MUSIC 12/13 A SELECTIVE UNIT 6 (S06) (Music Appreciation: Historical and Contemporary) (July 2012) Unit Statement: The student will build a body of knowledge about one style of contemporary music as well as one period of musical history. Students will identify the characteristics, composers, and pieces of music from that style of contemporary music and that time period. Note to Teacher: Teachers can choose one historical period (Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, or Impressionist) and one of following contemporary styles of music to be explored: folk music, jazz, ska, reggae, punk, grunge, disco, country music, blues, new age music, rock and roll, Latin American, international, etc. Teachers can pick a different contemporary style of music that is not present on the list as long as it fulfills the TSW requirements. Essential Outcomes: 1. The Student Will list 3 or 4 major events in the historical context of both the historical and contemporary music period being studied. 2. TSW place on a historical music timeline both the historical and contemporary music period being studied. 3. TSW identify the most important characteristics of both the historical and contemporary music period being studied. 4. TSW listen to and identify a few musical instruments used during both the historical and contemporary music period being studied. 5. TSW listen to and identify at least two composers from both the historical and contemporary music period being studied. 6. TSW identify the name and composer of at least two important pieces of music from both the historical and contemporary music period being studied. 7. TSW compare and contrast music from the historical music period with music from the chosen genre of contemporary music. 8. TSW express and justify their opinions about the music of both the historical and contemporary music period being studied. 19 QSI MUSIC 12-13 A S06 Copyright © 1988-2012 Suggested Internet Websites: The following websites from www.rpfuller offer teachers characteristics of each musical period along with composers, instruments, etc. Renaissance Baroque Classical Romantic Suggested Tools and Assessments: Teachers have the flexibility to teach the entire class a style of contemporary music, break the class into groups to study multiple styles, or allow a student to work independently. RUBRIC FOUND ON FOLLOWING PAGE..................... 20 QSI MUSIC 12-13 A S06 Copyright © 1988-2012 MUSIC-12/13 A- MUSIC APPRECIATION: CONTEMPORARY PERIOD RUBRIC S06 Name: _________________________________________ Date: __________________ A grade = 2 A marks and the rest B marks on the rubric and no In Progress. B grade = all marks on the rubric at the B or A level and no In Progress. TSW ‘A’ Level Mastery ‘B’ Level Mastery ‘P’ Exceptional! Great! In Progress Lists 3 or 4 major events Lists 2 major events in The Student Will list 3 or 4 in the historical context the historical context of major events in the of both the historical and both the historical and historical context of both contemporary music contemporary music the historical and period being studied. period being studied. contemporary music period being studied. Accurately places music Has not demonstrated this TSW place on a historical time period on a music skill. music timeline both the timeline. historical and contemporary music period being studied. Accurately identifies the Has not demonstrated TSW identify the most most important knowledge of important characteristics characteristics of this characteristics this time of both the historical and time period. period. contemporary music period being studied. Accurately identifies all Identifies one or less TSW listen to and identify musical instruments of musical instruments from a few musical instruments this musical time period. this time period. used during both the historical and contemporary music period being studied. Names composer and two Incomplete identification TSW identify the name or more pieces of music and cannot name pieces and composer of at least form the studied time of music form the two important pieces of periods. composer. music from both the historical and contemporary music period being studied. Compares and contrasts Compares and contrasts Incomplete compare and TSW compare and accurately between between contemporary contrast of music of the contrast music from the contemporary music and music and chosen time time period. historical music period chosen time period. Includes period. May include with music from the many details in the some detail. chosen genre of comparison. contemporary music. TSW express and justify their opinions about the music of both the historical and contemporary music period being studied. Consistently expresses and justifies opinions about the a piece of music played. Opinions are specific and detailed. Opinions reflect a higher level thought. 21 QSI MUSIC 12-13 A S06 Copyright © 1988-2012 Expresses and justifies opinions about the a piece of music played. Opinions are general. Seldom expresses opinions of music and does not justify opinions.