Сообщение о существенном факте

Essential Fact Message
"On Holding the Meeting of the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board), as well as about
Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)"
1. General
1.1. Full name of the Issuer Company
TATNEFT Public Joint Stock Company named
after V.D. Shashin
1.2. Abbreviated name of the Issuer Company JSC TATNEFT named after V.D. Shashin
1.3. Location of the Issuer
75, Lenin Street, Almetyevsk 423450, Republic
of Tatarstan, Russia
1.4. The Issuer's OGRN (Primary State 1021601623702
Registration Number)
1.5. The Issuer's INN (Individual Taxpayer 1644003838
1.6. The Issuer' Unique Code assigned by the 00161-A
registering authority
1.7. Web site address in the Internet used by http://www.tatneft.ru,
the Issuer for information disclosure
2. Message Content
2.1. Quorum of the meeting of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Joint Stock
Company and the voting results on the issues of decision making.
Quorum: 13 persons out of 15 persons.
Voting results: unanimous "For" on all issues.
2.2. The content of the decisions taken by the Board of Directors of the Joint Stock Company:
- On the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of JSC TATNEFT
2.2.1. The Annual General Shareholders Meeting of JSC TATNEFT on the results of operation in
2012 shall be held on June 28, 2013. The Shareholders Meeting shall be held at "Neftche" Palace
of Culture in the city of Almetyevsk. The Shareholders Meeting start time shall be 10:00 A.M,
Moscow time.
2.2.2. Approve the following procedure for registration of participants in the Annual General
Meeting of the Shareholders:
- pre-registration time: from June 20 to 27, 2013. Registration hours: from 8:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m.
at the following address: Property Department of JSC TATNEFT, 35, Lenin Street, Almetyevsk
423450, Republic of Tatarstan;
- registration on the day of holding the meeting: since 8:30 a.m. at "Neftche" Palace of Culture.
2.2.3. Determine that the list of persons entitled to participate in the Annual General Shareholders
Meeting of JSC TATNEFT shall be compiled based on the shareholders Register data of the Joint
Stock Company as of May 13, 2013.
2.2.4. On the basis of Article 56, Paragraph 1 of the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies"
assume that the functions of the Counting Commission shall be performed by the Registrar of the
The Executive Directorate of JSC TATNEFT (Sh.F. Takhautdinov) shall legalize the Registrar
performance of the Company's Counting Commission functions.
- On the candidates to the Board of Directors, the Audit Commission of JSC TATNEFT and
proposals on the agenda of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting on the results of 2012
2.2.5. Take into consideration that orders of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 27 and
No. 48 dated January 16, 2013 and a letter of Minzemimuschestvo of the Republic of Tatarstan No.
1-30/1031 dated January 29, 2013 appointed Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov, President of the
Republic of Tatarstan as a representative of the State (Republic of Tatarstan) to the Board of
Directors of JSC TATNEFT on the basis of a special right ("golden share"), while Sariya
Kashibulkhakovna Yusupova, Deputy Department Head of the of the Ministry of Finance of the
Republic of Tatarstan of the Company was appointed as a representative of the State (Republic of
Tatarstan) to the Audit Commission of the Joint Stock Company.
2.2.6. Include the following candidates in the list of nominees for election to the Board of Directors
David William Waygood, Director of ICDS Ltd.
Maria Leonidovna Voskresenskaya, Director of Brentcross Ltd.
Radik Raufovich Gaizatullin, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan
Sushovan Gosh, Managing Director of SGI Group Ltd.
Nail Gabdulbarievich Ibragimov, First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of JSC
6. Vladimir Pavlovich Lavushchenko, Deputy General Director of JSC TATNEFT on Economics
7. Nail Ulfatovich Maganov, First Deputy General Director - Head of Crude Oil and
Oil Products Sales Department of JSC TATNEFT
8. Renat Khaliullovich Muslimov, Consultant to President of the Republic of Tatarstan on
Development of Oil and Oil/Gas Fields
9. Rinat Kasimovich Sabirov, Assistant to President of the Republic of Tatarstan
10. Valery Yuryevich Sorokin, General Director of JSC "Svyazinvestneftekhim"
11. Mirgaziyan Zakiyevich Taziyev, Director of NGDU “Almetyevneft”
12. Shafagat Fakhrazovich Takhautdinov, General Director of JSC TATNEFT
13. Azat Kiyamovich Khamaev, Minister of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of
14. Rais Salikhovich Khisamov, Deputy General Director, Chief Geologist of JSC TATNEFT
2.2.7. Include the following candidates in the list of nominees for election to the Audit Commission
1. Ksenia Gennadyevna Borzunova - Head of Department of the Ministry of Land and Property
Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan,
2. Ferdinand Rinatovich Galiullin, Chief Accountant of OOO "Tatintek"
3. Ranilya Ramilevna Gizatova, Head of Investment Department of NGDU “Elkhovneft”
4. Venera Gibadullovna Kuz’mina, Economist of NIS of JSC TATNEFT
5. Nikolay Kuz’mich LAPIN, Shsreholder of JSC TATNEFT
6. Liliya Rafaelovna RAKHIMZYANOVA – Head of Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade
of the Republic of Tatarstan
7. Al’fiya Azgarovna SINEGAEVA, Head of Labor Organization and Remuneration Department,
OOO “Tatneft-Remservis” Management Company
8. Tatyana Viktorovna Tsyganova, Deputy Head of the Accounting and Reporting Department of
JSC TATNEFT – Deputy Chief Accountant of JSC TATNEFT
- On giving consent to the General Director and the Management Board members of JSC
TATNEFT to participate in the management bodies of other companies.
2.2.8. Give consent to the General Director and Management Board members of JSC TATNEFT to
participate in the management bodies of other companies.
2.3. Date of holding the meeting of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Joint Stock
Company, which adopted corresponding decisions: February 28, 2013.
2.4. Date of compiling and a number of Minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of the Joint
Stock Company, which adopted corresponding decisions: February 28, 2013, Minutes No. 10.
3. Signature
3.1. Deputy General DirectorHead of Property Department
3.2. Date: February 28, 2013
/Signature/ V.I. Gorodny