Language B/Spanish

Language B
Student Name: ________________________ Grade ____________
MYP Level 1 Unit 2 Assignment
Unit Topic:
I’m as busy as a bee!!
Global Context:
Identities and relationships
Inquiry Questions:
1. Factual: What verbs describe hobbies and interests?
2. Conceptual: Do students all over the world have the same hobbies and interests?
3. Debatable: All teenagers like to spend their time the same way all over the world.
A, C. D
Objectives: To create a written description to introduce yourself to a person who speaks the target language. Ideas for your
presentation could be:
1. Prezi presentation,
2. Mobile,
3. Dressing up as your favorite character, sport, etc.
4. Powerpoint
5. Poster
6. Letter
7. Puppet
8. “Fakebook” page
9. Personal ad
10. Other must be approved by your teacher
Final written description can be either neatly handwritten or typed. If using an electronic or online presentation tool, a hard
copy must be provided to your teacher. The oral presentation should not be read from the paper. You should be prepared to
answer questions from the teacher about yourself.
Due Date _______________________: you are welcome to turn in your assignment previous to this date.
Materials: paper, pencil, other materials based on your choice of visual presentation
Project Steps
1. Write a first draft of your description using the answers to the questions given by your teacher.
Due date: ____________
2. Review the first draft of your description and share it with a partner. Consider the following:
Is it well organized?
Does it include all the information from the Prewrite questions?
Is there a variety of vocabulary?
Are there spelling or grammatical errors?
Do you understand the message?
3. Revise your paper. Create the visual representation.
4. Rehearse with your partner/group/parents/pets… anyone who will listen.
Assessment: Here is a detailed rubric to help you assess this project.
Required Elements
All required elements and
additional information.
All required elements are
included on the project.
Some of the required
elements are included.
Several required elements
were missing.
Exhibits skillful use of
vocabulary that is precise
and purposeful.
Exhibits reasonable use of Exhibits minimal use of
vocabulary that is precise vocabulary. Repetitive
and purposeful.
instead of using a variety.
Lacks use of vocabulary
that is precise and
Student is completely
prepared and has obviously
rehearsed. Corrected and
revised draft submitted
Student seems pretty
prepared but might have
needed a couple more
Submitted a corrected draft
Student does not seem at
all prepared to present.
Submitted no (or lost) draft
of the project.
There are minor
grammatical mistakes that
don't interfere with
There are a few
There are several
grammatical mistakes that grammatical mistakes that
are acceptable at this level. should be avoided at this
There are many
grammatical mistakes on
the project.
The project is
exceptionally attractive in
terms of design, layout,
creativity and neatness.
The project is attractive in
terms of design; layout,
creativity and neatness.
The project is messy,
poorly designed, or not
attractive. It is obvious the
student did not put much
effort the project.
The student is somewhat
prepared, but it is clear that
rehearsal was lacking.
Submitted a draft, but did
not correct it.
The project is acceptably
attractive though it may be
a bit messy. Some
creativity is evident
Assessment Criterion
Criterion A – Oral Communication
Level descriptor
Student does not reach standard described by any descriptors.
Communication is incoherent; ideas are irrelevant &/or repetitive.
Student has difficulty in responding, even in familiar situations.
Student needs prompting; conversation does not flow.
Student does not seem at all prepared to present.
Some difficulty in communication; ideas are sometimes repetitive.
Student can respond correctly to some familiar situations.
Occasional prompting needed; some lapses in the flow of conversation.
The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking.
Simple information communicated clearly.
Student can respond correctly to most familiar situations.
Student can mostly maintain the flow of conversation. Occasional prompting is needed but does not disturb
the flow.
Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals.
Ideas and opinions are communicated clearly.
Student is able to respond correctly to familiar situations.
Student contributes to the coherent flow of conversation and is actively engaged.
Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed.
Criterion D- Writing
Level descriptor
Student does not reach standard
Communication is incoherent; ideas are generally repetitive. Lack of structure contributes to poor clarity of
Lacks use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful.
There are many grammatical mistakes on the project.
Some difficulty in communication; ideas are sometimes repetitive. Student makes attempt at structuring
Exhibits minimal use of vocabulary. Repetitive instead of using a variety.
There are several grammatical mistakes that should be avoided at this level.
Simple information communicated clearly. Student structures work appropriately which adds to clarity of
There are a few grammatical mistakes that are acceptable at this level.
Exhibits skillful use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful.
Information communicated clearly and effectively. Student structures work clearly and effectively; message
has clarity and coherence.
There are minor grammatical mistakes that don't interfere with comprehension.
Exhibits skillful use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful.
Criterion C – Reading- Comprehension
Level descriptor
Student does not reach standard
Student identifies basic information stated with familiar language. Student shows limited understanding of the
text(s) overall.
Student identifies stated information and main ideas with familiar language. Student shows understanding of
some parts of the text(s).
Student identifies stated information, main ideas, and supporting details with familiar language. Student
draws conclusions. Student shows an understanding of most parts of the text(s).
Student identifies stated information, main ideas, and supporting details with familiar language. Student
draws conclusions. Student shows a good understanding of the text(s) overall.
1. (DO) What strategy did you use to help you learn this material?
2. Which Approach to Learning is your strongest trait?
3. Which Approach to Learning is your weakest trait?
4. Which attributes of the learner profile were encouraged through this unit?
5. (STUDY) What was the most significant learning for you from this unit?
6. What did we find compelling? Were our disciplinary knowledge/skills challenged in any way?
7. What if anything stopped or hindered you from learning?
8. What could you have done differently that would have increased your learning?
9. What could you do differently as a classroom team to increase the learning of all?
10. (ACT) Next Steps: What strategy will you try next time to increase learning?
11. What inquiries arose during the learning? What, if any, extension activities arose?
Talking about your personality traits
“All About
Completion: make sure you provide all al the required information. These are just guideline
questions, you can include MORE, but no less.
¿Cómo te llamas?
Me llamo…
¿Cuándo es tu
Mi cumpleaños es…
¿Dónde vives?
Vivo en…
¿De dónde eres?
Soy de….
¿Cuál es tu teléfono?
Mi teléfono es..
¿Cuál es tu color favorito?
Mi color favorite es…
¿Qué te gusta hacer en tus
ratos libres?
Me gusta…
El fin de semana..
En la primavera…
En la noche…
¿Qué no me gusta hacer ?
No me gusta…
¿Qué deportes te gustan?
Me gustan …
¿Cómo es tu mascota?
Mi mascota es…
¿Cómo eres?
Soy …