Summary responses to 1st Phase User Testing – 1845 Story Common Themes Recommendation Tell me where I am Provide a site map Have a back button always available Differentiate between main and interactive menu buttons Do not include during documentary Include in scene selections Provide documentary on separate DVD “Explore” button is jarring/confusing (many didn’t press because they wanted to continue watching doc) People miss the story slug/theme in the drill down Story structure described as choppy, uneven, repetitive Create chapter/scene titles and descriptions similar to Bleeding Through or Wanderings Each script should add/ build on the main story, not repeat it “Chapter Selection” wording confusing Change to story or scene selection Difficulty getting to interactive menu Include as option on main menu Video movies are unexpected/confused with documentary Letter-box them & include subtitle Include back button/indicator of length/where you are in video Have length apparent prior to viewing (from the menu, but in a consistent yet unobtrusive place) Avoid repetition between videos and documentary (both words and images) Allow choice between video and interactive (don’t have movie play automatically) Common Themes Recommendation “Play Introduction” wording is confusing/not what they expected Replace with how to use the DVD and/or Life and Legacy movie Not sure what they’ll get with the Comparison or Perspectives options Include comparison with artwork choice Combine Perspectives/Comparison to give context to impact of change/speculate on Kane conundrum People enjoy the artwork and journey sections Build on these, improve quality of some blurred images, add zoom feature Confusion around wording of buttons “sketches” “comparison” In “Journey” they always chose “Kane’s route” first Map icons (boat, canoe, etc.) unclear Use travel maps and journey footage as much as possible Slow down pacing of map to allow for SFX, text allow icons to stay on screen longer In “Kane’s journal” the text comparison too buried Make this another option “In Kane’s words” People enjoy the interactivity in comparison, artwork and journal Increase interactive options including Adding zoom feature, more comparisons, etc. Timeline of what? - Kane’s life/artwork? Increase font size/intensity Increase image size - Divide into three screens? Change location of timeline on page Include more archival images Find another word for “timeline” (Most thought images on timeline were Kane’s paintings) Once explained, people like the concept of timeline Common Themes Recommendation Set-up Menu – what does interactive on/off mean? Remove option from Set-up Menu Add “help” after on/off Include Interactive option in main menu Does interactive mean bonus features or a different way to view? Aren’t DVD’s already interactive? Make the experience more organic Reduce the number of layers/menus, dissolve rather than cut between DVD transitions Limitation of DVD stand alone unit -inability to search -unfamiliarity/uniformity of remote -people watch DVD movies first and then explore second -people expect to interact in same way they would a computer mouse Provide a DVD-Rom with search feature General Comments/Observations Recommendation People really like the interactive menu once they get there “nuggets of gold” that take mining give you the chance to “nibble” fascinated by the depth would spend a lot of time using it Often I didn’t know what to expect, but I wasn’t disappointed Make sure people can access from main menu Put doc and interactive on separate DVDs Clear instructions either in intro or written Flexibility of use/chapter selections is big selling point for teachers – the layers are good (but only if clear) For a teacher, certain subjects are of immediate interest, others would only be used as “asides” or “for curiosity’s sake” (ie. comparison features). PKI’s ability to interlink between many aspect in curriculum is invaluable in a teaching tool. Also for teachers, this is seen as a great tool: especially if it came with a map/architecture/comprehensive guide for the teacher. Would be a great way to start/end classes Fragmented nature good for students’ attention span, but complicated architecture will lose them (most A/V materials right now are too lengthy) Like clarity of images/music/production values of videos Well written and edited Common Themes Recommendation Positive reaction to voice and personality of Kane A few negative comments about narrator (Tantoo and Louise) Use Native storyteller as narrator Design elements and artwork are too faint/small Increase intensity/size of artwork and font – zoom in and moves on artwork Reduce white space where possible Handwritten font and brush strokes of titles artistic – although hard to see Reduce kerning, increase font size/intensity People work downward on main menu, clockwise on interactive menu Use this hierarchy to structure stories Comments on Applicability to Museum use Everyone thought it would be applicable and had great potential The two should be consistent People should always know how long things will be a an exhibit -people see interactive exhibits as providing context for the artifacts/artwork in terms of popular culture/political/historical times -story of Paul Kane’s life important to include comparison tool seen as being very applicable -interactive menu would be perfect to pick from, so would the timeline Sample (thus far) Seekers: Terri Tenberg, Ben Bogart, Patrick Lavalley, Monica Bodirsky, Philomena Chechock-Henhawke, Kat Mullally Wanderers: Mary Kay and Christine Brown, Louise Kelly, Gloria Reinbergs, Michael Forman Teachers: Greg Hobson, Grant Wilson Students: Autumn & Chandel Gambles (Grade 9 & 11)