AMEL BOUBEKEUR Associate Scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center Research fellow at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales – Ecole Normale Supérieure / Amel Boubekeur is an associate scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut and a Research fellow at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. Prior to joining Carnegie she was head of the Islam and Europe Programme at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. She has taught at the École Normale Supérieure and the Stanford University Center in Paris. Her research focuses on Maghreb country politics, Euro–Arab relations, and Islam in Europe. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Chicago and is a regular consultant for various United Nations agencies, the European Commission, the Open Society Institute... She has published widely and is a regular contributor to Arabic, French and English speaking media. Education Ph.D. (to be submitted), M.A., B.A., Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and Ecole Normale Supérieure Languages Arabic; English; French Research Areas Maghreb politics (Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, civil societies, Political Islam, democratization, political economy…) Islam in Europe (Multiculturalism and Migrations, radicalization, gender and youth, institutions and politics), Euro-Arab and US-Arab relations (EuroMed, Foreign and Security Policies) Publications Books . Le voile de la Mariée : Jeunes Musulmanes, Voile et Projet Matrimonial, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2004. . European Islam: the challenges for public policy and society, (and al.), CEPS / Open Society Institute, November 2007. . Whatever happened to the Islamists ? Salafism, Heavy Metal Muslims and the Lure of Consumerist Islam (with Olivier Roy), Columbia/Hurst, To be published in November 2010. . Renewing Maghreb politics : Actors, reforms and foreign policies. To be published, 2011. Book chapters . « New matrimonial strategies of young veiled students » in Les femmes et l'Islam. Entre modernité et intégrisme, Isabel Taboada Leonetti (ed.), L’Harmattan, 2004. . « Muslim women’s rights, discrimination and religious freedom in Europe » in Religious Freedom and its aspects: Islam in Europe, Center for European Policy, Bratislava, 2005. .« Islamism as a tradition » in Samir Amghar (ed.), Islamismes d’Occident, Lignes de repères, 2006. . « French Islam and Rebellion » in France Rebelle, Xavier Crettiez, Isabelle Sommier (ed.), Michalon, 2006. . « Institutionalizing Islam within the laïcité process » in Jean Birnbaumm, Frédéric Viguier (eds.), La laïcité : une question au présent, Cécile Défaut, 2006. . « Europe’s Transforming Identity. The role of Islam in Europe : Multiples Crises ? » in Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe, Open Sociey Institute, 2006. . « Political Islam in Europe : A changing landsape » in Amel Boubekeur (and al.), European Islam: the challenges for public policy and society, , CEPS / Open Society Institute, 2007. . « Political Islam in Algeria » in Political Islam and the European Neighbourhood Policy, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) the Fundación Tres Culturas and the Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE), 2007. . « Factor of radicalisation in European Islam » in Perspectives of security in Morocco, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, 2008. . « Beyond Islamism in Morocco. New partnerships and new competitors » in Islamist and Democrats ?, Joel Beinin, Amr Choubaki (eds), American University in Cairo, 2008. . « Islamist parties in Algeria » in Interpreting Islamic political parties, Mohamed Salih (ed.), Macmillan, 2009. . “Energy supplier or political partner ? Algeria’s marginalization and opportunities in EU policies”, The European Neighbourhood Policy and the Southern Mediterranean: Drawing from the Lessons of Enlargement, Michele Comelli, Atila Eralp and Cigdem Ustun (eds.), METU Press, 2009. . “Reinventing militant Islam. The disengagement of European Islamist” in Whatever Happened to the Islamists? Salafis, Heavy Metal Muslims, and the Lure of Consumerist Islam, Amel Boubekeur, Olivier Roy (eds.), Hurst/Columbia, 2010. . « Bilan critique de la littérature sur les violences islamistes en Europe » in Xavier Crettiez, Laurent Muchielli (eds.), Ecrire les violences politiques, La Découverte, To be published. . « Islamic Business and Muslim Entrepreneurs: Performing transnational Modernity and Overcoming Marginalization” in Peter Mandaville (ed.), Transnational Muslim politics, Hurst / Columbia, To be published. Policy reports . « Islam and Women’s rights: Empowerment of a new Islamic Elite » in New Voices, New Perspectives Program, UN – INSTRAW, March 2006. . « Islamist Parties in the Maghreb and their Connections with Europe: Growing Influences and the Dynamics of Democratization », Euromesco report, November 2006. . "Current understanding of the role of women in the radicalisation processes", (co-authored), European Network of Experts on radicalization, European Commission, July 2008. . « Salafism and radical politics in Post-conflict Algeria », Carnegie paper, number 11, September 2008. . “Islamists and radical movements in France”, Jane’s Strategic Advisory Services, March 2009. . « Updating EU’s policies toward Islamist parties and radical actors», International IDEA (Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance), 2009. . « Désengagement et perspectives de déradicalisation au sein des mouvements islamistes radicaux et terroristes », Ministère Français de la Défense, Délégation des Affaires Stratégiques, April 2009. . « L’impact de l’évolution de l’islam politique sur la cohésion nationale en Algérie », Fondation Friedrich Ebert, June 2009. . « European Muslim Women and multiple forms of Discrimination », Open Society Institute, Open Society Justice Initiative, To be published. . « The renewal of Arab elite : the political role of the economic reformers », with Khalil Gebara, Euromesco report, To be published. . « Sufism and the renewal of State Islam », Carnegie papers, To be published. . « Maghreb Businessmen and Politics in the Maghreb», Carnegie papers, To be published. Edition of special Issues . « Special Issue on Muslims in France », Amel Boubekeur, Abderrahim Lamchichi (eds), Confluences Méditerranée, n°57, Spring 2006. Articles . « Young Muslim’s Matrimonial Market » in Confluences Méditerranée, n° 46, Summer 2003. . « Women religious professionals and the renewal of the religious establishment in France » in ISIM Newsletter, n° 14, June 2004. . « Is Islam soluble into Mecca Cola ? Islamic Culture Market and New Religious supports » in MaghrebMachrek, n° 183, Spring 2005. . « Young Veiled Women and Modernity », La Revue Projet, n°287, June 2005. . « Cool and Competitive : Islam in the West » in ISIM Review, n° 16, Autumn 2005. . « Between Suicide Bombing and Burning Banlieues : The Multiple crises of Europe’s Parallel Societies » in CEPS Working Paper, n°22, European Security Forum, April 2006. . « Europeanization of Crisis Islam » in Confluences Méditerranée, n°57, November 2006. . « Post-Islamism and Beyond » in History of Religion Journal, University of Chicago, August 2007, 47 : 1. . « Islam militant et nouvelles formes de mobilisation culturelle » in Archives en sciences sociales des religions, EHESS, Juillet – Septembre 2007, 139. . « Time to Deradicalise? The European Roots of Muslim Radicalisation » in The International Spectator, Vol. XLIII, No. 3 July - September 2008. . « Les partis islamistes algériens et la démocratie. Vers une professionnalisation politique ? » in L’Année du Maghreb. 2008. . « Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb and Algerian Salafi networks”, in Inter-regional Challenges of Islamic Fundamentalist in North Africa, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria, To be published. Op-eds . « Algerian Apathy », Al Ahram Weekly, April 16, 2009. . « Lessons from Algeria's 2009 Presidential Election", Carnegie commentary, April 2009. . « European Muslim women against the odds", Common ground, May 22, 2009. . « France's Burka barrier", The Guardian, June 25, 2009. . « Local elections and national democracy opportunities in Morocco”, France 24, June 29, 2009. . « Morocco: The Emergence of a New Palace Party", Carnegie commentary, July 2009. . « Mohamed VI : Dix ans de règne, toujours pas d'équilibre des pouvoirs", Rue 89, July 2009. . « The Islamist threat in Tunisia still justifies the stagnation of the political scene", The Hunffington Post, October 21, 2009. . « Tunisia Elections : International Community Must Insist on Moving Beyond Façade Democracy", Carnegie Commentary, October 23, 2009. . « Security Clampdown Conflicts With Bouteflika's Aims", All Africa, October 22, 2009. . « A quoi le président Benali doit-il sa longévité ?", France 24, October 23, 2009. . « Tunisia : Beyond illusions of change", Open Democracy, October 23, 2009. . « Algeria : Violence instead of Dialogue", Al Hayat (in arabic), October 15, 2009. . « Algerie : Emeutes et Silences des politiques", Libération, October 27, 2009.