FAST FLICKS FIELD HOCKEY COACHING INFORMATION 2015 Welcome to Fast Flicks Field Hockey Fast Flicks was founded in 2003 by Kate O’Keefe, a Great Valley mom who wanted to introduce the game of field hockey before Middle School. Without a youth program around, many girls never even got the opportunity to fully experience this wonderful game. Many years later, through much hard work and dedication of many volunteers like you, Fast Flicks has grown to include more than 600 players in grades 1-8. In recent years, the growth of our league has necessitated some changes to its structure. A board of volunteers that work year round now runs Fast Flicks. We have had to recruit coaches at a remarkable rate, some of whom are learning the game along with their team. We are providing opportunities for high school and middle school players to referee. It has become a big job, but the enthusiasm of the girls and their growing love for the game keeps us going. Fast Flicks is a recreational league intended to introduce the game of field hockey, give girls the opportunity to increase their skills within the game, and give girls the opportunity to have a positive sporting experience. It is not our intent to create college scholarship athletes. It is not even our intent to create high school varsity players. That will come for many as a result of what they have learned in Fast Flicks, but that is not our primary concern. If some of your players are interested in a more “intense” hockey experience, there are links to local hockey clubs on our website. Please remember this as you coach. After a few years of listening to parents, players, coaches and referees, Fast Flicks is enjoying growth and popularity because of its recreational nature. The girls have fun playing! Many have enjoyed playing with their friends or schoolmates while others have made new friends in other schools. We have players from Radnor to Chester Springs, West Chester to King of Prussia. This is one of the only youth programs for field hockey around, and while that poses many challenges as we grow, it also provides many opportunities for new relationships and friendly competition. Please also remember that winning is not everything! In fact, we do not keep standings at this time and there are no playoffs. Having said that, we believe keeping score is fine and striving to win is important. One of the greatest skills we can help our players learn is how to win appropriately and lose appropriately. After all, that is a life skill. Our hope is that you and your daughter will have a positive and fun experience this year. We have tried to provide you with enough information in this packet for you to feel comfortable in knowing what lies ahead and where to find answers if you need them. Many, many thanks for your willingness to be involved. Have a great season! Michele Hanlon & Janet Wolfe League Co-Presidents Divisions Our league is set up in 5 divisions, based on school grades. Each division has a coordinator. This coordinator is responsible for recruiting coaches, creating team rosters and managing all information to and from that division and our league. This is a big job! Please remember that these folks are volunteers juggling all that you are and maybe more. If you have a question, your division coordinator should be your first contact, but there is also a list of our league contacts on our “Hey Coach” page that may help you. Here are the divisions and their coordinators: Division MInkey–Grades 1 & 2 Coordinator Nicole Botta Email Midi 3rd Alex Billy Midi 4th Michelle Burns Junior – Grades 5 & 6 Marla Carson Senior – Grades 7-9 Chrissy Bennett Teams You should all be aware that Fast Flicks does not allow requests on the registration form. This is because due to our growth over the last few years, it has become too cumbersome to consider requests when creating the teams. Having said that, we are also a league that encompasses a very large geographic area, so this was taken into account in the team creation. The coordinators also looked at schools and school districts so that carpooling would be easier. You will receive a roster from your division coordinator and you should review it to be sure there are no problems. However, please be advised that we do not intend to change the rosters once they are created unless there is an extreme situation. Given the above, please also be aware that since we use geography as our main component in team creation, there is likelihood that teams will NOT be equal in strength. After much consideration, we have decided that running a rating session and draft are not feasible over the summer, and rating systems we have tried to use in the past have not been very effective. Therefore, use this opportunity to teach your players about winning and losing appropriately and remember that we do not really keep standings so we are all playing for the love of the game. Rosters will be available online under the TEAMS tab on the horizontal menu of our website. Each coach, when logged in with their password (the one you created when you registered your daughter) will allow you to use the website to view your roster and send emails to your team. For security reasons, we do not allow you or the players to see the rosters of other teams. ** Please support your coordinators efforts in putting together these team rosters by putting a positive spin on any complaints. Every girl benefits from meeting new teammates and learning to get along with new people. In today’s world of multiple activities for kids, you may run into a week where you are short players. If you know this in advance, please be sure to contact your opponent’s coach as soon as possible. Agree between the two of you whether or not you will both play shorthanded, share players, or if you should recruit players from another team. We rely on you to make the best decision for the two teams involved. Coaching First, let us start off by thanking you for volunteering to coach our players. It goes without saying that you are the single most important part of a players experience in any given season. Their love for the game, their healthy attitude toward fairness and competition, their ability to make friends with new teammates, their desire to come back year after year, and the cooperation of their parents is directly impacted by all that you do. While this is a hefty responsibility, following a few simple guidelines will go far in making it a good experience for all: A. Know how the league is being run and be a “team player” yourself. It is up to you to communicate information from the league to your players and their parents. The more you can tell them what to expect, the happier you will all be. We also ask that you pass on information in an overall positive manner. While you may not agree with all that we do as a league, please know that we do not make any decisions lightly. If there is something going on that you do not understand, please go to your division coordinator first for answers. It is likely that a rule or procedure is in place because we have encountered an issue in the past that necessitates it. Once your questions are answered, please share that with your team appropriately without tearing down our league. That is being a “team player”. B. Communicate often with your players and parents. There are many tools on the website to help with that. Learn how to use those and save yourself a lot of time and effort. Many teams find it helpful to have one person dedicated to all communication, even if it is not the Head Coach. Figure out what will work best for your team and make sure people know early how to expect communication. C. Learn the rules of your division AND the rules of field hockey. This will no doubt take time. We have tried to put information on the website to help, but you may need to do some research on your own. Our junior and senior divisions will play full PIAA rules and those coaches will receive a rule book. The minkey and midi divisions play a simpler game with less players, smaller fields, and slightly different rules. Know what the field looks like AND the rules for your division. It is often helpful to communicate the rules to your players’ parents as well since many are unfamiliar with the game of field hockey and the league specific rules we use. D. Try to see a game in the older divisions or maybe a local high school. This is especially helpful if you are new to the sport or if you are returning to the sport after some time. It is always nice to know what you are working towards. Many teams have even organized team outings to a local high school game. There are also a number of college teams in the area that are easy to get to. The sky is the limit! E. Keep practices both fun AND informative. You are striving to give our players a positive sporting experience as well as introduce them to the sport of field hockey. Over the years we have had trouble finding good materials to help with this, however, we do have some drills and information on our website that will probably help. Please read over them so we are all teaching the same thing. If you find a good resource, please share it! F. Monitor your own behavior on the field. Once the season gets started the number one time consuming chore is answering emails complaining about the behavior of coaches. While we do not want to limit your own personal approach to coaching, we do ask that you simply: ** Instruct not criticize ** Never tear down a player, especially in the presence of her teammates ** Address problems on an individual basis in private with the player and parent when necessary ** Do your best to keep playing time and positional opportunities fair ** NEVER criticize or yell at a referee! ** Do not belittle or speak negatively of your opponent. They are trying to win just as you are and while you may need to modify your game plan based on their play, it will not help to complain about it. Your players will pick that up immediately. Equipment All players must purchase a field hockey stick, a colored mouthguard, shinguards, and eyewear. Please note that players should not be permitted to play or practice without this equipment. Cleats are recommended but not required. Also, jewelry, including pierced earrings, should not be worn for practice or games. *** It is inevitable that you will have players come to practices or games without some of their equipment. We will keep an emergency supply of unmolded mouthpieces in the equipment shed at General Wayne Elementary but please use these for emergencies only. Sticks, shinguards and eyewear can most likely be shared by players during a game if you have subs, but please do not let this hold up the game. If you have a habitual forgetter, they may have to suffer the consequences of sitting out in order to help them remember the next time. Please be advised that there are no water facilities at any of our playing fields. Therefore, players and coaches must bring their own. It is VERY IMPORTANT that our league takes a great deal of care in cleaning up after themselves. Our ability to use these facilities year after year is heavily dependent on our ability to work together and keep them clean and in good condition. We encourage each team to clean up after each game and take their trash with them. One idea would be to make whomever is “snack” parent for that week also “trash” parent. Coaches will receive an equipment bag that includes the equipment needed to practice including: Balls Cones Pinnies (except for senior division) First Aid Kit Goalie Equipment (junior and senior divisions only) Please be sure that bag is complete upon receipt. If you have any questions or problems with your equipment, please contact your division coordinator. Uniforms will consist of a reversible jersey and matching socks. As the weather gets cooler, players are able to wear sweatshirts, etc. UNDER their uniforms. Also, if the girls will wear pants, please try to tuck the bottoms in their socks so referees and other players can tell who is who on the playing field. Referees It is the intent of the league to have 1 or 2 paid officials at each game to alleviate coaches from having to step in. We are fortunate this year to have Michelle Burns and Lisa Kiziuk coordinate all our referees. We have recruited a number of high school & middle school referees for the league. Junior and Senior games will have one PIAA official and one high school official. The league will in no way tolerate any arguing or verbal abuse of calls made by officials. Please remember that sportsmanship is the cornerstone of youth athletics. We are counting on each of you to model appropriate behavior and encourage your players and parents to do the same. In addition, our high school and middle school referees are learning skills as well. It is just as important for them to learn and grow in responsibility and leadership as it is for our players to learn and grow in their skills. If you are uncertain about a call, please respectfully ask the referee to repeat the call and encourage a learning opportunity. We ask that you discuss specific concerns privately and respectfully during halftime and after the game, only to clarify play. If you have concerns or questions, please contact Michelle Burns (see contacts on back page). Schedules Practices The coaches set practice times and locations. However, we do ask that you have some consideration for your team. Roughly take into account the geographic location of all your players and try to find a practice site that can accommodate them. Fast Flicks has contracted several of the school districts in the area to obtain field space during the week. If you would like to use a location that we do not already have a contract for, please contact your division coordinator Teams may begin practices at any time after August 24. The expectation is that all teams (except in the Senior division) will practice once a week and have one game on the weekend. You will receive an email asking you to sign up for a practice time and location. You may want to recruit another team in your division to practice at the same time for scrimmaging opportunities. Please keep in mind that the fields can get crowded. Be polite in sharing space with your fellow field hockey coaches. Split fields or practice together with another team. We ask that the Junior division have first choice in the use of the full field hockey field, preferably shared between 2 teams as it is critical for them to practice circle and goal play. If you get to the field and find someone other than a Fast Flicks team there, respectfully tell them that we have contracted time on that field. Games Games will begin the weekend of Sept. 12h & 13th and they will run every weekend until Nov. 1st . Typically, the following game schedule will be used: Minkey – Saturdays 9:00-11:15 at General Wayne Midi 3rd Grade – Sundays 1-3:15 at General Wayne Midi 4th Grade – Saturdays 11:30-3:00 at General Wayne Juniors – Saturdays and Sundays at Eastern College, GVMS and GWES Seniors – TBD – home field is Great Valley Middle School Your team’s individual game schedule will appear on your team’s webpage through the TEAMS tab on the horizontal menu of our website (where the rosters are). There are 10-15 minutes scheduled between games so we can make the best use of our fields. It is good practice to have your team there at least ½ hour before the start of the game so that you are ready to go at game time. As the game before you ends, begin to gather your team together then please wait for the teams to shake hands and move their belongings before you move onto the game field. When your game ends, please move off the sideline as quickly as possible. If you are having a team meeting, we ask that you first move your team and all their belongings off the sideline so the next teams can prepare for their game. Closures and Make-Up Games It is inevitable that it will rain. We make every effort to keep all information regarding closures and make-ups on the website. Please consider that your first source of information if you are in doubt. Also encourage your parents to use the website as well. Our league covers a very large geographic area so even though it may be raining where you are, General Wayne may be playable and our turf fields will only cancel in the event of lightning or heavy downpour. Check before you leave home! Here are the general procedures for closures and make-ups: 1. All T/E fields are closed by the district and we must adhere to their ruling. As soon as we receive word that the fields are closed, it will be posted on the home page of our website. Do NOT practice if the field is closed, no matter what you think are the conditions. 2. Great Valley fields are NOT closed by the district, therefore it is up to us to determine playing conditions. Practices will be called off at the discretion of the coaches. We encourage you to take into consideration that if you choose to practice on a soft field, you may be damaging the field for future use. Please be wise. Games will be cancelled by the league. As soon as the determination has been made, we will post the information on our website. We will most likely make game decisions about 1 hour before a game. ***Players and coaches can indicate on their registration information if they would like to receive emails and/or text messages when games are cancelled. We highly recommend this. Once we cancel a game, our website will send out an automatic email and/or text to every member of those teams who is designated to receive one. Text messages are very helpful! We will not necessarily cancel an entire division, so you really need to check for your specific game. Remember, check the website before you go! 3. If we have to cancel games, the following Make-up schedule will be followed: Minkeys – each night of the following week at General Wayne where games 1 - 4 are Monday night, games 4-7 are Tuesday night. Midi 3rd Grade – played the following Sunday afternoon from 3:15-5:15 Midi 4th Grade – played the following Saturday afternoon from 2:00-5:00 Juniors –TBD Seniors – TBD ** Please note that the above make up schedule MUST be used. We do not want individual teams scheduling make up games because field space and referees are very difficult to organize. Remember, there are over 40 teams that we are coordinating. Even though your game may not seem like much to deal with, it gets complicated. Once your game is cancelled the make-up time and location will be put on your schedule on the website. We will make every effort to have referees for the make-up games, but please be advised that you may have to step in and referee the game yourself. Getting Started 1. Get in touch with your assistant coach and review your roster. 2. Sign up for your practice time. Remember to review your players addresses and find a field that will be convenient for all. 3. Get in touch with all players and introduce yourself. Make sure all players know the equipment they need for practice and that colored mouthguards, eyewear and shinguards are mandatory. 4. Check your team lists for medical information for all your players. Make notes of any players with food allergies, asthma or other medical conditions affecting play. Consider recruiting a parent to set up a snack schedule or to help with communication. There are many parents who have offered to help. 6. Have parents verify their contact information on our website. Be sure they have a good email, especially one that can be notified last minute for cancellations. Also, explain to them the text message feature, as this can be very helpful when there is a last minute cancellation. Checking on all of this now will save you a lot of time throughout the season! 7. Have a general plan of how you want to run your practice(s). Know the drills you would like to do and make sure you have what you need. Talk to another coach ahead of time if possible to set up a scrimmage or shared drill time. Remember, there may be only 2 practices before your 1st game so review all positioning as well as skills. 8. HAVE FUN!! If you have fun, then your team will have fun. Buddy up with another team for practice. Be creative with your drills. Sing while you condition. Scrimmage with another team. 9. It is our goal to allow the girls to all have equal playing time and to have an opportunity to try all positions. As the girls get older, they know the positions they are interested in, but if they are new players or in the younger divisions it is important to allow them to try as much as possible. There are no playoffs or standings so while winning is a nice goal, playing time and experience is just as important. *****Please stress with your team that clean up of ALL TRASH at both practices and games is incredibly important. We have had complaints from the school district in the past. Next year we may not be able to get the field space back if we are not respectful of it’s appearance. It is also a good lesson to teach the girls. Lastly the Fast Flicks Field Hockey League would like to thank you for volunteering to coach this year. Please keep communication open with your division coordinator if you need assistance with coaching or if any other problems arise. We can’t make the league better without feedback, but the league is made up completely of volunteers so please keep that in mind while voicing problems, opinions, etc. If you run into an extremely good situation, share that as well! Have a great season! Fast Flicks Field Hockey League Contacts - 2015 Position Name Phone Email Co President Michele Hanlon 610-772-1392 Co President Janet Wolfe 267-992-3322 Treasurer Joan Rementer 610-656-5043 Minkey Division Coordinator Nicole Botta 610-639-0678 484-366-3873 215-208-2690 Midi 3rd Grade Division Coordinator Midi 4th Grade Division Coordinator Alex Billy Michelle Burns Junior Division Coordinator Senior Division Coordinator Equipment Supervisor Chrissy Bennett 484-557-5688 Mary Stiles 610-644-2611 Registrar Toni Mullen 610-687-9865 Scheduler Janet Wolfe 267-992-3322 Referee Coordinator Michelle Burns Lisa Kiziuk 215-208-2690 610-331-5072 Spirit Wear Coordinator Jeanne Dechiario 650-839-3803 Marla Carson 610-647-3504 Sample Hockey Practice Plan Below are some suggestions if you are struggling to make a plan. Times below are for a 1½ hour practice. BOTTOM LINE – MAKE PRACTICES FUN & remember their attention span is no more than 20 minutes (especially for the younger girls)! Warm Up (10 minutes): All of the following Passing with a partner Jog one-two laps of field Stretch Skill Drills (20 minutes): 1-2 of the following Hitting with partner: Push passes, lifts, slap shots, drives Dribbling: straight & through cones (slalom & pulls) Agility Game Situation Drills: (20 minutes) 1-2 of the following 2v2 small field 3v3 with goalie in circle Corners Strategy Talk: 1 Topic Positions – what they do, where they go Hitting to space/switching fields Communication Corners Fun Games (10-20minutes): 1 of the following Steal the Bacon Relay Races Knock out Scrimmage - remaining time Looking for ideas for drills? Here are some ideas: 1) Check Fast Flicks Documents Page and Links Page – lots of good ideas for drills there. 2) You Tube – chances are if you search for a particular skill, say “dribbling” you will find a video about it, drills and/or instructions on how to do that skill! 3) Stay for a player’s clinic and see what they do there. Feel free to ask clinic directors questions, they will be happy to assist!