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Alton C. Crews Middle School Course Information
Seventh Grade Year Long Spanish
Teacher: Marcia Littlefield
1. Core text: Avancemos by Holt McDougal Level One. Replacement cost:
2. Supplies needed to be purchased by the student: 3-ring binder, notebook
paper, index cards, pencils, pens, markers and/or colored pencils, Expo
marker, eraser or old sock to use as an eraser on the white boards, and
wet wipes for cleaning language lab headsets. Wrapped candy for games
would be appreciated.
Course Description: Seventh grade Spanish provides students with the opportunity to
speak and write the Spanish language as well as to understand the spoken and written
word. Culture of the Spanish speaking world will be an integral part of the course and
students will identify how this knowledge may be applied beyond the classroom.
Comparisons will be made between the English and Spanish languages.
AKS Strands:
A. Interpersonal Communication
B. Interpretive Communication
C. Presentational Communication
D. Culture
E. Connections, Comparisons and Communities
Themes Covered:
Preliminar: Greet people and say goodbye, introduce yourself and others, ask and say
how to spell names, say where you are from, exchange phone numbers, say what day of
the week it is, describe the weather, and respond to classroom directions.
Lesson 1: What do you like to do?
Lesson 2: My Friends and I
Unit 2:
Lesson 1: We are Students
Lesson 2: In School
Unit 3:
Lesson 1: My Favorite Food
Lesson 2: My Family
Expectations for Academic Success
1. Participate actively in class and language lab
2. Speak and write Spanish daily
3. Listen to and read Spanish daily
4. Ask questions
5. Review each day’s lesson carefully
6. Continuously increase speaking in the target language
7. Be prepared with all materials each day
Homework Policy: Homework reinforces concepts presented at the school and is an
important component of each student’s educational experience. It provides an
opportunity for students to explore and master skills more thoroughly than class time
alone will allow. Additionally, homework encourages the development of responsibility,
self-discipline, and personal study skills.
Assessments: Assessments will be based on the student’s mastery of the Academic
Knowledge and Skills (AKS). Assessments will consist of classroom activities including
homework, quizzes, and tests.
Grades will be calculated as follows:
40% Classroom (may include but not limited to: quizzes, daily work, homework,
10% Final
50% Summative (may include but not limited to: teacher generated unit tests,
major assignments, research papers or projects)
Grading Scale: A 90-100 B 80-89 C 74-79 D 70-73 F 0-69
Make-up Work Policy: Absent students are responsible for obtaining and completing all
missed assignments in a timely manner. If a student is present when an assignment is
given, the student is expected to have the assignment upon returning to class. Students
should use an agenda book to keep up with assignments. It is the student’s responsibility
to accurately and legibly record all assignments daily. This agenda book is a vital means
of communication between home and school; therefore, parents are encouraged to check
it nightly.
Classroom Rules:
1. Enter class quietly and be seated.
2. Bring all materials to class each day. (e.g., text books, workbooks, pencils,
paper, and agenda books).
3. Respect your-self, others, and others’ property.
4. Follow all directions of faculty and staff the first time they are given.
5. Observe all rules in the handbook.
Extra Help Time: Additional help will be provided upon individual request.
Course information is subject to change at any time by teacher’s or administrators’
I have read the course syllabus for Seventh Grade Spanish.
Student Signature: _________________________________
Parent Signature: __________________________________
Date: ___________________