Resume - A/D Psychotherapy and Clinical Consulting Inc.

8465 South 700 East
Phone 801-233-8577 x102
Sandy, UT 84070
Fax 801-233-8748
Dr Michael E. Dusoe
Ph.D., December 17, 1999 Social Work, University of Utah Graduate School of Social Wor
M.S.W., June 9, 1989. University of Utah Graduate School of Social Work, Salt
Lake City, Utah
B. A. , June 6, 1976, University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth (formerly Southeastern Mass
Professional Experience
Founder/Owner Operator, 1988-Current, A/D Psychotherapy and Clinical Consulting Inc,
Sandy, Utah. Private practice, EAP services, lectures and organizational consulting.
Employee Assistance Professional, Onsite (12 Hours Weekly) , 2003- 2007, Federal Aviation
Administration, SLC, UT
Substance Abuse Professional (SAP), 2003-Present, U.S. Department of Transportation,
Workplace Safety Programs, Salt Lake City, UT
Chief Operating Officer, July 1998-November, 1999, Utah Alcoholism Foundation, Salt Lake
City, Utah
Vice President Clinical Services, August, 1996-June, 1998,. Pioneer HealthCare, Peabody
Massachusetts, Supervision and oversight of all clinical programming for PHC operations.
PHC is a publicly traded company focusing on mental health care in multiple inpatient and
outpatient sites across the United States.
Administrator, August, 1994-August, 1996 Highland Ridge Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah.
HRH is a 33 bed Chemical Dependency inpatient Hospital. Administrative responsibility for all
activities at the facility including, budgeting, recruiting, staffing and programming.
Clinical Director, February, 1989-August, 1994, Highland Ridge Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Managed EAP services. Oversight and supervisory responsibility for clinical staff and all
clinical programming at HRH.
Primary Counselor, December, 1984-February, 1989. Highland Ridge Hospital, Salt Lake City,
Utah. Primary counseling responsibilities including assessment, planning, care and discharge
planning for an average daily caseload of 8 clients in the hospital.
Owner Operator, Broadway Auto Parts, January, 1981- December, 1984
Massachusetts State Police, Trooper, January, 1972-January, 1981.
Areas of Interest
Research: Continuing interests in methodological efforts and designs which appropriately
consider the efficacy of care and outcomes with selected mental health populations, particularly
addictive disorders. Additionally, current position allows me to pursue, evaluate and implement
evolving computer solutions across all areas of mental health practice.
Policy: Social policy efforts which address the current strengths and limitations of the evolving
managed care environment as it applies to mental health services. The development and
implementation of standards of practice and other compliance initiatives that enhance services
and service delivery are also areas of interest.
Practice: Empowerment of mental health populations, particularly groups affected by addictions
and other substance abuse related disorders and issues .by promoting clinical approaches and
models which advocate for human resiliency and resourcefulness.
Research Experience
Research Assistant, 1992-93, Data input, statistical support, and support writing at the
University of Utah Graduate School of Social Work Social Research Institute. Experience
includes familiarity with input coding an manipulation of variables utilizing SPSS and NCSS
statistical software.
Consulting Research Analyst, 1990-91, 1995-96 American International Health Services, Salt
Lake City Utah. Evaluating treatment outcomes for General Electric and Union Pacific
Teaching Experience
University of Phoenix, College of Behavioral Sciences, 1999-Current, Graduate Counseling
University of Utah, Graduate School of Social Work, PACE Program, 2002-Current, Teach
Individual Counseling for Alcohol & Drug Certificate students at University of Utah. Responsible
for syllabus, preparation, materials selection, , course content and, all grading.
Substance Abuse Counseling, 1994-Current, University of Utah Graduate School of Social Work.
Elective course for MSW students at University of Utah. Responsible for syllabus, preparation,
materials selection, , course content and, all grading.
Teaching Assistant Graduate Statistics, 1992-93, University of Utah Graduate School of Social
Work. Assisted graduate students in learning SPSS, evaluated weekly assignments and term
papers in statistics
Substance Abuse Professional (DOT) Certification Training University of Utah School On
Alcoholism And Other Dependencies, 2010
Substance Abuse Professional (DOT) Certification Training University of Utah School On
Alcoholism And Other Dependencies, 2008
Presenter, 2003 National Employee Assistance Professionals Conference New Orleans, LA.,
“Managing The Addicted Person With Chronic Pain.”
Trainer and Lecturer, 1988-Current . The SASSI Institute. Education and training and
assessment through the use of the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory. Average
approximately 12 seminars annually across the United States.
Presenter, 1994 National Employee Assistance Professionals Conference Boston, Mass. “The
Use of Self-Efficacy in the Prevention of Relapse”.
Presenter, annually (1996-2002), State of Utah Annual Conference on Substance Abuse.
Topics include “Resiliency”, Relapse Prevention, Current Trends and Approaches in the
Treatment of Substance Abusers”.
Presenter Utah State Council on Domestic Violence (2002). “The Effective Use Of SelfEfficacy Approaches With DV Offenders.”
Invited Lecturer, 1993, Northlands Chemical Dependency Treatment and Prevention Programs,
Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK.
Awards and Honors
Distinguished Faculty, Teaching Award, 2012, University of Phoenix, Salt Lake City, UT., May
Faculty, 2000- Present, University of Phoenix, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Salt
Lake City, UT.
Adjunct Clinical Faculty, 2001-Present, PACE Program, University of Utah Graduate School of
Social Work
Mental Health Consultant/Team Member, 2000-2002 West Valley City Police Department,
Utah, Hostage Negotiation Team.
Licensed as an LCSW in Utah
Clinical Track Chairman for the National Employee Assistance Professionals Conference,
November 1995.
Deans Fellowship, 1992, University of Utah Graduate School of Social Work.
University of Utah Graduate School of Social Work “Young Alumnus Award”, 1991.
Highland Ridge Hospital “Employee of the Year”, 1989.
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. Optional Graduate Work Study
Program in addiction/mental illness. Gransha Mental Hospital, Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
Drug Enforcement Administration Federal commendation for “Outstanding Work” in drug
enforcement and prevention.
Honorable discharge from Massachusetts State Police, 1981.
Massachusetts Boys State Candidate, 1967.
“The Use of Self-Efficacy Training in the Treatment of Relapse-Prone Individuals”, 1995,
February, Dusoe, M.E., Boswell, R.H., EAPA Exchange
“Who Stays, Who Goes in Treatment,” 1993, September, Dusoe, M.E.. Employee Assistance.
“Graduate School of Social Work Alumni Survey Reports, 1992”. Farley, W.O., Jantzen, F.,
Unrale, Y., Dusoe, M.E., University of Utah social Research Institute.
“Creating a Drug Free Workplace Through Participative Prevention”, 1990. Dusoe, M.E.,
Boswell, R.H.. Private one year study commissioned by Union Pacific Railroad Employee
Assistance Program Nationwide.
Supervisory Committee
Au Deane Cowley, Ph.D., University of Utah Graduate School of Social Work, Chair
O. William Farley, Ph.D., University of Utah Graduate School of Social Work
Dan Edwards, Ph.D., University of Utah Graduate School of Social Work
H. Steve Harrison, Ph.D., University of Utah Graduate School of Social Work, Social Research
Lynne Durrant, Ph.D., University of Utah College of Health