SIRS Discoverer is an award-winning general reference database


SIRS Discoverer® is an award-winning general reference database for students in grades

1 to 9. It includes full-text articles and images from over 1,600 domestic and international newspapers, magazines, and government documents.

Resources in SIRS Discoverer include:

Funk & Wagnalls® New Encyclopedia (a multi-volume 26,000-article encyclopedia)


The World Almanac® for Kids 2003

Biographies provides nearly 2,000 biographies in 3 reading levels, including biographies of every of U.S. president

Photo Essays illustrate global and social topics through photographs, maps, or other graphic elements along with brief informative text

Activities provides a shortcut to all full-text articles that include an activity such as a science experiment, craft project, writing activity, and more

Country Facts offers facts on nearly 200 countries


Current Events is an additional content database containing full-text articles and graphics with timely information concerning domestic and international events

Maps of the World contains over 300 detailed, colorful maps in an online reference almanac

Spotlight of the Month is a sampling of articles from the SIRS Discoverer database, handpicked by the SIRS research staff


Elementary and middle school edition student workbooks and Educator’s Guide include reproducible worksheets, activities, and lesson plan suggestions available in

PDF format

All articles in SIRS Discoverer are assigned a reading level - Easy, Moderate, or

Challenging - based on age-appropriateness, educational content, interest, and level of readability. All the materials in SIRS Discoverer are carefully selected for their editorial quality, reliability, and relevance, and are a perfect complement to the eLibrary general reference tool.

SIRS Discoverer is available online (updated daily)
