All Kinds Of Minds: A
Young Student’s Book
About Learning Abilities
And Learning Disorders
All Kinds Of Minds: A
Young Student’s Book
About Learning Abilities
And Learning Disorders
Read Verbatim By The
(Audio Tapes)
Levine, Mel Dr.
Levine, Mel Dr.
Beyond F.A.T. City-A
Look Back, A Look
Ahead-A Conversation
About Special Education
Lavoie, Richard
Concentration Cockpit,
The-Assessment and
Levine, Mel
Einstein And Me Video
Guidelines For All Kinds
Of Minds
Levine, Mel, Dr.
The purpose of this book is to show us that different
children have different kinds of minds. It’s geared toward
early elementary child. A great resource for families and
professionals alike.
283 Pages
This is a verbatim recording of Dr. Levine’s book by the
same title.
This Richard Lavoie presentation offers practical
strategies as well as inspirational messages for those
who teach children with learning disabilities who
constantly struggle with Frustration, Anxiety, and
Tension (F.A.T.).
He discusses major trends and issues in the field of
learning disabilities, and the challenges ahead for
parents and education professionals.
(Spanish Audio/subtitles)
90 Minutes
The primary purpose of this assessment guide is to
assist in the management of children with attention
deficits. It is intended to help clarify the various traits
associated with attention deficits. It includes:
1. Examiner’s Guide
2. Explanatory text and record form
3. Child control sheet
In this video, a panel of teens and younger students
speak candidly about how they found out about their
learning disabilities. They talk about the policies and
people who have made life difficult, the programs which
have helped them cope, their strengths and talents, and
their expectations for the future. 30 Min.
This is a manual for adults to use in their work with
children. This book gives good suggestions of how to
use All Kinds of Minds when working with children.
These guidelines will review the individual chapters
within All Kinds of Minds and suggest some points for
discussion, some questions for students, and some
activities, all of which are likely to be fruitful in a variety
of settings.
53 Pages
Help Your Child Read
And Succeed-A Parent’s
Smith, Carl
This book is NOT meant to replace school learning. It is
designed to supplement the work that your child is doing
in school, and to focus on specific skills and strategies
that fit a parent-child relationship. The book can help
parents understand what is involved in the child’s
classroom reading instruction, and what parents can do
to enhance that instruction.
263 Pages
Helping The Child Who
Doesn’t Fit In
Nowicki, Stephen,
Duke, Marshall
This book off explanations and strategies for parents
and professionals who know children unable to use or
understand nonverbal communication and therefore are
socially rejected or unable to make lasting friends.
178 Pages
How Difficult Can This
Lavoie, Richard
In this workshop, Richard Lavoie, leads a group of
psychologists, educators, parents, and children through
a series of exercises that cause frustration, anxiety, and
tension…feelings all too familiar to children with learning
disabilities. By dramatizing the classroom experience.
Lavoie lets us see the world through the eyes of a child
with learning disabilities.
70 Minutes
How Difficult Can This
Be? -The F.A.T. City
Workshop (Video)
Lavoie,Richard D.
How The Special Needs
Brain Learns-Book
Sousa, David
How To Choose A
College: Guide For The
Student With A
The Heath
Resource Center
This booklet is designed to help organize the search
and decision-making for students with a disability when
they are preparing to apply to colleges.
It’s All In Your Head- A
Guide To
Understanding Your
Brain And Boosting
Your Brain Power-Book
and Teacher’s Guide
Barrett, Susan
This teacher’s companion and student book offer a
variety of enrichment activities, discussion questions,
and resources to teach students about the brain. It is all
about the possibilities and capabilities of the brain.
Book-155 Pages
Guide-45 Pages
Josh, A Boy With
Josh struggles to live down the stigma of his learning
disability, dyslexia, and receive both respect and
friendship from his peers. Includes information on the
characteristics of dyslexia and a list of organizations that
deal with learning disabilities.
100 Pages
This informative and entertaining film allows the viewer
to look at the world through the eyes of a learning
disabled child. It features a unique workshop attended
by parents, educators, psychologists and social workers.
They participate in a series of classroom activities which
cause Frustration, Anxiety and Tension...emotions all
too familiar to the student with a learning disability.
Following the workshop, the participants enter a lively
discussion of topics ranging from school/home
communication, sibling relationships and social skills.
70 min.
Comes with accompanying discussion guide.
This book is for educators and parents who want to
better understand the way their children process and
retain information. It also offers practical classroom
activities and strategies for children with special needs.
220 Pages
This is a verbatim recording of Dr. Levine’s book by the
same title.
Keeping A Head In
(Audio Tapes)
Levine, Mel,Dr.
Keeping A Head In
This is a book whose purpose is to prevent harmful
misunderstanding about learning disorders. It is
intended to help children feel that they have efficacy.
Hopefully students will fell empowered to advocate for
themselves, use their strengths, and value their
individuality. This book has been written with
adolescents in mind. It is likely, however, that both
younger and older students can benefit from it. Good
resource for parents, professionals and students with
learning disorders.
297 Pages
Learning Disabilities
and ADHD: A Family
Guide to Living And
Learning together
Osman, Betty
This book addresses not only school issues, but also
focuses on social interactions with peers and family.
The book provides vital information on:
Early signs and symptoms
Latest advances in educational, medical, and
psychological treatments
How learning problems affect the family
Helping your child prosper in and out of school
200 Pages
Learning Disabilities And Lavoie, Richard
Social Skills: Last One
PBS Home Video
Picked-First One Picked
On. Parent's Guide
Richard Lavoie speaks to a group of parents about the
difficulty children with learning disabilities experience in
social situations. He discusses how their learning
disability causes the social errors the child makes and
how the child must be taught directly the social skills
needed to succeed in school.
62 Min.
Learning Disabilities And Lavoie, Richard
Social Skills: Last One
PBS Home Video
Picked-First One Picked
On. Teacher's Guide
Richard Lavoie speaks to a group of teachers about the
difficulty children with learning disabilities experience in
social situations. He discusses how their learning
disability causes the social errors the child makes and
how the child must be taught directly the social skills
needed to succeed in school.
62 Min.
Preschoolers: Children
With Learning
This book was written for teachers, parents, and others
such as diagnosticians and therapists, who work directly
with learning disabled preschoolers. 127 Pages
Many Ways To Learn:
Young People’s Guide
To Learning Disabilities
Stern, Judith And
Ben-Ami, Uzi
This book is written for children with learning disabilities.
The text describes different kinds of learning disabilities.
The book hopes to reassure students that they have the
ability to reach their goals.
80 Pages
Memory Factory, The
The Memory Factory
CD or Tape
Guidelines for Use
with Students
Floor Plan
Levine, Mel
This kit is intended for middle school students but can
be used with younger and older students. This kit
teaches students about learning, especially memory
function. The main objectives of the Memory Factory Kit
1. Help children understand the roles of memory
2. Show students memory is and active set of
Help children gain insight into their own
Stimulate thinking and memory strategies
Provide a conceptual framework for children
about memory
Mind Of Your Own, AVideo
National Film Board
Of Canada
This warm and inspirational video will encourage and
boost the self-esteem of kids struggling with learning
disabilities, and foster understanding in their peers.
37 Min.
Misunderstood Minds:
Understanding Kids
Who Struggle to LearnVideo
WGBH Educational
This video looks into the personal lives of five children
and their families as they deal with the puzzling
mysteries presented by their unique learning
differences. The video illustrates the emerging view that
specific identification and customized management of
learning problems is the key to success for children
struggling in school.
90 Min.
Myth of Laziness, The
Levine, Mel
No Easy Answers-The
Learning Disabled Child
At Home and At Schoolbook
Smith, Sally
Mel Levine, offers parents and teachers practical, wise,
and compassionate day-to-day strategies and support to
prevent output failure and, when necessary, to help
children overcome dysfunction and become productive,
successful adults.
258 Pages
The author’s revised edition brings p-to-date information
on Learning Disabilities. Sample topics are:
How to identify a learning disability
Therapy and Medication
Rights under IDEA
Educational strategies
370 Pages
No One to Play With:
Social Problems Of LD
and ADD Children
Osman, Betty
Nobody’s Perfect, Not
Even My Mother
Simon, Norma
Nonverbal Learning
Disabilities At Home- A
Parent’s Guide
Tanguay, Pamela
This book describes what makes it so hard for children
with LD and ADHD to get along in their world. The book
suggests ways parents, educators, and caregivers can
help these children with their social problems as well as
their educational problems.
207 Pages
This is a children’s book that addresses perfectionism. A
young child learns that nobody’s perfect yet people can
be wonderful just the same. Young children, especially,
crave the recognition, encouragement, and praise which
reward them for each new achievement. And when they
fail in some way, they are their own severest critics. A
good book to stimulate conversation with children on this
28 Pages
This author has a child with Non-verbal LD. The book
offers solutions to the everyday challenges of the
disorder, from early warning signs and self-care issues
to social skills and personal safety.
240 Pages
Now Look What You’ve
Done! Learning
Disabilities And SelfEsteem-Video
Teacher And Parent
Presented By
Robert Brooks
One Child At A Time-A
Parent Handbook and
Resource Directory For
African American
Families With children
Who Learn DifferentlyManual
Association For
The Education Of
African American
Children With
Tidwell, Nancy
Overcoming Dyslexia In
Children, Adolescents,
And Adults-Book
Jordan, Dale
Parent’s Guide To
Learning Disabilities, A
D’Antoni,Alice C.;
Minifie,Darrel G.;
Minifie,Elsie R.;
Continental Press
Picture Of Success
Reach For The MoonBook and Video
Abeel, Samantha
This book of poems and essays by Samantha Abeel a
young woman with learning disabilities, shows how with
the support of family and school, children with learning
challenges can find success. The book and video also
have a strong message encouraging self-advocacy!
75 Pages
15 Min.
Reaching Out To
Children With FAS/FAE:
A Handbook For
Teachers, Counselors,
And Parents Who Work
With Children Affected
By Fetal Alcohol
Syndrome And Fetal
Alcohol Effects
Davis, Diane
This book offers specific, concrete techniques to use
with children with FAS/FAE and their families. It is hoped
that this book will help teachers and families reduce
some of the frustrations they experience when dealing
with FAS/FAE children. The book also was written to
provide support and hope to families who must deal with
the reality of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol
Effects on an ongoing basis in their lives.
Read Naturally: A
Fluency Solution
Read Naturally-St
Paul, MN
This video focuses on stories of resilience in children
with learning disabilities. Dr. Brooks offers practical
strategies for helping children develop the confidence
and resilience they will need to succeed.
65 Min.
The purpose of this handbook and resource guide is to
empower African American parents to become
advocates for their children, in particular, children with
learning disabilities.
The handbook helps parents learn about their legal
rights and responsibilities under IDEA.
16 Pages
The purpose of this book is to translate the scientific
information on dyslexia into everyday language for
diagnosticians, teachers, counselors, tutors, parents,
students and anyone else who needs practical
knowledge of this issue.
350 Pages
This booklet is a helpful resource in understanding and
helping your child with a learning disability.
63 Pages
Artist P. Buckley Moss describes obstacles she has had
to overcome as a person with dyslexia. She speaks to
groups of children and youth with learning disabilities to
encourage them and demonstrate that you can succeed
while having a learning disability.
25 Min.
This folder contains one copy of the Read Naturally
Manual and One Placement Packet. The READ
NATURALLY Program combines threes powerful
strategies for improving fluency: teacher modeling,
repeated reading, and progress monitoring.
Ready or Not, Here Life
Levine, Mel
School Survival Guide
For Kids With LD*, The
(Learning Differences)
Fisher,G ary, Ph.D.
This book covers ways to make learning easier and
more fun. It provides specific tips and strategies for
getting along better in school. Recommended for all kids
who learn differently, their parents and teachers.
164 Pages
School Survival Guide
For Kids With LD*, The
(Learning Differences)
Audio Tape
Cummings, Rhoda;
Fisher, Gary
This tape will help you find 10 ways to get along better in
school, tips for making and keeping friends, eight ways
to get along better at home, what happens when you
grow up and how you can be a winner and much more.
It speaks word for word the same as the book by same
Seven Pathways Of
Learning: Teaching
Students And Parents
About Multiple
Lazear, David
This book is devoted to teaching about multiple
intelligences. It describes ways to expand intelligent
behavior, whether in school or in other everyday
situations outside the classroom.
225 Pages
Smart Kids With School
Problems: Things To
Know And Ways To
Vail, Priscilla
This book provides ways for parents and teachers to
look at students who may have abilities in one area and
great difficulties in others.
250 Pages
Source For Executive
Function DisordersBook
The manual is devoted to rehabilitation of those who
have executive function disorders due to ADHD, brain
injury, or other disabilities that impair these executive
functions of the frontal lobe of the brain:
Goal selection
Use of feedback
Completion of purposeful activities
211 pages
Source For Learning
Disabilities, The-Book
Currie, Paula
This book offers and overview of learning disabilities,
social aspects of LD, the different types of LD, and
many management and intervention strategies.
181 Pages
Study Strategies Made
Easy: A Practical Plan
For School Success
Grades 6-12-Book And
Davis, Leslie and
Sirotowitz, Sandi
Dr. Levine discusses the need for parents and educators
to focus less on college prêt and more on “life prep”,
equipping adolescents with what they will need to
succeed as adults.
He offers parents, schools, and adolescents how to
improve work-life readiness.
277 Pages
This complete curriculum program shows students,
parents, educators and health professionals important
study strategies necessary for school success.
Strategies focus on organizational skills, time
management, improving reading comprehension,
vocabulary development, communication, how to study
for tests effectively, memorization and more.
Workbook-168 Pages
Video-44 Min.
Survival Guide For Kids
With LD*
Learning Differences,
This book provides answers to a lot of the questions
parents, teachers, and students have about LD. This
book gives help, encouragement, and practical advice to
students with LD and the adults who care about them.
97 Pages
Survival Guide For Kids
With LD*
Learning Differences,
(Audio Tape)
This tape reads word for word along with the book of the
same title. Particularly helpful for those with auditory
Survival Guide For
Teenagers With LD*
Learning Differences,
Fisher, Gary, Ph.D.
Taking Dyslexia to
Moynihan, Lauren
Taming The Dragons:
Real Help For Real
School Problems
Setley, Susan
This guide for parents of children K-8 who struggle with
schoolwork, includes information on the nature of
learning disabilities and ADD as they affect a child's
school progress along with detailed instructions across
multiple skills and subjects for parents who want to help
their child mater their schoolwork.
237 Pages
That’s Life: Social
McConnell, Nancy
and Lo,Giudice,
For students ages 11 and up, That’s Life teaches
students how to be effective, appropriate communicators
in a wide variety of situations. Through direct instruction,
role-playing, observation, and discussion, students learn
how and why specific social language guidelines can
improve interpersonal relationships in all aspects of life.
176 pages
Trouble With School-A
Family Story About
Learning Disabilities
Dunn, Kathryn And
Dunn, Allison
Based on one family’s real-life experiences with learning
disabilities, this follows Allison and her mother, as each
tells her side of the story of diagnosing and adjusting to
Allison’s learning needs. The book hopes to help other
families cope with this often anxiety-filled situation.
40 Pages
This book describes a step-by-step program for
intervening with underachievement and promoting
student success. Teachers and parents learn specific
ways to support achievement and create a positive
learning environment. Students learn specific ways to
set goals, manage their work, develop good study
habits, and boost self-esteem. Together they develop a
plan for action which outlines everyone's responsibilities.
134 Pages
Up From
Heacox, Diane
Underachievement: How
Teachers, Students, And
Parents Can Work
Together To Promote
Student Success
This is a step-by-step handbook of school skills and life
skills. You will learn how to take charge of your
education, find out what it takes to live on your own, and
discover why LD can’t stop you from being your best-now and in the future. 190 Pages
This book is for elementary students. It’s main
character, Matt, has dyslexia. Matt tells his story about
the special challenges he faces and how he is helped to
learn in his school.
30 Pages
When Learning Is
Tough: Kids Talk About
Their Learning
Roby, Cynthia
The purpose of this book is to tell children with and
without learning disabilities how other children with LD
feel about their learning disabilities and their
experiences. The children speaking in this book are
ages 8-15 years old.
55 Pages
When The Chips Are
Lavoie, Richard
Richard Lavoie offers practical advice on dealing with
behavioral problems quickly and effectively. He shows
how preventive discipline can anticipate many problems
before they start. He explains how teachers and parents
can create a stale, predictable environment in which
children with learning disabilities can flourish.
62 Min.
When Your Child Has
LD-A Survival Guide For
Fisher, Gary
Cummings, Rhonda
This book hopes to answer parents’ questions about
their child’s abilities, self-esteem, school success,
friendships, and future prospects. In this guide, parents
will find answers to questions, encouragement, and
sound advice for seeing their child through the year
150 Pages
Why Are You Calling Me
Parzych, Holly
This book is designed for use with students who have
learning disabilities and/or their parents. Its overt
purpose is to explain what a learning disability is while
its covert purpose is to improve self-concept. While the
unit can be used independently, group discussion will
enhance the messages enclosed as well as more
effectively increase self-image.
Yes You Can
East, Joanne
This book was written for children who have a learning
problem of one kind or another. The booklet has quick
targeted ideas for classroom success and helpful tips on
coping with and understanding your learning disabilities.
33 Pages