AP English 11

AP English 11
Course Outline
DISCLAIMER - THIS IS EXTREMELY TENATIVE!!! I don’t yet know how to plan for our new block
schedule classes so this is just a sketchy outline. Furthermore, these plans do not reflect daily assignments
such as literature questions, pop quizzes, grammar assignments, etc.
August 10 – 13
Issue books
Cover policies
Literature pp. 1 – 78
Historical background “New Land”
Author notes
Discuss Puritan belief system
Review for “New Land” test
“American Dream” essay
Spelling test #1
August 16 – 20
“New Land” historical introduction due
“New Land” test
“Historical introduction “Colonial Period”
Literature pp. 83 – 156
Author notes
“I am From” poem
Background of Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter chapters 1 – 7
Letter project
The Scarlet Letter study questions
Declaration ‘signers’ essay ???
Vocab. Test #1
August 23 – 27
“Colonial Period” historical introduction due
“Colonial Period” test
Historical introduction “A Growing Nation”
Literature pp 162 – 135
Author notes
The Scarlet Letter chapters 8 – 18
Review for “A Growing Nation” test
Spelling test #2
Aug. 30 – Sept. 3
“A Growing Nation” historical introduction due
“A Growing Nation” test
Historical introduction “New England Renaissance”
Literature pp. 240 – 290
Dialectical journal
Discuss Transcendentalism
Discuss Melville and background to Moby Dick
Author notes
Complete The Scarlet Letter
Review for The Scarlet Letter test
The Scarlet Letter study questions due
The Scarlet Letter test
The Scarlet Letter essay
Vocab. Test #2
September 7 -10
Labor Day
Moby Dick video
The Scarlet Letter Project
Dialectical journal
Author notes
Literature pp. 292 - 390
Spelling test #3
September 13 – 17
Review for “New England Renaissance” test
“New England Renaissance” historical introduction due
“New England Renaissance” test
Historical introduction “Division, War, and Reconciliation”
Author notes
Literature pp. 395 – 418
Billy Budd
Billy Budd study questions
Vocab. Test #3
September 20 – 24
Review for Billy Budd test
Billy Budd study questions due
Billy Budd test
Author notes
Dialectical journals
Literature pp. 424 – 469
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass preface - chapter 10
Study questions Frederick Douglass
Review for “Division, War, and Reconciliation” test
Spelling test #4
Sept. 27 – Oct. 1
Historical introduction to “Division, War, and Reconciliation” due
“Division, War, and Reconciliation” test
Historical introduction to “Realism and the Frontier”
Author notes
Literature pp. 473 – 512
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass complete
Study questions Frederick Douglass due
Frederick Douglass test
Vocab. Test #4
October 5 – 8
Fair Day
Background on Twain and Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry Finn chapters 1 – 16
Huckleberry Finn study questions
Author notes
Literature pp. 514 – 532
Spelling test #5
WHEW!!!! You survived the first 9 weeks! I knew you could do it.