Unit One: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology – 2007/8
Instructor: Mr. Ben Kirby (bkirby@cardinalnewman.com)
Textbook and Workbook: The Human Body in Health and Disease, 4th Edition
Website: www.cardinalnewman.com > Student Life > Classes/Homework > Anatomy
and Physiology
Description: Beginning at the smallest measurable unit, we will work our way through
each of the cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems that contribute to the maintenance of
homeostasis in the human body. Lectures and assignments will be complemented with
dissections of the following organisms: rat, fetal pig, sheep brain, calf heart, and sheep
eye. This course will require memorization.
1. You must be prepared for every class session and/or lab. You should always
bring a pen, notebook, and binder/folder to class. I will let you know if you need
to bring your book to class.
2. Complete all assignments by the assigned due dates. Late work is not accepted.
All assignments are posted online on the course website (see above), thus if you
are absent you are still able to complete the assignments. If there is a problem
with the website, I must be contacted by 3pm on the day you are absent so that I
can fix the problem. No exceptions.
3. Solutions for possible problems/excuses:
a. Problem: “my internet is down”
Solution: Visit a public library, a friends house, the CNHS library, etc.
b. Problem: “my printer doesn’t work”
Solution: E-mail me your assignment
c. Problem: “my internet is down and my printer doesn’t work
Solution: Bring your assignment to me on a CD, flash drive, or floppy disk
4. Do not be tardy.
5. Immature behavior (including tardiness) will not be tolerated. In hopes of
rectifying your problem and boosting your studious nature, the following are ways
I will deal with behavior issues.
a. You are to copy the current section of the current chapter – handwritten,
single spaced. This is due the next class period. (no credit)
b. Prepare 30 flashcards for this chapter – 3x5 index cards. This is due after
school on the next day and I will quiz you on 5 of the 30 cards. This is a
30 point quiz for you.
c. Complete both homework options for this chapter (workbook pages and
Set I questions). Both options will be graded.
d. Come after school today for a 10 question oral quiz. Failure to show
results in a zero. No exceptions
Needless to say, you are not eligible for bonus points/questions on the next quiz
and/or test.
1. As mentioned above, late work is not accepted except under extreme
a. All assignments are posted online. If you are absent you have 1
additional day to complete the work.
b. Labs will not be made up. You will be given an assignment that
relates to the lab material.
c. Participation and behavior will be a 100-point assignment grade. You
will start the semester with 100 points and lose points for tardiness,
behavior issues, sleeping, etc.
i. Behavior issues in the lab will result in a “trip” to the Dean’s
office and an automatic 20-point reduction in the quarter
participation grade.
2. Grade Distribution
Per Quarter*:
Assignments – 20%
Quizzes – 15%
Projects – 20%
Labs – 15%
Tests – 30%
*Each quarter grade = 2/5 Semester Grade
Semester Exam = 1/5 Semester Grade
We will have comprehensive quizzes after each section () within each unit. Sections
designated by a “*” will include multiple quizzes. Each unit will be concluded with a
one or two day test – some units will include practical examinations on a second day.
Labs will be part of each unit and are mandatory. If you are absent on a day on which we
complete a lab, you will be given a written assignment that covers similar material.
Unit One: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
 *Introduction: key terms, characteristics of life, and body regions
o Lab: Scientific Method and Measurements
o Lab: Body Organization and Terminology
 Dissection: Autopsy Report
 Movie: Body Structure and Function
 Basic Biochemistry
o Lab: Chemistry of Life
 Cells
o Lab: Care and Use of the Microscope
o Lab: Cell Structure and Function
o Lab: Movement Through Cell Membranes
 Tissues
o Lab: Tissues (various slide drawings)
Unit Two: Support and Movement
 Integumentary System
o Lab: Integumentary System
 *Skeletal System
o Lab: Bone Structure
o Lab: Organization of the Skeleton
o Lab: Skull or Vertebral Column and Thoracic Cage or Pectoral Girdle and
Upper Limb or Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb
o Lab: Joints
 Movie: Skeletal System
 *Muscular System
o Lab: Skeletal Muscle Structure
o Lab: Muscles of the Face, Head, and Neck or Muscles of the Chest,
Shoulder, and Upper Limb or Muscles of the Abdominal Wall and Pelvic
Outlet or Muscles of the Hip and Lower Limb
 Dissection: Rat
Unit Three: Integration and Coordination
 Nervous System
o Lab: Nervous Tissue and Nerves
o Lab: Reflex Arc and Reflexes
o Lab: Meninges and Spinal Cord or Brain and Cranial Nerves
 Dissection: Sheep Brain
 Movie: Brain
 Endocrine System
o Lab: Endocrine System
Unit Four: Transport
 Blood
o Lab: Blood Cells
o Lab: Blood Typing
 Cardiovascular System
o Lab: Heart Structure
o Lab: Pulse Rate and Blood Pressure
o Lab: Arteries and Veins
 Dissection: Sheep/Calf Heart
 *Lymphatic System and Immunology
o Lab: Lymphatic System
Unit Five: Absorption and Excretion
 Digestive System
o Lab: Digestive System
o Lab: Digestive System Enzymes
 Movie: Digestive System
 Respiratory System
o Lab: Respiratory System Organs
o Lab: Breathing and Respiratory Volumes and Capacities
 Urinary System
o Lab: Kidney Analysis
o Lab: Urinalysis
Unit Six: Human Life Cycle
 Reproductive System
 Pregnancy and Development
 Movie: C-Section
 Movie: Live Birth