Needed
Television and Dvd Players
Movie of The Outsiders
The Outsiders Movie Question Sheet
Instructional Strategies
First Day
Entry: Make students write a journal entry.
Transition: Have the students take out a piece of paper and a pencil for their
vocabulary pre-test.
Give students their spelling pre-test and then set up the Television with the The
Outsiders Dvd. Let the students watch the first thirty minutes of the movie. While the
students are watching the movie make up questions for them to answer the next day
based off of what they watched.
Have students do their ten times each for homework
Second Day
Entry: Make students write a journal entry.
Transition: Have students turn in their ten times each and then have them answer the
questions that you came up with about the movie the day before.
After the students answer the questions have them watch the next 30 minutes of the
Make sure the students study for their spelling tests the next day
Third Day
Entry: Make students write a journal entry.
Transition: Pass out the spelling and Vocabulary tests for the students to take
Give the students their vocabulary test. When they are done with their tests start the
movie back up. The movie should finish up today. Have them answer the question
Make sure the students are aware that their soundtrack assignments will be due
sometime next week.