ART REVIEW Vocabulary Abstract--art that depicts real forms in a

ART REVIEW Vocabulary
Abstract--art that depicts real forms in a simplified way, sometimes called non-figurative
asymmetrical balance--a composition which is not the same on both sides
background--the part of an artwork that seems farthest from the viewer
balance---the arrangement of the elements of art such as lines, color, and shapes in an artwork
blended---carefully, often smoothly mixed together so that brush strokes are not visible
collage---an artistic technique that consists of gathering clippings, photographs, or real objects and
gluing them to the surface of the art
color---a property caused by the way an object reflects light; colors include red, blue, green, yellow,
brown, and many others
color fields--flat planes consisting of just one or a few colors
complementary colors--colors that are the opposite to each other on the color wheel; examples include
green and red or blue and orange
compose--to plan, create or arrange a work of art
contrast--when two opposing elements, such as dark and light are placed nearby each other in a way
that shows their differences
continuous spirals--a series of lines curving inward, sometimes connected to each other in a continuing
flow, which may change in shape and size
crosshatched--crisscrossing lines; the direction of the lines, as well as how dense they are, can affect the
form and value of the image
diagonal lines--slanted lines that either move from the lower left to upper right or lower right to upper
drip painting--a form of abstract art in which paint is dripped or poured onto the canvas
emphasis--to draw attention to or focus on a part of an artwork to gain a certain effect
focal point--the point to which the viewer’s eye is most drawn in a painting or drawing
form--the outward boundary of a three-dimensional object
foreground--the area in a drawing or painting using perspective that appears closest to the viewer
geometric forms--shapes that are or appear to be three dimensional such as cubes or spheres
grid--a network of overlapping horizontal and vertical lines
highlights--areas of light value that bring attention to a certain part of a painting or drawing
horizon line--the line that divides where the earth or ocean meets the sky
horizontal--straight lines that run left to right, or parallel to a flat surface
hue--a color or shade
illusion--a trick that makes something appear different than it actually is
line--any stroke made by a brush, pen, or other tool
line drawings--drawings made up only of lines
line, organic--a long line that curves in a natural way
middle ground--a part of a painting or drawing that is between the foreground and the background
motif--a repeated form or shape in a work of art, often related to its meaning
monochromatic--a work of art made using only one color, such as red or blue
mood--an emotional state expressed in art through using elements of color, composition, texture, etc.
movement--creating art that gives the look or feeling of motion in a painting, drawing, or other type of
outlines--the lines that define the outward edges of a shape
patterns--similar or identical images or sets of images repeated in an artwork
picture plane--the two-dimensional surface of a painting or drawing
primary colors--the colors red, yellow and blue; when they are mixed together, they can make other
colors, such as green, orange, and purple
radiating--moving outward from a center source
repetition--a design or image that is shown again and again within an artwork, making a pattern or
creating emphasis on a certain portion of the work
rhythm--an image that is repeated in regular or irregular patterns that creates a feeling of a beat or
pulse in an artwork
shape--the outside boundary or outline of an object in a drawing or painting
shading--using different levels or values of darkness in certain parts of a shape to help it appear threedimensional on a two-dimensional (flat) surface
short, sharp--lines limited in length that have a bold impact on the surface of a painting or drawing
shadow--an area of darkness that is cast by an object that cuts off light to that area
space--the area in which an artist creates his or her piece, or certain designated areas within that area
symmetrical balance--paintings that are made up of elements that are mostly the same on both sides,
either left to right or top to bottom
texture--surface quality; often, it can convey smoothness, roughness, or other qualities viewers can
imagine touching
tinted--a color that is altered in value or intensity by mixing in black, gray, or white
three-dimensional--art that creates the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional (flat) plane
three-dimensional space--space in a drawing or painting that appears three-dimensional
tonal values--the range of lightness or darkness used in a drawing or painting to create depth
unnatural color scheme--a strange or shocking choice of colors used by an artist to get a particular effect
unity--a quality that makes all the elements in an artwork appear to work together to form a whole
value--the darkness or lightness of a color in an artwork
vertical lines--lines that move straight up and down
ink drawings--images drawn with a pen