Math 119 CRN: 91852 Instructor : Anne Gloag Elementary Statistics Fall 2008 email: Text and Materials: Essentials of Statistics, 3rd edition by Mario F Triola; ISBN#032148101 It is necessary to purchase a textbook that includes the STATDISK software or download the software from the Triola Statistics Series Website: Course Description: This course covers descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive portion analyzes data through graphs, measures of central tendency and spread. Other statistical practices utilize basic probability, binomial and normal distributions, estimation of population parameters, hypothesis testing, linear regression and correlation. Analytical reading and problem solving are required for success in this course. This course meets district G.E. requirements. Associate Degree & transfer to CSU (CAN STAT 2) and private colleges and universities. CSU General Education; IGETC UC, Transfer Course List :Mathematics (MATH) 119 combined with Biology (BIOL) 200 or Psychology (PSYC) 258: maximum credit, one course. This particular course is designed to introduce students to basic statistical concepts. The stress will be on understanding when to use which technique rather than just crunching numbers through formulas. . You will be applying the concepts you learn in this course to several projects that use real data. Use of a computer and knowledge of ‘Window’s’ based applications is a requirement since calculations will be done using Statdisk or DDXL- an add-on to the Excel Spreadsheet Program. Prerequisite: Math 96 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or better. Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course the student, with the aid of the computer where appropriate, will be able to: 1. Evaluate means and standard deviations of both grouped and individual item samples. 2. Evaluate probabilities using the Normal Distribution tale and the Binomial Distribution Table. 3. Evaluate probabilities of Sampling Distributions (both Binomial and non-Binomial). 4. Construct confidence intervals of means using large and small samples of proportions, and of variances. 5. Determine sample size when estimating means and proportions. 6. Do hypothesis testing of means, proportions, and variances (one and two sample problems). 7. Evaluate Correlation and use it to predict in a Regression model. Homework: The student is expected to read each section assigned in the text and watch the video of each chapter’s material online. There will be assigned homework covering each section of assigned text material. This homework is your means of learning the material from each section. A discussion area is provided for each chapter for you to ask questions that you have while doing the homework. Tests: There will be four exams as follows: Test 1: Chapters 1, 2 and 3 Test 2: Chapters 4 and 5 Test 3: Chapters 6 and 7 Test 4: Chapters 8 and 10 Projects: You will need to complete four projects that can be found on the Triola Statistics Series Website. Project 1: Choose between the Chapter 2 Project and the Chapter 3 Project Project 2: Choose between the Chapter 4 Project and the Chapter 5 Project. Project 3: Choose between the Chapter 6 Project and the Chapter 7 Project. Project 4: Choose between the Chapter 8 Project and the Chapter 10 Project These projects will let you use the concepts you learned in each Chapter on applications using real-data. The submission for each project consists of: 1. A text file that gives a summary of the project requirements, a step by step breakdown of what you did to complete the project and what you learned. 2. A PowerPoint slideshow that explains the purpose of the project, answers all the project questions, includes all the tables and graphs that you make and concludes with a summary of what you learned. Participation: All students are recommended to spend at least 5 hours per week online, watching the lesson videos, completing practice tests, participating in the discussion forums either asking or answering questions. Discussions: Students are encouraged to use the discussion boards as much as possible. This is the place where you can ask questions about the sections you are working on and the homework and practice tests you are doing. Read the discussion boards regularly because here you might find the answers to your puzzlements. There will also be five graded discussions. In the first you will introduce yourself to the rest of the class. You will also have a chance to look at the finish projects from your fellow classmates and comment on their work. Email: Please email me if you have any personal questions and concerns. You should be using the internal Blackboard email for fastest response. Please do not send me questions about particular homework problems through email. These questions are best addressed in the Discussion Board where all students can read the question and answers. Email use should be confined to strictly personal concerns. Academic Accommodation: Any student who may need an academic accommodation should discuss the situation with me during the first two weeks. Grading: Tests: Projects: Discussion: Final Grade: 90-100—A 40% 40% 20% 80-89----B 70-79----C 60-69----D <60------F Math 119 Schedule: Suggested To prepare Pacing Week 1 Intro 1. Go through the Vista Student Orientation. 8/241-1,1-2, 1- 2. Watch video lessons for Chapter 1 8/30 3,1-4 3. Do homework problems for Chapter 1 4. Read and post questions to the discussion board about Chapter 1 topics. 5. Take the Chapter 1 practice test. 6. Read the Introduction to Projects under the Assignments folder. Week 2 2-1,2-2, 1. Watch video lessons for Chapter 2. 8/312-3,2-4 2. Do homework problems for Chapter 2. 9/6 3. Read and post questions to the discussion board about Chapter 3 topics. 4. Take the Chapter 2 practice test 5. Start Project 1 Week 3 3-1,3-2, 1. Watch video lessons for Chapter 3. 9/73-3,3-4, 2. Do homework problems for Chapter 3. 9/13 3-5 3. Read and post questions to the discussion board about Chapter 3 topics. 4. Take the Chapter 3 practice test 5. Start Project 2. Week 4 4-1,4-2 1. Watch video lessons for Chps 4 & 5. 9/145-1,5-2, 2. Do homework problems for Chps 4&5. 9/20 5-3,5-4 3. Read and post questions to the discussion board about Chps 4&5 topics. 4. Take the Chps 4&5 practice tests Week 5 6-1,6-2, 1. Watch video lessons for Chapter 6. 9/216-3,6-5 2. Do homework problems for Chapter 6. 9/27 3. Read and post questions to the discussion board about Chapter 6 topics. 4. Take the Chapter 6 practice test 5. Start Project 3. Week 6 7-1,7-2, 1. Watch video lessons for Chapter 7. 9/287-3,7-4 2. Do homework problems for Chapter 7. 10/4 3. Read and post questions to the discussion board about Chapter 7 topics. 4. Take the Chapter 7 practice test Week 7 8-1,8-2,81. Watch video lessons for Chapter 8. 10/53,8-4,8-5 2. Do homework problems for Chapter 8. 10/11 3. Read and post questions to the discussion board about Chapter 8 topics. 4. Take the Chapter 8 practice test 5. Start Project 4. Week 8 10-1,101. Watch video lessons for Chapter 10. 10/122,10-3 2. Do homework problems for Chapter 10. 10/18 3. Read and post questions to the discussion board about Chapter 10 topics. 4. Take the Chapter 10 practice test What is Due 1. Introduce yourself on the discussion board (4pts) 1. Submit Project 1 by 9/11 (10 pts) 2. Take Test 1 by 9/13 (10 pts) 3. Look through Project 1 submissions and post comments on Discussion Board by 9/13 (4 pts) 1. Submit Project 2 by 9/16 (10 pts) 2. Take Test 2 by 9/20 (10 pts) 3. Look through Project 2 submissions and post comments on Discussion Board by 9/20 (4 pts) 1. Submit Project 3 by 9/30 (10 pts) 2. Take Test 3 by 10/4 (10 pts) 3. Look through Project 3 submissions and post comments on Discussion Board by 10/4 (4 pts) 1. Submit Project 4 by 10/14 (10 pts) 2. Take Test 4 by 10/18 (10 pts) 3. Look through Project 4 submissions and post comments on Discussion Board by 10/18 (4 pts)