® AP Spanish Language Syllabus Course Overview Goals • Students will expand their interpersonal communication skills in Spanish through daily classroom interactions in the language. This includes casual conversations with the teacher and classmates as well as formal discussions. [C1] • Students will increase and refine their written presentational skills in formal and informal contexts. • Students will refine their oral presentational skills in formal and informal contexts. • Students will broaden their comprehension skills of written and aural material in formal and informal contexts. • Students will broaden their understanding of the cultures that comprise the Spanish-speaking world through the study of history, literature, art, music, and current events. • Students will make connections between their learning in the Spanish classroom, their learning in other classes, and their daily lives. Course objectives: I. Express ideas accurately and fluently in writing. Improve writing skills through 1. Essay Writing. Every three weeks each student writes a formal, well organized analytical or persuasive essay of at least 200 words, on an appropriate topic, in reaction to a text or information discussed or viewed, which is evaluated for its content, organization, range and appropriateness of vocabulary, and grammatical accuracy. 2. Other Writing Tasks. There are weekly writing activities related to topics covered, such as: writing journal entries, letters, e-mails, poems, and dialogues, abstract writing, creative writing, or writing reactions to articles and lectures. [C6] C1—The teacher uses Spanish almost exclusively in class and encourages students to do likewise. C6—The course provides instruction and frequent opportunities to write a variety of compositions in Spanish. 1 II. Synthesize vocabulary and structures to broaden understanding in reading newspapers, magazine articles, and literary pieces with increasing ease and accuracy. Improve reading skills through 1. Weekly reading focus and text analysis. Students read and interpret selected samples of authentic literary prose and poetry (as a vehicle of language study and expansion as well as emerging literary analysis), current topics (newspaper and magazine articles), and communications (letters and emails). 2. Reading Strategies: The following (and others as appropriate) are employed regularly to help improve reading skills: thinking maps, word attack skills, effective use of context clues, and interactive reading. 3. Research projects. Students use reading strategies and vocabulary knowledge to improve reading skills when investigating various topics, and ultimately to create and to present a synthesis. [C4] III. Speak with fluency, accuracy in structure and syntax, using a rich vocabulary and appropriate pronunciation and intonation. Improve speaking skills through 1. Interpersonal language focus. Respond to conversational prompts, such as interviews, voice mail, asking directions, advice, storytelling, and giving speeches, using rich vocabulary, accuracy in structure and syntax, and fluency. There is at least one major assessment per nine-week cycle that includes oral presentation. [C5. 2. Participate daily in class discussions in the target language. Improve vocabulary, fluency, pronunciation, and intonation through directed or free class discussions. [C1] IV. Understand the spoken language both formally and informally in conversations or narrations. Improve listening skills through 1. Interpreting spoken material. Interpret messages, lectures, and other materials spoken using a variety of regional dialects. Become familiar with pronunciation, dialects, and aural syntax. 2. Listening to narratives and dialogues to make inferences, predictions, and interpret linguistic cues. [C3] C4—Instructional materials include authentic written texts that develop students’ reading abilities. C5—The course provides students with regular opportunities to develop their speaking skills in a variety of settings, types of discourse, topics, and registers. C1—The teacher uses Spanish almost exclusively in class and encourages students to do likewise. C3—Instructional materials include a variety of authentic audio and/or video recordings that develop students' listening abilities. 2 V. Expand knowledge and understanding of the practices, perspectives, and products of Spanish and Hispanic cultures. Enrich knowledge of Hispanic and Spanish cultures through 1. Discussing literary and cultural topics, current events, and personal experiences. 2. Incorporating culture in other skills learned. Culture is integrated throughout the year, connected meaningfully to reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. [C7] VI. Acquire and enrich vocabulary and grasp structures that enable the student to manipulate a variety of reading and aural materials. Improve vocabulary through 1) Reviewing and broadening vocabulary. Students use methods such as reading, investigation, and listening to a wide range of topics, and apply it in speaking and writing. [C7] 2) Using idiomatic expressions, cognates, synonyms and antonyms correctly. Learn and apply in aural and writing exercises the specific uses of idiomatic expressions, cognates, synonyms, and antonyms. 3) Using transitions. Learn and correctly use transition words and expressions related to written and spoken Spanish. Use transitions to introduce an idea, add another idea, express a contrasting point of view, emphasize, give examples, draw a conclusion, etc. VII. Implement a variety of grammatical structures using proper concordance (subject-verb; subject-adjective; gender-noun agreement, tense agreement, sequence of tenses), correct mechanics (punctuation, accentuation, syntax, orthography), and superior language control. Improve knowledge of grammar through: 1. Applying grammatical and syntactic rules, focusing on problematic areas. Generally, the problematic areas include, but are not limited to tenses and moods (ser v. estar, preterit v. imperfect, sequence of tenses, commands, complex constructions using the subjunctive, irregular and spelling-change verbs, perfect tenses), nouns and their modifiers (direct and indirect object pronouns, relative pronouns, adjective placement) and other verbal and syntactic constructions (passive voice, reflexives, making comparisons, por vs. para, prepositions, transitions, accentuation, etc.). 2. Implementing / synthesizing a variety of grammatical and syntactic structures in speaking and writing. C7—The course provides frequent opportunities for students to integrate the four language skills through the use of authentic materials. 3 Course Planner Semester 1 Week 1-2 Introduction of classroom rules, expectations, syllabus, diagnostic evaluation, scoring rubrics. Abriendo Paso Lectura - “La fiesta de San Fermín” Study module/video- La fiesta de San Fermín [C3] www.colby.edu/~nknelson/exercises Abriendo Paso Gramática – Present Indicative, demonstratives, por/para, informal letter writing, http://www.studyspanish.com First oral presentation: Research an article on world events from an authentic source. [C4, [C5] [C7] http://www.prensa.com/ http://www.lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/news http://www/el pais.es www.lavanguardia.es/ http:/www./bbcmundo.com http://www.abc.es/ http://www.latinworld.com/special/kiosco.html Week 3-4 Abriendo Paso Lectura- “La Tomatina” “¡Qué miedo pasé!” – study module [C3] www.colby.edu/~nknelson/exercises Abriendo Paso Gramática- Preterite, imperfect, essay writing Video – la Tomatina www.colby.edu/~nkelson/exercises Week 5 Abriendo Paso Lectura- “Oda al tomate” Abriendo Paso Gramática – Reflexive verbs, adjectives, Oral presentation of an original ode http://www.studyspanish.com Week 6-7Nuevas Vistas – “La guerra de los yácares” “Ojalá que llueva café” –study module [C3] www.colby.edu/~nknelson/exercises Abriendo Paso Gramática – Present subjunctive,present perfect subjunctive, prepositions Debate on environmental issues [C5] http://www.nileshs.k12.il.us/davmal/clases/AP/free_ response/free_response.htm> www.colby.edu/~nknelson/exercises C4—Instructional materials include authentic written texts that develop students’ reading abilities. C7—The course provides frequent opportunities for students to integrate the four language skills through the use of authentic materials C5—The course provides students with regular opportunities to develop their speaking skills in a variety of settings, types of discourse, topics, and registers. C3—Instructional materials include a variety of authentic audio and/or video recordings that develop students' listening abilities. 4 Week 8 Film – “Buscando a Nemo” [C3] Abriendo Paso Gramática– Imperfect subjunctive, conditional, pluperfect subjunctive, conditional perfect, essay writing comparing and contrasting, citing sources, and story telling. [C6] http://www.studyspanish.com Week 9 (3days) AP Spanish:Preparing for the Language Examination Simulated conversations, formal speaking, essay writing Week 10-11 Abriendo Paso Lectura – “Un oso y un amor” Abriendo Paso Gramática- indefinite and negative words, ser vs. estar, present perfect and past perfect http://www.studyspanish.com Week 12-16 (novel) “Marianela “ “Instantes” – study module, si clauses, conditional and imperfect subjunctive [C3] Abriendo Paso Gramática” –object pronouns, adverbs. Circumlocution, summarizing and narrating,understanding and using transitions, formal writing [C6] film “Marianela” [C3] http://www.studyspanish.com www.colby.edu/~nknelson/exercises Week 17 Grammar review—all subjunctive forms and sequence of tenses, individual presentations on current events Week 18 Review and final exam Semester 2 Week 19 Spanish Oral Communication Activities Book – simulated dialog Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination – long narratives, informal writing, reading selections, timed essay Oral presentation-Research a topic about health, politics or world event from an authentic material [C5] Week 20 (3days) Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination – formal speaking, writing; verb completion, fill in with and without root word. http://www.niles-k12.i.us/davmal/clases/AP/free_ response.htm C3—Instructional materials include a variety of authentic audio and/or video recordings that develop students' listening abilities. C6—The course provides instruction and frequent opportunities to write a variety of compositions in Spanish. C5—The course provides students with regular opportunities to develop their speaking skills in a variety of settings, types of discourse, topics, and registers. 5 Week 21-22 Abriendo Paso Lectura- “El décimo” AP Central Web Guide - Passive voice, passive constructive using se, obligations; hay que/se debe Week 23-4 Abriendo Paso Lectura- “El árbol de oro” Abriendo Paso Gramática – making comparisons Oral presentation – childhood fantasies [C5] AP Exam practices (activity selection based on student needs) Week 25-6 Abriendo Paso Lectura- “¿No oyes ladrar los perros? Abriendo Paso Gramática – interrogatives and exclamations, relative pronouns http://www.niles-k12.i.us/davmal/clases/AP/free_ response.htm http://www.ndhsb.org/academics/webteachers/folco www.colby.edu/~nknelson/exercises Week 27 Nuevas Vistas – “Hay un naranjo ahí”, “La tortuga” Interpreting poetry, metaphors Week 28 Nuevas Vistas – “El forastero gentil” Review of preterite and imperfect Week 29 Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination AP exam practices Think Spanish Magazine-selected articles [C3] [C4] Oral presentation – heroes [C5] Week 30 Abriendo Paso Lectura- Jaque mate en dos jugadas Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination AP exam practices Week 31 Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination AP exam practices Think Spanish Magazine – selected articles Week 32-3 Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination AP exam practices Week 34 AP exam practices Oral presentation- If I could change one thing in the world [C5] Week 35 AP exam Week 36 Film study “Mar Adentro” [C3] C5—The course provides students with regular opportunities to develop their speaking skills in a variety of settings, types of discourse, topics, and registers. C3—Instructional materials include a variety of authentic audio and/or video recordings that develop students’ listening abilities. C4—Instructional materials include authentic written texts that develop students’ reading abilities. 6 Teaching Strategies Use of technology Many of the projects I have described take advantage of technology. We use the internet as a source of current topics, research, [C4] and presentation (both teacher and student) through PowerPoint, publishing software, and multimedia. Our school has a mobile computer lab which we use once or twice a month for research, preparing for project presentations, or occasionally for in-class writing. Current events During the year students research an article of interest from one of the Spanish-language websites. I usually give them three general topics from which they can choose; health, politics or world events. They must list and define new vocabulary, write a summary and an opinion or reaction to the topic. They then prepare an oral report to the class about the article and finish with several questions for their classmates. This provides practice for the speaking portion of the exam and allows students to gain a greater understanding of the diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. [C4, C5, C7] Authentic sources Working with authentic sources is the key to successful AP Spanish Language Exam preparation. Many of the themes for the weeks of study lend themselves to additional reading, such as author biographies or articles with the same theme as the literature. These sources will be sought from newspapers, the Internet, etc., as appropriate, throughout the year. Students will read articles to form a basis for essays and give oral summaries of the information read [C4] Student Evaluation Exams generally contain a variety of components, including reading, speaking, writing, listening, and culture. These assessments contain both free-response and multiple choice questions about readings, presentation and language use. Multiple choice sections usually are analytical-type questions, and free-response questions often require making comparisons, or synthesizing information in some way. Speaking is usually done as a separate evaluation, and depending upon the requirements, might be classified either as a quiz or a major grade. Formal writing is scored using both content and language rubrics. They are given the score from the rubric, and a converted percentage score. There is ongoing assessment through spontaneous interviews, interactive reading, in-class essay (or other formal) writing every other week, and formal oral presentations approximately every three weeks. [C2] C4—Instructional materials include authentic written texts that develop students’ reading abilities. C5—The course provides students with regular opportunities to develop their speaking skills in a variety of settings, types of discourse, topics, and registers. C7—The course provides frequent opportunities for students to integrate the four language skills through the use of authentic materials C2—The course provides students with a learning experience equivalent to that of a third-year college course in Spanish language. Instructional materials, activities, assignments, and assessments are appropriate to this level. 7 Texts Díaz, José M and Stephen Collins. Abriendo paso Lectura (and ancillaries) Needham,Massachusetts: Pearson/ Prentice Hall 2005. Díaz, José M., Gilda Nissenberg. AP Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination. 3rd ed. White Plains, New York: Prentice Hall, 2006. Nuevas vistas uno (and ancillaries), Nuevas vistas dos and ancillaries: Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 2006 Authentic Listening Sources Puerta del Sol www.puerta-del-sol.com http://www.champs-elysees.com/products/spanish/default.aspx Think Spanish www.thinkspanish.com BBC en español http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/spanish/news/ Resource to develop speaking skills Spanish Oral Communication Activities Book Wade Peterson – Teacher’s Discovery ISBN 1-884473-01-6 www.teachersdiscovery.com Magazines People en español ESPN Deportes Online Sources www.colby.edu/~nknelson/exercises http://www.studyspanish.com http://www.niles-k12.i.us/davmal/clases/AP/free_ response.htm http://www.ndhsb.org/academics/webteachers/folcohttp://www.prensa.com/ http://www.lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/news http://www.elpaisonline.com www.lavanguardia.es/ http:/www./bbcmundo.com http://www.abc.es/ http://www.latinworld.com/special/kiosco.html www.apcentral.com (Web guide) 8