Marie D - Emmanuel College

Marie D. Natoli
11 Francis Road
Wellesley, MA 02482
Tel: (1) (781) 239-1065
Cell: (1) (781) 801-2939
Fax: (1) (781) 239-0024
Educational Background
Ph.D., M.A. in Political Science, Tufts University, 1975, 1972
JD, Suffolk Laws School, 1998
MBA, Sawyer School of Management, Suffolk University, 2001
(Included study in “International Business,” Bocconi University, Milan, Italy)
B.A. in Political Science, Hunter College, 1967
Mediation Certification under Massachusetts General Laws, 1999
Professional Activities and Affiliations:
 American Bar Association
 Massachusetts Bar Association
 Boston Bar Association
 Office of the White House Legal Counsel, Washington, D. C., summer, 1998
 American Association of University Professors
 John F. Kennedy Academic Advisory Committee
 Center for the Study of the Presidency Regional Review Panel, Harry S. Truman
Scholarship Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1988-1992
 Editorial Board, Presidential Studies Quarterly, 1980-1996
 American Civil Liberties Union
 Human Rights Campaign
 Pi Sigma Alpha (National Political Science Honor Society)
 Pi Gamma Mu ((National Social Science Honor Society)
 Golden Key Society (National Service Honor Society)
 Study at Oxford University, “English Law,” summer 2002
 Volunteer Lawyers Project (VLP), series of workshops sponsored by the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and the
Massachusetts Bar Association
Teaching Experience
Full Professor of Political Science 1970-present
Emmanuel College
Boston, MA
Visiting Professor:American University Washington Semester Program, Summer ’98; ‘06
Teaching Areas: American Politics generalist; public policy; media; law; business law
Online teaching experience
Graduate Workshop Director:
 “The Growth of the American Presidency and Presidency Power: A Workshop for
Secondary School Teachers,” (Summer, 1975), Emmanuel College
 “Experiencing the Inner City,” (Summer, 1976), Emmanuel College
“Simulations and Games: Their Use in the Classroom,” (Summer, 1977)
Emmanuel College
Other Related Graduate Teaching Experience:
 Design and hosting of the weekly television course, “Simulation Games for the
Classroom Teacher,” Fall, 1977 (WNAC-TV Channel 7, Boston; WSMW-TV
Channel 27, Worcester)
 “Simulation Games for the Classroom Teacher: A Workshop” (in conjunction
with the television course of the same title above (above)
 “The American Presidency and Vice Presidency in Perspective,” a course
especially developed for the national Elderhostel, a program that brings the
elderly to college campuses across the country (summer, 1978)
 “Using Simulations in the College and University Classroom: A Workshop,’
American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), October, 1978
 “Simulation Games in the Classroom: A Workshop,” Bryant College, Smithfield,
Rhode Island (October, 1978)
 American Field Studies courses: “Our American Government” (conducted in
Washington, D.C.); “The Kennedy Presidency” (conducted in Boston, MA);
“Greece: The Birthplace of Democracy” (conducted in Greece)
 Elderhostel courses: Summer, 1984; 1986-89 (Emmanuel College or at the John
F. Kennedy Library)
Other Related Teaching:
 Project Summa lectures, Fall, 1984-87 (a program which brought gifted inner city
high school students onto the college campus)
 Lectures to incoming freshmen at part of Emmanuel College Admissions Office
programs (ongoing)
 Visiting Professor, American University, Washington, D.C., summer 1998,
summer 2005
Publications and Other Professional Activities:
Books and Chapter Contributions:
Research in progress for a book on individual acts of courage and conscience
Understanding American Government, 6th ed., text and Study Guide,
Horizon/BVT Textbook Publishers, spring 2013
“Ogunquit: Then and Now,” co-authored with Kathryn M. Severson and Susan D.
Meffert, Arcadia Press, spring 2009
American Prince, American Pauper: The Contemporary Vice Presidency and
Presidential Relations, revision of American Prince, American Pauper:The
Contemporary Vice Presidency in Perspective (see below), spring 2010
Research under way on a book dealing with 9/11, civil liberties and the American
Understanding American Government, 5th ed., text and Study Guide, Horizon
Textbook Publishers, spring 2011
Understanding American Government, 4th ed., text and Study Guide, Horizon
Textbook Publishers, spring, 2009
Understanding American Government, 3d ed., text and Study Guide, Horizon
Textbook Publishers, expected summer, 2007
Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Public Policy, Justice, and the Law.
McGrawHill/Dushkin, November, 2005
Understanding American Government, 2d ed., text and Study Guide, Horizon
Textbook Publishers, Fall 2005
Understanding American Government text and Study Guide, Horizon Textbook
Publishers, Fall, 2004
“Civil Disobedience and The Rule of Law: Tensions Between Two Strains of
American Thought,”chapter contribution to The Moral Authority of Government:
Moorhead Kennedy, R. Gordon Hoxie, and Brenda Repland, eds., Transaction
Publishers, 2000
American Prince, American Pauper: The Contemporary Vice Presidency in
Perspective, Greenwood/Praeger Press, 1985
“American Hatred, American Shame: The Japanese-American Evacuation and
Relocation During World War II,” a case study used as a supplement in several of
my courses, e.g., American Politics; Political Leaders and Political Movements;”
“Public Policy.” (The thrust of the work uses the episode as a case study of the
willingness of a people to deny others’ constitutional rights during periods of
“The Vice Presidency in the Third Century,” chapter contribution to The
Presidency in Transition, James P. Pfiffner and R. Gordon Hoxie, eds, Center for
the Study of the Presidency, 1988
“Woodrow Wilson,” chapter contribution to Popular Images of American
Presidents, William C. Spragens, ed., Greenwood/Praeger Press, 1988
Republication of “Perspectives on the Vice Presidency,” included in a volume
entitled The Presidency Today, David Kozak and Kenneth W. Ciboski, eds.,
Nelson-Hall Publishers, 1984
“Chief,” a simulation game on the American Presidency, included in a volume of
political science simulations, Simple Simulations, Charles Wolcott, ed., American
Political Science Association, Washington, D. C., 1980
“Au Revoir Voir Dire and Other Socioeconomic Disparities in the U. S.
Legal System,” New England Law Review, v. 47, Spring 2013
“A Water Shed Election: The 2012 U. S. Presidential Election and Policies
for the Next Administration,” AngloAmerican University and IJAS,
Prague, Czech Republic, May 2013.
“The Crisis Presidency: What Price National Security?” International
Journal of Arts and Sciences Vol 5, No. 6, 2013
“Rescuing the Underclass,” Op-Ed article, Sunday Boston Globe,
December, 1996
“President Bush at Work: A Lesson on the American Presidency,”
Presidential Studies Quarterly, Winter, 1991
“The Separation of Powers in the United States,” a publication for the
United States Information Agency, Washington, D.C., 1990
“American First Ladies,” a publication for the United States Information
Agency, Washington, D. C., 1990
“Dan Quayle: Administration Spokesman,” The Boston Globe, May, 1989
“Presidency and Congress,” a publication for the United States
Information Agency, Washington, D.C., 1988
“Harry S. Truman and the Contemporary Vice Presidency,” Presidential
Studies Quarterly, winter, 1988
“The Voters Decide: Americans Select a President,” a publication for the
United States Information Agency, Washington, D. C., 1985
“The American Voter: A Profile,” a publication for the United States
Information Agency, Washington, D.C., 1983
“Factors Shaping the Contemporary American Presidency,” a publication
for the United States Information Agency, Washington, D.C., 1983
“The Humphrey Vice Presidency,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, fall,
“Perspectives on the Vice Presidency,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, fall,
“Vice Presidency Gains – But Is Subject to Presidential Whim,’ Op-Ed
article, The Atlanta Constitution, September 29, 1981
“Abolish the Vice Presidency?” Presidential Studies Quarterly, spring,
“The Vice Presidency: Walter Mondale in the Lion’s Den,” Presidential
Studies Quarterly, winter, 1979
“The Mondale Vice Presidency: Is the Die Cast?” Presidential Studies
Quarterly, spring/summer, 1977
“The Twenty-Fifth Amendment: Opening a Pandora’s Box,” Presidential
Studies Quarterly, fall, 1976
 Review of In the Shadow of FDR: From Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan,
William E. Leuchtenberg, author, Presidential Studies Quarterly, summer, 1985
 Review of Letters from the Hill Country: The Correspondence of Rebekah and
Lyndon Baines Johnson, Philip R. Rulon, ed., Presidential Studies Quarterly,
winter, 1985
 Review of Studying the Presidency, George C. Edwards, III and Stephen J.
Wayne, eds., Presidential Studies Quarterly, winter, 1984
 Review of The Virginia Papers on the Presidency, vol. V and vol. VVI, Kenneth
W. Thompson, eds., Presidential Studies Quarterly, winter, 1984
 Review of The Presidency and Information Policy, Harold Relyea, author,
Government Publications Review, Vol. 9, no. 2, 1982
 Review of George C. Wallace and the Politics of Powerlessness: The Wallace
Campaigns for the Presidency, 1944-1976, Jody Carlson, author; Presidential
Studies Quarterly, fall, 1980
 Review of The Road to the Whiter House, Stephen J. Wayne, author, Presidential
Studies Quarterly, fall, 1980
 Review of Rockefeller of New York, Robert H. Connery and Gerald Benjamin,
authors; Presidential Studies Quarterly, fall, 1980
 Review of The Truman White House: The Administration of the Presidency,
1945-53; Francis J. Heller, ed., Presidential Studies Quarterly, summer, 1980
Panel Participation/Paper Presentations/Special Lectures:
 “Crisis in the Judicial System,” Symposium Participant, New England
School of Law, November 2012
 “A Water Shed Election: The 2012 U. S. Presidential Election, Politics
and Policies,” invitation to present a paper at the International Journal of
Arts and Sciences conference, May, 2013, Prague, The Czech Republic
 “The U. S. Crisis Presidency: What Price Security?” paper presented the
International Journal of Arts and Sciences conference, Paris, France, April
 “A Heartbeat Away: The U. S. Vice Presidency,” International Journal of
Arts and Sciences conference, Salzburg, Austria, May, 2011
 “Vice Presidents and First Ladies,” Panel Discussant, Northeast Political
Science Association, Newport, Rhode Island, April, 2010.
 “Religion and Politics,” Panel Chair, Northeast Political Science
Association, Newport, Rhode Island, April, 2010.
“Terrorism, Rhetoric, and the Imperial Presidency,” paper presented at an
international conference on “Interdisciplinary Analyses of Aggression &
Terrorism,” co-sponsored by the Coloquios Internationales Sobre
Conflicto Y Agresion (CICA) and the Society for Terrorism Research
(STR). Madrid, Spain, September 2007
“9/11 and the Imperial Presidency,” lecture at the University of
Nuremberg at Ehrlingen, Germany, December 2006.
Visiting Professor, American University Washington Semester Program
1998 and summer 2006)
“Sex and Violence on TV,” lecture as part of “Television and the Shaping
of Modern America,” The American Studies Institute, John F. Kennedy
Library, July, 1996
“History in the First Person: An Interview with Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.”
John F. Kennedy Library; moderator and panelist, spring, 1992
“Leadership ’92,” panel discussant, Twenty-Third Annual Student
Symposium, Center for the Study of the Presidency, Washington, D.C.,
March 20-22, 1992 (panel: “Roles of the Vice President”)
“America’s Bill of Rights at 200 Years and the New World Order,” panel
discussant, Twenty-Second Annual Student Symposium, Center for the
Study of the Presidency, Washington, D. C., March 22-24, 1991 (panel:
“National Security and Freedom of the Press”)
“Congress and the Presidency: The 1950s and the 1990s,” Twenty-Fifth
Annual Leadership Conference,” Center for the Study of the Presidency,
Austin, Texas,
October 26-28, 1990 (panel: “Presidents and First Ladies at Work”)
“The FDR and JFK Media Presidencies: The Lingering Legacies,” lecture
delivered before the Reading College Club, Reading, Massachusetts,
winter, 1990
“Leadership,” lecture for the “Women in Politics Program,” Boston
College, fall, 1989; fall, 1990; spring, 1991
“The Presidency at 200 Years,” panel discussant, Twentieth Annual
Student Symposium, Center for the Study of the Presidency, Washington,
D.C., March 17-19, 1989 (panel: “The President and Domestic and
Economic Policy”)
“The Presidency in Transition,” panel discussant, Center for the Study of
the Presidency, Nineteenth Annual Leadership Conference, Boston,
Massachusetts, November 11-13, 1988 (panel: “1988 Elections”) (also
served as Coordinator of Local Arrangements)
“Spots, Sound Bites and Pseudoevents: The Media and Campaign ’88,”
forum participant, Tufts University, November, 1988
“Election ’88 Analysis,” a lecture at Post College, Waterbury,
Connecticut, November, 1988
“Teaching About the American Presidency,” moderator and panelist, John
F. Kennedy Library, October, 1988
“The Presidency and Vice Presidency in Perspective,” a lecture for the
“Symposium on the Presidency,” sponsored by the United States
Department of the Interior, held at the Adams National Historical Site,
Quincy, Massachusetts, September, 1988
“Considerations on the Bicentennial,” panel discussant, Center for the
Study of the Presidency,” National Leadership Conference jointly
sponsored by the Carter Presidential Library, Atlanta, Georgia, November,
1986 (panel: “The Presidency, Human Rights, and the Constitution”)
“After Geneva: Congress, The Presidency and National Security Policy,”
panel discussant, Center for the Study of the Presidency, Seventeenth
Annual Student Symposium, Washington, D.C., April 12-14, 1985
“Eleanor Roosevelt: Activist, Democrat, Humanitarian,” panel moderator,
“The Early Years: 1984-1945,” conference marking the centennial of the
birth of Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, held at the John F. Kennedy
Library, Boston, Massachusetts, October 22, 1984
“Campaign ’84: The Contest for National Leadership,” panel discussant,
Center for the Study of the Presidency, Fifteenth Annual Student
Symposium, March 23-25, 1984
“Presidential Style and Leadership,” Round Table, Northeastern Political
Science Association, Newport, Rhode Island, April 13-14, 1984
(participation requested by The Institute for Leadership Studies, Farleigh
Dickinson University)
“The Contemporary Presidency,” panel discussant, John F. Kennedy
Library program for high school students, November 10, 1983
“Congress and the Presidency: Considerations on the Separation of
Powers,” panel discussant, Center for the Study of the Presidency,
Fourteenth Annual Leadership Conference, Fourteenth Annual Leadership
Conference, Denver. Colorado, October 28-30, 1983
Chair, panel on “The Roosevelt Presidency,” part of The Second Thomas
P. O’Neill, Jr. Symposium in American Politics, Boston College, October
14, 1983
“The Post-Watergate Vice Presidency: The More Things Change, The
More They Stay the Same,’ paper presented at the New England Political
Science Association, April 22, 1983
“Shaping the Presidency: Parties, Personalities, Press,” panel discussant,
Fourteenth Annual Student Symposium, Center for the Study of the
Presidency, Washington, D. C., April 7-10, 1983 (panel: “Shaping the
Presidency and National Defense Policy”)
“The Media and the Modern Presidency,” paper presented at the
Southwest Political Science Association, Houston, Texas, March 16-19,
1983 (later requested for microfilm/fiche listing by ERIC – Educational
Resources Information Center), Boulder, Colorado, for Social Studies
“The American Vice Presidency,” lecture delivered at the John F.
Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts, July, 1982
“The Institutional Presidency: The Cabinet, The Staff and the Vice
Presidency,” panel discussant, Center for the Study of the Presidency,
Thirteenth Annual Leadership Conference, in association with the Hubert
H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
November 5-7, 1982 (conference discussant; panel moderator: “Hubert H.
Humphrey and the Institutional Vice Presidency”)
“Separation of Powers and the Power to Govern,” panel discussant, Center
for the Study of the Presidency, Thirteenth Annual Student Symposium,
Washington, D.C., March 11-14, 1982 (two panels: “Separation of Powers
and Foreign Policy,” and “Towards More Effective Government”)
“Government and the Media,” panel discussant, Center for the Study of
the Presidency, Twelfth Annual Leadership Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio,
October 16-18, 1981
“Independence and Interdependence in the 1980s: Canada, The
Commonwealth, and the United States,” panel discussant, Center for the
Study of the Presidency, Twelfth Annual Student Symposium,
Washington, D.C., March 19-22, 1981 (two panels: “Independence and
Interdependence in the 1980s,” and “Security Policies for the 1980s)
“Comparative Executive Leadership: The Prime Minister and the
President,” panel discussant and concluding roundtable member, Center
for the Study of the Presidency Eleventh Annual National Leadership
Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, October 17-19, 1980
“National Leadership and Priorities,” panel discussant, Center for the
Study of the Presidency, Tenth Annual Student Symposium, Washington,
D. C., April 27-29, 1979 (two panels: “The President and Commander-inChief and Chief Diplomat” and “The Exercise of Presidential Power”)
“The Exercise of Presidential Power: Truman, Eisenhower and Today,”
panel discussant, Center for the Study of the Presidency, Tenth Annual
Leadership Symposium, Kansas City, Missouri, October 5-7, 1978
 Political consultant in the production of the documentary entitled “Campaign
Fever,” broadcast on WCVB-TV, Channel 5, fall, 1984
 “Using Simulation Games in the College and University Classroom: A Workshop,
lecture and workshop direction at the American Society for Public Administration
(APSA) Regional Meeting, Albany, New York, October, 1978
 “Simulation Games in the Classroom: A Workshop,” Merrimack College,
November, 1978
 “Simulation Games in the Classroom: A Workshop,” Bryant College, October,
 “Simulation Games for the Classroom: A Television Experience,” discussion at
the annual conference of the North American Simulation and gaming Association
(NASAGA), October 14, 1977, held at the Park Plaza Hotel, Boston,
Media Appearances:
 “The U. S. Senate,” radio interview with George Knight, spring 2010
 “The Kennedy Legacy,” “Ireland Today” (Dublin, Ireland news program)
 “The American Presidency and Afghanistan.” BBC-TV, London, England
 Participation in a one-hour PBS documentary on the American Vice Presidency,
“Running Mate,” initially aired during October, 1996 and repeated thereafter
 Interview re: Republican vice presidential candidate selection, “The Connection,”
with Christopher Lyden, NPR, August, 1996
 “The Vice Presidency and the 1996 Election,” Voice of American Radio
interview (aired internationally), taped spring, 1996
 “The Legacy of Richard M. Nixon,” interview, New England Cable TV, 1994
 “The Legacy of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy,” interview, New England Cable TV,
 “The Legacy of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis,” interview, New England Cable
TV, 1995
 “The Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis,” interview, New England Cable
TV, 1992
 “The Kennedy Legacy,” appearance on “The Today Show,” NBC-TV, November
22, 1988
 “The 1988 Vice Presidential Selection,” Voice of American radio broadcast, taped
summer, 1988 (and broadcast worldwide thereafter)
 “Decision ’88,” Interview, “Point of View,” WLVI-TV, Channel 56, Boston,
Massachusetts, March, 1988\
 “The Presidency and the Iran-Contra Affair,” Interview, “Point of New,” WLVITV, Channel 56, Boston, Massachusetts, December, 1987
 “Prospects for the Bush Presidential Candidacy,” Interview, “Focus, Voice of
America radio broadcast, taped May, 1986 (and broadcast worldwide thereafter)
 “Views on the Vice,” Interview, The Tab, July 24, 1984
 “The Ferraro Selection,” Interview, The San Francisco Examiner, June 17, 1984
 “The Ferraro Vice Presidential Selection,” Interview, The Tom Larson Show,
July 1984
 “Vice Presidential Selection,” “Focus,” Voice of American radio broadcast, taped
July 1984 (and broadcast worldwide thereafter)
 “The Contemporary American Presidency,” Voice of America radio broadcast
(taped March, 1982 (and broadcast worldwide thereafter)
 “American renew,” commentary with Joelle Attinger, Time Magazine, Boston
Correspondent, regarding the special Time issue of February 23, 1981, Interview,
“Sunday Open House, WVCB-TV, Channel 5, Boston, Massachusetts, January 4,
 “Prospects for the Bush Vice Presidency,” Interview, “The Tom Larson Show,”
WSBK-TV, Channel 38, Boston, Massachusetts, December 19, 1980
 Prospects for the Bush Vice Presidency,” Interview, “Larson Sunday Night,”
WSBK-TV, Channel 38, Boston, Massachusetts, December 19, 1980
“Prospects for the Bush Vice Presidency,” Interview, “The Good Day! Show,”
WCVB-TV, Channel 5, Boston, Massachusetts, December 17, 1980
“Election Analysis,” Interview, “Sunday Open House,” WCVB-TV, Channel 5,
Boston, Massachusetts, November 2, 1980
“The American Vice Presidency,” Interview, “Nightscene,” with David Brudnoy,
WRKO-TV, Channel 7, Boston, Massachusetts, October 12, 1980
‘The Vice Presidency,” Interview, “The Tom Larson Show,” WSBK-TV, Channel
38, August 15, 1980
“Vice Presidency: A Job That Keeps Growing,” Interview, U.S. News & World
Report, July 28, 1980
“How Much Should We Know About Candidates’ Personal Lives?” Interview,
“The Good Day! Show,” WCVB-TV, Channel 5, Boston, Massachusetts, July 25,
“The Vice Presidency in the 1980 Campaign,” Interview, “The Good Day!
Show,” WCVB-TV, Channel 5, Boston, Massachusetts, July 16, 1980
“Simulations Games for the Classroom Teacher,” WNAC-TV, Channel 7, Boston,
Massachusetts; WSMW-TV, Channel 27, Worcester, Massachusetts (re-run of the
Fall, 1977 television course)
Design and hosting of the weekly television course “Simulation Games for the
Classroom Teacher,” WNAC-TV, Channel 7, Boston, Massachusetts; WSMWTV, Channel 27, Worcester, Massachusetts, fall, 1977
“The Future of the American Vice Presidency,” Interview, “The Good Day”
Show,” WCVB-TB, Channel 5, Boston, Massachusetts, December 24, 1976 (and
nationally syndicated thereafter)
Educational Program Planning and Development/College Activities:
(abbreviated list)
 Founder and Director of the Urban and Legal Internship Program, Emmanuel
College, 1970-present
 Faculty representative working with WINNERS (Women’s Inner City Education
Resource Service) to develop a grant for a program that would fund a four-year
baccalaureate program for seventy economically disadvantaged inner city women
 Campus Director, Harry S. Truman Foundation Scholarship Program, 1976-1984;
1993-1996 (during the intervening years I served on the New England Regional
Review Panel of the Foundation)
 Faculty Committee working on the development of a “Program in Gerontology,”
1977-1978 -- feasibility; curriculum development; recommendation for a threepronged program (undergraduate training program; education for the elderly;
ongoing training for professionals)
 Faculty Committee working on the development of a “Program in Business
Management,” 1976-1977
 Faculty Committee working of the development of a BSN Program, 1979-1980
 Originator and coordinator of the “Energy Forum,” 1979-1980
Panel Moderator, “Women in the 1980s,” Emmanuel College’s 60th Anniversary,
Worcester Panel, 1980
Faculty Committee working on the development of an energy lecture/workshop
series and grants, 1979-1980
Committee for the revision of the Faculty Handbook, 1980-1981; 1981-1982
Augmented Long-Range Planning Committee, 1980-1981
Faculty Senate (numerous terms over the past 35 years; Vice-Chair, 1991-1992);
newly elected 2006
Steering Committee Alumnae Networking, 1982 (culminated in the development
of NEW [Network of Emmanuel Women])
Enrollment Task Force (Long-Range Planning Committee), 1982
Health Management Program Committee (planning), 1981-1982
Search Committee, Associate Director of Admissions, summer, 1982
United Way Chairperson, 1978-1979; 1983-1983
Elderhostel, summer 1977, 1978, 1984, 1988, 1989
Faculty Equity Board, 1982-1985
Campus Ministry, “Last Lecture Series,” fall 1995
NEW (Network of Emmanuel Women), panel moderator, “Women in Politics,
November, 1984
Campus Life Committee, 1984-1985, working on the reorganization of the
Judicial Board; alcohol policy; speakers’ series, etc.)
Media Committee, fall 1985
Screening Committee, Director of the Library, 1985
Address, Dean’s List Reception, fall 1987
Baccalaureate Address, fall 1987
Convocation Address, fall 1987
Academic Affairs Committee, 1987-1989
Faculty Advisor to student publication, The Advocate, 1988
Advisor to the Political Science Club (now entitled The Political Science Forum),
Vice Chair, Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure, 1989-1990
Faculty Advisor to Student Government Organization, 1989-1991; 1995-1996;
Task Force on “Discrimination Symposium,” 1990-1991
Academic Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate, 1990-1992
Summer Session Planning Committee, 1993-2000
Faculty Affairs Committee, 1993-1996
Advisor to Political Science majors (ongoing)
Advisor to the newly formed Democratic Club, 2004 –
Pre-Law Advisory Committee (ongoing); now serving as Chair
Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure (at varying times; most recent
election: 2005)
Biographical Listings:
Directory of American Scholars
Who’s Who Among American Women
World’ Who Who of Women
International Who’s Who in Education
 National Defense Education Act (NDEA) Title IV Fellowship (to pursue Ph.D.
 Harry S. Truman Library Foundation Grant, May, 1973
 Lyndon B. Johnson Library Foundation Grant, April, 1974
 Eleanor Roosevelt Institute Grant, May, 1974
 National Science Foundation Grant for participation in a seminar on “Political
Socialization,” at Mt. Holyoke College, October, 1974 and March, 1975
 National Science Foundation Grant for participation in a seminar on
“Urbanization, Residential Mobility and City Structure,” at Hampshire College,
November, 1975 and March, 1976
 Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE) Grant
sponsoring participation in the American Political Science Association’s (APSA)
Professional Development Program for Political Science Professors, hosted by the
Center for Personalized Instruction, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.,
June 21-25, 1976 (also included participation in a “Workshop on Simulation
 National Science Foundation Grant for participation in a seminar on “Visual
Evidence and Women’s Roles,” at Hampshire College, November, 1976 and
April, 1977
 Lilly Foundation Grant sponsoring participation in the New England Political
Science Association’s “Seminar on the American Presidency,” held at Boston
College, the John F. Kennedy Library, and the University of
Massachusetts/Boston, April 6-7, 1978
 National Science Foundation Grant sponsoring participation in “The Classroom
and the Newsroom,’ a joint project of the Poynter Center of the University of
Indiana at Bloomington and the Modern Media Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida;
held at the Modern Media Institute, March 25-31, 1979
 National Science Foundation Grant sponsoring participation in a seminar on
“Aging, Family and Bureaucracy,” held at Hampshire College, November 8-9,
1979 and March 13-14, 1980
 Emmanuel College Faculty Development Grant to conduct research on the
American Presidency, 1981-1982
 Emmanuel College Faculty Development Grant to attend the Thirteenth Annual
Leadership Conference of the Center for the Study of the Presidency, held in
Minneapolis, Minnesota (Conference theme: “The Institutional Presidency: The
Cabinet, the Staff, and the Vice President), 1982-1983
 Emmanuel College Faculty Development Grant for research comparing the FDR
and JFK media presidencies, 1985-1986
 Campus Life Award, Emmanuel College, 1985
Emmanuel College Faculty Development Grant to attend the Eighteenth Annual
Leadership Conference of the Center for the Study of the Presidency, held in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Conference Theme: “Considerations on the
Bicentennial), 1987
Teaching Excellence Award, Emmanuel College, 1987
Emmanuel College Faculty Development Grant for research regarding
presidential decision-making and the Japanese-American evacuation from the
West Coast during World War II, 1988-1989
Emmanuel College Faculty Development Grants for student research assistants,
2004 - present
Emmanuel College faculty Development Grant for participation in a Chautauqua
course on “The Birth and History of the Atomic Bomb,” Fall, 2006
Northeast Association of Pre-Law Advisers (NAPLA) travel/conference grant for
participation in June 2010 conference, Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina
Emmanuel College faculty Development Grant towards presentation of a peerreviewed paper entitled “The Vice Presidency: A Heartbeat Away,” Salzburg,
Austria, 2011.
Emmanuel College faculty Development Grant towards presentation of a peerreviewed paper entitled, “The Crisis Presidency: What Price Security?” Paris,
France, 2012