September 2012 Meeting 1
10am: Call to Order –Courtney Millenbine
10am-12pm: Committee Meetings
12-1230pm: Lunch
1:07 pm: Call to order/Welcome—Courtney Millenbine
Roll Call: Secretary--Randi
Report of Officers a.
President (Courtney Millenbine—NV) PD
Motion: I move to adopt the agenda. Author: Edward Second: Jason. All support.
Motion carries. i.
Alternate board member position
Aylen Chancey from Clayton State introduces self and gives information about her background and qualifications.
Aylen, guests, and advisors step out for discussion.
Vote to approve Aylen. All support . Aylen becomes assumes all responsibilities of Alternate Board Member.
Aylen, guests, and advisors return ii.
Alumni Reunion Invitation:
Need to clarify time of reception. Will be on Saturday in Salon 4 at 7:30.
GANS will assume cost of alumni attending. Jason will need to know who will attend by October 5.
Courtney will make an invitation and sent to Katie, advisors, and
Kristin. Kristin will post on website. iii.
Dedication of convention
Vote for dedication of convention:Will honor the past, present, and future advisors. All support. Motion Carries.
Vote to create a page in the EKG to honor the current three GANS advisors. All support Motion Carries.
We need to send in an updated state roster form for NSNA since we changed positions. On the state association resources page.
Randi has a request for to be signed by Courtney to be sent to
Faculty track at GANS convention
Courtney will coordinate with advisors on this b.
1 st
VP (Jason Billings--V) PD
October Meeting Update a.
GICC Convention Center b.
October 17 th
. Time TBD
GANS Convention Update: a.
Convention Center Planning i.
Convention planning schedule over next month
Email Jason if you need any clarification about your roles/responsibilities ii.
Working on final layout with convention enter
Finalizing final set-up. Will post final copy on the shared docs. iii.
Deposit due October 8 th
Will be paid next week iv.
High Level Convention Schedule
Detailed schedule will be sent out at the end of the month. Will presented to the board on
October 17. v.
Need Event agenda’s from everyone
Still need an agenda from committee chairpersons. This agenda needs to be sent to Jason ASAP. vi.
Convention Budget
We need to encourage all potential attendees to register in advance. Final numbers and costs due before convention begins.
Deadline is October 5 and can be done online. Also, we need this info early so that we can add more hotel rooms if needed.
Encourage them to get hotel rooms by
September 28. vii.
Slide show creator and manager
Jason will get with Aylen to create this
Vote on having a DJ a.
Idea of having a DJ on an opening night. Katie has connections with a DJ for $295. Half is due up front the rest is due at the time of the event.
Motion: I move to hire a DJ for the opening night event for the
2012 GANS convention. Price for DJ not to exceed $300.
Author: Kristin Wren, Second: Edward Adams. All support.
Motion carries.
September 2012 Meeting 3 c.
2 nd
VP (Terrica Wilson—V) PD
Update on Speakers/focus sessions a.
All slots filled. Finalizing plans with home health and travel nurse. b.
Terrica will send a list of focus sessions to board. If board members are especially interested in attending a session, let
Terrica know. Otherwise, at least one board member will be present in the session to help ensure speakers have what they need. d.
Secretary (Randi Sullivan--V) PD
Approval August & July Meeting Minutes
Motion: I move to adopt the July meeting minutes. Author: Randi,
Second: Jason. All support. Motion carries.
Motion: I move to adopt the August meeting minutes. Author:
Randi, Second: Jason. All support. Motion carries.
Have April, May, June been sent? a.
All meeting minutes are up to date
Update name/address e.
Treasurer (Arnaz Vaidya—V) ABSENT, to be presented by Courtney C and
Balance Updates a.
$2,500 from Hurst b.
$750 from Emory c.
$750 Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia d.
$89 from a student registration
Finance committee update a.
Account update i.
Checking 32,241.82 ii.
Savings 10,211.82
Arnaz working on budget a.
Will be sent to finance committee, advisors, sent to board, will do a survey monkey to approve.
GANS policy on board member leaving board and financial responsibilities. As it is currently stands, students are responsible for reimbursing funds for travel, etc. during term.
I move that we do not ask Kaitlyn to reimburse funds. Author:
Edward. Second: Randi. All support. Motion carries. f.
Legislative Director (Edward Adams---V) PD
Delegate Number Updates a.
Final delegates as of 9/8/12 (official NSNA report of
8/31/12) there are 234 potential delegates.
Per a discussion in the July GANS board meeting, a letter will be sent to presidents with the caveat that we will use the official numbers from September 30. They need to know that potential delegate numbers may go up or down. c.
As delegate information comes in through registration,
Edward will compile that information and send it to NEC for voting purposes.
Bylaws Update a.
Bylaw updates include: i.
Update on role of district director assistant ii.
Four school name changes iii.
Resolutions iv.
These and some additional bylaw changes will be sent out by the 20th
NSNA event September 21 and 22 a.
In Alabama, Lowndes county. Historical event- recreation of tent city to recreate voting. Raises awareness of current medical issues and getting people involved in voting.
Students will stay in tents (or get hotel rooms) and participate in activities. b.
Idea to mimic something like the tent event at GANS convention to encourage students to be active and vote in the next election. Edward to make contact with GNA legislative director and Atlanta Mayor about attending convention and promote political involvement.
Bianca wants an update from us since GANS won the legislative award. g.
Break Through to Nursing (Heather Woodall--V) PD
HOSA Update- Have until December to submit picture for cover of magazine that they will receive at conference
Oct 10- fall leadership involvement with HOSA near perimeter mall. If you would like to attend, email Heather.
Will submit Clayton State BTN project to EKG
Chattahoochee Tech just graduated their first ADN class and they are looking to start an official state constituency. h.
Community Health Director (Lauren McDonald--V) PD
Community Health Committee update a.
Will not be able to do blood drive
Bone Marrow drive a.
Lauren will make a schedule and send it to Jason and
Terrica for review
Disaster Preparedness
September 2012 Meeting 5 a.
General view that this is not exciting and engaging for attendees. Suggestion to have Dr. Rollins come in and talk about her experience and involvement in the Red Cross.
Can offer it as a focus session and promote involvement in the Red Cross. i.
Publications Director (Kristin Howell--V) PD
EKG- will do two prior to convention i.
NSNA and COSL- Need highlights from focus sessions at COSL. Also, include experience from convention and what you learned. Due September
15. ii.
Pre-convention- Write about what you will be doing that will excite people about attending. Due
September 15. iii.
GANS convention EKG. Due date September 20.
Everyone needs to write your farewell notes b.
Will try a new strategy for distribution of EKGs. Will upload to GANS convention page
Delegate Booklet a.
Everyone is aware of their responsibilities
Website a.
Please see email regarding updates Kristin needs from all the board members
Registration- a.
Kristin will keep a book of delgates who sign up at convention and will give information to NEC for voting purposes. b.
Early deadline October 5. Late registration open online until October 14. c.
Will have a separate table at registration for NCLEX bowl j.
Public Relations Director (Katie Quinn-Thornton--V) PD
27 expected vendors at this point
20,062 in convention sponsorship at this point. 20,862 in expected funds. k.
Alternate Board Member (Aylen Chancey—NV) PD
Silent Auction a.
Update silent auction list on google docs b.
May use “the cube” for payment collection. Can also use it for registration. Aylen will coordinate with Arnaz about this potential form of payment. Will need at least two cubes. c.
Absolute deadline is October 1
Will use toole in storage for decoration and print flyers. l.
North District Director (CHAIR) (Kaczynski--V) P
GANS 2012 Convention Advertisement a.
Add people from classes to the convention page. We have
160 members in this group now. Make announcements in class and/or talk with classmates at schools to get people to join. b.
Working on a flier to send out via email. c.
Announce in Facebook group that Joe Potts will be speaking at convention. m.
South District Director (Katrina Bell--V) ABSENT
No Agenda Items n.
East District Director (Brian Ricketson--V) PD
No agenda items o.
West District Director (Vanessa Okolie--V) PD
GANS: Awards Applications a.
Back up on website. Deadline is now October 10.
Encourage schools to apply. Awards are tiered based on number of NSNA members.
Convention Commercial/Video Update a.
The commercial will not be happening p.
Assistant To District Directors (Courtney Carter--NV) PD
Themed Events Update a.
Olympic style opening event. Committee will make five rings with hula hoops. We will also be able to display vintage Crawford Long uniforms in celebration of 60 years of nursing b.
NCEX bowl- showcasing banners during the event.
Courtney will coordinate Jason and GICC about how to display the banners. i.
Courtney to work on ideas for matching shirts for the night. Will email out a design idea to the board. c.
Closing ceremony- setting for 35 tables
Banner award a.
We want schools to create something to be ready to go
Thursday night for the opening ceremony night. We will do a walk of nursing schools. All schools can participate, even if they are not official constituents. We will also have supplies available if schools forgot or do not have anything.
There will be a maximum of four people to walk in with banner.
September 2012 Meeting 7 i.
Courtney will advertise this on Facebook and on her
GANS board page q.
NEC North (CHAIR) (Buffy Cole--V) PD
GANS 2012 Convention: Pre Nursing Attendance a.
Brian and Buffy working on connecting with presidents, deans, etc of pre-nursing students. Also working with prenursing Facebook groups. i.
Two new schools will be attending as a result of this contact. ii.
Six pre-nursing students have registered for convention at this point
GANS 2012 Convention: NEC Update a.
11 candidates thus far b.
After approving candidates, NEC will send an email to the board regarding what positions are open c.
Making updates to the application i.
May accept applications via email. Potential candidates may scan the official signature page and email it.
Rules for board/candidates at convention will be given to candidates once credentialed
Connecting with Herzing and Chattahoochee Tech. regarding becoming official constituencies
Buffy to email hours that NEC headquarters will be open r.
NEC South (Emma Walker--NV) PD
See report of NEC west regarding voting system s.
NEC East (Kara Piaganelli--NV) PD
No Report t.
NEC West (Sara Vanpelt--NV) PD
Voting System DecisionVoting System: a.
No limit to the amount of computers b.
We do have a space for write-ins c.
We can get results immediately d.
We will need board members to provide computers
(keeping in mind cost of internet access at GICC) e.
Voter list in excel and can upload as CSV file f.
$120 with technical support
Motion: I move to utilize for the 2012 GANS convention voting for the new GANS board members. The cost will not exceed $120 for the use of this service.
Tellers- will be used to monitor voting process
Student Recruitment u.
Presidential Consultant (Linda Mason-Barber) PD
Update your email list to include new email address:
Want to put scholarship info on the GANS website. Will coordinate with Kristin. v.
GANE Consultant (Dr. Doreen Wagner) PD
No Report w.
GNA Consultant (Professor Jill Ray) PD
No Report x.
Guests: i.
Andria McCarty, KSU student ii.
Lady Mendez, KSU student iii.
Lauren Cedor, KSU student iv.
Casey Johnson, KSU student v.
Bridget Bennett, KSU student vi.
Claudia, Gwinett Tech student
Old Business a.
Communicate with Randi via the Secretary email as of today. Aylen will be available via Alternate Board Member account.
New Business a.
Absences i.
Arnaz- Absent today due to car trouble.
Motion: I move to excuse Arnaz’s absence today. Author: Courtney,
Second: Randi. All support. Motion carries. ii.
Katrina- Absent due to having to work.
Motion: I move to excuse Katrina’s absence today. Author: Courtney,
Second: Randi. All support. Motion carries. b.
Parlimentary procedure skit i.
To occur live on October 18 in the House of Delegates
Announcements a.
Business attire expected at convention. Notify Randi if you need a new name tag.
Adjournment 4:02—Courtney
I move to adjourn today’s meeting. Author: Edward, Second: Jason. All support.
Motion carries.
Meeting minutes adopted on October 21, 2012.
Lindsay McKnight, President
Alexandra Nash, Secretary
September 2012 Meeting 9