
Notes of meeting held on Monday 9 March 2015
Warren Farm Barns
David Mir, Chairman
Rob Fairbanks, Surrey Hills AONB
Lucy Bryce, Surrey Wildlife Trust
Mark Beaumont, Friends of the Hurtwood
Mark Hammond, Hurtwood Trails
Mark Weston, British Horse Society
Richard Kelly, B1KE
David Lees, Friends of the Hurtwood
Stuart McLachlan, Capel Parish Council
Simon Pratt, Sustrans
Paul Redsell, National Trust
John Rogers, Hurtwood Trails
Helen Wheeler, Hurtwood Trails
Pennie King, Administrator, Surrey Hills AONB
Introduction and Apologies
Introductions: DM welcomed Mark Weston, Director of Access, British Horse
Apologies: Peter Copping (Friends of the Hurtwood); George Chapman
(Batcheller Monkhouse); Joan Clark (Forestry Commission); Ian Warby (B1KE)
and Roger Young (Head for the Hills).
Notes of meeting held on 8 October 2014
The notes of 8 October 2014 were agreed and will be posted on the Surrey Hills
Matters Arising
SCC Cycling Strategy: It was noted that on 21.3.15 a workshop is being held by
SCC at Leatherhead Leisure Centre to share ideas on how town centres and rural
communities can be improved for cyclists.
It was agreed to use Foamex boards on Summer Lightning for the time being;
however if more permanent boards are to be erected, it will be necessary to
identify funding. The QR code needed replacing on the trail head sign.
Horse Riders & Cyclists (Mark Weston)
Mark Weston of the British Horse Society attended the meeting to talk about
resolving conflict between horse riders and mountain bikers and other user groups.
MW reported that BHS is a charity that represents all horse riders and carriage
drivers and is also involved with other horse societies. MW and DM had been out
on the Summer Lightning trail this morning. MW had acknowledged the deep
descent as a possible problem area.
DM said he thinks the trail is excellent but there are the odd spots where a sign
would be useful. MW showed a very interesting educational YouTube clip. A
leaflet produced by the BHS was tabled, which MW confirmed has been well
received by horse riders. It was agreed that copies of this leaflet could be displayed
at the Tower.
It was also agreed that a link to the BHS YouTube clip could be put on the Surrey
Hills website along with reference to the Code of Conduct, and that perhaps a
similar video could be made of the Surrey Hills.
David Mir said it had been very useful having Mark Weston at the meeting and
thanked him for attending. MW said that BHS would like to be involved in any
future extension to the trail or any new trails.
SMcL reported that the proliferation of trails has decreased since Summer
Lightning opened and that concerns brought to our attention had been dealt with
satisfactorily. Local horse riders appear to be reasonably happy with the work that
has been done.
RF reported that the Surrey Hills AONB has a new website and there is an
opportunity to build the site but we cannot be seen to promote mountain-biking, as
we need to support all user groups. One suggestion put forward is to look at long
distance trekking opportunities for horse riders. RF to progress.
Signage: RF asked MW if he felt we need to do more about signage. MW replied
that more signs would be helpful, especially before a crossing point, although it
was agreed that whilst the majority of mountain bikers were responsible and
courteous, the unruly minority take no notice of the signs. It was also agreed to put
warning signs on the main sign boards. DL reported that he did not know there
was a sign at the chicane. It was agreed that sight lines need to be monitored and
kept open.
Mountain Bike Trail on Leith Hill
RK reported that there are two desire lines – one near the cricket pitch (which has
been dug out and back filled) and the other which swung to the left but has been
altered to ensure it goes past the signage. No complaints have been received from
any other user groups apart from one weekend when some 4x4s tried going up the
Trail but could not get very far. Also some motor cross bikes tried using the Trail.
Extending the Trail
PR and RK have walked the area and, subject to permission being obtained from
the Wotton Estate, that would finish off the trail. The original Summer Lightning
trail on FC land needs a lot of work, including a machine down it. SMcL asked if
we are going to do Phase 2. It was agreed that completing the loop makes sense.
There is a need to formalise the last 2 sections and the bridleway needs to be made
safe. It is also necessary to get the Forestry Commission’s agreement. DM stated
that we need to complete the Trail.
Holmbury Hill and Pitch Hill were the other priority areas. Mark would be very
happy to input into any new trail.
RK said that putting collection pots in village stores, at the Tower, etc is a good
way of raising the necessary funding to maintain the Trail. A few good sized
donations have been made to Surrey Hills Trust Fund and other fund-raising
events had been held.
DL stated that the cost of creating a new Trail in the first place is a big expense but
monitoring, repairing and maintenance can be done on a volunteer basis. The new
Hurtwood Trails group’s insurance covers outputs of volunteers and the volunteers
themselves. It was agreed to put volunteers on the Agenda for the next meeting.
Simon Pratt, Sustrans
SP confirmed that there will be a consultation period on his proposed Surrey Cycle
Route. The first draft was tabled at the meeting. This looked at a strategic network
of routes for all levels of bikers, using existing bridleways. SP had identified a
network of routes (a grid): 4 east to west routes and 4 north to south, with the east
to west routes being more promising for leisure riders. SP has come up with a
broad cost of £3.5m. The biggest gap is west of Shere along the Tillingbourne into
Guildford. The report is to make a case for attracting funding opportunities. We
need to identify major sections that need funding. If there is a framework plan it
should be easier to get funding for the small sections. SP’s observation is that
mountain biking activity is pretty well dispersed across the Surrey Hills. SP said
that with regard to conflicts, the biggest problem lies with illegal users and some
by-ways have been ruined.
MB suggested that we need to do a survey “who are the users” “where are they
coming from” and to take stock of the information obtained from the counters. RK
stressed that this group was set up to manage pinch points for mountain bikers/trail
riders and to reduce conflict. RK has identified a few locations where trails could
be developed to take the pressure off. RK identified the next steps as being:
How to get from Leith Hill to Pitch Hill safely
To finish Phase 1
RK to provide a map of his proposals for Stage 2, but it was stressed that we must
finish Stage 1 first. The group to review the maps by email.
RF stated that we need to concentrate on the Mountain Bike sections of the Study,
focusing on the Greensand Hills. The MBWG needs to focus on SP’s document,
rather than consulting more widely. RF suggested holding a workshop for a couple
of hours one evening to discuss Phase 2 and to see if the landowners would be
interested in getting together. PR will speak to George Chapman. RF to get the
Forestry Commission involved.
The study should be modified to identify various corridors and sections and then
look for funding in the region of £15k-£20k. RF confirmed that the deadline for
applications to the Marathon Trust is July by which time we would need maps,
permissions and outline costs. The AONB Board could potentially apply on the
group’s behalf.
Landowner Issues
Friends of the Hurtwood: MB reported that they have been doing Trail
renovations for many years but 18 months ago the NFU excluded Bike Trail
building from their insurance policy. Now Hurtwood Trails has an agreement with
Friends of the Hurtwood. They have a separate constitution, bank account,
insurance, and sensible people. There is now a trail building group in the
Hurtwood to relieve conflict. Hurtwood needs funding for large projects such as
hiring a digger. In principle the Hurtwood would like to discuss funding
opportunities and to have a say in where networks go.
Press released on work that has been carried out on Summer Lightning, eg the
maintenance regime. Also put information re horses on the website and a link to
the BHS YouTube clip.
Surrey Countryside Access Forum – LEP (RK)
RK reported that an off shoot of the Access Forum has been set up dedicated to the
Off Road Cycling strategy. The main focus is to formulate an off road strategy.
Any Other Business
There was discussion around whether electric bikes and Strava can be used
legitimately on bridleways etc.
Date of Next Meeting:
Monday 5 October 2015, 14:00 – 16:00
Warren Farm Barns
Cllr David Mir, Mole Valley District Council
Support Officer:
Pennie King, Surrey Hills AONB Unit
Landowner/ manager: Peter Evelyn, Wotton Estate and Surrey CLA
Paul Redsell, National Trust
Peter Copping, Friends of the Hurtwood
David Lees, Friends of the Hurtwood
Lucy Bryce, Surrey Wildlife Trust
Adam Godwin, Forestry Commission
George Chapman, Batcheller Monkhouse
Joan Clark, Forestry Commission
Cllr David Mir, Mole Valley District Council
Mark Trezise, Rural Affairs & Wildlife Crime Officer
Rob Fairbanks, Surrey Hills AONB Unit
Claire Saunders, Surrey County Council
Hannah Gutteridge, Surrey County Council
Richard Kelly, All Biked Up
Ian Warby, BIKE, Mountain Bike Consultancy
Simon Pratt, Sustrans
Raluca Bunea, Peaslake Village Stores
David Farmer, Cycleworks
Dan Webb, Head for the Hills
Parish councils/
Community liaison:
Stuart McLachlan, Capel PC
Shere PC
Caroline Price, Surrey Hills Marketing Communications Officer
Copied for information to:
Cllr Helyn Clack
Steve Mitchell
Gail Brownrigg
Claire McCaffery-Clarke
Howard Wagstaff
Nirvana Cycles
Ben Tudor
Brian Cohen
Surrey County Council
Surrey County Council
Horse Drawn Carriage Drivers
British Horse Society
Pedal and Spoke