Name: Date:

Name:__________________________________________ Date:_________________
Unit 4 Review
Manifest Destiny and Fight over Slavery
Fill in the Blank
1. ____________________ captured the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry.
2. People in favor of ridding the U.S. of slavery were known as __________________.
3. ____________________ was the idea that people of a territory should decide whether
it was slave or free.
4. The ____________________ case decided that slaves could not sue for freedom.
5. ____________________ was the name given to the fight over slavery in Kansas.
6. The ____________________ effectively nullified the Missouri Compromise.
Civil War
Battles: Label the following as victories for the Union (U) or Confederacy (C).
____ 7. Ft. Sumter
____ 8. Bull Run (Manassas)
____ 9. Antietam (Sharpsburg)
____ 10. Fredericksburg
____ 11. Chancellorsville
____ 12. Shiloh
____ 13. Gettysburg
____ 14. Vicksburg
____ 15. Atlanta
____ 16. Richmond
True or False: For the false statements, cross out the incorrect part and correct it.
T or F 17. The Emancipation Proclamation was meant to end slavery in the U.S.
T or F 18. Most of the fighting took place in the North.
T or F 19. General Lee commanded the Army of the Potomac throughout the war.
T or F 20. The Battle of Gettysburg was the deadliest battle of the war.
T or F 21. A presidential election was held during the war.
T or F 22. “Stonewall” Jackson was killed in the Battle of Fredericksburg.
T or F 23. General Lee was the Union’s first choice for head of the Union army.
T or F 24. Sherman’s “March to the Sea” ended in Savannah.
T or F 25. West Virginia split from Virginia to remain a slave state.
T or F 26. Maryland was a slave state that remained with the Union.
T or F 27. Over 600,000 troops were killed during the Civil War.
T or F 28. North Carolina was the first state to secede from the U.S.
T or F 29. Grant defeated Lee at the Battle of Gettysburg.
T or F 30. Virginia was the state with the most battles.
T. or F 31. Joshua Chamberlain led the 20th Maine on Culp’s Hill.
T or F 32. Infantry regiments were recognized by their crossed swords patch.
T or F 33. Andrew Jackson became “Stonewall” Jackson at the Battle of Bull Run.
T or F 34. General Grant was criticized for failing to pursue the Confederate Army.
T or F 35. The event that triggered southern secession was Lincoln’s election.
T or F 36. Many citizens opposed Lincoln’s harsh treatment of the South after the war
People: Match the person with their description.
____ 37. President of the Confederacy
____ 38. Killed by his own troops
____ 39. Union commander at Vicksburg
____ 40. Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia
____ 41. Union commander nicknamed “old snapping turtle”
____ 42. “Led” an unsuccessful charge on Cemetery Ridge
____ 43. Union general who destroyed Atlanta
____ 44. First commander of the Union army
____ 45. Union officer in charge of Fort Sumter
____ 46. Union commander at Chancellorsville
____ 47. Union commander at Antietam
____ 48. Union commander at Fredericksburg
____ 49. Commanded the 20th Maine
____ 50. Confederate commander at Vicksburg
____ 51. Commander of the Confederate 1st Corps at Gettysburg
____ 52. Became President after Lincoln’s assassination
____ 53. Commanded the center of the Union line at Gettysburg
____ 54. Assassinated Abraham Lincoln
____ 55. Commanded the Confederates at First Manassas
____ 56. Killed by Lincoln’s assassin
A. Anderson
B. Beauregard
C. Booth
D. Burnside
E. Chamberlain
F. Davis
G. Grant
H. Hancock
I. Hooker
J. Jackson
K. Johnson
L. Lee
M. Lincoln
N. Longstreet
O. McClellan
P. McDowell
Q. Meade
R. Pemberton
S. Pickett
T. Sherman
Fill in the Blank
57. ____________________ is the act of withdrawing from a country or government.
58. ____________________ was the nickname for a Confederate soldier.
59. ____________________ is a combat unit on horseback.
60. A ____________________ was a small hat worn by most troops.
61. A ____________________ was a long decorative jacket usually worn by officers.
62. ____________________ were slave states that remained in the Union.
63. A ____________________ is a government in which states retain most of the power.
64. The ____________________ is located at the end of a battle formation.
65. Gettysburg and ____________________ were major battles fought in Union states.
66. A ____________________ is the surrounding of a city or fort by troops.
Advantages: Label the following as advantages for the Union (U) or Confederacy (C).
____ 67. Larger population
____ 68. Sympathy from Great Britain and France
____ 69. Superior military leadership
____ 70. Fighting for independence
____ 71. Greater industrial strength
____ 72. Greater financial resources
____ 73. Larger network of railroads
____ 74. More stable government
____ 75. Greater food production
____ 76. Knowledge of battle terrain
Map: Locate the following battles or cities.
____ 77. Washington D.C.
____ 82. Antietam
____ 78. Richmond
____ 83. Fredericksburg
____ 79. Atlanta
____ 84. Gettysburg
____ 80. Savannah
____ 85. Vicksburg
____ 81. Ft. Sumter
____ 86. Appomattox Court House
Identify the following people.
87. ______________
88. ________________
89. ______________
90. _______________
91. _________________
92. _______________
93. ______________
94. _________________
95. _______________