Des expressions pour jouer CLUEDO

EXAMEN FINAL – Curtin 221 – Tuesday, May 15 - 10 am to NOON
Here are instructions for the composition on the final. The topic is the Cluedo murder mystery
scenario we did in class (see page 89 in the packet) You'll tell your story in the past, but use all
the tenses that are appropriate to your story. You can use your grammar textbook, the packet and
a dictionary (you can use mine at the front of the class) for the composition (but not the
workbook and NO notes). You must incorporate at least one new grammar point from a chapter
we didn't cover in class. So please read at least one new chapter: I recommend: La Comparaison,
les Indéfinis, or Pluriels et accords (you will put an asterisk by the new grammar point you
If you do the composition first, hand it in, and then get the rest of the exam (you can't use the
textbook for the rest of the exam). If you do the rest of the exam first, turn it in and then start
your composition.
The rest of our final includes:
-Conjugate all of the verb - S’EN ALLER using the sheet with all info given)
-The chart with the infinitives, past participles, futur/cond stems, and AVOIR/ETRE) (p. 93 of
the packet)
-Present-tense conjugations & Gender
-A reading - you will need to identify the tenses of all the conjugated verbs (and indicate whether
they are in active or passive voice - similar to exam 4)
-1-2 sections from each of the previous units/exams, mostly similar in format to what was on the
exams, but not exclusively. I'll try to avoid any big surprises.
Voici quelques expressions pour jouer au CLUEDO
être amoureux (-euse) de qqn
avoir une liaison avec qqn
tromper qqn avec qqn
se venger de qqch/de qqn
aider qqn à faire qqch
empêcher qqn de faire qqch
accuser qqn de qqch
se défendre d’avoir fait qqch/nier avoir fait qqch
se faire assassiner par qqn
poignarder qqn
tirer sur qqn
tuer qqn avec une arme
étrangler qqn
assommer qqn
trouver le cadavre de qqn