Chapter 2: Privacy and Personal Information

CSC300 Super Condensed Exam Review Sheet (2 Pages back and Front)
Session2: Ethics: Ethical Relativism :Negative Claim (no norms), Positive Claim(relative),
Utilitarianism(Stuart) consequences "greatest good/number", Deontological(rules) Universality(rules
applied to everyone, logical) Categorial Imperative(not treat humans as means to end).
Session3:Technology: The first step is to understand technology within society, not ethics (snow mobile
bombardier –unintended consequences) defn: knowledge/tools/practice skills/systems and environment
(Liss Jeffrey)
Session4: Privacy: Principles: Accountability, Identifying Purpose, Consent, Limiting Collection, Limiting
Use, Disclosure, Accuracy, Safeguards, Openness, Individual Access, Challenging Compliance. In NAcommon law, ephasis on persons, gov't data. Europe Companies seen as "persons".
Session5: Legislation: US: 1974 Privacy Act Canada: Privacy Act and Access to Information Act 1980/83
– Access to gov't held records only. (Of world 187 countries/12 give citizen's legal right to gov't record).
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (2001)
Session6: Encryption: National/Personal/Commercial security, depend on algorithm of the key, Data
Encryption Standard: prob modern computers can crack. Public Key Systems: Strong encryption (diffie)
(one way func), (RSA, patented algo). encryption public key, private decryption key),Send =
Message**E(Bob) mod N, Receiver = Message**D(Bob) mod N, security depends on difficulty of
factroring N.,PGP (Pretty Good Privacy),Clipper Chip
Session7: Privacy Trend: File matching – unreported income, Echelon,Carnivore,Photo radar, SmartCard.
Workplace monitoring, needed for security, Commercial: Cookies, Spam,Telemarketing, Junk fax, ID
chips embedded in PC, IP6,Caller ID. New technologies, Biological identifications.
Session8: Computers and Work: See chapter 8 summary below Productivity Paradox (Rober Solow,
computers can be seen everywhere except in the productivity statistics.
Session9: Digital Democracy – Roles of Internet(Information, focus for political action groups,Policy
Formation. Caveats
Session10: Internet History- Origins Paul Baran, Packet Switching, Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP/IP) Structure: Local host, ISP, backbone(routers). ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers owned by Verizon (Reg fee $50,000.cuber squatting) Future: Address space shortage, IPv6
by 2006.
Session 11: HCI, physical environment(workstation), Socio-political Environ(job design, culture), Place
where humans and computers meet, Interface, success of the MAC,Interative design process
(design,implement, evaluate, reason).
20 Design principles, Moving authorizing and Design (MAD), be humble, make produce reliable,simple,
know user, communicate, multidiciplinary design tames, user centered design process.
Session 13:Digital Divide: By Income,ethnicity,gender,age,geometry, country. (See chapter 9 for more)
Session 14: Law and Internet: Cyberlibertarianism (Regulated Internet) Four Layers: 4. Transaction
Layer(E-Commerce/Copyright) 3. Application Layer(Software service, web mail) 2. Logical Layer(TCP/IP
etc.) 1. Physical Layer(DSL,cable, etc).
Session 15: E-Commerce: Canada's Electronic Commerce Strategy: Cryptographic policy, Authentication,
Privacy, Consumer Protection, Digital Signatures..... Principles of Consumer Protection(Information
provision, contract formation, privacy, security of payment and personal info, liability, unsolicited
commercial email etc.
Session 16/17: E-Learning: Ian Lancashire Effects on e-learning, audio lectures,commentaries. Reading
Poetry online, Ethic issues raised: Copyright teaching, discourages plagiarism
Session 18/19:Schraefel (Intellectual Property) Copyright(idea of ownership, who has the right to
distribute, lose copyright 50 years after death, non-expensive, in Can: work of employee becomes to
Company/in states to employee). DMCA Probs: Demands the legal right to track who has your data –
beyond just knowing who is distributing. Patents (exclusive right to a process, must be algorithmic),
expensive ( %15000), demonstrate it's unique, last up to 20 years after death. egg.'s one click
shopping. In NA , have 1 year to claim patent after released to public, in Europe, claim before its released
to public.
Session 20/21:Computer Risks: Spam,Bugs,Trojan(disguised), Logic bombs(time),
Viruses(replicate)/Worms, Password sniffers(steal), Denial of service (DOS), Distributed denial of service.
Melissa worm (MS word), ILOVEYOU, Hackers. see Chap7.
Session 22: CyberCrime: Council of Europe Convention , approved after 0 years – Nov 2001. -> articles
Illegal, access, Illegal interception of electronic communication, data inference, forgery, copyright
(Canada,Japan,Australia participates)
OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) for security information systems:
Awareness, Responsibility,Response,Ethics, Democracy,Risk assessments, security design, management,
Session 23: Ethical Codes- ACM – Association for Computing Machinery : (IEEE –Computer Society) (
Contribute to society,
Avoid harm,Be honest/trustworthy,Be fair/not discriminate,Honor copyrights and patent,proper credit for
intellectual property,Respect privacy,Honor confidentiality. )(IEE-CS)The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. CIPS(Canadian Information Processing Society) CIPS Code of Ethics and
Professional Practice. To the public, To myself and my profession, To my colleagues, To my employer
and/or clients, my employees and contracted staff,To my students. Professional Organizations: Practioners
work directly with public (protection of public a concern). Licensing : Scientific societies may have
associated licensing organizations with examinations. Canada: ISP Institute for System Professionals,
British Computer Society
USA: ICCP Institute for Computer Professionals. Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Standards of
PROFESSION/COLLEAGUES/SELFLicensing (ACM is Against certification, and voluntary licensing) :
Reasons : IN US, PE Take 9 hour exam unsuitable, know chemistry,thermodyn, multiplechoice,not protect
public assure safety/performance. IN Canada: Canadian Council of Professional Engineers took Memorial
University to cout for offereing course on Software Eng, in Jun 2001, Can Eng Accrediation Board
accredited 3 software eng programs, need to write Xam on law and ethics.
Session 24: Weapon SystemsAfter world war II (1939-1945). From 1945 to 1991, the Cold War
dominated international affairs. The global competition between the United States and the Soviet Union
took many forms: political, economic, ideological, cultural, military. After Reagan’s “Star Wars” speech
(1983) the SDI (strategic defense initiative) began. Planned to destroy missiles with focused laser beams,
pellet guns from space and ground based stations via a 3-layered defense (launch/boost, mid-course,
terminal re-entry). Problems: 1) too many satellites required, 2) huge un-testable programs (Parnas said
this), 3) temptation to go autonomous, 4) will precipitate an arms race. However effective implementation
was found to be elusive. The NMD (National Missle defense), revived by Bush, had the goal of defense
against missiles from “rogue” states. This technology is space based. Upgraded Early Warning Radars to
detect missiles. Problems: 1) won’t work because of decoys 2) too expensive 3) most effective way not
determined 4) arms race. 5) computer can fail - ex. blackhawk helicopter à 5 crashes 22 deaths due to
faulty shielding. Pros? 1) If we can finally get it to work we can be safer from the likes of Bin-laden. 2)
research in this field may help computer technology development: ex. Internet, Global positioning system,
Satellite-based navigation, night vision, mainframe design, miniaturization of circuits.
Session 25: John McCarthy's Dartmouth Conference (1956), at which the name "Artificial Intelligence"
was coined. (two-month long summer conference) . Bar Hillel (1960) :,Dealt with semantics (meaning of
words) and context used, Can a machine think: Turing Test, Recent Forms: Machine learning, intellgent
agents known as "BOTS", voice recognition, facial recognition, Thesis: Machines can equal or even out
perform humans, but only when the subect of discourse is sufficently narrow. (machine translation works
well for weather forecasts). Views of Self and World – Descartes " I think therefore I Am" , what is
uniquely human, is consciousness necessary, and what is it? Perhaps we need self awareness suggested by
Edelman. How to understand the CONTEXT that language is being used: Chomsky "Time flies like an
arrow", PROBLEMS with speech recognition – how to recognize homonyms ("They're there with their....
theories"). Azimov's laws for Robots. First Law: A robot may not injure a human being.Second Law: A
robot must obey orders given it by human beings (1)Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence.
Billy Joy's concern in Why the future doesn't need us: Our most powerful 21st-century technologies robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species. oore's
Law (1965), Gordon Moore (one of 3 founders of Intel) made a prediction: the capacity of integrated
circuits (computer chips) over the next decade would double every 18 to 24 months.
Chapter 2: Privacy and Personal Information.
-Invisible Information Gathering: ISP, Cookies(sites not inform),data spillage(Double click financial
info,Real),Secondary use of personal information (bad), Computer matching (using SSN –detect
fraud/business') /profiling(matching behavior),
GPS(Global positioning Technology)(Orwell 1984) , Thermal Imaging
Privacy Act of 1974/Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988 (gov't use of data
Relevant/Correct/Security/Consent )
(InternalRevenueService comps to match– tax data/vehicle registration/licence/ expand database)
(GeneralAccountOffice (Congress "Watch Dog") gov't privacy policies – found violated Privacy Act)
Fourth Ammendment: (right of people to be secure,unreasonable searches)
The USA PATRIOT Act 2001 (gov't collect financial institution, differ consumer pattern),electronic body
searches (US Customs), (2001 Super Bow, Snooper Bowl ClosedCircuitTV scan -work),Opt out , Opt in.
Privacy Principles of Personal Data, Risks: SSN, Proposed National ID Systems(harder forge, one card).
EPIC(Electronic Privacy Info Center) (gov't threats)
Warren and Brandeis: right to prohibit publication of facts about themselves and photographs of self.
Judight Thomson: right includes to decide who may listen to us/view us.
EU regulations , privacy directive: stricter regulations than the US on collection and use of personal
Chapter 3 :Encryption and Interception of Communications:
CommunicationsAssistanceforLawEnforcementAct(CALEA) in 1994 requiring tech used in
communications systems be redesigned to catch criminals.$500Million Opponents:
ComputerProfessionalsforSocialResponsibility(Privacy) (OmnibusCrimeAct allowed wiretapping for
criminals) Carnivore(FBI intercept email) Echelon & National Security Agency (NSA) – International
scale, voice recognition to select telephone conver. , controversy: friendly countries.
Cryptography (making and breaking secret codes),ciphertext, key (alogirthmic sequence of characters),
public key developed by Whitfield Diffie eliminate need for secure transmission of keys. encrypting public
key, decrypting private key.Advan: eliminates need to transmit secret encryption key between two parities..
Uses of Encryption: communication (email,phone), data(credit card), stored data access(passwords).
Export restrictions NSA doesn't want US software marker: Diffie( NSA wants to crack, no standard
encryption scheme, disclose info to others, NSA wants to be only ones to have scheme)Domestic
Encryption Controls (AT&T sell telephone equipped encryption to public, even terrorist).
Chapter 5: Freedom of Speech
Universal Access, Communication Decency Act(CDA) ruled unconstitutional 1996 – material available to
children, $100T 2yrs,First Amendment,1996 Child Pornography Prevention Act (virtual
children)(COPA)98, Children's Internet Protection Act (2000), US export restriction for encryption
software available online, Anonymous email – remailer service, FEC (Federal Election Commission),shield
Criminal Activity,SPAM(unsolicited mass email),1996 AOL blocked 50% spam from Cyber
Promotions,Provisions: labeled/ISP provide filters/opting out/honor opt out/valid email reply/no misleading
info/commercial banned.
Chapter 6: Intellectual Property: Copyrights (lifetime + 70yrs),US Copyright (make copies,distribute,
translate language,perform in public, display in public).IP differs PhyiscalProperty(Copy not deprive
anyone else's work),Patents(protect invention, not just expression, prohibit anyone using idea),pass mag to
12 friends, can't email copies, 1790(books,maps,charts),Copyright Act of 1909 (defines unauthorized copy
form that can be read/visual),problem(piano-music roll,ROM handheld chess game(70s))1976-80(cover
software)1992(felonly offense, 10+ copies/6months -> 5 years prison) No Electronic Theft Act (1997)
triggered by David LaMacchia (MIT) bulleting board,made no profit)(DMCA 1998 –
making,distributing,using tools, to circumvent technology copyright protection systems used by copyright
holders -> 5yrs + 500,000 1st offense)Fair Use Doctrine allow copyright material that contribute to creation
of new work(quotes in review) 4 ideas in 1976 Act(1.Commerical/educational use, 2. Nature of copyrighted
work(novel more protection) 3.Amount /portion USED 4.. Uses that reduce sales)(Sony vs. Universal City
– Betamax recording later time was "fair use")Arguments for: Can't afford, Wealth Corp, Wouldn't lose
sale, Generosity,dishonest resellers, everyone does it.
ContentScramblingSystem (CSS), 15 year old Norway DCSS (illegal under DCMA) to break it,Corley to
remove links. Free Software make the source code free. Stallman and GNU(Unix OS),Software
(invention?writting) 1972 Supreme Court said CAN not be patented bc was abstract.
Chapter 7:Computer Crime : Hacking Phase 1 – early years (60-70s), positive("good hack" – cleaver
code) "computer virtuosos", "enjoys programmable systems...stretch capabilities", Phase 2(70mid90s)Stanford , Kevin Mitnick(universities,cellphone manufactures, ISP's, Sun Microsystems,
Nokia)Citicorp Russian stole passwords ($400 000). Phase 3( Web Era), Win98 virus,Melissas virus
1999(50 copies sent through email), businesses shut. Denial of Service Attacks(overload with request by
programs planted on numerous systems), requests generated by programs to disguise origin also called
distributed denial of service (15 year old "mafia boy") $1.7 Billion), Code Red Worm (2001),
ILOVEYOU(2000),can't tell if hacking is nonmalicious or not,Hacktivism – use of hacking to promote
political cause. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) in 1986(bank fraud/interference with Satellite ops,
damage to gov't property,destorying data...etc) USA PATRIOIT Act (USAPA) passed response to terrorist
attack, amendments to CFAA, expanded defn to cost of hacking attack, accessing damage, restoring
information)Catch hackers: IRC law enforcement,Computer/Digital forensics recover deleted files,Defense
Information System Agency estimated 500,000 hacker attacks on Defense Dept.networks in 1996, Security
is weak,Online Scams,Credit Card Fraud, Identity Theft,ATM Fraud, Cell phone(faking origin of
call),Biometrics(biological characteristics to uniquely identify) -> fingerprints, voice prints, retina scans
Chapter 8:Computers and Work: bank tellers dropped 1983-1993, telephone switchboard operators
droped 74-96,Human Labor is a resource(tech reduces resources needed), (but creates new jobs, such as
programers, networks for phones,web page design,security)1995-36,000 Internet jobs created. Wages 4X
(1909-70s), but decline as much as 10% after 70s, Teleworking-> working for an employer at a computer
equipped office in the employee's home (increase producitivity,save rental expense). Problems: mostly
programmers,loyalty weakened, distraction for ppl with children, social interaction reduced. Occupational
Safety and health tried to BAN/regulate Telework in 1999. Why->women sewing garments, less min wage
(Child labour), ,OSHA employers must ensure that workplaces in homes meet legal regulations for
workplaces. (electric circuits, hazardous chemical signs, clutter, etc). "Blue colloar"(precomputer factor
monitoring), "Pink Collar" (telephone/clerk), "White Collar"(reading employer's email). Guidelines for
Monitoring ( 1. should be explained 2. should be told when hired 3. not monitored for personal calls
4. have op to challenge evaluation 5. problems lead to more training 6. Employees should be involved in set
up procedures for monitoring). Reasons for Monitoring (1. Find needed business info in employee's files,
protect security of info, criminal investigation, prevent personal use of employer facilities, violations of
company policy like porn, complaints of harassment, illegal software).
Health Issues: Repetitive Strain Injury causes pain in writst,hand,arm. Associated with frequent, repetitive,
forceful, awkward motion and unusual hand positions, stress on hands and wrists. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
(damage to nerve in wrist) (effects seamstress, musicians, carpenters, meat processors,sign language
interpreters , computer users) , OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health ) issued ergonomic standards costs
$5 billion a year. Australian epidemic – study shows that ergonomic changes not solve RSI probs in jobs
that are poorly designed.
Chapter 9: Broader Issues Digital divide , Have and Have nots, between rich & poor. Eg.
Communications Act of 1934 telephone companies subsidize to poor. Computer Professionals for Social
Responsibility (CPSR) needed to National Info Insfras. NII.
(1. Have access to NII, Hardware for 2. NII easy to use, fit all users, 3. Simple training , 3. Pricing
affordable, 4. Access to all.
Technology -> Loss of skills and judgment?(emphasize thinking based on data, but discourage focus on
judgement and values),
Luddites(England 1811-12 burned factories to stop technologies/social change eliminating jobs )
Arguments( Unemployment, "manufacture needs", social inequity, lower social interaction, separte humans
from nature, benefit big business, and govt', thward development of social skills,human values,.
Chapter 10: As Covered in Session 1.