Le Petit Prince http://listserv.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0301&L=FLTEACH&P=R8590&I=3&m=144629 This site is full of teaching ideas for Le Petit Prince and see the activities you saved at school as well. Opening Activity: 1.) powerpoint on author and book (see front of a la decouverte and see SAG info for info on book.) 2.) Before reading the book we also talked about how we in the US immortalize presidents and founding fathers on our money, but in France it's a completely different story. Or at least it was when they had the franc and not the euro, because French money immortalized writers, painters, and philosophers, including Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The following link is to a page talking about the 50 franc note, on which one can see the author, the little prince, an airplane, and also a little secret. http://www.pjsymes.com.au/articles/LittlePrince.htm 3.) Put up pictures created by students on the overhead for students to look at. For two of the pictures explain what the students are looking at. Then put up four more pictures and have them discuss in pairs what the picture is about. 4.) Go over the “rules” for reading in a second language: a.) It is not necessary to understand every word of what you read. b.) Read straight through each paragraph as best you can without stopping. c.) It is not necessary to look up the words that you do not know. d.) When you come to a word that you do not know, keep reading. You do not need to go back to the word unless it seems that the entire rest of the page is somehow connected to it (in other words--unless you cannot seem to understand anything else on the page) OR, if the word keeps coming up over and over again. If either of these situations occur, take another look at your problem word. Does anything about it give you a clue as to what it might mean? Don't be afraid to use what you know about cognates, to dissect the word, or to guess. Also, check to see if the words around your "problem word" give you a clue about what it might mean and do not forget to consider the word within the particular context of the topic about which you are reading. It will often be necessary to read to the end of the paragraph--or even through several paragraphs first before an effective guess can be made because words work together to form patterns and those relationships and patterns (just like a good dating relationship) take time to develop and therefore, may not be instantly visible in the same sentence in which the word initially appears. e.) If you have determined that the word is truly critical and that you cannot figure it out without looking it up, THEN you may use the dictionary. (We also talk about the fact that using the dictionary is actually counterproductive in the long run because it precludes the development of the very skills that students need in order to read with ease in the target language in the sense that they truly need the practice with deducing unfamiliar words successfully in order to develop the skills.) 5.) hand out on characters, setting, etc. SEE BLACKLINE MASTERS EAL CURRICULUM) INTERVIEW HOMEWORK : Interview a 6-year-old child about a picture he or she has drawn and come prepared to report back to the class in French. Extra credit if the interview is conducted in French. (Have students bring ome of their artwork from when they were little and bring it to class for the class to discuss in French.) Chapter 1 Grammar Lesson: Reminder of the “rules of reading in a second language” Read Chapter One together - highlight the important vocabulary and point out their will be a quiz on Friday with these words. Go through the book to find the words again and try to deduce their meaning from context. Chapter 2 & 3 Quizzes: Vocabulary every Friday Final Project: Choice: a.) Paperbag Novel b.) Intervire FRAQ : Le Petit Prince : Vocabulaire http://languagelinks2006.wikispaces.com/file/view/Le+Petit+Prince.doc Un chef-d’œuvre Un métier Un tas Améliorer Chapitre 1 Masterpiece Job, trade, profession Heap, pile To improve, make better Une panne Égarer Un mouton Un bélier Oser Chapitre 2 Breakdown To lose, be lost Sheep Ram To dare Poser Par hasard Éclat de rire Entrevoir Une rêverie Chapitre 3 To ask By chance Burst of laughter To catch a glimpse of Daydream Ainsi Envers Se tromper Peine de mort Chapitre 4 Thus, therefore Towards To be mistaken Death penalty Les graines Dès que S’astreindre Frôler Chapitre 5 Seeds As soon as To compel oneself To pass very close to Éloigner Tirer Le crépuscule Chapitre 6 To move away To draw (move) Twilight Les épines La panne La rancune Anéantir Maladroit Chapitre 7 Thorns Breakdown Resentment To destroy Clumsy, awkward Les coquelicots Coquette La toilette Les griffes Paravent Chapitre 8 Poppies Flirtatious, a tease Grooming/ “getting ready” process Claws Folding screen Ramoner Sotte Tâcher Les chenilles Agaçant Chapitre 9 To clean Stupid, foolish To try Caterpillars Irritating, annoying Bâiller Régner sur Siéger Debout D’abord Chapitre 10 To yawn To rule over To sit Standing First Saluer Frapper Les louanges Chapitre 11 To greet To hit/knock/clap Praises Lugubre Plaindre (se plaindre) La honte Chapitre 12 Gloomy To pity (to complain) Shame Les balivernes Déranger Les abeilles Chapitre 13 Nonsense To disturb Bees Un réverbère Allumer Chapitre 14 Street lamp To light La consigne Order, instruction Flâner Éphémère Songer à Chapitre 15 To stroll Ephemeral, fleeting, short-lived, transient To think about, to consider None Chapitre 16 None Mentir Milliard Afin que Chapitre 17 To lie Billion So that None Chapitre 18 None Un tabouret Aiguilles Salé Chapitre 19 A stool Needles Salty Le sable Échapper Soigner Chapitre 20 Sand To escape To care for Un renard Apprivoiser Les liens Doré Malentendus Un rite Puisque Chapitre 21 Fox To tame Links, connections Gilded Misunderstandings Ritual, tradition, custom Since (because) Un aiguilleur Gronder Le tonnerre Chapitre 22 Traffic Controller To scold Thunder Les pilules Apaiser Chapitre 23 Pills To appease, to quench Avaler To swallow Un puits Éclairer Rayonner Chapitre 24 Well To light up To radiate Le seau Un chagrin La chute Chapitre 25 Bucket Sorrow, sadness Fall Les grelots Soucieux La cheville Chapitre 26 Bells Worried Ankle None Chapitre 27 None Interview Homework: Option A Il faut que tout le monde choisis une étudiante en la maternelle ou la première année. Tout doit parler d’un dessin fait par l’enfant et puis fait une présentation devant la classe en Français. (Souviens que les maternelle viennent a l’école seulement jours 1,3, et 5.) Option B Trouvez chez toi une photo que vous avez dessine quand vous étiez jeune. Apportez le a l’école and fait une présentation devant le classe. Due :