WORLD GEOGRAPHY TODAY Red Flag Questions Pages 3-8 CHAPTER 1: STUDYING GEOGRAPHY SECTION 1: Themes and Essential Elements By the end of this section, you will be able to answer these questions: 1. What are the two main branches of geography? 2. How do we use geography? 3. What are some ways we can organize our world and the study of geography? WHAT IS GEOGRAPHY geography What do geographers study? perspective Identify and describe the type of perspective geographers use to study the world. landscapes What are the two main branches of geography? What might you be looking for if you were studying human geography? What does the study of physical geography focus on? WHO USES GEOGRAPHY Give examples of when you might use geography. Subfields of Geography cartography How have computers changed map-making? meteorology Geographers at Work What is the largest employer of cartographers? Why do businesses hire geographers? How is geographic knowledge linked to good citizenship? HOW DO WE STUDY GEOGRAPHY region What are the physical features included in a region? What are the human features? Give an example of how a region’s boundaries can be unclear? What size can regions be? Types of Regions formal region What features might a formal region be based on? Give examples. Rust Belt functional region Give some examples of a functional region. What are functional regions often centered around? Example? perception What influences our perceptions? perceptual regions What are some examples of perceptual regions? The Five Themes and Six Essential Elements List and define the five Themes of Geography. What are the six Essential Elements and what is their purpose?