MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Alfred D. Lott, ICMA-CM, CPM City Manager DATE: January 12, 2010 SUBJECT: City Manager’s Report Submitted for your consideration are significant activities by departments for December. Please contact the above-signed or James Taylor, Assistant City Manager for Public Services or Wes Smith, Assistant City Manager for Customer Service and Support, if you have any questions. Administration The City Manager accomplished the following during the month of December 2010: Chaired the quarterly Basic Needs Committee of SW Georgia United Way. The CM read to Head Start children on three occasions. CM conducted Civic Center interviews. CM represented the City at GMA's City Manager's Advisory Group Meeting CM and selected staff participated in Leadership Albany's government training. CM led the staff through Strategic Planning/Performance Measure Workshops Airport Terminal complex improvements. After the FAA evaluated the two bids that were left out of the 9 bids for DBE Good Faith Effort, they did not feel that either contractor had allowed enough time for the DBE contractors to give them subcontractor bids and had not negotiated with DBE contractors to try to get costs down when the DBE did not submit the lowest bid. As a result of that decision, the project must be re-bid. The Aviation Commission met in a Special-Called meeting on December 20 to authorize The LPA Group to repackage the Notice to Bidders, mandatory FAA provisions and Instructions to The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report Bidders (approximately 85 pages long) for a new bid. All of the previous plan holders will automatically get a notification that the project will be re-bid and will give them the opportunity to purchase the new Addenda and changes. The project’s plans will be placed in the same 4 places as the last bid—Central Services, Airport Administrative Offices, and 2 plan rooms in Atlanta and Tallahassee. The revised bid schedule is as follows: Pre-bid: January 25, 2011; Bid Opening: March 8, 2011. We are allowing 8 weeks to bid the project this time to give everyone plenty of time to complete the bid and find appropriate certified DBE contractors. The FAA will also be attending the prebid conference to emphasize to contractors the importance of utilizing certified DBE contractors, even though that was discussed in the last pre-bid by three different people. We feel confident that we will get a lot of the same contractors who bid last time and may get some additional contractors since this project has gotten a lot of attention during the SPLOST vote and the word is out in the community. We expect that the bids will be higher than the November bid opening. Steel prices have been increasing steadily since October, so we do not believe that we will see prices as low as the ones we saw in November. If we get a responsible responsive bidder this time, we should be able to present that bid to the Commission in March and probably would get under construction by June or July. The contract is expected to last 18 months. Airport statistics. We have not received our December enplanements from ASA yet, but through the first 11 months of the calendar year, we are up 2,210 passengers over 2009. That is an increase of 7%. Our hunting traffic has been softer this year than in past years. We do not see many of the corporate jets that we have seen in the past and our fuel sales are down, despite Albany having lower fuel costs than our competitors. The general aviation sector is not bouncing back yet. We hope that 2011 is better. There are more airports now that can handle the larger corporate jets, due to Sonny Perdue’s ongoing campaign to have all airports in Georgia have at least 5,000 foot long runways. A lot of small communities are able to service some of the hunting traffic that we have previously served, but our FBO manager is telling us that the other airports are not seeing the hunting traffic either. New aircraft apron construction. We are still waiting for the executed GDOT contract to come back to us before we can issue the Notice to Proceed to Oxford Construction. The contract for this phase is 150 days and after this is completed, the terminal building construction can begin. Central Services Procurement Conducted 4 bid openings/proposal closings Conducted 1 pre-bid/proposal conference 2 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report Released 8 bids/proposals Fleet Management Processed 355 work orders 731.50 Billable Hours Materials Management/Printing Received Surplus from I.T. & Traffic Engineering Gave Forklift support 12/27 & 28 – Recreation on Gains Ave Conducted stock analysis: Storeroom Inventory : $46,779.81 Auto Parts Inventory : $110,643.96 Typeset 22 new forms for the City of Albany Typeset 5 new form for the County Total Issues - Storeroom: 267 Total Value - Storeroom: $14,181.11 Total Issues - Auto Parts: 480 Total Value - Auto Parts: $30,527.44 Civic Center Past Events—December, 2010 Past Events – December, 2010 Ballet Theatre South, 11/28-12/5, Auditorium Diamond Dance & Cheer, 12/3-4, Arena Emergency Management, 12/6, Meeting Room HR Retirement Meeting, 12/6, Meeting Room SWGRC Dinner, 12/9, Meeting Room Griffin Retirement Party, 12/10, Meeting Room ASU Commencement, 12/10-11, Arena Peppermint Pops, 12/10-11, Auditorium Lincoln Christmas Party, 12/13, Meeting Room Christmas Agape, 12/14, Arena Utilis Matronae, 12/16-17, Arena City Staff Planning Meeting, 12/15-16, Meeting Room Albany Holiday Jam Festival, 12/18, Arena Upcoming Events – January, 2011 Basketball Tournament, 1/7, Arena Stage Play, 1/15-16, Auditorium Lipizzaner Stallions, 1/15, Arena MLK, 1/17, Arena & Meeting Room GA Peanut Meeting, 1/19-20, Arena & Meeting Room Spiritual Life Crusades, 1/21, Meeting Room Panther’s Try-outs, 1/22, Arena 3 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report Parks & Rec, 1/22, Meeting Room USAF Reserve Band, 1/22, Auditorium Possible Play, 1/24, Arena or Auditorium KADB, 1/27, Meeting Room TNT Motorsports, 1/28-29, Arena Upcoming Events – February, 2011 ASU, Dance Theatre of Harlem, 2/1, Auditorium Daddy/Daughter Dance, 2/4, Arena Wedding Reception, 2/5, Meeting Room First Responder Training, 2/8, Meeting Room Hip Hop & R&B Concert, 2/11, Arena Family Reunion Fest, 2/12, Arena Possible Comedy Show, 2/13, Arena Albany Tech Convocation, 2/18, Arena Albany Symphony, 2/18-19, Auditorium Jehovah’s Witnesses, 2/19-20, Arena Play, 2/25, Arena Fund Raiser, 2/26, Meeting Room Downtown Manager The Downtown Manager’s Office is partnering with Community & Economic Development to create an incentive program to assist property owners, prospective business owners and present downtown merchants to make improvements to retail spaces downtown. We will continue to meet to try to construct a program that is beneficial to the revitalization of Downtown Albany. Downtown Albany has a new look with the new “@Dtown Albany” banners all around the Central Business District. Our Downtown Facebook account is and our Twitter account is At this time we are reviewing proposals for our new website The event calendar for 2011 is being constructed. The Movie in the Park Summer Series will begin in May and end in August. The Friday on the Flint events have yet to be scheduled at this time. The Downtown Sertoma Club has agreed to sponsor the Southwest River Jam and the planning meeting will be held on Thursday, December 9th. This year we will partner with more community organizations to assist us in bringing more events downtown. The calendar of events will be finalized soon. Code Enforcement Department Selected Statistics Total Inspections: 687 4 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report Junk Vehicles: Red Tagged -56 Served -13 Cleared –12 Weed Violations: Notices – 51 Cleared –30 Cut List –18 Signs removed from right of way- 300 Alcohol Licenses: 2 Consumption -0 Off Premises - 2 One Day – 0 Business Licenses: 71 Warrants Served: 10 Subpoenas Served: 112 False Alarms Processed: 604 False Alarm Appeal Hearings Processed: 26 For the Month of December Dilapidated Building Summary: Demolished – 3 Awaiting Demolition/Repair -81 Repaired – 1 Awaiting Court – 112 Community and Economic Development Housing Rehabilitation None completed, total year-to-date: 2 Three projects presently under construction Total amount spent $3,140.84; total year-to-date: $117,235.34 Emergency Repair Program Nine projects completed; total year-to-date: 23 Three projects ready for contractors to sign Four projects presently under construction Total amount spent: $37,510.25, total year-to-date: $96,885.62 Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) None completed during this period; total year-to-date: 4 Nine projects presently under construction Total amount spent: $3,140.84; total year-to-date: $255,672.73 Energy Efficiency Program Four projects presently under construction Three projects ready for contractors to sign Three projects completed; total year-to-date: 10 5 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report Total amount spent: $10,773.93; total year-to-date: $45,738.20 Weatherization Program 30 applications received, total-year-to-date: 116 29 projects assessed, total year-to-date: 192 10 weatherization projects completed, total year-to-date: 112 Total amount spent $69,049.17; total year-to-date: $672,655.36 (The amount spent year-to-date is correct. The total year-to-date amount includes items posted to the general ledger after the 30th of each month, for the previous month.) Rental Program Total number of rental units: 232 (2 inhabitable) 218 tenants; 14 vacant units 58 delinquent tenants One processed for eviction 19 tenants recertified as eligible for assistance 185 repair calls Homeless (Emergency Shelter) Program Nine emergency shelter units; all occupied 15 transitional housing units; 12 occupied, 3 vacant (one vacant unit is not habitable) Number of households assisted (other than housing): 29* *These households were assisted through information referrals, such as Faith Community Outreach Center, The Liberty House, Salvation Army’s Rapid Rehousing, Neighborhood Service Center and/or Low Income Housing Projects. Housing Counseling Program Nine pre-purchased one-on-one counseling sessions conducted Three default one-on-one counseling sessions conducted Two lease to purchase one-on-one counseling sessions conducted Six budget and credit one-on-one counseling sessions conducted Participated in the following workshops: HUD FHA Refinance DCE Hardest Hit Program Bank of America Home retention Loan Servicing One account paid in full 10 accounts brought current 31 letters mailed to delinquent borrowers Microbusiness Enterprise Center 15 tenants 10 vacant offices 6 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report None delinquent None processed for eviction One tenant in the Industrial Incubator Commercial Façade Program 0 December; 1 year-to-date Engineering SPLOST Alley Paving – Phase IV: Design plans are complete. The Bid process began in January 2010. Wingate Alley 8th Alley Mercer Alley Endicott Alley Partridge Alley Radium Springs Alley (South to Van Demon) (Cleveland to Harding) (Cleveland to Harding) (Avalon to Endicott) (Westwood to Westover) (Sunset to Whitehead) Bids were opened on February 23, 2010 and Jim Boyd Construction Co. is the low bidder for the amount of $409,350. Commission approved the bid on March 23, 2010. All alleys have been paved. Close out in progress. Nottingham Way, Phase II – Plans are being developed to make improvements from Westover Blvd. south to Stuart Avenue. Preliminary cost estimates are being prepared to determine actual scope of project. The project will include roadway widening, lane changes and signal improvements. The on-ramp for Liberty Expressway will not be included in this Phase. Deerfield-Windsor has agreed to provide additional R/W. A meeting is pending with Stuart Place Homeowners Association. Gateway Enhancements - There are four locations that have been included in this project. Georgia will cost share with approximately, $372,000.00. The locations are: Clark Avenue and Sylvester Road (SR520) Dawson Road at Dougherty County Line (SR530) Slappey Blvd. and Liberty Expressway (US 19) Southwest Georgia Regional Airport (SR91) 30% submittals were made to GA DOT. Plans are being revised as on review comments provided by Moreland-Altobelli Associates for the 60% submittal. Preliminary indications are that the projects will be bid in March of 2011. Construction plans are being finalized. We have a consultant on board to review electrical plans and provide GDOT required calculations. Construction plans under review by MorelandAltobelli Associates. Final plans submitted on 10-26-10. Bid date has been moved to January 2011. 7 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report OTHER PROJECTS Westover Sewer Project - Project consists of the construction of an 8” sanitary sewer to serve properties on the east side of Westover Blvd from 416 North Westover Boulevard south to Westgate Boulevard. The City Commission has approved the project being constructed by the Public Works Department. The route will be in the Westover Blvd. Median. Engineering has made final review of plans before construction. Plans have been submitted to Public Works for staging and construction. Engineering will assist as requested. Public Works has begun construction. This project is still under construction. Hickory Lane - Street to be reconstructed between Madison and M.L.K. with Community Development Funds. Engineering is completing final design for bid in early 2011. Flint-Roosevelt Storm Drainage – Funded by EPA SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS PROJECTS GRANT AND THE 2005 OMNIBUS APPROPRIATIONS BILL (A) Storm Water Pumping Station Project consists of the replacement and upgrade of a storm water lift station constructed in 1963. The replacement of this pumping station is to be constructed at the site of an existing pump station. A storm water pumping station with three pumps is proposed. Each pump will have a capacity of 30,000 GPM for a total pumping capacity of 90,000 GPM. The new pumps will work independently. These pumps will discharge into a tributary of the Joshua Canal. (B) Miscellaneous Storm Drainage Infrastructure Improvements These improvements are in Flint-Roosevelt area which is the upper end of the Holloway Storm Drainage Basin. There has been extensive separation of combined sewers within this basin. This area is plagued with periodic flooding of intersections during a 10-year storm event. The proposed project will alleviate flooding problems for a 10 year storm event when the final phase of the HollowayMercer outfall is completed. LOCATIONS (1) Roosevelt Pond to Flint Pond (2) Roosevelt Drainage (1) Roosevelt Avenue to Flint Pond This project consists of constructing a 24 inch storm sewer connector between the Flint Holding Pond and the Roosevelt Holding pond. The Flint Holding Pond will be enlarged to allow for additional retention in this facility, thus alleviating flooding problems at both locations. (2) Roosevelt Drainage This project consists of construction of new inlets at Flint Alley and Madison Street. New 36 inch and 42 inch storm sewers will be constructed from Flint Alley to the Roosevelt Pond. This line will collect several inlets and separate the combined sewer in this area. A new storm line will be constructed on Davis Street 8 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report from Roosevelt Avenue south to Flint Alley to alleviate flooding at this location. This work requires a bore and jack installation under the railroad, which has been permitted. The grant amount is $866,000. Project is complete pending final punch list and grassing. Project close out is pending. East Broad Avenue Bridge Renovation Project - This project consists of the replacement of the bridge. The DOT has engaged a consulting team to perform the Preconstruction Engineering for the project. A Citizen Advisory Committee has been formed to discuss any issues associated with the evaluation process to replace the existing bridge or other construction options. One Stakeholders Meeting has taken place with a minimum of two more planned. Concept meeting was held at the Local D.O.T. on June 22, 2010. We are making mark up for the final utility plans. D.O.T. projected Let Date of May 20, 2011. GEORGIA DOT PROJECTS Jefferson Street/Bypass Interchange Improvements – The DOT has recently performed the Preliminary Field Plan Review (PFPR) for this project. We are in the process of identifying our utility and infrastructure conflicts with the proposed design, as well as providing information on existing sanitary sewer easements impacted by the proposed improvements. No bidding or construction dates have been provided. Roosevelt Avenue/Jefferson Street (State Route 91) – At-Grade Intersection Improvements – Coordination efforts and design comments are being provided to Moreland-Altobelli for proposed median installations and railroad crossing arm improvements at this intersection. Moreland-Altobelli has been instructed to complete the design within a one-year time frame. A Public Hearing was held on May 21, 2009. D.O.T. is assessing input from public hearing. Based on discussions with MorelandAltobelli representative, the design should be completed early this year. D.O.T. working with one area business for a redesign to preserve parking. New plans received for review and mark up on 9-24-10. D.O.T. projected Let Date of November 18, 2011. City of Albany Road Striping Project - The following roads have been striped as of July 1, 2010 The following Roads have been striped as of October 2, 2010: Leonard Avenue from School Street to Old Cordele Road Pinson Road from Sylvester Road to Johnson Road Wright Drive from E. Oglethorpe Blvd. to Rosebrier Avenue Rosebrier Avenue from E. Oglethorpe Blvd. To Olivia Street Highland Avenue from S. Washington Street to Popular Street E. Gordon Avenue from S. Slappey Blvd. to Newton Road Davis Street from Gordon Avenue to E. Residence Westgate Drive from Dawson Road to Beattie Road Industry Avenue from S. Slappey Blvd. to West Town Road 11th Avenue from N. Jefferson Street to Palmyra Road Pine Avenue from N. Slappey to Front Street 9 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report The following Stop Bars installed as of October 1, 2010: S. Monroe @ Cotton Avenue eastbound and westbound S. Monroe @ E. Gordon Avenue eastbound and westbound S. Monroe @ Mercer Avenue eastbound and westbound Leonard Avenue @ School Street eastbound Leonard Avenue @ Acorn Street eastbound School Street @ E. Broad Avenue southbound Monarch Drive @ E. Broad Avenue northbound Finance Finances as of December 31 (General Fund only) Total all cash $14,275,939 SPLOST V Received $59,594,866 in SPLOST V revenues (inception thru December, 2010) Received in the month of December, 2010 - $796,943 Total Investment $14,429,918 Sales Tax (LOST) Received year to date through December, 2010 - $771,231 Received in the month of December, 2010 - $4,047,436 City/WG&L Long Term Investment Received $5,258,441 (inception thru December, 2010) Received in the month of December 2010 - $0 Fire December Statistics Residential structure calls Other structure calls (public assembly, industry, educational etc. Vehicle fires Outside fires (brush, rubbish, crops etc.) Total fires Emergency medical responses False alarm responses All other responses (lockout, utilities, vehicle accidents etc.) Loss summary (city and county) Fatalities – civilian Fatalities – firefighters Injuries – civilian Injuries – firefighters Fire inspections Violations Violations corrected Fire prevention participants 10 22 4 13 41 80 44 69 149 505,870 1 0 0 3 62 90 123 301 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report Fire training hours Percentage of fire training attendees 3,942 98.86 Emergency Management Activities EMA hosted a Public Forum to present the updated Albany-Dougherty County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. FEMA and GEMA require the plan to be updated every five years. The original plan was approved in 2005. EMA co-hosted and participated in a Southwest Georgia Hospital tabletop exercise held at the Albany Civic Center. The scenario was a Bird Flu epidemic. The exercise was facilitated by University of Georgia. EMA met with public safety personnel from Marine Corps Logistic Base to continue planning for a full scale terrorist exercise during 2011. The exercise will involve Albany, Dougherty County, MCLB public safety personnel, and both hospital emergency rooms. Communications 911 Communications 9-1-1 traveled to Columbus, Georgia 9-1-1 Communication Center to observe their use of Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) closest vehicle dispatching. Communications 9-1-1 staff attended a round-table discussion/meeting with members of the CJIS Steering Committee to discuss the recent changes with Metatomix and the Metatomix Contract. Communications 9-1-1 staff along with members of the CJIS Committee attended a presentation by Project Manager Tom Maureau of Winbourne and Costas. They are a consulting firm that specializes in government systems Three 9-1-1 employees received POST Training at the Public Safety Training Center in Forsyth, Georgia. 911 Service Calls APD – 13,328 DCP – 1,417 EMS – 1,982 AFD – 513 Training Division Activities A “Live Fire” drill was conducted Health and Wellness drill was conducted Training Division attended a CPR Instructor Training Course. Physical Ability Tests to prescreen applicants for the position of Firefighter Trainee were conducted. Human Resources Management Recruitment and Selection Activities Positions advertised (new) Positions advertised (open until filled) 11 04 23 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report Positions advertised (continuous) On-line applications received Total applications forwarded to Hiring Managers Interview panels Interview panel participants Interview Panel Participation Hours Successful Hiring Classes Career/Job Fairs Applicants referred by Career/Job Fairs 04 733 639 02 01 9.5 00 01 10 Processed New Hires Full-time Part-time 08 02 Processed Notices of Change Promotions Automatic Promotions Part-time to Full-time Demotions Transfers Reclassifications Processed Elected/Appointed Officials 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 Compensation and Benefits Activities New/Rehired City EEs eligible for benefits Entered New/Rehires Benefit Enrollment Counseling Sessions Processed terminations Processed FMLA applications Processed Death Claims Retirement Counseling/Estimates Retirement Enrollment Survivor Benefits Enrollment Classifications 05 15 02 01 05 07 04 07 00 00 Entered Notice of Changes Promotions Automatic Promotions Lateral Transfers Reclassifications Demotions Part Time to Full Time Employee Others 04 00 02 01 01 01 10 Risk Management New Claims 11 12 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report Police Comm. & Econ. Develop Gang Task Force Solid Waste Sewer Fire Closed Claims Defensive Driving 03 01 01 04 01 01 01 32 Workers’ Compensation Claims New Claims Airport Police Fire 07 01 03 03 Information Technology CJIS Project The goal of the Criminal Justice Information Systems project is to develop and implement an enterprise solution whereby all City and County law enforcement agencies, Dougherty County School Police, ASU Police and other similar agencies, District Attorney’s office, Fire Department, 911 Communications, and the Courts share information seamlessly. The goal is to retain the existing systems operated by the different agencies. A customized application will be designed to allow the transfer of data in a seamless and transparent manner. With the system in place, all participating agencies and departments will be able to electronically share vital and crucial information. This will lead to improved public safety, for not only the citizens, community, and vendors but also safety for the law enforcement officers as well. On December 1st and December 8th the CJIS Steering Committee met. Since the company that bought out Metatomix is reviewing the way they are going to move forward with all existing Metatomix projects, this also affords us the same opportunity for all agencies involved in Dougherty County. 311 Call Center Statistics The 311 Call Center provides citizens with a single call / single web site source to receive information or to place a service call request. The governmental agencies involved are all of the City departments, all of the County departments, and Water, Gas & Light. The website version is available on To access this service via telephone, dial 311 or 229-878-3111. The 311 telephone number works with Alltel, AT&T land line, AT&T Mobility, Sprint Nextel, SouthernLINC, T-Mobile and Verizon. The below statistics are provided by Google Analytics and Taske Software. 13 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report During December the 311 Call Center received 1,451 calls from citizens. Total website visits for December was 148. City of Albany/Dougherty County Website Statistics For the month of June 2010 the statistics as provided by Google Analytics and QScend Technologies are: The City of Albany E-Newsletters subscriber count is 4047. This is up from 4,042 last month. Total visits are 65,203. This is down by 4,748 hits from last month’s count of 69,951 with an average of 2,103 visits per day. Parks at Chehaw Accomplishments The Festival of Lights program ran for the entire month of December. Income was down about 8% due to a lower admission charge (admission was reduced because this was the first year making our own displays), but we did have 30% more people and 50% more cars attend this year. The Friends of Chehaw assisted Park staff in developing a Christmas float which appeared in both the Lee County and City of Albany parades. Park staff provided gifts and a Santa Claus for our partner school at Turner Elementary. The Executive Director’s activities included: Participating in the Dougherty County Rotary Club Santa for Seniors project. Personnel New Zoological Director, Kevin Hils began work. Planning and Development Services Administration City permits – 259 ($32,461.21) County permits – 34 ($3,794.30) Estimated construction cost-City – $3,661,729 Estimated construction cost-County – $199,718 Responded to 636 calls and walk-ins Business First – four new inquiries; three successful meetings; one reschedule; and one cancellation Planning Staff Activities: Processed: 44 business licenses, 2 historic applications, 1 zoning variance application Reviewed 1 subdivision plan; followed up on 1 previous review 14 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report Short-Term Work Program: Received authorization from City and County Commissions to transmit Report of Accomplishments (2006-2010) and new STWP (2011-2015) to SW Georgia Regional Commission Review completed by SW Georgia Regional Commission Completed Building Permit flyer to present to homeowners/applicants Verified subdivisions for cases from 2007 to 2010 Participated in Strategic Plan – Performance Management Workshop Urban Redevelopment Plan / Opportunity Zone approved by DCA Updated Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan for Albany/Dougherty Emergency Management Agency Reviewed Marsh Landing (Phase II) application for Floodplain Review Board GIS Staff Activities: Staff attended seminar on accessing tax record data and Green Space meeting Mapped biking/pedestrian trail GIS/WinGAP Integration Tool was implemented Proposal Selection Team evaluated proposals and selected vendor for GIS based Pavement Management Application Proposal Selection Team evaluated proposals and selected vendor for 2011 aerial photos, LiDAR, and Impervious Surface capture Prepared approximately 27 maps Police The following reflects the crime statistics for November 2010 and the activities and events for December 2010. Crime Trends Overall, crime for the month of November 2010 was down by (-12.96%) when compared to November 2009. Violent crime was up by (5.26 %) and Property crimes saw a decrease of (-15.38 %). Year to date, overall crime increased by (4.89%) when compared to the same time last year. In November, there were slight decreases in Robbery, Burglary, Larceny, and Auto Theft. The calls for police services in November 2010 totaled 12,218 which is a decrease of (2000) calls compared to the same period in November 2009 (14, 218). Personnel Five recruits graduated from the Police Academy on December 10, 2010 Currently, there are four officers in the FTO program There were four new hires in December There are currently 19 vacancies and the Recruitment Unit has a target goal to hire at least ten by the end of January 15 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report Major Crimes/Incidents Aggravated Assault on December 8, 2010-remains active Death Investigation on December 3, 2010-declared a suicide Death Investigation on December 8, 2010-declared accidental Aggravated Assault on December 9, 2010-remains active Homicide on December 14, 2010-cleared by arrest Homicide on December 18, 2010-remains active Burglary on December 18, 2010-remains active Death Investigation on December 19, 2010-declared natural Saggy Pants Citation Issued on December 22, 2010-cleared by arrest Burglary/Armed Robbery arrests made on December 23, 2010 Death Investigation/Reckless Conduct on December 27, 2010-cleared by arrest Theft by Taking (Felony) on December 28, 2010-cleared by arrests Training Open Range: Officers practice to improve shooting skills Sexual Misconduct/ Sexual Harassment: Defines each and how individuals should conduct themselves around co-workers Domestic Violence: Defines domestic violence Expandable Baton: Non-Lethal Weapon Training O.C. Refresher: Non-Lethal Weapon Training Use of Deadly Force: Defines when deadly Force should be used to protect the officer and any third party Eyewitness I.D: Defines the proper way to do photo line-ups Ethics: How officers should conduct themselves on and off duty to help maintain the department’s image Search & Seizure: Reviews the law to insure citizen’s constitutional rights are not violated Domestic Violence Community Oriented Policing Events/ Activities Neighborhood Watch Meetings throughout all Districts Crime Stoppers Board Meeting Stop the Violence Movement Endowment Program Turn – A – Round Firearms Safety Course Citizens Police Academy Town Hall Meetings AmeriCorps Community Events News Conference/ Media Interviews Wanted Person Searches Continued with Media Assistance Burglary suspects aired on December 30, 2010 PSA-Don’t Fire weapons on New Year’s Eve 16 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report PSA-Zero Tolerance for Drunk/Impaired Drivers on New Year’s Eve Several Metal/Copper Theft Arrests announced Top Gun Event held Recruitment Update provided by Chief Proctor and Recruiting Unit AmeriCorps Cadets sing to Seniors Two Zero Tolerance Phases held in December: Several arrests and Citations issued Commander in Chief Awards announced Support Service Bureau and AmeriCorps deliver Holiday Boxes to ten families APD participates in Shop with a Cop Event-one hundred children served New parking vehicle, the Gem, introduced in December Alerts sent out through Nixle Public Works Sewer Division Staff attended the Strategic Planning sessions on 12/15/10 and 12/16/10 and prepared a Division Program Mapping sheet. Sewer Division employees distributed 414 cooking grease disposal awareness magnets in December. Trouble truck crews handled daily combined sewer overflow (CSO) inspections and twenty-five (25) citizen calls regarding sewer and storm drainage problems over the four (4) day Xmas Holiday. Despite weather delays the Construction crews continued installation of the sewer main and precast manholes on Westover Blvd. Estimated completion is early January 2011. Industrial Pretreatment staff completed 16 Grease trap inspections and received 31 waste manifests. Locate Technicians completed 404 Sewer Locates for the month of December. WPC staff collected 248 dump tickets from haulers of septic tank disposal loads. Staff issued fifteen (15) Industrial Wastewater Discharge permits in December. Four (4) Sewer Division employees attended a 6hr local DOT training class on concrete pavement techniques. Twenty three (23) Sewer employees and five (5) Engineering Department employees attended a Utility Protection Center (UPC) Damage Prevention Class on 12/20/10 at Public Works. Three (3) Sewer employees attended a Georgia Water Professionals District meeting for continuing education credits for their Wastewater licenses. Staff continued to maintain permit compliance and complete regular maintenance and repairs as scheduled. Street Division Concrete crew repaired 5 sewer cuts and poured 69 cyds of concrete as well as pouring 600 feet of sidewalk. Grade crew repaired and bladed 187 alleys. They also hauled 500 loads of debris and dirt. 17 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report R.O.W. crew completed work orders for ally trimming. Asphalt crew repaired 51 potholes. Street sweepers swept 4280 lane miles and also swept the Bypass. Solid Waste Division Received 477 work orders and closed 458. Painted 6 containers. Collected 7.21 tons of recyclable materials. Collected and disposed of 1,985.57 tons of garbage and yard trimmings. Delivered 64– ninety gallon barrels. Lee CI Litter Work Detail–Areas Worked: 10, Bags Collected: 151 and Number of Inmates: 44. Code Enforcement Activity-Violators contacted: 14, Citations Issued: 0, Warnings issued: 0, & Total Violations Cleared: 14 Staff attended the Strategic Plan and Performance Measures Training held at the Albany Civic Center. Staff participated in the annual Celebration of Lights Parade held on December 4. Recreation and Parks Special Events/Programs Annual Mayors’ Christmas Motorcade - Gifts were delivered to Southwestern State Hospital in Thomasville on December 9. “Letters to Santa” - Gifts for children spending their holidays at Liberty House and The Bridge were delivered to the agencies on December 17. Approximately 35 children were served this year. Christmas with Grandparents was held at Lockett Station on December 20, 2010 from 11:00 am – 1:30 pm. Guest speaker was Lt. Tony Moore with APD Gang Task Force. Centers and Gyms Programs/activities Thornton Gym: Monthly on-going programs include: Ceramics: Tuesday – Thursday from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Totally Teen Zone: Monday – Friday from 3:00 – 6:00 pm. Grandparent’s Club Christmas was held on December 10 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Grandparents Club members purchased gifts for the children spending the holidays at Liberty House and The Bridge. Henderson Gym: Monthly on-going programs include: Ceramics: Tuesday - Thursday from 3:30 – 7:30 pm. Totally Teen Zone: Monday – Friday from 3:00 – 6:00 pm. Carver Gym: Monthly on-going programs include: 18 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report 35 and Over Basketball Program: Tuesday - Thursday from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Special Olympics Basketball practice is held on Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Athletes are getting ready for the Winter Olympics which will be held in Atlanta, GA. Bill Miller Gym: Monthly on-going programs include: Ceramic: Monday - Wednesday from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Aerobics: Monday – Thursday from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. After School Homework Assistance: Monday – Thursday from 2:30 – 3:30 pm. Turner Gym: Monthly on-going programs include: Men’s Basketball – daily Lockett Station: Monthly on-going programs include: Homework Assistance Program: Monday – Thursday from 3:15 – 4:15 pm. Totally Teen Zone After-School Initiative (3:00 – 6:00pm) at the sites designated in OJJDP appropriation: Lockett Station Henderson Thornton A total of 5 community service workers completed 150 hours of community service. Total attendance for the month at all centers and gyms was 4,759. Athletics Adult Basketball registration started December 1, 2010 – January 4, 2011 at the administrative office. Flint River Municipal Golf Course overview of December 2010 The total rounds of golf for the month were 771 including 592 riding and 177 walking. Compared to December 2009 revenues in green fees decreased by 43%, golf merchandises sales decreased by 55%, golf memberships revenues decreased by 20%, power carts revenues decreased by 30%, and concessions revenues decreased by 33%. The overall net deposit was down over December 2009 by 32%. The concessions for the month not including beer sales were $633.00. Banquet room rentals for the month were $625.00. Maintenance crew has been blowing leaves, repairing piles and spraying the course. 19 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report Park Maintenance Mass clean up at Pinedale Park and Riverside/Oakview Cemetery. Provided over 60 bleachers for the annual Christmas Parade. Oakview and Riverside Cemetery Coordinated 18 burial services generating $10,810.00 in revenues for the month. Park Planning and Natural Resources Winter maintenance work of litter removal, raking, mulching and weed removal. Filling, grading, and seeding low and eroded areas at the Greenway Trail. Community service workers completed a total of 109 hours. There are currently 28 trees scheduled for removal. Arborist made numerous inspections to assist City, WG & L, and citizens. Arborist completed and submitted the Tree City USA Recertification Application and 2010 Growth Award application. Tree crew trimmed a total of 200 trees and cleared 9 blind corners. Health/Fitness Wellness & Community Events Jackson Heights Fitness & Wellness Center: Monthly on-going programs include: Aerobics: Monday, Wednesday from 6:00 – 7:00 pm; Saturday from 10:00 – 11:00 am. 8 participants. Total attendance for the month at Jackson Heights/Fitness Center was 758. Carver Teen Center/Sports Complex: Monthly on-going programs include: Aerobics: Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. 175 participants. Homework Assistance Program: Monday – Thursday from 3:00 – 4:30 pm. 300 participants. Teens and Pre-Teens with Character Program: Tuesday - Thursday from 5:30 - 6:30 pm. 60 participants. Aerobics Christmas Banquet was held December 16 with 72 participants participated. A teen with Character Program Banquet was held December 14 with 65 participants. Total attendance for the month at Carver Sports was 672. Therapeutics: Special Olympics ARPD started training for basketball and basketball skills at Carver Gym each Tuesday and Thursday night. Totals for December: Basketball – 48 and Basketball Skills – 12. Ten Pin Rollers for individuals with visual impairments and physical disabilities took place twice this month with 5 participants at AMF Bowl-A-Rama. 20 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report Transit Training /Meetings Completed monthly NTD reporting Attended City Performance training sessions Budget meeting with Geneva Fields Attended meeting with legislative liaison M. Turner Attended GTA conference in Athens, GA Completed MV ethics course Events Two new part -time operators on the road Finalized start up date for the COA with consultants (CHA) Jones-Whorley- began work on ATS Marketing Plan Completed financial review with Geneva Fields Finalized money counting machine Meeting with HR to review policies and procedures Planning/Grants Received info to purchase 6th or 7th bus! Department Performance meetings with City of Albany consultants Scheduled pre-production meeting with Daimler Buses of North America (bus manufacturer) Completed Financial Assistance report for capital and operating grants for FY 2010 and submitted to city auditors. Ridership Fixed-route ridership for the month was 80,286 boarding passengers (up for the month of December by 3%). Paratransit ridership for the month was 754 (down for the month December by 2%) boarding passengers. ATS operated service 31 days in December- 4 Saturdays and 4 Sundays. Total revenue: $40,0843.20 Emerging Issues Identified training for dispatcher(s) and supervisors All PM’s have been done on a timely basis on all fixed route and paratransit vehicles. Maintenance Dept. identified cost savings for body repair (completed several minor repairs). Identified training for paratransit operators concerning the latest ADA changes No filed customer complaints Only 2 road calls for the month ADL/lb 21 The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners January 12, 2010 City Manager’s Report xc: All Department Heads City Commissioners 22