HANDOUT # _____
NAME ________________________
real GNP: economic production in the United States for an entire year, adjusted for inflation
closed shop and open shop: workplaces which respectively require and don’t require union membership
the post-war economy
1) economic problems in 1946-47?
2) the Taft-Hartley Act?
3) union membership over time?
4) the Employment Act of 1946?
5) the GI Bill? [who were the GIs?]
6) changes in national income from 1950-1970?
7) changes for American families in the 1950’s?
8) changes for women in the 1950’s?
causes of American prosperity
9) the Second World War?
10) post-war military spending?
11) cheap energy?
12) gains in productivity?
13) changes for farmers?
post-war social changes
14) the movement of families?
15) the significance of Dr. Benjamin Spock’s book on child care?
16) the change in Sunbelt population?
17) government policies that aided suburban growth?
18) Levittowns?
19) changes in urban centers?
20) the baby boom?
some initial post-war foreign policy issues and achievements
21) agreements made in February, 1945 at Yalta? [note that FDR was still president]
22) Republican criticisms of the Yalta agreements, especially in Europe?
23) sources of conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union? [note map, p. 864 and the “sphere
of influence” issue in particular]
24) what was the Cold War?
25) the purpose of the International Monetary Fund? of the World Bank?
26) how did the United Nations differ from the League of Nations? did the U.S. join the United Nations?
27) U.N. achievements? the failed Baruch plan for the control of atomic weapons?
post-war Germany
28) the Nuremberg Trials?
29) occupation zones in Germany? [note map, p. 867]
30) the creation of East and West Germany? [map caption, p. 867]
31) the iron curtain in Eastern Europe? [note reference to Churchill speech, p. 867]
32) the Berlin Airlift?
Americans respond to the Cold War
33) conflict in Iran?
34) George Kennan’s ideas about containment?
35) the Truman Doctrine?
36) problems in Western Europe c. 1947?
37) the Marshall Plan?
38) the American recognition of Israel?
39) the terms of the National Security Act of 1947?
40) the military draft in 1947?
41) the creation of NATO?
post-war events in Asia
Douglas MacArthur’s role in Japan?
42) the new Japanese constitution (1946)?
43) the results of conflict in China (1949)?
44) conflict within the United States over the “fall of China”?
45) post-1945 developments in nuclear weapons?
the Second Red Scare
46) Truman’s Loyalty Review Board (1947)?
47) the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)?
48) Richard Nixon and the Hiss case?
49) our text’s analysis of the Red Scare and its impact?
50) the McCarran Internal Security Bill (passed over Truman’s veto, 1950)?
51) the Rosenberg case?
the election of 1948
52) the Republican nominee? [he spoke against Communism, but said little else of substance]
53) the Dixiecrat candidate? [for states rights; against black civil rights]
54) the Progressive candidate? [far left; wanted to negotiate an end to the Cold War]
55) the campaign ideas of Democratic candidate Harry Truman?
56) Truman’s Point Four Program?
57) Truman’s ideas for a “Fair Deal”? his Fair Deal ideas which were approved by Congress?
the Korean War
58) the 1945 division of Korea along the 38th parallel? [note map, p. 878]
59) Secretary of State Acheson’s fateful speech (early 1950)?
Korean War events
60) the initial attack [June 25, 1950]?
61) retreat to the South Korean-U.S. “Pusan Perimeter” [Sept., 1950]?
62) MacArthur’s counter-attack [through Nov., 1950]?
63) Chinese intervention [Nov., 1950]?
64) conflict between Truman and MacArthur? the result?
65) [back to p. 878] NSC-68?