Minutes - Graduate College

The Graduate Council held its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 in Plaster
Student Union, Room 313. Chair Telory Davies called the meeting to order at 3:32.
Members Present: Drs. Agnew, Allen, Buchanan, Calihman, Chang, Davies, Dillon, Dollar, Evans,
Finch, Garland, Hubbard, Kemp, Kenneally, G. Masterson, J. Masterson, Novik, Piston, Plymate,
Qiu, Quebbeman, Scott (for Hickey), Sexton, Stanojevic, Test, Williamson, and Worman; Ms.
Yarberry and Miller
Members Absent: Drs. Beckman, Carr, Federman, Gerasimchuck, Ghosh, Harsha, Kaula, Leibert,
Morris and Tomasi; Kevin Richardson
Guests: Drs. Leinweber, Palacios and Williams
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Dr. Piston and seconded by Dr. Stanojevic to approve the minutes from the
November, 2014 meeting. The motion was unanimously approved.
Committee Reports
Report of the Council Chair - Telory Davies
Information was distributed regarding some possible policy changes regarding total credits allowed for
courses taken outside the time a student is admitted to a program (senior permission, transfer, post
baccalaureate) and also general mixed-credit (for students not admitted to an accelerated master’s
program). These items were discussed and Council members were asked to talk about the issues in
their departments. An ad hoc committee we be set up to review these policies further and make a final
recommendation to Council.
Report of the Graduate Dean – Tom Tomasi
A. Announcements: For a complete listing of announcement and deadlines, see the “Graduate College
Update” at http://graduate.missouristate.edu/council.htm under the Graduate Council section.
No report.
Report of the Graduate Faculty Membership Committee – Bill Piston
The following faculty were approved for full graduate faculty status:
Jennifer Murvin
The following was tabled by the Membership Committee for additional information:
Judith Cho Lieu
Report of the Graduate Grievance Committee – Bob Quebbeman
No report.
Report of the Graduate Scholarship Committee – Kevin Evans
Dr. Evans announced that the winner of the Distinguished Teaching Assistant award was HyoEun
McDermott (Biology department). Ms. McDermott will be the MSU nomination to the MAGS
Distinguished Teaching Assistant competition.
Report of the Graduate Recruitment Committee – Randy Dillon
The committee has made the recommendations to Dr. Tomasi for the Recruitment Mini grants.
Report of the Graduate Student Senate – Kevin Richardson
No report.
Report of the Graduate Screening Committee – Ching-Wen Chang
The following Non-Substantive Proposal was reported:
PLS 644 Government and Politics of the Middle East – change periodicity
PLS 646 Political Violence and Terrorism – change periodicity
PLS 648 Latin American Politics – change periodicity
PLS 650 Modern African Politics – change periodicity
PLS 715 Comparative Public Administration – change periodicity
PLS 780 Independent Study in Political Science – change prerequisite
PLS 781 In-Service Training in Public Administration – change prerequisite
PLS 782 Internship/Practicum in International Field – change prerequisite
PLS 797 Special Topics in Global Affairs – change prerequisite and hours
PLS 799 Thesis – change prerequisite
The following Substantive Proposals were approved:
Program Changes
MA, English – change required hours
MAcc – change required hours and elective hours
MGS – change required courses and degree requirements
Accelerated MGS – change list of courses
MPA – change description
MS, Applied Anthropology – change course requirements
MS, Athletic Training – change admission requirements, retention requirements, degree requirements
and required courses
MS, Defense & Strategic Studies – change description, entrance requirements & degree requirements
MS, Early Childhood and Family Development – change description, admission requirements and
required courses
New Courses
ACC 726 Regulation Issues for Accountants
ACC 762 Business and Accounting Concepts for Accountants
ANT 600 Applied Anthropology
ANT 614 Anthropology of Development
ANT 616 Anthropology of Tourism
ANT 751 Graduate Field Archaeology
ATC 610 Leadership Theory and Issues in Athletic Training
ATC 630 Leadership Practicum
CFD 775 Parent and Child Relations
CFD 776 Advanced Studies in Infant Development
PLS 669 Foreign Policies of the Middle Eastern States
Course Changes
ACC 604 Advanced Accounting – change description
ACC 606 International Accounting – change description
ACC 624 Tax Accounting II – change description
ACC 632 Governmental Accounting and Not-For-Profit Organizational Accounting – change description
ACC 653 Auditing – change description
ACC 703 Seminar in Accounting Theory – change prerequisite
ACC 705 Advanced Financial Accounting Problems – change prerequisite and description
ACC 715 Advanced Cost Accounting – change description
ACC 750 Advanced Auditing – change description
ATC 632 Manual Therapy Techniques – change hours
ATC 640 Evidence-Based Practice – change hours
ATC 710 Seminar in Athletic Training – change description
ATC 732 Applied Research Methods in Health Care – change hours, periodicity and description
CFD 660 Family Involvement in Early Childhood Programs – change title, prerequisite, hours and
ECE 725 Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Education – change title, periodicity and description
Course Deletion
ANT 700 Applying Anthropology
Unfinished Business
New Business
Vonda Yarberry spoke on the Master of Fine Arts, Visual Studies program, which is in its first year.
The program is a 60-hour terminal degree for studio art and design. Course work and studio hours are
designed to provide research-based, professional-level work. The visual arts permeate society through
what we see every day in social media, print, movies/television and everywhere.
There are currently 5 students in the first cohort. Ms. Yarberry finished the presentation by showing
studio pictures of these students displaying the variety of work that is being created.
The meeting adjourned at 4:30. The next meeting of the Graduate Council will be on Wednesday,
January 14, 2015 in Plaster Student Union, room 313.
Telory Davies, Chairperson