LTS Handbook 2014 - Linguistics

June 19, 2014
Dear Graduate Students:
Welcome to the University of Oregon Department of Linguistics and the Language Teaching
Specialization (LTS) MA Program. This Graduate Student Handbook is designed to make it easier
for you to orient yourselves to our department, the university, and the community. The handbook
has six sections:
The first three sections contain information about the LTS program, Linguistics
Department, and the Graduate School requirements. Students are expected to satisfy two
sets of requirements, one set by the Graduate School and one by the Linguistics
Department. Section I covers the LTS program requirements, while Section III covers the
Graduate School requirements. You will see that these requirements overlap.
Sections IV and V cover University of Oregon services. Section IV, particularly, explains the
first steps you need to take to get started as a new graduate student on campus.
The final section is included to help you learn how to get around the community, take care
of the necessities of daily living, and begin to feel comfortable in Eugene.
We hope that this handbook provides you with some of the information you will need to get started
here at the University of Oregon. This information can be combined with conferences with me
(your program advisor), who can help you if you have questions about academic matters not
answered in this handbook or in the program orientation session. Questions about day-to-day
operations, paperwork, and deadlines should be addressed to the Graduate Coordinator, Ariel
Andersen. You can reach her by email at or phone (541-346-3613).
Once again, we welcome you to the Linguistics graduate program. We look forward to working
with you as you complete your graduate degree.
Keli Yerian, Ph.D.
Director, LTS program
Welcome Letter
Contact Information
Program Overview
Length of Program
Master Degree Requirements
LTS Faculty
Overview of Department
Linguistics Faculty
III. GRADUATE SCHOOL………………………………………………………………………....12
Photo Identification
Class Schedule
Registering for Classes
Course Authorizations
Computing Center
Office of International Affairs
International Student Organization
Health Center Services
Department of Public Safety
Knight Library
University of Oregon Bookstore
Eugene Airport
Shopping for Food
Recreation and Sports
Program Contact Information
Phone: (541) 346-3613
Fax: (541) 346-5961
Program Director: Keli Yerian
Phone: (541) 346-4302
Office: 124C Agate Hall
The department is located in 124 Agate Hall. Our mailing address is: Department of Linguistics,
1290 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1290. The phone number is (541) 346-3906. Our
website is, and LTS website is Office
hours are 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-5:00 Monday through Friday. The email address of the Graduate
Coordinator, Ariel Andersen, is
Program Overview
The MA in Linguistics with a Language Teaching Specialization (LTS) is a 15 month (5 quarter term)
program designed for the second or foreign language teacher, i.e. the teacher of EFL/ESL (English),
JFL/JSL (Japanese), CFL/CSL (Chinese), SFL/EFL (Spanish), etc. One of the primary goals of the
program is to prepare leaders in international education and language teaching.
This unique MA program extends beyond the more frequent ESL/TSL focus in TESOL programs
by allowing specialization in the teaching of English or any other second or foreign language. This is
possible through collaboration with the American English Institute (AEI) as well as other
departments and organizations at the University of Oregon, such as the East Asian Languages &
Literature Dept, the Romance Languages Dept, the World Languages Academy (WLA), and the
Northwest Indian Languages Institute (NILI). The program is particularly sensitive to the changing
needs of the language learner in this era of globalization and internationalization.
Please note that this program does not prepare students for a theoretical linguistics Ph.D. program,
especially at the University of Oregon.
Towards this end, course work:
integrates the use of modern technology to bring real language into the language classroom,
wherever it is located,
views methodology based on principles and approaches that can be applied to fit varying
languages and language learning situations,
provides a background in testing to match the new international need for proficiency-based
includes education courses to meet the needs of future leaders in public school language
teaching around the world,
requires the application of information and principles studied to a final applied MA project
specific to "real" individual situations,
ensures graduate level of English Language proficiency.
Length of Program and Expectations
The LTS MA Program is designed as a 5-term program. Students are normally expected to
complete the 60 required units within 5 terms by taking 12-14 units a term. Some LTS students
reasonably take up to 8 terms if they are part-time in the program and/or have written permission
from the LTS Director to take additional terms to complete the Master’s Project. Students who
wish to remain enrolled in the LTS program beyond 8 terms will need to consult with the LTS
Director and prepare a written plan and timeline for completion of the Program that has been
approved by the LTS Director. If the student fails to progress according to the agreed plan and
timeline, the LTS Director and Department Head of Linguistics may recommend to the Graduate
School that the student be terminated from the Program. Decisions to extend the plan will be at the
discretion of the LTS Director and Department.
Master's Degree Requirements
53 course credits, 7 MA project credits and the successful completion of the MA project. Each
course grade must be a B- or higher in order to satisfy degree requirements. Please be aware of the
University of Oregon policy that requires all graduate students to maintain a 3.0 GPA in order to
Linguistics and Language Teaching Required Courses
LING 594: English Grammar
LING 540: Linguistic Principles and Second Language Acquisition
LT 535: Second Language Teaching Methods
LT 608: LTS Orientation
LT 536: Second Language Teaching Planning
LT 537: Second Language Teaching Practice (waived if st. has more than 2yrs. teach. exp.)
LT 528: Teaching Culture and Literature
LT 548: Curriculum and Materials Development
LT 541: Teaching English Pronunciation (required only for EFL/ESL focus)
LT 549: Testing and Assessment
LT 608: Workshop: Computer Assisted Language Learning (2 terms)
LT 610: LTS capstone Seminar (topic varies)
LT 611: Master’s Project (2 terms)
Possible Elective Courses Include:
(Please seek advising with LTS Director before choosing electives; this list is not exhaustive)
LT/LING additional seminars (see schedule for details of this year's offerings)
Any LING graduate courses (depending on prerequisites), such as
LING 507: Sem Native Lang Oregon
LING 591: Sociolinguistics
LING 535: Morphology & Syntax
AEIS 610: Academic Writing for International Graduate Students
Some courses within the School of Education, such as:
EDLD 630: Comparative Education
EDST 634: Second Lang Conversation/Composition
Linguistic and pedagogy courses in EALL, such as:
CHN 581: Chinese Pedagogical Grammar
CHN 580: Chinese Linguistics
EALL 510: Chn/Jpn/Krn Language Acquisition
EALL 510: Korean & Japanese Pedagogy
JPN 543: Structure of the Japanese Language
ES 556: History Native American Education
ENG 513: Theories of Literacy
Linguistic and pedagogy courses in other language departments, such as:
GER 609: Prac 1st Year Pedagogy
RL (Romance Lang) 608:Wrk Teach Methodology
And variable credit options to be arranged with the LTS Director:
LING 605: Reading and Conference (individual)
LT 609: Supervised Tutoring (e.g. at the AEI, LCC, or EALL)
LING 609: Supervised Teaching (e.g. at Willagillespie Community School Korean Club)
LT 608: Microteaching Workshop
Language Teaching Specialization Faculty
(See LTS faculty website for faculty publications and presentations
Marjorie Barker: (PhD, MA Linguistics, University of Oregon; MS Education, TESL specialization,
Radford University) has experience teaching English and French in Haiti and the United States.
Areas of special interest include pragmatics, the relationship of language and cognition, and
philosophy of language.
C. Brian Barnett (PhD in language education, Indiana University at Bloomington; MA in French
instruction, Indiana University at Bloomington; BA in French & Spanish, Kansas State University),
Lecturer of French, Director of French Language Instruction/Second-Year French Language
Supervisor, Department of Romance Languages. Research and teaching interests include:
Francophone communities of the Americas (Louisiana, Acadia, Quebec, Caribbean), world language
pedagogy, styles & strategies based instruction, materials & curriculum development, bilingual
education, Francophone children’s literature & comics, and service learning.
Emily R Butler (PhD Applied Linguistics, Penn State University; MA Applied Linguistics, Teachers
College, Columbia University) has been a researcher and teacher in ESL and Applied Linguistics for
over 10 years. Her research interests include conversation analysis, classroom discourse, intercultural
pragmatics, and appraisal theory. Other teaching-focused research interests include ITA/IGTF
pedagogy and development, using corpus in the classroom, and teaching pragmatics. She has taught
a wide range of ESL, ITA, and teacher training courses in the U.S. as well as in Germany, where she
had a Fulbright Teaching Fellowship in 2001-2002. Before joining the University of Oregon faculty
in 2010, she was a lecturer at Penn State University and taught graduate-level courses in Classroom
Discourse, Discourse Analysis, and Pragmatics in Language Learning & Teaching.
Tom Delaney (PhD University of Auckland; MA, Monterey Institute of International Studies) has
experience teaching in Korea, Japan, Colombia, Turkey, New Zealand, and the United States. In
addition to teaching English for academic purposes at the American English Institute, he teaches the
Testing and Assessment course in the Language Teaching Specialization MA program. His interest
in assessment stems from his research into the impact of oral participation on the development of
Japanese university students' English language proficiency. He is an active member of ORTESOL,
TESOL, and the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL).
Deborah Healey (Ph.D. Computers in Education, MA Linguistics, University of Oregon) has been
teaching ESL/EFL for over 30 years and using technology in education for over 25 years. She has
worked and lived in Yemen and has given teacher training workshops in Asia, Africa, Europe, the
Middle East, and South America. She held a number of positions at the English Language Institute
at Oregon State University, including Director of the ELI, during her nearly 30 years there. Now at
the University of Oregon, she spends a lot of time in teacher training as part of the Distance
Education program at the AEI. She is on TESOL's Computer-assisted Language Learning Interest
Section (CALL-IS) Steering Committee and is currently Chair of TESOL's Technology Standards
Task Force. She is co-editor of ORTESOL Journal and a member of American Educational
Research Association (AERA) and Computer-assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO).
Laura G. Holland (MA TESOL, Teachers College, Columbia University, BS Early Childhood and
Elementary Education, Wheelock College) has been involved in classrooms in widely diverse
settings since 1975, and in ESL/EFL classes since 1985. Her specialties are in Intensive Language
Program teaching as well as teacher training. Her special interests are in teaching oral
communication skills, incorporating media into ESL classes, and alternative supervision models. She
is an active member of ORTESOL and TESOL.
Kaori Idemaru (Ph D, Japanese Linguistics, University of Oregon; MA TESOL University of
Northern Iowa) has experience teaching Japanese and English in the United States and Japan. Areas
of her research include speech production, perception and learning. She is an Assistant Professor of
Japanese Linguistics in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures.
Robert Elliott (MA TESOL, San Francisco State University) has been involved with teaching ESL in
higher education for over 15 years. His interest areas include computer assisted language learning,
uses of digital video in instruction, teacher and TA training, as well as oral communication and
pronunciation instruction. Most recently, he has been involved with distance education teacher
training, working with instructors from around the globe in on-line courses. He is the chair of the
TESOL interest section for Speech, Pronunciation and Listening (SPLIS).
Sarah J. Klinghammer (PhD University of Oregon; MA TESOL University of Hawaii) has been
active in the field of ESL/ EFL for over 30 years, primarily at institutes of higher education,
including the University of Oregon, Bilkent University (Turkey), Charles University (Prague),
Oregon State University, University of Hawaii, and Portland University. For the past fifteen years,
she has focused on program administration and teacher training, as Director of, first, the American
English institute, then the MA TESOL program at Bilkent University, and most recently, the MA in
Linguistics, Language Teaching Specialization program (2004-2007). During that time, she has also
taught graduate level courses and given multiple teacher training workshops both in the U.S. and
internationally (Mexico, Czechoslovakia, Nicaragua, Paraguay, the Philippines, Thailand, and Turkey)
and has received two Fulbright scholar grants. Her current professional and academic interests are
related to teacher education, curriculum development, and program evaluation. She has been
involved in program accreditation and evaluation of both public school programs and English
Language Institutes, currently serving as a site reviewer for the Consortium for English language
institute Accreditation (CEA). Dr. Klinghammer is now retired from teaching but still participates in
MA project advising.
Jeff Magoto (BA, MA, Ohio University) is the director of the Yamada Language Center and the
World Language Academy at the University of Oregon. His interests are educational technology, less
commonly taught languages, and program design and administration. For the past 20 years, he has
trained graduate students and faculty in the US and overseas in Computer Assisted Language
Learning (CALL) and other aspects of instructional technology. He was instrumental in the 2002
establishment of the Center for Applied Second Language Studies at the UO. Recent
conference/workshop presentations include "Computer Mediated Communication and SelfDirected Language Learning: Increasingly a Happy Marriage," "Flash-Based Speech Applications for
Blackboard," "Speech Applications in Higher Education", and "A National Virtual Language Lab."
Anna Mikhaylova: Assistant Professor at the University of Oregon since 2012. Her research interests
lie at the intersection of Bilingualism, experimental Second Language Acquisition, Sociolinguistics
and Language Teaching. The goal of her research is to gain a better understanding of how language
works in the case of bilingual acquisition and, as a result, to inform classroom language pedagogy.
She is interested in cognitive, social and pedagogical implications of bilingualism in its broad sense
and specifically in the similarities and differences between language development in foreign/second
language learners and heritage speakers. She is interested in finding which linguistic phenomena are
more difficult to acquire and why and in studying factors that can potentially affect the success of
bilingual language acquisition, such as the possibility of language transfer from the dominant/first
language, processing difficulties and age of onset of bilingualism, as well as effects of literacy,
proficiency, type/context of input and the socioeconomic status of the acquirer.
Patricia Pashby (EdD, University of San Francisco; MA, San Francisco State University) has been
teaching English as a second/foreign language in higher education for the past 20 years in the U.S.
and in Thailand. She has conducted numerous teacher training workshops and courses for ESL and
foreign language teachers in the U.S. as well as for Korean EFL teachers at the University of Oregon
and Hanyang University in Seoul. Her interests include intercultural communication, vocabulary
acquisition, and the teaching of pronunciation. She is an active member of ORTESOL and TESOL
(ITA interest section).
Keli D. Yerian (PhD, MS Linguistics, Georgetown University) has been a researcher and teacher in
Linguistics and ESL/EFL for 20 years. Her research interests are in language and interaction, most
specifically in the use of gesture in both L1 and L2 speakers. Other teaching-focused research
interests include the goals and experiences of L2 speakers in US teacher training programs, and the
use of graphics in course materials. She has taught ESL/EFL in the US, Europe, and Africa, and has
extensive experience teaching in both undergraduate and graduate university programs. Before
joining the University of Oregon faculty in 2007, she taught graduate level courses and ran
workshops for both students and teachers-in-training at Stanford University.
Belinda Young-Davy (PhD Linguistics, University of Oregon; MA in Linguistics, University of
Oregon) has experience teaching ESL in Mexico, Japan, and the United States. Her professional
interests include acquisition of prepositions and other semantically-based aspects of language
learning; ESL in higher education assessment with an emphasis on writing and teacher training. She
is a member of ORTESOL, TESOL, and the Linguistic Society of America.
Overview and History of Department
The field of Linguistics is the study of patterns found in specific languages with the ultimate goal of
explaining why those patterns take the form that they do across all languages. Here at the University
of Oregon, we specialize in finding unexpected patterns, both from fieldwork with relatively
unknown languages, from experimental or discourse research, usually done with better-known
languages, and from data-based research in historical linguistics. Our department as a whole firmly
believes that the patterns of language can ultimately be explained with reference to either cognitive
functions of communication or to universals in the evolution of grammar, with the patterns of
evolution themselves driven mostly by the cognitive functions of communication.
The department was first constituted in 1978, but Linguistics at the University of Oregon began in
earnest in 1981, when Colette Craig, Derry Malsch, and Russ Tomlin recruited Tom Givón to head
the fledgling department. Scott DeLancey was hired soon after, then Doris Payne, and the core of a
solid functionalist approach to linguistics was established. Givón’s classic volumes, Syntax: A
Functionalist/Typological Approach, became the blueprint for the foundational training that all graduate
students received. That training was filled out with Craig’s focus on fieldwork and ethics, Malsch’s
focus on phonology, Tomlin’s focus on empirical foundations of functional theory, DeLancey’s
focus on semantics, and Payne’s focus on discourse and word order universals. Later additions were
Katherine Carpenter in first language acquisition in Thai and Indonesian, and Jacqueline Schachter
in second language acquisition.
At present, the department is emerging from a major personnel shift. Craig has returned to Lyons,
France, Carpenter has transferred to International Studies at UO, and Givón and Malsch have
retired. The department now includes Eric Pederson (cognitive science and fieldwork in South
Asia), Cynthia Vakareliyska (syntax and morphosyntax, historical linguistics, Slavic linguistics,
aphasiology), Spike Gildea (fieldwork in South America, historical syntax), Melissa Redford
(cognitive psychology, phonetics/phonology), Vsevolod Kapatsinski (experimental linguistics) and
Tyler Kendall (sociolinguistics). Joining the department Fall 2012 is Mokaya Bosire (Swahili) and
Anna Mikaylova (Second Language Teaching, Second Language Acquisition). Sadly, Susan Guion
Anderson (second language acquisition, phonetics/phonology) passed away December 2011.
The department has many labs: a Discourse Lab run by Eric Pederson, an Experimental Linguistics
Lab run by Vsevolod Kapatsinski, a Language Variation and Computation Lab run by Tyler Kendall,
a Speech & Language Lab and a Phonetics Lab run by Melissa Redford.
Tom Givón Library
Upon his retirement to Emeritus status, Tom Givón generously made a large contribution of books
from his personal library to form the cornerstone of the Linguistics Department Library. The books
are currently being catalogued by a Linguistics librarian and will be closed until after the Straub Hall
renovation. The library is located in 223 Straub.
GLOSS (Graduate Student Organization)
Graduate Linguists of Oregon Student Society or GLOSS was founded in 2000 by Linguistics
graduate students. Its mission is to provide for academic, professional, and social development of
its members. The activities focus on the promotion of linguistic research and events at the
University of Oregon in general, the provision for professional representation of graduate linguists,
and the fostering of a welcoming atmosphere for the broader University of Oregon linguistics
community. Membership at GLOSS is open to all members of the UO community.
An overview of the activities, responsibilities, and accomplishments to date are:
 Linguistics Colloquium: GLOSS organizes weekly informal colloquia at which faculty and
graduate students present their current research to a friendly audience. GLOSS also receives
Department funds to invite several outside speakers each year.
 Workshops: GLOSS organizes additional workshops with our invited speakers.
 Yearly incoming graduate student orientation.
 Representation on non-evaluative faculty meetings.
 Organizing social events.
Additional Faculty of the Linguistics Department Who Do Not Teach in LT Classes
Melissa Baese-Berk: Assistant Professor, at the University of Oregon since 2013, is interested in how
speech perception and production interact with second language acquisition. Her primary research
interests examine how learners learn to perceive and produce sounds in a non-native language, as
well as how native and non-native listeners perceive non-native speech. She has focused on a
number of issues in her recent research, including how speech perception and production interact
during learning, the role of speech rate in perception of native and non-native speech, and the role
of variability in perception and production of non-native speech. While her research is primarily
theoretical in focus, spending several years as an instructor for English language learners has led to a
desire to begin to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Mokaya Bosire: Instructor, at the University of Oregon since 2012, is fascinated by Language in
general but is particularly interested in looking at the interplay between language and society, how
different languages and varieties of language develop, the differential status accorded them, their
maintenance, shift and sometimes, death. His primary research interests have concentrated on
studying the structure and sociology of language contact outcomes specifically mixed/hybrid
languages, code switching, urban vernaculars and languages in the diaspora. His most recent research
has focused on two areas: the emergency of Sheng - a mixed language in Nairobi, and Kiswahili - its
growth and spread as a lingua franca in East Africa and its pedagogy and use in the diaspora. His
work in teaching Kiswahili as a foreign language has inevitably led to studies in second language
acquisition and research.
Scott DeLancey: Department Head and Professor, at the University of Oregon since 1982. Scott
DeLancey's research activities center on the intersection of several areal and theoretical topics.
Areally, his work is centered on the study of languages of South and East Asia, particularly the
Tibeto-Burman family, and of western North America, particularly the Penutian stock. DeLancey's
research also addresses several typological/theoretical issues related to the relation between linguistic
function and linguistic form. He has published extensively on aspects of the functional theory of
syntax, particularly on grammaticalization and issues surrounding the semantics and syntax of case,
and on the cross-linguistic typology of various grammatical categories (e.g. ergativity, inverse
marking, evidentiality).
Spike Gildea: Professor, at the University of Oregon since 2000. His primary interests are
documentary fieldwork, historical syntax, and historical/functional phonology. He has been working
in South America with languages of the Cariban family since 1988, when he began fieldwork on
Panare in Venezuela. A good understanding of historical syntax can only come from a good
understanding of typology, and his focus in typology has been on the evolutionary connection
between voice and alignment systems. He is increasingly excited at participating in the growth of a
functional theory of phonology that could share many (and maybe all) of the foundational
presuppositions that underlie our functional theories of morphosyntax.
Vsevolod Kapatsinski: Assistant Professor, at the University of Oregon since 2009. His research
focuses on identifying the characteristics of units and generalizations that language learners extract
from the language they hear, the biases that language learners bring to the task, and the way the
acquired units and generalizations are used in processing. He uses experimental, corpus-analytic, and
computational methods to address these questions. Much of his experimental work uses miniature
artificial languages, which allow for complete control over the properties of the language and the
training task and facilitate modeling by enabling him to expose the human language learner and the
model to the same data. To increase ecological validity, the experimental studies are supplemented
by analyses of spontaneous linguistic behavior as recorded by natural language corpora.
Tyler Kendall: Assistant Professor, at the University of Oregon since 2010. His primary research
interests focus on developing a better understanding of the social and cognitive aspects of language
variation and change. Much of his work is firmly sociolinguistic, in that it is often interested
in understanding language and linguistic patterns in their social context — often following in the
quantitative traditions of sociolinguistic research spearheaded by William Labov and Walt
Wolfram — although he also pursues research questions via approaches from computational
linguistics, corpus linguistics, lab phonetics, and psycholinguistics. Another line of his work has
focused on data management practices within empirical branches of linguistics. He is also interested
in multilingualism (especially in Iceland), legal and forensic problems in linguistics, digital
humanities, and public outreach and education about language diversity.
Doris Payne: Associate Department Head and Professor, at the University of Oregon since 1987.
Doris Payne's research has focused on morphology, syntax and semantics of little-studied languages,
from typological, functional, and cognitive perspectives. One long-standing focus has been on word
order, with a special attention to verb-initial languages and those where order of major consituents is
primarily based on cognitive-pragmatic factors such as identifiability and contrastive focus. Principal
language areas have included (but are not limited to) South America and East Africa. Ongoing
language documentation projects include descriptive grammars and lexicography and text databases.
Eric Pederson: Associate Professor, at the University of Oregon since 1997. The breadth of his
research interests can be covered under the general concern for the relation of language and
language processing to general cognition. He assumes that any particular linguistic patterns also
potentially reflect patterns of thought beyond this language use. Because non-linguistic behavior and
patterns of human cognition can vary cross-culturally, he has a strong commitment to crosslinguistic and cross-cultural investigation. Appropriately for this, he has expertise as a descriptive
linguist as well. Much of his descriptive and experimental data is collected first-hand in rural South
Melissa Redford: Associate Professor, at the University of Oregon since 2002. Her research focuses
on language production, especially on the process from sound pattern retrieval to articulation and
pursuing several general questions that arise from this focus. For a number of years, her research
strategy has been to focus on speech and language phenomena related to the syllable—a
fundamental unit in theories of language production and representation. Her current work is aimed
at extending these inquiries to include larger prosodic domains. Overall, her work contributes to our
understanding of the representations used in speech planning, how speech timing is achieved, and
the phonetic bases of speech segmentation.
Russell Tomlin: Professor, at the University of Oregon since 1979. He works in the general areas of
language and cognition, second language acquisition, and functional and cognitive linguistic theory.
His research in language and cognition has focused on the role of attention in discourse production,
with particular focus on cross-linguistic comparisons of voice and word order using the FishFilm
paradigm developed at Oregon. In second language acquisition, he has extended the study of
attention in language production to the developing interlanguage grammars of second language
learners. In addition, he has worked on empirical strategies for investigating very early acquisition
and the role of input and interaction in individual learners. Finally, he has been interested in the
development of functional and cognitive theory, with particular attention to the interplay of
theoretical claims and the empirical means used to argue for them.
Cynthia Vakareliyska: Director of Graduate Studies and Professor, at the University of Oregon since
1994. Her research looks primarily to features of Slavic and Baltic languages as potential sources of
information about linguistic processes in general. She collects data through field research and
archive research in Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania, and Russia. Her synchronic research focuses on
modern Bulgarian syntax, and in particular on a recent borrowed grammatical construction from
English, the [N[N]] phrase. A large part of her research has focused on medieval Bulgarian, Serbian,
and East Slavic gospel manuscripts and calendars of saints, as sources of evidence about (a) the
features of the 14th-century Bulgarian spoken vernacular and (b) the methodologies that were used
in the medieval Slavic scribal tradition for compiling a single manuscript text by patchworking
together separate textual traditions. Another current research project is on the phenomenon of selfidentification with more than one language and culture by members of multilingual
ethnic/confessional minorities.
The Graduate School is located on the ground floor of Susan Campbell Hall. The mailing address is
1219 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1219. The phone number is (541) 346-5129. The
website is Office hours are 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-5:00 Monday
through Friday.
General Requirements
In addition to meeting the Linguistics Department requirements, students must also meet the
Graduate School requirements. On the graduate school website, you will find general information as
well as forms. All forms must be completed online and then printed. The Graduate School will not
accept handwritten forms. The Graduate School has deadlines and requirements pertaining to
graduation, grades, incompletes, and continuous enrollment under Graduate School Policy and
Procedures here: All graduate students
are expected to be aware of the policies and follow them.
MA Requirements
The Master of Arts degree requires that students demonstrate foreign language proficiency
equivalent to second year, third term college level proficiency (computer languages are not
acceptable). Proficiency may be demonstrated by presenting a transcript showing successful
completion of a second year, third term level language course; enrolling in and passing any second
year, third term level language course; passing the Graduate Student Foreign Language Test
(GSFLT) with a score at the 25th percentile or above; negotiating and passing a proficiency test with
one of the foreign language departments; obtaining credit by exam; or passing a language waiver
test. Contact the Testing Office at the Student Health Center for detailed information on these
testing options. The foreign language requirement must have been demonstrated within the past
seven years from the time of application for graduation. In other words, at the time a student applies
to graduate, they must have met the foreign language requirement within the past seven years.
Upon arrival at the University of Oregon, new students should visit the Graduate Coordinator for
the LTS program (currently Ariel Andersen), who will answer questions regarding administrative
aspects of the program. Keli Yerian, the LTS Director and program advisor, is available to answer
academic questions.
International Student Orientation (ISO) is mandatory for new international students. It will cover
many important topics at ISO and you will have a chance to get acquainted with the campus, learn
about the student services available, take the AEIS (Academic English for International Students)
and math placement tests, meet with an Academic Adviser, register for classes, and much more.
Dates and times are available on the Office of International Affairs website.
New Graduate Student Orientation- Fall Term
This orientation provides you with an opportunity to meet other new graduate students and find out
about academic requirements, computing services, the University of Oregon Knight Library system,
the student health system, and other resources for graduate students. The date and time of this
orientation is available on the Graduate School website.
GLOSS Orientation
GLOSS coordinates an orientation for the new graduate students in Linguistics, including all LTS
students. The GLOSS representative will discuss the organization and how you may become a
member. This orientation date and time will be announced.
Photo Identification Office
The University of Oregon requires that students obtain a student identification card. This photo ID
allows students access to University services, such as the Knight Library system. In addition, the
University of Oregon ID can be used to ride the city bus (LTD) for free. For more information on
how to obtain a card, go to the University of Oregon ID card office located in EMU on the ground
floor, or call (541) 346-3113.
Class Schedule
A new schedule of classes is available two weeks prior to registration each term. The schedule lists
courses offered for the term and describes registration procedures. You can obtain the schedule at
Registering for Classes
A registration period takes place before the start of classes each term and the dates are published in
advance. Students are not officially registered and are not entitled to attend classes until they have
completed the registration procedures. It is highly recommended that LTS students meet with the
program advisor, Keli Yerian, before registering for classes. DuckWeb is the University system for
class registration, and it is located on the University homepage under current students. DuckWeb
requires the 95- number and a Personal Access Code (PAC number). New graduate students receive
their PAC numbers from the Admissions Office in the acceptance letter. When you log on to
DuckWeb for the first time, you will have to supply a personal security question and answer in case
you forget the PAC number. If you have any problems, contact the Registrar’s office at (541) 3462935.
Course Authorization
Some courses require instructor consent. The authorization form is available in the Linguistics
office at 124 Agate Hall. Complete the form per the instructions and get the instructor’s signature.
Then bring the form to the Graduate Coordinator who will enter it in Banner, the student database.
After this has been done, you can register for the class.
Information Services
Information Services is located in room 151C McKenzie Hall. Information Services staff are
available to assist students in obtaining an email account. More information can be found at
There are several places where students can make copies. Copiers are located throughout the
Knight Library, and copies can be paid for with coins or by inserting a University of Oregon ID
card. Copiers are also located in the EMU Copy Center as well as Kinkos, located at 1265
Willamette Street.
Office of International Affairs (OIA)
The Office of International Affairs assists international students and faculty members who are
teaching and studying at the university. Individuals from other countries are invited to inquire at
this office for information about admission, housing, United States immigration regulations, visas,
employment opportunities, and scholarship aid. The Office of International Affairs offers academic
and personal counseling and helps students adjust to life in this country. It also coordinates the
International Friend Program, which introduces international students to local families. OIA is
located in Room 330 Oregon Hall and may be reached by telephone at (541) 346-3206 or you may
visit their website for further information at
International Student Organization
The Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO) is the recognized representative
organization of students at the university. Its network of agencies, activities, and programs serves
student needs and interests. The ASUO gives students the opportunity to plan and direct their own
programs, to become involved in every aspect of university life, and to influence the decisions that
affect the quality of education and student life at the university. Students who pay incidental fees are
members of the ASUO. You may find a student union organization for your particular country if
you visit or you may visit the ASUO office located in the EMU to learn
Health Center Services
The Health Center at the University of Oregon is located at 1590 East 13th Street, across the street
from Oregon Hall. This facility offers general health services such as medical and dental to students.
For more information you may visit
Department of Public Safety
The Department of Public Safety offers services to the university community in three main areas:
 Safety Services and Policing
This area offers services such as crime reporting, safety escorts and campus patrols
 Parking Services and Transportation
Handles issues such as the rules and regulations related to parking at the UO and alternative
transportation including bicycling or riding the city bus.
 General Services and Building Security
Responsible for campus building security, certifying individuals for business travel and
general services
They are located at 2141 E. 15th Ave., at the intersection with Walnut St. You may reach them by
telephone at (541) 346-5444. Visit their website at for further
information on the services they provide.
Knight Library
The Knight Library offers many services to students and faculty as well as the community. Located
at 15th Avenue and Kincaid Street, this facility hosts a wealth of opportunity for research as well as
computer labs, an extensive map library, an excellent multimedia services department and much
more. To learn more about the offerings of the Knight Library visit or
telephone at (541) 346-3053.
University of Oregon Duck Store (Bookstore)
The University of Oregon Duck Store is a non-profit independent bookstore governed by the
students for the students and faculty of the University of Oregon. Not only does the bookstore
have textbooks available for students to purchase for classes, but a multitude of other items such as
art supplies, magazines, clothing, and gift items. They are located at 895 13th Avenue and may be
reached by telephone at (541) 346-4331. Visit their website at
There are many ways to get to the University. Most students who live on or near campus decide to
either walk or ride their bicycles. The University of Oregon requires that all bicycles on campus be
registered with the Department of Public Safety. All students may ride the local city bus (Lane
Transit District or LTD) at no charge by showing their student identification (I.D. Card). Every
LTD bus is wheelchair accessible. You may access the LTD schedule at If you do
decide to drive to the university, you will need to contact the Department of Public Safety to obtain
pertinent parking information as well as a mandatory parking permit. Parking at the UO is limited.
The best way to get to campus is by bus, bike or walking, if you live close.
Lane County experiences moderate weather year round. The following chart gives the average
temperature and precipitation.
Average High
47º F 8º C
61º F 16º C
82º F 28º C
65º F 18º C
Average Low
33º F 1º C
39º F 4º C
51º F 11º C
41º F 5º C
Average Precipitation
7.7” 20 cm
9 cm
2 cm
9 cm
Eugene Airport
As the second largest airport in Oregon, Eugene Airport generates over 600,000 air trips annually.
Terminal services include four rental car companies, two gift shops, a full-service restaurant and a
deli bar. Winter weather related flight information is available November 15 through February 15,
daily between 4 a.m. and 8 p.m. PST by calling (541) 682-5544. The airport is located at 28855
Lockheed Dr. in Eugene. You may phone them at (541) 682-5430 or visit
US banks offer many kinds of financial services. These include checking and savings accounts, bank
drafts, money orders, credit cards, loans, inter-bank transfers, traveler’s checks and safe-deposit
boxes for valuables. A bank may be able to convert foreign currency if you have an account with
them. All banks offer similar services with minor differences in such areas as interest earned in
various types of accounts. You may wish to investigate the differences before choosing your bank.
To open an account, you will need to present your passport or driver’s license and at least one other
piece of identification. You will also need one of the following: cash, a bank draft, cashier’s check,
or traveler’s check all payable in US dollars.
ATM Machines: Automatic Teller Machines allow you to get cash from a savings or checking
account or from your credit card any time of the day or night. When using an ATM, be cautious of
your surroundings, particularly at night.
You are not limited to ATMs owned by your bank. You can withdraw money from almost any
networked ATM, but you will pay a small fee. Below are some ATM locations close to the
UO Duck Store—ATMs for Bank of America and Oregon Community Credit Union.
EMU—ATMs for Bank of America, First Tech, OnPoint, Washington Mutual (Chase), and Wells
Oregon Community Credit Union
US Bank
488 E. 11th Ave.
UO Duck Store
819 East 13th Ave.
(541) 687-2347
Ethnic and Health Food:
The Kiva
Sunrise Asian
Trader Joe’s
125 W. 11th Ave.
746 E. 24th Ave.
70 W. 29th Ave.
85 Oakway Center
1915 W. 11th Ave.
(541) 342-8666
(541) 343-9142
(541) 343-3925
(541) 485-1744
(541) 683-9386
Market of Choice
1960 Franklin Boulevard
145 E. 18th Ave.
(541) 687-1188
(541) 485-5051
(541) 465-4281
Shopping for Food
Retail (* indicates close proximity to campus)
Safeway (E. 18th Ave.)
Barnes and Noble
Smith Family
UO Duck Store
1950 Franklin Blvd.*
185 East 18th Ave.*
(541) 344-5268
(541) 342-4995
1163 Valley River Center
(541) 687-0356
768 E. 13th Ave.*
525 Willamette St.
895 E. 13th Ave.*
(541) 345-1651
(541) 343-4717
(541) 346-4331
Valley River Center
Gateway Mall
Valley River Way and Valley River Dr.
3000 Gateway St., Springfield
Fifth Street Public Market hosts a variety of eclectic boutiques and art galleries. Located at 296 East
5th Avenue, in the heart of Eugene’s Downtown Historic District, the Market is also home to some
of the Pacific Northwest’s finest cafes and restaurants. See
Best Buy
Office Depot
UO Duck Store
3300 Gateway St, Springfield
2859 Chad Dr.
895 E. 13th Ave.
Festivals and Fairs: Local newspapers such as the Eugene Weekly,,
and the Register Guard,, list specific dates, times, and programs for
each of these events. Some fairs to look for are:
Art and the Vineyard
The Bach Festival
The Eugene Celebration
Lane County Fair
The Oregon Country Fair
The Eugene Public Library
The Springfield Public Library
100 W. 10th Ave.
225 5th St.
(541) 682-5450
(541) 726-3766
Lane County Historical Museum
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
UO Museum of Natural History
740 W. 13th Ave.
UO Campus
1685 E. 15th Ave.
(541) 682-4242
(541) 346-3027
(541) 346-3024
Hult Center
Taylor’s Bar & Grill
McDonald Theatre
WOW Hall
7th and Willamette
894 E. 13th Ave.
1010 Willamette St.
291 W. 8th Ave.
(541) 682-5087
(541) 344-6174
(541) 345-4442
(541) 687-2746
996 Willamette
540 Charnelton
Villard Hall, UO
2350 Hilyard
7th & Willamette
(541) 683-4368
(541) 465-1506
(541) 346-4191
(541) 344-7751
(541) 682-5087
Actors Cabaret of Eugene
Lord Leebrick Theatre
University Theatre
Very Little Theatre
Hult Center
Theaters and Movies: There are many theaters in the area – check your newspaper for the
times and prices of movies.
David Minor Theater
Regal Cinemas 15
Cinemark Movies 12
492 E. 13th Ave.
180 E 5th Ave
Valley River Center
2900 Gateway St.
2850 Gateway St.
(541) 686-2458
(541) 762-1700
(541) 242-0580
(541) 746-5531
(541) 741-3438
Recreation and Sports
 Eugene Parks: The Eugene/Springfield area has many pleasant parks offering a variety of
activities that may include picnicking, swimming, boating, water skiing, hiking, etc.
o Alton Baker Park is located off Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and borders the
Willamette River. It offers trails for walking, jogging and biking along the river,
picnic facilities and play equipment.
o Armitage Park is located on the McKenzie River off of Coburg Rd. Picnic pavilions,
waterfront walks and baseball diamonds are available. Fishing is permitted.
o Fern Ridge Reservoir lies between Eugene and Veneta, past the Eugene airport. It is a
popular boating area and offers picnic facilities and swimming areas.
o Skinners Butte Park is located at the north end of High Street along the south bank of
the Willamette River. It offers a riverfront picnic area and play equipment for
children. Nearby you can find the Owens Rose Garden.
o Spencer Butte Park can be reached from the south end of Willamette St or Fox Hollow
Rd. The hike to the top is somewhat difficult, but it is the highest viewpoint in
Eugene and has a spectacular view of the Willamette Valley.
Hot Springs: Oregon has several hot mineral springs within an easy drive of Eugene. The
springs are in natural settings, with no formal facilities. For hot springs locations, call (541)
Oregon Coast: The Oregon Coast provides miles of beautiful scenery that include cliffs,
sand dunes, lighthouses, and public beaches. Public parks have picnic areas, hiking paths
and open spaces for kite flying. You can rent 3-wheeled vehicles (dune buggies) to drive
across the sand dunes, crab rings to catch crabs, or horses for horseback riding. Some places
of interest may be the Sea Lion Caves just north of Florence, the Oregon Coast Aquarium in
Newport, and the Boardwalk in Seaside.
Skiing: Eugene is just a short drive from several winter recreation areas. Willamette Pass,
located on Highway 58, about 1 ½ hours from Eugene; Mt. Bachelor, located on Highway
126 East, near Bend; and Hoodoo, located in the Santiam Pass east of Salem, all offer
excellent ski slopes and snow recreation. Call (541) 345-7669 for ski conditions.
Willamette National Forest: Highway 126, called the McKenzie River Highway, runs
through beautiful forests along the McKenzie River. Highway 58, heading southeast of
Eugene, also offers a scenic drive to many recreational areas. For more specific information
on developed areas located in the Willamette National Forest, you may stop by the Outdoor
Program office at the UO, located in room 37 of the EMU. You may also contact the local
Forest Service office at 211 E 7th or by calling their recreational information telephone line at
(541) 465-6561.
Bicycling: In addition to the many bicycle lanes on city streets, there are trails throughout
Eugene from Valley River on the north side of the Willamette River and from Valley River
to campus on the south side.
The Break
The Cooler
EMU Basement, UO (541) 346-3711
20 Centennial Loop (541) 484-4355
Emerald Lanes
Firs Bowl
Southtowne Lanes
140 Oakway Rd.
1950 River Rd.
2486 Willamette
(541) 342-2611
(541) 688-1558
Fiddler’s Green
Oakway Golf Course
Riverridge Golf Course
91292 Hwy 99N
2700 Columbia
2000 Cal Young Rd.
3800 N Delta Hwy
(541) 689-8464
(541) 484-4653
(541) 484-1927
(541) 345-9160
Hobby Classes
The Eugene/Springfield community is well known for its arts and crafts activities. In
addition to checking out the following, watch your local newspapers for area classes.
Lane Community College
Maude Kerns Art Center
UO Craft Center
City of Eugene Recreation
4000 E. 30th AVE
1910 E. 15th Ave
Lower Level, EMU
100 W. 10th Suite 321
(541) 747-4501
(541) 345-1571
(541) 346-4361
(541) 682-5333
Ice Skating
Lane County Ice
769 W. 13th Ave.
(541) 682-3615
Jogging: Many miles of soft surface trails can be found in the Alton Baker Park area. You
may start either there or at the Autzen Stadium footbridge. There is a one-mile loop at 24th
Ave. and Amazon Parkway.
Racquetball: Courts are located next to the covered tennis courts at 15th and University as
well as in the Recreation Center.
Amazon Pool (summer only)
Echo Hollow
Recreation Center
26th and Hilyard
1655 Echo Hollow Rd
1320 E. 15th Ave., UO
(541) 682-5350
(541) 682-5525
(541) 346-4183
Sheldon Pool
Splash! Lively Park Swim Ctr
2443 Willakenzie Rd
2055 Patterson
1276 G St, Springfield
6100 Thurston Rd., Spfld
(541) 682-5314
(541) 686-9622
(541) 726-4366
(541) 736-4244
Tennis: Campus courts are available when not used by a class. “Covered” courts are
located behind the Recreational Center. Indoor courts are behind Mac Court.
Weight Training: Esslinger and Gerlinger both have basketball courts, gyms, and weight
rooms. Check with the Athletic Office at (541) 346-4113 for information.