The Outsiders Study Guide Please complete the following activities

The Outsiders Study Guide
Please complete the following activities as you read.
Part One: Characters
Fill in the chart below with as much information as you can find from the book. If you can’t find it, leave it blank.
Ponyboy Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Darry Curtis
Dally Winston
Johnny Cade
Two-Bit Mathews
Steve Randle
Cherry Valance
Tim Shepard
Curly Shepard
Bob Sheldon
Randy Anderson
Paul Holden
Jerry Wood
Mr. Syme
Role/Relationship to
other characters
Physical Description
Personality Traits & Role
(greaser, etc.)
Part Two: Vocabulary
Fill in the word from the word bank that fits best within the context of the sentence. You will be responsible for knowing
these words for the final test over the book.
The Outsiders - Vocabulary-Chapter 1
connotation, denotation, infer, bleak, nonchalant, gingerly, rueful, savvy, conform, sage (Not the herb!)
1. Even though I was nervous, I tried to act cool and _____________.
2. I handled the delicate vase very ______________.
3. Even though he may not be "book-smart" he has a lot of ___________ about the world.
4. Not every member of a group ___________(s) exactly to our image of that group.
5. The landscape of the moon is lifeless and very __________.
6. My grandfather gave me some very _________ advice
7. "I shouldn’t have done that," he said with a _________ sigh.
8. The detective tried to ___________who the criminal was from the clues he left behind.
9. Though their a)connotations/denotations are similar, the words “nosy” and “curious” have very different
The Outsiders-Vocabulary-Chapter 2
connotation, rueful, bleak, nonchalant, conform, savvy, gingerly, denotation, sage, infer
1. My friend has a lot of basketball __________. He just seems to have a natural feel for the game.
2. I touched the bruise on my cheek ___________.
3. The coach accused me of being too _________ at practice. He thought I should take the game more seriously.
4. After the accident, her outlook on life became very_________. She seemed to have no hope any more.
5. "I wish I had done my homework," I thought________(ly).
6. I was able to _________ the meaning of the word from the way it was used in the sentence.
7. A person who doesn’t like to ____________ to the group isoften called an outsider.
8. The _____________ of a word is its dictionary definition.
9. The _____________ of a word is what it makes you think of.
10. Two-Bit nodded his head _____(ly), and said, "It would have been wiser to have someone pick you up."
The Outsiders-Vocabulary-Chapters 3,4,&5
aloof, elite, dumbfounded, ornery, contemptuous, gallant, foreshadow, stereotype
1. He wasn’t unfriendly, just a little __________.
2. The soldiers __________(ly) rode into battle to defend their homes.
3. The small children were getting a bit ___________ and needed a time-out.
4. He looked at the criminal __________(ly). This guy deserved any punishment he got.
5. Sometimes an author will ____________ what will happen next.
6. I was ____________ when we found the treasure. I never thought we would.
7. He thinks he is part of an ________ group of people who are "better" that the rest of us.
8. Dally seems like the _____________ of a greaser. Pony doesn't seem like the type.
The Outsiders-Vocabulary-Chapter 6
gingerly, elite, gallant, contemptuous, aloof, stereotype, bleak, dumbfounded, foreshadow, nonchalant, ornery,
1. "The Socs were always behind a wall of _________(ness), careful not to let their real selves show through."
2. At the end of Chapter Two, Pony says, "I know better now." This is an example of ___________(ing), where the author
hints that something will happen to change Pony's mind.
3. If you make the Scholar List you are a part of the educational________.
4. "Two-Bit __________(ly) offered to walk the girls home—the west side of town was only about twenty miles away."
5. "'No...' Two-Bit said, ___________. 'No, Ponyboy, that ain't got it wrong...'" (Two-Bit was almost speechless.)
6. "Mickey Mouse was a dark-gold buckskin, sassy and _________, not much more than a colt."
7. "'Okay,' Pony said _____________(ly), 'might as well.'" (He was trying to act tuff for the girls.)
8. "'Who is it?' Two-Bit asked. 'The F.B.I.?'...'No,' Cherry said ________(ly), 'it's Randy and Bob.'" (Things look hopeless.)
9. Dally spat ___________(ly) as he thought of what the Socs did to Johnny.
10. Dally is the ___________(ical) greaser, but Pony is not.
The Outsiders-Vocabulary-Chapters 7,8,&9
elude, ironic, credible, incredulous, credulous, facade, premonition, bootleg
1. I tried to act cheerful, but it was just a ________. I was really depressed inside.
2. Pony had a __________ that something bad might happen in the old church.
3. The criminal ran through the alley to __________ the police.
4. Cherry was ___________ that Dally tried to bring her a Coke. She couldn’t believe it!
5. My mom didn’t think my excuse was ____________. She didn’t believe a word of it.
6. His friend gave him a ___________ copy of the video game.
7. It was ____________ that the police station was robbed.
8. The ___________ kid from the country was an easy target for the savvy con-man from New York.
9. Latin root: cred = ____________
The Outsiders-Vocabulary-Chapter 10
incredulous, fathom, premonition, gingerly, credible, irony, elude, savvy, foreshadow, facade, gallant, credulous
1. Maybe Dally’s cold unfeeling exterior is simply a ______ that hides his true feelings.
2. Even after I read the poem three times, the meaning still __________(ed) me.
3. As Pony entered the scary old church, he had a ____________ that something bad might happen.
4. The boys ran away because they thought the police would not find their story ________; they thought the fuzz would
believe the Socs, and not some greasers.
5. An obvious mistake on Mr. Stevens's "Perfect" web page is an example of __________.
6. Pony's jaw dropped ____________(ly) when Cherry said she might fall in love with Dally.
7. It is very _________(ic) that Cherry seems to have fallen for Dally.
8. He was such a smooth talker, I __________(ly) fell for his scam.
9. The bank's ___________ was cracked and damaged by the wind, but the inside was fine.
10. The Socs ran to _________ responsibility for their actions.
The Outsiders-Vocabulary-Chapters 11&12.
dogged (adj), indignant, conducive, wistful, implore, subside, acquit, leery
1. I _____________(ed) my mom to let me go to the movies.
2. I was _______________ when Dad blamed me for breaking the lamp instead of my sister.
3. Pony was ________________ when he thought of what life might be like in the country.
4. I am ________________ of someone who promises me something for nothing.
5. She is known for her _______________ determination. She never gives up.
6. Listening to the stereo is not ________________ to studying.
7. The jury _____________(ed) the man, and he was set free.
8. The storm finally _____________(ed), and the sun came out.
Part Three: Chapter Questions
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences in your composition book as you read.
Chapter One
1. How do Ponyboy's relationships with Darry and Sodapop differ? Explain.
2. Why is the 'gang' important to Johnny?
3. Do you think Darry loves Ponyboy? Why does he treat Ponyboy the way he does?
4. What does Ponyboy mean when he says, "I lie to myself all the time"?
Chapter Two
1. Are the names Ponyboy and Sodapop nicknames? Explain.
2. Who are Cherry and Marcia?
3. Why doesn't Ponyboy like referring to Sodapop as a dropout?
Chapter Three
1. What does Cherry explain as the difference between the socs and the greasers?
2. What does Ponyboy mean when he says "Johnny and I understood each other without saying anything"?
3. When and how did Pony's parents die?
4. What happens when Pony comes home after his curfew?
5. Why does Johnny like it better when his father is hitting him?
6. At the end of the chapter, how does the author foreshadow that bad things are to come?
Chapter Four
1. What does Pony mean when he says the socs were "reeling pickled"?
2. What major event happens in this chapter?
3. What would your advice be to Johhny and Ponyboy if they'd come to you for help instead of Dally? Explain.
Chapter Five
1. Why does Pony have a problem with Johnny's idea to disguise themselves?
2. Why does Johnny think Dally is a hero? Do you think Dally is a hero based on what he did?
4. Why does Pony realize he doesn't like Dally? Can you explain what he means by this?
5. What does Pony mean when he says he drinks Pepsis like a friend?
6. Why are the socs and the greasers going to fight in the vacant lot?
7. Who is the spy for the greasers? Does this surprise you? Why or why not?
Chapter Six
1. Do you think Dally's parents have influenced the way he is; his personality? Explain.
2. Why doesn't Dally want Johnny to turn himself in?
3. What "other side" of Dallas is revealed in this chapter?
4. What's your own definition of a hero? Do the three boys prove themselves to be heroes, according to your definition?
Explain why or why not.
5. Why do you think Johnny wasn't scared, despite the obvious danger?
Chapter Seven
1. What condition is Johnny in after the fire?
2. "Maybe people are younger when they are asleep”. What do you think this comment means?
3. What was Bob's 'real' problem, according to Randy?
4. Why did Pony think it was better to see socs as "just guys"? What do you think he means by this?
Chapter Eight
1. How does what the doctor first says foreshadow Johnny's condition?
2. "We needed Johnny as much as he needed the gang, and for the same reason". What do you think Pony means, and
what is the reason?
3. What does Pony mean when he says, "we could get along without anyone but Johnny"?
4. If Darry didn't have Soda and Pony, why would he be a soc?
5. What does Cherry mean when she says Bob "wasn't just anyone"?
Chapter Nine
1. When Pony asks what kind of a world it is, what comment is he making about how society judges people?
2. Why do the boys fight? Why is Pony different?
3. What is the difference between Tim Sheppard's gang and Ponyboy's? Explain how Pony feels this difference might
give his group the upper hand?
4. What do you think Johnny's last words to Pony mean?
Chapter Ten
1. How does Pony's dreaming, or lying to himself, finally work in this chapter?
2. Why was Johnny's dying so difficult for Dally to handle?
3. Why do you think Dally would have wanted to die?
Chapter Eleven
1. Explain why Pony might rather anyone's hate than their pity?
2. What do you think is going on with Ponyboy when he says, "Johnny didn't have anything to do with Bob's getting
Chapter Twelve
1. What 'circumstances' does Ponyboy's teacher refer to? What circumstances does Ponyboy think his teacher is
referring to?
2. Why doesn't Ponyboy feel scared when the socs approach him and he threatens them with a broken bottle?
How is this a dramatic change from the Ponyboy we have seen up until this point?
3. What does Darry mean when he says, "you don't just stop living because you lose someone"?
4. How do we know Sandy didn't love Soda as much as he loved her?
5. Explain how Darry and Ponyboy play tug of war with Soda.
6. What do we learn was so special about Johnny ?
7. What does Ponyboy end up doing for his English assignment?