MLA Bibliography Citation for a Book with one author Last Name, First Name. Title. Place: Publisher, date. Christopher, Matt. The Great Quarterback Switch. New York: Little, Brown, and Company, 1984. Citation for Book with two authors Last Name, First Name, First Name Last Name. Title. Place: Publisher, date. Fontes, Justine and Ron Fontes. George Washington: Soldier, Hero, President. New York: D.K. Publishing, Inc., 2001. Edwards, Shirley, et al. The Presidents from Washington to Obama. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkens, 2009. Encyclopedia Article (not on the internet) Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Book. Copyright date and edition. Bowden, Mark E. “Cedar Rapids.” World Book Encyclopedia. 2002 ed 2. Citation for a movie or a video City, Director, Actors’ First and Last Names, Studio, Year. Chicago. Dir. Rob Marshall. With Renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Richard Gere. Miramax, 2002. Citation for an article on a CD-Rom If you use information from a CD-Rom, look for information on the disc itself rather than the jewel case. The citation should be written in the following manner with exact punctuation: Morrow, Nathaniel. “Genetic Engineering.” Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. Compton’s New Media, Inc., 1994. 1 Version 2.0 Personal Interview citation Bailey, Bettye. Personal Interview. 29 Sept. 2006. Interviewed by the Eighth grade Grade class of Our Lady of Grace School. Map citation Title, Format (Map). Place: Publisher, date. Africa. Map. Indianapolis: Nystrom, Herff Jones Education Division, 2009. Article in a newspaper on an online database Associated Press. "11 New Species Found in Central Vietnam." Tulare Advance-Register. 26 Sept. 2007: 1 p. SIRS Discoverer. ProQuest. 3 Oct. 2007 <>. Hartig, Kate. “Alley Entomologists.” The Sun. Baltimore, Md.: Jul 5, 1994. Proquest, 3 Nov. 2009 <> Online magazine citation: Last Name, First Name. “Title.” Title of Magazine. Day Month, Year: page numbers. Name of Database. Publisher. Library Name, Place. Date of visit (day Month, full year) <url: web address>. Berry, Julia. “Fabrics and Fibers.” Science Weekly. 22 March, 2002. Sirs Discoverer. 3 Nov. 2009 <> Ethier, Eric. "Lifelines." Civil War Times Feb. 2006: 14. Proquest. 13 Sept. 2007>. Document from a Webpage “Why is Smoking Bad for Your Health.” Lung Association of Saskatchewan – Smoking. 2004. Lung Association of Saskatchewan. 1 April. 2007 <> Webpage/website “Facts about Gum.” NACGM site. National Association of Chewing Gum Manufacturers. 19 Jan. 2009. <> 2 Result of a Google Search Never use Google in the bibliography. It is a search engine like Yahoo, Dogpile, and Alta Vista. More examples below: Please notice that they are listed in abc order by the author’s last name. Notice indentations, notice punctuation. Christopher, Matt. The Great Quarterback Switch. New York: Little, Brown, and Company, 1984. Edwards, Shirley, et al. The Presidents from Washington to Obama. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkens, 2009. Ethier, Eric. "Lifelines." Civil War Times Feb. 2006: 14. Proquest. 13 Sept. 2007 <>. “Facts about Gum.” NACGM site. National Association of Chewing Gum Manufacturers. 19 Jan. 2009.<> Fontes, Justine and Ron Fontes. George Washington: Soldier, Hero, President. New York: D.K. Publishing, Inc., 2001. Holland, Jennifer Steinberg. “Northern Exposure.” National Geographic Jan. 2004: 100-117. Morrow, Nathaniel. “Genetic Engineering.” Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. Compton’s New Media, Inc., 1994. Version 2.0 Thurow, Roger. “South Africans Who Fought for Sanctions Now Scrap for Investors.” Wall Street Journal 11 Feb. 2000: A1+ “Why is Smoking Bad for Your Health.” Lung Association of Saskatchewan – Smoking. 2004. Lung Association of Saskatchewan. 1 April. 2007 <>. Check out these websites for help generating citations: See also the Library Sharepoint site Class Links:; choose Noodlebib Express. choose: MLA and develop the citation. Son of Citation machine: EasyBib: Free Bibliography maker: 3