Case scenarios Monday: Scenario 1: - UTI, no accompanying symptoms - Took something (few years ago and it worked) but patient cannot remember what - On the table: citravescent, Ural, cranberry tablets, canestan, monistat - Use: Ural + cranberry tablets Scenario 2: - patient suffers from chronic back pain - taking paracetamol and Zoloft prescribed by GP - specialist prescribes amitriptyline (Endep) with instructions “25mg increasing to 50mg” - patient asks how to increase dose - SEROTONIN SYNDROME - Needs wash-out period … for how long? - Signs to watch out for????? - On table: Nurofen Scenario 3: - 9 month old baby with mom - mom wants a bottle of Phenergan for baby - friends recommended it (they used it and say it works) .. mother is convinced - it usually ‘calms’ the baby down as he’s always crying - on tablet: Paracetamol syrup - Solution: do NOT give Phenergan to kids under 2 yrs old - Recommend see doctor - Coz baby could be crying for another reason altogether!!!!!!!!!! Tuesday Scenario 1: - patient on Moduretic and Diamicron 80mg bd - comes in with new Rx for Coversyl Plus one daily - Rx is fine .. everything is good, correct doctor and dose etc - Problem: Moduretic is K+ sparing diuretic and Coversyl Plus s/e is hyperkalaemia. Also too much diuretic dose in the whole combination - Solution: Call GP to cease Moduretic Scenario 2: - patient on warfarin and Ranitidine 150mg bd - wants daktarin oral gel (recommended by nurse for husband who has oral thrush) - Problem: Increase in INR therefore increased risk of bleeding - Solution: what has he tried before? - Nilstat drops Scenario 3: - patient wants to de-worm whole family - 2 little kids have worms … show symptoms .. 18month old son and 7 year old son - (therefore cannot use mebendazole) - Wife is pregnant .. do NOT treat .. refer her to doctor if she has symptoms. - Solution: Combantrin oral liquid for whole family except mom - On table: Ventolin inhaler, Panadol, nurofen, combantrin, Vermox, infacol Wednesday Scenario 1: - 20’s over girl with headache comes in with nurofen plus - nurofen plus has codeine which if used too often can cause rebound headache. - She has been using it every month … could be causing chronic headache What to give her? See doctor????? On table: Mylanta, panamax, nurofen, nurofen plus, Gaviscon Scenario 2: - girl has vaginal thrush - no diabetes, etc - on table: canestan 1 day cream, 3 day cream, 6 day cream, diflucan, postinor - Solution: canestan 6 day cream Scenario 3: - amiodarone Rx one tablet tds - Solution: call doctor to ask about dose .. should be one tablet bd - On table: phone Thursday Scenario 1: - 60yr old woman came in and asked for ranitidine tablet. - Had ranitidine before (from a fren/relative). Tried Mylanta before. - Need to assess symptoms carefully due to her age. - Suspected peptic ulcer referral to doctor Scenario 2: - A mum of 4 yr old boy came in enquiring about her son’s fever. - Has fever for 2 days, fatigue, irritable, tucking the ear, and earache. - Given panadol 5-6 times daily (overdose!) - Otitis media. - Solution: refer for antibiotic course Scenario 3: - An old man came in with a prescription for Ms Contin. - Wants to know how to take Ms-Contin 30mg one bd. - History: ordine mixture (forgot the strength) q4-6h prn. (taking it at 9.30am according to wai lam) - Need to counsel on how to switch over. - Check other medications, other medical conditions. Interview questions Monday - name as many beta-blockers as possible - function? - Packing of dosette - A) simvastatin one daily - B) fosamax - C) moclobemide one bd - D) frusemide one bd - ACE inhibitor and NSAID function where do they work in kidney? - Can a pharmacy advertise that they ‘fill’ scripts the fastest in town? - Golfer comes in for diclofenac tabs (ask background hypertension) - Explain restricted, unrestricted, authority PBS scripts - Someone calls claiming to be doctor .. ask to give patient Kapanol 20 tabs .. what do you do? - Legal requirements for dispensing S4 drugs - Where do u get list of drugs that will discolour urine? Tuesday - list of ACE inhibitors - function - patient on metronidazole and warfarin - counselling on metronidazole - PRF report for family .. what’s legal requirements - List of drugs that discolour urine - What is ESR? - When can you give owing S4? - What causes a cough? How to treat? - Staff member cuts herself what do you do? - Database of patient’s profile advantages and disadvantages Wednesday - statins -> why don’t take with grapefruit juice? - Ethical issues behind supplying S4 drugs without a script - Supplying asmol/ventolin without a script - Where do you look up doses for hydrocortisone oral tabs - What are the desirable lipids? - Verify authenticity of a script - Advantages & disadvantages of central linking patient’s drug information amongst all health professionals involved - Name as many calcium channel blockers - Function? - Counselling for metronidazole - Pharmacy assistant comes in late for work makes mistakes .. what do you do? Thursday - Name five TCAs. - What is authority script, restricted benefit and unrestricted benefit? - Who are entitled to get fosamax on authority n how to get it? Call the doctor to get the authority for a customer. - Drunken pharmacist, n u r pharmacist in charge, how u handle the situation? - Injury at workplace, wht need to be done? - Can a pharmacy advertises in the paper as the pharmacy with the fastest scripts processing? N why? - Webster packing, disadvantages, n advantages. Medications n the appropriate slots in the webster packing. - why statin need to be taken preferably at night? - Where do u find information regarding drugs in pregnacy, herbal medicines n immunisation? - What is the protocol in supplying promethazine (Phernergan)? - How many days for emergency supply of medication? - requirements for DD Rx - fosamax: what are the requires for authority. - Name as many TCA as I can - Label 11, why? - Medicopak: what time should be given? Breakfast, lunch, dinner? – warfarin, rocaltrol, lipex.