Lesson Plan on Spanish grammar

Digital Portfolio #3: Curriculum Planning
Spanish 1 and 2 Unit Summary
This level 1 and 2 unit from Repaso: A review workbook for grammar,
communication, and culture (spanish edition) by Dr. Ronni Gordon and Dr. David
Stillman, delves into the grammatical differences between ser and estar. It also
emphasizes the usage of both of these verbs. Some more specific areas that are focused
on include:
Conjugations of ser
Conjugations of estar
Uses of ser:
Origin, possession, material
Preceding adjectives
Linking nouns and pronouns
Time, date, location of an event
Uses of estar:
Location and position
Preceding adjectives
Forming the Progressive tense
Conjugation of the Progressive tense
Mental and physical states
Conjugations and Usage of Past Participle
Difference in meaning due to ser or estar choice
Expressions with ser
Expressions with estar
Unit #3: Ser and Estar Lesson Plan
Big Ideas for the Unit
This unit has two main ideas. They are understanding the conjugations of
ser and estar for the present and past participle tenses and uses of the verbs
ser and estar.
Major TEKS
§114.22. Levels I and II - Novice Progress Checkpoint
(a) General requirements.
(F) recognize the importance of acquiring accuracy of expression
by knowing the components of language, including grammar.
(c) Knowledge and skills.
(1) Communication. The student communicates in a language other than
English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The
student is expected to:
(A) engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to
socialize and to provide and obtain information;
(C) present information using familiar words, phrases, and
sentences to listeners and readers. (TEKS Committee, 1998)
Day 1
daily objectives.
Comprehend the conjugations of ser and estar for the present and past
participle tenses. Work on using these conjugations in writing, listening,
speaking, and identification in reading.
Start off the lesson with passing out a story that aptly uses ser and estar.
The definitions of ser and estar will be on the board and students will be asked to
locate all of the conjugated forms in the story. This will be passed out at the bell
and will be the introduction to the unit. After five to ten minutes, students will
work in groups to compare answers and attempt to construct verb chart for how to
conjugate both. The class will reconvene and a blank verb chart will be on the
board for them to fill in as a class. (When listing a conjugation, they will
reference a sentence from the story for the entire class).
Once they have compiled an accurate verb chart, we will review the
conjugations for the present and past participle. Students will then play a game
called “matamoscas” where there are all of the conjugations mixed up on the
board. They will split into two teams and each will receive a fly swatter. Then,
they will compete to hit the correctly conjugated verb for the pronoun I announce.
The last five minutes of class will be spent working on a practice quiz.
At the end of class, they will have a practice quiz where they are given
two blank verb charts and need to fill them in for both ser and estar. They will
turn this in as their ticket to leave. This will allow me to gauge where the class is
and how well the lesson went over.
Day 2
daily objectives.
Comprehend the conjugations of ser and estar for the present and past
participle tenses. Work on actively choosing between these conjugations in
writing, listening, speaking, and identification in reading.
Their bell activity for the day will be 5 minute quiz where they fill in the
verb conjugation charts for ser and estar on the front and back of a note card
(future study tool). After they finish, they will turn in their quizzes and do the
same thing as a group. After turning in their group quiz, we will work on filling
in the verb charts as an entire class.
The class will then come to the front of the room where will read a story.
During this story, they will follow along and highlight each conjugation for ser
and estar. We will then brainstorm what we think the different uses of each of the
verbs are.
Once we have generated plenty of ideas on the board, we will go over a
more concise version of the usage rules. Then each group will get a stack of note
cards with sentences with blanks and either ser or estar on the back. They will
play the game by reading the sentences and trying to figure out as a group, what
the back says.
The last five minutes of class will be spent working on a practice quiz
about filling in the chart for ser vs. estar.
At the end of class, they will have a practice quiz where they are given a
blank ser vs. estar chart that they will fill in. They will turn this in as their ticket
to leave. This will allow me to gauge where the class is and how well the lesson
went over. They will also be sent home with a practice worksheet, similar to the
game they worked on in class.
Day 4
daily objectives.
Demonstrate competence and confidence with the conjugations of ser and
estar for the present and past participle tenses. Work on actively using these
conjugations in writing, listening, speaking, and identification in reading with
little reference to notes. Understand how meaning can change with expressions.
Their bell activity for the day will be 5 minute quiz where they fill in a ser
vs. estar chart individually and as a group. We will then fill in the chart as a class.
They will go over their homework as a group and each group will be
responsible for presenting a paragraph.
The class will split into two groups. There will be a giant ser vs. estar
chart, and ser and estar conjugation charts on the floor. I will start reading a story
and when I reach a blank, each team will send a member to race to either ser or
estar and why. After this is covered, I will read the sentence again and they will
need to race to the correct conjugation.
They will return to their groups and will will go over expressions used
with ser vs. estar and how these expressions can change meaning. They will then
practice using these expressions in conversation with their language partners
The last five minutes of class will be spent working on a practice quiz of
filling in the verb charts for ser and estar and the ser vs. estar chart.
At the end of class, they will have a practice quiz where they are given a
blank ser vs. estar chart and ser and estar conjugation charts to fill in. They will
turn this in as their ticket to leave. This will allow me to gauge where the class is
and how well the lesson went over. Their journal for the week will be using ser
and estar accurately and repeatedly in a two page entry. Their oral proficiency
exam for the week will be recording a three minute biography of themselves and
their day using ser and estar.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Committee. (1998). Levels 1 & 2, 3 & 4. Texas
essential knowledge and skills for languages other than english. 114, Retrieved
from http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter114/ch114c.html
Gordon, R., & Stillman, D. (2004). Repaso: A review workbook for grammar,
communication, and culture (spanish edition). (1 ed.). New York, NY: McGraw
Hill Glencoe.