The Ohio State University College of Nursing 1 Honor Code I.Core Values of Honor Code Our Honor Code represents exemplary values that are deeply rooted in the culture of OSU College of Nursing (CON). We – the faculty, students, and staff – embrace these values in our professional, as well as our personal lives. The College of Nursing Student Honor Council is an organization designed to promote the core values of altruism, integrity, respect, responsibility, and excellence within the College of Nursing and the Ohio State University. Members of the Honor Code Committee also provide a positive academic example, uphold procedures during questionable breeches, and select new members each academic year. Altruism Placing the welfare of others above self interest, market forces, societal pressures, administrative exigencies, or other conflicts of interest Sharing information with sincerity and compassion Integrity Forthrightness and honesty in sharing information with the patient and the healthcare team Acknowledgement of others' contributions to one's own ideas and work Willingness to admit errors and openness to corrective measures Honesty in scientific research and publications. Adherence to departmental, university, and professional code of ethics Obligation to uphold and report suspected violations to honor code Respect Attention to the need, dignity and rights of all individuals Fairness - decisions and viewpoints based on a full review of the facts from all perspectives Maintaining an atmosphere of professionalism and mutual respect Respect for confidentiality Courteous regard for students, faculty, health care professionals, and staff- regardless of cultural, religious or lifestyle differences Recognition of a trust-based relationship with others within the College of Nursing community Responsibility Recognizing one's own limitations, biases and educational needs 2/11/2008 2 Acute awareness of our own personal representation of the College of Nursing at all times, whether in or out of the academic and clinical setting Accountability for deadlines, assignments, and a share of team responsibilities Compliance with University and College policies and procedures and regulatory requirements Excellence Active engagement and service in clinical, research, and education nursing communities Being proactive in promoting high standards and positive change in the academic and clinical environment Commitment to lifelong learning, and continuous personal, professional, and organizational improvement In addition to upholding these values, we also agree to abide by the Academic Code of Conduct for The Ohio State University. II. Duties of the Honor Council Overall Duty: To exemplify and promote the highest standards of academic integrity and professionalism. A. Uphold OSU/CON Academic Integrity Policies as outlined in (give URL for website) by: I. Providing the initial orientation and ongoing education to CON students and faculty regarding the OSU Academic Integrity Policies. II. Serving as role models in exemplifying the highest standards of academic integrity, including the duty to report breaches of academic integrity. III. Reviewing the OSU/CON Academic Integrity policies as needed, but no less than every three years, and provide recommendations for needed changes to appropriate student, College of Nursing, or OSU faculty/administrative bodies. IV. Being available to students and faculty for advice and counsel regarding interpretation and enforcement of OSU/CON academic integrity policies. B. Uphold Professional Standards as established by international, national, and regional professional nursing organizations and The Ohio State University College of Nursing, including International Council of Nurses (ICN) Code of Ethics for Nurses American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct and Code of Professional Conduct Ohio Board of Nursing (OBON) Laws and Rules Regarding Nursing Practice The Ohio State University College of Nursing (OSU CON) Codes for Ethical and Professional Conduct for Nurses and Nursing Students 1. Providing orientation and ongoing education for CON students and faculty regarding the OSU CON Code for Ethical and Professional Conduct 2/11/2008 3 2. Serving as role models in exemplifying the highest ethical and professional standards, including the duty to report breaches of ethical or professional codes. 3. Reviewing the above codes as needed, but no less than every three years, and provide recommendations for needed changes to appropriate student, OSU/CON faculty/administrative bodies, or nursing professional groups. 4. Being available to students and faculty for advice and counsel regarding the interpretation and enforcement of Clinical and Professional Codes of Conduct for nurses/nursing students. 5. Receive and process complaints from students or faculty regarding breaches of the OSU CON Code of Professional Standards as outlined in Section III of these bylaws. III. Officers & their Responsibilites A. B. C. D. E. F. Chair/Co-Chair 1. shall coordinate meeting dates with members of council 2. shall run meetings with guidance from faculty 3. shall assign group members to the review sub-council 4. shall see that violations are dealt with according to policy 5. shall serve as representative and spokesperson for the College of Nursing Honor Code Council in communicating and collaborating with other university and community groups Vice Chair 1. shall coordinate and oversee the recruitment, orientation, and mentoring of new honor code council members 2. shall act as chair in the chair’s absence 3. shall see that violations are dealt with according to policy 4. shall perform other duties as assigned by the chair Second Vice Chair 1. shall coordinate education activities related to honor code for the student body and faculty 2. shall act as chair in the chair’s absence 3. shall see that violation are dealt with according to policy 4. shall perform other duties as assigned by the chair Recording Secretary 1. shall take meeting notes 2. shall send email to members of council regarding meetings 3. shall perform other duties as assigned by the chair Corresponding Secretary 1. shall send email to members of council regarding such activities 2. shall perform other duties as assigned by the chair Treasurer 1. shall perform advertisement/marketing duties 2. shall oversee any fund-raising activities 2/11/2008 4 3. shall maintain records of all income and expenses related to the Honor Council IV. Number of Council Members Non-discrimination policy. Discrimination against any individual based upon protected status, which is defined as age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status, is prohibited. Members of the honor council will be selected without regard to any of these factors. The number of council members serving from each undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level will be based on 10 percent from the class’ size. We believe this serves as an equal and just way for the Honor Code to be represented by all classes. There will also be 6 faculty members serving on the council. V. Selection Process for Student Members A. SELECTION COUNCIL- Once all applications have been received the Honor Code Council will appoint 3 faculty members and 3 Honor Code student members to serve as the Selection Committee. 1.0 Faculty members will be elected in the spring in accordance with the CON procedure for other standing committees. 2.0 The faculty advisor will be appointed by, and be a member of, the Undergraduate Studies Committee. B. ELIGIBLE STUDENTS- Students are encouraged to apply if they are in good standing in the College, have filled out the necessary application form, and two of the Student Honor Code’s Recommendation Forms. C. APPLICATION PROCESS- Applications can be acquired in the Office of Student Affairs. They will also be included in the acceptance packet for new students as well as handed out during the first week of orientation each year. They will be due by Friday on the second full week of school. The Selection Committee will select applicants based on their answers to application questions, optional resume, and recommendation form. Selected applicants will be contacted for an interview within 1 week after the submission deadline. D. CHAIR STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE- One student will be selected each year following the day of interactive leadership activities during Spring Quarter. It is required that the student would have served at least one year prior on the council. The responsibility of this position will be to run the Council meetings with guidance from the faculty members, assign group members to the Review SubCommittee, and see that violations are dealt with according to policy. 2/11/2008 5 VI. VII. Role of Committee Members A. STUDENTS- Members will display and uphold the values of The College of Nursing while serving as the neutral body governing violations of the Honor Code. They will also attend a day of leadership activities during Fall Quarter when the Honor Code Process will be explained. If a violation occurs and a meeting is to be held, student members will be selected by availability to process the violation according to Honor Code policy. B. FACULTY- Their role is to embody and uphold the values of The College of Nursing while serving as advisors when violations occur. They will also attend a day of leadership activities during Fall Quarter when the Honor Code Process will be explained. It is expected that two faculty members be present at each meeting. The faculty advisor will serve as co-chair with student representative in the mentoring capacity. Recognition As a token of appreciation for the work of the Honor Council members they will be awarded a special pin during The College of Nursing Convocation. each VIII. Student Misconduct 1.0 A duty of the Honor Council is to investigate or establish procedures for the Investigation of all reported cases of student academic misconduct and violations of the College of Nursing (CON) Honor Code and to decide upon suitable disciplinary action (University Rule 3335-5-48.7, University Senate). References made to University Rule refer to the University Rules, Policies and Regulations found in Chapter 3555 of the Ohio Administrative Code. 2.0 Procedure for Handling Violations 2.1 The person who suspects an Honor Code violation has the right to clarify her/his suspicion at the time of the occurrence. The person has an obligation to report the alleged violation if suspicion still exists after clarification. (OSU College of Veterinary Medicine [COVM], p. 4) 2.2 Suspected violation of the Honor Code may be reported by any faculty member, staff member, or enrolled student at the University. (OSU COVM, p. 4) to the Honor Code Council 2.3 In case of an infraction, the Honor Council chair will appoint a Review Sub-Committee comprise of five individuals: 2.31 Review Sub-Committee Convener (student from the same academic program as the student in question) 2/11/2008 6 The position of Review Sub-Committee Convener will be rotated based on the academic level of the student with the reported violation. Thus, a PhD Review Sub-Committee Convener would oversee a PhD student violation, and a baccalaureate Review SubCommittee Convener would oversee a baccalaureate student violation. 2.32 Two Students (one in the same academic program as student in question and one in different program) 2.33 Two faculty members (one working in the same academic program as the student in question and one from another academic program). 3.0 2.4 The decision of the Review Sub-Committee will be made by simple majority rule. 2.5 All persons shall keep confidential the name of any person reporting a violation of the Honor Code, unless a hearing is deemed necessary. (OSU COVM, p.4) 2.6 Recording & Reporting 2.7 When the action taken involves suspension, dismissal or entry on the student’s permanent record, a recommendation to that effect will be made to the Dean for review and action. (OSU COD, p.9) In the course of following its own procedures, any professional college may consult with the Committee on Academic Misconduct (University Rule 3335-5-48.7, University Senate). 2.8 The Honor Council may, at its discretion, refer cases to the University Judicial Panel if it determines that the alleged academic misconduct is incidental to some other misconduct. (University Rule 3335-23-14, COAM Procedures & Rules,) CON Sanctions – All sanctions recommended by the Honor Code Council are subject to review and ratification by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The Dean is ultimately responsible to the University president for student discipline in the CON. Options available to the Honor Code Council include: (OSU COVM, p. 5) 3.1 WARNING – The student is given a written warning stating the Honor Code Council’s decision and recommendations. A copy of the warning will be retained for the Honor Code Council’s records. (OSU COVM, p. 5) 2/11/2008 7 PROBATION – The student is given a written warning, as described previously in 4.1. Additionally, the student must follow stipulations as determined by the Honor Code Council. Failure to meet the stipulations will constitute a new Honor Code violation. The Assistant Dean of Student Affairs will take measures to ensure compliance with terms of probation. (OSU COVM, p. 5) 3.2 3.3 SUSPENSION – The student is separated from the CON, without assurance of re-enrollment, for a period of one or more quarters, not to exceed 3 quarters. The student is eligible for re-instatement after the expiration of the term. The student must petition the appropriate CON committee for re-instatement. (discuss which committee) (OSU COVM, p. 5) 3.4 DISMISSAL – The student is permanently expelled from the College. (OSU COVM, p. 5) Other Sanctions – In addition to the previous sanctions 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, the Honor Council may recommend other sanctions it feels appropriate to the offense and the circumstances of the case, including but not limited to: grade penalties, research assignments, counseling, class presentations, or additional clinical rotations. If the sanction involves class performance, the Course Head will also be notified of the recommended sanction. (OSU COVM, p. 5) 3.5 3.6 All recommendations for sanctions shall be forwarded to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for review, and all proceedings will be kept on record in the office of the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs in the CON. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will review all recommendations for sanction within 30 days of the Honor Council’s meeting. (OSU COVM, p. 5) 3.61 During the 30 day review period, the student with the alleged violation may continue with coursework. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs may call a special meeting with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, if appropriate. The student chair of the Honor Council will make a presentation to the aforementioned Deans. At least one faculty member of the Honor Council will be present at this meeting during the report to support the student chair’s presentation. If the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs support a recommendation of suspension or dismissal, the recommendation will be forwarded to the Executive Vice-President and Provost for review, in compliance with University Rule 3335-5-48.7, University Senate. 2/11/2008 8 4.0 3.7 If the investigation reveals that the manner in which an examination was administered resulted in compromising circumstances, the Course Head will be notified. (OSU COVM, p. 5) 3.8 If an Honor Code violation was found to occur during a course, the Course Head will be notified of the nature of the violation, without revealing the name(s) of the student(s) who violated the Honor Code, unless a grading sanction is recommended. (OSU COVM, p. 5) 3.9 Sanction decision letter - In all cases, the accuser and the accused will be informed via certified mail of the Honor Council’s decision within fifteen class days after the decision has been reached. The letter will state the decision of the Honor Council, list the sanctions approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. In the event of a guilty verdict, an outline of the appeals process will be included in the letter to the accused. (OSU COVM, p. 4-5) Right to Appeal – It is the right of any student to appeal the decision of the Honor Council and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs under guidelines established by University Rule 3335-23-18, COAM Procedures & Rules. Appeals must be filed with the Executive Vice President and Provost or the Executive Vice President and Provost’s designee within ten calendar days after the date on which the written notice of decision is sent to the student. Guidelines for an appeal will be included in the sanction decision letter. (OSU COVM, p. 5) 2/11/2008 9 References: The Ohio State University Board of Trustees. (2007). Code of Student Conduct. Retrieved May 1, 2007, from The Ohio State University Board of Trustees University Senate. (2006). Code of Student Conduct. Retrieved May 1, 2007, from The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. (2007). Code of Honor and Professional Conduct. Retrieved April 16, 2007, from Student_Reference_Manual/conduct.htm. The Ohio State University College of Nursing Graduate Student Handbook. (2006). Code of student conduct & academic integrity. Retrieved May 3, 2007, from The Ohio State University College of Nursing PhD Student Handbook. (2006). Code of student conduct & academic integrity. Retrieved May 3, 2007, from 2006-07%20PHD%20STUDENT%20HANDBOOK.pdf The Ohio State University College of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook. (2006). Professional standards and misconduct. Retrieved May 3, 2007, from The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. (2007). Veterinary Honor Code. Retrieved April 16, 2007, from The Ohio State University Committee on Academic Misconduct. (2004). Procedures and Rules. Retrieved May 1, 2007, from The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law. (2007). Moritz College of Law Honor Code. Retrieved April 16, 2007, from The Ohio State University Office of Academic Affairs. (2007). Committee on Academic Misconduct. Retrieved May 1, 2007, from 2/11/2008 10 The Ohio State University Student Affairs. (2006). Code of Student Conduct. Retrived May 1, 2007, from 2/11/2008