NOTE: The following Sociology courses should have been part of

NOTE: The following Sociology courses should have been part of GCCC 11/13/06, Section A,
but were added in March, 2007, after reviewing the department’s graduate catalog proofs.
*457. FAMILIES IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE (3). Examination and comparison of the
diverse family institutions in selected societies, focusing on the impact of globalization on
traditional family organization, gender roles within family and community, and modes of
household production economic, sociodemographic, and cultural factors that are essential in
shaping the changing forms, functions, and internal dynamics of families and households.
Attention given to influences of modernization efforts on the global economy, the status of
women and children, the family division of labor, gender roles within and outside of families,
and tensions between family household economics and wage labor in the global market. A
culminating experience – integrating theory, methods, and scholarly writing – is required.
PRQ: SOCI 170 or SOCI 250 or SOCI 260 or SOCI 270, SOCI 280; SOCI 301 or SOCI 302;
and SOCI 377A or SOCI 377B; or consent of department. Recommended: SOCI 354 or 358.
Cultural definitions of work; the concepts of career and mobility; occupational choice
theories; consequences of occupational specialization for social integration. Problems of
disengagement from work. A critical analysis of work in a capitalist system. Includes issues
of mobility, discrimination, wages, accreditation and bureaucratization, technology and deskilling, outsourcing, and mobilization. A culminating experience – integrating theory,
methods, and scholarly writing – is required. PRQ: SOCI 170 or SOCI 250 or SOCI 260 or
SOCI 270, SOCI 280; SOCI 301 or SOCI 302; and SOCI 377A or SOCI 377B; or consent of
*459. POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY (3). Examines the interface of policies and society with
an emphasis on the linkages of political institutions and other social institutions, in particular,
power structures, the role of the state, and political and social elites. A culminating
experience – integrating theory, methods, and scholarly writing – is required. Relationship
between political and social structures with emphasis on the concepts of power, ideology,
elites, class, and politics. PRQ: SOCI 170 or SOCI 250 or SOCI 260 or SOCI 270 SOCI 280;
SOCI 301 or SOCI 302; and SOCI 377A or SOCI 377B; or consent of department.
*460. SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND THE LIFE COURSE (3). Aging as a life-long
process of development through socially structured, historically conditioned stages. Topics
include cohort differences, role transitions, intergenerational relations, and age norms.
Emphasizes stages prior to old age. A culminating experience – integrating theory, methods,
and scholarly writing – is required. PRQ: SOCI 170 or SOCI 250 or SOCI 260 or SOCI 270,
SOCI 280; SOCI 301 or SOCI 302; and SOCI 377A or SOCI 377B; or consent of
*463. TOPICS IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Treatment of recent developments in
social psychology. Possible topics include social influence processes; attitude formation and
change; leadership; group dynamics; personality in social structures; person perception and
attribution processes. A culminating experience – integrating theory, methods, and scholarly
writing – is required. Topics announced in the Schedule of Classes. PRQ: SOCI 260, SOCI
280; SOCI 301 or SOCI 302; and SOCI 377A or SOCI 377B; or consent of department.
CARE SYSTEMS. (3). Social structure and social relations in provider settings, including
but not limited to hospitals, public health, and ambulatory care settings, and nursing homes.
Emphasis on differences in financing, utilization, staffing, and relations with other social
institutions. Comparison of health care systems in U.S. and selected other nations. A
culminating experience – integrating theory, methods, and scholarly writing – is required.
PRQ: SOCI 250 or SOCI 251, SOCI 280; SOCI 301 or SOCI 302; and SOCI 377A or SOCI
377B; or consent of department.
A. Survey Methods
B. Experimental Methods
D. Quantitative Methods
E. Field Methods
M. Multi-Methods
N. Evaluation Research Methods
May be repeated to a maximum of 8 semester hours as topics change.
301; or consent of department.
*482. SOCIOLOGY OF DEATH AND DYING (3). Systematic study of the last stage of
the life course from a sociological perspective. cycle. How people cope with various forms of
death, the bereavement process, and growing old alone. The social organization of dying and
the treatment of death across time and culture; in various institutional settings; as the result of
social, political, and environmental factors; and as experienced by self and others, including
the elderly and children. A culminating experience – integrating theory, methods, and
scholarly writing – is required. in the hospital setting. PRQ: SOCI 170 or SOCI 250 or SOCI
260 or SOCI 270, and at least sophomore standing, SOCI 280; SOCI 301 or SOCI 302; and
SOCI 377A or SOCI 377B; or consent of department.
SOCI *488. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY (3). Social and psychologicl factors in
delinquent behavior; causation, prevention, and rehabilitation; the role of community
agencies; the juvenile court. May include visits to juvenile correctional agencies. A
culminating experience – integrating theory, methods, and scholarly writing – is required.
PRQ: SOCI 288, SOCI 280; SOCI 301 or SOCI 302; SOCI 377A or SOCI 377B; and SOCI
381; or consent of department.
SOCI *492. COMPARATIVE CRIMINOLOGY (3). Historical and comparative analysis
of crime and the criminal justice system in Europe, the United States, underdeveloped
developing countries, and socialist societies. A culminating experience – integrating theory,
methods, and scholarly writing – is required. PRQ: SOCI 288 381 and SOCI 289 383, SOCI
280; SOCI 301 or SOCI 302; SOCI 377A or SOCI 377B; SOCI 381; and SOCI 383; or
consent of department.