Housing Finance in Emerging Markets

The World Bank Group
1818 H Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20433
(202) 473-1000
Cable Address: INTBAFRAD
Cable Address: INDEVAS
Global Conference on
Housing Finance in Emerging Markets
March 15-17, 2006
H Auditorium, World Bank, Washington, DC
Speaker Biographies
Asare Akuffo
Managing Director
HFC, Ghana
Mr. Asare Akuffo is currently the Managing Director of HFC Bank (Ghana) Limited (formerly Home Finance
Company Limited). He has worked with the company since inception in 199O. He previously served in the
positions of Financial Controller and Finance Director. Before joining the Company, he was an Investment
Manager at Social Security & National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), the national pension fund of Ghana. He is a
Graduate of the University of Ghana Business School and a Chartered Accountant by profession. At HFC,
he was a key member of the pioneer management team that successfully implemented the US$24 million
housing finance component of the International Development Association (IDA) financed Urban II project
(1990 - 1996). As Finance Director, he successfully managed the issue of a total of US$18 million 5-year
mortgage bonds listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. He was also responsible for the company's funds
management subsidiary, which managed 3 mutual funds. He led the team that prepared the bank for the
commencement of universal banking business in November, 2003.
Wolfgang Amann
Institute for Real Estate, Construction and Housing, Austria
Dr. Amann works at the Institute for Real Estate, Construction and Housing, Austria; he also serves as a
lecturer at the course of graduate studies for Real Estate Economy, Vienna, and at
Centre for Architecture, Construction and Environment at Donau-University, Krems. He is handling
numerous research and consultant projects in real estate, social housing and construction. Dr. Amman has
authored more than 130 scientific publications, serves as an expert consultant for the Austrian Parliament;
and has spoken at numerous international conferences.
From 1989-1991, Dr. Amann served as consultant for EXPO Vienna ’95, in its preparation of the urban
competition for the expected World Exhibition 1995. From 1989-1996 he wrote as a freelance journalist for
different special interest magazines in real estate. From 1991-1994 he worked at the “Synthesis” Research
Institute, Vienna, as head of housing and urban research unit; and in 1994 they founded the “Bureau Amann
Research” for projects in housing research and urbanism. He became Managing Director of FGW FGW –
Research Institute for Housing, Building and Planning, Vienna (association, www.fgw.at) in 1997, and the
institution changed its name to I..IBW IBW – Institute for Real Estate, Construction and Housing Ltd. In
Guillermo Babatz
Director General
Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal, Mexico
Guillermo Babatz has been the Director General (CEO) of Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal (SHF) since
December of 2002. SHF is a government owned financial institution with the mandate to foster the
development of primary and secondary mortgage markets through the issuance of credit and guarantees.
Prior to his work with SHF, Babatz served as General Director of Securities and Insurance Markets
with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, Mexico from December of 2000 to November of 2002. There
he was responsible for the regulation of Insurance and Securities markets, and of the privatization of AHISA,
a life insurance company. Babatz also worked as the Director of Domestic Debt Management with the
Ministry from February 1998 to November of 2000, where he was responsible for the issuance and
management of domestic government debt.
Babatz holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University. In addition he received his BA in
Economics from the Instituto Technológico Autónomo de México where he graduated Suma cum laude.
Babatz went on to also lecture courses at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. He has earned
two Banamex National Economics Awards in the Research and BA Dissertation categories.
Walter Bayly
Chief Financial Officer
Banco de Credito, Peru
Walter Bayly joined Banco de Credito BCP in May 1993, and he has been the Chief Financial Officer at
Credicorp since April 2004. He is responsible for the finance and risk management departments at the
company, as well as BCP's subsidiaries. Prior to becoming CFO, Mr. Bayly managed several departments
within the company, including Corporate Finance, Corporate Banking, Systems and Technology as well as
Investment Banking.
From 1990 to 1993, Mr. Bayly worked at the Casa de Bolsa de Mexico as Vice President. From 1980 to
1990 he was employed by Citibank, in the Lima, New York, Mexico City and Caracas offices, mainly in the
Corporate Finance and Syndicated Loans areas.
Walter Bayly graduated from Universidad del Pacifico with a degree in Business Administration. He holds a
Masters in Finance from the Arthur D. Little School of Management Education Institute in Cambridge,
Roger Blood
Senior Associate
Mercer Management Consulting Inc.
Mr. Blood provides consulting services mainly relating to mortgage default insurance in the U.S. and
Since 1990, Mr. Blood has served as Senior Associate at Mercer Management Consulting. Previously, Mr.
Blood served as Senior Vice President - Risk Management for a U.S.-based mortgage insurance firm. His
responsibilities included product development, underwriting and claims management, pricing, and related
regulatory matters.
Mr. Blood has worked with MICA, the U.S. mortgage insurance industry trade association, since its founding
in 1973. He also served on the Fannie Mae Advisory Board, Southeast Region.
As a consultant, Mr. Blood has performed mortgage default insurance-related assignments for government
and private clients in Argentina, Canada, the Dominican Republic, India, Israel, Kenya, Mexico, New
Zealand, Poland, Thailand, Russia, the United Kingdom and the U.S.
Mr. Blood holds an MBA degree from Wharton. He has published articles on mortgage risk and insurance
and has co-authored a book entitled The Private Insurance of Home Mortgages.
Michael Bookstaber
Senior Financial Specialist
International Finance Corporation
Michael Bookstaber is a Senior Housing Finance Specialist at the International Finance Corporation (IFC),
part of the World Bank Group. Mr. Bookstaber joined IFC in September 1998. He has been involved in
mortgage-related transactions in Latin America Region as well as housing finance projects in Russia,
Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Korea, and, currently, in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Prior to joining IFC, Mr. Bookstaber worked at Fannie Mae for eight years. During that time, he
worked primarily in the single family guaranty business, and in the Office of the Vice-Chairman. Previously,
Mr. Bookstaber has worked as an investment banker at Alex. Brown & Sons in Baltimore, doing mortgagebacked securitization deals for both the residential and commercial sectors. He also has consulting
experience in mortgage loan portfolio, mortgage servicing portfolio and general corporate valuation
assignments, and thrift/bank M&A. International experience includes tenure in the mortgage-banking
department at the Bank of Israel. Early in his career, Mr. Bookstaber worked at the former FSLIC, the then
insurance agency and regulator for the savings and loan industry.
He earned a BA from Yeshiva University in mathematics, and an MS in operations research at New
York University, New York. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Wladyslaw Jan Brzeski
Senior Urban Specialist, ECSIE
World Bank
W. Jan Brzeski is Senior Urban Specialist at the World Bank. He has worked with housing finance reforms
since their beginning in Poland in early 1990s and continued to be involved in various areas of housing, land
and real estate reforms in his home country and other transition countries. He acted as senior advisor to
Poland's reformist government, acted as deputy mayor of Krakow, started think a tank for development of
mortgage finance, and another for development of real estate markets. He tought housing, land and real
estate economics at several universities, and published and participated at numerous conferences. Prior to
joining the Bank he was senior advisor to Lithuania's government on development of national housing
strategy. His latest co-authored report at the Bank is: "Rental Choice and Housing Policy Realignment in
Transition: Post-privatization Challenges in the ECA Region".
Robert M. Buckley
Lead Economist, TUDUR
World Bank
Robert Buckley is Housing Advisor at the World Bank. He has worked in more than 45 countries, helping to
develop projects and undertaking studies. Robert has published widely; some recent studies are: Thirty
Years of World Bank Shelter Lending: What Have We Learned (2006), The World Bank Annual Review of
Development Effectiveness (1999), Housing Finance in Developing Countries (1997) ; some recent articles:
"Mortgage Credit Risk in EU Countries: Constraints on Exploiting the Single Currency Market," European
Journal of Law and Economics, (2006); and "Housing Policy in Developing Countries: Conjectures and
Refutations," World Bank Research Observer (2005). Prior to joining the World Bank, Robert taught at the
Wharton School, and Syracuse University, and also worked at the United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development, where he was Chief Economist.
Cesare Calari
Vice President, Financial Sector
World Bank
Cesare Calari is the Vice President of the Financial Sector at the World Bank and head of the Financial
Sector Network. Prior to joining the Bank in 2001, he held a number of appointments at the International
Finance Corporation since 1982, including Director of the Africa Region and Director of the Global Financial
Markets Group. In this capacity, he was responsible for coordinating the IFC's investment and advisory
operations in financial markets and institutions worldwide and served as a member of the IFC's Corporate
Investment Committee. Mr. Calari has served on several corporate boards including Moneda Asset
Management in Chile, Zivnostenska Banka in the Czech Republic, Nomura in Hungary, and International
Bank in Poland. He has experience in law practice, and holds degrees in Law and Economics from the
University of Bologna and Johns Hopkins University.
Manuel Campos Spoor
Chief Executive Officer
Hipotecaria Su Casita, S.V.
Manuel Campos is Vice President and co-founder of Su Casita, one of Mexico's leading mortgage banks. Su
Casita, Mexico's second largest Sofol, was established in 1994. Mr. Campos has said that "the goal of the
SOFOL industry is to make financing available to every Mexican family that wants to buy a home." "Our
challenge--he added--is to build the bridge between capital markets and homebuyers."
Mr. Campos is a graduate of the Sloan School of Business at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Mauricio Cardenas
Fundación para la Educación Superior y el Desarrollo (Fedesarollo), Colombia
Mauricio Cárdenas is currently Director of Fundación para la Educación Superior y el Desarrollo
(Fedesarollo) in Colombia. Previously, he was President of Titularizadora Colombiana, an IFC- sponsored
initiative in order to develop Colombia's secondary mortgage market. Between 1998 and 2000 he was
Minister of Transportation and Director of National Planning of the Republic of Colombia. He also served as
Minister of Economic Development in 1994 and as General Manager of the Empresa de Energía de Bogotá
in 1993.
He also has an extensive academic career associated with Fedesarrollo (Colombia's leading think-tank),
where he has held a variety of positions including Executive Director between 1996 and 1998. Since 1992
he has taught at the Universidad de los Andes, where he earned his master and undergraduate degrees.
Mr. Cardenas holds a Ph.D. degree in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley.
Loic Chiquier
Lead Housing Finance Specialist, Operations and Policy Department
World Bank
Loic Chiquier is the Lead Housing Finance Specialist in the Financial Sector Operations and Policy
Department of the World Bank. Mr. Chiquier has extensive experience in housing and urban policy issues,
development of primary and secondary mortgage markets, reform of housing finance institutions, lowincome housing policy instruments, mortgage credit guarantees, legal and regulatory environment, etc. His
country work experience includes Algeria, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Iran, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Mexico,
Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, Ukraine, and Russia.
Prior to joining the World Bank, Mr. Chiquier worked as Advisor for Housing Finance Reforms to
the Government of Poland, and as Head of Crédit Foncier International (subsidiary of a French bank
providing international technical assistance) and director for Eastern Europe of this bank.
Mr. Chiquier holds degrees from Ecole Polytechnique, France; DEA of Macro-economic Analysis
and Policy from Ecole Normale Supérieure; and Master Degrees in Finance from Ecole Nationale des Ponts
et Chaussees in International Relations from the Institut des Sciences Politiques de Paris.
Adrian Coles
Secretary-General, International Union of Housing Finance, and Director-General
UK Building Societies Association
A graduate of both Nottingham and Sheffield Universities with degrees in Economics, Adrian Coles joined
the Building Societies Association in 1979 as an Economist. After various appointments he became
Director-General in 1993. Mr Coles has extensive experience of analysing housing and mortgage market
trends in the UK, and other countries, and in his current role is responsible for leading the BSA's 30 staff in
representing the views of the UK's 63 building societies (customer-owned mortgage lending and deposittaking institutions) to the government, regulators, the central bank, Parliament and the media.
He frequently addresses seminars and conferences, both in the UK and overseas, on housing, savings,
mortgages and mutuality, and has often appeared on radio and television.
Mr. Coles takes a keen interest in international developments and is Secretary General of the
International Union for Housing Finance, and a member of the Executive Committee of the European
Mortgage Federation. The International Union is a 50-country, 150-member organisation of mortgage
lenders dedicated to information exchange and the spread of good practice. It publishes two journals on a
regular basis, maintains a web site, and organises a World Congress - attracting 300+ delegates - every two
Mr. Coles has undertaken a number of roles in the social housing sector, and was Chairman of a
large housing association (a not-for-profit provider of subsidised lower income housing) in the early 1990s,
and a member of the board of the Housing Ombudsman (which resolves complaints from housing
association tenants about their landlords) between 2001 and 2004. Between 1994 and 2004 Mr Coles was
on the board of the Money Advice Trust, a charity seeking to ensure that those who had difficulty in repaying
their loans had access to free and confidential advice. Between 2003 and 2005 Mr Coles lead a review of
corporate governance standards in the UK's co-operative sector.
Cas Coovadia
Managing Director
Banking Association, S.A.
Cas obtained his B.Com from the University College - Durban in 1971. He completed the Housing Finance
Course with the Wharton Real Estate Centre at the University of Pennsylvania. He also completed the
Effective Directors Programme with the Kagiso School of Leadership. He has contributed to numerous
articles and publications on housing finance, civil society, local government and the role of civic
organisations in governance.
Cas became involved in anti-apartheid politics in the early 1980's. He was very active in the civic
movement, starting in Laudium, Pretoria in 1980. He was the leading force in the establishment of the White
Blocks Residents Association in Laudium during 1980. This was the first organized civic body in the country
and mobilized low-income people around their day-to-day issues. Cas subsequently was instrumental in the
formation of the Civic Association of Johannesburg, which was the trailblazer in negotiations around the
restructuring of local government in the early 1990's. The Civic Association of Johannesburg, which included
the Soweto Civic Association, Alexandra Civic Organisation, Lenasia Civic Association and others, was the
central party from the Mass Democratic Movement in negotiations around the restructuring of the
Johannesburg Metropolitan Council. Cas was General Secretary of the Civic Association of Johannesburg
and led the negotiations. Cas was also instrumental in the formation of the South African National Civic
Organisation and was its Vice-President. Cas played a critical role in the United Democratic Front (UDF) and
was leading its Johannesburg Area Committee. He also played a critical role in the defiance campaign
during the mid 1980's. Cas served 4 periods of detention at Modderbee Prison in Benoni, Pretoria Central
Prison, John Vorster Square and Diepkloof Prison. His longest period of detention was 7 months.
Cas is currently the Managing Director at the Banking Association South Africa. Cas is responsible,
at a strategic and policy level, for Low Income Housing, Micro Finance, SMME Finance, Organised
Business, as well as lobbying and Government interaction. Cas also manages the SADC Banking
Association, made up of the national associations of banks from SADC countries. He is responsible for the
activities of three General Managers in the areas of market conduct and local government. Cas has played a
central role in the negotiations leading to the signing of the Financial Services Charter and is playing a
critical role in the implementation of agreements reached in the Charter.
Cristina Costa
Head of Capital Markets
European Mortgage Federation
Ms. Costa serves as Head of Capital Market Development within the European Mortgage Federation. In this
position, she is responsible for research and analysis of the evolution, securitization, market development,
and obligations, within the European union and of each country member. Ms. Costa specializes in the
statutory framework and capital markets in the European Union.
Before rejoining the Federation in the spring 2003, she worked for the investment bank Dresdner
Kleinwort Wasserstein in London. Ms. Costa holds a degree in Economics from Georgetown University
(Washington DC), and of a Masters in Finance from the university SDA Bocconi of Milan.
Ibrahim Mahmoud Daher
Managing Director
Jordan Mortgage Refinance Corporation
Mr. Daher serves as Managing Director of the Jordan Mortgage Refinance Corporation. In this context, he
also serves as Representative of the Central Bank of Jordan in JMRC's Board of Directors; member in the
Board of Directors of the Housing and Urban Development Corporation (Governmental Institution). JMRC is
the only Company in the country working in the secondary mortgage market: it refinances mortgage loans
lent by the banks, and issues bonds in the capital market.
Mr. Daher has more than 30 years’ experience in banking. Prior to accepting his current position,
Mr. Daher served as a Branch Manager for nearly 8 years; as Executive Manager in the fields of Housing
Finance for nearly (12) years, and credit risk for nearly (2) years.
Mr. Daher was honored by his Majesty King Hussein of Jordan in 1989 with the Independence Medal- 3rd
category. He holds a higher diploma in Education, and a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration.
Franck Daphnis
Development Innovations Group
Franck Daphnis is currently the President and CEO of the Development Innovations Group (DIG). He is an
experienced and recognized leader in microfinance, housing finance, and urban development. He has
helped to create and has overseen microfinance and housing finance porgrams in more than twenty
countries around the world, and has worked extensively in Central and South America, the Caribbean, the
Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa and in Asia. Mr. Daphnis has authored and edited several publications
on housing microfinance, including Housing Microfinance: A Guide to Practice (Kumarian Press, January
Pierre David
Directeur Exécutif
Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Pierre David is Executive Director of CMHC International, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's
division in charge of international activities, and is a member of its Management Committee. Incorporated in
1946, CMHC is a Crown corporation that helps Canadians find safe and affordable housing by providing
them with products and services on housing finance, research and the development of housing policy.
Mr. David has worked on the international stage for over 30 years. In the past five years, he has
played an instrumental role in the development of several projects related to the housing industry in China,
India, Thailand, United Kingdom, Central America, Eastern Europe, Algeria, Egypt, Palestine and Mali.
Prior to joining the ranks of CMHC, Mr. David held several positions in Canada and abroad for the Canadian
International Development Agency (CIDA). He was Director General of the Industrial Cooperation Program,
which supports efforts by the Canadian private sector in emerging and developing countries. He was also
Counsellor and Consul as well as Regional Director for West Africa at the Canadian Embassy in Abidjan,
Ivory Coast, from 1987 to 1990.
Mr. David holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and an MBA in International
Administration from the École des hautes études commerciales de Montréal and is on the Executive
Committee of the International Union of Housing Finance.
Juan P. De Mollein
Director & Team Leader, Latin America/Emerging Markets Structured Finance
Standard & Poor's
Juan P. De Mollein is a Director and Team Leader in the Latin American/Emerging Markets Group of the
Structured Finance Department at Standard & Poor's. Juan is based in New York and supervises a team of
credit and financial analysts based in Mexico City, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo. He is the regional
responsible for business development, client and analytical management for Latin American markets. Juan
is the product specialist for RMBS, ABS, and Servicer Evaluations and in addition, he manages client's
relationship in the EEMEA region (Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa), being actively involved in
developing infrastructure and identifying and screening new business opportunities. Juan's responsibilities
also include publishing rating criteria and research articles, and speak at industry conferences and
seminars. Juan participates in work teams that are in charge of the creation and development of new
financial products, such as pre-rating services, and he is a member of Standard & Poor's Customer Service
Before joining Standard & Poor's in New York, Juan worked for six years in the office of Standard &
Poor's in Buenos Aires as lead structured finance analyst for South American transactions. Previously, he
worked at Risk Annalysis, an Argentine Rating Agency, and for the government of Argentina at the
Secretary of Economics. Juan holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in Economics (graduated Cum Laude) from
Universidad Catolica Argentina (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and a Masters in Finance, Emphasis in Capital
Markets, from Universidad del CEMA (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Juan is fluent in English, Portuguese and
Douglas Diamond
Independent Consultant
Dr. Diamond has spent 17 years as a full-time independent consultant specializing in housing and housing
finance issues in developing countries. He has worked in all parts of the world, including extensively in
European countries transitioning from communism, including Armenia, Estonia, Hungary, Kazakhstan,
Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine; in Africa (Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania); Asia (India,
Indonesia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Vietnam); the Middle East (Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia,
Gaza/West Bank), Latin America (Brazil, Chile, Suriname) and the Caribbean (Barbados). His expertise
derives from this wide range of experience in developing countries and from long involvement in all aspects
of U.S. housing research, including as a policy analyst at HUD and professor of Economics. He holds a
Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago. His E-mail address is DDiam3228@aol.com.
Kenroy Dowers
Principal Financial Specialist, and Head of Housing Finance
International Finance Corporation
Hans-Joachim Dübel
Housing Finance Specialist
Achim is an independent international consultant based in Berlin and founder of the financial sector policy
think tank Finpolconsult.de. In this function, he provides economic analysis and advice on the legal,
regulatory, fiscal and social aspects of global financial sector development, with a special focus on mortgage
finance. His clients include international organisations, governments, trade associations and the private
sector. Achim has also broad international work experience in Europe, North America, Transition countries,
Latin America, Asia and Africa.
Achim was on the staff of the Financial Sector Development Department of the World Bank in
Washington, DC, as a senior financial economist from 1998 to 2000. In this position he advised emerging
economies on mortgage and capital market policy issues.
From 1991 to 1998, he worked for empirica, an economic think-tank based in Bonn and Berlin, as a
senior economist focussing on mortgage finance, housing and urban development policy, regional economic
development, and evaluating large commercial real estate investment projects.
Achim has been an advisor for the Association of German Mortgage Banks (now Pfandbrief Banks)
on international regulatory affairs since 1993. In this function he undertook in 1995 the first econometric
model based commercial credit risk analysis outside the U.S. that contributed to the change in regulatory
approach in banking towards risk-based capital requirements. In 1997, he published the first internationally
comparative analysis of mortgage prepayment risk. In 2003, Achim co-authored the Mercer, Oliver, Wyman
study on Financial Integration in the EU for the European Mortgage Federation. He has also been advising
in 2005 on the London Economics Study for the EU Commission on the efficiency of European mortgage
Achim holds a diploma degree in economics from the University of Bonn and a post-graduate
degree from the German Development Institute, Berlin. He also studied in Buenos Aires/Argentina.
Douglas G. Duncan
Senior Vice President, Research and Business Development, and Chief Economist
Mortgage Bankers Association
Douglas G. Duncan is Senior Vice President/Chief Economist at the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA).
As leader of MBA's Research and Business Development Group, Duncan is responsible for providing
economic and policy analysis services in the areas of real estate finance, legislative and regulatory
proposals and industry trends for MBA and its members. He also oversees the Education products and
services of the Association as well as its Industry Technology committees and standards efforts. He has
oversight responsibility for the Research Institute for Housing America, the Mortgage Industry Standards
Maintenance Organization, the Secure Identity Standards Accreditation Corporation, and Lenders
Technology Corporation.
Since joining MBA in 1992, Duncan has served as director and senior director of MBA's research
group. During his tenure in these positions, Duncan broadened and deepened MBA's understanding of
mortgage market and mortgage company data for purposes of policy analysis and industry economic
analysis including company performance benchmarking. Duncan also oversees mortgage industry
technology initiatives and standards development including the development of data standards, electronic
mortgages and secured electronic transactions technology.
Prior to joining MBA, Duncan, served as a LEGIS fellow with the U.S. House of Representatives
Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs. Duncan received his doctorate from Texas A&M
University, B.S. and M.S. degrees from North Dakota State University, and A.A. from Fergus Falls
Community College.
Debra Erb
Director, Housing Programs
Overseas Private Investment Corporation, USA
Debra Erb is Director of Housing Programs for the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a U.S.
government corporation focused on supporting U.S. investment in developing markets. In this capacity, she
is responsible for program development, investor development and marketing, as well as credit structuring
and analysis for housing sector projects. Ms. Erb has over 20 years' direct experience in mortgage lending
in the U.S. plus 8 years of international housing finance experience. Her international experience includes
President of Mortgage Finance International, a boutique consulting company that worked with all aspects of
mortgage finance in emerging markets. She was also President of Societas - International Institute for Real
Estate Finance, a non-profit organization based in Washington D.C. Ms. Erb served at the Mortgage
Bankers Association of America as Senior Director - MBA International, responsible for international
membership development and liaison between international and U.S. mortgage banking companies and
organizations. In addition, she managed MBA's international conference operations and the International
Mortgage Institute. Ms. Erb has managed or worked on projects in Indonesia, Dominican Republic,
Honduras, Nicaragua, Algeria, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, Poland and China. She holds a Master's Degree in
Public Administration (International Non-Profit Management) from George Mason University, and a B.A. in
International Business Communications from the same university.
Clarisa Estol
Banco Hipotecario, Argentina
Clarisa Estol is the Chairwoman of Banco Hipotecario S.A. (BH) since May 2003. Previously she was
Executive Director of BH since its privatisation in 1999. During her management, the bank completed an
exchange offer concluding the Bank's voluntary debt restructuring of approximately US$ 1.2 billion of
At present she is also Director of Quantum Dolphin, Cresud - one of the top agricultural companies
in Argentina and the only one quoting on the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange and in the Nasdaq -, Director of
ADEBA (Association of Argentina Banks), ABAPPRA (Association of Argentina Privates Banks) and IDEA.
Prior to that, Mrs Estol was Managing Director of Dolphin Fund Management; since 1994, and CFO of IRSA
(a leading real estate company in Argentina) and Cresud.
She has a degree (Hons) in Economics at the University of Buenos Aires and a Master of Science
in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA.
Prof. Richard K. Green
Oliver T. Carr Jr. Chair in Real Estate and Finance, and Associate Dean for Graduate Business Programs
George Washington University
Richard K. Green, Ph.D., joined The George Washington University School of Business in 2004 as the
Oliver T. Carr, Jr., Chair of Real Estate Finance. He pursues an active research agenda and teaches
graduate-level courses. His research addresses housing markets, housing policy, tax policy, and home
ownership issues. He is a member of two academic journal editorial boards, and a reviewer for several
others. Prior to his tenure at GW, Dr. Green taught real estate finance and economics courses for 12 years
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he was the Wangard Faculty Scholar and Chair of Real
Estate and Urban Land Economics. In 1995, Dr. Green was honored as "Teacher of the Year" by the
University of Wisconsin Graduate Business Association. Dr. Green earned his Ph.D. and M.S. in economics
from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He earned his A.B. in economics from Harvard University.
Sanjeev Gupta
Chief Executive Officer
Aflife/Sanlam Investment Management, Emerging Markets
Mr. Sanjeev Gupta is the Managing Director –Emerging Markets for Sanlam Investment Management
(SIM), which is the Investment Management arm of SANLAM, one of South Africa`s largest & premier
financial services group.
Sanjeev has spent the last 15 years in the African region and has in depth experience in setting up
and managing businesses in emerging and pre-emerging economies within the African region, initially as an
Audit and Business Services Manager with PWC, and then in various roles within the current group. He has
developed a deep knowledge of the issues surrounding domestic savings in the region and the related
difficulties in finding viable investment opportunities in order to deliver on return expectations.
Sanjeev is a Member of the SIM Executive Committee and of the various Boards of the subsidiary
companies of the group in the region as well as Member of the Board and the Advisory Committee of
Kingdom Zephyr-one of Africa`s largest Private Equity Funds supported & funded by the IFC, FMO & the
Kingdom Group among others. He is based in Johanesburg, South Africa and his key focus areas currently
includes driving aggressively an expansion into the Africa Region & India of the Group’s fund management
business and seeking business partners and strategic alliances as appropriate
Sanjeev is 39 years old and grew up in India. He is a Fellow of the Indian Institute of Chartered Accountants
and a Member of the Investment Analysts Society of South Africa. During his professional career Sanjeev
has spent a great deal of time liasing with various Global DFIs, global fund managers and private equity
players. This enables him to provide a rare insight into the working of the life, pensions and savings industry
in Africa and how best to harness these forces that are being unleashed as a result of increasing reforms
and market driven economics in the developing world. He has traveled extensively in Africa, Europe, USA
and of course India and presented papers in related topics across these regions.
Alberto Gutiérrez Bernal
Titularizadora Colombiana
Mr. Gutierrez is the President of TITULARIZADORA COLOMBIANA, an organization specialized in the
securitization of home mortgage loans in the Colombian market. In its 5 years of operation, Titularizadora
has become the Latin-American regional leader in mortgage securitization having introduced innovative
products such as the securitization of non-performing loans.
Before Titularizadora, Mr. Gutierrez worked for 12 years in Banco Colmena, as President. Banco
Colmena has been one of the leading banks in home financing in Colombia, having focused its business
mainly in the lower income family's mortgage market.
Following, Mr. Gutierrez became President and Partner of Finac, a consulting firm specialized in the
development of models for the analysis and evaluation of mortgage loan risk.
Mr. Gutierrez is a Civil Engineer with a Masters in Business Administration from the Universidad de los
Andes in Bogotá, where he currently acts as President of the Board of Directors.
Britt Gwinner
Lead Specialist/Market Risk Management, FINCF
World Bank
Britt Gwinner has worked in two area for the World Bank: the development of mortgage finance for World
Bank client countries; and on risk management and financial policies for the Bank's own balance sheet. His
country experience includes Colombia, Mexico, and Russia. Prior to joining the Bank in 1998, Mr. Gwinner
developed prudential capital rules and models for OFHEO, the regulator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
and the Federal Housing FInance Board, the regulator of the Home Loan Bank System. Mr. Gwinner has
also worked as a consultant for Fortune 500 companies and the U.S. Government, on financial management
and financial systems. Mr. Gwinner has an MBA in finance and a Masters in Public Policy from the
University of Chicago, and a B.A. in Political Science and Economics from The George Washington
Olivier Hassler
Senior Housing Finance Specialist, Financial Sector Operations and Policy Department
World Bank
Olivier Hassler joined the World Bank in 2001 as a Senior Housing Finance Specialist, and has conducted
missions in Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan, West Bank/ Gaza, Ivory Coast, Bolivia, Chile, Pakistan and
Bangladesh. Previously, Mr. Hassler worked for many years at Crédit Foncier, a French financial institution
specialized in mortgage finance, loans to local Authorities, and project finance. He was mainly in charge of
the funding, capital markets operation and assets/liabilities management of the Company, the first issuer of
mortgage bonds in France. He also had responsibilities in regulatory issues and in real estate portfolio
management. Mr. Hassler holds a Master's degree in Economics and the Diploma of the Institut d'Etudes
Politiques de Paris.
Marja C. Hoek-Smit
Director, International Housing Program
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Marja Hoek-Smit is the Director of the International Housing Finance Program of the Wharton School
Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center, and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Wharton Real Estate Department
and Department of City and Regional Planning of the University of Pennsylvania. Her work focuses on
housing and housing finance policies, particularly for low-income groups, housing demand and affordability
analysis, the development of monitoring and evaluation systems for urban housing programs, and training in
housing finance, housing market development, and urban development.
She has consulted with clients including the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, USAID, the
United Nations, the Inter-American Development Bank, and directly for several governments and private
financial institutions. Recent consulting activities include the development of a comprehensive housing
strategy and subsidy system for the Government of Indonesia, urban housing market studies in Thailand,
South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania, the development of participatory approaches for urban and housing
development for the governments of Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and South Africa, and the analysis and/or design
of alternative housing finance and subsidy programs for the governments of Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia,
Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, and Suriname. She has also prepared national strategies for housing finance
training for the governments of Pakistan and India.
Drs. Hoek-Smit is on the editorial board of Housing Finance International and a member of the
Working Group on Housing Research of the World Bank. She has made numerous presentations to
academic and professional organizations and has published widely.
She completed her doctoral degree at the University of Amsterdam in 1971. Prior to teaching at the
University of Pennsylvania, she taught at the University of Nairobi, Kenya.
Jeffrey Jaffee
Mortgage Programme Director
Citi Financial
Jeff Jaffee is the Mortgage Programme Director for the Citigroup Consumer Group in Europe, the Middle
East and Africa (EMEA). He has been with Citigroup and predecessor companies for 22 years. Prior to
relocating to London, he served as the National CRA/ Fair Lending Director for Citigroup in the United States
where he was responsible for managing regulatory compliance with the Community reinvestment Act and
Fair Lending laws. He was also responsible for managing Citigroup's relationships with various community
groups interested in community development, mortgage results and lending practices. He was the Mortgage
Sales Director for Citibank Florida and the Mid-Atlantic States, a mortgage sales manager in Chicago and
Atlanta, and a financial center manager in Florida. Jeff also managed a project to help automate the
mortgage sales process in the U.S. mortgage business for Citimortgage. Jeff is a 1982 graduate of
Georgetown University where he majored in government.
Renu S. Karnad
Executive Director
Housing Development Finance Corporation,
and First Deputy President of the Executive Committee, International Union for Housing Finance
Ms. Renu S. Karnad the Executive Director of the Corporation, is a graduate in law and holds a Master’s
degree in economics from Delhi University. She has been employed with the Corporation since 1978 and
was appointed as the Executive Director of the Corporation in 2000. She is responsible for overseeing all
aspects of lending operations of HDFC.
Eric Klopfer
Vice President, Strategic Development and Regulatory Affairs
GE Mortgage Insurance
Mr. N. Kokularupan
Chief Executive Officer
Cagamas Berhad, Malaysia
Mr. N. Kokularupan, Malaysian is the Chief Executive Officer of Cagamas Berhad, the National Mortgage
Corporation in Malaysia. He is also a Director of Cagamas MBS Berhad, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Cagamas Berhad.
He joined Bank Negara Malaysia (the Central Bank of Malaysia) upon graduation and held various
positions in the Economics Department and the Banking Department (now known as Investment Operations
and Financial Markets Department). In 1982 he joined Malaysia Building Society Berhad as Manager,
Special Projects and was promoted as Senior Manager in 1983. In 1987 when Cagamas was set up, he
joined the Company as Deputy Manager (Mortgage Operations). Since then he was promoted to the post of
Manager (Mortgage Operations), Assistant General Manager (which was re-designated as Deputy Chief
Executive Officer) before assuming the post of Chief Executive Officer in 2001. He has more than 20 years'
of experience in the mortgage and finance industry. He attended various courses with respect to the
securitsation, such as the Assets Securitisation at IMC, Singapore and Fannie Mae, USA and International
Housing Finance at The World Bank, Washington DC.
He was a member of the Asset-Backed Securities Committee in Securities Commission from 2000
to 2002. Mr. Kokularupan also acted as a short-term Consultant of the IFC to present papers on Cagamas'
Model in Bangladesh and Pakistan in 2002. Mr. N. Kokularupan graduated with a Bachelor of Economics
with a Second Upper Honours Degree from the University of Malaya in 1974.
Jyrki Koskelo
Director, Global Financial Markets
International Finance Corporation
Jyrki Koskelo, a national of Finland, is currently the Director for IFC's Global Financial Markets Department,
a position he has held since April 2004. In this position he has been responsible for significant expansion of
IFC's business in housing finance, microfinance, insurance and banking. He has also launched successful
implementation of IFC's trade finance program, sustainability finance and SME financing, particularly in
frontier markets. Prior to his tenor in the Global Financial Markets Department he served as Director of
Special Operations, where he had prime responsibility for managing the restructuring and recovery
operations of IFC during the Asia, Argentina and Russian crises.
Jyrki has had an extended career at the IFC with varied experiences across sectors including
manufacturing, infrastructure and extractive industries. He has also worked at the global level and held
specific responsibilities in Central and Southern Europe where he served as Country Anchor for Poland,
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Prior to joining IFC, he spent more than 10 years in Senior Management positions in the private
sector, including Managing Director of Georeda Ltd. in Saudi Arabia, a large engineering company with six
branch offices, and Vice President of Finance of Geo-Hydro, Inc. in Rockville, Maryland, a high technology
company he co-founded.
Jyrki holds a Master of Science degree in International Management/Finance from Sloan School of
Management/MIT and a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the Technical University of
Helsinki, Finland.
Michael Lea
Cardiff Economic Consulting
Dr. Michael Lea works at Cardiff Economic Consulting, a firm specializing in the analysis of housing finance
markets and institutions worldwide. Formerly, he worked as President of Countrywide International
Consulting Services, LLC., ("CICS") a firm specialized in the analysis of and provision of technical
assistance to primary and secondary mortgage market institutions worldwide. Prior to joining Countrywide
on January 1, 2000, Dr. Lea was President of Cardiff Consulting Services. He has over 15 years of
international experience in 22 countries spanning 5 continents. He has provided advice on the creation of
market-based housing finance institutions and systems as a consultant to the European Commission, InterAmerican Development Bank, the World Bank Group and the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Dr. Lea has provided consulting services for government-sponsored enterprises, trade groups, regulatory
agencies and major private sector financial institutions in Europe and the U.S. His products include business
plans, financial planning and models, feasibility and implementation studies for the creation, privatization
and restructuring of financial institutions, analyses of primary and secondary mortgage and major studies of
European and North American systems of commercial and residential property finance.
Dr. Lea has a unique combination of research experience, senior operational responsibility in a
major financial institution and high level participation in public policy formulation. He was Senior Vice
President of Finance and Capital Markets at Imperial Corporation of America from 1987 to 1991. In this
capacity he was responsible for the corporate finance, portfolio management and strategic planning
functions of a $12 billion diversified financial institution and managed a staff of 40 professionals.
Dr. Lea was Chief Economist at the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) from
1983 to 1987 with responsibilities for all primary and secondary mortgage market analysis and forecasting.
He has also served as a staff member for the President's Commission on Housing and was a Brookings
Institution economic policy fellow at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Dr. Lea is an internationally known authority on housing and mortgage finance. He has published
over 70 articles and book chapters, organized several conferences and made numerous presentations to
government agencies, multi-lateral institutions, trade groups and academic and professional organizations.
He has served on the faculties of Cornell University, the University of California, San Diego and the
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton International Housing Program. He received his Ph.D. in economics
from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Gary Miller
Director, International Legal and Regulatory Affairs
Genworth Financial, Inc.
Gary Miller is Senior Vice President and Director of International Legal and Regulatory Affairs for Genworth's
International Operations. He is based in Raleigh, North Carolina. Gary oversees government relations and
legal activities in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan and Mexico, and throughout Asia.
Mr. Miller began his career in 1974 as Campaign Director for Congressman Elizabeth Holtzman, in Brooklyn,
NY, and from 1975 to 1982, he held Associate Attorney positions with New York law firms of Thacher,
Proffitt & Wood, and Schwartz, Klink & Schreiber. From 1982 to 1985, he was a Partner of Lehnardt &
Miller, also in New York.
From August 1985 until September, 2004, Mr. Miller served as Director, Senior Vice President and
General Counsel of GE Mortgage Insurance Corporation in Raleigh, NC, where he directed and oversaw all
legal affairs of GE Mortgage Holdings and its subsidiaries, provided advice on legislative matters, and
participated in formulation of policy positions. Mr. Miller also handled contractual, acquisition-related and
litigation matters where the companies were involved.
Mr. Miller received his Juris Doctorate in 1978 from the New York University School of Law, and his
Bachelor of Arts in 1973 from Colgate University, Hamilton, NY.
Juan E. Montes
General Manager
Securitizadora Security GMAC-RFC, Chile
Since 2003, Mr. Montes serves as the General Manager of Securitizadora Security GMAC-RFC
S.A., one of the leading MBS issuers in Chile.
Grupo Security is a diversified financial holding company and administrator of businesses that
promote an extensive range of financial services in the areas of banking, investments and insurance.
Securitizadora Security was established in 1997 as a subsidiary of Grupo Security. This business unit
emerged from the vision that shows securitization, relatively a new business in Chile, as an effective
complement to the variety of necessary financial tools to satisfy the needs of the clients of Grupo Security.
Thus, the offering of services of securitization complements other services offered by the group such as the
banking services, brokerage, Mutual funds’ administration, financial and investment advisory services. In
January 2006, GMAC-RFC acquired a stake in Securitizadora Security and the name was changed to
Securitizadora Security GMAC-RFC.
Before taking his current position, Mr. Montes worked in CNA Insurance Company, where he
served as International Business and Development Manager of the Chilean branch, managing more than
US$ 400 m. in assets. He also played a key role in the sale effort of the CNA to Consorcio nacional de
Prior to that position, (1998-2000), Mr. Montes was based in Chicago, working as Assistant VicePresident of the CNA Life Operations. From 1994-1998 he was the Finance manager of the CNA Chilean
branch, in charge of both the investment area and the actuarial area of the company. His earlier work
included positions at Euroamérica Compañía de Seguros de Chile, and at the Asociación de Bancos,
Cieplan. Mr. Montes holds a degree in Engineering from Universidad Católica de Chile.
Lauren Moser
Senior Managing Director
ShoreBank Advisory Services International
Tahir M. Naseem
Director, Real Estate Structured Finance
Unicorn Investment Bank, B.S.C.
Tahir M. Naseem, a lawyer by profession, is responsible for all structured real estate finance transactions at
UIB. Prior to joining the Bank, Mr. Naseem worked with Guidance Investments in the U.S., where he led
efforts to develop Shari'ah-compliant mortgage-backed securities investment instruments for Islamic capital
markets. He has also worked as a legal and regulatory consultant for the U.S.-based International Finance
Corporation (IFC), where he completed a feasibility study to ascertain the need for a secondary mortgage
market facility in Pakistan.
As Manager of Commercial and Multi-family Real Estate Finance for the Mortgage Bankers
Association of America, Mr. Naseem worked alongside mortgage providers and investment banks to tackle
issues relating to real estate finance and securitization, promoting best practice at an industry level and
advocating for members on the legislative and regulatory front in Washington, DC. While at ABN AMRO in
the U.S., Mr. Naseem served as a trustee for capital markets investors, and was involved in closing over
US$1 billion commercial mortgage-backed securities transactions. Mr. Naseem has a BA in Political Science
and a JD (Juris Doctorate) from DePaul University, Illinois.
Chris Nordeen
President, International Business Group
Christopher Nordeen leads the company's international business that engages in securitization, mortgage
lending, servicing and investment activities in the UK, Holland, Germany, Spain, Mexico and Canada.
Nordeen drives the strategic planning process for the international business which includes determining
which markets to pursue and how. Nordeen also serves on the ResCap Executive Board, which is
responsible for determining the company's overall strategic direction. Nordeen was chairman of RFC
Mortgage Services Limited, until its integration with Private Label in July 2000. Since joining GMAC-RFC
(now ResCap) in 1990 as vice president of special ventures, Nordeen has held a number of senior positions,
including managing director responsible for securitization and managing director of the company's brokerdealer operation. Previously, Nordeen worked for Drexel Burnham Lambert, Dallas, Texas, and Mortgage
Guaranty Insurance Corporation, Houston, Texas, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
David Porteous
Managing Director
Recap International / Affordable Housing Institute
Dr. David Porteous heads Bankable Frontier Associates, a Boston-based consulting firm which specializes
in policy and strategy around extended access to financial services for a range of public and private sector
clients. He works in association with affordable housing transaction house, Recap International, and the
affiliated non-profit housing group
Affordable Housing Institute.
Prior to relocating from South Africa to Boston, he was active in leadership roles within the housing
and development finance sector of South Africa from private, public, NGO and public-private partnership
perspectives. Dr. Porteous' work has taken him from a major consulting firm (Deloitte), to the establishment
of new public sector wholesale development finance intermediaries (National Housing Finance Corporation
and the public private partnership Gateway Home Loans); to South Africa's largest microfinance banking
group (African Bank Investments); and finally, to NGO FinMark Trust, which he set up in 2002 with DFID
funding as a pro-poor market catalyst in the financial sector of southern Africa.
He has recently written Banking on Change (DoubleStorey 2004), a book which chronicles and
analyses changes in the retail financial sector of South Africa in the decade since democracy; and "Making
Financial Markets Work for the Poor", a conceptual outline of an approach to this issue (available via
Khan Prachuabmoh
Government Housing Bank of Thailand
Mr. Prachuabmoh serves as President, Director of Government Housing Bank of Thailand. He has many
years’ experience in banking, including: Executive Vice President, DBS Thai Danu Bank PCL; Director and
Senior Executive Vice President, DBS Thai Danu Bank Public Company Limited; and at Wells Fargo Bank,
San Fransisco.
He has taken several advanced banking courses, including “Advanced Management Course for
Bankers,” at The Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania; Pacific Rim Banking School,
University of Washington, Seattle USA; Bankers' Club Seminar, Bayerische Vereinsbank, Germany; and
“The Art of Negotiating Course,” The Negotiation Institute Inc. New York, USA. He has also taken training
from Barclays Bank and National Westminster Bank, London; and Chemical Bank and Manufactures
Hanover Trust, New York, USA.
Mr. Prachuabmoh holds several honorary positions as well, including: Chairman, Honorary
Advisory Board, Foundation for the Blind in Thailand under the Royal Patronage of H.M. the Queen; and
Chairman and Treasurer, Fund Mobilization Committee, Rajprachasamasai Foundation under the Royal
Patronage of H.M. the King; and Director, Rajprachasamasai School Foundation under the Royal Patronage
of H.M. the King.
He graduated in Class 8 from National Defense College, and holds a Masters with Honours in
Economics and Political Science from the University of Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom.
Vincent Rague
Chief Investment Officer
International Finance Corporation
Nicholas Reade
Chief Executive Officer
Rio Bravo Securitizadora
Nicholas Reade is a CEO of Rio Bravo Securitizadora S.A. Previously he was Executive Vice President of
Banco Brascan SA, in charge of corporate and Investment Banking. Prior to joining Brascan, Nick was a
Managing Director of Bear Stearns, responsible for the operations in Brazil and Director of SG Warburg,
where he founded and led the development of operations in Mercosul. During his tenure at Banco Brascan,
Bear Stearns and SG Warburg, he was directly responsible for all advisory and capital market assignments
undertaken by those firms in Brazil. Mr. Reade began his career as an investment analyst at Banco Bozano
Simonsen, leaving as Manager Corporate Finance to join Citicorp Leasing International as the first Director
of the Brazilian subsidiary, which he established. Then he developed one of the first private equity firms in
Brazil, Brasilpar, where he was the Managing Director. From there he became Group Representative in
Brazil for Midland Bank plc and Samuel Montagu & Co.
Mr. Reade holds a B.A. and M.A. in Economics form Cambridge University, and post graduate
courses in Capital Markets at the Fundação Getulio Vargas, and NYU (for which he received a scholarship
from USAID), as well as Harvard University (Advanced Management Program).
Friedemann Roy
Senior Project Manager
Bankakademie International
Dr. Roy works for Bankakademie International, Frankfurt, as Senior Project Manager and is responsible for
projects in banking and housing finance. His scope of work includes all aspects of the housing finance
process. From 2002 -2004, he was employed at the Association of Private Bausparkassen in Berlin as
Manager International Relations. Main responsibilities encompassed involvement in consulting projects,
development of an internationalisation strategy for the bausparkassen industry, economic analysis of central
and eastern European countries (including Russia and CIS countries). Previously, Dr. Roy worked for
Commerzbank AG in Paris, London and Frankfurt, in the department for International Bank Relations with
special focus on central and eastern Europe. His PhD is on banking and legal aspects in Poland, Czech
Republic and Hungary in relation to the enlargement process of the European Union. In addition, he works
as an editor for the "Housing Finance International" Journal which is published by the International Union for
Housing Finance (IUHF).
Dr. Roy worked on the assessment and design of contractual savings schemes for housing (CSSH)
in numerous countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, Russia, Iran, South Africa etc.). For example, he
developed in a feasibility study on Armenia a CSSH model including risk assessment, scenario simulations
and demand estimations. In Ukraine, he advised on regulatory and institutional features of CSSH systems
and recommendations on subsidy elements. In South Africa, he assessed the potential demand for saving
products and savings behaviour of low-income households, as well as macroeconomic developments
influencing disposable incomes of the poorer population strata. He also evaluates alternative savings
product features in terms of market acceptance, transaction cost, and potential take up by low-income
households and development impact.
Ayman Sejiny
Adviser to the Chairman
Dar Al Arkan Real Estate Co.
Carlos Serrano
Executive Vice-president of Credit, Mortgage Insurance, and Financial Guarantee
Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal, Mexico
Carlos Serrano works as Executive Vice-President of Credit, Mortgage Insurance and Financial Guarantees
in Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal: Mexico's Housing Finance Agency. Previously, he was Director General of
Analysis, Statistics and Methodologies of Supervision at the National Banking and Securities Commission in
Mexico and before that he was a staff member at the World Bank.
He has taught courses in Economics and Finance at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.
He also taught economics courses at Berkeley. In 1999, he won the first place in the National prize in
Economics research in Mexico.
He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley. In addition, he holds a B.S. in
Economics from Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) in Mexico City.
Jean-Christophe Steven
Area Managing Director Switzerland, South Mediterranean and Africa
Mr Steven is the Area Managing Director for Switzerland, South Mediterranean and Africa at UCB, a 100%
owned housing finance affiliate of the BNP Paribas Group, where his main activity is the Corporate
Development of the Company, especially outside Europe.
He has been with the BNP Paribas Group for over 20 years where he served, inter alia, as Global
Head of Private Banking risks, Country Manager for Australia and New Zealand and Inspection Team Head.
Mr Steven international experience includes assignments in Greece, the United States, Australia,
Switzerland and Singapore. He graduated from the Sorbonne University and the Institut d'Etudes Politiques,
both in Paris.
Claude Taffin
Director of Economic and Financial Studies
l'Union Sociale pour l'Habitat, France
Claude Taffin is director of Economic and Financial Studies at "l'Union Sociale pour l'Habitat", the
association of French social renters. He previously occupied a similar position at Credit Foncier, a mortgage
bank. He was first a statistician in charge of housing at the National Institute of Statistics and Economic
Studies (INSEE). He has also been a statistician at the United Nations Headquarters and an advisor to the
Ministry of Housing.
In parallel, he is the managing editor of "L'Observateur de l'immobilier", a review specialized in
housing economy and finance and teaches housing economy at University Paris XII and Essec. As a
consultant for the World Bank, he worked in Iran, Ivory coast, Jordan and Morocco.
Claude Taffin graduated at Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de
l'Administration Economique.