Study guide for Chapter 4 - East Penn School District

Study guide for Chapter 4
Test is on: ____________________
Matching: Use the words above the questions to fill in the blanks
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson
William Penn
Thomas Hooker
Lord Baltimore
1. The founder of Connecticut was _______________________________
2. The founder of Rhode Island was ______________________________
3. The Quaker founder of Pennsylvania was _____________________________.
4. Fled the Massachusetts Bay Colony to escape religious persecution; became symbol of
religious freedom. ______________________________________
5. The founder of Maryland; Catholic son of Sir George Calvert.
13 Colonies
New England
6. The ______________ Colonies were settled by reformers and developed around tightly knit
villages and small towns.
7. The ______________ Colonies consisted of two major regions, the plantation dominated
Tidewater region and small farm backcountry.
8. The ______________ Colonies attracted a wide variety of immigrants who settled on farms
and in the cities of Philadelphia and New York.
9. During the late 1600s and 1700s, _______________ heavily regulated colonial trade to
benefit itself.
10. During the 1700s, England’s ______ became societies with their own ideas and traditions.
indentured servant
11. The highest social class in the 13 colonies was called the _____________________.
12. An___________________, is a person who learns a trade or craft from a master.
13. An_________________, is a trade product sent to markets outside the country.
14. An __________________________, is a person who agrees to work without wages for a
period of time in exchange for passage to the colonies.
15. A person who cannot pay money he or she owes is a called a ___________________.
16. The act of publishing a statement that may unjustly damage a person’s reputation is called
17. An ____________________, is a trade product brought into a country.
18. A belief that one race is superior to another is called ________________, still exists today.
Charles Mason
James Oglethorpe
Peter Stuyvesant
19. ___________________________ was the founder of the debtor colony of Georgia
20. __________________________ was a Dutch governor who lost New Amsterdam to the
English who was poorly liked by his people.
21. The English surveyor, __________________________, mapped a line between
Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Main Ideas: These thoughts can be used for multiple choice questions on your test
**Study Suggestion: Put one side of arrow on a note card, the rest on the other side of note card, just a thought**
Purpose of New England Town meetings was to  discuss important community issues
Puritans left England to  escape religious persecution
Difference between slaves and indentured servants in the 1700s colonial societies 
Indentured servants could earn their freedom over time and slaves were treated as property.
The first colony to set up the first tax supported public school in British North America 
The southern colonies relied on slave labor  number of enslaved Africans increased
What group first settled Maryland to escape persecution in England  Catholics
The Great Awakening  was a religious movement in the colonies
Who enjoyed the least freedom in the English colonies  Africans
MAIN PURPOSE of the passage of the navigation acts by England to tighten colonial trade
What was the geography/ climate in the Middle Colonies  mild to cold winters, fertile soil
What was the economy of the Middle Colonies  most people made living from farming
Benjamin Franklin was a model of the Enlightenment spirit because 
He used reason to improve the world around him, especially with his many scientific
inventions and ideas.
ESSAY To get information for essays, use notes and textbook. PICK ONLY ONE.
If you are struggling to get information for them, see Mr. Budinas 9th period to practice.
You should have at least 5 well-developed sentences for an essay.
How were the Middle Colonies different than the New England Colonies?
Describe the growth of slavery in the colonies. Be sure to include why the colonists
allowed slavery, who was involved and how did the colonists benefit.
Explain the economic theory of mercantilism and trading in the colonies. Be sure to
explain triangular trade in your answer.