Medical Terminology – Handout 4 Levels of Organization Body System ___________ System ___________ System ___________ System ___________ System ___________ System ___________ System ___________ System ___________ System ___________ System ___________ System ___________ system M U 106751294 Basic ______________________unit of the body – individual unit Group of ________ working together to perform a specialized _______ Composed of __________or more different types of____________, they have a specific __________usually have recognizable _________ Related ______________with a _______________ function Collection of body _________that makes up the most _________level Contains… Function Heart, Arteries; Veins; To deliver ______________blood to the body Capillaries; Blood; Spleen Lymph nodes, _____________ blood cells AKA: __________________ system. To remove infectious ___________and other pathogens from the body Mouth, esophagus, To convert ______ particles into simpler ____________, pancreas, liver molecules that can be absorbed into the gallbladder, intestines bloodstream and used by the body ___________________: To control growth, development, metabolism pituitary gland, thyroid gland, and reproduction through the production and pancreas gland, adrenal gland secretion of_________________. Female:________, uterus, Male:_______, penis Works with the skeletal and nervous system to produce _________________ ______________: cranium femur, fibula & tibia, humerus, radius and ulna, vertebrae _______________ , spinal cord & nerves To provide structure and support to the body Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, alveoli, lungs, diaphragm To provide the body with _____________ and remove ________________________ To _____________________the body’s response to ___________ in its environment Protection to the underlying layers; Body ________________ regulation; ______________ that respond to sensation ____________, ureters, bladder, urethra R D E R Remove ___________ products Keep __________& _________levels normal S 3/9/2016 L I N C 1 Combining form Meaning Examples Circul/a circulatory Crin/o exocrinology endocrinology Muscul/o muscular Pulmon/o pulmonologist pulmonic Skelet/o skeletal Ur/o uric uremia Suffix -ar cellar -ary pulmonary -ation circulation -crine endocrine -graph cardiograph -ive digestive -tive circulative -uria hematuria -y cardiography 106751294 3/9/2016 2